Celebrate Christmas with The 700 Club. Witness a Christmas miracle as two lives are saved and see a child dead for twenty-three minutes come home.
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The following program is sponsored by cbn.
Happy Holidays from the 700 Club.
The best Christmas gift anyone could ever.
Give me today. Witness
a Christmas miracle.
There's no explanation for
this other than he's a miracle.
Two lies. Were saved. You said
what? You start, you'll finish.
And a child dead for 23 minutes.
Comes home on Christmas
Eve. Jesus, show me.
Hi everybody. Welcome to this special
Christmas edition of The 700 Club.
I'm Andrew Knox in for Gordon
Robertson. Throughout this show,
we'll be celebrating the miracles of
Christmas and the one who is the reason
for this season, our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
When we begin by taking you to the holy
land and following the footsteps of the
wise men who sought the baby Jesus,
they were guided by the brightest
star anyone had ever seen,
the star of Bethlehem.
Hello, this is Chris Mitchell,
and I'm standing in the middle
of the Juda and wilderness.
To the east is the Jordan Valley and the
mountains of the modern state of Jordan
and Bible times. This area was known
as the land of Moab to the West.
About 10 miles away is
the city of Jerusalem.
If we were here about 2000 years ago,
we might have seen the magi come by.
The wise men described
in the gospel of Matthew.
They came in search of the
one born king of the Jews.
This is how Matthew described it. Now,
after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of
Judea, in the days of Herod the king,
behold wise men from the east
came to Jerusalem saying,
where is he who has been
born King of the Jews,
but we have seen his star in the
east and have come to worship him.
Who were these wise men
who came from the east?
Obviously men who studied the
heavens. As it says in Genesis,
the stars can tell a story
During creation, God said,
let there be lights in the firmament of
the heavens to divide the day from the
night and let them be for signs and
seasons. And for days and years.
And in the Psalms, the Psalmus said,
the heavens declare the glory of
God and the sky above his handiwork.
And night after night reveals knowledge.
Some believe the magi came
from Babylon, modern day Iraq.
They studied the heavens and
found something miraculous.
The stars heralded the coming of
the Messiah of Israel and the savior
of the world. In his documentary, the
Star of Bethlehem, Rick Larson says,
A first century historian named
Filo described what magi were like.
And Filo does discuss Magii. And he
describes a particular school of magi.
He calls it the Eastern School. And
these magi, he praises, he says,
these guys understand the natural order
and they're able to explain the natural
order. Others, and, and we, they were
according to plo, probably what we,
we might call something
like proto scientists.
They were the scientists of their day.
At least this fancy eastern school
of Magi was of that character. Now,
we don't know that these magii in
scripture are from that eastern school,
but don't you think it's interesting
that Matthew wants us to know they came
from the East. I think he's telling us
this. Magi we're from the good school.
Impressive magi.
I have a theory about this Eastern
School of Magi that perhaps they were
descended from Daniel's
day. Daniel never went home.
He stayed there until he
died. And I'm sure was, uh,
training people to come up behind him.
That may well be the Eastern
school that gets described in Filo.
Larson wonders if the Magi might have
been of Jewish descent since they were
searching for the king of the Jews. As
they traveled to the Juda and wilderness,
they set their sights on the city
of Jerusalem and it's king herd.
This is the place where the Magi
would've come 2000 years ago.
Today it's the Tower of David
Museum. But when the Wiseman came,
it was the Palace of King
herd. I'm standing on one
of the towers that he built.
It overlooks the city of Jerusalem.
And over there on the monos,
it's likely the Magi got their first look
at the city of Jerusalem and its king.
This place is called the Kishk.
And may have been where the magi in
king herd met about 20 years ago.
It was discovered that this was
part of the Palace of King herd.
And this is how Matthew describes
their meeting after they ask herd,
where is he? Who has been born King of
the Jews. When herd the king heard this,
he was troubled in all Jerusalem with him.
And when he had gathered all the chief
priest inscribes of the people together,
he inquired of them where
the Christ was to be born.
Then the chief priest
inscribed, provided the answer,
the wise men needed to find the king
of the Jews. So they said to him,
in Bethlehem of Judea, for thus
it is written by the prophet.
But you Bethlehem,
in the land of Judah are not the
least among the rulers of Judah.
For out of you shall come a ruler
who will shepherd my people. Israel.
It's important to remember the Wiseman
had been on a journey for months and had
studied the heavens,
perhaps up to two years.
Herod wanted to know when Matthew reports,
and he sent them to Bethlehem and said,
go and search carefully for the young
child. And when you have found him,
bring back word to me that I
may come and worship him. Also,
the next scene in the story of the Magi
takes place here in Bethlehem about five
miles from Jerusalem. This is
the church of the nativity,
the place where many people
believe Jesus Christ was born.
Most nativity sets display prominently
the Wiseman along with the shepherds
Mary Joseph and the
baby Jesus and a manger.
But it's likely they arrived months,
if not up to two years
after the birth of Jesus.
Matthew says they came
to a house, not to a man.
But after months of
travel and years of study,
the wise men finally came to the
end of their once in a lifetime.
Quest Larson describes
the star of Bethlehem.
The Magi followed as a starry dance
and a heavenly rendezvous of the
constellations, stars and planets
to announce the birth of Jesus.
He summed up the celestial sequence
and the timeframe of the magi this way.
Um, let me give give
you the chronology now.
In September of three BC,
Jupiter Crown's Regus in Leo
uprights Virgo clothed in the sun.
New Moon birthed her feet, Rashana
Jewish New Year. Nine months later,
the biggest planet goes together with the
brightest planet to make the brightest
star anyone alive had ever seen.
Where right over Jerusalem,
as it sets the Magi
ride, they get there, uh,
sometime around November they go to
herd and they say, we've seen the star.
Where's the baby king? Uh, herd says,
uh, Bethlehem. So they're leaving, uh,
the gates of Jerusalem to go
to Bethlem five mile track. Uh,
and they look up and there's the star.
There's Jupiter right over this little
town of Bethle. One of the guys,
he's the guy who does the mass for the
group. He's going, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait. It's in full retrograde,
stopped right over the
little town of Bethlehem.
They ride down to the Letham on 12 25
2 bc We know that's the date cuz that's
when the stars stopped.
When they found Jesus.
Matthew describes the scene
of jubilation and adoration.
When they heard the king, they
departed and behold the star,
which they had seen in the east,
went before them to LA came and
stood over where the young child was.
When they saw the star, they
rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
And when they had come into the house,
they saw the young child with marry his
mother and fell down and worshiped him.
And when they had opened their treasures,
they presented gifts to him. Gold,
Franken senses and mer the wise men
prophesied through their precious gifts.
Gold represented the
earthly kingship of Jesus.
Franken sense his godliness and
mer foretold of his death for
mankind as the lamb of
God. They found the one,
the heavens announced as the king
of the Jews and Savior of the world.
But the story wasn't
over back in Jerusalem.
King herd hatch to plan to kill Jesus.
But God warned Maryanne
Joseph and the wise men then
being divinely warned in a dream
that they should not return to herd.
They departed for their
own country. Another way,
this is the grotto in the middle of the
church of relativity in the spot where
many people believe Jesus was born.
The wise men who came to see Jesus
spent months away from home and traveled
hundreds of weary miles on their
spiritual pilgrimage. 2000 years later,
their diligence is an example to us.
And the saying is true today as it
was then wise men still seek him.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to Chris as
well. Beautiful, beautiful pizza.
There's something about being in the holy
land with him for these minutes. Yeah.
That just really is poignant this
time of year. So beautiful. Yeah.
The terrain is.
Gorgeous. I think it's interesting
too about the magi that they,
they longed to receive. I
mean, they had had this,
I mean they were working in wisdom,
but they had this longing to meet
the savior they wanted to receive,
but they also had a longing
to give. Yes, too. It was,
it's really a fascinating combination.
Well, and the whole, the whole
thing of of so many of them. Yeah.
Hearing dream or seeing dreams, being
given dreams that directed them.
The dreams must have been
so vivid and so real. Yeah.
And the wise men all were in agreement
on that. Yeah. So yeah, quite a,
it's the whole thing is an amazing story.
Yeah. Chris, thank you so much for.
It. Yes. Great work. Well,
up next 40 weeks pregnant
with an 11 pound baby.
This mom's uterus ruptured.
Her son was born with no
heartbeat and not breathing.
See how a surge of prayers on social
media brought this miracle child home
just in time for Christmas. Plus,
if you need a Christmas miracle,
stay with us. Andrew and I are gonna
be praying for you right after this.
After years of serving in the Civil War,
an American chaplain named Phillips Brooks
took a much needed sabbatical in the
holy land. On Christmas Eve,
he borrowed a horse and rode
from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.
During the ride,
he experienced what he described as
the overwhelming presence of God.
Before dark.
We rode out of town to the field where
they say the shepherds saw the star.
As we passed, the shepherds were
still keeping watch over their flocks.
I was standing in the
old church in Bethlehem,
close to the spot where Jesus was born.
When the whole church was ringing,
hour after hour with the splinted
hymns of praise to God on
forever there will be singing in my soul.
When Brooks returned home, he
wrote a song about the experience.
And three years later,
a little town of Bethlehem made
its debut when it was sung by the
children's choir at his church.
40 Weeks pregnant with no signs of labor.
Deanna was more than ready to be induced.
Then after four hours of labor,
something went terribly wrong.
Deanna's uterus ruptured and she
and her baby boast needed a miracle.
I didn't believe it at
first, just out of the blue.
We were so excited cuz
we'd prayed so much.
The news had come as a surprise to
Deanna and Lee Mor. They were pregnant.
It had been eight years since they
had had their first and only child,
Abby in 2011. Even then,
it took five years of fertility
treatments and the couple had all but
given up on getting pregnant again.
Well, we were just amazed
that it had happened.
So we knew God had given us this child.
All the regular checkups and ultrasounds
showed the baby was normal and healthy
and revealed. The couple would have a son.
Deanna couldn't wait to
meet him. Lee, however,
felt something wasn't right.
I thought, God, why am I? Why am
I, why am I worried for God? Why?
I know God says what I start, I'm gonna
finish. I shouldn't have any worry.
But then started me praying.
Then at 40 weeks,
Deanna had no signs of labor
and doctors decided to induce.
On the way to the hospital, Lee decided
to share his concerns with Deanna.
He said that he had just been having
these feelings that something was gonna
happen to me, you know? And I kept
telling him, everything will be fine.
After Deanna was induced, Lee's
concerns became a reality.
After four hours of labor,
she still hadn't progressed.
I felt like something tore and I
was having this unbearable pain.
My blood pressure dropped and I
was throwing up in the garbage can.
It was horrible.
Now both Deanna and the
baby were in trouble.
Deanna was rushed in for
an emergency C-section.
I was so worried about Jack and I was in
so much pain. At one point, I worried,
am I, am I going to make it through.
This? Everything that I had been
afraid of was happening right here.
I knew Jet was gonna be okay,
but I was really worried I
was about to lose my wife.
As Lee waited outside the
operating room praying,
he called on family and
church friends to pray.
Now see people start running
down the hall with equipment.
I have cried God and scream,
God, please, you've promised me.
You told me it's gonna be okay. You
said what? You start, you'll finish.
Finally, Deanna was outta surgery.
Her uterus had ruptured and
she had lost a lot of blood,
but she was okay. The baby
they'd named Jack was not.
When he was born, his heart wasn't
beating. He was unresponsive.
It had taken the staff 23
minutes to revive the newborn,
who weighed in at 11 pounds,
concerned for the baby's life
or permanent brain damage.
Doctors decided to transport Jack
to the neonatal intensive care unit
at a nearby hospital
in Birmingham, Alabama.
Deanna remembers seeing her
son before they took him away.
They rolled him up in this little clear
box to the side of the van and I got
to rub the back of his little
hand before they took him away.
And that was all I saw.
I went in the room and he's got the,
the tube and all this. And I said, Jack,
he turned and looked at me
and he grabbed my finger.
I knew he was gonna be okay right there.
At Grandview Hospital.
Doctors put Jack on cooling therapy
to prevent further brain damage.
They gave the couple little hope.
Even if he does live, there's a strong
chance he's gonna have brain damage,
cerebral palsy or developmental problems.
We didn't get to hold him for 10
days. He was hooked up to, you know,
so many wires. It was
overwhelming, just overwhelming.
Two weeks, baby Jack was
breathing on his own,
but was largely unresponsive
and wasn't eating.
You worry about your
child's future, you know,
what kind of life will
they be able to live?
Everybody around you is telling
you how seriously it really was.
It really test your face cuz
you hear one thing from God.
But I'm seeing another thing.
There. By now,
a groundswell of prayer on
social media had gone global.
Meanwhile, doctors performed
a second e e g and mri.
The results were hopeful as
they showed no brain damage.
Still Jack wasn't eating and
had problems with this GI tract.
We asked God to, to heal him,
and we just kept praying that.
I'm like, God, he's alive. And I know he
saved him, but I want him to be whole.
Then a sign of hope. After
spending thanksgiving in the nicu,
Lee and Deanna began to pray
for a Christmas homecoming.
Jack was improving,
but doctors wanted all his medical
issues resolved before he was
discharged by Christmas Eve. However,
they changed their minds
and sent Jack home.
That was the best, best Christmas ever,
the best Christmas gift
anyone could ever give me.
Deanna and Lee knew it
was still a waiting game.
The doctor still said that he may
have a lot of developmental issues.
Cerebral palsy.
Follow-up appointments with Jack's
neurologist revealed a different story.
One by one, Jack met every
developmental milestone.
He was just amazed. He was like, you,
you have a miracle baby.
There's no explanation for
this other than he's a miracle.
Three years later.
You wouldn't know now that,
that he was basically dead for 23 minutes
because he's so strong and healthy
and happy.
None of the things happened that they
thought could happen. God healed him.
He's not just well, he's more than well.
Jack will even tell you who healed him.
Jesus, show me if God hadn't intervened.
He and I I may not be here,
but I'm so thankful for prayer.
I'm just overwhelmed by God's goodness.
Don't you love to see God move like that?
It's great to hear a
miracle story, isn't it?
And it's timely because we wanna pray
for you and we want you to join us in
faith, believing that God sees us,
he hears us. He knows our need.
And prayer changes things. God
responds to us when we cry out to him.
We wanna do that on your behalf as
well. You know, we've talked about,
um, the prayer requests, little
ornaments that have gone out to you.
And so many of you have responded,
and we wanna take some time
to pray for you right now.
So here's somebody saying,
please pray for me to be healed
of an inoperable cancer tumor.
Somebody else saying to be
healed of a rare bladder disease.
And then the salvation
of our nine adult kids,
12 grandkids and two great
grandsons, and then somebody saying,
help me to let go of things holding
me back from God's plan for me.
Those are all very big, big.
Needs. They certainly are.
Yeah. As Terry mentioned, uh,
folks have written in with a
prayer request. I have a few here.
Here's one who says, I want to
be healed of bipolar disease.
And PTs d another asks for
healing of thyroid cancer
and someone else for my 16 year old
daughter to find good Christian friends.
And finally,
a fresh anointing of the Holy
Spirit and fire on all the saints of
God. Wow. Yes, please pray with us.
Now, I know right around Christmas time,
it can be a joyful, wonderful time and
very painful for a lot of people as well.
So whatever the condition of your
heart, whatever your need is,
Terry and I counted a
privilege to pray with you now.
So please join with us Heavenly
Father in this season when we
celebrate you sending
a savior for our souls,
we are grateful. And at the same
time, many of us have needs.
Many of us have loved ones suffering
or needing a physical healing.
We heard in that story we just saw of
a, of a baby, you know, wrapped in a,
in a machine so he can breathe.
And some parents are right now pleading
and grandparents pleading with you,
Lord God, for the life of their son or
daughter or grandson or granddaughter.
They're listening now. They know who
they are and who this loved one is.
Now Father God, in the name of
Jesus, you know the concern.
You know the condition, you
know the need. And right now,
Terry and I and those in
this audience pray for life.
We speak life and health
upon those in physical
crisis right now. Holy Spirit,
we ask you to do what you do so well
and lovingly and provide healing in the
name of Jesus. Thank you that
you hear us, Lord, and you care.
There's someone I I I
this is an odd situation.
I don't know if this is an aftermath
of covid or if you have some other
but you have some kind of
a sticky substance in your
lungs that is really, uh,
really a problem. I mean,
you're sick with this.
God is healing that for you right
now. Breaking down that substance,
freeing up your breathing.
You are healed in Jesus' name.
Someone else has like a, a pounding, uh,
near or under their right eye, the right
eye socket. It's like a very intense,
almost like a pounding. That's the
word I would use to describe it.
And the Lord is gonna heal you now
and unmistakably you will feel and
know his presence in the name of Jesus.
Someone else. You have such terrible
allergies. It's more than just a,
a few sniffles and a
cough. But you're entire,
the mask of your face every season
is just trapped with this swollen,
not being able to breathe,
eyes being a problem,
God's healing that for you right now.
Just receive it and begin to thank you.
Uh, I just come against right
now, Terry and I do, as we pray,
we come against and combat the,
the overwhelming
loneliness and melancholy.
Many people feel it's like a
debilitating depression at this time
because in this season you feel like you
should be a certain way and you, and,
but you really just don't feel
like you have it in you right now.
We just pray for the supernatural
strength and joy of the Holy Spirit. Yes.
To come upon you now raise your
hands and receive it. Received.
Receive the gift of joy. Yes.
Receive the gift of love that God wants
to give you. You need to partake in it.
You need to raise your hands, so to speak,
and let God move in your life.
He wants to give you joy that
is found in him. Thank you Lord.
And someone else. You have a problem
with ligaments in your leg. Uh,
you've had an, uh, an
accident or something that
you've done that's torn them.
It's very hard for you to
walk. Just very painful. Um,
God has just putting those
ligaments back in position.
He's repositioning the strength
of them, the length of them,
that you're gonna feel a tingling in
your legs as that begins to happen.
Just receive it and say thank you.
Um, um, just since the Holy
Spirit saying there's a,
a father who is not going
to be with his wife,
who will be delivering any hour or day
now and and you've been trying to get
back for this and you're
going to miss the birth.
But the Lord is with your wife.
The Lord is with your child.
And you can rest knowing he is present
with your family in the name of Jesus.
Someone else has been praying for
deliverance from alcohol addiction or
Jesus and the Lord has something special
for you this Christmas in regard to
freedom from that bondage of addiction.
It is in your past and you've been sensing
this coming and that victory is soon
to be yours. And I just am here to
confirm that for you now in Jesus' name.
Someone else. You have a, a frozen
neck on the right hand side,
can't turn your head freely. God's
loosening that and freeing it up for you.
And in the name of Jesus, we bind
cancer in the lives of people.
Every type, every kind,
every life-threatening bit.
We bind it in the name of Jesus and we
declare that you are set free by the
only one who can heal you.
Yeah. And we also bind
the fear Yes. Of cancer.
There are many who just simply
battle the fear of cancer,
the fear of getting sick. And it's an,
it's a torment the enemy uses against you,
father God. We know fear is not
of you. We are to fear you, Lord,
take you seriously. Look at
life through your perspective.
But we are not to be
fearful. And Lord God,
we come against that now and we
just celebrate the gift of Christ
to us. Thank you Lord. Thank
you for meeting with us now.
Thank you for what you're
doing in people's lives. In
the name of Jesus we pray.
Mm-hmm. . Amen. Amen.
Amen. We would love to hear from you.
Perhaps you experienced a healing.
Perhaps you want further prayer,
give us a call at 800, 707,000.
And if the Lord has touched you
in a meaningful and special way,
we would love to hear about
it. 800, 707,000. Terry.
Well still ahead. Tis the season
to make marvelous goodies.
And boy do we have a
treat in store for you.
Gordon created a heavenly dessert in
honor of my love for coffee and milk
chocolate. Watch how he concocts a
cup of Terry later on today's show.
And up next,
a military couple faces a money crisis
with no way to buy Christmas gifts for
their boys.
See how you gave this family a
merry Christmas just in the nick of
While most Christmas carols focus on
the story of the nativity in the past,
one well-known hymn encourages
Christians to look forward to the future.
There is one Christmas carol
that is unlike all others.
That song Joy to the World is not
about the first coming of Jesus.
That Hyn is about the
second coming of Jesus.
Joy to the world was originally part
of a book of poems written by the
great English hymn writer
Isaac Watts in 1719
based on the 98th Psalm.
The poem was never intended
to be a Christmas song or
any kind of song for that
And Watts never knew that he had just
written one of his most famous hymns.
A century later,
a Boston music teacher named Lowell
Mason discovered the poem and said it to
music because it was
released at Christmas time,
it quickly became a holiday favorite
and went on to become the most published
Christmas carol in America.
Joy to the world. The Lord has
come. Let Earth receive her king,
let every nation prepare him
room and heaven and nature sing.
He rules the world with truth
and grace and makes the nations
prove the wonders of his majesty.
It's about when he comes again finally.
And rules in power and justice and mercy.
All right, well in our next story,
no money to buy Christmas presents and
three children with long lists for Santa.
That's what Robert and Christina were
facing after a costly military transfer.
Here's how you made this young
family's Christmas dreams come true.
Robert and Christina enjoy spending
time together with their three kids.
They're careful not to take that time
for granted because Robert is an army
staff sergeant and often has to leave
Christina and the boys behind for months.
She does a great job of taking care of
the household and our family and stuff.
It's not as easy as it looks.
It makes me feel really grateful
that he sees me that way.
But he does all these things for me
and the boys and that we're a team.
Last year,
the budget got tight when they transferred
from California to Camp la June in
North Carolina,
they shouldered some expenses the
military didn't cover in the move.
Then when the weather changed,
buying winter clothes for
the kids became a priority.
That meant when Christmas rolled around,
they wouldn't be able to afford presents.
Christina started looking for a job to
help out that hasn't had any success.
The couple would have to rely
on Robert's single salary.
And we thought, financially,
how are we gonna do this?
And I remember just things
got so hard emotionally.
Their church River of Life heard about
helping the home front and asked CN to
step in. We told Pastor
Chris Phillips Yes.
When my staff told me that we were
going to be able to partner with CN and
helping the home front in
the lives of this family, uh,
Robert and Christina,
we were very excited because we knew
that together we would be able to make a
life-changing difference.
Just before Christmas, he
stopped by to tell them the news.
CN and helping the home front
have partnered together to send
you on a shopping spree.
We want you to be able to buy the boys
all the shoes and winter coats and
clothing that they need. In addition,
c BN and helping the home front
wants you to be able to get the boys
the best Christmas that they've ever had.
And we want you to be able
to get them their wishlist.
I don't know what to say. Just,
uh, just thank you. That's,
that's all I can say. I'm really
grateful, really grateful. And.
I'm so thankful more than
more than words can say.
The family took a field trip to Sears
and the kids picked out clothes.
They needed winter coats and new shoes.
When Sears heard about
helping the home front,
they gladly gave the
family a deep discount.
Then their church took the couple to buy.
The boys' presents to
open on Christmas morning.
This military family's holiday was
perfect because c BN partners made their
holiday dreams come true.
Thank you to cbn. All you do.
My heart is overjoyed and I'm
very thankful that they would
go out of their way to help
military families like us.
Well, Robert and Christina,
it's just one couple,
one family that's representation of
how you're helping military families
around this country. Active
military who, you know, some folks,
some families watching this show have
more than enough financial resources to
buy their children and grandkids a
multitude of gifts. But some families,
particularly military like we saw there,
just don't have the resources to really
do that and bless their children.
But I don't even know if you knew
as a 700 club partner with CBN
that you're making a difference.
That kind of difference for people,
for families. If you're like me,
you really appreciate military
families serving in this nation.
And it's not just the active
duty member who serves,
it's the spouse and the children
feel the effects of this as well.
And here's a case where
Robert and Christine just
didn't have the resources to
bless their children. But you
came to the rescue, you helped.
You might not have even known you
did it, but as a 700 club partner,
you make helping the home front possible.
It's just one of many outreaches,
humanitarian outreaches. Here
at cbm, we have orphans promise,
we have Operation Blessing.
Helping the home front is just
another way we try and bless people.
So if you'd like to be a part of it,
if you'd like to join the 700 club,
it's very simple to do. You
can just call us 800, 707,000.
And when that person answers the phone,
you just say, I wanna join the 700 club,
65 cents a day, $20 a month. And when
you do, so we wanna send you something.
It's a great new teaching by
Gordon Robertson on the 23rd some.
The Lord is my Shepherd Asam of David.
We will rush it out to you as a great
resource in your biblical study time,
your meditation time,
your devotional time.
To learn more about the
insights in Psalm 23. Also,
we encourage you to join
Pledge Express. Now,
a number of folks still like to write a
check every month, and that's wonderful.
But if you want the bank
to do the work for you,
we have something called Pledge
Ex Express. And as you see there,
it's electronic monthly giving. The
bank will do everything for you,
and it's a recurring gift each
month. And when you join that,
we're gonna send you something
called Power for Life.
It's great teachings by Pat and by
Gordon. You'll get 'em every month.
And it is great insight
into the Bible by two great
teachers of scripture. That's when you
join Pledge Express. So give us a call,
800 707,000.
And we want to thank you for all you
are doing for people in this nation
through helping the home front. Terry.
Well still ahead towards
the night before Christmas,
like you've never heard it before.
Gizmo puts his robotic spin on the
Christmas classic that's coming up.
And then the Irish Band,
we Are Messengers Ring in
Christmas with an original Carol.
Stay tuned to see the band perform Savior.
That's later on this special
edition of the 700 Club.
In most beautiful Way with a virgin
mother in the babies.
At the height of the Cuban
Missile Crisis. In 1962,
composer Noel Reney battled depression
and flashbacks from his time in
World War ii. As he walked
down the street in New York,
he watched mothers pushing babies and
strollers and thought about the one moment
in time when he felt that God had
given men a chance for true peas.
Reney then wrote some lyrics and
gave them to his wife Gloria,
who wrote the music.
The song was recorded a month later
and released just before Christmas.
The command for people everywhere to
pray for peace resonated with Cold
War audiences and newspapers reported
that drivers who heard it for the
first time on the radio we're so struck
by the words that they pulled their cars
off the road to listen.
Do you hear what I hear was an
instant hit selling 25 million
copies during the holiday season.
Well, two of my favorite foods are coffee
and milk chocolate. That's year round,
by the way, . So when Gordon
offered to create a dessert for me,
combining the two, well, I was pretty
much over the moon. You will be too.
Once you taste a cup of Terry.
Oh, Merry Christmas to all.
We're celebrating the holidays.
And I was thinking, which is rare,
I was thinking that's not true.
What would make Terry happy? So I'm
combining her two favorite things. One,
coffee, the other milk chocolate. Now
have to be very specific. Milks me,
he knows chocolate .
You combine the two into
this wonderful cup of Terry
and it will bring bliss to you. I
hope we'll have a tasting and well.
I'm honored. Thank you.
All right. Very simple recipe.
What'd you do is you take two cups of
heavy cream. Mm-hmm. ,
you turn it on about a medium,
medium high on this one. I'm,
I'm on seven coffee.
Yes. coffee. Quarter cup,
quarter cup of coffee goes
into two cups of cream.
You stir. And just like
you are making coffee,
instead of using water,
you're just using cream.
And now you're this, you're gonna bring
this to a boil. Is that correct? We're.
Gonna do that.
We are. Okay.
Now there's two times in this recipe
you can mess up. This is one of them.
Thank you for the warning. This is one.
Of them. , if this
boils over, you've messed up.
And it's better if you
just start over again.
Because once you've scalded
the cream, um, yeah,
it's not gonna work as well.
So you kinda have to keep an eye at it.
You have to watch it. Yeah. If you wanna,
if you want to get crazy with this,
you can put a cinnamon stick in here.
Ooh. You can put all, all spice in here.
You can put orange peel, just not
the pi. Mm-hmm. ,
just the peel pi will make it better.
But whatever flavors you like
with your chocolate. Okay,
now we're getting close to mm-hmm.
. You can see how,
you can see how the, the bubbles
are getting a little too much.
And so right at this moment,
we turn it down and then we turn it off.
One laster, and it's not scalded,
but it just got to a froth. Oh
yeah. And now set your timer.
Five minutes.
And you're just gonna let that.
And I'm gonna let that be peaceful
. And now we can break some eggs.
Okay. So we just want the
yolks, three eggs, three oaks.
And the blender is six ounces
of chocolate chips. Uh,
milk chocolate. You get to choose
whatever chocolate you like.
Why don't we put a teaspoon of,
uh, vanilla extract on there.
Tell me this is not the second
time that things could go wrong.
This is the second time
things could go. Of.
Course. Of course it is.
There you go.
All right. But you're
getting pretty close here.
It's still not quite as thick as I like.
So now normally let me.
And it's okay if it
bubbles on the side. It.
Is. Okay.
I was, everything is okay. You're doing
great. All right. Now get a spoonful up.
Let's see if it's got the right texture.
Well draw your finger across that
You're good. See how how it leaves,
it doesn't fill in. It.
Leaves a little trail.
Okay. Next.
One. You have made it through the two
things you can mess up and we're fine.
All right.
Now we pour into listen to.
Okay. The blender,
uh, you can see the bubbles on the top.
Yeah. You don't want bubbles in that.
Since it'll solidify that way. That's
why I want to strain. Ah, when you,
when you mix it this way, you are going
to create bubbles. Ah. And that's okay.
Cuz you gotta mix it. Uh,
but now you do the strain.
Ah, look at that.
You wanna leave this in the refrigerator
for four to six hours or overnight.
Um, they did great through
the magic of television.
I'll grab the whip.
You know,
one of the best moments with my grandkids
was I was making them shakes. I said,
do you want a homemade shake? And I
took the lid off of this to push the.
Ice cream. Oh. Oh.
They still call it their funniest.
I mean, it was over them. Me,
the kitchen and, yeah. Memorable
though. , I can say.
And we will see if
Terry likes her dessert.
A cup of Terry. No, these are
big portions. So these are.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. These are a
little, little bigger.
Ooh. .
The coffee really comes through. Mm-hmm.
the chocolate
really comes through well.
And whipped cream. The.
Cream is a Yeah. A cup of Terry.
Oh, thank you. Merry
Christmas . Thank you.
Merry merry Christmas to, I hope
this is a easy enough recipe for you.
And you get an idea of how you can have
a very private Christmas moment on your
own in an easy chair with
a can of whipped cream.
Should I?
No. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas .
Well, you can find the recipe for
a cup of Terry on the C Family app,
along with an entire collection of
free videos and features from our CN
family to yours. You'll have free
access to Christmas music, to recipes,
kids crafts, and lots more.
You can also watch short daily video
devotionals from CBN hosts that
will keep you focused on
Christ during this busy season.
And if you have kids or grandkids,
make sure to check out the craft
ideas and the super book specials.
Join us on cbn family.com or
download the CBN family app on
your smart device so you
can start watching today.
All right. Well, tomorrow night is
Christmas Eve. It's very exciting.
And children of all ages will be reading.
The night before Christmas this year,
super Book's Robot Gizmo decided to
create his own rendition of the classic
Gizmo's Night Before Christmas.
It was the night before Christmas.
And all through the house,
all devices were silenced
from laptops to mouse.
The children were tucked
in snug in their beds.
While stories from Super
book danced in their heads,
the cookies were baked and
the presents were wrapped.
So I soon settled in for a nice
winter snap when out in the
lab there, a rose such a bang.
I woke from my sleep
until the window I sprung.
And what to my droopy lid eyes did appear.
A heroic red robot with visor so clear
his face was so handsome and
the look of his belly was
redder than roses or strawberry jelly.
And as brave as a lion,
his gears did not chatter.
He flew through the lab and took
care of the matter, his mind,
like a steel trap. He quickly
could see a cat chasing a mouse,
had knocked over the tree
with strength like a Sampson.
He worked in a flash and put back
the Christmas tree in one mighty
dash. And I could hear him
exclaim as he flew out of sight.
Merry Christmas from Gizmo
and have a great night.
All right, gizmo, Merry
Christmas to you as well.
You can watch Gizmo's Night before
Christmas on the C Bn Family App,
along with more free videos and
features from our C Bn family to yours.
And you'll also have free access to
a lot of Christmas music and recipes,
Kitz Craft, stuff like that.
So be sure to check out the C Bn
family app and download it, Terry.
Well, up next,
this band has played for live audiences
of over 2 million people across
40 states and five countries.
And today you'll hear their original
Christmas song Savior performed
right here in our studio. So stay with us.
Virgin Mother, the babies.
On Christmas Day in
1863, the American poet,
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow listened
to the bells from a nearby church,
overwhelmed by loss. Two years earlier,
his wife had burned to death in
a fire and he had also been badly
burned, trying to savor at times.
His grief was so great that he feared
that he would be sent to an asylum.
His son had also been wounded in
the Civil War and was temporarily
paralyzed. As he listened to the church,
bells Longfellow wrote a
poem that reflected his grief
in despair. He wrote, I bowed my head,
there is no peace on earth. I said,
but he ended the poem, which was later
put to music on a note of triumph,
then peeled the bells more loud and deep.
God is not dead. Nor Duffy's sleep.
The wrong shall fail,
the right prevail with peace on earth,
goodwill to men.
we want to thank you for joining us for
this very special edition of the 700
Club. And we wish you and your loved ones
a very merry Christmas. And of course,
remember, if you need prayer, just
call the number on your screen. 800,
And now we leave you with an original
Christmas song. Here is Savior,
by We Are Messengers. Merry Christmas.
Into the Darkness.
Into the chaos. There is peace,
And all this will change
in the most beautiful.
With a virgin
savior, savior.
Son. Not
the skies over Beth Heaven.
A dad's not in Ronnie and
Savior. Savior
came save
all the power and the glory The
Lord of everything, savior,