A teen dabbles in the dark arts and sells her soul to Satan. See what happens when the demons come to collect their due on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, spellbound.
- The witchcraft becamemore to me than just play.
- [Gordon] One teendabbles in the dark arts.
- [Victoria] Deeper anddeeper, I would go into it.
- [Gordon] And sells her soul to Satan.
- "If you just giveyour life to the devil,
then everything will be okay."
- [Narrator] Now, see whathappens when demons come
to collect their due.
- [Victoria] I couldn'tmove, I couldn't breathe,
it was like I was being choked to death.
- On today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
Welcome to The 700 Club.
There's a huge red flagcoming from the White House.
The Biden Administration wants to reopen
the consulate forPalestinians in Jerusalem.
This move could signal the first step
towards dividing Israel'scapital city once again.
- The move would also be a major triumph
for the Palestinians.
So, how has Israel responded so far?
Chris Mitchell brings us the details.
- When the U.S. says it wants to reopen
a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem,
Israeli leaders say, "Not on our watch."
The building behind me served
as an American diplomaticmission for more than 100 years.
In 2017, the United Statesrecognized Jerusalem
as Israel's capitaland the following year,
moved its embassy to the city.
In 2019, the Trump Administrationmerged the consulate
with the embassy.
U.S. Secretary of StateAntony Blinken says,
"It's time to change that."
- The United States will be moving forward
with the process to reopenour consulate in Jerusalem.
That's an important way forour country to engage with
and provide support tothe Palestinian people.
- [Chris] The proposedaction would reestablish
the consulate in Jerusalem,independent of the U.S. Embassy
and ambassador to Israel.
Professor EugeneKontorovich says such action
would be a big victoryfor the Palestinians.
- It's a sign to the Palestinians
that America recognizesPalestinian claims to Jerusalem.
Instead of recognizing Israelas Jerusalem's capital,
they're putting a question mark on that.
- [Chris] PalestinianAuthority Prime Minister
Muhammad Shtayyeh welcomesthe move and that message.
- [Muhammad's Interpreter] The message
from this administration isthat Jerusalem isn't one city
and that the American administration
does not recognize theannexation of Arab Jerusalem
by the Israeli side.
We want the AmericanConsulate to constitute
the seed of a U.S. embassyin the state of Palestine.
- [Chris] Danny Danon,former Israeli ambassador
to the U.N., calls thedecision unnecessary.
- If they want to provideservices for the Palestinians,
they can do it Ramallah, in Jericho,
in Nablus, in many other locations.
The U.S. decided to movethe embassy to Jerusalem
and I think we should all respect it.
- The Biden Administration can't reverse
the recognition of Jerusalem
because it's too bipartisan and popular.
What they're trying to do isjust partially reverse it,
return back the clock to how things were
before America recognizedJerusalem as Israel's capital.
- [Chris] In 1995, Congress passed
the Jerusalem EmbassyAct, calling for the city
to be recognized asIsrael's undivided capital
and to move the U.S. Embassy there.
It allowed the president, however,
to invoke a securitywaiver to postpone the move
and beginning with Bill Clinton,
each president did until President Trump.
Senators James Lankford, Bill Hegarty
and other leading republican senators
have introduced a bill to protect
the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.
In a statement, Lankford says their bill
"Ensures futureadministrations uphold the law
by keeping our embassy in Jerusalem
and preventing other U.S. consular posts
from being established in Jerusalem."
"Biden's intentions to ignore existing law
does not bring the region closer to peace,
it only undermines ourrecognition of Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel."
Under international law,Professor Kontorovich
says Israel can legally stop the move,
although the State Departmentis pressuring it to give in.
Some would say while theU.S. calls Israel a friend,
its actions indicate otherwise.
- There's no other countrywhere the United States
tries to coerce them tohave a diplomatic mission
to a foreign entity, ahostile foreign entity
in their capital.
- Well, Chris Mitchell is nowlive with us from Jerusalem.
So, Chris, is this the start of a move
toward redividing Jerusalem?
- Well, that's what a lot ofIsraelis are concerned about.
Short term, it would actually reverse
what President Trump did in 2019,
but it would also legitimize
a Palestinian claim to Jerusalem.
That's what the Palestinianprime minister said.
Longterm, Israelis are concerned
it could lead to the reversalof the 1967 Six Day War,
you know, Gordon, whenIsrael reunified the city
for the first time inmore than 2,000 years
and they're concerned thatthat would divide the city.
Nir Barkat, he's Jerusalem's former mayor,
now he's a Knesset member,he's introduced legislation
to make it against the lawto recognize any consulate
that Israel doesn't permit.
He says nearly 75% ofIsraelis are against this
and he's also lobbiedU.S. lawmakers this summer
about this issue.
And, on the other hand,Prime Minister Bennett,
he also is against this andhe talked about it with Biden
when they met just in August.
- I've gotta ask, isn'tthis against the law?
I mean, the 1995 act that you pointed out
and the piece established that Jerusalem
is the undivided capital of Israel.
Isn't this a move against that law?
- It is, it does seem.
And that's, it's seeminglike Lankford and Hegarty
and other republicansenators want to codify that,
even though the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act
makes that law, as well.
So, you know, what PresidentTrump did two years ago
when he recognized Jerusalemas Israel's capital
and moved the embassy,just like the act says,
this would actually reversethat right now if they do that.
It seems like they're gonnawait, the U.S. that is,
til probably the middle of November,
that's when the current Israeli government
will be able to pass a government.
If they don't pass, I'm sorry, a budget,
if they don't pass a budget,the government will fall,
but the U.S., apparently,is gonna wait til after that
and then perhaps more pressure
is gonna be put on thegovernment right now
to put this consulate back in Jerusalem.
- Well, let's talk about themoves that Israel can do,
I never thought I'd readthe 1963 Vienna Convention
on Consular Relations,but it seems to establish
that any sovereign statehas the right to approve
consular activities within their country.
So, Jerusalem is part of Israel,
doesn't Israel have the legal right
under international law to stop this move?
- It does and, Gordon,they can just say no.
As you said, the 1963 ViennaConvention allows countries,
sovereign countries to allow or disallow
or refuse consulars in their capital
or within their borders.
But, as I said, the U.S. right now
is pressuring Israel togo ahead and do that.
We don't know what exactly the pressure is
and, as I said, they may bewaiting til late next month
after Israel presumably passes its budget,
but the legislation byLankford and Hegarty
is an attempt to make surethe U.S. doesn't succeed
in pressuring Israel.
But Israel has the right,it has the legal right
under international law to say no.
It just remains to be seenwhether Biden and Blinken
are gonna try to dividethe city of Jerusalem
and legitimize thePalestinian claim to the city.
- I assume that NaftaliBennett understands
how tenuous his coalition is.
If he were to approve this,wouldn't it essentially end
that governing coalition?
- It very well will do that, Gordon,
because on the rightside, you have parties
like his own party, Yamina,you have Blue and White,
as well, more center, but youhave other right wing parties
that right may leave the government
if they don't go ahead and do that.
Now, Nir Barkat, he's inLikud, he's in the opposition,
but certainly there's enoughof this fragile coalition
on the right hand ofthe political spectrum
to perhaps make this government fall
in case they go aheadand do allow the U.S.
to have a consulate here in Jerusalem.
It's just a few blocksaway from the bureau
where we are right now and thatwould really, really change
the dynamic of the U.S.-Israeli relations
if the U.S. pressures Israelto go ahead and do that.
And, as you said, it's reallyputting Prime Minister Bennett
in a very difficult political situation
if he was pressured togo ahead and do that.
- Well, Chris, thanks for the report,
thanks for the insightsand let me remind everyone,
this isn't new.
Let's go back in history,all the way back to 1982,
there was a senatorwho was named Joe Biden
and what he did is onthe floor of the Senate,
he threatened to cut off aid to Israel
if the Israeli governmentwouldn't go along
with his view of what they should do.
So, here's the quotethat came back to him,
"Don't threaten us withcutting off your aid."
"It will not work."
"I am not a Jew with trembling knees."
"I am a proud Jew with 3,700years of civilized history."
"Nobody came to our aid when we were dying
in the gas chambers and ovens."
"Nobody came to our aidwhen we were striving
to create our country."
"We paid for it."
"We fought for it."
"We died for it."
"We will stand by our principles."
"We will defend them."
"And, when necessary, wewill die for them again,
with or without your aid."
Those were the words of Menachem Begin
to then Senator Joseph Biden in 1982.
Biden certainly hasn't changed his view,
he thinks he can bullyIsrael into complying
with his wishes and I urgethe current Israeli government
and any future Israeli government,
realize where your help comes from,
it doesn't come from the United States,
it comes from the rockof Israel, God Almighty.
Well, in other news, afailure for President Biden.
Despite months of negotiations,
democrats in Congressstill can't work out a deal
on the president's big spending plan.
Jennifer Wishon has that story.
- President Biden's personalplea to House democrats
to pass a signature piece ofhis stalled domestic agenda
has, for now, fallen on deaf ears.
Overnight, the presidenttouching down in Rome,
where he'll meet with the pope
and kick off a five day foreign trip,
but without the political featherin his hat he'd hoped for.
- Too many no votes for the bill to pass.
- [Jennifer] The House failing Thursday
to even vote on the infrastructure bill,
already approved by the Senate,
despite the White Housereleasing a framework
on the president's big social spending
and climate change bill, asprogressives have demanded
before passing infrastructure.
The commander in chiefgoing to Capitol Hill,
appealing to democrats in person
and, according to Bloomberg,telling House democrats
their future hangs in the balance,
saying, "I don't think it's hyperbole
to say that the Houseand Senate majorities
and my presidency will be determined
by what happens in the next week."
Speaker Pelosi delivering her own message.
- "Do not embarrass the president by,
when I put this on the House floor,
to not vote for it,"basically, it's gotta pass,
we don't want to embarrass the president
when he's overseas.
That's kind of what it's come down to.
It's a clown car, kind of,all over the place right now.
- [Jennifer] Following demandsfrom Senators Joe Manchin
and Kyrsten Sinema, thepresident's spending plan
basically cut in half fromthree and a half trillion
to 1.75 over 10 years.
- This framework includeshistoric investments in our nation
and in our people.
- [Jennifer] It includes half a trillion
to fight climate change, universal pre-K,
extends the child tax credit for a year
and democrats say willreduce health care premiums.
But dropped from the final outline,
major programs, likefree community college
and paid family leave, leavingprogressives shellshocked.
- We put paid leave in,it's in, it's in, it's in
and then, all of a sudden,at the last minute,
somebody said it's out.
- It has some major gaps in it.
- I feel, like, a little bamboozled
because this was not, thiswas not what I thought
was coming today.
- Democrats are still working out
how to pay for the new spending,
looking at proposed newtaxes on businesses,
including a 15% minimumfor many large corporations
and on profits earned byU.S. companies abroad.
Americans making more than 10million annually will be hit
and IRS tax enforcement will be increased.
But critics doubt thosenew taxes will be enough.
Brian Riedl with theManhattan Institute tweeting,
"Calling today's framework'paid for' is so dishonest,"
estimating two trillion in hidden costs.
The big question, will thenew government programs
cost more than advertisedand will tax hikes
bring in as much moneyas Washington needs?
If not, federal deficits could rise
even higher than expectedin the coming years.
Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.
- Well, this is going to endup being a colossal failure
and it, you look at it and you go,
"How in the world can yousquander a governing majority?"
Well, the answer is thedemocrats aren't aligned
and they aren't in agreement.
There're different wingswith different agendas,
progressives trying to forcethis socialist utopia on us,
people trying to hold the line on spending
and it's just a complete mess.
And what David Brody said isso true, it's a clown car.
Let's go back last yearto a presidential debate
and Joe Biden accused a sittingpresident of being a clown.
I have to ask the question,who's the clown now?
- Well, still ahead, at five years old,
this woman began hearing voices.
As a teen, she turned towitchcraft and astral projection.
What drove her to tryto kill her own mother?
Find out, that's coming up.
Plus, faith on the frontlines.
What keeps overworkedhealthcare providers going
through a relentless pandemic?
They're gonna tell usthemselves right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Overwhelming exhaustion,deep-seated grief and even fear.
Frontline healthcareworkers have born the brunt
of the coronavirus pandemic.
So, how do they keep on keeping on?
Medical Reporter LorieJohnson found out firsthand.
- Throughout the country,healthcare workers of faith
who have braved thefrontlines of this pandemic
for more than a year and ahalf share a special bond.
- [Jacqueline] I ask you to undergird them
with strength and wisdom.
- [Lorie] Shift change atVirginia's Sentara Lee Hospital.
Much needed prayer forworkers coming and going.
- COVID really took a toll on the staff
here at the hospital.
Exhaustion, being overwhelmed and not sure
how to navigate this and alsodeal with their own fears
of maybe catching the diseaseand fearful of taking it home
to their family and their loved ones,
but still having the heart todo what they've been drawn to
to provide the care that others need.
- [Lorie] Since the pandemic hit,
hospital chaplains nowminister to employees
as much as patients and their families.
- There was one incidentin particular in the ICU,
there was a young man whopassed away from COVID
and that affected the whole staff.
And so, I was asked tocome up the next morning
and have prayer with the nursing staff,
the physicians in the ICU,as well as the NCP staff.
The whole staff stopped forawhile for a time of prayer.
- [Lorie] Many healthcare workers tell me
the most trying task isserving as a go-between
for the patient and their family members
not allowed in the hospital.
- He was unable to talk,so he blinked his eyes.
I said that the lord is withyou and he will not leave you.
So, at that moment, I called his mother
and put her on speaker.
I said, "I know you knowyour son can't talk,
but he's blinking his eyesand he hear your voice."
She said, "I love you."
- [Lorie] Life on thefrontlines has been nonstop
and the pandemic causedmany workers to quit,
leaving those behind to pick up the slack.
- I often work extra hours because I care
about my patients and families.
So, therefore, it was nonstop for me,
so my family began toget worried and said,
"You need to rest," but Itold them, "I must go on."
And I can truly say thatthe lord has kept my health,
he has kept me.
- [Lorie] Now more than ever,healthcare workers of faith,
and there are a lot of them,stand on the promises of God.
- When I'm scared or worriedor don't know what to do,
I just go back to the scripture,
knowing that God is here with us always
and that with him, nothing is impossible.
- [Lorie] In one of thehardest hit areas of Texas,
Dr. Craig Delisi says he'sseen 10 times the deaths
during the pandemic than in hisentire 20 years of practice.
- There's been a lot of tears, you know,
a lot of drives home withtears from the hospital.
- [Lorie] Over time, whatmakes him cry has changed.
- In the very beginning,I think what was hard
was the unknown and seeingso much fear all around us,
but at that point, you know,at least I think people
were still looking tothe medical profession
and they sought ouradvice, they, you know,
kind of followed counsel.
- [Lorie] Later, however,he says many people
stopped listening when itcame to recommendations,
like getting vaccinated.
- To me, every patient, you know,
I've lost several in the last month
and, to me, every one ofthose felt preventable.
And I understand, as a believer,
that, you know, in God'ssovereignty and the big picture,
you know, their days were numbered,
he knew when their last breath would be,
but it's hard, I think, towatch suffering and death
when it feels preventable.
- [Lorie] Still, he believesGod will use this pandemic
for good.
- And I hope that thefruit of this pandemic
will be repentance and will be humility
and will be people turning to him.
- [Lorie] Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- That's a wonderful sentiment,
I hope coming out of thispandemic, we have that,
that we realize how much weneed God every single day.
If you know anyone inthe healthcare, you know,
a healthcare worker, couldyou please pray for them,
could you please encourage them?
They've gone through somuch in this pandemic.
Here, locally, the hospitalsare still overflowing
with COVID patients,they're dealing with death
literally every single day.
So, lift them up, pray for them.
It's been my experience, the world over,
no matter where you go,even in Muslim countries,
even in communist countries, when you go
to the medical community,you find Christians,
people who want to heal the sick,
who want to be a benefit for others,
let's recognize their faith in the middle
of this great trial and encourage them
to keep on keeping on.
- Well, coming up, unable tobreathe and unable to move.
This young woman was tormented by demons.
So, how did she become a slave to Satan
and what did she have to do
to break her deal with the devil?
See for yourself after this.
(upbeat music)
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- Witchcraft, astral projectionand a deal with the devil.
17 year old Victoria washeavily steeped in the occult.
So, what started her dive into darkness?
Well, strange voices thatVictoria began hearing
when she was just five years old.
- [Victoria] Everythingthat happened in that world,
I was in control of it.
- [Narrator] A littlegirl's made-up world,
one where everything was perfect.
- It was always about me.
People loving on me, peopletaking good care of me.
- [Narrator] For VictoriaBatiste, it was to escape
a world where parentswere often drunk or high
and, at times, violent,especially her father,
who used the Bible to justifyhis harsh brand of punishment.
- There'd be times of himslamming me on the ground
and choking me, "If thinearm offends me, cut it off."
Like, he basically, he was saying that
"I'll just cut you offand leave you behind."
- [Narrator] Then therewas the verbal abuse,
the constant reminders of howshe was never good enough.
- I hated myself, kind of felt like
maybe something was wrong with me.
- [Narrator] When Victoria was five,
other voices entered her life,voices only she could hear.
- They started to tell me that I'm special
and that I'm not like other people
and I can never be accepted.
- [Narrator] In the coming years,
Victoria began exploring the supernatural,
a search that led her to the study
and practice of witchcraft.
All the while, there werethe voices, encouraging her,
leading the way.
- I felt like they understood me.
The witchcraft becamemore to me than just play
because I knew that stuff was real.
Deeper and deeper, I would go into it.
Like, I would, astral projection,
that's where you projectyour soul out of your body
and you travel in the spirit realm.
That's where I feltlike I was, I had power.
- [Narrator] Even then, itdidn't give her the power
to escape the ongoing chaos at home.
So, when she was a teenager,she set witchcraft aside
for another form of escape, opioids.
- It was like it alteredsomething in me, like I was happy.
Like, the pain, the heaviness,the emotions that I felt
when I woke up every day as a kid,
I didn't feel them anymore.
This is something that helped me cope
with what was really goingon on the inside of my head.
- [Narrator] Victoria cameto depend on those drugs
throughout high school.
For a while, they were enough.
Until one night, after aheated argument with her mom,
a 17 year old Victoriaheard a familiar voice.
- "If you just giveyour life to the devil,
then everything will be okay."
And I was just like, "Okay."
- [Narrator] The next thing Victoria knew,
she had her hands aroundher mother's neck.
- Almost choked my momto death that night.
Couldn't tell you why Istopped choking my mom,
I just know I did.
- [Narrator] Somethinghad changed in Victoria.
As her life began to spiral further,
she had several miscarriages,bounced from place to place
and the voices that once offered comfort,
now tormented her constantly.
- They just became aggressive.
They would torment me inthe middle of the night.
I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe,
I couldn't see anything, it was like
I was being choked to death.
And my heart at that time was just,
I mean, it was just broken.
There was nothing butdeath on the inside of me.
- [Narrator] The onlybright spot in that time
was when Victoria, now18, received a Bible
from a family friend.
She agreed to read it every day.
However, it wasn't until a year later
that the truth of God'sword began to sink in.
She was crashing in the hotelwhere her dad was staying
and couldn't sleep.
- My dad wakes up andhe's like, "What's wrong?"
All these thoughtsswirling through my head,
you know, like, of theBible and I was like,
"I gotta do something different, man,
I don't want to be like this
and I don't want my kidgrowing up in this."
The last words that my dad told me
before he kicked me outof the hotel room was,
"Jesus can't save nobody."
And I was at a point in my life
where I just didn't believe that no more.
- [Narrator] On thestreets with nowhere to go,
Victoria again heard a voice.
A different voice thatsaid, "Go to the church."
- My shoes broke, I literallyjust broke down in tears
and I was just like, "Devil,giving up is not an option."
"I'm not doing this anymore."
In that moment I felt like that's when I
destroyed my contract with him.
- [Narrator] When shereached the church doorsteps,
Victoria fell to her knees and cried.
Several church membersarriving for the service
asked if she was okay.
- I said, "No, I'm 19 years old,
I'm three and a half months pregnant
and I don't have nowhere to go."
This lady walks up to me and she goes,
"Honey, do you need meto take you somewhere?"
And in that moment, that'swhen I started to recognize
that that was God'svoice and I surrendered.
That was it.
Like, I was like, "Okay God, this is it."
"You want me to serve you?"
"You want me to give my life to you?"
"I'm, here I am."
- [Narrator] Those that stopped,
helped Victoria into the church,
where she gave her life to Christ.
Her opioid addiction,the demonic influences
and lies she believedabout God and herself
began to shatter.
- I Started to realizethat he was a loving God
and he was a father andhe was there all along.
- I'm ready to dowhatever you want me to do
because what I did before was not working.
- [Narrator] The church senther to a women's shelter
before she eventuallylanded at a retreat in Texas
for victims of domestic abuse.
There, her faith grew and she gave birth
to her healthy son, Nehemiah.
She's now studying social work
and living a full lifewith Christ at the center.
- I don't have to escape anything.
When I have an issue,I run to God and I say,
"Lord, What do we need to do?"
I am saved, I am healed, Ididn't care about nothing else
but what the lord wanted to do.
It changed my life forever.
- And he can change your life.
And forever, for all eternity,he wants you to be with him
in heaven for all eternity.
Now, some of you may be like Victoria,
you've made a verbalbargain with the devil
where you've said, "Okay,"and you've gone down that path
and on that path, you realize,
well, that's not what it turned out to be.
Some of you have made abargain with other things
where you've pursued what the world says
is going to be good and,you know, it's going to lead
to some kind of happinessand you start down that road
and before long, you realize,"Well, this isn't turning out
how I expected, either."
You know, there's an old storyabout first you take drugs
and then drugs take you,first you drink alcohol,
then alcohol drinks you.
Whether it's a compulsion for pornography,
a compulsion for demon worship,
it all adds up the same,it adds up to death.
There's only one path to life, only one,
his name is Jesus andhe says very clearly,
"I am the way, the truth and the life."
"No one comes to the father, but by me."
He has become our salvation.
Now, I want you to get thistruth, and it's a truth,
the bargain has already been made
and you can't cancel it.
There's nothing you can dothat will ever separate you
from the love of Christ.
There is no principality,there is no power,
there is no addiction, there is nothing
that can separate youfrom the love of Christ
and nothing can cancelthe bargain that he made
with his blood.
You are redeemed.
The price has been paid for you.
No devil, no addiction, no compulsion
can ever cancel that.
That is wonderful news.
If you want to walk in the freedom
that Jesus makes available to you,
all you have to do isdo what Victoria did,
"God, if you want me, if you want my life,
well, I'm all in."
"I've tried this otherthing, it didn't work out."
"Can I turn to you?"
"Can I do that right now?"
And you'll find the answercome ringing back, "Yes."
"Yes, let me take you on my journey now."
If you want this, bow your head with me.
Let's pray a very simple prayer
and Jesus will do what he said he will do,
his very name, salvation.
He'll save you, he'll deliveryou, he'll set you free,
he'll give you life andlife more abundantly.
All he's waiting for you to do is say yes.
So, let's do that and let him take care
of all the problems that you have.
He'll do it all.
All you have to do is ask.
Let's pray.
Jesus, say his name, say it out loud,
Jesus, I come to you.
Lord, you know the thingsthat I've done wrong
and I know them, too, soI ask that you forgive me,
I ask that you set me free,
I ask that you cancel everybargain I've ever made
with things that aren't from you,
I cancel anything I'vemade with any principality,
any power, I renounceit and I turn to you.
And, Jesus, just as you forgive me,
I want to forgive anyonewho has ever harmed me.
I set them free because I want to be free.
I want to be free in you.
So, I open the door of my heart,
I ask that you come inand give me forgiveness,
give me your righteousness,your peace and your joy.
I ask it all in the name of salvation,
the name of Jesus, amen.
Father, for those who just prayed,
I ask for a baptism in your love,
I ask that you wouldlet them know right now
that their prayer has been heard
and has been answered, fill them with joy,
fill them with your love, for we ask it
in Jesus' name, amen and amen.
If you prayed with me,there's one more thing
I want you to do.
The Bible's real specific,all who call upon
the name of the lord shall be saved
and then there's another wonderful verse,
if you confess with your mouth,
if you believe in your heart
and then confess with yourmouth, you shall be saved.
So, I want to make that easy for you,
all you have to do is pick up the phone,
call somebody and say, "Iprayed with that guy on TV."
The number's toll free, 1-800-700-7000.
Now, when you call, I'vegot something for you,
it's called "A New Day".
It's a wonderful teaching by my father.
What do Christians do now?
How are you sure of your salvation?
Where are the scriptures for that?
And then what do you do tolive the Christian life?
It's a wonderful teaching,it's available for you,
we'll send you a CD if youwant a CD, tangible media,
if you want a download,we got a download for you.
To get it, all you have to dois call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Terry, over to you.
- Well, coming up, one momentshe was walking her dog,
the next, she was calling 911.
This senior hit the pavement hard
and four years of pain followed.
So, how was she supernaturallyhealed in an instant?
She's gonna tell you herself.
That's later on today's 700 Club.
(lighthearted music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
The state of Florida hassued the Biden Administration
over its coronavirus vaccine mandate
for federal contractors.
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the suit
at a news conference Thursday, saying,
"The president doesn't have the authority
to issue the rule and that it violates
a key element of the law."
DeSantis also pointed outthat the administration
still has not issued its mandate rule,
suggesting that it's because, quote,
"It's got a lot of problems."
CBN's Operation Blessingis helping parents in need
around the world.
Eugenia is a young single mother
of a nine year old son in Peru.
She needs crutches because she was born
with a malformed leg.
Eugenia and her mother make a living
on plantain chips, frying them
over a dangerous andsmokey wood burning stove
and then selling them in bags for sale.
Sealing them, rather, in bags for sale.
Sometimes she has had to stayunder the hot sun or the rain
and go home completely exhausted.
But thanks to OperationBlessing's partners,
Eugenia received a brand new stove,
which eliminated the dangeroussmoke from the wood one.
She also received newtools to make the chips,
along with a machine to seal the bags,
some pots and pans anda brand new wheeled cart
with an umbrella.
Eugenia said she never imaginedreceiving such a blessing.
Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting ob.org.
Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of today's 700 Club
right after this.
(upbeat music)
- One meal a day, that's all Loyda had
and was able to give her three children
and then one day, she hadno food to give them at all.
This single mom was beyond desperate
and even thinking of suicide.
That's when partners likeyou came to her rescue
and just in the nick of time.
- [Narrator] Loyda has been a single mom
for the past five years.
She's been providingfor her three children
by selling fish andfood in the marketplace.
But over the past year, multiple lockdowns
due to COVID-19 in Peruhave made life hard
for their family.
- [Loyda's Interpreter] Weonly ate one time a day,
usually at noon.
We didn't have breakfast.
At night, we didn't eat either.
We were desperate.
We would go to sleep havingonly eaten once a day.
- [Narrator] One day, theygot down to their last meal.
- [Loyda's Interpreter]I always felt discouraged
when my children said,"Mommy, I'm hungry."
- [Narrator] Loyda saidshe grew so desperate
that she considered the unthinkable.
- [Loyda's Interpreter] Oneday, I wanted to kill myself
out of despair.
No one knows how hard it has been.
- [Narrator] When OperationBlessing learned about Loyda
and others in the community,we brought emergency food
for 70 families on two separate occasions.
Then, to help Loyda andothers to generate income,
we provided a sewingclass and all the cloth
and supplies needed to make and sell masks
using sewing machines alreadyavailable at her church.
When the program was done,Loyda had earned more than $273.
- [Loyda's Interpreter] Withthe money from the masks,
I restarted my grocery business
and can provide for my children.
Everything you see hereis because of the masks.
- [Narrator] Since then,Loyda has continued
to use her training to make more masks
and do other sewing jobs in the community.
- [Loyda's Interpreter] NowI can put food on the table
and we eat three times a day.
I thank God for this blessingthat we have received
through Operation Blessing.
- Single moms, it's a tough place to be.
And every mom, every dad, what do you do
when your children say they're hungry
and you have nothing to give them?
You know, what anopportunity you and I have
to make a difference in themidst of that kind of need.
Joining The 700 Clubgives you that opportunity
and I want to invite you to do that today.
Maybe you've watched thisprogram for a long time
and you've just never gottenup and gone to the phone.
Would you do it now?
Because this COVID pandemichas hit the whole world,
not just here in the United States,
not a place here orthere, the whole world,
and for people who are struggling,
people who are living in poverty,
it has been unbelievable.
We can make a difference,I think we need to see that
and not just do woe is me,we need to see that and say,
"This is an opportunity,an open door from the lord
to make a difference."
65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member.
Go to your phone and callright now, won't you?
Our line is toll free,there it is, 1-800-700-7000,
just call and say you want to join.
When you do, we want tosend you as a thank you
for caring about others this latest DVD,
"The Nearness of Heaven".
I mean, this is so powerful.
Testimonies on here of peoplewho, for various reasons,
various illnesses and concerns,they died, went to heaven
and came back to tell uswhat it was like there.
You want to get this, it's powerful.
It's our gift to you when youjoin The 700 Club right now.
So please call, again, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, "I want to join The 700 Club."
Bless you.
- Well, up next, four yearsof pain from a broken arm
that felt frozen in place.
Why did this woman refuse surgery?
And how was she healedanyway, right in her own home?
See for yourself right after this.
(upbeat music)
Physical therapy, prescription drugs,
nothing relieved the searingpain in Cynthia's shoulder.
After four years of failed treatments,
surgery was the only option left.
So, why did Cynthia refuse it?
And how did she find an instantcure right in her own home?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] For years, CynthiaRegas began each morning
by walking her beloved dog,Angel, in her neighborhood
with little incident.
Until April 2016, whenthe 64-year-old tripped
on uneven pavement.
- I went down very fast and very hard.
I just felt a searingpain in this left arm.
- [Narrator] Cynthiacalled 911 and an ambulance
took her to the hospital.
There, X-rays showed shehad broken her humerus.
- And the humerus bonewent up into the shoulder
and played havoc with everything there.
It was intense pain andI couldn't move my arm
a certain way or the painwould be jabbing pain.
- [Narrator] For the next several months,
she went to physicaltherapy and took ibuprofen,
but neither helped toimprove her mobility or pain.
Now surgery was the only alternative.
- I really wanted to avoid surgery.
I have heard of peoplehaving surgery and it was,
especially in shoulders, it's very painful
and it's a long recovery.
So, I had to let it go, butactually what I was doing
was compounding things.
- [Narrator] Cynthia hadalways been passionate
about playing the pianoand writing worship songs.
With her arm in pain,feeling frozen in place
most of the time, she couldn't enjoy
doing any of the things she loved.
- Something simple, likehugging a family member's neck
or holding a baby, I can't do it
and that's really hardto deal with emotionally.
- [Narrator] Cynthia coped with her injury
as best she could.
Meanwhile, it begantaking a mental, emotional
and spiritual toll.
- This injury really mademe feel like I had failed.
I was depressed.
You really feel likeyou just are a failure.
I began to feel like I was caving in.
- [Narrator] Still dealing withthe pain after a few years,
Cynthia felt lower than ever.
Yet, after taking the timeto dig into the Bible,
she was reminded of notonly the lord's grace,
but also his healing power.
- I didn't realize that I wasn't asking
because I didn't feel worthy to ask
and that he would heal me.
But I didn't need to be ashamed
to ask him for thingsbecause he was my father.
- [Narrator] Her heart encouragedand her faith refreshed,
Cynthia began to fullytrust God for her healing.
Then, on December 4th, 2020,during her daily viewing
of The 700 Club, Cynthia heardTerry Meeuwsen begin to pray.
- There's someone, youhave injured your shoulder,
it's like it's frozen in place.
Nothing you've done has beenable to free that thing up.
God is setting you free from it right now.
Just lift your hands upand begin to praise him.
The full mobility is coming back
into that complete shoulder,your arm, everything,
in Jesus' name.
- By faith, I askedhim that it would be me
and then I told him that I receive it.
I started moving my arm very slowly up
and it just kept going and I said,
"Oh my goodness, I'm healed."
- [Narrator] After overfour years of suffering,
Cynthia could move her armand shoulder pain-free,
without surgery.
- I have my movement and all those lies
that I'm not worthy fellby the wayside immediately.
I felt so excited and so loved.
- [Narrator] Today, she livesa full life, free of pain
as she holds closely tothe lord and thankfulness.
- He was there to heal meand that's a miracle to me
and something that I'llnever quit treasuring.
- He's there to heal you.
Realize that any thought thatyou're unworthy is a lie.
Here's a thought for you,Jesus thinks you are worth
the price he paid.
Isn't that amazing?
That you're worth it.
That when he offers hissoul as a sacrifice for sin,
that's what the Biblesays, you can look it up,
Isaiah, Chapter 53,when he offers his soul
as a sacrifice for sin, hewill see his descendants,
he'll see it, he'll seeyou, he'll see the result
of his sacrifice and hissoul will be satisfied.
Jesus doesn't have buyer's remorse.
When he offered hislife for you, he saw you
and it satisfied, satisfied him.
For the joy set beforehim, he endured the cross.
That joy is you.
The knowledge that you wouldbe with him for all eternity.
This is incrediblenews, it's the best news
anyone's ever heard.
That God would come down, thatJesus would leave eternity,
he would leave heaven inorder to be born in a stable,
in order to offer his lifeas the perfect sacrifice
for all sin, for all people.
And his word is so true,he would leave it all
just for the one, just for you.
He always leaves the 99,he always leaves heaven
to go after the one.
Now, it's wonderful that we get to pray,
it's wonderful that we getaccess to the throne of grace.
Let's use our access tosay just what Cynthia said,
"Could that be me?"
"If that's for me, I'll takethat, yeah, I want that."
So, what's for you?
What are the promises for you?
Here's a wonderful promise,you find it in Psalm 103,
he forgives all your inequities.
Isn't that wonderful?
It's like you've never doneit, he forgives them all
and he heals all your diseases.
So, is that for you?
Is your disease part of all?
Yeah, you get to have it.
You get to have it and notonly do you get to have it,
you have a right to have it because Jesus
has given you that right.
You have the children'srights in the throne room,
you are a child of the king andhe wants to provide for you.
We're going to pray.
Before we pray, we'vegot some other miracles
to encourage you and bring your faith.
Here's Jennifer by email,"My mother had been told
that she had elevatedlevels for stomach cancer."
"Her appointment for ascan kept being delayed,
the insurance company,hospital, two years,
caused her a lot of stress and anxiety."
"September 3rd, watching The 700 Club,
Terry said, 'There'ssomeone named Patricia,
I really don't knowwhat your condition is,
but God does and you'vebeen praying for some time
and today is your day.'"
"'Jesus Christ is answering your prayers,
you're healed in Jesus' name.'"
Well, Patricia got herappointment with a doctor,
her levels are normaland the insurance company
is paying, so yay.
- [Terry] Praise the lord.
Well, this is Theodorefrom Menifee, California,
exposed to chemicaltoxins, later diagnosed
with a form of MS, multiple sclerosis.
Gordon, one day, youprayed for healing of MS.
After the prayer, Theodore said his health
started to significantly improve.
A year later, he had anMRI, his doctor told him
there is no longer anytrace of MS in his body.
- That's a wonderful miracle.- Miracle, yes.
- Let today be a day whereyou get a wonderful miracle.
Let's pray right now.
Lord, we lift everyonein the audience to you,
we ask for healing, weask for forgiveness,
we ask for salvation, weask for every human need.
For those who lackprovision, provide according
to your riches and glory.
Give them the desires of their heart,
for we ask it in Jesus' name.
Terry, God's spoken to you.
- There's somebodywho's watching us today,
you don't usually watch,you're a meth addict
and you are sitting therefeeling such remorse and regret
'cause you feel you've gone too far,
but God is setting you freetoday from your addiction.
Lift your hands and begin to praise him,
receive it, it's true, in Jesus' name.
- There's someone, you'resuffering with tremendous burning
in your intestines, it'sprimarily on the lower left side,
but it spreads across,God's healing you of that,
you just felt it leave.
That's God touching you, just receive
all that he has for you right now.
Someone with gall stones,God is just cleansing you
from all of that, thestones are just dissolving
and disappearing, you're goingto have no more pain from it
from this day forward, inJesus' name, amen and amen.
Do you need healing?
If you need prayer, we're here for you,
all you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.
Here's a word fromProverbs, "Pleasant words
are like a honeycomb,sweetness to the soul
and health to the bones."
For all of us here, God bless you.
We'll see you next week.
(lighthearted music)