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The 700 Club - November 4, 2021

Find out why two-time Masters Champion Bubba Watson almost quit golf. Hear how he tried to bottle up the pressure and what happened when he snapped. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up,two-time Masters champion,

Bubba Watson.

- Wait, I have a shot at this,I can be pretty good at this.

- [Gordon] Now find out whythis PGA star almost quit golf.

- If this is what's gonnacause me to be this way,

I'm done with golf.

- [Gordon] Hear how he triedto bottle up his pressure.

- Or am I gonna do something about it?

- [Gordon] And see whathappened when he snapped.

- Have to be ready to, toface my, my bad moments

in a different way.

- On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Government overreach, wokepolitics, socialist rule,

well, that's how formerUN ambassador Nikki Haley

describes the Biden Administration.

- Haley also warns about thedangerous ideological shift

erupting in America.

So, what does she say is thesolution to these threats?

Here's chief political analyst David Brody

with this exclusive CBN News interview.

- [David] To millions of Americans,

the United States isbecoming unrecognizable.

From what's being taught in the classroom

to transgender bathroompolices to vaccine mandates,

there's a noticeable ideological shift.

Former UN ambassadorNikki Haley tells CBN News

it's all a threat to our freedom.

- I think they're tryingto change the foundation

of our government.

I think this is creating socialist rule

and government overreach.

That's what they're trying to do.

They want government to tell your kids

what they're gonna learn,they want government

to tell you whether youwork or whether you don't

and that's not what we want,that's communist China.

- [David] That philosophy bit democrats

in the form of Tuesday's election results

in places like Virginia and New Jersey

where voters, especiallyparents, sent a strong message.

- This is not so muchwhat Glenn Youngkin did,

as what the parents of Virginia did.

They said, "Enough is enough,"and Glenn tapped into that.

Because they are absolutelytired of the racist politics,

they're tired of the woke conversations

that are taking place.

- [David] That's why Haleyspends a lot of time fundraising,

to help get more candidates,like Youngkin, elected,

especially in next year's midterms.

- You're gonna see a wave into '22

where people are saying,"This is not what we said

we were in for," and I think we're gonna

take the country back.

- So, you believe thatrepublicans will win the House

in 2022 as we move forward here.

- I think we're lookingat the Senate, too.

- [David] But what kindof party will the GOP be?

Most polling shows it'sstill Trump's party.

While Haley has calledout the former president

about events surrounding January 6th,

in our interview, she wascomplimentary, yet forthright.

- I had a great workingrelationship with the president,

I supported every policythat he stood for,

I think it, they were the right ones

and we need to double down on it,

but I call it like I see it.

- Like on January 6th, yeah.- When I don't agree

with something, I'm gonna say it.

I don't agree with myhusband 100% of the time,

I'm not gonna agree withsomebody else 100% of the time.

He's still a friend, he's still someone

that I think was a good president.

- What if he runs in 2024?

How do you feel about that?

- I mean, I've said that, you know,

if he runs in 2024, I'm not gonna run.

- [David] While the media chastises Trump

over his style, Haley sees it differently.

She says it's actuallyBiden that the country

should be concerned about, especially from

a mental health respective.

- He keeps giving signalsthat he's not with it.

So, it's not people hating on Biden,

it's Biden really showing the country

that he's not totally in charge

and that makes everyone nervous.

- [David] She would liketo see situations like this

addressed head on.

- We seriously need to have a conversation

that if you're gonna haveanyone above a certain age

in a position of power,whether it's the House,

whether it's the Senate,whether it's vice president,

whether it's president, you should have

some sort of cognitive test.

Like, just like you haveto show your tax returns,

you should have somesort of health screening,

so that people have faithin what you're doing.

And right now, let's faceit, we've got a lot of people

in leadership positions that are old.

And that's not being disrespectful,

- Sure.- that's a fact.

- Ultimately, Haleybelieves it won't be Biden,

Trump or any other politiciansaving the day in America.

What, spiritually, needsto happen in this country?

Because there's so manypeople that are despondent,

they're frustrated.

- To me, sometimes youhave to hit rock bottom

to know where up is.

We have to start looking upand then we have to start

being part of the solution.

And that's the way I look at it,

is, you know, sometimes Godsends us these little messages,

we have to be smartenough to respond to it.

- [David] It's a messageHaley plans to keep spreading

as she fights to stop what she sees

as a frightening march towards socialism.

David Brody, CBN News, Washington.

- Well, I wanted to havea little bit of time

to talk about this race narrative

and I certainly recognizeI'm an old white man,

so what am I going to sayabout the race narrative?

So, I'm gonna quote WinsomeSears, she just won election

as the lieutenant governor of Virginia.

She is a black American woman,

she is a woman of color,she's also a republican,

she's also a Regent University graduate

and here's what she says, "I'm destroying

all of the narratives about race."

"Look at me, I am a heartbeat away

from the governorshipin case anything happens

to the governor."

"And how are you going totell me, then, I'm a victim?"

"I didn't do anything special to get here

except stay in school and study."

"I took advantage of the opportunities

that are available here in America."

When we look atconservative women of color,

Nikki Haley is one of them, most people

don't even consider her that way,

when we look at how successfulthey are as conservatives,

it seems to get no playat all in the media.

Let's recognize, let's destroythis narrative of race,

let's destroy the politicsthat wants to divide us

on racial grounds and let's come together.

The more we're divided, I just, you know,

we have to look at the Bible,a house divided cannot stand.

The current division, the current hate

that is being promulgated,dividing one race

against another for politicaladvantage, it needs to stop.

We need to all look at each other

and say, "How can we forma more perfect union?"

I've traveled the world,racism is around the world,

you can see it.

If you want to see racism, go to China,

if you want to see racism, go to India

where the whole caste system is based

on the color of your skin,that's what caste means,

Varna, in Sanskrit, means color,

it's based on the color of your skin.

We've got the best thing going here.

We're not perfect, wehave a long way to go,

but at the same time, wehave the best thing going.

Let's take advantage ofit, let's work together

to build a better America.

Well, in other news, House republicans

are going on the offenseafter yesterday's stunning

GOP victory in Virginia andstrong showing in New Jersey.

John Jessup has more from ourCBN News bureau in Washington.


- Thanks, Gordon.

The GOP is now targeting 70incumbent House democrats

for 2022 and they're alsohoping to delay or stop

President Biden's spending bill,

arguing that the publicrejects a progressive agenda.

- Today is a wake up callfor Washington democrats

to abandon the partisanship,the extremist agenda

of Washington based programsthat cost trillions of dollars.

- [John] The president and his allies

insist the election resultswere a mandate for action

on their big spending programs.

Centrist democrat SenatorJoe Manchin of West Virginia,

who has slowed negotiations on the massive

$1.75 trillion bill,takes the opposite view.

He believes voters areconcerned about growing deficits

and higher taxes.

- We're talking about revampingthe whole entire tax code.

That's mammoth, totally.

We've had no hearings, no open hearings.

You haven't been able tosit and listen to a hearing,

none of us have.

And the peoples definitely don't

and they're scared to death.

- Manchin is pressing for a vote

on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill

that's been held up as democrats debate

their social spending plan.

Well, Christians worldwide will observe

the International Day of Prayerfor the Persecuted Church

this Sunday and, asCharlene Aaron shows us,

global persecution is on the rise.

- Each November, the callgoes out around the globe

for Christians to come together

and pray for the persecuted church.

Event organizers say this year,

intercession is needed more than ever,

as more than 300 millionbelievers are experiencing attacks

on an extreme level.

- Over 340 million Christiansare persecuted or oppressed

because of their faith in Jesus.

Now, some of thoseplaces, like North Korea,

are exceptionally difficult.

If you're caught with a Bible or whatever,

you may spend the restof your life in prison

or even lose your life.

- [Charlene] David Curry of Open Doors USA

told CBN's The Prayer Linkthat due to the recent

U.S. military withdrawal, Afghanistan

is one of the most dangerousplaces to be a Christian.

- That country is nowcontrolled by the Taliban

and a Taliban that hasmorphed, it's Taliban 2.0,

it has ISIS members andother kinds of extremists

latching onto it, so weneed to pray for people

in Afghanistan who are followers of Jesus.

It's a secret church.

- 'Cause I want to sharetheir stories with you.

- [Charlene] The group recently produced

a documentary series onthe persecuted church,

called "Unshakeable Faith",including true stories of hope

in the face of desperation.

- We go into these places

to stand with persecuted believers.

We have teams all over the world

and our job is to advocatefor the persecuted

to help them, get them resources.

We don't just airlift it in,

we're gonna, we're gonnadeliver things to them

and prayer and stand with them.

- [Charlene] The Voice of the Martyrs

also encouraging churches tojoin in this special effort.

Author and radio host Todd Nettleton

recently told CBN's Gary Lane

how Christians should prayfor the persecuted church.

- I think it's easy topray for it to stop,

but that's not theirprayer, their prayer is,

"Lord, help us to be faithfulin spite of the suffering,

in spite of the persecution,"so I think that's

an important thing forus to pray with them,

that God will encouragethem and allow them

to remain faithful.

- [Charlene] VOM is set to premiere

the film "Sabina: Torturedfor Christ, The Nazi Years".

- [Richard] Who is this?

- She is my niece, Sabina Oster.

- [Charlene] It detailsthe powerful true story

of how the organization's founders,

Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand,became followers of Christ,

then experienced extremesuffering as a result

of their faith and theforgiveness they displayed.

- It is one of the mostamazing displays of the gospel

and we still see this today in hostile

and restricted nations,where our persecuted

brothers and sisters are ableto forgive their persecutors,

they're able to love their persecutors

and it is such a display, itis such a proof of the reality

of the gospel that we oftensee persecutors impacted

and even come to followChrist through that testimony

and through that example.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Currypoints out a special benefit

felt by those who prayfor these persecuted

brothers and sisters.

- I think it's the way thatGod refreshes our heart.

It doesn't just burden us with a problem,

but it allows us toparticipate in the answer

'cause it's a spiritual battle.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- The International Day ofPrayer is Sunday, November 7th.

The film, "Sabina: Tortured for Christ"

is in select theaters November 8th.

To find out where you cansee the film in your area,

just go to

Gordon, that distinction of not asking

for persecution tostop, but asking for God

to help them be faithful,it's just so on point.

- It is and it reminds meof a conversation I had

with House Church leaders in China.

It was way back in the 1990s

and I was just so gripped with prayer.

I wanted to pray for themthat Jesus would be with them,

that his presence would be with them.

They were facing persecution,they were facing imprisonment

for preaching the gospel,for carrying Bibles

to Western China.

One of the women who was a pastor there,

I was praying with herand several other pastors

at the same time, she gotarrested within a week,

spent the next three anda half years in prison.

But, it was curious howthey responded to me.

They said, "Oh, please don'tpray for us, we're good."

"We know Jesus is with us,we know he's called us to us,

we're ready to pay the price."

"What we want to do is prayfor the Christians in America

that the cares and concerns of this world

would not overwhelm themand choke out the word

to make it unfruitful."

They were concerned about America.

Would America stay strongin the middle of prosperity?

In the middle of our freedom?

How we let that freedombe an excuse somehow

to engage in things that we know

are not part of thegospel of Jesus Christ.

Well, that's a great prayer, too.

So, this Sunday, let's all join together

to pray for the persecuted church

and then also, join withthem in their prayers for us

that the cares and concerns of this world

would not choke out the wordand make it unprofitable.


- Well, still ahead,one of the biggest names

in the world of golf,two-time Masters champion,

Bubba Watson, talksabout the ups and downs

of his life and career.

How could fear threaten to end his game?

And what happened when his ownteam members called him out?

Bubba's gonna tell us himself.

That's coming up.

Plus, marriages are up 83%,divorces are at a 60 year low

and abortions have dropped drastically.

Where is this happening andwhat did this country do

to put families first?

Find out, that's next.

(upbeat music)

- Marriage is on therise, divorce is down,

abortions dramatically dropped.

Well, this is obviouslynot the United States,

so where is this happening?

In a country where the government

is putting families first.

Jennifer Wishon brings us thestory from Budapest, Hungary.

- 10 years ago, Hungaryrealized it had a major problem.

Abortions were up, the birth rate was low

and its population was dwindling.

So, the government here inthe capital city of Budapest

did something radical.

It made children and familiesits most important resource.

The cycle of familyhood.

- Yeah, it, yeah, it begins here

and then it goes all the way.

- [Jennifer] Katalin Novakis a rising star in Hungary.

She's a leader in the rulingpolitical party, Fidesz,

and serves as minister for families,

a cabinet level positionfocused on, get this,

increasing the nation's birth rate.

(speaking foreign language)

(crowd applauding)

When her party took over in 2010,

leaders realized they had two options,

open the door to more immigrants

or entice Hungarian citizensto have more babies.

- The number of marriages were down,

the number of divorces were up,

the number of abortions were high.

- [Jennifer] In the last 40 years,

Hungary's population dropped by 10%.

Pastor Nemeth Sandorremembers those times well,

when communist rule tookthe joy out of parenthood.

- [Nemeth's Interpreter] So many people

did not want childrenbecause they were afraid

of being poor.

- [Jennifer] In fact, there were years

when there were moreabortions than births.

So, Novak got to work, makingit easier for young people

to get together and have babies.

- To support youngadults to be able to have

as many children as they wish to have

in the moment when theywish to have these children.

So, to give them thereal freedom of choice,

the opportunity to choose in favor of life

as many times as they wish to.

- [Jennifer] Among otherthings, working Hungarian women

who have four children payno income taxes for life

and get three years off fromwork to care for their babies.

Couples can get a $30,000interest free loan

to help buy a house.

Repayment goes down with each child

and after three kids,the debt is forgiven.

It's working.

As investments and family policies rise,

so too, does the birth rate.

- We also give services,not only financial support,

that's, for example, childcare facilities

or free child catering orsummer camps for the children.

- [Jennifer] And Hungariansaren't just having babies,

marriages are up 83%,divorces are at a 60 year low

and abortions are down dramatically.

- And, for me, personally,this is one of the

most important outcomes ofour 10 year family friendly

or family oriented policies,that the abortions dropped

by 41% and I think that's a,we still have work to be done

in this matter becausewe have to point out

the value of life.

- [Jennifer] Hungary's pro-family policies

are inscribed in its constitution.

This year, it was amended to clarify

a mother is a woman and a father is a man.

Leaders also passed a law placingthe education of children,

including sexual education,solely in the hands of parents,

a move that drove EuropeanUnion leaders in Brussels mad.

- Now, that created such a great outrage

in the European Union's politics

that now they are trying toimpose sanctions on Hungary.

- [Jennifer] The EU accusesHungary of discriminating

against LGBT people.

- But we are heavilyattacked and criticized

for the belief, our Christian beliefs

and also because of Christiandemocratic political ideals.

- [Jennifer] ZoltonKovacs, secretary of state

for international communication,

says the EU has no business meddling

in Hungary's school policies.

- They don't like us becausewe won't let the violent

and overreaching LMBTQpropaganda come to our schools

and capitalize off our children.

- [Jennifer] To thepeople running Hungary,

their policies are common sense.

- For me, it is also verydifficult to understand

what is the controversial in saying

that the mother is a womanand the father is a man

or that marriage is betweenone man and one woman,

based upon their mutual consent?

I think it is the basis of our lives

and we just had it redactedin our constitution.

So, I think that wedon't have to explain it

because it is just theway it has always been

and that's the way it still is in Hungary.

(crowd talking)

(crowd applauding)

- [Jennifer] As Hungary looks ahead

to its elections next year, the opposition

is banding together to take outPrime Minister Viktor Orban,

who's been returned to office,overwhelmingly, three times.

Christian leaders, like Sandor,

support his pro-family agenda.

- [Nemeth's Interpreter] Ofcourse, it's a fulfillment

of a prayer that thepolicy of the government

is aligning with us and make it permanent.

- [Jennifer] What wouldyou like people in the U.S.

to understand about what you're doing?

- We have never had the intention

to have an internationalattention and focusing on us

or teaching lessons to anybody,

but we don't want to betaught any lessons either.

- Making the health and growth of families

a government priority isrevolutionary in today's world,

but officials here see them as a commodity

that enriches Hungariansociety and has no alternative.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News,reporting from Budapest, Hungary.

- Well, thank you, Jennifer,for that eye-opening report.

What a contrast.

Here's the EU saying, "We know what's best

for your children, we wantto educate your children

in our way, we want to dothat in formal schools,

the family shouldn't have any role in it,"

and then, just what happened in Virginia,

where you have a candidatefor governor who says,

"Well, parents shouldn't have a voice

in what is taught in schools."

It just seems to be sucha government overreach

and it's contrary to howyou build a stable society.

You build a stable societywith stable families.

Families that don't divorce,families that welcome children,

families that livetogether, grow together,

produce not just children,but grandchildren.

That's where you get the godof Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

He loves to work through families,

he loves to work through the generations

and when you train people, your children,

when you train your childrenand your grandchildren

and that this is howGod wants you to live,

this is how God wants you to build,

then you have thesewonderful things that happen.

When you look at the history of America,

we were built on familiesand that was fundamental

to our culture.

To see that taken away andwe're now gonna educate

your children in waysthat you don't agree with

and that's tough luckbecause we're the government

and you're not, that needs to go.

Wouldn't it be wonderfulto have pro-family policies

coming out of our capital?

I look at some of those things,

a woman who has four children

is now free from incometax the rest of her life,

Terry would go, "Yes andamen, thank you very much,"

and let's make that available to adoption

'cause Terry didn't stop at four,

she's now in the thousands.

But, wouldn't it be greatto have that kind of policy

where you recognize, youknow, the economic cost

of raising children and, therefore,

let's have economic incentives,let's make it tax-free

and, you know, after three children,

can we get rid of your mortgage?

And how would thatincrease stable families?

So many families today in America,

you have to have two income earners

in order to just make it.

- And wouldn't it bewonderful, as a culture,

if we could have values,maybe our values would differ

from each other, but you could have them

without being seen as extreme or crazy

or somewhere out in left field?

My values are mine, yours are yours

and we can all live peaceably together,

wouldn't that be lovely?

- That would be great.

- Yes.

- That's a great idea.

- Yeah, thank you.

- Let's try it.

- I'm in.

Well, still ahead, intenseitching, inflamed skin,

underarm cysts, this woman'sskin felt like it was on fire.

Why did her condition baffleher husband who's a doctor?

And how did her motherhelp her find a cure?

That's all ahead.

Also ahead, he owns an ice cream shop,

a car dealership, a driving range

and even part of a minorleague baseball team.

He's also a member of the Golf Boys Band

with a hot video on YouTube.

So, why did Bubba Watson oncethink he was about to die?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

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- Well, two-time Masterschampion Bubba Watson

is a hot commodity in the world of golf.

Over the years, he's also earneda reputation as a hot head

for his controversialremarks on the course.

Now, in a new book, Bubbareveals a side of himself

previously unknown to the public.

At the top of his game,he suffered a meltdown

and as Bubba told CBN's Will Dawson,

during that time, he lost 30 pounds

and he thought he was going to die.

- [Will] He's one of golf'sbiggest names, Bubba Watson.

This two-time Masters champion is known

for his long drives andexciting personality.

♪ Two, three ♪

♪ I want my birdies all day long ♪

♪ Let the bogies go ♪

♪ I say, "Hey" ♪

In his new book, "Up and Down",

Bubba discusses balancingcelebrity, family life

and trying to imperfectlyfollow God's call.

- That's the reason why I wantedto come out with the book,

is to, to share and justshare that we all have issues

and if you say you don't,you really do, right?

Like, let's be honest with everybody.

- Not just a golfer, Bubbaowns an ice cream shop,

a car dealership, a driving range

and has even become part owner

of a minor league baseball team.

Well, let's start withyour love of baseball.

You wanted to become a majorleague baseball pitcher.

- Yeah, it started with mydad being a Yankees fan.

Don Mattingly was firstbasemen, left handed

and I was left handed, so Iwanted to be like Don Mattingly,

Mr. Baseball, I wanted,but I also wanted to pitch.

A few years after that, golf started.

- [Will] He grew up insmall town Bagdad, Florida.

It was evident early on thatBubba had a gift for golf.

- I started tournament golf at age eight,

started hitting it past everybody.

People started talking to my family

about how far I hit itand, you know, no lessons

and as it grew and I gotto around 12 years old,

you could definitely see my skill level

was different than other people.

That's when it, you know, itstarted to buzz in my head

that, "Wait, I have a shot at this,

I can be pretty good at this."

- [Will] Bubba accepted a golf scholarship

to the University of Georgia.

It was there he met his now wife, Angie,

who had an immediate impacton his desire to follow God.

- When we started talking about church,

she grew up in the churchand who she wanted to be

and she asked me about my faith

and I told her it's very little.

One day, I got asked to go to church

and gave myself to thelord, but then that was it.

You know, it's kind of,the seed was planted,

I said the right things,but I didn't really water it

and when I got to Georgia and met her,

that's when it really, it opened up.

And I'm still growing that, but it was,

it's been an amazingjourney and, you know,

the rest is history, 20 yearslater, we're still together.

- [Will] During those 20 years,

the Watson's endured some trying times,

including the inabilityto conceive a child.

- When your wife looks at you and says,

"Why can't I be a mom?"

And that's a hard, hard thing to answer.

And again, God's timing is way better.

- [Will] In God's timing, 2012,

the couple adopted ababy boy, named Caleb,

and knew immediately,he was a gift from God.

- The lady asked, thefirst thing she asked is,

"Are you gonna change his name?"

And, man, you talkingabout trying to get words

out of your mouth, I said, "No,"

and she goes, "I think his name is,

it's a great story in the Bible,"

and I said, "Yes, ma'am," and I said,

"We would never change his name because,

well, what the blessing you're giving us."

- Just two weeks after becoming a father,

Bubba won one of golf'sprestigious tournaments,

the Masters.

From an outsiders perspective,Bubba Watson had it all.

He had won the 2012 Masters,he had a growing family

and a loving fan base.

But, beneath the surface, the pressure

was just beginning to build.

Severe bouts of anxiety caused Bubba

to become withdrawn and fearful.

He even lost 30 pounds.

Now, you thought you were going to die.

- Yeah, I felt like it could easily be it.

So, I, I look at the scale and I'm 162.

I just fall on my knees.

I mean, I'm balling and said, "Take me."

I said, "I don't, I don'twant to go through this,"

praying, about "Just take me."

"What am I supposed to do,what do you want me to do

in my life?"

I was like, "I'll quit golf."

"If this is what's gonna cause me

to be this way, I'm done with golf."

"I'd rather be physicallyhealthy than out."

That's kind of what gotme up off the ground,

is thinking about, "Wait,if God tells me right now,

if he appeared to me andsaid, 'You had 10 minutes,'

am I gonna sit and just sit on my bed

and pout for 10 minutes or am I gonna

do something about it?"

- [Will] Bubba continues to grow

in his relationship with God,

even through moments hesays he's not proud of.

- There's one particularmoment that I can remember

where I, I said some choicewords, got caught on camera

and, you know, my team hit me fast.

I went into the media centerand they asked me right away,

said, "Your language, youcall yourself a Christian,"

and I said, "Man, I want to thank y'all,"

and I said, "I want to thank y'all

because that's how I get better."

"If you don't call meout, I can't get better."

We're all gonna havemoments, younger days,

I wouldn't have done it that way.

But since '10 when I won, going forward

and more wins after that, it just means

I'm putting on a biggerpedestal, a bigger spotlight,

but I have to be readyto face my bad moments

in a different way.

- The Bible talks aboutiron sharpening iron,

it sounds like you had a really,

a really good team surrounding you

and that's important in theChristian life, as well.

- Oh, 100% and I, again, Ipraise my wife all the time.

Without meeting her, itwouldn't have jump started me

to get back to where I should be.

And then, the close teamaround me, my close friends,

the different pastors thatI've been able to meet,

yeah, they've been ableto put wisdom into me.

Now, it takes me a slowtime to learn that wisdom,

but it's growing.

- You've been very generous with your time

and with your money, whyis that important to you?

- When you start listeningand learning about the gospel,

learning about the Bible,you want to give back.

On my, I hate to saythis, but on my deathbed,

I don't want my kids to goon the podium and be like,

"He was a two-time Masters champion."

If they say that, I've already missed,

I missed everything I was supposed to do.

Well, I've been blessed so much

that why not bless other people?

- He's had quite an incredible life

and for more on Bubba Watson,check out his new book,

it's "Up and Down: Victories and Struggles

in the Course of Life",it's available nationwide.

And, if like Bubba, youexperienced fear or anxiety

in your life, here'ssomething that we have

that we think will help you,

it's called, "Freedom From Anxiety:

God's Power in Your Life".

We'd love to get this toyou, it's absolutely free,

all you have to do iscall our toll free number,

1-800-700-7000 or go to

and look for the "FreedomFrom Anxiety" information,

we'll get that out to you right away.

Fascinating.- What an incredible

revelation he had.

Here he is, he's weighing himself

and saying, "My health is at risk

and if I need to quit golf,"but he's literally asking God

to take him.

You know, "I don't wantto live this way anymore."

And sometimes you can get to that point

where, you know, I just,I can't bear this anymore.

What a great revelation.

If Jesus were to appear to me and say,

"Well, you got 10 minutesleft," what would you do?

Would you still sit here on this bed

and cry and complain about what you're,

what you're going throughor would you get up

and do something?

And he said, "Well, I'm gonnaget up and do something."

- [Terry] Yeah, I love that.

- Which is,- I love it.

- Which is a phenomenal revelation.

- And, you know, sometimes,as Bubba's talking about,

when you make that decisionto get up and do something,

you're set free- Yeah.

- From what was chaining you down.

- Yeah, as long as youview yourself as a victim,

well, you're gonna stay there.

As soon as you view yourself,

"I am more than a conquerorthrough the love of Christ

given to me," that'swhat the original Greek

of that wonderful versefrom Romans, Chapter Eight,

"I'm more than a conqueror,I can do all things

through Christ, he can see me through."

"My past does not define me,my present doesn't define me,

what defines me is the hopeand the future I have in him."

"I'm going to pursue that."

You take that first step with him,

boy, he'll come through for you.

He did it for me, I knowhe'll do it for you.

Well, still ahead, steroidcream, steroid shots,

natural remedies, thiswoman tried everything

to ease her unbearable itching.

Well, nothing workeduntil her mother told her

to watch TV.

So, what happened next?

See for yourself.

It's coming up.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Virginia's new lieutenant governor elect

gave thanks to God for herhistoric win Tuesday night.

Winsome Sears, who came tothe United States from Jamaica

as a child, is not only the first woman,

but the first woman ofcolor to win the post.

- We ran an impossible,improbable campaign against-

- God was with you.- God was exactly with us,

otherwise, we would neverhave made it and so,

I want to finish up bythanking you, Jesus.

How sweet it is.

- And as Gordon mentionedat the top of the show,

Sears also exhorted the crowd

not to be divided by racial politics.

Well, a true David and Goliath story

is shaping up in New Jerseywhere a commercial truck driver

is beating the democratic politician

who's led the state senatefor more than a decade.

So far, republican EdwardDurr holds a slim lead

over Senate president Steve Sweeney.

Sweeney is the secondmost powerful official

in New Jersey governmentand he's been discussed

as a likely candidatefor governor in 2025.

Durr has never held public office

and lost a race for theassembly back in 2019.

He's reportedly spent lessthan $10,000 on his campaign.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of The 700 Club

right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Pastor Edgy had a big problem,

lack of funds was about to shut down

his church's rehab centers.

So, how did he and hiswife come up with a plan

that produced morefinances than ever before?

You're about to find out.

- The lord has put a passionand hunger in my heart

to reach our community.

We want to help andreach out to those that,

that sometimes the world doesn't look at.

We have a statement that goes,"From Useless to Useful,"

and our vision is to reach,to teach, to amend and send.

- [Narrator] Since 2017,Senior Pastor Edgy Gallegos

and wife, Sonia, have ledthe Living Word Inland Empire

Four Square Church, locatedin Grand Terrace, CA,

where they sponsor both amen's and women's rehab center.

- We have centers for,spouse abuse center for women

and we have a drug rehab center for men.

Our centers are free andso, we have to fundraise

and raise money to takecare of our centers.

- I just love hanging out with them

and hearing their backgrounds and to see

the transformation that Godhas done in their lives.

It's just amazing.

- [Narrator] The centershad been running smoothly,

year after year, until March of 2020.

- When COVID hit, everything stopped.

Our church stopped, in a sense,

our programs were closingdown and so, things changed,

our dynamics changed.

- Are the finances gonna come in?

How is everything gonna run

without the structure we already have?

How are we gonna still reachpeople during this pandemic?

- We had to just almostreinvent the wheel,

do things a little different,just so that we can get by

and still preach the gospel.

- [Narrator] As thecountry continued to close,

supporting the rehab centersand supplying basic needs

for the residents became a challenge.

Pastor Edgy turned to prayer.

- I said, "God, okay, God,this is, this is your problem."

"Okay, Lord, help me strategize,

so that we can beat the devil.

- [Narrator] While watchingThe 700 Club in June of 2020,

the couple learned how CBNcontinued to reach the world

by feeding the hungrythrough Operation Blessing.

- We see them giving outfood, we see them talking,

we see them going outand just ministering.

We knew the power, so we couldn't be doing

what 700 Club can do, so then, we said,

"Well, we can sow to that."

And so, that was what we believed,

that we could do that during this COVID.

- [Narrator] Edgy and Soniabecame 700 Club partners.

Just three months beforethey would've been forced

to close down the rehab centers,blessings began to flow.

- People send in checks to thehomes that never gave before.

God proved hisself beyondwhat we could even imagine.

We had more in our bank accountthan we had the year before

when there wasn't a pandemic.

- [Narrator] The church wasable to open their doors again

to continue helping those in need.

Both centers haveremained fully functional

since June of 2020.

- This is gonna produce forkids, for moms, for dads

to take a load off of themand I'm honored to give,

just to see that othersknow that God loves them.

- We gave because wewanted to help others.

And then in return, we just seen how God

began to bring in thefloodgates of heaven,

pour down the rain, open up doors.

- If we give to him, he'sgonna give back to us.

Because when you sow seed, Godalways multiples that seed.

- When you sow, he always multiplies.

When you get that principlethat if you want to reap,

you need to sow.

What farmer would expectto just go out to a field

and say, "Okay, field,it's time for the harvest."

Doesn't work that way.

Gotta till the ground,you gotta sow the seeds,

you gotta water it,you gotta watch over it

and then the harvest comes in.

It's the same principle thatJesus so clearly announced,

we call it the Law of Reciprocity.

These aren't my words, theseare the words of Jesus.

"Give and it will be given unto you."

And then he adds to it, "Itwill be heaped up, pressed down,

shaken together and running over,

what a wonderful harvest awaits."

You know, he talked about30, 60, 100 fold harvest

because you're faithful enough to give.

This isn't an on again, off again thing,

this is a regular thing,just like farming.

You have to plant to reap,you have to plant to reap,

you have to keep on planting.

The Apostle Paul said,"With the measure you use,"

Jesus said, "With the measure you use,

it will be measured back to you."

The Apostle Paul says,"If you sow sparingly,

you'll reap sparingly."

So, if you want to get to this level

and just see what happened to that pastor

and his wonderful wife,they're trying to help people,

they're running out ofmoney and they get the idea,

"We're gonna give," and they get harvest.

If you want to see that inyour life, start giving.

And if you'd like to join The 700 Club,

call us now, 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, "I want to be a member."

How much is it?

It's just $20 a month,that's 65 cents a day.

Some of you can give at 700Club Gold, that's $40 a month.

1000 Club is $1000 a year,that breaks out to $84 a month.

Whatever level, do it right now.


Well, up next, myfavorite part of the show,

Terry and I will be prayingfor you and your needs,

so stay with us.

(upbeat music)

- There's a Bible verse that says,

"Absent from the body ispresent with the lord."

I was with the lord.

- I felt wonderful Jesus walk in the room.

- He is the god that can makethe impossible, possible.

- The kingdom of heaven candraw near to you right now

and when his kingdomcomes, miracles happen.

- [Narrator] "The Nearness of Heaven",

get this hope-filled teaching today.

- Like it was on fire,that's how Jamie Cain

said her skin felt for two years.

Jamie is married to a doctor,but he couldn't cure her.

So, Jamie's mom had an idea.

What was it?

How did it lead to 100% healing for Jamie?

See for yourself.

- [Narrator] Jamie Cainand her husband, Jim,

couldn't imagine anythingspoiling their love

for the outdoors.

That is, until the summer of 2020,

when Jamie developed painfulcysts under her arms.

- Yeah, it was just intense itching,

it was very, my skinwas so inflamed and red

and then I had thesecyst-like bumps under my arms

and it honestly felt like it was on fire.

- [Narrator] Jamie hadbeen dealing with a rash

under her arms for years,caused by the deodorants

she was using.

- It'd go away and it'd comeback and go away and come back

and this has been somethingthat's been ongoing.

- [Narrator] Her husband,Jim, a family physician,

diagnosed the rash as contact dermatitis.

- It's an allergic rashdue to a sensitivity,

usually something topical orlike a soap or a detergent.

- [Narrator] Over the next several years,

Jamie tried different deodorants,

but they always caused a flare up.

In fact, the rash was getting worse.

Then, in 2020, after using a different,

more natural new deodorant...

- I had developed theselittle cysts under my arms.

They were very painful,they were spreading,

they were just really embarrassing.

- [Narrator] Jamie stoppedusing the deodorant,

but this time the rashand cysts didn't go away.

So, she tried severalways to treat the issue,

or at least to make it more bearable.

- We tried steroid cream,steroid shots, prednisone.

I tried all sorts ofnatural remedies, as well,

and nothing was helping it.

Emotionally, I was very, very frustrated,

I was annoyed and a littlebit depressed about this

'cause I didn't know howlong I would have this,

if this would ever truly go away.

- You know, I was getting quite concerned.

I have this beautiful wife that, you know,

I don't want to see he suffer, obviously,

and I can see she's very distraught.

- [Narrator] Jamie told hermother, a retired nurse,

about her condition.

She told her daughter to pray.

She also shared the story ofhow she was healed one day

while watching The 700 Club.

- My mom had said that shehad gotten a word of knowledge

on her right knee and shehadn't had any pain since then,

so she encouraged me toalso tune into The 700 Club

and, you know, perhaps Icould get a word of knowledge,

you know, as well.

- [Narrator] Taking her mom's advice,

Jamie began to pray for healing.

- "Father, I know this isnot that big of a deal,

I know it's not terminal,but would you please,

you know, heal this?"

- [Narrator] Every day sheprayed and watched The 700 Club.

Then, in December of 2020, Terry Meeuwson

and Gordon Robertson were praying

for the needs of the audience.

- Someone else, you have a painful lump

under your right arm,very concerned about it,

large enough for you to easily feel.

God is healing that for you right now,

it's just going to dissolveand be gone, in Jesus' name.

- I was thinking, "Well,that's gotta be for me

and, you know, I willdefinitely claim this

because if this means thatthis is going to be resolved

once and for all."

- [Narrator] Just a fewdays, it disappeared.

- Not one speck of anythingleft, not, not anything.

No redness, no nothing under my arms.

All the cysts were gone,completely, 100% gone.

I called my husband, I waslike, "Come look at this,

these are completelygone, this is incredible."

- Praise God.

You know, God's will be done.

- [Narrator] Jamie ishappily living pain free.

She has even resumed hikingwith her husband, Jim.

- God's sovereign, God's a healer,

every breath we take, that'snot anything else but God.

- It had to be supernatural'cause the only thing

that cured it and healed itcompletely was the touch of God.

- How else do you explainthat but that God moved

at their, their need, at their request,

at their trust in him, their belief

that the word was from him?

That's what this time isall about for you, too.

You know, there are manypeople who are sending in

answers to prayer, justlike Jamie and her husband

just talked about.

This is Steve who lives in Sabula, Iowa.

Suffered with a terrible burningsensation in his abdomen,

went on for seven weeks,nothing gave him relief,

on October the 29th, just last month,

he was watching this programand heard you, Gordon, say,

"There's someone sufferingwith a tremendous burning

in your intestines."

"It's primarily on the lower left side,

but it spreads across."

"God is healing you of that."

"You just felt it leave,that's God touching you."

"Just receive all that hehas for you right now."

Steve claimed the word ofknowledge, was completely healed.

- Hallelujah, praise God.

Here is Gloria.

"Something stronger than metold me to turn the TV on."

"I was happy to see your program

and to have the opportunity to pray."

"Then Terry said, 'Thereis someone who is suffering

from hand pain.'"

"'Their hands hurt to the point

where they can't even touch things

without being in pain.'"

"I have been praying andbegging God to heal my hands."

"The pain came all of asudden and for months,

I was in pain."

"I accepted the prayer and healing."

"My husband was amazed, mychildren are so happy for me."

"I want to thank you,Jesus, for my healing."

Isn't that incredible?

Jesus is the healer.

Just look to him, let him be the author,

the finisher of your faith.

Let him do for you whathe's done for so many.

He wants to come to you,he wants to save you,

he wants to deliver you,he wants to heal you,

all you have to do is say, "Yes and amen,

I receive it right now."

Let's pray.

Lord, we come to you, welift anyone in the audience

that has any kind oftrouble, any kind of pain,

any kind of diseaseand we speak over them.

Be healed now, be restored, be made whole,

let the love of Jesuscome and bathe every cell

in the anointing.

Heal your people, Lord God,for we ask it in Jesus' name.

There's someone, you have a liver disorder

and it's caused a, it'slike this burning, itching

scalp condition for you.

God's healed your liverand he's going to restore

everything concerning it.

Go back and get retested and realize

all the enzyme levels are now normal.

Your skin is clearing, it'snever going to come back.

You're released from thisaffliction now, in Jesus' name.

There's someone else,you just heard the story

about the man with burning pain

and you're saying,"Please say that again."

Burning pain, just for you,burning pain in your stomach

and your intestines, God's released you

from that right now.

You just felt it leave,you have no more pain,

in Jesus' name.


- Yeah, someone else, youhave broken your clavicle

and it, you know, it'sbeen broken for a bit,

but it's very painful, doesn'tseem to be healing well,

but God's healing that for you today.

All of that is going to just come together

as it should be and the painwill be gone, in Jesus' name.

- There's someone, you have extreme pain

in your right jaw, in the back,

I don't know if it's, like, wisdom teeth

or what that is, but you know what it is

and God's healing that.

And you're afraid to go tothe dentist, be healed now,

in Jesus' name, amen.

If you've been healed, let usknow, call us, 1-800-700-7000.

Here's a word from Revelation,

"God will wipe away everytear from their eyes,

there shall be no moredeath, sorrow, crying."

"There'll be no more pain,for the former things

have passed away."

(lighthearted music)


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