Billboards Advertising Christian Event and Featuring a Bible Removed Amid Complaints
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- Evangelist Greg Lauriewas forced to take down
a series of billboardsdepicting him holding a bible.
The billboards were used as ads
for his upcoming Harvest outreach.
Joining me now to discussthis is John Collins,
Executive Director of Harvest.
Welcome John.
- Thank you, good to be with you.
- First of all John, tellus about the billboards
and why Harvest wanted to put them up.
- Well every year, we'vebeen doing this crusade
for 29 years.
So, we meet in Anaheim Stadium,we have somewhere around
100,000 people that willcome out over the course
of the weekend and Pastor Greg Laury
will give a very simple gospel message
and we'll see eight or nineor sometimes 10,000 people
make a profession of faith in Christ.
So, leading into that, wetake out ads with billboards.
We put bumper stickerson thousands of cars
if people lend us their bumpers
and we have ads in busshelters and wherever we can.
This year, we decided to take out some ads
in one of the culturalcenters of Orange County,
Fashion Island, and takeout ads and put big banners
in the mall where a lotof people congregate.
- Wow and apparently peoplecomplained about the billboards?
Tell us about that.
- Well yeah, initially,the billboard had a picture
of Pastor Greg holding up a bible
and it didn't say bible on it.
It's just a black book actually
and I don't know if youcan actually see that,
but that's what the image was.
So, it wasn't overtlyreligious or anything.
It was just kind of athrowback, if you would,
to how Billy Graham used to advertise.
Ya know, our authoritycomes from the word of God.
So apparently, people sawthat and took offense to that,
assuming it was a bibleand so, they asked us if we
would change the ad andso, we wanted to comply.
So, we just submittedsomething that just simply said
Harvest and had someof the musical artists
that are gonna be with us onthe poster or on the banner
and submitted that but then,we were told that they decided
they didn't want to have anyof the banners up in the mall.
So, we were asked to take them down
and they refunded our money.
- It's amazing that evenafter you made the changes,
it wasn't enough and then they said,
we're just gonna remove them altogether.
Greg, I'm calling youGreg, but I mean John,
you say that this has lessto do with the company
and more to do withculture or culture today.
How so?
- Sure, we're not upsetwith the Irvine Company.
It's unfortunate thatthey're getting push back
from a few, I think there'sjust a few intolerant folks
that are really thwartingthe opportunity of thousands
of Christians that wanna comeand demonstrate their faith.
Ya know, over the course of the weekend,
a lot of things happenedand these 29 years,
we've seen marriages restored,we've seen families reunited,
we've seen people come off of drugs,
we've seen people come who were suicidal
and be able to receive help.
We've seen thousands uponthousands, about half a million
people have made professionsof faith in Christ
and found peace with God.
So, it's just mystifying to us that
we couldn't advertise that.
I mean, what's wrong with that?
Not only that but thisyear, we're partnering with
Compassion International andwe've made a commitment to
sponsor 3,000 children over in Ecuador
that need education, theyneed food and clothing,
and so, we're going to peoplewho come to the crusade
and we're gonna askthem to partner with us.
So, a lot of these goodthings that are happening,
are being prevented bythe intolerance of a few.
- Ya know, what is it?
I know that Jesus hastalked about this, John.
What is it about the message of the bible
that makes it so offensive?
What is it that people don't want to hear?
- Yes, well, the gospel is an offense.
I mean, it offends us ashumans because we are sinners
and when we address that with people,
Pastor Greg always likesto put it in the terms
of, "I've got good newsand I got bad news.
"The bad news is that you're a sinner.
"You're separated from God.
"It's how we were born, wewere all in that position
"and yet, the good newsis that God made a way
"for us to be restored and have fellowship
"with God once again."
That came through JesusChrist and through his
death and resurrection.
So, that message thatresonates with so many people,
for those that want tobasically discard it
or not listen to it ordon't wanna yield to that,
I think it's something thatkind of, they broach at it.
It's an offense to them.
- Absolutely.
Well, the beautiful HarvestCrusade is scheduled
for August 17th through the 19th
at Angel Stadium in Orange California.
John Collins, thank youso much for your time.
- Thank you.
Thank you for having us and bless you.
- Bless you too.