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The 700 Club - October 7, 2021

Harry Connick, Jr. heads to the studio for some “Alone” time. Hear how he’s keeping his faith through the pandemic. Plus, a rookie cop is trapped inside a fiery wreck. See how he escapes the blaze on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up, Harry Connick, Jr.

heads to his studio for some alone time.

- Solitude is the entire reasonthat this album came to be.

- [Gordon] Hear how he's keeping his faith

through the pandemic.

- We're gonna get through this, you know,

we're gonna cling to thisand exchange it one day

for a crown.

- [Gordon] Then, a fiery wreck.

- Within 30 seconds, thedriver's seat was in flames.

- [Gordon] With a rookiecop trapped inside.

- [Caller] I think he might burn alive.

- [Gordon] How did he escape the blaze?

- And it's like, "No, youdon't understand God."

- On today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

Welcome to The 700 Club,thanks so much for joining us.

Well, after an all night negotiation,

there's still no agreement in Congress

to raise the debt ceiling.

Republicans did offer a proposal

to extend the debt limit into December.

- There is a caveat to the proposal

offered by Mitch McConnell.

George Thomas has more on that

and the severe global consequences

if the debt ceiling isn't raised.

- [George] Senate minorityleader Mitch McConnell's offer,

at least in the shortterm, will allow democrats

to raise the debt ceiling, so that America

can keep paying its bills.

But his proposal comes with a caveat.

In a statement released on Twitter,

McConnell said his planwill allow democrats

to use normal procedures to pass

an emergency debt limit extension

at a fixed dollar amount to cover

current spending levels into December.

McConnell had given the democrats months

to raise the debt ceiling on their own

through the processknown as reconciliation,

but they never did.

- The democratic leaders wanted solutions.

They wanted to turn their failure

into everybody else's crisis.

- With 11 days to gobefore the country hits

the borrowing ceiling set by Congress,

the parties must stillfinalize an agreement

to prevent the governmentfrom going into default.

The White House wantsa longterm suspension

of the debt limit.

- If we're looking at the best options,

why kick the can down theroad a couple of more weeks?

Why create an additionallayer of uncertainty?

Why not just get it done now?

That's what we're continuing to press for

and that's our first choice.

- [George] A study byMoody agrees that a default

would be a cataclysmic economic scenario

that would rock global markets,

cost up to six million jobs and wipe out

up to 15 trillion dollars inAmerican's household wealth.

Every area of federalspending would be affected,

20 billion dollars in socialsecurity payments to seniors,

paychecks to our military would stop,

along with payments to suppliers

and other government checksand spending would stop.

Retirement funds could also take a hit

and the impact would spreadthroughout the economy.

People who don't get government checks

could have trouble paying their bills,

which would hurt localutilities and businesses,

leading to layoffs.

- The effects would be cascading,

so day one would be bad,but the cascading effects

in the ensuing weeks couldgo anywhere from a recession

to a complete catastrophefor the global economy.

- [George] The government'scredit rating could be hurt

and interest rates would rise,

making mortgages and otherloans more expensive.

- Our fragile recovery wouldbe thrown into reverse.

We would likely experience a recession,

millions of jobs would be lost

and the pain would endure well past

the resolution of the crisis.

- [George] Many analystsargue the debt ceiling debate

is a symptom of a deeper problem.

- The reality is the U.S.government continues to make

more promises than ithas the ability to pay

and that's what leads us to this problem.

This is, Senator Manchin,just a few weeks ago,

says this is the heightof fiscal insanity,

when we cannot even pay forthe existing social programs,

we're gonna add a whole bunch more.

- For now, senate leadersMcConnell and Chuck Schumer

appear to be on their waytoward finalizing a deal

for a short term extension,but in two months,

both parties could be rightback where they are now,

debating how to deal withWashington's exploding debt.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- We've been debating thisin Congress for some time,

this isn't a new crisis.

It seems like every few months or so,

we're running yet againinto the federal debt limit

and it's been going on for some time.

But both parties are to blame for this,

this isn't something brand new.

You go back to the BushAdministration 20 years ago,

you had a vice president sayfederal deficits don't matter

and so that was the sort ofprevailing wisdom, if you will,

if you want to call it awisdom, in our government.

And so, as a result,nobody ever really wanted

to deal with the issue and the issue is

we're spending more money, far more money,

this isn't a little bit, far more money

than we're raising in taxes.

Over time, this isn't sustainable.

Now, what's, the current theoryis called New Money Theory,

that when you're the global currency,

you're able to print asmuch money as you want to

and what they do is they call it,

well, we'll, we'll expand the ledgers

at the Federal Reserve, we'llexpand the balance sheet

and so, that just meansthe Federal Reserve

is gonna buy up all the bonds

that the government has to issue

in order to print all this money.

At some point in time, you run out of that

and at what point of time is that?

Is that at 30 trillion?

Is that at 40 trillion?

Is that at 50 trillion?

At what point in timedoes another currency

become more interestingto the world market?

And as long as we're monetizing our debt,

which means we get to print it

and then have the worldeconomy essentially pay

for our excess spending,we're just spending ourselves

into a hole.

And literally, at this point in time,

we can't dig our way out.

The good news is most ofthis, we owe ourselves

and so, at some point,somebody's gonna say,

"Well, why don't we just forgive the debt

that's on the books?"

But I haven't seen that.

In the meantime, if the federal debt limit

isn't raised, then you starthaving defaults in areas

where you default on those bond payments,

you default on social security payments,

you can't pay your military, you can't pay

all the government workers,you can't do these things

and the cascading effectsthrough money markets,

through all your 401k retirement plans

is truly catastrophic.

It will be a nightmare scenario

that will make 2008 seem tame.

So, why is this happening now?

Well, it's politics is being played

and so, the governmentis literally freezing up.

I point to the democratsand say you have a majority,

you won the last election,you have the Executive Branch,

you have the Senate andyou have the Congress,

get your act together andget us out of this mess.

In other news, a federaljudge has ordered Texas

to suspend a new law thatbanned most abortions

in the state since September.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News bureau in Washington.


- That's right, Gordon.

U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman

issued the orderWednesday, freezing the law

which bans abortions after six weeks,

once a heartbeat is detected.

The decision is the first legal blow

to the Texas law since the Supreme Court

allowed it to go into effect last month.

The Biden Administration came out strongly

against the law, directingthe Justice Department

to challenge it.

Press Secretary Jen Psakisaying in a statement

that "The fight to protect abortion

has only just begun,that's why the president

supports codifying Roe v. Wade."

Now, Marjorie Dannenfelser of the pro-life

Susan B. Anthony listcriticized the judge's decision,

writing, "An unelectedjudge has interfered

with the clearly expressed will of Texans

to protect unborn childrenwith beating hearts."

Turning now to a growing controversy

over free speech at school board meetings.

A new directive allows school boards

to report parents if theyfeel they are threatened.

The fallout centers on AttorneyGeneral Merrick Garland

tasking the FBI and U.S. attorneys

to investigate and prosecute threats,

intimidation or harassment.

That's drawn the ire of atleast one member of Congress

who says Washington has no business

trying to sideline parents

in their own children's education.

CBN Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson

brings us more.

- This past year, there'sbeen no shortage of news

coming out of packed school board meetings

with parents voicing their concerns

on policies ranging fromcritical race theory

to transgender studentsto pandemic restrictions,

like mask mandates.

(crowd yelling)

- [Crowd] No more masks, no more masks.

- [Abigail] In this letterto the Biden Administration,

the National School Board Association

claims education leadersare under immediate threat,

adding the actions of some parents

are a form of domestic terrorism.

In response, AttorneyGeneral Merrick Garland

directed the FBI to get involved.

- I think anytime youwant to make your point,

you know, when it gets beyonda reasonable discussion,

that's a bad way to make it.

But they have to be able to make it

and you don't want the feds or bureaucrats

interfering with the process.

- [Abigail] Senator Mike Braun,

a former school boardmember, tells CBN News

parents need to have the primary say

in their child's education.

- When there's sincere discussion,

even if it gets a little heated,

that's a First Amendment right

in the most important arena,where we teach our kids,

where we instill those early values.

- [Abigail] Braun believesfamilies in local school boards

should dictate schoolcurriculum, not federal mandates.

- I think that they're trying to distract

from the content thatthey want to push forward,

critical race theory anddirect traffic from here, down,

which they seem to wantto do on everything.

- [Abigail] Braun recently questioned

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona

on who should be incontrol of kids' education.

- Do you think parents should be in charge

of their child's educationas the primary stakeholder?

- I believe parents areimportant stakeholders,

but I also believe educators- Primary.

- have a role in determiningeducational programming.

- [Abigail] Braun believes his response

could preview federalschool mandates to come.

- And he wouldn't retract it either,

that tells you how dug in they are

on wanting to do things from here

to dictate what we do inour own school systems.

- Braun believes schools are run best

when state and localgovernments are at the helm,

instead of Washingtonlawmakers dictating policies

that will never work in all 50 states.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Thank you, Abigail.

Health officials are cautiously hopeful

that the country is comingout of the latest COVID surge.

New cases are down 40%over the last three weeks

and deaths decreased by15% since mid-December,

or mid-September rather.

- Finally turning a corneron this specific surge.

There's been some peaks and some valleys

and it's hard to tell if thisis gonna stay low forever,

but at least we're in good shape.

- Still, some cities aredoubling down on mandates.

Beginning November 4th,Los Angeles will require

proof of vaccination ora negative COVID test

to enter bars, restaurants,gyms, shopping malls,

movie theaters and other venues.

Pharmacies and grocery stores are exempt.

New York City is alsoconsidering new mandates

on public workers, likepolice and firefighters.

Well, as we all well know, for months,

the pandemic shut downpublic concerts and tours.

Filmmakers Andrew andJon Erwin took advantage

of that stomp down toproduce a documentary

on what they call the untoldstory of Christian music.

It features stars likeToby Mack, Amy Grant,

Steven Curtis Chapman,Kirk Franklin and more

in a film called "The Jesus Music".

Efrem Graham spoke withsome of those artists,

including executiveproducer, Michael W. Smith.

- A lot of hymns are closeyour eyes, singing to God.

I wanted to sing with my eyes wide open,

singing to each other.

- [Movie Contributor] He'ssaying "The Jesus Music"

found its way in my hometownand it changed my life.

- [Efrem] This is "The Jesus Music".

- [Movie Contributor]Yeah, there was tension.

- Here's the deal.

- I've never shared this with anybody.

- [Efrem] The Erwin brothersshare the humble beginnings,

the trials and triumphsin this untold story

of Christian music.

- I wouldn't be sitting in this chair

if it hadn't been for Amy taking a chance

on this kid from West Virginia.

- Michael W. Smith opens up in the film

and also serves as executive producer.

What surprised you most ofthe story behind the music,

if you will?

- I think probablyhearing everybody's story,

the back story of otherartists, of the struggle,

you know, what people have gone through,

adversity and how they survived

and how they came outon the other side of it.

- What made you say yes to being a part

of this storytelling?

- Maybe this movie is thecatalyst of this next revival

that we've been praying for for so long.

How sweet that would be.

- To see the richness of hopeland upon someone's spirit

via rhythm, rhyme and melody,sound, I don't understand it.

- It also featurespopular Christian artists,

including Lauren Daigle, Lecrae,

Amy Grant and Kirk Franklin.

Tell me about your contribution to this

and why you said yes.

- My experience in this genre, I pray,

can shed light through someof the difficulties of race,

religion that has sometimesbeen counterintuitive

to the true heart of Jesus Christ.

- [Efrem] And many moreChristian music powerhouses.

- Let's not forget, music is God's idea.

- [Efrem] The musicdocumentary is in theaters now.

- [Movie Contributor]Music was a lifeline.

- [Efrem] Efrem Graham, CBN News.

- A lot of recognizablefaces in that package.

Thanks, Efrem.

Gordon, back to you.

- It looks like it's goingto be a wonderful movie

and just the wholequestion, why does music,

why does rhythm and soundand melody and rhyme,

why are these things so important to us?

And you have to comeaway with the conclusion,

well, God designed it that way.

Music has a wonderful abilityto reach to your spirit,

to your soul and it alsocrosses all languages,

all barriers, it's an amazing thing

and I view it as God'scommunication vehicle.

When he wants to talk, he usually does it

through a song.


- Well, coming up, a head-on collision.

A drunk driver speeds downthe wrong side of the road,

right into the path of a state trooper.

Can this officer escape thecrash and live to tell about it?

You'll see for yourself.

And then, later on, violentcrime is on the rise

in the city of Cincinnati.

200 shootings in the first six months

of this year alone.

So, who's joining forcesto stop this crime wave?

See them in action after this.

(upbeat music)

- Defund the police became a rallying cry

after a Minneapolis policemankilled George Floyd.

Across the country, policeofficers were demonized,

calls were made to slash their budgets

and budgets were slashed.

The result, a spike incrime with 200 shootings

in the city of Cincinnati alone

in the first six months of this year.

So, what is one church in Cincinnati doing

to support the police?

Well, Mark Martin has the answer.

- What do we want?- Justice.

- [Mark] George Floyd'smurder led to calls

across the country tooverhaul police departments.

Cincinnati, Ohio has notbeen immune to the protests.

- Have there beenoutcries and frustrations?

You know, there've beencalls to defund the police,

there've been calls to, you know,

reimagine the police here in Cincinnati,

just like there have been in other areas.

- [Mark] The city is also on track

for an especially violent year,

with one report showingnearly 200 shootings,

29 deadly, in the firstsix months of 2021.

Still, Captain SteveSaunders is pushing forward.

- We're not giving upbecause crime goes up.

We find a way to worktogether, to partner,

to build collaborations and partnership

to address those problems.

- [Mark] One partnershipinvolves Seven Hills Church,

a large congregation in thegreater Cincinnati area.

Pastor Marcus Mecum says, as a part

of an area pastoral group,Seven Hills was assigned

to reach out to police.

- These are human beings, they have souls,

they have families, they havefutures, they have dreams

and we just do our bestas a church to be there.

- [Mark] Its support during the pandemic

led the Cincinnati Police Department

to name the church its 2020community partner of the year.

- During COVID, you had a lotof the different race riots

and, you know, we weredown there as a church,

supporting the policeby just feeding them,

by giving them water,some of them were on call

for sometimes up to 20 hours.

- [Mark] Saunders recallsother times of generosity.

- They brought small gift packs, gift bags

for all of our officersand all of our civilians,

we have about 1,200 employees.

- [Mark] A specific memorable moment came

when members prayed overPolice Chief Elliot Isaac.

- And to have people in thecommunity praying for you

and lifting you up andlifting your family up,

it created a hedge ofprotection over Chief Isaac.

- The church also helpspromote connections

with communities.

For example, the churchand the Hamilton County

Sheriff's Office brought inretired Harlem Globetrotters

to suburban Lincoln Heightsas part of a basketball clinic

for kids there.

Organizers describe the event

as more than an entertaininggame of basketball.

They say it's an important tool

to help develop a healthy relationship

between law enforcement and the community.

- We have a basketball courtand it's filled with kids

and it's filled with adultsand some of those adults

wear uniforms and some ofthose adults work in a church

and some of the adultsare there to help people

with whatever they need.

And when the kids see that,when parents see that,

they're so much more likelyto say positive things

at the dinner table, positivethings to their community

about what the black and gold means

to this community and allthrough Hamilton County.

- But God worked it out where it's here

and for our young people here,

I'm just blessed, man,to be able to share it

with our communities 'cause sometimes

our kids feel neglected, overlooked,

like I said, they have their challenges,

but they're kids who love life,

who need stuff like this, that positivity,

especially from adults.

- When you hear that the work you're doing

is making a difference in your community,

of course that's so encouraging,

but would we do itwithout the recognition?

We would, you know,because this is ultimately

what we feel like Jesus would do.

He didn't come to be served, but to serve.

- [Mark] Mark Martin, CBN News,the greater Cincinnati area.

- Well, this is a wonderful story,

I'll doubt you'll see iton any other news outlet.

What can happen whenChristians get together

and say, "We see aproblem, we know that God

can fix this problem, weknow we can come together

and have healing and have racial harmony

within the church, there'sneither Jew nor Greek,

slave nor free, male or female,

for we're all one in Christ."

The church right now needsto be salt and light.

When you look at what thegovernment is trying to do

to get police reforms, I mean, literally,

there was a federalcommission put together

and we all remember lastyear and just the horror

of watching George Floyddie, everyone saw that video,

our city's burned inthe aftermath of that.

And then you have this call,

well, let's just get rid of police

and let's defund police andso, big cities, like New York,

slashed a billion dollarsfrom the police budget.

Minneapolis actually took it to heart

and defunded and then theyrealized that was a mistake

and we actually do need police.

So, where's the middle ground?

The federal commission, TimScott was on the republicans,

Corey Booker was on the democrats,

they tried and they literallyhave thrown up their hands

and said we can't do it.

They were looking at qualified immunity,

I've talked about that on this show,

where police officers,and even if they violate

your constitutional rights,they have a qualified immunity,

there's no accountability for them.

Reform needs to happenat the police unions

where the, if there's police misconduct,

the union comes in to protect it

and there's no investigationand there's no accountability

and as a result, peoplefeel there's no justice.

So, how do you break through that?

Well, God can break through that.

Let's let churches getinvolved and bring healing.

That would be a wonderfulthing for America.


- Well, up next, internalbleeding, broken bones

and a traumatic brain injury.

A rookie cop is nearlykilled in the line of duty.

So, what happens when hundredsof thousands of people rally

to back to the blue?

See for yourself.

That's coming up.

(upbeat music)

Unconscious and trappedinside his burning patrol car,

that's how state trooperJason Phillips was found

after a driver barrelled into him head on.

What happened in the next 30 seconds

and how did it set thestage for a miracle?

Take a look.

- [Dispatch] Delaware to 59 units,

a possible O.V.I., 71 at the 154 North.

- 1559 en route.

- [Narrator] Ohio statetrooper, Jason Phillips,

was still a rookie whenhe responded to the call,

a suspected impaired driver headed south

in the northbound lane.

(car crashing)

- [Dispatch] State Highway Patrol.

- [Caller] The statetrooper's car is on fire

and I think he might burn alive.

- [Narrator] The wrong waydriver had collided head-on

with the young trooper,leaving Jason unconscious

and trapped inside.

A few cars behind was former army medic,

Sergeant First Class Joe Yeichner.

- Once I pushed the window open,

within 30 seconds after getting Jason out,

the driver's seat was in flames.

- [Narrator] Joe stabilizedJason's neck for 15 minutes

until EMS and other troopers arrived.

- Bleeding from hisright arm, his shoulder,

but his right leg was a mess.

"Buddy, you're gonna be all right,

your brothers and sisters are here,

there's other troopershere, relax, you're okay."

- [Narrator] Jason was life flighted

to the Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center.

Two hours later, two statetroopers visited Jason's parents

to give them the news.

- "Do you mind if we talk to you inside?"

I looked at him, I said, "I don't know,

I don't know if I want you to?"

I said, "Well, was it fatal?"

And they said, "No, critical."

- Lord, you're gonna haveto give me peace in this

'cause I don't understand all this.

How does this bring you glory in this?

- [Narrator] By then, Jasonwas comatose and intubated.

The first 72 hours were critical.

- Burns to the right sideof his head and neck,

he had multiple injuriesto his arms and his legs,

he had some internal bleeding,

he also had a traumatic brain injury.

The most unknown parameter in all of this

is how he would recover with his respect

to his brain injury.

His mortality was very high.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile,the hospital waiting room

was filling up with fellowtroopers and friends

offering support and prayer.

It will be a long, hard fight

and they needed a miracle.

- God, I can't do this, I can't do this.

I don't know what is goingon, but I need your help.

- [Narrator] Just seven months prior,

Jason had graduatedfrom the patrol academy

with hopes of making a difference.

Now, he was lying unresponsive

in the surgery intensive care unit.

- God, either all your wordis true or it's all a lie.

If one thing fails, it all fails.

I choose to trust you.

If you take him, I'll still praise you.

- [Narrator] Jason pulledthrough the first 72 hours,

yet, even with the expert care,he still needed a miracle.

The people offering prayersthrough social media

reached the hundreds of thousands.

- Just like, God would come and lift me up

and I'd tell him, "Wow, I can feel it,"

and God was letting meknow it's gonna be okay.

- Don't give up on me, don'tyou dare stop fighting.


And God is here with you.

- [Narrator] After sixdays in the hospital,

Jason opened his eyes.

Although minimallyconscious, with the effects

of his brain injury unknown,it was the first sign of hope.

- And I said, "Look, fromwhat I see right now,

I don't think we should give up."

"We're gonna do everything we can

and that you should have faith in the fact

that we think there's a chance."

- I was thankful that God allowed me

to see his beautiful eyes again.

- [Narrator] Nearly three weeks later,

Jason was moved to OSU's rehab facility.

The staff would evaluate Jason's cognition

through a 23 point emergence test.

He had to pass all 23 to be declared

fully conscious or emerged.

- They said maybe sixmonths, he might wake up,

maybe a year, maybe never.

"Oh, if he does, he'llnever be normal again."

And it's like, "No, youdon't understand God."

- [Narrator] One day, while asking his son

specific questions, Jason, Sr.

knew something was different.

- I pointed to everybody in the room

and I said, "He's emerged, he's awake."

"Well, how do you know?"

"Because I know my son,that's how I know."

- [Narrator] On August 9th,

Jason was officially declared emerged.

Then on August 27th, onlytwo months after the crash,

he went home.

Jason continues to improve daily

and lives life todaywith joy and gratitude.

- Feels so good to walk through that door.

- [Police Officer] Yeah.

It's not even two yearsago that he was near death.

I'd describe that kind of resilience,

that kind of recoverywith two simple words,

gratitude and humility.

- [Narrator] And althoughJason hasn't returned

to the patrol, he and hisfamily take comfort in knowing

that through Christ,all things are possible.

- I know where my help comes from.

It comes from God.

I know there's others out there that feel

that there's no hope, butthen they see my story,

they have hope.

- I have great joy because I know that God

has so much more for him.

- Prayer is where we drew our strength,

prayer is where we put our faith in.

And everything that theysaid that he might lose,

he still has.

Prayer is what changed things.

- It's not over until God says it is.

- Boy, that's a word, isn't it?

It's never over until God says it is.

To trust him in the midstof what we cannot yet see

is probably the ultimate test of faith.

But God is with us always.

He says he'll never leaveus, never forsake us.

We know that he is a god of restoration,

a god of power, a god whohas hope in the future

for his children in mind and so, today,

we want to take some time to pray for you.

There are many of you out there

that I know are hurting.

It's, I don't know about you,

but I almost feel like itseems amped up a little bit

in the day that we live in.

Everyday there's news ofsomeone else who needs prayer,

some other situation or circumstance

and then the world atlarge just seems to be

in such a struggle right now.

But the one who sees us, Jehovah rohi,

the god who sees us knows usand hears us when we pray.

So, today we have somespecial encouragement

before we pray.

- I've got a report from Illinois,

here's Lolita, she hadCOVID, developed pneumonia,

had to be hospitalized.

Tests revealed low oxygenlevels and abnormality,

which the doctors suspectedto be a blood clot.

She was watching The 700 Club, Terry said,

"There is someone, you havea condition with your lungs."

"God is healing thatcondition for you right now."

"You will be able to breathe freely

and not have that problem any longer."

Lolita claimed the word, after a CT scan,

doctors confirmed shehad no signs of clotting,

no pneumonia or COVID-19,her oxygen levels were fine

and she was discharged the next day.

That is amazing.

- [Terry] That is amazing.

Well, this is Gail, Gordon,

who lives in Spokane, Washington.

She's suffered from severe kneepain for the past two years.

She was prescribed over-the-counter meds

for pain and inflammation,but nothing worked.

She was watching this programon Friday, September 24th,

this year and she heard you, Gordon, say,

"You are facing knee surgery."

"Literally, you are bone on bone."

"It's worse on your right knee,

but you're looking at kneesurgery for both of your knees."

"God is healing you right now."

"What you couldn't do before, do it now."

"Stand up and receive healing

into both of those joints right now."

So, by faith, Gail got upand walked with no pain.

That's a miracle.

- That is a miracle.

God is a miracle worker.

Now, sometimes there'ssome things that happen

we just don't understand.

Why was there that accident?

I love the prayer, though.

You know, "God, no matter what,

if you choose to take him,I will still praise you."

That through it all,you'll still praise him.

Many of us, during this pandemic,

we've known people that've passed away.

I've seen some incredible miracles.

At the same time, I've seensome incredible disappointment.

We had someone on staff, very dear person,

very dear woman who, we were praying,

she got COVID, we werepraying, she was recovering,

she was on the ventilatorand then she got off

the ventilator, was ableto sit up in a chair

and look like recovery was coming

and then she passed away.

Just yesterday, a dearwoman we've been praying for

who had cancer, the cancerwas gone after prayer,

stage four went to zero, what a miracle,

and then, a stroke and she passed away.

I can't explain thesethings, but I know this,

God is worthy of praise.

He is working all thingstogether for our good.

For those who have goneon to be with the lord,

to be absent from the bodyis to be present with him.

And so, there is radiantjoy for them right now.

We can rejoice in that.

But for us in the here and now,

let us pray this wonderful prayer,

the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray,

that God's will would be done on Earth

as it is in heaven.

When Jesus walked the Earth,

there were things that happened,

Lazarus's dear friend died,you had a man born blind

that was brought to himand they were looking

for theological answers and Jesus said,

"None of that."

"This happened that the glory of the lord

would be revealed."

Let us have that same mind.

Let us have the mind of Christ as we pray

that whatever's happening, it's happening

for the glory of the lord to be revealed.

So, let it be revealed in you.

Let his kingdom come, let his will be done

in your body right now.

Let's pray.

Lord, Jesus Christ, we come to you,

we come to the anointedone, we come to the one

who's very name is salvation, is healing,

is forgiveness, is restoration.

In your presence there is fullness of joy.

We come to you.

We call on you, Lord God.

By your stripes, we are healed.

You have healing for the nation.

You have healing for every person.

Pour out your healing, Lord God.

We receive all the blessingsthat you have for us today,

we receive it now, in Jesus' name.

There's someone, you have neuropathy

in both of your hands andthere's tingling and numbness

from literally heel allthe way to the fingertips,

God is restoring your nerves.

What doctors say can't be done,

the nerves can't be restored,God is doing that for you.

You just felt a warmthgo, it's almost like

they're being covered and God is,

that's God's healing touchcoming to your nerves.

What you couldn't do before,just start feeling and touching

and realizing all that numbness, tingling,

lack of sensation, thatyou've got full feeling now,

in Jesus' name.


- Yeah, there's someone, youhave rheumatoid arthritis

and it's been such a life inhibitor,

I mean, you've just had tostop doing so many things.

God is healing that for you right now.

Just be still for amoment and feel his power

from the top of your headto the bottom of your toes

as he restores to youall that's been lost,

all that's been lost,pain gone, swelling gone,

ability to move freely,restore it in Jesus' name.

- There's someone, you have a tumor,

it's, I think the report isthat they suspect it's benign,

but it's in the back of your head

and it's impacting into the brain stem.

God is able to restore andhe's able to shrink that tumor

into nothingness and takeit away from you right now.

In Jesus' name, be healed, be made whole,

tumors be gone now, inJesus' name, we receive it,

we receive it from you, Lord God.

- There's someone else, you have an issue

with being able to havea proper oxygen level,

it's not COVID-19, I don'treally know what the issue is,

but that breathing is goingto open up freely and clearly

and you're going to be able to,

actually, you're gonna haveno problem with getting oxygen

in the right levels intoyour body on a regular basis.

- I think there's a generalword for heart conditions,

low circulation, in Jesus' name,

may your heart muscle be restored,

may it beat normally, letthere be no congestion,

no fluid build up, leteverything be healed

and be whole now, in Jesus' name.

Lord, we thank you, we thankyou that you are the healer,

that by your stripes, we are healed.

We receive everythingthat you have for us,

we appropriate, we reachup and we grab it by faith,

in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

If you've been touched, let us know,

give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.

If you need prayer, we absolutely believe

in prevailing prayer.

That's the prayer that gets an answer,

that doesn't give up, it keeps seeking,

keeps knocking, keeps asking.

So, if you want someone toagree with you in prayer,

all you have to do iscall, 1-800-700-7000.


- Well, still ahead, singer,actor, talk show host,

Harry Connick, Jr. has done it all.

So, what happened to himduring the COVID lockdown?

Harry tells you himself.

That's later on today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.

Marine Lieutenant ColonelStuart Scheller, Jr.,

who got in trouble forcriticizing top brass

over the Afghanistan troop withdrawal

was released from the brig Tuesday.

In August, Schellerrecorded and posted a video

condemning the militaryand U.S. government

for dereliction of duty,specifically naming

General Kenneth McKenzie.

A military spokespersonsays Scheller was released

as part of an agreement between Scheller,

his defense counsel andthe commanding general.

He faces a special courtmarshal on six violations

of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

related to several social media posts.

Well, President JoeBiden's approval rating

is dropping again.

A Quinnipiac University pollshows only 38% approval rating

for the president.

That's down from just42% just two weeks ago

and from a high of 50% back in February.

Among democrats, he stillhas an 80% approval rating,

that's compared to 4% from republicans

and 32% from independents.

Republicans and independentsmade up the largest part

of the polling sample.

Quinnipiac pollster Tim Malloy says

Biden has been battered on trust,

doubted on leadership andchallenged in overall competency.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Gordon and Terry will be back with more

of The 700 Club right after this.

(upbeat music)

- In India, a woman named Dalarie says

she's forever gratefulto CBN partners like you.

That's because you helped her walk again

after she burned herself so badly,

she had given up all hope.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Dalarie was cookingwhen the edge of her sari

caught on fire.

(yelling in foreign language)

- [Dalarie's Interpreter]I cried out for help.

My husband came running andquickly poured water on me

and rushed me to the hospital.

- [Narrator] Her back andlegs were severely burned.

- [Dalarie's Interpreter] Iwas in bed for nine months.

After that, I faced a lot of difficulties.

I couldn't walk, my legs hadshrunk and the skin peeled off.

I could barely sit down.

I gave up all hope.

- [Narrator] Dalarie needed surgery,

but her family couldn't afford it.

- [Dalarie's Interpreter]We only had enough money

to buy food.

I couldn't walk straightand people made fun of me

and called me name.

No one came forward to helpme or console my heart.

Whenever I remembered thatday, I felt like crying.

I didn't want to live anymore.

But then, God showed me the way.

- [Narrator] She kept looking for help.

Then the family heard about a hospital

that partners with Operation Blessing.

They reached out to us and we paid

for Dalarie's multiple surgeries.

- [Dalarie's Interpreter]I have a new life now.

I can walk normally without anything.

I can carry bags from the market

and walk at home withoutgetting support from anyone.

I will be forever gratefulto everyone who helped me

get my surgery.

Thank you so much.

- That thank you goes to you.

If you're a member of The 700 Club,

you're part of that surgical team.

Because of you, we were ableto do these wonderful things.

Surgeries for peoplewho can't afford them,

livelihood programs to givepeople hope and a future,

drinking water, fresh drinking water,

disaster relief, food for thehungry right here in America,

we're into over 10 millionpounds of food so far this year

being delivered right here in our backyard

all because people likeyou say, "Yes, I care,

I want to be a part of it."

If that's you, give us a call and say,

"I want to join The 700 Club."

How much is that?

It's just $20 a month.

So, pick up the phone, callus now, 1-800-700-7000.

If you're already a member,consider increasing,

consider 700 Club Gold at $40 a month,

1000 Club, $1,000 a year, thatbreaks out to $84 a month.

And when you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving,

bank doing all the work and we can send,

as our gift to you, "Power For Life"

monthly teaching CDs.

So, if you like those, ask forPledge Express when you call,

go to the internet,,

when you give monthly on the internet,

you'll automatically signup for Pledge Express.

We also have a new text to give,

so just text CBN to 71777.

Do it now.


- Well, up next, thetrumpet, piano, saxophone,

Harry Connick, Jr. played every instrument

for his latest CD and he also recorded

his own background vocals.

So, how did the COVIDcrisis help to inspire him?

You'll find out after this.

(upbeat music)

"Alone With My Faith", that's the title

of Harry Connick, Jr.'s latest CD.

It also describes thesolitude surrounding Harry

after COVID shut down his road tour.

Why does he call hislatest album all heart?

Harry reveals the reason in this interview

with CBN's Will Dawson.

- [Will] He's iconic.

Harry Connick, Jr. is a multiple Grammy

and Emmy Award winning actor and musician.

A rare talent who hasgraced the silver screen,

starred on Broadway and even hosted

his own daytime talk show.

When the pandemic hit in 2020,

like the rest of us, Harry was forced home

with time to reflect.

The result was his newestalbum, "Alone With My Faith".

♪ Amazing grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪

- How did that solitude shape this album?

- I think solitude is the entire reason

that this album came to be.

I mean, I was on the road on tour,

having a really good time and then,

just like everybody else,had to kind of pull the plug

and go home and try toassess what was going on.

It's an interesting conceptbecause I was physically alone

in the studio, just meand the instruments,

there was no recording engineer,

there were no othermusicians, no producers,

there was just me, but I had this sense

of not being spirituallyalone because I had faith.

- The album consists oftraditional Christian music,

as well as a few originals.

Harry played every instrument

and even recorded his own backup vocals.

You collaborated with somany artists over the years,

what did you learn from this process

of essentially becoming a one man band.

- That there are musicians out there

who are really good at what they do

and I look forward toplaying with them again.

'Cause, you know, this album is all heart,

I mean, it is all heart.

But, on this album, I playedtrumpet, I played saxophone

and it was an amazing experience

and I got what I wantedto get across across,

but, you know, it's, there are people

who are really good at their jobs,

like recording engineersand people who set up mics

and I'm looking forwardto the day when I can,

when I can work with them.

- Is there a song on thealbum that maybe touched you

more than others?

- I love "The Old Rugged Cross",

just because it's a beautiful melody.

I felt comforted when I sang it,

you know, because the wholemessage of that song is,

you know, we all have a cross to bear,

certainly not like the onefor which the song was named,

but, you know, we'regonna get through this,

you know, we're gonna cling to this

and exchange it one day for a crown.

So, when you're singingabout that, you know, it's,

you know, it's pretty,pretty powerful stuff.

- Harry, God is a creator,so when an artist like you

creates music, he'sdisplaying the image of God.

Do you think about thatwhen you use your talents?

- Yeah, that's a great question.

So, "How Great ThouArt" is a terrific song

and if you interpret it as, you know,

"I see the stars, I hearthe rolling thunder,

thy power throughoutthe universe displayed,"

like, what is that?

Well, for me, it's, inthis particular case,

New Orleans piano andhere I am at the piano

playing this tink, tink-tink,tink-tink, tink-tink,

tink-tink and I started saying,

"Oh, Lord, my God, whenI in awesome wonder,

consider all the worldsthy hands have made,

I see the stars, I hearthe rolling thunder,"

and I'm like, "Among thestars and the rolling thunder,

can we have a little NewOrleans piano in there, too?"

I mean, that's anotherversion of that art.

So, yeah, I do think about that

and I think that, you know,this is a gift I have from God

and I'm gonna try mybest to use it, you know,

in the best ways that I can.

- [Will] With 2020 in the rear view

and having spent timealone with his faith,

Harry hopes his latest albumbrings comfort to others.

- I'm not worried about myself, man,

I've been really lucky in my life

and, you know, I have a wonderful family

and I've had the opportunityto spend some time at home

that I hadn't planned on.

My thoughts and hopes and prayers

are with all the people thatare helping us get through it,

you know, all of the people

that are cleaning up the hospitals

and the teachers, the peopleworking at the grocery stores,

the scientists, thepeople in public office,

the people who are reallydedicating themselves to,

you know, helping us get through it.

♪ When we've been there ♪

♪ Ten thousand years ♪

This album really helped me.

It really helped me and I hope it can help

the people who listen to it.

I think, although there areChristian songs on this album,

there's a lot of people whohave faith in different ways

and I would hope that they would recognize

how important my faith is to me

and I hope that would givethem some comfort knowing that.

And for people who don'thave any faith at all,

I hope they enjoy the musical experience

and I hope that they can understand

why this is important tome, just as I can understand

that their beliefs are important to them.

♪ But now I see ♪

- Such an incredibly talented man.

Leaves you shaking your head every time.

Harry Connick, Jr.'s latest CD is called

"Alone With My Faith" and it's available

wherever music is sold.


Just wow.- Amazing talent.

Yeah, really amazing voice.- Yes.

Well, we've got some email here

and we've got time probably to take

at least one of these, Gordon.

So, this is Debbie, who says,

"Just wondering, whatis my gift from God?"

"How do I figure it out?"

- Well, if you're Harry Connick,

it's pretty easy to figureit out for the rest of us.

Here's something that ifyou're ever feeling down

and you're, you know, wondering, you know,

is God paying attention to me or not?

Here's a real easy trick for you.

Try to hold your breathand just keep holding it

and hold it as long as you can.

And in that process,you'll understand the gifts

and the calling of Godare without repentance.

You can't stop breathing,you literally can't do it.

Your breath is a gift from God,

your life is a gift from God,your mind is a gift from God.

He loves you so much, hehas uniquely made you,

there is nobody else like you.

That is a wonderful gift.

And with that, get inspiredto do wonderful things

for God, for his kingdomand for other people.

Here's a verse from Hebrews,"Now faith is the substance

of things hoped for, theevidence of things not seen."

God bless you for all of us,we'll see you again tomorrow.

(upbeat music)


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