- Iran is moving full steam ahead,
thwarting international efforts
to monitor its nucleardevelopment program.
So much so the head
of the International Atomic Energy Agency
now says it's like flyingin a heavily clouded sky.
This comes as negotiations
are reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement
are set to resume bythe end of this month.
On this week's episode of the Global Lane,
Israel's former ambassadorto the United Nations
says a more robust responsemay be needed to stop Iran.
- I cannot understand it.
We know that the Iraniansare lying from the beginning
since the day the agreementwas signed back in 2015,
and we'll see what'shappening today on the ground.
You look at the nuclear capabilities,
enrichment of the uranium,
the ballistic missiletests, and I ask myself
how there be five plusone still believe them?
And as we speak,
they are actually tryingto convince the Iranians
to reenter the agreement,
the same bad agreementthat was signed in 2015.
I cannot get it.
I think the US shouldlead a different approach
and should actuallydemand from the Iranians
to stop with their aggression,
to stop with their nuclear ambitions
and not to actuallygive them the legitimacy
that they want to receiveby reentering the JCPOA.
- So how far have they come?
I know Iran has proceeded aggressively
to enrich uranium eversince the US abandoned
the 2015 Joint ComprehensivePlan of Action.
It's now at a 60% level.
And I've got a reminder of yours
at a level of 90% as weapons grade.
Once you hit 60%, it doesn'ttake long to reach 90.
So how far away do youthink the Islamic Republic
is from actually possessinga nuclear weapon?
- The numbers you mentioned are accurate.
And I want to remind you
and the viewers that with North Korea,
it was exactly the same.
They negotiated, theywent out from the room,
they came back,
and all of a sudden,we woke up one morning
and they announced
that they actuallyperformed a nuclear test.
We cannot allow Iran tobe at the same situation.
And it's not only about Israel.
All the moderate countries,
the strongest alliesof the US in the region
are saying it very clearly.
We should not allow Iran to become nuclear
and to have that capability.
That's why we in Israel,
we are determined to block them.
Even it means it will be only us fighting
against their ambitions.
- Well, I wanted to ask you about that
because both President Biden
and US Secretary of StateAntony Blinken insist
that Iran will not be allowed
to develop a nuclear weapon on their watch
but do you really believe them?
How sincere is the US commitment
to prevent Iran from doing so?
- So here in the Middle East,
time has a very important meaning.
The Iranians, they are very patient.
They can wait, they canwait for another president.
They have seen presidents come
and leave the White House
with President Obama,with President Trump.
Now President Biden.
And they are moving forward.
So declarations are important
but actual actions are much more important
in the Middle East.
And if the US and theother Western democracies
will not take actions against Iran,
and we will hear only declarations,
they will continue with their deception,
with their lies to the goal
of achieving a nuclear bomb.
- I think the key isdeception what you said.
And we saw long gas linesrecently in Iran just last month
after a cyber attack occurred
against their fuel supply.
And that came just a few days I guess
after Iran launched missiles
against US troops in Syria.
And your country's beenpreparing its air force
for a possible strike againIranian nuclear facilities.
So is diplomacy dead at this point?
Is the military optionthe only one that remains?
What's the best way toresolve this nuclear dispute
at this point?
- I think we should apply more pressure.
We should reinstate the sanctions.
They were very effectiveback when Trump was in power.
I think we should look at theother economical measures.
And I have to say very clearly,
we have nothing againstthe Iranian people.
They are suffering from the regime
but we have to apply more pressure
against the regime, personal sanctions,
and I think that will be the best way
to convince them.
If there will be no other choice,
we also leave the militaryoption on the table.
- Well, it seems like we'reheading down that road.
As you said, it's delay, it's delay,
build, delay, build.
How much longer do youthink it's gonna be?
How much time do you have?
- So I think what we are seeing now
that they're acquiring the capabilities,
and when they will decide to race,
it can be very fast.
That's why even in Israel,
as we speak, the parliament is voting
on the budget for the year of '22.
And you'll see in the budgetland of the state of Israel
that we are actually allocating the funds
for all scenarios.
We are not playing the game,
we are serious about it.
- Well, we're seriousabout praying for Israel
and praying for peace in the Middle East.
Israel's representative at the UN,
Ambassador Danny Danon,good to talk with you again.
Thank you so much for sharingyour time and insights.
- Thank you very much.
- [Host] And you can get more
of the Global Lane this evening
at 8:30 Eastern StandardTime on the CBN News channel
and you can find that on the CBN News.