- [Gary] Today, from "The Global Lane,"
China flexes its muscles,sending warplanes over Taiwan.
After Afghanistan, canTaiwan depend on the USA?
- If we allow China to take Taiwan,
we probably are not gonna have
any more friends in the world.
- [Gary] Racist United States?
A former slave wants BLM and
critical race theory advocates
to look at what's happening in Africa.
- They need to understandthat slavery still exists.
- [Gary] Supply chain bottlenecks
may prevent Christmas giftsfrom arriving on time.
- These have happened before,
but it's never happened like this.
- And some good news about the bad news
about Baptists and Catholics,
and it's all right hereon "The Global Lane."
(dramatic music)
China is ratcheting uptensions with Taiwan,
in recent days, sendingmore than 100 warplanes
on flights, violatingthe island's airspace.
Joining us to provide some insights
is author, columnist, Chinaanalyst, Gordon Chang.
Gordon, it's good to talk with you again.
So, is this just a game of catand mouse or is war coming?
- I think it could bea little bit of both.
A lot of people say,well, this is just China
trying to show off because this started,
in an intensified phase, on Friday,
which was China's National Day,
marking the 72ndanniversary of the founding
of the People's Republic.
What I'm concerned about is that
when we don't push back, even though
this might be just chest beating,
China thinks it can do more,
and when it thinks it can do more,
it moves much further in amuch more provocative way,
which means that it does then start to
really create danger in the region,
and that's largely becausethey're doing things
which people have to oppose.
So, for instance, we'veseen dangerous intercepts
of the US Navy and the US Air Force
in the global commons.
One of those incidents could go wrong
and clearly, one of these incidents
directed against Taiwan,that could go wrong as well.
- All it takes is one shot,right, one wrong step?
So, if china's, in fact, emboldened
by the US withdrawal from Afghanistan,
what else, Gordon, has given the CCP
a little more courage to flex its muscle?
Would General Milley's phone call
have something to do with this,
the one that he madelast January, of course,
to the Chinese general, informing him
that he'd be notified before
any US military action against China?
- Yeah, I think that GeneralMilley's two phone calls,
the one in October and the one in January,
also reinforced in theminds of Chinese leaders,
that the US is in terminal decline
and cannot oppose China.
So, I think that what it did was,
essentially told the Chinese regime
that they can do what they want,
and also, what has reallybeen of concern, Gary,
is that, especiallyafter the fall of Kabul,
we have seen the Biden administration
generally go soft on China,
and that could be for a number of reasons,
but I think that that also would
embolden the Chinesebecause they again believe
that we're not standing up to them.
- Well, America sendsTaiwan military hardware.
I know the United States has
no defense treaty with the island.
So, how likely is itthat this administration
will defend China if itdoes invade, defend Taiwan?
- That's a great question,
and we don't know the answer to that
because we don't have anobligation to defend Taiwan,
and as you point out, we don't have
a mutual defense treaty,
and this administration is not inclined
to engage in talks leading to one.
- [Gary] I know China President Xi Jinping
seems determined to reunify Taiwan
with the mainland, either peacefully
or by force if necessary.
Why is Taiwan so important to him?
Why is the CCP determined to, quote,
"take all necessary measures
to resolutely crush all attemptsat Taiwanese independence?"
- I think there are alot of reasons for it.
You know, in general, Xi Jinping believes
in what he calls reunification,
and what Taiwan calls unification
because the People's Republichas never ruled the island,
and you can look at this in the context
of the unresolved Chinese civil war,
but the people in Taiwan now believe
that they are not Chinese.
So, you know, I think, fromXi Jinping's point of view,
he wants, you know, he believes
that China has a right to control
all sorts of territories.
He's even propagated the notion
that China is the onlysovereign state in the world.
So you can see that he's the most
aggressive leader in history,
but there's one otherthing, and right now,
there is political turmoil at the top
of the Communist party.
Xi Jinping's policies have not worked,
and a number of people are attacking him,
and so, I think that Xiis sort of lashing out.
- And finally, Gordon, noone wants a war with China
over Taiwan, so how wouldmilitary action there
affect the United States and the world?
- Well, since the middleor end of the 19th century,
we Americans have drawn ourWestern defense perimeter
off the coast of East Asia,
and Taiwan is in the center of that line,
where the East China Seaand South China Sea meet,
and that means it iscritical to our defense,
but even more important than that,
we have in Taiwan a vibrant democracy.
China is attacking,not only our democracy,
but the whole notion of democracy.
So, we cannot allow China to
take over any democracy,
especially one as important as Taiwan.
After the fall of Kabul,our allies and friends
have been disheartened.
If we allow China to take Taiwan,
we probably are not gonna have
any more friends in the world.
It's that important to us.
- Okay, Gordon Chang, thank you
for sharing your time andinsights with us today, Gordon.
We appreciate it.
- Thank you, Gary.
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(upbeat music)
(children laughing)
(dramatic music)
- US President AbrahamLincoln freed slaves.
Today in Africa, a formerslave wants to be President.
Former slave, Bol Gai Deng has declared
his candidacy for President of
the world's newest nation, South Sudan.
He joins us today from Nairobi, Kenya,
along with the CEO of the
NIRI Center for Strategic Engagement,
Lieutenant-Colonel Sargis Sangari.
First, Mr. Deng, thankyou for being with us.
Many of our viewers are unaware
that slavery still exists today
in many parts of Africaand the Middle East.
Briefly summarize your story.
How was it that you became a slave?
- Thank you for having me.
I want to thank youraudience for listening.
Yes, my name is Bol Gai Deng.
I was a slave in 1987 asa young boy in my village.
There were, the Governmentof Sudan declared war
against the Republic of South Sudan,
Christian, majority Christian.
I had become a victim ofthat because they took me,
and very much they beat upthe majority of my family.
I was kidnapped. I was takenwith more than 700 kids.
I walked 25, 250 mile all the way
from the South Sudan to North Sudan,
and then I realized thatI got sold in the market
and I did not realize that
because I did not know howto speak Arabic at that time.
I used to speak only theAfrica Dinka language,
and I have to be beat up.
I have to be told what to do,
and sometimes, they usedto put the chain on my legs
to the point where I'd becomeso disciplined to my master,
and then, they gave mea little bit assignment
to go in with the cattle's water.
Then, from there I escape.
I managed to run to the capital of Sudan,
which is Khartoum, and then I got received
by the international organization
which is, of course,Cussler Charity at the time,
and then I headed to Khartoum,
and then also with another problem
that Khartoum was very much (indistinct)
with Osama Bin Laden, theman who masterminded 9/11.
He lived in Khartoum for six years.
Then, from there,actually, I went to Egypt,
from Egypt, I got asylum tothe United States in 1999.
- How old were you, Bol,when you became a slave?
- I was around sevenyears old at the time.
I was young, at seven years old.
- And how long were you a slave?
- I'd been a slave for three years.
- And as a former slave,I know you have expressed
some concerns about theBlack Lives Matter movement
here in the US, also theteaching of critical race theory.
What are you telling people?
What's your concern?
- My concern is thatthey need to understand
that slavery still exists in Africa.
We are talking about theyturn the person into a slave,
and I believe the Black Lives Matter
do not understand what'sgoing on in Africa.
They don't know what isgoing on around the world.
In fact, the United States isthe only country in the world
that can give the slave freedomto become a congresswoman.
You cannot find that in the world
except in the United States of America.
The United States ofAmerica is the only country
that can free you to the point
where you can a job, adecent job, and be a free man
as a black woman, an Africa woman,
and to become an African-American.
I think they need to understand that
slavery still exists,and they need education,
and they need to listen topeople in my background,
that Africa today, more than 9.2 million
are still in captivity and slavery.
If you go to live there right now
while I'm talking, North Africa,
a slave have to be sold for 400 US dollar.
A woman have to be sold for 400 US dollar
in a market in Libya right now.
So that means that theyneed to open up to the world
and know the crisiswith Libya still exists
in Africa and around the world.
- And many of thosepeople that are advocating
Black Lives Matter here in the US and CRT
have never been to Africa.
Sargis, it's good to talk to you again.
You are in Kenya rightnow. So, why are you there?
- It's good to be here, Gary.
I'm actually here because we'redoing a regional assessment
of what is happeningwithin the region here
after the fall of Kabul.
As you know, there's two strategic points
for the US and globally.
One is actually Northern Iraq.
The other one is here in South Sudan,
and South Sudan now is a point
where all the variousdifferent terror networks
are focusing on, given the fact
that the government is not strong
and possibly not capableof holding that territory.
- Are they forming camps?
- Well, there is a lot of weapons
that move through here,
especially through the refugee camps.
You've got the Somali influence coming in.
Since I've been on the ground,
just a couple of days ago,
there was an actual ISISattack in Sudan itself,
trying to topple the government,
where 10 officers were killed.
You had immigrants thatcame here from Afghanistan
that were captured crossingillegally in Southern Sudan.
So, we know that now, it's becoming
a focal point for them.
Unfortunately, the worry isfor the regional governments,
would be Kenya, Uganda, and others
that it is very possible that
this will destabilize the ability
of these governments also to secure
and also economically develop the region.
- And Sargis, you know, many Christians
in this country and others were elated
when South Sudan becamethe world's 189th country,
and it's been more than 10 years now.
While there's been progress,
tribal fighting, battlesover oil, politics,
all of that's ongoing,and the country still
does not have an approved Constitution.
So, what is your disappointment,
and what can the UnitedStates, what should it do
about it right now, anything?
- Well, I know we'vetalked about it before,
and we saw the fight that has taken place
between the Presidentand the Vice Presidency,
but being on the ground anddoing much more of a deep dive,
you realize that South Sudanis not run by a politician.
It's really controlled by bodyguards,
and you have a small coregroup of 5 to 10 individuals
that are really choking the effort
of the current presidentbeing able to call elections,
whether they will allow possibly a change
and allow him, throughface-saving measures,
to be able to depart the stage.
- Mr. Deng, there are many divisions
in South Sudan right now, Dinka and Nuer.
Others are still fighting one another.
How do you expect to bringpeople together as President?
- You know, I wanna thankyou and your audience,
the Christian organization that we
in the Christian community,we believe in love.
We believe in peace. We believe in unity.
And my life in America taught me so much
to the point where, if youlive in the United States,
you are an American citizen,
and I believe that this same philosophy
could be taking place inSouth Sudan in my leadership.
I feel what they need now is a good leader
to understand that whatis going on in South Sudan
is the lack of the leadership
and that is tribal line,
and I believe that becausemy leadership right now,
I have more tribal, from minority tribe,
who are very much supportingme today more than ever before.
- Okay, from Nairobi, Kenya,
South Sudan presidentialcandidate, Bol Gai Deng,
and NIRI Center forStrategic Engagement CEO
Lieutenant-Colonel Sargis Sangari.
Thank you both for being with us.
(quirky music)
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(dramatic music)
- Are you hoping to buy that hot toy
for a child this Christmas?
Amazon says you better order now.
Otherwise, you're likelyto receive a message,
saying out of stock, limitedsupply, expect delays,
and it's not just toys.
There's a shortage of everything.
Here to explain why this is happening
and what we can do aboutit is Financial Issues
national radio and TV host, Dan Celia.
Dan, it's been a while,
but we couldn't let this one get away
without talking to you.
So, why is our supplychain in such a mess?
- Well, what happenswith supply chains, Gary,
is once we get, have a problem,
we start creating bottlenecks,
and the bottlenecks start to build up,
and creating another bottleneck further
down the line of the supply chain,
and it just continues to grow
until there's some relief, and right now,
we've got over a hundred ships
in the largest port in America,
which is in SouthernCalifornia, anchored off shore,
and people think that, you know,
it's the longshoremen.
They don't have enough workers.
I mean, certainly that is part of it,
but it's really a problem globally,
believe it or not, with trucks.
Trucking industry isglobally in a bad way.
So, the ports build up because
the trucks can't get all the containers
that are already in port outta there.
So, they can't bring more and this
is creating this huge bottleneck.
So the ships that are anchored out there
that have all of our, you know,
sneakers and clothing and all the things
that we're looking forwardto, maybe, for Christmas
are all anchored outside the port
because there's no placeto put the containers
because the containers thatare there are not moving.
So, it's really, first andforemost, a trucking issue
more than it is anything else.
The supply chain bottleneck started
with manufacturing issues.
They couldn't manufacture fast enough,
and then we had a container bottleneck,
those big shipping containers.
A year ago, it cost$1,900 to use a container.
Now, it's costing $16,000 because
they're using the container for storage
on the ships in the ports,
and there's a shortage of that,creating another bottleneck.
Listen, this has all started gradually
through the pandemic, the pandemic,
manufacturing shuttingdown, creating a huge need.
The demand continued insome parts of the world.
The pandemic lifted.
Demand is there, and all the bottlenecks
can't get what needs toget where it's gotta go,
and it's just a very...
These have happened before,
but it's never happened like this,
and I don't see any end in sight
until at least the middleof first quarter next year.
Everybody down at the wholesale area,
where it's all startingare saying very openly,
they're passing all theseexpenses on to the consumer.
They have no choice.
So, we haven't even begunto see the inflation
that is gonna come from all of this
to get these products into the stores,
if we can, if we can ever do it,
and I'm more worried aboutfood getting to supermarkets
than I am anything becausethat could be another problem.
- And another problem, Dan,
is Biden's proposed 3-and-a-halftrillion dollar budget.
It's at an impasse rightnow on Capitol Hill,
and then, raising taxes to pay for it.
Your thoughts?
- Well, couldn't be aworse time for all of that.
Taxes are going to goup at the very same time
gasoline prices are going up.
$5 a gallon out in California right now.
We are going to see $4 a gallon
before the end o' this year.
It is going to startgoing up dramatically.
Inflation and monetarypolicy being squeezed
by more and more debt is not the answer.
We have an administrationthat really believes,
at least they seem like they do,
it's hard to believe they believe it,
that we can get prosperityand an economy flowing
by spending more money.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and I
could get a richer householdby spending more money?
- The government just keeps on spending,
just do more and more.
So Dan Celia, Financial Issues national
radio and TV host, it'salways good talkin' with you.
- Thank you, Gary. It's greatto be with you, as always.
Thank you.
(soft music)
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(dramatic music)
- There's some good newsabout the bad news this week
in both Nashville and Paris.
First, the bad news, people in authority
in the Southern BaptistChurch in the United States
have sexually abused church members,
and some leaders haveeither looked the other way
or have acted to cover it up.
The same goes for theFrench Catholic Church,
and the good news, thesin is being revealed,
and full disclosure andtransparency are coming.
In Nashville, the executive committee of
the Southern Baptist Convention has vowed
to pressure from churchdelegates known as messengers
to waive attorney-client privilege,
and that means investigatorswill be given access
to confidential records involvingsexual abuse allegations.
Yes, full disclosure may lead to lawsuits
and financial ruin, but Southern Baptists
are doing the right thing.
Meanwhile in Paris, areport released this week
by an independent commission reveals,
as many as 330,000 children were victims
of sexual abuse withinthe French Catholic Church
over the past 70 years.
Two thirds of the estimated
3,000 child abusers were priests.
80% of those abused were boys.
Nuns also abused girls.
Some reported they wereraped with crucifixes.
Folks, this is horrific,
the theft of childhood innocence,
violations that havecaused unbearable trauma
and lifelong scars.
All of us should be outraged and grieved,
not only for the French victims,
but for the worldwide Body of Christ.
One French bishopdescribed the revelations
as more than shocking.
He has a deep feeling of shame.
Also, the President of the conference
of Bishops of France says,many lives were destroyed.
- In particular, difficultiesbecause of a priest
and a priest is madenormally to help the life
to be, to grow and to be better.
- Life wasn't better for victims
like French actor, Laurent Martinez.
He was raped by a priest whenhe was just eight years old.
The Diocese moved the priest,
but Martinez, he endured lasting wounds.
- I thought that it was over
because we never talkabout it, but in fact,
this trauma was inside me.
- Martinez says the trauma caused him
to feel that intimacy witha woman was forbidden.
The French Catholic Church pledges
to monetarily compensate victims,
and to take steps against future abuse.
Folks, for far too long,many churches have ignored
and covered up wickedness in high places.
The Great Commissionrequires all Christians
to tell people about Jesus,to be salt and light.
No one will listen if the Body of Christ
resembles the fallen world,
and how can we be lightif we live in darkness?
Sexual sin must be exposed,not ignored or covered up,
and let's not forget what Christ said
in John Chapter 8, after thewoman was caught in adultery.
He did not condemn her.
Jesus said, "Go and sin no more."
There must be a fear of God,
a true turning away from sin.
Repentance, forgiveness,and reconciliation,
and no matter the shame,
no matter the risk of financial ruin,
may righteousness and God's mercy,
his grace and justice prevail.
Well, that's it todayfrom "The Global Lane."
Be sure to follow us on the CBN News
and NRV channels, social mediaand our broadcast affiliates.
And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)