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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - February 26, 2019


- Time for some email questions.

- Alright, let's go for 'em.- So you ready?

- Okay.

- [Terry] Okay Pat, thisfirst one comes from Johnny,

who says, "My wife and I had seven years

"of a great marriage, andthen she stopped making love

"and we began sleeping in different beds.

"This was in 2011.

"She started complainingthat she had a cyst

"and needed all kinds of surgeries.

"She became bed-ridden like an invalid.

"It's so bad that we nevertouch, never hug, never kiss,

"and no love is ever exchanged between us.

"Should I stay with her andbe miserable until I die

"or should I file for divorceand hope to find another woman

"who truly wants a loving relationship?"

- You know, I hate to tell you,

but maybe I should tell you,

there's no real grounds for divorce.

You make a pledge insickness and in health

and 'til death do us part,and your wife's sick.

She needs to see an appropriate doctor,

a gynecologist of some nature

if she's got a cyst or something.

She also probably needssome counseling because

I daresay that thisinitial physical problem

has led into some emotional problems

which have caused a changein your marital relationship.

There's so many thingsgoing on with the endocrines

and the human body that needto get taken into account,

and if you show love andcompassion and concern,

and just not say, well,we can't have sex together

so therefore I'm going to divorce you.

I mean, that's not cool.

But you asked can you do it.

You have no grounds forsomething like that.

Help your wife through this period

and she will be the lovingpartner of your marriage.

- Okay Pat, this is J.H. who says,

"Pat, can you tell me whythe US law enforcement

"cannot go to these priests'homes and arrest them,

"or follow procedures aswith any rape reporting?

"No one in this UnitedStates understands why not."

- Well you know, wehad a story today about

a high prelate in the Australian church

that's gonna be put in prison.

And as much as you hate to see it

I think the civil law enforcement people

are reluctant to go in andbegin arresting priests.

It just doesn't look too good.

But nevertheless, it willbe done, and it can be done.

You say, why don't we?

Well, I think it's going to be, all right.

- This is Charles, who says,

"Pat, I am appalled with laws being made

"about full-term abortion.

"Why would men and women notuse something that's available

"to them if they don'twant to have children?

"Also, why has the Democratic party

"turned into a socialist party?"

Wow, those are two big questions, Charles.

- I'm not sure I can answerall those questions but

birth control is obviously available

and I don't understand what you're asking

but in terms of abortion wehave become a nation of killers.

We have killed over 60million unborn children.

It's a slaughter that far exceeds

what happened in the Holocaust.

It is absolutely horriblewhat's being done.

And God is gonna callthis nation in account

for all that blood that's been spilled.

Lincoln said for every bloodthat was shed by the lash

we're gonna pay a terrible price,

and we paid it in an awful warthat's called the Civil War,

the War Between the States.

And I think God is going tocall this nation to account

and we need to begin topreserve the life of the unborn.

What the governor of Virginia said about,

when a child was supposed tobe aborted and is born alive

then we keep it comfortable

'til we decide if we want to kill it,

I mean this is so horrible.

It's infanticide!

And even the governor,the former, past governor

who's a Democrat, TerryMcAuliffe, backed off of that.

But many are embracing

these horrible thingswhich are infanticide.

Why do they do it?

Well, it is demonic, it is satanic,

that we would hate our childrenand that's what's happening.

- Well talk a little bitabout his last question,

why the Democratic partyturned into a socialist party,

because your father wasa Democrat years ago.

- Of course he was.

I mean, the old-line Democrats

were probably more conservativethan the modern Republican.

We're not teaching in the schools.

Our institutions of learning

have turned into socialist factories.

Young people aren't learningwhat freedom is all about.

What freedom is about, thebenefits of capitalism.

They're being taught by their professors

that capitalism is evil

and that the capitalists areexploiters of the masses.

I mean, it's just horrible, okay?

- Cindy says, "Hi Pat, Ilove watching The 700 Club.

"My question is abouthow you keep insisting

"that President Trump shouldn'tlet the troops come home,

"and also how you want him todeclare Kurdistan as a nation.

"How do you know if thisis the purpose of God?

"Can't God take care ofthe Christians over there

"better than any American troops?"

- That's ridiculous.

You know, all that'snecessary for evil to triumph

is for good men to do nothing.

Evil is going to triumph.

Did you know what the Turks did

against the Armenians who were Christians?

They slaughtered them.

It was one of the most ruthless purges,

and who was standingup for those Armenians?


Well, the Kurds are the same way.

They're 36 million peoplewho need a homeland,

but they're Christians over there.

In that Middle East they're Yazidis,

they're other fine peoplewho will be slaughtered.

Assad has already used poisonousgas against these people,

and you say, well whatare we supposed to do?

Well, we're supposed to stay here

and pray God'll take care of 'em.

I mean, come on!

God puts in our handsthe means of defending

the poor, the needy, and the weak,

and I think we oughta do that.


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