Join Chris, Joy, Gizmo, and Mom as Superbook transports them to the most important moment in all history. This five-day devotional walks alongside Jesus in his final moments and triumphant resurrection. During the week, we will learn about prayer, sacrifice, truth, and freedom.
Includes links to bonus videos for the whole family -- watch the full Superbook episode "He Is Risen!" and discover why God sent Jesus for you!
Prayer is more than a wish list: In the hours before he was to face the cross, Jesus did what many of us would do. Jesus prayed to God. He prayed hard. He prayed so hard, in fact, that blood mixed with the sweat from his brow. What did he pray for? Jesus was seeking the will of God.
Many times in our lives, our prayers become a "wish list" for the things we want. We pray from the place of our need or want, not from a place where we are seeking God.
Our prayers should be like those of Jesus. We should seek God's will in every prayer we pray. The next time you pray, follow the P.R.A.Y. acrostic.
Praise God for what he has done in your life and the lives of those around you.
Repent of any sins you have. These sins may be things you have done that are wrong or good things you should have done but didn't.
Ask God to understand his will for your life. Also, ask for his will to be done in the lives of others.
Yield everything to God. Give yourself over to his will and way.
God, you are the only one worthy of my praise. Thank you for all you have done for my family and me. Forgive me of my sins, and help me to love and serve others as Jesus did. Grant me the things I would ask you for if I knew what you knew. In all things, I submit to you. Use me as you will. Amen.
Follow Chris, Joy and Gizmo as they witness Jesus' sacrifice for us so that we can have a relationship with God. Watch the full Superbook episode, "He is Risen!" at
1 John 5:14
Philippians 4:6-7
2 Chronicles 7:14
Submission Is Not Defeat: In his garden prayer, Jesus asked if God would spare him from what was to come. But in the end, he submitted to God's will, and it was that submission that gave him the strength to face what was next.
We often look at submission as another term for defeat, as if this struggle of wills needed to be a fight. When we submit to God's will we aren't saying, "God, I give up, you win." Submission is an act of trust. It's where you say, "God, I don't understand everything, but I know you do."
If Jesus had not been honest in his prayer, then his submission to God would not have been complete. If we are to submit to God's will, then we will need to learn to first be honest with him. His ways are not the easiest, but they are the best.
God, help me to be like Jesus and willingly trust you. I won't always understand why, but help me to submit to your will, to trust you, in all things. Amen.
Learn more about Jesus and the Disciples, visit
Luke 22:42
John 18:11
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 3:5-6
We Have The Truth: Pilate asks Jesus, "What is truth?" As followers of Christ, we know that the truth for everyone is found in Jesus. The better we know Jesus, the better we understand what is true in life. How can we learn more about Jesus? By reading the Bible.
You don't have to read whole books or even chapters to learn from the Bible. Just a few verses a day will teach you so much. Begin in the book of Proverbs, one of the wisdom books. To learn more about Jesus, start reading the book of John.
The Bible is more than a collection of books put together over time. It is the inspired word of God. It is the story of God's saving grace in our lives through Jesus.
God, thank you for showing me what truth is. Help me to live out the truth in my life each day. Help me to know when others are twisting the truth and help me point them to you. Amen.
Discover important truths in the Bible that everyone who follows Jesus should know. Get your free Gizmo's Bible Adventures - Journey with God guide. Visit
John 18:33-38
John 14:6
2 Timothy 3:16
Jesus Gave It All: It is easy to blame the Jewish leaders and the Romans when it comes to Jesus' crucifixion. But this course was set long before this moment. Jesus' crucifixion was part of God's plan to rid the world of sin. All sin. Forever. For this there needed to be a sacrifice. Someone who had no sin would have to take the punishment for those who had sinned and those who would sin in the future.
You and I are as much to blame for Jesus' death as anyone who crucified him. Jesus chose to do this; no one forced him. He did what only he could do to save us.
We were dead in our sin. We were separated from God. There was nothing we could do to save ourselves. But Jesus, who had no sin, took our punishment on himself so we could live. He did so at the cost of his own life.
Jesus died on a cross and was placed in a tomb. But he didn't stay there. Make sure and read Day 5 to find out what happened next!
God, thank you for sending your son to save us from our sins. Forgive me of the sins I have committed. Help me to remember the sacrifice you have made for me. Amen.
Watch a special version of the Salvation Poem! Visit
John 15:13
Colossians 2:13
1 John 4:14
Jesus Is Alive: Jesus was dead. He was in the tomb. Hope was lost. Or was it? On the morning of the third day, some women gathered to go to the tomb and dress Jesus's body. But when they arrived, the tomb was empty. Two angels told them that Jesus was not there. It was then that the women saw Jesus, and they knew nothing would be the same.
Even death could not keep a hold on Jesus. He beat sin, death, and rescued us from a life separated from God. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we are free!
Do you want to follow Jesus? You can choose to follow Jesus today! Think about it as remembering your ABC's
Admit that you are a sinner. Sin is anything you do that God says not to do and anything you do not do that God says to do.
Believe that Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for all our sins, and rose again -- trust Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins.
Commit your life to following Jesus in return for what he has done. Commit to telling others about Jesus. Become more like Jesus every day.
When you choose to follow Jesus, when you hold to his teachings, God promises to always be with you. Your relationship with Jesus will grow daily. Choose him today.
Jesus, you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost. Forgive me now of all my sin. Be my savior, my lord, and my friend. Change my life. Make it new! Lord, help me to live every day for you. Thank you for saving me. Amen.
Watch a special video to discover how much God loves you and how to begin a relationship with God! Visit
John 3:16
Romans 6:23
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 8:36
Matthew 28:20