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Biden Wants a Homefront Win on Massive Spending Plan Before Heading Overseas to UN Climate Summit

Biden Wants a Homefront Win on Massive Spending Plan Before Heading Overseas to UN Climate Summit Read Transcript

- [Mark] President Biden called

Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer

and Senator, Joe Manchin to hisDelaware home Sunday wanting

to nail down the detailson the social spending

and climate change package.

The Associated Pressreports Manchin appears

to be willing to agreewith the White House plan

for new taxes on billionairesand some corporations.

Manchin is pushing back on the president's

climate change agenda.

For example, a proposal thatwould make utility companies

switch to clean energy was let go.

That's leading some towonder how Biden can meet

his emission reduction goals.

Democrats say even a cutdownspending plan will lead

to important changes for the country.

- We can afford to do this.

We can't afford not to do it.

- [Mark] Other itemsincluding expanding Medicare

for seniors to includefree dental, hearing,

and vision coverage arestill being negotiated.

- Dental is very expensive.

So hearing and visual,

and dental, but dental will take

a little longer to implement.

- [Mark] Speaker Pelosi says Democrats

will be able to foot thebill of this spending plan

which still could be near $2 trillion.

Democrats are mulling over new taxes

on the nation's billionaires.

Progressive leaders now sayif a deal is hammered out

with the spending plan, they'llbe ready to give the nod

to the president's other bill dealing

with traditional infrastructure.

- I'm confident that thepresident will be able

to give his word to theHouse Caucus that he has

that agreement and that wouldthen facilitate the vote

on the infrastructure bill.

- [Mark] Democraticlawmakers say they hope

to vote on the infrastructure bill

by the middle of this week.

The White House wouldlike for the president

to be able to attend the UN Climate Summit

with wins on the home front.

Mark Martin, CBN News.


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