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'This Is the Bible that Jesus Read': New 'Israel Bible' Draws Christians and Jews Alike

'This Is the Bible that Jesus Read': New 'Israel Bible' Draws Christians and Jews Alike Read Transcript

- The Israel Bible is the only bible

that's exclusively dedicatedto the land of Israel,

the people of Israel,and the God of Israel.

- [Reporter] Rabbi Tuly Weisz of Israel365

saw the 70th anniversary ofIsrael as a great opportunity

for a special version of this kind.

- The bible has had such agreat impact on civilization.

Yet it's also been the greatest source

of friction and divisionbetween Jews and Christians,

who both claim to love the bible.

And so now, the vision forthe Israel Bible is that

we're gonna have the opportunity

to use the bible as a source of unity

between Jews and Christians,

and everybody who loves the bible.

- So this is the Hebrew scriptures,

it's not the New Testamentor the B'rit Chadashah.

So why would Christianswant to be able to read

the Israel Bible?

- Well, first of all, youknow, and I'm not a Christian,

but I know that for Christians who

want the Bible that Jesus read,

so he read the Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh.

That's something that myChristian friends have pointed out

to me, that this is theBible that Jesus read.

I think that there'sanother aspect as well,

that the prophets talkedabout, how in the future,

Isaiah says in the future,in the end of days,

the non-Jews are going tosay to the Jewish people,

"Teach us the Torah! Teach us the Bible."

- It comes with specialfeatures in the 929 chapters.

- Number one is that it opensin the way or the format

of a Hebrew book, it opens backwards.

A lot of our customerssay, "Hey, wait a minute,

my Bible opens backwards!"

It's not a mistake, we did it on purpose.

All of the verses aboutIsrael have been highlighted

and transliterated, sothat anybody could actually

read the Hebrew for themselves.

And then of course, on thebottom of every chapter,

we have study notes.

- [Reporter] Weiszfeels this version comes

at an important time

because of the inaccuratecriticism directed at Israel.

- More than any other time in history,

the world's eyes are focused on Israel.

You have world leaders who are saying

that Israel is occupying this land,

and this Bible shows thatwe're not occupying this land.

This is the land that God gave to us.

Everybody needs to be moreeducated in God's word,

and especially if you'reconfused, if you're not familiar,

you know, which side to take,to be supportive of Isreal,

to be on the fence, to be anti-Israel.

Just read the Bible.

- [Reporter] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.


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