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'Recipe for Economic Crisis': Manchin Warns Dems Not Being Honest About Cost of Massive Social Spending Bill

'Recipe for Economic Crisis': Manchin Warns Dems Not Being Honest About Cost of Massive Social Spending Bill Read Transcript

- [Mark] President Biden issued a warning

at the Climate Summit in Scotland

that climate change is ravaging the world

and destroying people's lives.

- There's no more time to hang back

or sit on a fence, orargue amongst ourselves.

This is a challenge ofour collective lifetimes.

So let this be the momentthat we answer history's call

here, in Glasgow.

- [Mark] Also at the Summit,the president brought

up his domestic agendawhich Democrats are trying

to push through congress.

It allocates a record $555billion to fight climate change.

- The most significant investment to deal

with the climate crisis that any

advanced nation has made, ever.

- [Mark] But just three hours later,

moderate Senator JoeManchin said not so fast,

speaking out against theplans for the president's

massive climate changeand social spending bill,

saying it's not really paid for.

- What I see are shellgames, budget gimmes

that make the real cost

of the so-called $1.75 trillion bill,

estimated to be almost twice that amount.

This is a recipe for economic crisis.

- [Mark] House Progressivesoriginally said

unless Manchin approvesthe bill's framework,

they will not vote for the separate

bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Now the CongressionalProgressive Caucus Chair,

Representative PramilaJayapal telling MSBNC that

members will vote for the $1.2trillion infrastructure bill

despite Manchin's stance.

Manchin had made his position clear,

that bill must be passed.

- Holding that bill hostageis not going to work

to get my support of what you want.

It's time to pass the billand quit playing games.

- [Mark] The White Houseissued a statement saying

they're still confident theycan get Manchin's support,

but they did not mentionhis tough pushback

that happened here, while thepresident was in Scotland.

The critics say a Democratic agreement

may be still a ways away.

Mark Martin, CBN News.


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