Chinese Regime Advances Efforts to Wipe Out Christianity by Removing Bible Apps, Christian WeChat
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- China's Communist Partyis expanding its crackdown
against Christians in cyberspace.
International Christian Concern reports
Christian accounts have been blocked
on the popular online program WeChat
and Bible apps have been removedfrom the China app store.
On this week's episodeof "The Global Lane,"
ChinaAid President Bob Fusays that action proves
the party is determined to erase
and destroy the Chinese church.
- With the so-calledpandemic, of course, excuses,
now the Christian churches,including both the official
government sanctions churches
and the independent house churches,
they were all not allowed to operate
even in the virtual setting.
- That's amazing.
It's not just shuttingthe doors of buildings,
but also shutting doors online.
So let's go a little broader now, Bob.
What did ChinaAid find after examining
Chinese governmentactions against Christians
and other people of faith during 2020?
- ChinaAid has found withour in-depth research
that in 2020 the persecutionagainst the Christian churches,
against human rights lawyers,
both in the government sanctions church
and the house churches have reached really
to the worst level that we have not seen
since the cultural revolution in 1960s.
I mean, this is the third year
of the Communist Party'sso-called "sinicization campaign,"
which means anything thatis found not compatible
with the President Xi's ideology,
communism, socialism,is going to be regarded
as a enemy of the state ideology.
And we have seen even the church members
who are organizing prayer meetings online
have been targeted with criminal
and administrative detentionjust in the past few days.
The largest house church in Beijing,
the Beijing Zion Church,have two of their pastors
being kidnapped and even sentenced
to 10 days administrative detention.
And we have seen, of course,
under this sinicization campaign,
pastors receive four-and-a-halfyears imprisonment
for refusing to put theCommunist Party's posters,
propaganda in their church building,
for refusing to put CommunistParty's national flag
at their parking lot.
Of course, we have seen Pastor Wang Yi,
who was sentenced tonine years imprisonment
for preaching a sermon pleading
for President Xi to suspend his crackdown,
asking him to repent, sothat he can get salvation.
That is 10 years, I mean,nine years imprisonment.
- And part of that,Bob, I know we've talked
in the past about facialrecognition software,
social credit scoring,people being denied jobs,
promotions if they have low scores.
They're not consideredto be good communists.
They don't have favor.
So how is that scoringeffecting Christians or people
who are not part of thegovernment-approved,
government-controlled church?
- Yes, 2020 marked really the first year,
I think, it's the whole called national,
the digital authoritarianism rule
with literally 2.6 billionfacial recognition cameras
has been installed all over China,
which means every Chinese will have
two face recognitioncameras are following them.
The so-called "social credit score"
had been also instatedwith the big data plan.
If you are a Christian,if you are especially
a Christian pastor orthe house church leader,
or anyone who has a religiousfaith that is not compatible
with communism willguaranteed have a lower score,
which means you may be banned
from even buying a trainticket or air flight tickets.
Which means you couldn't get a promotion,
which means your family members cannot
join the civil servanttest or join the military.
So you are regarded absolutely as second
or third class citizen.
- A lot of Americans areafraid that may come here,
with vaccine passports and so forth.
So finally, Bob, on this program
and other CBN newsprograms, we've reported for
some time now about theChinese Communist Party's
persecution of the ethnic Uighurs.
Many of our viewers don't realize
that not all Uighurs are Muslim.
There are quite a few Uighur Christians.
Tell us about them, and do theysuffer the same oppression?
- Yes, you're right, Gary.
The Uighur Christians and Uighur Muslims
and even the other minorities like Kazakhs
have been suffering thegenocide as the Secretary,
former Secretary Pompeo designated.
I mean, between one tothree million of them
are still in the concentration camp.
ChinaAid just rescued a Kazakh family.
The mother suffered at least 16 months
in the concentration camp.
She herself was abused.
And also she was a witness, eyewitness,
seeing systematic governmentorganized forced prostitution.
I mean, how can we withgood conscience deal
with a government committingsuch a grave genocide
and a crime against humanity
and yet we're still treatingthis as business as usual,
like these Americancompanies are doing in China?
So it's time to have a wake up call.
- And for more stories likethis and important trends
in the day's headlines, be sureto catch "The Global Lane."
You can watch it this eveningat 8:30 Eastern Standard Time
and you can find it onthe CBN News Channel.