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The 700 Club - October 15, 2021

He tried to break a horse, but instead the horse broke him. Doctors said he’d never walk again, but now watch him run on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, hetried to break a horse.

- And that one decisionmight have cost me my life.

- [Gordon] Instead, the horse broke him.

- This 1,200 pound horsecomes down on my right leg.

It broke me in half.

- [Gordon] They saidhe'd never walk again.

- It would have to be anabsolute miracle of God.

- [Gordon] Now, watch him run.

- He provided the will and the want to

and God did the rest.

- On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

Welcome to The 700 Club andthanks so much for joining us.

Today we're gonna to go to North Korea

where they have rocket launchers, tanks,

ballistic missiles, a newlong-range hypersonic missile.

North Korea has beenbrandishing its military might

for all the world to see.

- Well, this grandiose display of power

marked the 76th anniversaryof the country's

ruling Workers' Party.

Meanwhile, children and elderly people

are facing possible starvation

and 75,000 Christians are locked up

in prison camps across the country.

George Thomas has the details.

- [George] A formerNorth Korean high ranking

intelligence official says the regime

of President Kim Jong-un,desperate to make cash,

resorted to drug deals,weapon sales and terror

in order to maintain his tightgrip on the Hermit Kingdom.

Kim Kuk-song, breaking his silence

for the first time afterdefecting seven years ago,

telling BBC News that theyoung 37 year old dictator

is eager to prove himself as a warrior

to his people and the world.

That warrior-like spirit on display

as Kim and his top leaderswatched bare-chested

North Korean soldiers break through layers

of bricks and glass, as others performed

various unusual martialarts-like routines,

marking the 76th anniversaryof the ruling Workers' Party.

North Korean state media saying

the strength of these soldiers was, quote,

"Bestowed upon them by theirdear leader, Kim Jong-un."

This week, North Korea put onone of its largest displays

of military hardware andadvanced weapons in decades.

- His arsenal is becomingmore sophisticated.

- [George] Flanked byrocket launchers, tanks

and intercontinental ballistic missiles,

including this new longrange hypersonic missile,

Kim Jong-un vowed to buildan invincible military

to counter America.

- All of these efforts, you know,

trying to accomplishmultiple, multiple goals

with different missile systems.

- [George] North Korea tested several

nuclear capable weapons in September

that could reach targetsin South Korea and Japan,

including U.S. military bases there.

- The effort there is to, you know,

in a conflict or in a near conflict,

to give the United States a pause

or pause the United Statescoming to South Korea

or Japan's defense.

- Meanwhile, NorthKorea's economy and people

continue to suffer.

The United Nations warning thatchildren and elderly people

now face possible starvation.

- This is a regime thatdoes not care about

the North Korean people.

If they did, they would notwaste money and resources

on these weapon systems.

- [George] All this as theregime continues to torture

and imprison people of faith.

- Those charged withChristianity often face,

some are the executionsor are forced to live out

the rest of their lives insidepolitical prisoner camps.

- [George] A new reportdetails how North Korea's

secret police are often rewarded

when they arrest Christians.

- One victim who was arrestedfor the possession of a Bible

was detained in solitaryconfinement, starved

and beaten with a metal rodused for cleaning rifles.

- [George] According to Open Doors,

North Korea is the mostdangerous place in the world

to be a Christian.

Some 75,000 North Korean Christians

are reportedly languishing in prison camps

across the country.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- We used to call it the axis of evil

and you look at NorthKorea, you look at Iran,

you look at these hotspots,military dictatorships,

these attempts to over-ampup their military.

What is the threatthey're trying to contain?

I think it's quite clear South Korea

has no intention of invading North Korea,

the United States has no intention

of invading North Korea, sowhat's the purpose of this?

Well, the purpose is to create

a regional military superpower

that could threaten Japan,threaten South Korea

and in that process, get its own way.

But the, all it's going to do

is to lead to continued isolation,

continued sanctions, and whopays the price for all of that?

Well, the people of North Korea.

So, my heart goes out to them.

They've been through starvation before,

it looks like they'regoing through it again.

They've had crop failures,they've had a lot

of different troubles andthey have a government

that wants to concentrate all the funding

into military weapons.

Now, as an American, wehave to ask ourselves,

"What's the purpose of these missiles?"

Well, it's certainly not tocelebrate the Fourth of July,

they're trying to intimidate us,

they're trying to put our West coast

under threat of nuclear annihilation.

Can we, as a free people,allow that to happen?

I think the answer is quite clearly no.

But our options are quite few

and absent some kind of military option,

which I don't think anybody wants to do,

you're talking aboutannihilating South Korea

and any military operations.

So, we're going to be held hostage.

But here's something we, as Christians,

are not hostage to, we havea right to appeal to heaven,

let's do that, let's askfor a change in North Korea,

let's ask for a reunificationof that wonderful country,

freedom for people, theability to have a life,

have a hope, have a future.

God absolutely wants that for them,

so let's pray that he would move.

If you're other, in other news,

if you're not vaccinated,you may have to start

getting regular tests forCOVID in order to work.

John Jessup has that storyfrom our CBN News bureau

in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

Those tests would bepart of President Biden's

vaccine mandate forlarger private companies,

which he says is coming soon.

But the president alsofaces stiff pushback

from across the countryagainst the mandate,

even as more COVID treatments are coming.

CBN's Jennifer Wishon explains.

- The good news is COVID cases in the U.S.

are down nearly 50%,hospitalizations are down nearly 40%.

But new vaccine mandates are coming

and as we head into the winter months,

the government is close to recommending

more Americans get booster shots.

- So, we do have a unanimous19 out of 19 yes vote.

- [Jennifer] An FDApanel voted unanimously

in favor of recommending a third shot

for the Moderna vaccine.

It would be a half dosegiven at least six months

after the second shot to seniors

and Americans at high risk.

The full FDA still has to approve it.

Many Americans who got the Pfizer vaccine

are already getting their booster shots

and the approval process fora Johnson and Johnson booster

will soon be underway.

The FDA panel stressed there's no evidence

it's necessary to openbooster shots to everyone,

despite the Biden Administration's plans

to eventually do so.

And in the next few weeks,the FDA will determine

whether the COVID vaccineis authorized for children

ages five through 11.

The federal governmenthas already purchased

enough doses for that age group.

Meanwhile, in a brief addressafter which he, again,

took no questions from reporters,

the president announced hisprivate sector vaccine mandate

will soon take affect.

- The Labor Departmentis gonna soon be issuing

an emergency rule for companieswith 100 or more employees

to implement vaccinationrequirements in their,

among their workforce.

- [Jennifer] Those employeeswill have to get the vaccine

or submit to regular COVID testing.

It's an effort by the government

to get shots into the armsof the 66 million Americans

who remain unvaccinated.

- Let's be clear, vaccination requirements

should not be anotherissue that divides us.

- [Jennifer] But the president'salready facing pushback.

The Republican National Committee has said

it will sue over theprivate sector mandate.

Texas governor, Greg Abbott, this week,

signed an executiveorder he says nullifies

the federal mandate forbusiness in the Lone Star State.

And at least 24 attorneys general

have announced they'llsue over the mandate.

Also, according to Front Lines Ohio,

a group of Ohio clergyrepresenting 100 churches

sent a letter to Bidenpointing out his promise

as president elect not toissue a vaccine mandate.

The group says he's now crossed a line.

"The people should have the ability

to make their own healthdecisions," the letter reads.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

- All right, thank you, Jennifer.

There's also pushback in Israelagainst a government measure

to fight the spread of COVID.

After nine months of amassive vaccination campaign,

Israel is relying onwhat's called a green pass.

It allows people who've been vaccinated

better access to public places,

like indoor restaurants and gyms

where green passes are checked,

effectively, actinglike a vaccine passport.

Now, that's led to strongprotests from many Israelis

and, as Chris Mitchell reports,

some are even saying democracy is gone.

- [Chris] Prime MinisterNaftali Bennett sounded positive

as statistics show Israel recovering

from its fourth surge of the pandemic.

- [Naftali's Interpreter] In the battle

against the coronavirus,it seems at this point,

that we have the upper hand.

All parameters show a gradualdecrease in morbidity,

the confirmed cases are in decline.

- [Chris] Still, Bennettcautioned against relaxing

preventative efforts.

- [Naftali's Interpreter]Despite the overall

positive direction, no oneshould enter into complacency

facing the elusive virus.

We're continuing with thecampaign with our might

and we're also preparingfor the next stage.

- [Chris] That includes achange to Israel's green pass.

Technical difficultiespostponed its launch,

but only those who've received a booster

or a second dose or have recovered,

all less than six months ago,will qualify for the pass.

Venues, such as indoor restaurants, gyms

and university campusesare expected to check

each patron's pass and ID.

That sent protesters to thestreets against the green passes

in what they called forced compliance.

- We are totally againstany, any forced vaccinations

or any forced medications.

- [Chris] Signs in car windows said,

"Tomorrow it's you,"and "Democracy is gone."

- I've representedIsrael across the world.

I've gone on college campuses,I've fought for Israel

and I'm ashamed todayof what Israel is doing.

- [Chris] Israel began offeringthe Pfizer-BioNTech boosters

to those over 12 and more than a third

of the nine millioncitizens have received it,

according to the health ministry.

From the beginning, medicalexperts have had mixed reactions

to the green passes.

Renowned immunologist, Dr. Zvi Bentwich

of Ben-Gurion University, is part of

the emergency public councilfor the corona crisis.

- We are not against vaccination,

but we are against the usage of a measure

that would cause discrimination

and enforcement ofmeasures that would impinge

on basic and on human right.

- [Chris] Professor David Enoch

at the Hebrew Universityin Jerusalem disagrees.

- When done properly, it does not violate

human rights for me, but givingat least a fairly successful

vaccination effort, green passport policy

is the way to do that.

- Having a policy, let'ssay, in restaurants,

that everybody will wear a mask

and there would be somesort of distancing,

but by saying that youcannot enter a place

unless you have this passport,that's a different story.

- [Chris] For the most part,Israelis just want life

to return to normal, includingallowing an unlimited number

of tourists back in the country.

Until then, even disagreeing medical minds

will continue look for waysto successfully prevent

and treat the virus.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

Gordon, this debate over mandates

pitting public health versus national,

versus personal freedoms reminds me a lot

of the debate with nationalsecurity versus privacy.

- Well, it is oddly similar, you know,

do you have a right to your own computer?

Do you have a right to have your emails

not collected by the NSA?

And, you know, what did wegive up in the Patriot Act

in an attempt to control terrorismwithin the United States?

It is similar, but whenyou're talking public health,

for all of you that don'twant to be vaccinated,

there's not really good courtprecedent for that position.

Let's go back 120 yearsago, there was a pastor,

he objected to gettingthe smallpox vaccination.

Now, smallpox is a completelydifferent disease than COVID,

the death rate is a whole lot higher,

but he objected on religious grounds

that he didn't want that, the vaccine.

He lost that case and he lost that case

in the Supreme Court.

So, when the Supreme Courtis weighing public health

versus individual rights,they tend to come down

on public health.

So, how is this debate goingto be phrased and framed

at that court?

You have to be care, verycareful what fact situation

is brought before the court.

Right now, what we're dealing with

is the federal government saying

if you employ more than 100 people,

you either have to have them vaccinated

or on a regular basis, have them tested.

Now, so they're tryingto stay way back away

from individual rights, saying,

"Well, you have the individualright not to be vaccinated

as long as you're goingto be regularly tested."

I don't see a court overturning that,

so everyone's being very careful here,

but at the end of the day, it's still

a very political decision and we've got

some midterms coming up,we've got more elections

in our future.

Now the issue is will any ofthis matter a year from now

or two years from nowor three years from now?

So, stay tuned, we'llobviously give you the latest

on all the lawsuits and all the news

regarding where are thegovernment mandates,

what are they going torequire from employers

and what are they going torequire from individuals?


- Well, still ahead, broken inhalf by a 1,200 pound horse.

What did it take to put thiscowboy back together again?

You'll see for yourself.

That story's coming up.

Also ahead, meet Judith.

She's a female date palm that was sprouted

from a seed 2,000 years ago.

How are she and otherslike her symbols of hope

for peace in the Middle East?

Find out after this.

(upbeat music)

- Just imagine trees sprouting from seeds

that are 2,000 years old.

It seems impossible, but it's not.

In the middle of Israel's Arava Desert,

botanists have takenancient date palm seeds

and nurtured them tolife and now those palms

are bearing fruit.

Watch what Chris Mitchell reports.

- [Chris] This littleyoung looking palm tree

named Judith carries an ancient heritage.

- We're talking about the resurrection

of 2,000 year old plus ancient date seeds

that come from the Judean Desert

and from Masada and which are part

of a scientific experiment.

- [Chris] Growing in a greenhousefor the last nine years,

Judith was recently transplanted

in what Kibbutz Ketura calls

the Ancient Judean Date Orchard.

Journalists even pitched in to help.

She's the fifth suchtree to be planted there

after Methuselah, Adam, Jonah and Hannah.

- We're planting a second female date tree

who was sprouted from an ancient seed.

Actually, this one came from Qumran,

which founded the caves, andmuch to our astonishment,

she also sprouted.

- Hannah is the first female tree.

She was planted outside in2019, pollinated by Methuselah.

Hanna had around 100 dates last year.

This year, she had more than 600.

Dr. Sarah Sallon, a medical doctor,

started this projectmore than 15 years ago

after becoming interestedin natural medicine.

- I wanted to see how medicinalthe flora of Israel was

and what it had been used for and so on.

And then I realized thatmany of these species

had actually disappeared.

And we know what they're worth

because it's mentioned in the Bible.

The Bible is our guidebookof ancient species.

- [Chris] One thatdisappeared centuries ago

was the Judean date.

It's mentioned in the Bibleas one of the seven species

found in the ancient land of Israel.

- We see dates all the way along here,

palm trees and all thekibbutzim are growing plants

and look at the plantations on Ketura.

Those date palms of modernday Israel are modern

and they were imported afterthe founding of the state

in the 1950s, but they'renot the original date tree

that grew here.

- [Chris] Years ago at Masada,archeologists found a jar

of those ancient date seeds.

- In ancient times, the classical writers

described in detail thedates of ancient Judea.


Because they were famous.

They were big, they weresweet, they were very dry.

That allowed them to be exportedall over the Roman Empire

and they had medicinal qualities.

- [Chris] Sallon obtainedfive of those original seeds

and gave them to botanistDr. Elaine Solowey.

After devising a method to sprout them,

Solowey has succeeded in sprouting seeds

found in other places,such as the Qumran caves

where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

- I think the biggestproblem is hydrating them

because if you hydrate themtoo quickly, you kill them

and you only get one crack at each seed.

So far, we have fivemales and two females,

seven altogether, andI've tried lots of seeds

and most of them aredeader than doornails.

- [Chris] 15 years ago, thefirst tree Solowey sprouted

was a male, they called him Methuselah,

after the oldest person in the Bible.

CBN News got its first look 10 years ago

when Methuselah was still in the lab.

More than 850,000 datetrees grow in Israel.

Solowey planted some 3,000of them on Kibbutz Ketura,

where each tree produces around350 pounds of dates a year.

Solowey and Sallon are hoping eventually

to add the revived Judeandates to the harvest.

- We're gonna be testingthose dates in the future

to see actually what theydo and whether they differ

from other commercialvarieties of modern dates.

So, for the kibbutz, it's a big venture.

- [Chris] Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed,

director of the Arava Institute sees this

as planting seeds from the past

to bear a special kind ofneeded fruit for the future.

- If you don't look back to the history,

you will not see the future

and here we're actually planting history

at the Arava Institute.

We hope one day one daythat with these trees

that came from 2,000years ago will be the hope

of peace in our region.

- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.

- That's a story you're notgonna see anywhere else.

And what a wonderfulthing, to see ancient seeds

come to life, bringing theBible to life with them,

one of the legendaryfruits from the holy land

is now back live and kicking.

Terry's grandmotherused to cook with dates.

- Bake, bake.- Bake.

- Ooh, dates in cookies are awesome.

- Really?- Mm hmm, delicious.

- I used to make a brisket with dates.

- A brisket?

- Yeah.- Really?

What does a date do to a brisket?

- It makes it wonderful, itgives a very silky sauce to it.

It's not too sweet.- I like to just eat them

by the bulk.- It's not too sweet,

but yeah.

- Yeah, they're, they're-

- I used to, I used have date honey,

I haven't had date honey in a long time.

I found it in Israel andwent, "Wow, what is this?"

- Looks like it's timeto go back and get some.

- Yes.

- So, there you go.

- Let's go to Israel.

- Okay, I'm on.

Well, coming up, crushedbeneath a 1,200 pound horse,

this man's pelvis snapped in two.

So, how did he survive,learn to walk again

and even get back in the saddle?

You have to see it tobelieve it, after this.

(upbeat music)

A 1,200 pound horse, that'swhat came crashing down

on Roger Cheshier.

It broke his pelvis in half.

One mistake almost cost Roger his life,

so what was it and how did it lead

to an astonishing miracle?

Take a look.

- He's my little brother.

I couldn't stand to see him like that

and I would have done anything

and Sarah would have, too,to at least get him out

of that excruciating pain he was in.

- [Narrator] Greg Cheshierand his brother, Roger,

grew up in El Dorado, Arkansas,

where Roger developed a love of horses.

He trained and rode incompetitions and rodeos.

In June of 2010, his daughter'shorse was acting strange.

Roger hopped on to see why.

- When I got on the horse, Ijust grabbed the saddle horn

and threw myself up on thehorse when my daughter got off

and I did not let the stirrups down

and that one decisionmight have cost me my life.

- [Narrator] The horse reared up

and then collapsed on top of Roger.

His wife Sarah remembers the moment.

- I just remember hearinghim holler real loud

and I turned around andhe was on the ground.

- My legs is spread out like this

and this 1,200 pound horsecomes down on my right leg.

Didn't break my leg, didn't break my back,

but it broke me in half.

- He was hollering and it was bad.

- [Narrator] Roger was airlifted to a trauma center

in Little Rock, Arkansas, where surgeons

bolted his pelvis back together.

- His pelvis was broke by an open break.

They showed an x-ray of wherethey had him bolted together.

I thought it would have to bean absolutely miracle of God.

Humanly speaking, I see noway he can ever walk again.

- [Narrator] Roger was paralyzed.

After his surgery, he became septic

and his hope for recovery dwindled.

- He had been at that hospital so long,

thinking he's gonna get better

and then he had the sepsisand that went backward.

He could barely talk and he said,

"I ain't got no fight left in me."

And I just whispered to him and I said,

"I'll be your fight for you, Roger."

That's the only time in my life

I've heard him borderlinerealize that he's in bad shape

and he can't go anymore.

- [Narrator] His fightfor survival continued

as the whole town prayed for Roger.

- A lot of our friends drove up that night

'cause they knew how bad it was

and just, you know, supported us

and we really felt the prayers.

Everyone was concerned.

He had visitors all thetime, he had people,

different churches praying.

I can't imagine goingthrough what we went through

without the Lord.

- [Narrator] Amazingly,he recovered from sepsis

and was eventually released to rehab.

His physical therapist, Clint Rhodes,

remembers Roger's ambition to walk again.

- My goal for Roger wasjust to get him back doing

what he was doing, riding horses, walking,

just something we take for granted.

We had to get him strong so hecould get those things done.

- [Narrator] Unfortunately,after months of therapy,

Roger still couldn't walk.

On his last session, he had an idea.

- I can live with God changing

the whole direction of my life,

but I can't live withregrets of not trying.

I said, "I'm gonna go homeand buy me a bicycle,"

and he said, "A bicycle?"

"Man, you're paralyzed."

I said, "I got that, really, I do."

I said, "But I'm gonna put the goal

so stupid far out there, ain't nobody

but a great God and one littlewhite man that wants to walk

worse than anybody on planetEarth is gonna at least try

to turn this thing around 180 degrees."

- Roger is a very determined person,

doesn't know the word no or I can't.

If you asked him to do one, he'd do 10.

He's just that type ofguy, so I had no doubt

that he was gonna achieve all his goals.

- Roger provided what we,as humans, can provide.

He provided the will and thewant to and God did the rest.

- [Narrator] Through excruciating work

and dedicated prayer, Rogerwas able to walk again,

ride a bike and eventually run.

Still, there was one morehurdle he had to overcome.

- I told my wife, I said,"I think I gotta get back

on a horse.

She said, "Why?"

I said, "I have got toget back to enjoying life,

full of life and doing something.

(upbeat music)

For my mental state, I had to get back

and it was the best thingthat ever happened to me.

Oh, my gosh.

- [Narrator] Roger rekindledhis love for riding horses.

His health improved so muchthat on the two year anniversary

of the accident, he ran his first 5k.

Everyone attributes his healing

to a faithful god that answers prayers.

- Prayer is the biggestfactor in all of this

because it helps everybody.

Not only Roger, but it helps the people

that are waiting on him, the nurses,

the doctors, everybodyand it's all about prayer

and allowing God to work in your life.

- There were hundreds ofpeople praying for my brother.

He wouldn't be here today without prayer,

I firmly believe that.

- That was a seriousinjury that could've had

such a different outcome.

I agree with Roger's wife,prayer changes things,

prayer makes a difference and, you know,

one of the wonderfulthings about having friends

who are believers is theway they all come together

and congregate whensomething's gone wrong.

And the Bible says, youknow, where two or more

are gathered together, our prayers

have some power, extra power.

And so, we want to gettogether with you today,

we want our prayers tolink with your prayers

for whatever your prayer need might be.

I hope that Roger's storyhas encouraged your faith

as you've heard it thismorning and we have some others

to add to that.

This is Peggy, who livesin Colchester, Vermont,

she was in her early 20swhen she first felt symptoms

of carpal tunnel syndrome.

At age 63, she still suffered greatly

from this chronic and painful condition.

While watching thisprogram on September 17th,

a short time ago, she heard you, Gordon,

pray specifically for someonewhose hands were afflicted.

You said, "You just felt ajolt go through your hands,

like electricity."

"That is God's healing powerrestoring your knuckles,

reducing all that inflammation now."

Peggy claimed her healing.

She has not had any pain since then.

- Thank God.

Here's another one.

Bonnie from Sundance, Wyoming.

Watching The 700 Club, Terry said,

"Someone with fluidbuildup around your heart,

quite a serious condition for you,

God is healing that for you."

"You're just going to feelthat weight fall off of you,

your energy is coming back,just begin to worship him now

and thank him."

Well, Bonnie received it by faith.

At her next CAT scan, her doctorsaid her heart was healed.

Isn't that wonderful?

- [Terry] Yes.

- How do you receive a miracle?

Well, do so at Thanksgiving.

Isn't that wonderful?

He says in his word, "Cometo me with Thanksgiving."

This is the will of God in Christ for you.

So, let's do that.

I'm not asking you tothank him for the problem,

don't do that, but thankhim for the solution.

He's the solution.

When problems happen,when difficulties come,

who do you look for?

Well, you look for the answer.

Who's the answer?


The answer to every human being.

All he's waiting for you to do

is to turn to him,recognize he's the answer,

recognize he's thesolution, ask him to come in

and he will do it.

Now, the Bible says, "When two or more

are gathered together in myname, I'm there in the midst,"

so we're going to dothat virtually right now.

We'll be your two or more,we're gathered together

in God's name, we're here,we're claiming his salvation,

his healing, hisauthority, his crucifixion,

his stripes, we're declaringthat by his stripes,

you are healed.

So, we're going to pray,we're going to believe

and God is going to do the rest.

Pray with us.

Lord, God Almighty, we come to you,

for you are the answerto all of our needs.

We come thanking youfor providing the need

before we, providingthe answer to our need

before we even ask, youhave provided already,

for by your stripes, wewere healed, we are you.

We thank you for the answer to our prayer,

we thank you for your presence.

Now, stretch forth yourhand to do miracles.

Manifest your glory inour bodies right now.

May your kingdom come,may your will be done

in our bodies now.

What you intended for us, what we see

you're going to do for us in heaven,

we ask for that, for that willto be done now in our bodies.

We thank you for it.

We receive it now, in Jesus' name.

There's someone, you'vegot a recurring problem

with acid reflux, you've taken

a lot of medicine over time, you know,

you've done a lot of different things.

God is healing it.

He's able to restore that opening

from your esophagus to your stomach,

he's able to close it up properly,

so it won't afflict you anymore.

You just felt something happen there.

In Jesus' name, be healed.

May everything with youresophagus be normal.

No abnormal cells, no problems,

but everything just as Godintended from the beginning.

Be healed, be made whole.


- Someone, you have a problem with,

I don't know the why behind this,

but you don't have enough spinal fluid

and God is healing thatcondition for you right now.

Whatever is causing thatis, has, is being stopped.

Everything's going to return to normal,

just begin to praise him right now,

the answer is yours.

And someone else, you have a condition,

you're just losing, like,it's not all your hair,

it's like spots of hair where you're,

you're almost have, like,bald spots in your head.

God is healing that condition for you,

your hair's just gonna begin to grow,

it'll be as though you neverhad it, in Jesus' name.

- Someone, you got an unusualcondition, your sinuses swell.

I don't know if it's from allergies

or from some kind of infection,

but this is how you'llknow I'm talking to you,

you've been placing icebags on your upper cheeks

to get that swelling to come down.

God is healing that.

He is able, just believe him.

You weren't even praying for it,

but now, just lift yourarms to him and say,

"Thank you, thank you,thank you for healing me,

thank you for calling me, thank you."

You just felt that gothrough your entire face.

You have been transformed.

It will never recur, it willnever happen to you again.

In Jesus' name, you are healed.

- Someone else, I don'tknow if it's the same person

with the spinal fluid, but youhave a bowing of your spine

that has just happened over time,

you're gonna feel it right now

as God just straightens that for you.

What has been bent is now straight

and you can stand direct.

In Jesus' name, receive that.

- Someone else, you'vedamaged your right hip,

you're in a wheelchair, you're looking at

some painful rehab and God is able to

cancel all that for you and heal you

right where you are right now.

In Jesus' name, may that hip be restored,

may it be made whole again,may you be able to walk freely,

no pain, no discomfort, in Jesus' name.

Lord, we thank you, we thankyou for your sacrifice,

we thank you for the cross, we thank you

for the resurrection, we thank you

for your love towards us,we thank you for everything

that you have done,everything you are doing

and the plans that youhave for each one of us.

We thank you for it, in Jesus' name, amen.

If you've been healed, let us know.

Give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

If you need prayer, we're here for you

and we're here for you 24 hours a day,

all you have to do is pick up the phone.

It would be our honor, our privilege

to stand with you in prayer.

So, call us, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well, still ahead,this Wildcat struck fear

in the hearts of his opponents

until he was brought down by cancer.

Where did he draw the strength

to tackle this deadly disease

and then make a roaring comeback?

He's gonna tell us himself.

That is coming up.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

A three judge panel onthe U.S. Fifth District

Court of Appeals based in New Orleans

has again allowed Texas tocontinue banning most abortions.

The judges, two to one, rejectedthe Biden Administration's

latest attempt to stop the law.

This is the third time thecourt has allowed it to proceed.

The law bans abortionsas early as six weeks,

once a heartbeat isdetected in the unborn baby.

The Texas attorney general's office

called the court's decision a, quote,

"Testament that we are on theright side of law and life."

Well, CBN's Operation Blessingis supplying clean water

to those in need around the world.

Eight year old Josalinelives with her grandmother

in San Juan, Honduras.

They would, together, makethe treacherous journey

up a dangerous mountain path to get water.

That is, until her grandmother got too old

and Josaline had to go alone.

Still, the water wasn'tsafe enough to drink,

often making the young child sick.

Then, Operation Blessing'spartners provided help

with crowdfunding a newwater system for San Juan.

Now the community has a state of the art

rainwater catchment system,complete with filtration

and chlorination systems.

So, Josaline and her grandmother

have fresh, clean waterright at their doorstep.

The young girl said shethanks the lord very much.

Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing

by visiting

Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of today's 700 Club

right after this.

(upbeat music)

- In spite of the pandemic,Mike and Martha's business

hasn't skipped a beat.

In fact, the couple has seenan increase over the past year.

So, what's the secret to their success?

Well, you're about to find out.

- [Narrator] Mike and Martha Bryan

have always enjoyed helping people.

Both grew up in the church wherethey learned about tithing.

Yet, for most of their lives,it was more of an obligation

than a joy.

- I was giving because I felt that

you were supposed to do this.

It wasn't really very heartful

and there was quite anumber of years there

where I was fearful to reallygive as much as, you know,

I knew inside of myself that I should.

- [Narrator] When they got married,

the couple had a changeof heart about giving.

They wanted more of theirmoney to help people in need,

so they started giving toCBN's Operation Blessing.

- I wanted our money to begoing out into the world

and helping people that really need help.

Of course, we would like tobe out in the field ourselves.

Our money sent to OperationBlessing accomplishes

much more than we ever could.

- It is a great feeling to knowthat we have had an impact.

Even though we're physicallynot able to be there,

we certainly know thatwe've given resources

to help those out there.

- [Narrator] Mike andMartha are self-employed

home inspectors and Martha alsodoes their accounting books.

She has seen firsthandhow God has provided

for their business over the years.

- It hadn't been easy for me sometimes.

When I look out a weekand see it a little lean,

I start thinking, "Shouldwe give this much?"

However, just as soon as Ilook at that lean calendar,

God opens the doors andthe phone starts ringing

off the wall.

- [Narrator] Their business has grown

since their change of heart and the couple

has increased their giving along the way.

- Since we have startedgiving more to CBN,

we've seen so many blessings.

Business has grown probably at least 150%.

It seems like the more we give,

the more we've been blessed.

- [Narrator] They also love making CBN

a part of their daily lives.

Martha likes to starther day with devotions

on CBN's Family app.

- It's very calming and itsets the tone for the day.

- I like being able toturn on The 700 Club

and get Pat Robertson'sand a Christian view

of what's going on inthe world and the nation

and know that I cantrust what I'm hearing.

- [Narrator] Mike and Marthasay that trust has been key.

As they have been faithful and made giving

their top priority, they haveseen God move on their behalf,

even through turbulenttimes, like the pandemic.

- There's some home inspectors out there

that are struggling.

We haven't skipped a beat.

COVID did not impact ourbusiness, it's probably increased.

It's God.

- [Narrator] They encourage others to take

that step of faith tostart giving from the heart

and see how God will use it.

- Give, give something andjust see what God will do

with that one gift.

- I fell in the categoryof being reluctant

and really not trusting in God

for probably two-thirds of my life.

Life changed when I started giving.

I would say, you know, take the step,

you just got to take theleap and you won't regret it.

- Love Michael's honesty.

He said, saying, "For mostof my life, I was reluctant,

I didn't believe the promises."

"I wanted to hold onto things,I didn't want to be generous,

I didn't want to put God first,

I didn't want to put giving first."

But you heard the testimonyand that's what this is,

a testimony of God's faithfulness,

how he watches overhis word to perform it.

It's a wonderful promise andif you're not taking advantage

of the promise, Iencourage you, please start

and the promise is this,if you'll only obey me

and let me help you,then you'll have plenty.

How do you obey him?

You say, "Here's mytithe, here's my offering,

here's my life, I want tobe generous in giving."

When you start understandingthe very core of the gospel

is giving for God, so lovethe world that he gave.

When you finally get that,it finally breaks through,

then suddenly, youbecome a generous giver,

you're looking for opportunities to give,

you're no longer trying to hold back,

you're trying to be generous,

when you do, wonderful things can happen.

Now, if you want to start that,

this isn't an on again, off again thing,

this isn't an occasional thing,

if you want to start that and say,

"I want to be faithful in giving,"

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000,

say, "I want to join The 700 Club,"

we have a whole bunch of levels for you,

you can join at $20 a month,$40 a month, $84 a month,

at whatever level suits you,give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

Now, when you call and join,I want you to have this,

it's the latest teaching from us,

called "The Nearness of Heaven".

In this wonderful DVD, you'll have stories

of people who've died, gone to heaven

and then God sent them backwith messages of what it's like.

And then there's a teachinghow Jesus commanded

his disciples to declarethe kingdom of heaven

has drawn near to you.

What does that mean?

How will it apply to your everyday life?

Want you to have it,it's yours when you join,



- Well, up next, a hot NFL prospect.

Why did this wildcat have tolearn to walk all over again

and why is he now stronger than ever?

You'll see for yourself after this.

(upbeat music)

Defensive end Josh Paschal isone of the Kentucky Wildcat's

biggest weapons.

But just two seasons ago,this warrior was struck down

by cancer.

He endured three surgeriesand had to learn to walk

all over again.

So, what's the story behindhis roaring comeback?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] At six footthree and nearly 300 pounds

of solid muscle, Kentuckydefensive end Josh Paschal

strikes fear in thehearts of opposing teams.

- [Sports Commentator]And it's going to a sack

for Josh Paschal and when he looked up,

it was all number four right in his face.

- [Narrator] A warrior on the field,

this future NFL star is knownby his teammates and coaches

as someone with the highest integrity.

- He's one of those playersthat you only get so many

in your coaching career,that it's not just

that he's a really talented athlete,

but that he's a incredible human being

and an incredible young man.

- [Narrator] Josh's dreamsof playing in the NFL

began at the age of five.

- Even when I was little,I would go outside,

get the kids in the neighborhood

and we'll have a big game rightin the middle of the field.

I would act like I was an NFL player.

I had my jersey on whenwe were outside playing

and when I would score, I wouldcelebrate like the pros do.

- [Narrator] Though his parents raised him

in a Christian home, Josh didn't commit

to becoming a Christian.

- To me, it was just somethingthat you do every Sunday.

It didn't mean, it didn't havethat deeper meaning to me.

- [Narrator] That all changed in 2018

during his sophomore seasonwhile attending an FCA event.

- He stayed afterwards and in his humble,

quiet, confident self that he is,

he asked, he said, "I wouldlove to talk to you tonight

about giving my life to Christ."

- I felt joyful.

I saw what it looked liketo have a relationship

with Jesus Christ, not just pray to him

when times get hard or anything like that,

but have a full on relationshipwith him to trust him

and to let him guide your life.

- [Narrator] Times gothard quickly for Josh.

Just four months afterhis profession of faith,

the team trainer suggestedhe get a spot on his foot

checked out by a doctor.

The biopsy revealed the spotwas a malignant melanoma.


Josh's response wasn'ta concern for himself,

but for his family and his teammates.

- Seeing how they reacted to it,

I really wanted to stay strong

in order to keep them strong,as well, to know that,

for them to know that I had itand that I was gonna fight it

and we were gonna be okay.

- [Narrator] Kentuckyhead coach, Mark Stoops,

says that Josh'scommitment to follow Jesus

just a few months before his diagnosis

became his strength.

- That has a lot to do with his faith

and his relationship with Christ

and how far he's come andhe's just a very confident

and very matter of fact person.

- [Narrator] And instead ofquestioning God's goodness,

Josh trusted more fully in God.

- It was a time whereI knew I had my faith,

I knew who I was livingfor and why I'm here

and so, I leaned on thelord and I trusted in him

and no matter the outcome,I knew it was in his plan

and that's how I got through it.

- [Narrator] Still, thecancer required not one,

but three surgeries.

Josh's recovery was difficult.

He even had to learn to walk again.

His dedication to rehab andgetting back on the field

inspired his teammates and coaches.

- He was a sort of beaconof strength for our team.

Whether he could be on the field

or not, you know, in thattime when he was struggling

and he was diagnosed, hewas, whenever he showed up,

he had a smile on his face, hewas encouraging his teammates

and everybody drew strength from that.

- [Narrator] Like a true warrior,

just four months after surgery,

Josh worked his way back onto the field

and into the starting lineup, cancer free.

- [Sports Commentator] Let'stalk about Josh Paschal

for a moment, Ray.

This is his first action of theyear and he is finally back.

- [Ray] And then he's gotthat clean bill of health

out here today, it's agreat, uplifting feeling

for this KentuckyWildcat football program.

- It just didn't looklike it was possible,

but, you know, through Christ,all things are possible

and I believe that.

- It means a whole lot more when you know

what he's been through.

And he's walking throughhis cancer and surviving,

his perseverance, hisattitudes toward life,

he is a man that knows thathe has been blessed by grace

and he just gives grace to others.

- I believe that Heused me during this time

to use my platform alsofor young men like me

who haven't trusted in the lord yet

and they're thinking aboutit and they're on that edge

and they see this video and they're like,

"Wow, this is something I reallywant to learn more about."

Jesus is the king, the one true king

and he's loving, he'scaring and he's a father

and he's our heavenly father.

He's always here, he'salways in the room with you

and that's something I believe,

that I would never be alonebecause I have the lord

and he's everywhere around me, next to me

in everything that I do.

- He's around us, he'snext to us, he is in us.

I don't know what you're facing,

but if you have something in your life

that you really need prayer about,

if you have somethingthat you need to have

your faith strengthened for,we've got something for you.

We would like to share this with you

and it's free for the asking,

"Faith: God's Power In Your Life".

You can download your free copy at

or you can request a copy ifyou'd like one sent to you

at 1-800-700-7000.

Time for an email question, you ready?

Okay, this is Maddy, Gordon, who says,

"Is it biblical to go to ahealing room for prayer?"

"I had a dream that the lord said to go

to one of these rooms for my healing,

but I'm scared becauseI don't want to get into

something not biblical."

- Well, here's a bible verse for you,

it's from James, Chapter Five,

"If any of you are sick, letthem call for the elders."

So, go to a healing roomwhere there's some elders

and let them lay hands on you

and here's the kicker, the prayer of faith

will raise you up.

So, if you're having a dream

that you should go to a healing room,

by all means, do it.

There's plenty of scripture for it.

Healing rooms, you know, modern day,

it goes back to John G. Lake in Seattle,

that's where the first one started,

and I think it's wonderful, you get people

that have faith to believe for healing

and they are willing to lay hands on you

and pray for you.

That is scripture.

Here's a word from Romans,"Be joyful in hope,

patient in affliction,faithful in prayer."

For all of us here, God bless you.

We'll see you again next week.

(upbeat music)


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