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Are People Born Gay?

Landon Schott shares why people aren’t really born gay. Read Transcript

I'm Landon Schott, author of "Gay Awareness,

Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ

on Sexuality."

I get asked all the time, are people born gay?

They ask this question for two reasons.

Number one, they've had same-sex attractions their entire life

from their earliest memories.

I know people that told me, Landon, I always remember being

attracted to the same sex.

Second is the entire world tells people they're born this way.

Pop artists write songs about it.

The President tweets out about it.

They encourage people to embrace a lifestyle of homosexuality.

The science behind it is unclear.

A report comes out one week and says there's a gay gene.

Another report comes out the next week and says there isn't.

Here's what we do know, is that we're all born of sin.

We have the sin gene.

Psalms 51:1, the Psalmist says, "When

I was in my mother's womb, I was in sin."

We're all born of sin in need of a Savior.

It doesn't matter what your temptation is.

You have to respond with God's word to your temptation.

The enemy attacks us from our earliest stages.

When Jesus was in his mother's womb,

Herod sent people to destroy babies coming out

of their mothers.

Didn't Pharaoh do that with Moses?

Isn't abortion attacking children

in the destiny and the call of God on their life

while they're in their mother's womb?

The enemy will attack you from your earliest stages

and your earliest memories.

He comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

So when we're asking the question,

are we born like this?

Really it comes down to John 3, where

it says it doesn't matter how you were born,

whether heterosexual or homosexual.

But we all must be born again.

When we receive Jesus, it means this,

that we lay down our lives, that we pick up a cross,

and we follow Jesus with everything in us.

And our new identity is simply this, what the Bible tells us.

A son or daughter of the most high God.

When we give our lives to the Lord,

that's the identity that we pick up.

That's what we become, a child of God.

When it comes to dealing with homosexuality and Christianity,

we must remember this.

We have to be unrelenting with our love

for people and unwavering in our loyalty to God's word.


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