'Outrageous Evidence': Eric Metaxas Says Science, Archeology, and History All Point to Existence of God
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- Is atheism dead?
Yes, says Eric Metaxas,
and not only that,
he says science, archeology and history,
all point to a creator,
now more than ever.
- I, have literally neverbeen as excited about a book.
- [Jenna] From "Bonhoeffer"and "Amazing Grace,
The Story of WilliamWilberforce" to "Martin Luther,"
best-selling author and radio host,
Eric Metaxas, is out with his newest book,
"Is Atheism Dead?"
- I'm not really particularlytaking on atheism.
That's a part of the book.
but I'm framing it
in the way that I do,
with the title "Is Atheism Dead?"
Particularly because, in 1966,
Time magazine had this infamouscover article that said,
"Is God Dead?"
- [Jenna] And that got him thinking.
- I thought, "I keep bumping into
outrageous evidence for God."
Like, really outrageous,
the kind that I've neverbumped into in my life before.
- [Jenna] He points totwo specific examples.
- [Eric] One has to do with thediscovery of biblical Sodom,
which is astonishing.
- [Jenna] In roughly 1650 BC,
the city east of the Jordancalled Tall el-Hamman
was destroyed by a meteor.
Scientists now believe the citycould be the site of Sodom,
the ancient biblical citydestroyed for its wickedness.
- The other is,
having to do with theidea of where did life
come to begin with, right?
We always talk about evolution,
but we never talk about4 billion years ago,
you scientists say lifeemerged on planet earth
as single cells,
but nobody really canexplain how did that happen?
So those are these things kicked it off,
and I thought, "There is somuch evidence from science,
besides the one that I just mentioned,
there's so much evidence from archeology,
besides biblical Sodom, I thought,
'Maybe I need to writea book where I present
a lot of the evidence thatI've had the privilege
of bumping into that otherpeople might not know about,
including most believers.'
I thought, 'It haspiled up over the years,
and the decades, like snow, you know,
overnight, you don't hear it,
and suddenly you wake up in the morning,'
and you think, 'Wheredid this come from?'"
And it's drifts againstthe door, three feet high.
- [Jenna] Eric addresses it all,
laying out the evidence for God.
- We've come to a place in science,
and in history,
where we can now know.
Before, maybe we couldn't.
But we can now know thatscience is compatible
with Christian faith,
and that, in fact,
it was Christian faiththat led to modern science.
Tremendous irony when you think of this
secular narrative we've been dealing with,
roughly since Darwin.
- [Jenna] On the contrary,
he says any more science,archeology, and history
simply do not support a godless creation.
- So we've been livingwith this kind of myth,
this lie, that science and scientists
are at odds with faith.
That's profoundly untrue.
And I would even go a step farther,
and quote my friend, John Lennox,
the great mathematician who'swritten on this subject,
and I quote him a lot in the book,
but he says that it's not just that
science and faith are compatible,
what is incompatiblewith science is atheism.
That's a shock.
That's a headline.
You know, that's the manbites dog kind of headline.
- [Jenna] He says today in 2021,
the question isn't "Is God dead?"
But "Is Atheism dead?"
- The science, at least points,
to a creator god,
a tremendous intelligence.
The greatest atheist of the 20th century,
Antony Flew, John Paul Sartre,Albert Camus, all of them,
the ones who took atheismthe most seriously,
eventually realized thatit was more rational
to believe in a god
than in no god.
- Eric says his bookisn't just for Christians,
he says it's for anyone
wrestling with life's biggest questions.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.