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The 700 Club - December 26, 2024

A 12-year-old collapses in school, the victim of sudden cardiac arrest. For eight minutes he is unresponsive. Discover how prayers help bring him back to life on today's 700 Club. Read Transcript

(majestic music)

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

For better health,
get better soil.

That's the message from
one North Carolina farmer

who's taking innovative steps

to transform her
land and her produce.

- The practice of
regenerative farming

can lead to healthier food
and a better bottom line.

CBN's Brody Carter shows us how.

- The Earth's soil,
it's not glamorous.

But biblically, it's
where you and I come from,

and also our food,
both plant and animal.

One farmer here in Newton
Grove, North Carolina

is making it her priority
to study soil health,

because when it comes
to feeding her family,

it favors them too.

- We can change our health

and our communities just
by focusing on soil health.

You can smell the difference.

- [Brody] Lisa Williams
and her son Lance

have transformed
their 55-acre farm

through regenerative farming.

Lisa's focus is to regenerate
the soil and ecosystems

while avoiding
conventional pesticides,

herbicides, and fertilizers.

It's taken roughly four
years to cultivate the land,

raising the healthiest cows and
chickens to feed her family.

- If you have healthy soil,
you have healthy grasses.

If you have healthy grasses,
you have healthy livestock.

In our case, it's
Hereford cattle.

- [Brody] They fertilize the
fields the old fashioned way,

with cow patties.

- [Lance] They have
no antibiotics.

They're drug-free.

We don't spray anything on them.

So we can put just about any
label we want on these cows.

- [Brody] The family also
had a personal reason

for choosing this route.

- I wanted my family
to be healthy.

And my husband had
a medical condition.

And there weren't any answers,
and he wasn't getting better.

- [Brody] Larry Williams suffers
from an autoimmune disease

with no known cure that
attacks his muscles.

The Williams believed
clean eating might help

and started the hard work
of raising healthy cows.

- One, you don't
wanna lose a spouse.

But I really, really
believe what I'm doing.

I believe it's good for America.

- [Brody] Studies have
shown that food grown

using regenerative
farming practices

tends to be more nutritious

compared to
conventionally-farmed food.

The healthier the soil,
the healthier your food.

When it comes to
feeding America,

farmers and ranchers make up
less than 2% of the population.

And out of the roughly
2 million farms

dotting America's landscape,

less than 2% of that land
uses regenerative practices.

So how is the soil
health in America?.

Dr. Ekrem Ozlu with
NC State University

says it really depends
on where you look.

- So the variability in
the soil type and climate

is huge in North Carolina.

So from the mountains
to coastal plain,

everything can change
region by region.

- [Brody] Dr. Ozlu works with
farmers in North Carolina

to help their fields
cultivate healthy soil

that can better withstand
drought and flooding.

- Because soil health
or soil in general

is like a retirement package.

As much as you put there,
later you get the benefit.

- You know, we have a human
health crisis going on,

whether we wanna
admit it or not.

And it's related directly, a
lot of it, to the food we eat.

- [Brody] North Dakota
rancher Gabe Brown

is known as a founding father
of regenerative farming.

An author and consultant,
Brown teaches farmers worldwide

how to regenerate their dirt
and make more money doing it.

- I am literally 10 times
more profitable per acre now

than I was back then.

- [Brody] Gabe's
success and recognition

have caught
Washington's attention,

leading to an invitation
to testify before Congress

about regenerative farming.

Brown tells CBN News that
science finds healthy soils

produce food with more
than 60% higher vitamins,

fatty acids, and nutrients.

- You've eaten a
tomato out of a garden.

You know how good that is.

And I'm assuming
you like tomatoes.

Well, then go buy one

and look what you get in
a restaurant or a store.

Look, that isn't
even the same thing.

- [Brody] There can be
challenges, however,

when switching to
regenerative practices.

For example, it can
take up to five years

to see a return
on the investment

in terms of the soil's
health or profit.

- But once they realize
what we are proposing here

is actually not a new thing,

we are just regenerating
what we used to do

in a way which could
be an alternative

to today's agriculture practices

and still providing
them the same benefits,

but also making them
more sustainable.

- [Brody] For Lisa and others,

this is more than
just better soil.

This method can improve
people's health,

communities, and
economic impact.

- It's a cycle.

For every one farmer it creates,

every one job in
production agriculture

creates three to four
off the farm jobs.

- [Brody] Given
that America imports

roughly 15% of our food,

Lisa sees this as a
national security component.

- [Lisa] We can't constantly
rely on other countries

to feed us.

- [Brody] Today, Lisa is
also spreading the wealth

by teaching others
what she's learned.

As a board member

on the North Carolina
Soil Health Coalition,

she's using a $75,000 grant
to educate state farmers

about soil health.

- God created everything.

He created the insects.

He created the plants.

He worked for six days, and
on the seventh day he rested.

And that's what they're
asking you to do

in regenerative agriculture.

Well, I just wanna be a good
steward of what God's given me.

- [Brody] Reporting
in North Carolina,

Brody Carter, CBN News.

- Well, I love to cook,
and it obviously shows.

But in cooking, I've learned,

when you have these
kinds of vegetables,

when you have this
kind of produce,

when you have this kind of
protein that's raised properly

with regenerative practices,
then it will taste better.

And not only tastes better,

it'll be a whole
lot better for you.

So I hope this trend catches on.

As a consumer, please
make sure it catches on

by buying that way.

- Well, today, more than
100,000 centenarians

live in America.

In the next 30 years, that
number is expected to quadruple.

Health reporter Lorie Johnson

recently talked
with a super senior

about her secret to
a long happy life.

- Heavens no. (laughs)

- [Lorie] Just weeks
before turning 102,

Mary Mary Shy never dreamed

she'd still be on
this side of eternity.

- It says what the Lord wants,

so you don't argue about that.

You know, when he is
ready, he'll come get me.

He's got something
here for me to do.

I don't know what it is.

But when he finishes with
me, then I'll get to go home.

- [Lorie] Still sharp as tack,

Mary worked at an accounting
firm until age 88.

She also lived
alone for 40 years,

until just three months ago,

when she moved in with
her granddaughter.

- She's spunky.

She has an incredible
sense of humor. (laughs)

She takes things very lightly.

She's very kind.

A lot of people will say like,

does she complain a
lot, and she doesn't.

- [Lorie] One secret could
be that Mary remains active

by regularly going to church,

getting her hair and nails done,

plus taking care of
household chores,

like laundry and washing dishes.

- So I think there is an element

of determination that
she's got, just the will,

that, "I'm going to figure
this out and do it."

- [Lorie] She also prepares
many of her own meals,

like her daily bacon
and jelly sandwich.

- And she loves PayDay.

That's her little,

"Can you gimme some
more PayDays?" (laughs)

- [Lorie] Part of
her daily regimen

includes her favorite red
wine, but just a little.

Most notably, Mary reads her
Bible for hours each day,

as she has for years.

- Oh, every time you read it,

you get something new out of it.

I don't care if you
read it 1,500 times.

- [Lorie] She's
not afraid to die.

In fact, looks forward to it.

- Heaven is gonna
be so wonderful

that who in their right
mind, if they know about it,

are gonna be the least
bit concerned about it?

- While Mary's longevity is
impressive, she's not alone.

There are over a hundred
thousand American centenarians

alive today.

That number is expected to
quadruple in the next 30 years.

That's largely due to a
projected population increase

combined with longer
life expectancies.

- These people actually
have the physiology,

have the workings of a
50-year-old individual.

- [Lorie] Dr. Steven
Gundry says, like Mary,

many centenarians
are very healthy,

and have been
throughout their lives.

- What we know about super
old people who are thriving

is that they don't
become infirm,

that they don't get cancer,
that they don't get Alzheimer's.

- [Lorie] Gundry credits
that to lots of good bacteria

living in their intestines.

- When we look at 105-year-old
people around the world,

they carry diverse
gut microbiome of
30-year-old people.

- Another common characteristic

is they take few,
if any, medications.

Mary's on just one.

Doctors say exercise,
especially walking up hill,

promotes longevity.

In fact, the five world cities

with the highest
concentration of centenarians

are all very hilly.

It turns out Mary
lived much of her life

in the Smoky Mountains.

Genetics and a positive
attitude also factor in.

- I've had a very blessed life.

- [Lorie] As well
as the unknown.

- Our days are numbered.

Our times are in
the Lord's hands.

So it's that.

And I don't know
how it all works,

'cause you can be 50 and fit
and the Lord call you home

or you can be 101.

So those things
are up to the Lord.

- [Lorie] And while we
won't all live to 100,

we can all benefit from the
wisdom of someone who has.

- Don't tell me that Jesus
doesn't take your hand

and take you home.

And you'll never convince me

that that's not what he's
gonna to do for me too,

one of these days, for
all of us that know him

and trust in him.

- [Lorie] Lorie
Johnson, CBN News.

- Well, that's an amazing story.

And I've gotta point out.

Lorie Johnson, in
reports on this program,

has said don't eat bacon
and don't drink any alcohol.

And so here you have a
report from Lorie Johnson

showing somebody eating
bacon and drinking red wine.

And so, go figure.

And, you know, I will underline,

if you have good genes,

I had a great-grandmother
who lived to be a hundred,

I had two parents that
lived to be in their 90s.

If you have great genes,
that's really good

and that spells good things
for you in the future.

If you keep up, if you say,

"Okay, I'm going to exercise,

I'm gonna do it the right way."

But I just love that because
she was eating bacon.

I'm not a drinker, but
she's eating bacon.


That means wonderful
things ahead from there.

- You might wanna
take your probiotics

if you're doing that. (laughs)

- Do protect your gut.

If you can dig
through our website,

there's a place where if you
just put protect your gut

into the,
you can find it,

and will give you a lot of tips

about how to keep good
bacteria in your intestines.

- Oh, I love that bacon part.

So exonerated here. (laughs)

- Ana and Anthony Hankins went
to watch a basketball game.

What they saw
instead was chilling.

Their 12-year-old son Yoshua

was lying on the ground lifeless

while paramedics were
administering CPR.

- So I started running,
and the police came to me,

and I said, "Where is my son?"

I'm like, "That's my son.

You need to take me to my son."

- [Narrator] Ana Hankins
and her husband Anthony

had just arrived at
a high school gym

in Westminster, California

for their son Macaiah's
basketball tournament.

Moments later, everything
came to a halt.

- As we were kind of
getting settled in,

there was a tournament
director who came in,

and he stopped all of the games.

He just said someone's
child has passed out.

- [Narrator] Yoshua was
their 12-year-old son

who'd gone back to
the car for a snack.

A police officer pointed them
toward the school's entrance,

where they found their son
surrounded by a crowd of people

and paramedics
administering CPR.

- [Anthony] When
we first saw him,

he was laying on the ground.

His shirt was kind of cut.

He looked limbless and lifeless.

- Luke Perkowski was one of
the paramedics on the scene.

They estimated Yoshua
had been unconscious

for more than eight minutes.

- [Luke] We find a
boy on the ground.

He's unconscious, he has no
pulse, and he's not breathing.

We would consider
that a cardiac arrest.

So you could say he was dead
for that amount of time.

He had been down for a while.

And so normally when
they're down for that long,

you don't really have
a high expectation

that they're gonna
make it through.

- When all this was
happening, I'm like,

"What happened to him?"

And my heart just start racing.

I couldn't understand.

It was really confusing.

The only thing that I
remember saying was,

"Your kingdom come,
Your will be done."

- [Narrator] Anthony
kneeled by his son's side,

holding his head as he prayed.

- I just spoke to his body
and told him to come to life.

I commanded Yoshua to live and
told him that he would live

and not die and declared
the works of the Lord.

I spoke life to his body
and commanded his spirit

to come alive.

I didn't realize at the time

that that was the
first breath he took.

- [Narrator] Finally they
got a pulse and rushed Yoshua

to the Children's
Hospital of Orange County.

- We got to the hospital.

And they start putting
all of these wires on him.

And then they put a
tube in his mouth.

And it was really, really scary.

Like, I saw myself
in a situation that
I have no control.

- [Narrator] Yoshua
was put on life support

and into a
medically-induced coma.

They discovered he
had cardiomyopathy,

a heart disorder that was
restricting blood flow

and requiring surgery.

Because Yoshua had
been without oxygen

or a heartbeat for
an extended time,

doctors were concerned

about permanent brain
damage if he lived.

The Hankins refused to
accept the prognosis.

- We wanted to believe God
for the most, you know?

We just wanted to be
outrageous with our faith.

The Lord just gave us
a supernatural faith.

- [Narrator] Between
the Hankins' church,

friends, and Ana's family
in Columbia, South America,

thousands of people prayed and
fasted over the coming days.

- I start calling my
pastors and people.

And I called "The 700 Club"
to pray for me, for a miracle.

- [Narrator] It had
been almost a week

since Yoshua's collapse when
doctors performed the surgery.

While it corrected the problem,

they wouldn't know if
there was brain damage

until they brought
him out of sedation,

which they did soon
after the surgery.

- He woke up in
a rage, in a fit.

And it took, like, four or
five nurses to hold him down,

because when he woke up,

he started trying to
pull everything apart.

- [Narrator] The
prayers continued.

Yoshua slowly improved,
physically and cognitively.

He doesn't remember
much about his ordeal,

but there was one thing
that stuck with him.

- My parents' faith helps
me to build my own faith.

Without them, I probably
wouldn't even be here.

It's as simple as that.

- [Narrator] The
Hankins are grateful

that God's hands were on their
son every step of the way.

- It could have happened
any time, they said.

My faith of course
has increased.

It's solid.

I believe him for anything.

- Even receiving all of the
reports from the doctors

in terms of brain
damage from, you know,

not receiving
oxygen to the brain,

him potentially
being a vegetable,

potentially not even
waking up from the coma,

not being able to walk
or have his faculties.

And God just, you know,
miraculously reversed

all of those
potentials and said,

you know, "This is my child."

And he is healed of the Lord.

- [Narrator] Although Yoshua
still sees a cardiologist,

he's had no heart episode since

and says the experience has
brought him closer to God.

He and his parents attribute
his recovery to faith,

prayer, and God's healing touch.

- The amount of
boldness that it takes

to even pray in a public
setting like that,

commanding the body
to come to life,

it's like it takes
a lot of boldness.

Now what I do is I
run 20 minutes nonstop

because my heart
can do that now.

And I can, like, play
two basketball games

without any serious problems.

But when I look
back on my story,

I feel, like, mostly
joyful because I'm alive.

And I began to understand
that God wasn't finished.

He wasn't finished with the
job that he started in me.

So I'm gonna pursue it
till the day of Christ.

- What an incredible story.

You know, Yoshua
understands that the power

of speaking life over
him brought him back.

You know, it's a
remarkable thing

for a parent to watch that,

but even for us to
watch it in this story,

to say, "Yes, God, yes."

You know, God wants to do
that in your life as well.

Sometimes we can be discouraged

by either a prognosis
that we're given,

or other people's opinion,
or even how we're feeling,

but we can speak life over
ourselves, as well as others.

The power of the spoken word,

it's how the
universe was created.

And God has placed that
opportunity within us.

We wanna speak on
your behalf today.

We wanna pray with you.

We wanna pray for you.

I know you have many needs.

I know many of
you are asking God

to come right into the
center of whatever it is

that is a part of your
need at the moment.

And we wanna join you in that.

The Bible says where two or
more are joined together,

he's right there in the
midst of them, listening.

And so God is here
with us right now.

And Gordon and I are
gonna be your two or more.

So let me share some more with
you to encourage your faith.

This is Sylvia who
lives in Philadelphia.

She says for years,

she suffered with a serious
retina issue in her left eye.

Her vision was extremely
blurry as well.

She was watching this program,

and, Gordon, she heard you say,

"Someone, you've got a torn
retina in your left eye

and the treatment program
that's been prescribed for you

is just terrifying to you.

God has heard your cry.

He's able to heal that tear.

God has done an amazing
miracle for you right now

in Jesus' name."

So by faith, Sylvia believed God

for her healing to manifest.

She can see clearly.

She doesn't even have to go
looking for her glasses anymore.

- Hallelujah.
- Praise the Lord.

- Jesus is still
healing the blind.

Here's Petal, I love that name,

Petal from Miami, Florida.

She started to find
her hair falling out.

She trusted God
for months to help.

While watching this
show, Terry said,

"Someone else, you have an
issue with your hair follicles,

like they're slowly dying.

You're afraid to
even brush your hair.

God is healing that for you
right now in Jesus' name."

Well, Petal believed
God, exercised faith.

Since then, she hasn't
experienced any hair loss,

and she thanks God
for healing her.

God numbers the
hairs on your head.

He is vitally
concerned with you.

He wants to heal.

That's why Jesus came.

That's why he died for us.

By His stripes, we are healed.

When we claim that,
when we walk into that,

when we're bold
enough to declare it,

wonderful things can happen.

Now, in the story we just saw,
the father had the boldness.

As people are working, as
it looks to be hopeless,

his son lifeless on the ground,

what does he declare over him?

The words of Psalm 118.

"I shall not die but live

and declare the
glory of the Lord."

I encourage Christians,
memorize Psalm 118.

It's the final Psalm
in the Great Hallel.

It's what Jesus sang as the
final hymn at the Last Supper.

"I shall not die but live

and declare the
glory of the Lord."

"This is the day
the Lord has made.

I will rejoice and
be glad in it."

Let's take whatever
problem you have

and put it into, this is
the day the Lord has made.

I will rejoice.

I'm not rejoicing
over the problem.

I'm rejoicing that Jesus has
already provided the answer.

"Be of good cheer for I
have overcome the world."

That means he's
overcome every problem,

whether it's the
hairs on your head

or your heart isn't pumping.

He has already overcome it.

Let's believe it,
let's declare it,

and God will do the rest.

Let's speak to the mountain

and have it be removed
in Jesus' name.

Let's pray.

Lord God Almighty,
we come to you.

We come to you with the
power that you have given us,

that you said we will
lay hands on the sick

and they shall recover.

So in an act of faith, we lay
hands on that area of the body

that needs healing.

We say out loud to it,

be healed and be made whole.

We declare, this is the
day the Lord has made.

I will rejoice and be glad
for God Almighty has come

and he has healed my disease.

I will not die but live

and declare the
glory of the Lord.

I receive it now in Jesus' name.

There's someone, you're
laying your right hand

over your heart.

You see the heart condition
story and you're saying,

"Can my heart be healed?"

The answer is yes.

May your heart be healed.

May it beat normally.

May all the veins, all the
arteries be opened now.

May there be no more pain,
no more shooting pain,

no more pressure pain.

In the name of Jesus, be healed
and draw a full breath now

for you are healed
and made whole.


- Speaking of drawing
a full breath,

you have an issue
with your lungs.

You have some kind of
growth in your lungs

and it's restricted
your breathing.

God's healing that
condition for you right now.

Take a deep breath
from deep down inside,

like you haven't been
able to in a long time,

as God sets you free
from that disease.

Someone else, you've had
a choking incident happen

and you've damaged
something in your throat

that's left you with kind
of this uncomfortable,

even painful thing
to swallow over.

God's healing that
for you right now.

Just begin to praise Him.

Lift your hands
up and thank Him.

- There's someone,
you've had a bullet wound

in your right lung, in
the upper upper lobe.

God's going to heal
all of that for you.

Right now, in the name of Jesus,

be healed and be made whole.

- And the shoulder
muscle on the right,

on the back of your shoulder,

God's healing that for you.

That's been tight and
painful for a long time.

Just receive the warmth that's
coming into your body now

as he heals you.

- Someone else with
a scalp condition.

There's just redness,
itchy scaling.

God is healing all of
that for you right now.

In the name of Jesus, be healed.

Lord, we thank you.

We thank you that
You are the healer,

You are the Savior,
You are the deliverer.

When we receive You,

we receive the answer
to every human need.

Thank You for all
that You do for us.

We receive it all
in Jesus' name.


If you've been
healed, let us know.

Let us share in
your good report.

All you have to do is
call us, 1-800-700-7000.

If you need prayer, we
believe in prevailing prayer,

the prayer that doesn't give
up until you get an answer,

the bold prayer that declares
the glory of the Lord.

We want to pray with you.

All you have to do is
call us, 1-800-700-7000.


- After her divorce, Kayla
went into panic mode.

She had been a stay-at-home mom.

Now, she had to be the provider
to four young children.

Kayla knew she couldn't fix
her problems on her own.

That's when you came
to give her hope.

- I was the stay-at-home mom.

My husband was
the sole provider.

I never saw myself being
the the one to get divorced.

Things were really, really
hitting rock bottom.

I couldn't fix it.

I couldn't fix it on my own.

- [Narrator] In the wake
of her painful divorce,

Kayla took on the roles of
both caregiver and breadwinner.

- I went into panic mode.

And I was stressing because
my kids were in school.

How am I gonna find a job

that provides the
hours that I need,

where I can be home for my kids?

- [Narrator] That's
when the doors opened

for Kayla to take a job cooking
at a church daycare center.

- It just fell into place.

And it was a daycare,

so they provided childcare
for my youngest as well.

It was a reminder
that God is providing,

'cause who else could give you

exactly what you're
needing like that,

with the hours and everything

and all the things I was
stressing and worrying about?

- [Narrator] The church
daycare is next door

to Operation Compassion, a
partner of Operation Blessing.

- I said, "Yeah, I could
probably benefit from that

'cause if they can help
me save on groceries,

that would help me provide
in other areas at home."

- [Narrator] The food Kayla
and her family received

provided the relief she needed.

- I felt like I'm
accomplishing something,

knowing that I'm
providing for them,

that they're getting
what they need.

As a mother, that's what
you want for your kids.

You never wanna see 'em do
without, or struggle, or hurt,

anything like that.

So to see them smile and happy,

that made me feel like,
okay, this is okay. (laughs)

- [Narrator] Kayla now works
at a community action center,

which provides even more support

and stability for her family.

On the path to
becoming a teacher,

Kayla is immensely grateful

for the help she
received along the way.

- In the midst of
everything falling apart,

the Lord still showed up,

in his own time
and in his own way.

I feel hope now.

- [Narrator] Thanks to you,

Kayla received the
help she needed

during one of the most
difficult times of her life.

- I felt like I
wasn't alone anymore.

I had people fighting for me.

There was someone that cared.

Thank you.

- Life is full of unexpected
suddenlys, isn't it?

And here's Kayla, a
beautiful young mom

who's now responsible for
herself and four children.

And you were able to
bring hope into her life,

able to give her a
path to recovery,

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- Well, John thought
he had nothing to lose.

He wanted to become famous.

So he met with a fortune teller,

set up an altar in his home,

burned candles to the spirits,

and became a devoted
follower of Santeria.

- She's telling me about events

that have happened in my life,

like the sexual abuse
and things like that

that I never told anybody.

And the fact that she
knew this, I'm like,

"Oh, this is some legit stuff."

- [Narrator] Jon Clash left
his turbulent home at age 17

and spent years in gangs
dealing and using drugs.

One night, a friend
invited him to a party,

where a woman who changed
into multiple personalities

made John a promise.

- She said, "Hey, I
know that you want to,"

she didn't say I, she said,

"We know that you want
to be this famous rapper,

we know you want money,

we know you want to be on
stages around the world,

and we're gonna give it to you.

All you have to do
is make an altar,

and you gotta wear these beads,

and, you know, say what it
says on the back of the candle,

and keep it lit, and
keep the altar nice,

and we'll give you everything.

I'm looking at it
as, if it works,

I get money, and fame, and all
of these stuff, then awesome.

If it doesn't work,
what did I lose?

I lit some candles.

- [Narrator] Jon built his
altar and, for several months,

continued to attend the
fortune telling events.

- The deeper I got, I
started now asking questions.

I'm like, so what is it that
we're actually doing here?

And she said, "It's
called Santeria."

All of these different
times that she changes

into a different person or
a different personality,

that's her being possessed by
one of the Catholic saints.

And, you know, these are
saints, they're from God,

so they want what's
best for you.

Why would something from God

ever wanna do
something evil to you?

And since I have no
spiritual discernment at all,

I'm like, "Alright, I
guess that's a good thing."

You know, I went to
Catholic churches,

they light candles
to the saints too.

So there was no red flags
going off in my mind.

- [Narrator] John invested
everything into his music career

but was met with disappointment
when it failed to take off.

He continued to
light his candles

and was introduced to
a group of Christians

that helped him find success
in home-based business.

- I got invited to church.

And this was kind of my first
experience going to church.

But they were also really
into personal development

and the law of attraction.

And they say, "Oh,
quantum physics

shows that the law of
attraction is real,

that your thoughts
create reality,

and what you say vibrates
into the universe

and brings whatever you're
saying back into your life.

So make sure that you're
only saying positive things.

Make sure you're only
thinking positive thoughts."

And so it trapped me in this,
I call it the secret cycle,

in where I can't think
anything negative,

I can't speak anything negative.

I didn't realize that
this was a spirituality.

I thought that it was just,
quote, unquote, science.

Then I got invited
to another church,

and I was down at the
front, all emotional,

giving my life to
Jesus essentially.

So after that, I'm thinking
about what just happened,

and I'm like, I'm
not a Christian.

I don't even know
what that means.

I had no idea if
there was good reason

to believe that Jesus
rose from the dead.

So I just went on a journey

to research
different worldviews.

And when I did that, I
just came to the conclusion

that Jesus Christ did
rise from the dead.

And then what do
you do with that?

So I put my faith in him
as my Lord and Savior,

but I carried everything
that I was doing

into my Christian walk.

- [Narrator] Jon
continued to practice

the law of attraction
and Santeria.

Despite financial success,
he still had no peace.

- So I'm a spiritual mess.

I'm still angry all the time.

I'm still, like,
wrestling with depression

and being sad, and I'm
just at the lowest of lows.

So I end up moving, and
I'm staying with my mother,

and right down the
street was a church.

And it was a
bible-believing church.

This was my first
time going to a church

where the people just read the
word of God verse by verse,

chapter by chapter,
book by book.

I learned more in my
time in that church

about what a true
relationship with Christ

actually looks like than
I had ever learned before.

- [Narrator] As Jon quickly grew

in his relationship with God,

he tore down his altar

and stopped practicing
the law of attraction.

True discipleship
changed his life.

- Just being around
them changed me.

The Holy Spirit
worked through them

and through me in my life,

into where now I understood

what a real relationship
with God is.

It's not this, I do these things

so I can get something from God.

- [Narrator] Today, Jon
loves to share the gospel

both online and in
the mission field,

enjoying the peace he
found only in Christ.

- Jesus to me is my everything.

He's all that I need.

As Paul says, I know what
it's like to have plenty,

I know what it's like to lack.

And in Jesus, I
can do all things,

through him who strengthens me.

There's no way that you
could look at somebody

who's done all the things
that I've done and say,

"Yeah, that guy's gonna
make it to heaven."

That assurance in putting
your faith in Christ

when all else is just
going wrong in your life

and things are in shambles,

but you have that assurance
that for an eternity,

you're never gonna have to
worry about anything again.

I wish I could just
give that to people,

but all I can do is tell you

to put your faith
in Christ today.

And I pray that you experience
the same peace that I have.

- When you find him, you
find the prince of peace,

you find the answer
to every human need,

you find satisfaction,

you find out that he
is your inheritance,

the creator of everything.

By him and through him,
all things were created.

Now, there are
spiritual forces at work

that wanna get us off track.

And what they want us to do

is to start worshiping
the creation

or start worshiping
a particular idol.

It can even be as simple as
start worshiping a candle.

These things aren't Jesus.

And because they're not, they're
going to lead you astray.

They have personalities.

I know in a scientific
world view, that seems odd,

but I have seen it up
close and personal.

When you are in an
idolatrous nation

and they're bowing
down and asking idols

to come and possess them,
they are invoking spirits.

And when you do that, evil
things will happen to you.

But when you come to Jesus,
you get peace, you get life,

you get joy, you get all the
things that you're looking for.

Maybe your idol
is like Santeria.

Maybe your idol is money, or
fame, or career, or position.

You know, whatever it is,
realize it will never satisfy.

And here's your prayer, and
it's a very simple prayer.

And when you do it
with all of your heart,

he'll answer.

Jesus, if you're real,
could you save me?

Could you forgive me?

Could you come into my heart?

Can you show me peace?

Can you give me righteousness,
peace, and joy in you?

If you need help with this
prayer, we're here for you.

All you have to do is
call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Say, "I need to find Jesus.

I need him today."

Here's a word from Proverbs.

"The fear of man brings a snare,

but whoever trusts in
the Lord shall be safe."

God bless you.

We'll see you again.


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