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The 700 Club - October 25, 2021

After being bitten by a bat, a woman’s diagnosis comes too late to receive a life-saving vaccine. With just hours to live see how she makes medical history on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, bitten by a bat.

- She picked it up bythe tips of the wings

and carried it outside.

- [Gordon] Her diagnosis came too late

to receive a lifesaving vaccine.

- [Ann] "There's reallynothing we can do."

- [Gordon] This teenager wasgiven just hours to live.

- They pretty much told usto put her in a dark room

and let her die.

- [Gordon] So how didshe make medical history?

- [Ann] She had more antibodiesthan they've ever seen.

- [Gordon] Find out on today's 700 Club.

- [Ann] So that thereis a miracle in itself.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome to The 700 Club.

They're calling it a tossup.

Republican Glenn Youngkinand democrat Terry McAuliffe

are dead even in the race to become

Virginia's next governor.

Youngkin continues to gain ground,

while McAuliffe's lead has slipped.

- So, democrats arepulling out all the stops

with heavy hitters, likeformer president Obama,

on the campaign trail.

All eyes are on the outcome of this race,

which could foreshadow the 2022 midterms.

CBN's Tara Mergener has the latest

on this upcoming election.

- Democrats made huge gains in Virginia

when President Trump was in office,

now they're trying to weather the decline

in President Biden's approval rating.

Republican Glenn Youngkin gaining ground

with a new poll showing a 46/46 split.

Whatever edge democrat Terry McAuliffe had

at the start of thecampaign appears to be gone.

- Well, the idea that this is close

should not shock anybody.

For 44 straight years, theparty that wins the White House,

the next year in Virginia,the other party wins

the Governor's Mansion.

- The gubernatorial racebetween Glenn Youngkin

and Terry McAuliffe is now dead even.

- [Tara] McAuliffe callingin big name democrats,

like former president Obama,

who joined him in Richmond on Saturday.

- Because I could not be happier

that Terry's back on the ticket.

He's persuasive.

Don't sit this one out.

- [Tara] The pressure is on.

A Monmouth survey showing McAuliffe

dropping five points since last month

and this comment during a debate.

- I don't think parentsshould be telling schools

what they should teach.

- McAuliffe then cut short an interview

with a local news reporter

because he didn't like the questions.

- All right, we're over.

That's it, that's it.

- [Tara] The Youngkin camp on offense

with a new campaignslogan, "Parents matter".

And he's demanding the LoudounCounty School superintendent,

Scott Ziegler, and theschool board resign.

This, after a revelationthat Ziegler sent an email

to the board about an allegedassault by a male student

against a female studentin a high school bathroom

one month before publicly declaring

he had no record of such an assault.

- Youngkin telling FoxNews, "It's outrageous,

the email simply confirms what we know,

which is we had administratorsat a school board

who have been covering this up."

With the race a virtual tie,both sides are campaigning

to faith voters.

Kamala Harris endorsing the democrat

in hundreds of churches across Virginia.

- I know that you willsend Terry McAuliffe

back to Richmond.

- [Tara] And conservatives distributing

voter guides and others.

Pundits say the McAuliffe camp

is trying to drum up the enthusiasm

that appears to be lacking forhis second gubernatorial run.

The same Monmouth pollshowing republican voters

are more motivated to voteby a seven point margin.

- The democratic base in Virginia

appears to be a bit fatigued,

fatigued from the last election,amid the global pandemic.

Biden's approval ratings inVirginia have ticked down.

- [Tara] But, by thenumbers, Youngkin's camp

is gaining steam.

- This is our moment.

Right now.

- The biggest swing from independents

breaking for Youngkin, 48 to 39%.

McAuliffe's advantageamong women also shrinking

by 10 points since last monthto a four point lead now.

Well, while Biden wonVirginia by 10 points in 2020,

McAuliffe now reportedly said that Biden

is actually hurting his campaign,

but walked back those comments later,

saying it was gridlock in Washington.

Gordon and Terry.

- Well, Tara, tell us is this,

is this turning into areferendum on President Biden?

Is his dropping numbersactually hurting McAuliffe?

- Well, you know, if you look at it,

the analysts are saying thatthere really is a direct line

between President Biden's polling numbers

and Terry McAuliffe's losinghis gain or, at this point,

it's hard to even say if he'sgot much of a lead at all,

based on the latest polling numbers.

Let me tell you this, so,there's a Signal poll out today

that says 55%, now, of votershave an unfavorable view

of President Obama, only 48% favorable.

So, you know, whetheror not President Biden

is gonna drag him down,there was certainly

an awful lot of concern about that now.

You know, is Terry McAuliffetrying to distance himself

at this point?

It seemed so for a little bit,

but he is going to be campaigning

with President Biden thisweek in Northern Virginia,

so, you know, time will tell.

But I think it's probablysafe to say President Biden

is not at least gonna behelping him very much,

if not possibly hurting him, people say.

- Well, the big guns areout for the democrats.

I've kind of, I've livedin Virginia most of my life

and I'm kind of surprised, I've never seen

this kind of endorsementwhere the national stage

is being focused on Virginia.

Is it making a difference?

- Again, you know, it's unclear, maybe not

because the poll numbersbetween Youngkin and McAuliffe

are getting tighter and tighter.

It's really a tossup atthis point, nobody knows.

But there's been a wholelaundry list of people

who've turned out now for McAuliffe

to try to pull him over the finish line.

President Obama, as we have said,

you have Joe Biden is coming,Stacey Abrams, an activist,

has been here, a voting rights activist,

the mayor of Atlanta, so alot of people are showing out

to help him, but thequestion is, you know,

are they really hittingon the right issues?

They're talking about Donald Trump,

they're talking about the GOP,there's plenty of attacks,

but climate change, youknow, is that something

that's really on the mindsof the majority of Americans

at this point?

So, the concern is, youknow, in that camp is,

you know, should they betalking about education?

Should they be talking about inflation?

What should they be talking about

that's gonna resonate in the end?

So, you know, time willtell, but, you know,

at this point, it's as tight as can be.

- Well, former governorsare getting involved,

Doug Wilder is now coming after McAuliffe,

which is kind of a surprise,tell us about that.

- Yeah, definitely a surprise attack.

Well, he's come out and he has said

that they are taking for granted,

the McAuliffe campaign and even democrats

are taking for grantedthe African American vote

and he's basically saidthat he's not gonna come out

and he's not gonnasupport Terry McAuliffe,

so, you know, that's definitelynot a good thing for him.

He also doesn't like the factthat McAuliffe hasn't made,

he says, black universitiesand colleges a top priority.

He also criticized him for flip-flopping

on Governor Northam.

In 2019, there wereallegations Northam was in

a black face photo.

Northam has never confirmed them,

but Wilder says thatwhile McAuliffe called

for his resignation a couple of years ago,

now, he says he's honoredto have his endorsement,

so he was very, very critical

and I do think it would'vecaught that campaign,

the McAuliffe campaign off guard.

- Well, Tara, thanks for the insights,

thanks for the report.

Voters in Virginia and New Jersey

go to the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd

to elect their governorsand we're going to have

special election night coverageon the CBN News Channel,

so if you'd like to see it, just,

you can watch us onYouTube, you can watch us

on the CBN News app, aswell as the CBN Family app

and get the latest on how theseelections are turning out.

In other news, Israel istaking heat from all sides

for designating six Palestinianrights organizations

as terror entities.

CBN Middle East Bureau ChiefChris Mitchell explains.

- [Chris] Israel's Ministry of Defense

says the six groups operateas an organized network

under the leadership of the Popular Front

for the Liberation of Palestine, or PFLP.

The U.S., along with Israel and its allies

consider the group to bea terrorist organization.

- [Gideon's Interpreter]The decision was made

on a factual and legalbasis after this issue

was examined in the Ministry of Justice

and in this sense, itrelies on a solid basis.

- [Chris] The Palestinianauthority condemned the move

and Palestinian activists from the groups

called on the international community

to help reverse the decision.

- Closing the organizationsand declaring them

as a terrorist organizations,which it will affect

their work on a dailybasis, they will affect

their programs, theywill affect their staff.

- [Chris] The U.S. stoppedshort of condemning Israel,

but State Department spokesman Ned Price

said Israel gave theU.S. no advance warning.

- [Ned] We'll be engagingour Israeli partners

for more information regarding the basis

for these designations.

- Israel's internal security apparatus

says the groups constitutea lifeline for the PFLP,

raising funds and money laundering,

employing and financiallycompensating terrorists

and facilitating therecruitment of activists

to the military arm of the PFLP.

According to the Israelnewspaper, Haaretz,

representatives of Israel'sShin Bet security services

and defense ministry areheading to Washington

to present Israel's evidencethat the groups are indeed

connected with the PFLP.

Olga Deutsch, vicepresident of NGO Monitor,

says her organization has beentrying to show the connection

between humanitarian groupsand terror organizations

like the PFLP for years.

- Increasingly over the years,we have seen connections.

They go to conferences, theyshare the same platforms,

they help Shawan Jabarin,the head of Al-Haq,

which is one of the most prominent

Palestinian human rightsgroups representing PFLP

in many formal meetings.

- [Chris] Deutsch says the paradox

is that the Palestinian peopleare the victims of the scam.

Instead of being served bytrue human rights groups,

their needs are hijacked for political

and terrorist causes.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Well, we're gonna befollowing this story

and give you the details asIsrael presents those details.

They're going to get intofinancial trail, if you will,

follow the money, toshow how these so-called

Palestinian rights groupsare being used as fronts

for fundraising for PFLP.

So, what is PFLP?

Popular Front for theLiberation of Palestine.

Go back to the 1960s, the 1970s,

the Popular Front was aMarxist-Leninist group

funded by the Soviet Unionand they were responsible

for all the aircraft hijackings.

So, when you saw El Alplanes being hijacked,

it was the Popular Front doing that.

So, it's the Popular Front forthe Liberation of Palestine.

For them to still be in actiontoday is absolutely amazing,

but it's the second largest block

within the Palestine Authority.

They're one of the biggest groups there.

Popular Front for theLiberation of Palestine

is a one state solution and that one state

is a Palestinian state withthe Jews driven into the sea.

So, that's the ideology.

It's not a Muslim organization,it's not Hezbollah,

it's not Hamas, they are ideologues

that want to have some kindof Marxist socialist state,

but no Jews allowed.

So, that's the organizationthat Israel is saying

is being funded by these, quote,Palestinian rights groups.

So, we're gonna follow the money,

we're gonna keep you informed,

but this is an incredible development

that the Popular Front islooking at private fundraising

because they've lostthe funding from China,

they've lost the fundingfrom the Soviet Union,

there aren't communists out there

still trying to incitepeople in the Middle East

and so, they've lost all of that,

they're trying to replace it.

Who are they replacing it with?

Well, primarily European donors

to these so-called rights organizations.

So, we'll see.

I'm anxious to see the moneytrail and what evidence

does Israel have?

But this is an incredible development,

to have this kind of funding.

In the United States, there's a parallel.

There were several Muslim foundations

raising money in the United States

and they went by various innocuous names

and, you know, raisingmoney for the holy land

and that kind of thing,and they turned out

to be terrorist frontsand were so identified

by our own treasury departmentand they were shut down.

So, we'll see if this is thesame playbook, if you will,

happening within Israel.


- Well, still ahead, bitten by a bat.

This high school sophomorewas given just hours to live.

Her case of rabies was discovered too late

to receive the lifesaving vaccine.

So, how did she becomethe first person ever

to survive rabies without the vaccine?

You have to see it to believe it.

That's coming up.

Plus, he's been called thematch that lit a powder keg.

How did Martin Luther changethe world with a single act

and why would he turnover in his grave today?

The answers after this.

(upbeat music)

- During October in Wittenberg, Germany,

Christians celebrate one of history's

most significant events atthe annual Luther Festival.

Back in 1517, Martin Luther took a stand

against the abuses of the Catholic church

and started the great reformation.

Dale Hurd has more onthe man who's been called

the match that lit a powder keg.

- It was here in the smallGerman city of Wittenberg

in 1517 that a localprofessor of moral theology

is said to have nailed95 theses to the doors

of the Castle Churchand changed the world.

The world comes to Wittenbergeach year on October 31st

to celebrate Luther with great pageantry.

But Luther's time was rarelythis colorful or this tidy.

The 1500s in Germany werecold, muddy and dreary.

This is more like theWittenberg of Luther's time,

a time with interestingsimilarities to today.

In 1517, the Holy Roman Empire,like the European Union,

was beginning to disintegrate.

New technology, the printing press,

was as revolutionary as social media

and pushing into the bordersof Europe, the armies of Islam.

Even though he was anadopter of new technology,

Luther would probablytry to destroy this piece

of new technology, a robotinstalled in Wittenberg

that dispenses a blessingin seven languages.

(robot talking in foreign language)

It's interesting to watch a nation

that has, in many ways,turned away from God,

or at least away fromBiblical Christianity,

celebrate this man of theBible so enthusiastically.

And how would Luther feelabout today's Germany?

We asked famous German Lutheranpastor, Dr. Theo Lehmann,

and he said he wouldturn over in his grave.

One of the world's leading authorities

on the reformation, YaleProfessor Dr. Carlos Eire,

says the number one reasonLuther would be surprised

by the celebration of his life today

is that he didn't expectthe world that he lived in

to be around in 2021.

- Luther expected the worldto end in his lifetime

or soon thereafter.

If Luther could time travel and visit us,

he would be shocked at what has become

of the Christian world.

The fact that so fewEuropeans now attend church.

- [Dale] Despite the nice sculptures,

Luther was not gentile.

He liked to argue and he didnot like to be disagreed with.

"He was a product of his time,"

says Dr. Benjamin Hasselhorn,

curator of the Luther Exhibition

at the Luther House Museum in Wittenberg,

"and Luther's times were loud and rude."

- In Central Germany in that time,

people were not polite,they were not quiet.

They were loud and they drank beer

and they ate a lot ofmeat and they were rude.

- [Dale] One of the mostcontroversial questions

about Luther is whetherhe was an antisemite.

After expressing tolerancetowards Jews early in life,

Luther wrote terrible thingsabout the Jewish people

later in life, writings thatwere even used by the Nazis.

- Luther called for allsynagogues to be burned

and for Jews to be driven out of Germany.

He didn't call for a holocaust,

he didn't call for massextermination of Jews,

but he had horrible things to say

about Jews and the character of every Jew.

- [Dale] Dr. Hasselhorn says the question

of whether Luther was anantisemite is complicated.

- [Interviewer] Yes or nowas Luther an antisemite?

- Well, I think you can't answer that.

You can say no, but then you have to say

he was an anti-Judaist,but you also can say yes,

but then you have to say itwas not modern antisemitism,

it was early modern antisemitism,

which is slightly different.

His attitude towards the Jews

was driven by religious motives,

not by ethnicity or something else.

- [Dale] Martin Lutherwas an imperfect vessel

that God used to bring Christianity

back to the authority of scripture.

He also changed the way we worship.

Eire says Luther made Christianitya faith about the living

by doing away with purgatory.

- Before Luther, Christians used to spend

a lot of their time, a lot of effort

and sometimes a lot ofmoney on masses for the dead

to get their relativesreleased from purgatory

and that changed completely.

- [Dale] Luther is a key reason

we have so many Protestantdenominations today.

- When he was born,everyone in Western Europe

belonged to the same churchand by the time he died,

there was no longer one church,

there were various churchesall competing with each other.

- [Dale] There were manyreformers before and after Luther.

Eire calls Luther the matchthat lit a powder keg,

setting many things in motion.

- Dietrich Bonhoefferwrote, "The reformations

started by Martin Lutherhad so many effects

Luther never would have wanted."

"He never would'vewanted the enlightenment,

he never would've wantedthe secularization."

"He would have many things to criticize

about his church, aboutwhat it has become today,

about Europe, about theWestern world itself."

- [Dale] Perhaps theseGermans are fortunate

Luther cannot return tosee what modern Germany

and the Western world have become.

He might've spoiled the party.

Dale Hurd, CBN News inWittenberg, Germany.

- Obviously, a very complicated man

and you have to look at his total life,

his total writings, hisantisemitism, I think, is clear,

but at the same time, he gaveus some wonderful phrases.

The power of the pen, whenhe posted his arguments

against the church, and theywere absolute arguments,

he lit a fire, he lit the,he set off a powder keg

and from that, the pen ismightier than the sword.

So, you look at his entirelife and what's the legacy?

Well, every singledenomination in America today,

every Protestantdenomination owes its lineage

to Martin Luther.

He's the one that createdwhat the Catholics refer to

as the Great Schism.

There's a Great Schismbetween the Eastern Orthodox,

the Greek Orthodox andthe Catholic church,

but when Martin Luther came,

it absolutely splintered everything.

Well, you can watch the full story

of the life of Martin Luther,courtesy of CBN Films,

"Martin Luther: The Reformation"

is now available for thefirst time in 4K streaming

and to get access to it,we're asking for a gift

and it's any dollar amount and your gift

will go into the productioncosts of our new movie

on how did we get the Old Testament.

So, order today, get instantstreaming on CBN Family,

we'll also send you aDVD copy of the film,

all you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000

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Terry.- Well, still ahead,

one of the most recognizable songs

in music history andit recently turned 40.

The Oak Ridge Boys reflecton the "Oom poppa mow mow"

of their iconic hit, "Elvira".

And up next, 100% fatal ifnot treated immediately.

The rabies virus attacksthe spinal cord and brain,

that's why this teen'slife hangs in the balance

after she's bitten by a bat.

See what happens next when we come back.

(upbeat music)

Take her home, put her in adark room and let her die.

That's what Jeanna's parents were told

after doctors discovered she had rabies.

By the time Jeanna was diagnosed,

it was too late for herto receive the vaccine.

So, how did she survive?

See for yourself.

- They pretty much told us that she's got

only a few hours to live.

We can either take her homeand put her in a dark room

and let her die or leave her there.

- [Narrator] High schoolsophomore Jeanna Giese

was halfway through aweek-long volleyball tournament

when she started feeling ill.

Her mom, Ann, kept a close eye on her.

- On Thursday, she went toschool, not feeling good,

but she had a volleyball game that night

and so she wanted to makesure she could play in it.

- [Narrator] By gametime, Jeanna had developed

double-vision and was too tired to play.

- We knew something was wrong.

So then, Friday morning,I called her pediatrician.

- [Narrator] Herpediatrician was concerned

about the double-vision and referred them

to a neurologist.

A CAT scan and blood work were ordered,

both came back normal.

- So, we went home, she went right to bed.

I prayed and I asked God,"What is wrong with her?"

And I called my sisters and my family

and, "Can everybody pray for her?"

- [Narrator] Jeanna continued to decline.

By Saturday morning, she couldn't walk,

so Ann rushed her to the emergency room.

As doctors probed for answers,

Ann remembered an unusualday in late September

when a bat flew into churchand Jeanna went to help it.

- She picked it up bythe tips of the wings

and carried it outside and on the way out,

it bit her in the finger.

- [Narrator] The bite was just a pinprick,

so they cleaned it andthought nothing more of it.

Now, however...

- His face turned white and he said,

"She's going to Children's Hospital."

I was getting worried.

I didn't know what couldbe going on with her.

- [Narrator] It would take three more days

for tests to confirm thedoctor's fears, rabies.

The virus attacks thespinal cord and brain

and is 100% fatal ifnot treated immediately.

For Jeanna, it had been four weeks,

too late to receive the vaccine.

- So, then they were like,"She's probably only got

a few hours to live and there'sreally nothing we can do."

My husband and I looked at each other

and we just both started crying.

- [Narrator] Her doctordid have one suggestion,

a theoretical treatmentnever before tried,

put Jeanna in a coma, giveher some viral medication

and hope her body would fight.

- Doctor really had no, really, idea

on how long they'd keep her in the coma.

We don't know if it's gonna work.

She could come out a vegetable.

We just don't know.

- [Narrator] With her parents' permission,

doctors proceeded.

Prayer chains for Jeanna hadspread around the country,

asking for a miracle.

Ann remembers those longdays by Jeanna's bedside.

Finally, after a week,blood tests showed signs

that Jeanna's system was fighting.

She had more antibodiesthan they've ever seen.

So, that there is a miracle in itself.

- [Narrator] By the end of another week,

tests showed no trace of the virus

and the medical teambrought her out of the coma.

However, her doctor wasn'tsure if she would ever speak

or even move again, as Jeannashowed no signs of responding.

- And then one day, he opened her eyes

and he held them open and he said,

"Jeanna, this is Dr. Willoughby."

"Your mom's here, canyou look over at her?"

And I said, "Jeanna, I'm over here,"

you know, "It's mom,"and she turned her head

and that's when we knew that she was okay.

- The first thing that Iremember from waking up,

my entire family came,went down in the cafeteria

to eat dinner and I justremember my brothers were,

you know, saying jokes and I was having

a really great time.

- [Narrator] In therapyfor the next nine weeks,

Jeanna would need moreprayer and God's strength.

You learn basically everything,

walking, moving, grabbingthings, speaking.

There was a huge mix ofemotions between pain

and frustration and confusionand everything together.

- [Narrator] Then, on January1, 2005, Jeanna came home.

In fact, she made medical history

as the first person ever to survive rabies

without the vaccine.

- It was a special day.

Awesome to have the whole family together,

not in the hospital.

- [Narrator] That was nearly 17 years ago.

Today, Jeanna is married,has a college degree

and is the mother tothree beautiful children.

She also races sled dogsand enjoys living life

to the fullest.

- I do thank God that,hey, I'm still breathing.

I have this family, I'mdoing all this stuff.

So, yeah, I think between educating others

and being the wife and themother and having my family,

I think that's why I'm still here.

God pulled me through.

- I had faith before, but it did,

definitely became stronger,you know, I prayed more

and the feeling of, "Wow,he got her through this,"

it was pretty amazing.

- Can you imagine gettinga diagnosis like that

about a child who, a shorttime earlier, was healthy

and playing volleyballand doing all the things

that a young person her agewould have an interest in?

You know, life happens, doesn't it?

It happens unexpectedly, it,we get things thrown at us

that we have no idea arecoming and what do we do?

It's wonderful to know in times like that

that you have the support ofpeople who will stand with you

and pray for you.

Prayer changes things.

God tells us to come to him with whatever

our needs might be, hesays he knows us by name,

knows the details of our lives.

We want to pray for you today

because I know there are some of you,

maybe you've been thrown a, anunexpected thing in your life

that's really shaken you.

Let us pray for you today.

Let us pray with youtoday as you think about

where you're at and what your need is.

Gordon, this is Tracy ofSherrills Ford, North Carolina.

She suffered for seven yearswith tremendous back pain.

She was watching this program

when she heard you givea word of knowledge

specifically about back pain.

She claimed it.

The pain immediately disappeared,

it has not returned after seven years.

By the way, her kneepain went away, as well.

- All right, here's Niromi, saying,

"I watch The 700 Club regularly,

believed that I wouldreceive healing one day

for a curvature in my spine."

"October 15th, Terrywas praying for healing,

I placed my hand on the curvature

and she said, 'There'ssomeone with a curve

around your spine and Jesus isstraightening that for you.'"

"She even curved the palm of her hand

and straightened it out."

"Well, I claimed that healing

and felt a release onthat side of my back."

"Yesterday, I carried homea full bag of shopping,

but was not bothered by theache that I had before."

"Thank you."

Isn't God wonderful?

He comes through, he comesthrough in unexpected ways.

Ways we're not anticipating and if that

makes any sense to you,he comes through in ways

that you can't explain.

And if you could explain it,

well, then it wouldn't be a miracle.

He's beyond our comprehension.

His ways are not our ways,

so his thoughts are not our thoughts.

But, here's the great news,we can believe in him,

we can trust him.

When he says, "I'll doit," you can believe it.

You can have everything cometogether for your miracle.

How do you get that kind of faith

where you look to Jesus, the author

and the finisher of your faith?

Don't look to anything you drum up inside,

but just like Abraham, believe that he

who has promised is able.

And just say that to yourself,

"I believe that he whohas promised is able."

No matter what the problem,

no matter what the doctor's report,

no matter the diagnosis,no matter the symptom,

don't consider thedeadness of your own body.

We just saw a story wherehere's someone in a coma.

Don't consider the deadness of that body.

Consider that he who has promised is able.

Now, let's pray.

With that consideration, let'spray, let's look to Jesus.

Let's rely on him.

He knows a whole lot about resurrection.

So, let's believe him and havethat same resurrection power

act in your body right now.

Lord, we lift everyone who has pain,

anyone who is suffering,anyone who's in a hospital bed,

anyone who's in a coma,anyone who's on life support.

We come together and weagree, touching them.

We say over them the words of scripture,

"You shall not die, butlive and declare the glory

of the lord."

He has plans for you, hehas a purpose for your life,

he has redeemed you.

You are the brand plucked from the fire.

He wants you to glorify him.

So, in Jesus' name, we lay hands,

we come into agreement, we say out loud,

be healed and be made whole.

By the resurrection powerof the risen savior,

Jesus of Nazareth,Jesus, the anointed one,

Jesus, the messiah, weagree now for your life.

Live and be pain free, disease free now,

in Jesus' name.

Terry, God's giving you something.

- There's someone, youhave, this isn't pain,

but it's so annoying, youhave a ringing in your ears

that just never stops and on top of that,

you hear this crinkling sound,

almost like paper crinkling in your ears.

You've been to the doctor,you've taken some medications.

God is healing that for you right now.

You're going to hear justperfect quiet in your ear

as you listen to the naturalthings going on around you,

in Jesus' name.

- There's someone, you heard the report

of the curvature of spine and you say,

"Please say 'Curvature of spine' again."

You've got your right handon the small of your back

and in Jesus' name, spine bestraight, in the name of Jesus.

- Yeah, there's someone else, you have a,

like a condition in yourmouth, it's almost thrush-like,

you have these welts inside your mouth

and it's very uncomfortable,affects your speech,

nothing you've taken has helped,

God's healing that for you right now,

just lift up your hands andbegin to praise him aloud

as he sets you free.

- There's someone with spinal meningitis

and you're not listening, but your mother

is watching this show andshe's crying out for your life,

in Jesus' name be healed, be made whole.

All of that infection becleansed from your body now,

in the name of Jesus.

Lord, we thank you.

We thank you for your sacrifice,

we thank you for your resurrection

and we thank you thatyou've given us this power

to believe in you.

We thank you all, we thankyou for all that you've done,

in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

If you've been healed, let us know.

Share your good report, 1-800-700-7000,

and if you need prayer, we're here for you

and we have a prayer line, 24 hours a day,

all you have to do is pickup the phone and call.



- Well, still ahead, no food in the house

and no money for groceries.

This pastor and his wife never told a soul

they were struggling financially,

so how did he wind up one ofthe top real estate agents

in Kentucky?

He's gonna tell us his secret.

That is coming up.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to The 700Club for this CBN Newsbreak.

When dads show up, it makes a difference.

That's what happened ata Louisiana high school

after an outbreak of violence.

CBS News reported these dads on duty

decided to get involvedat Southwood High School

in Shreveport, Louisiana.

About 40 of them takingdifferent shifts at the school.

They greet students in the morning

and help foster a positiveattitude for learning,

instead of fighting.

School leaders saySouthwood went from seeing

23 students arrested in three days

to no incidents of violencesince the dads showed up.

Turning now to Guatemala,where Orphan's Promise

is providing educationscholarships to young people,

creating opportunities forthem to pursue their dreams

and improve their prospectsfor future success.

Poverty forces manychildren to quit school

and go to work to help their families.

The scholarships paystudents' school fees,

gives them school supplies and uniforms

and helps them to accessonline learning materials

and assistance in helping to create hope

in these often desperatelypoor communities.

You can find out moreabout what Orphan's Promise

is doing around the world bygoing to

Gordon and Terry are backwith more of Today's 700 Club.

It's all coming up right after this.

(upbeat music)

- Devin Kroner and his family

were struggling to make endsmeet on a pastor's salary.

Then, Devin had to take a pay cut.

So, he prayed about what to do

and God gave him an idea.

Before long, that idealed Devin to becoming

The Real Estate Pastor.

- [Narrator] Devin Kronerstarted selling real estate

in 2018 and he's already become

one of the top sellers in Kentucky.

- People who've been in thebusiness for years ask me,

"Well, how are you getting your business?"

The honest answer is, "I pray."

- [Narrator] He's knownas The Real Estate Pastor.

A successful agent and acommitted lead pastor at a church,

Devin openly shares his faith.

- I've had clients that haveasked me to come to their house

after the closing andpray before they moved in.

So, it's created ministryopportunities in that regard.

- [Narrator] Through theyears, Devin and his wife,

Elizabeth, have trusted Godthrough many ups and downs.

In the spring of 2008, theyhad just bought a condo

when Devin accepted a jobas a children's pastor

in another town.

But because of the housing crisis,

they were stuck with a homethey couldn't sell or rent.

- [Devin] The income and theexpenses just did not line up.

- There were times that there wasn't money

to, like, go to the grocery store,

so I was like, "I don't even know

what I'm gonna scroungetogether for dinner."

- [Narrator] No matter howtight their finances got,

one expense was not negotiable.

- [Devin] We would sitdown and we would write

our tithe check first when I got paid.

- Right up there with brushingyour teeth every morning

is, you know, the first10% goes to the lord.

- We'd pray over our tithe check

and just thank God for blessingus and taking care of us

and it was never a questionto us of if we should tithe

or should we save that moneyor use it somewhere else,

it was "No, we're gonnagive to God first."

- [Narrator] The Kroners never told anyone

they were struggling financially.

Still, they saw God using others

to provide for them insome unexpected ways.

- You can't really explainit, you can't plan for it.

Sometimes somebody would callus and invite us for a meal

and we had no food at home at that moment,

sometimes it would be acard would come in the mail

with money in it.

We got cards, we got a check from somebody

we didn't even know.

- We never missed a bill,we never had to, like,

ask our parents or anybody for money,

like, God continued to provide,like, every single time.

- [Narrator] Over the next few years,

Devin's ministry career broughtthem to different states

before landing in Kentucky.

But in 2018, they faced another crisis,

Devin's church salary was being reduced.

Now parents, the Kroners prayedabout how to make ends meet.

- You don't know exactlyhow it's gonna work,

how is he going to come through?

- [Narrator] That's whenDevin, who already knew

about the housing marketfrom his multiple moves,

felt God prompting him to gointo real estate on the side.

- We kind of took on abit of a leap of faith

just in him 'cause it cost quite a bit,

but I was like, "Okay,God, okay, we'll do it."

- I started off in 2018and in half a year,

sold more houses thanmost agents do in a year.

And then last year,2019, I was in the top 5%

in our Northern Kentuckymarket and again, that's God.

- [Narrator] The Kronershave continued to faithfully

give to their church andto ministries like CBN.

They recently becameSuperbook Club members.

- With Superbook, I canturn it on and I know that,

one, it's gonna be safe for them to watch,

but it also is gonna help to instill

some of those Biblical principles that,

you know, as parents, Devinand I are trying to instill.

- [Narrator] Devin and Elizabethare teaching their kids

to trust God in all areas of life.

Devin says that when peopleobey God through giving,

he is always faithful to bless them.

- When you commit totithing and God blesses you,

it may not be more Benjaminsin your bank account,

but it may be more peace in your marriage.

Blessing can look like alot of different things.

It can affect your health,it can affect your mindset,

it can affect your relationships

and it can affect your wallet.

- The principle of tithing is so much more

than just the fact of giving 10%,

it's that level of obedienceand that level of trusting God,

that God's got you.

- And that's the key.

Tithing shows that you trust him.

You trust him with your future,

you trust him with your family,you trust him with your life

because you're trustinghim with your money.

It's the only time we get to test God.

It's in our tithes and offerings

and then God says, "Prove me now in this,

if I will not open foryou the windows of heaven

and pour out a blessingyou can't contain."

Now, how does that blessing come?

Well, it can come in a variety of ways.

What you just heard, it canbe a peace in your home,

it can be all kinds of different things.

But here's something God loves to do,

he loves to give you creative ideas

and that's exactly what he gave to Devin.

He gave Devin a creativeidea to go into real estate.

You see the blessing.

God's got ideas for you, he's got plans

and purposes for you, all you have to do

is be obedient and then ask him,

"Lord, what do you want me to do?"

Now, if you want to start tithing,

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

You put it into action,it's the law of reciprocity,

give and it will be given unto you.

When you start thismoving, then you can know

that God's with you.

Now, it's not some heavenly slot machine,

it's not an on again, off again thing.

You just saw that wonderful couple,

when things got bad, they kept tithing.

And so, that's the principle.

When you put God first, that's when,

when you call, he will answer.

So, if you want to have that assurance

that he has your future, beconsistent with your tithe.

Give us a call, 1-800-700-7000,

just say, "I want to join The 700 Club."

How much is that?

It's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.

Some of you can join at higher levels.

We have Gold at $40 a month,1000 Club, $1000 a year,

that's $84 a month.

Whatever level, do it now.



- Up next, the signaturesong that never fails

to bring the house down.

The Oaks have been performingElvira for 40 years.

So, how did the group survivethe pandemic shutdown?

The boys will tell usthemselves right after this.

(upbeat music)

150 shows a year.

The Oak Ridge Boys havebeen performing together

for nearly 50 years.

So, what happened when the COVID pandemic

shut down their show?

And how have the boys come roaring back?

You're about to find out.

♪ Giddy up, oom poppa,oom poppa, mow mow ♪

♪ Giddy Up, oom poppa,oom poppa, mow mow ♪

- [Narrator] It's one ofthe most recognizable songs

in music history.

♪ And I'm singing Elvira ♪

And the 1981 hit by the OakRidge Boys just turned 40.

♪ My heart is on fire for Elvira ♪

For Duane Allen, JoeBonsall, Richard Sterban

and William Lee Golden,performing that song

never gets old.

♪ Giddy up, oom poppa,oom poppa, mow mow ♪

- I don't know that it feelslike it's been 40 years, man,

it's been a quick 40 yearsin some ways, I guess.

- It's almost like theHallelujah Chords now.

We start doing that song andpeople start standing up,

you know, it's quite phenomenal, really.

- Even here 40 years later,it's kind of fun to be on stage.

You look out, you'regonna see all the men,

they're trying to do the"Oom poppa, mow mow" part.

It really is fun.

- [Narrator] Beginning as a gospel quartet

out of Nashville, the Oak Ridge Boys

ventured into secular countrymusic in the early 70s.

The now Country Music Hall of Famers

went on to collaboratewith musical legends,

performed for five presidents

and won five Grammies andnumerous other awards.

- [Sports Announcer]Country music legends,

The Oak Ridge Boys.

- [Narrator] In all those years,

they continued to write and perform songs

with a positive, encouraging message.

- We want to give peoplesomething good to think about,

to take them away from the problems

they've been going throughin their life all week long.

When you leave our show,we want you feel better

than when you came.

- [Narrator] In theirnearly 50 years together,

the boys never stopped performing,

averaging 150 or more shows a year.

That is, until March 14, 2020,

when the group performedwhat would be their last show

before the COVID pandemic shutdown.

- It was a weird feeling, you know,

when it was all the way home

that we realized thatwe're probably gonna be,

not gonna be working for awhile.

- [Narrator] With their tourbus parked indefinitely,

the four men were able toenjoy rare time at home

with their families.

Still, they couldn't waitto get back on the stage.

- Every one of us has spentour whole lives on the road

in one group or anotherand most of our lives

on the road singing, doing shows.

That's what we are, that's what we do.

All of a sudden, with thatshut down, you're home.

- I loved being at home, but the boys are,

we're made to sing.

- [Narrator] However, theysay through the years,

there's always beensomething more than music

binding them togetherand keeping them going,

even in their lowestmoments, faith in Christ.

- Well, my faith is real simple.

Each year I try to get closer to him

and I don't make him complicated,I just make him welcome.

- God has really blessed us, man.

He comes first and we try toshine that light, as well.

Yeah, we never ever, ever didn't believe

that we would be okay.

- [Narrator] While their2020 tour had to be canceled,

that didn't keep them out of the studio.

Revisiting their roots in gospel music,

they returned to thestyle of old church hymns,

which brought new music, renewed spirits

and perfect harmony.

♪ Hills, the tunnels ♪

♪ Never falter, never fail ♪

♪ Keep your hand upon the throttle ♪

♪ And your eye upon the rail ♪

- And it's just as natural as that

and that's the way thewhole album came down.

- [Narrator] In August2020, the boys recorded

their new album, "Front Porch Singin'".

It aims to share a positive message

needed in the world today.

- I think God had a planfor this album, I really do.

I think that it wasbigger than the four of us

even realized when we were working on it.

- If you look at all thesongs that are on that album,

every one of them hassomething good to say

and that's what we want peopleto get out of that album

when they listen to it.

- And if you put Jesusat the very top of that,

then, man, you can move mountains.

- [Narrator] As 2021 got underway,

the boys were able to get back on the road

and to what they were made to do, sing.

- That's the answer to everysingle question, let's sing.

- You're looking atfour guys here right now

that are chomping at thebits to get out there

and do what our calling is in life.

- [Narrator] The Oak Ridge Boys are now

on their Elvira 40 Tour, asthey share both new music

and highlight their classics.

- Most of this nation was singing Elvira

with Oak Ridge Boys.

♪ Elvira ♪

- Our faith in God isstronger in my life right now

than it's ever been.

I give him the honor,the praise and the glory.

- And he's helped us get througha very, very trying year.

- The boys are back,you ain't kidding, man.

♪ We wish you love, light and healing ♪

♪ Home, family and faith ♪

♪ We all need love, light and healing ♪

It's been trying, but at the same time,

I have felt comfort through all of it

and that's what faith reallydoes, it comforts your soul.

Jesus Christ can do thatif you'll allow him to.

♪ Let's pray for love, light and healing ♪

♪ Home, family and faith ♪

- No moss growing underthe feet of these boys.

While they were having to cancel shows,

they were writing and singing

and putting together"Front Porch Singin'",

that's their latest CD and you can find it

wherever music is sold.

- Well, we leave you with this verse

from John, Chapter 16,"Ask and you will receive,

that your joy may be full."

For all of us here, God bless you.

We'll see you again tomorrow.

(upbeat music)


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