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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - March 20, 2019


(dramatic music)

- Welcome back, it'stime for your questions

and some honest answers from Pat.

We'll start with Cindy's question.

She says, "My sister loves the Lord.

She watches The 700 Club, and believes

she is chosen by God as a disciple,

but she does methamphetaminesseveral times a week.

We argue because I believe it's wrong.

I've been saved 26 yearsnow, but she feels that

I'm not saved because I'm judging her.

How can I get her to stop?"

- Well, I think the best thingyou can do is pray for her.

You know, meth'll kill you.

I don't know that muchabout methamphetamines,

but those drugs will kill you,

and so she's destroying thetemple of the Holy Spirit,

and she's destroying her body.

But I think what, yououghta just love that person

and I can't imagine thatshe can't get off of it.

But you need to find, ifyou can find an alternative

that she can go down easy on,

I would suggest you give her something,

but there must be somebodythat can help her.

But I think you oughta--

In this case, just keep on loving her,

because the Lord can savesomebody who's taking meth.

I mean, that doesn't mean--

But cooking that stuff,I mean, it'll kill you.

That's the big thing, thereason we don't like it,

because it'll kill people, all right?

- All right, Dennis says, "Dear Pat,

with the tens of thousands of students

graduating from Christiancolleges each year,

why does it appear that America

is in such dire straits spiritually?"

Good question.

- I hate to tell you thereare not tens of thousands.

We've got 2200 gonna graduatefrom Regent this spring.

It's the biggest graduatingclass in history,

but there are not thatmany Christian colleges,

and there are not that many students,

but there are millions of students

that are being trained insecular educational systems

that are anti-Christ and anti-God.

I mean, they are against allthe principles we stand for,

and they're training these students,

and a lot of the kids, they don't have

any training whatsoever, and so

you know, I wish the Christiancolleges would come up,

but there are not thatmany, and they don't have

that many students, but this whole culture

has gone astray, and we need a radical,

not a political upheaval,

we need a radical spiritual upheaval.

We need a revival from theHoly Spirit, and without that

we're not going to seethis country changed.

All right.- Amen.

Well, KT says, "Why was the book of Enoch

left out of the Bible?

Do you believe there is any truth to it?"

- Oh, no, I really don't, and I think

you know, the canonicalscripture, the New Testament

has pretty much been decided

by the churches along the way,

what makes up the canonof the New Testament.

The Old Testament was pretty much decided

by the Jewish people a long time ago,

and the so-called apocryphal books,

which includes the book of Enoch,

was not included in--

The church and the

Jewish leaders

have not included these things

as part of the canonical scripture,

and you read 'em, they'resuch fanciful nonsense.

I mean, there's really nothing in there

that I think is of any value, all right.

- This viewer says, "I've been married

for a little over fiveyears, and my husband

hasn't had a steady jobsince before we were married.

A lot of the financial burdenfalls on me most of the time.

He has said in the pastthat he's waiting for God

to give him the job he wants.

It has become increasinglydifficult to support him

until his dream job comes along.

Is there any way I can talk to him

so he will understand my desire

for him to make more ofan effort to contribute

without making him feel attacked?"

- Well, I think he needs toget feeling like he's attacked.

You know, the Bible says if anyman will not support his own

he's worse than an infidel.

He's worse than an infidel.

A man needs to support his family,

and these holy prophets

who are nothing but spiritual bums

who go around trying to leechoff of the working population,

I don't have any use for them.

I really believe, in this case,

that man needs to supportyou, and I think, you know,

you worry about making him feel bad?

I would bring a lawsuitagainst him for support,

and make him go to work.

The idea he's waiting forGod to give him a job,

I mean, come on, that's nonsense.

I mean, just, you know,

you need to make him feel bad,

that what he's doing is wrong, all right?


- Amen, well, Joan says, "Dear Pat,

what did Jesus mean when he said

whatever you bind on earthwill be bound in Heaven,

and whatever you loose on earthwill be loosed in Heaven?"

- All right, the rabbis used to bind

requirements on people,

and then what Jesus wassaying to his disciples,

I'm giving you authority.

You can determine what'sgoing to be a regulation

and you can decide whatwon't be a regulation.

And he said when you do this, I will give

authority in Heaven to your decisions,

and that means if we wantto talk about divorce

and remarriage, well, wecan do that as a church.

But we have the church to say

you eat pork and it's asin or it's not a sin.

You know, all the way down the line.

And so, that's what he says,we can bind or we can loose.

That's what he's talking about,

he's talking aboutregulations and requirements

that can be made or not made

by the church of God, all right?

- All right, here's one from Sandra.

She says, "Pat, at what age do children

stop being automaticallydestined for Heaven?"

- Well, I think as soon as they understand

what's right and wrong, andthat's at a fairly early age.

The Baptists used to call it

the age of accountability,

and you know, if you--

Where there's no law, there'sno sin is what the Bible says.

If there's no law, youcan't sin against the law,

'cause there's no law.

So a little kid doesn'tunderstand the law,

doesn't understand right and wrong,

but they learn very, very quickly,

and from then on out,they are accountable,

and from that moment on, they'regonna be held accountable.

- So there's no age, it would be just

everybody's different, so--- Everybody's different.

You know, you're askingthat, but I don't know--

I've never seen it quite that way

that everybody at a particular time

is automatically gonna go to Heaven.

I think, you know, we're held accountable

for breaking the law, breaking rules

and doing wrong and we know is wrong,

but as I say the Baptistshave what they call

the age of accountability,and whenever that is

depends on the individual, all right?

- All right, Amber says, "I'm 25 years old

and have never been ina serious relationship.

I'm healing from a pastrejection from two years ago.

I'm better now than I was back then,

but off and on I do get lonely.

I have been going tochurch about five months,

and I'm interested ina guy that goes there.

How do I put myself out there?

I'm really scared to get rejected."

- I think I'll ask Wendy.

Wendy's a beautiful girl.


What would you tell that young lady?

- How do you put, hey,you're already out there.

You're going to church, maybe you're

doing some other things too,

but let him come to you.

I mean, be nice, smile.

Smile, it's always a good idea to smile.

- The worst thing about a man is

he doesn't like getting chased,

so always make him think he's the pursuer.

(laughing)Whatever it is--

- Hey, smile at him, but you know--

- Smile and show thatyou want to be friends,

and you know, but thething is be attractive,

be doing something that's interesting

and people will be interested in you.

But don't be always interestedin "a relationship."

That'll drive people away quicker

than anything you ever saw.

All right.(laughing)

- Good advice, Pat.

Linda says, "If someone is a Christian

but living with someone,is their soul in danger?"

- You're saying that you're having

what's called fornication,you're living together

but you're not married.

I guess one, two of you,or this multiple times,

I don't have enough information.

Your soul is in danger,

but the biggest thing is, you know,

if anybody's in Christ,he's a new creation,

and what we're talking aboutis a new creation in Christ

where the law of Godis placed in your heart

and you're living for him,

and it's not those fringe things that'll

put you in Hell or not.

What it is that'll put you in Hell

is that you don't know the Lord,

and you're a sinner, andyou're a rebel against God.

And what you're sayingis God has a standard

for people living together

and the sexual union is meant for marriage

because it's to procreate children,

and it's to bring twopeople together in love.

And if you don't havethat kind of relationship,

you know you're doing something wrong,

and so if you know you'redoing something wrong,

then God, who knows more than our heart,

will prevent us from having

the answers to our prayers.

Okay, one more.- All right.

Gail says, "Dear Pat, these two scriptures

seem to say the opposite:

John 14:9 Jesus said, 'He who has seen me

has seen the Father.'"- Yes.

- [Wendy] "And then John 4:12,

'No one has seen God at any time.'

What are we to think of that?"

- Well, the Father,

the one who is beyond all

human understanding, is a creature

of immense power and majesty,

and what the scripture is saying,

nobody has seen that person.

I think Moses on the mountain

may have seen God at that time,

but what Jesus says is look,

the Lord, with all his power,

came into human fleshand the Father is in me,

and if you see me, I amthe human representation

of what God looks like, is what he said,

all right.- All right,

nice questions today.- Thank you

for those questions.- Yeah, great answers.

Thank you, Pat.- Oh, man, that's good.

I like it, okay.


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