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Christian World News - Rescuing those Abandoned in Afghanistan - October 1, 2021

As the Taliban puts barbaric punishments in place to enforce Sharia law, private efforts are underway to rescue those still trapped in Afghanistan. Read Transcript

(transition music)(theme music)

- [Wendy] This week onChristian World News.

Abandoned in Afghanistan.

As the Taliban cracks down,

private efforts are underwayto rescue those left behind.

(transition music)Plus,

the nation that pursued a campaign

to remove every trace of Christianity

and exterminate all Christianbelievers and institutions.

Now, the world is calling out North Korea

for its brutal assault on Christians.

(transition music)

And, Manny Pacquiao haswon 12 world-boxing titles.

Now, the world-classathlete and Christian leader

is stepping down,

seeking to become the nextleader of the Philippines.

(theme music intensifies)

Welcome to Christian World News, everyone.

I'm Wendy Griffith.

My co-host, George Thomas, is on vacation.

A Taliban leader announcedthey will once again carry out

strict Islamic law,

including executions and amputations.

Thousands of Americans and Afghans,

who helped the US military,

are still stranded in Afghanistan.

But as Chris Mitchell reports,

the effort to rescue them is not over.

- [Chris] These covertvideos provide a true look

at life inside Afghanistanunder Taliban rule,

arrest, abductions and executions.

- I believe that level ofdesperation is even worse now,

without the US troops there,

without any exit and peopleare hiding in safehouses

and hiding, on the run.

The Taliban is actually doorto door doing executions,

where they're goin' and grab people,

stuffing them in trunks of cars

and drivin' them off to execution sites.

I can imagine the on-the-groundpanic there is even worse

than it was during those evacuation days.

- [Chris] When the USannounced its pull-out,

Chad Robichaux joined otherretired special forces members

to form

He says they rescued morethan 12,000 US citizens

and Afghan allies during the chaotic weeks

before the US Military's final flight-out.

- [Chad] The good news is,

is that we're still beingsuccessful with evacuations,

not in the big numbers that we were.

We were, you know, we'restill getting a hundred

to 200 people out per day.

- [Chris] This type of rescueoperation is nothing new,

to Dave Eubank of the Free Burma Rangers.

- We're trying to help people get out,

any way we can.

And I'm really gratefulto the Tajik Government

that right now,

has a very humanitarian lookof how can we help people.

- [Chris] The White Houseand State Department

put the number of US citizens left behind

to about a hundred.

Robichaux says, the math doesn't add up.

- [Chad] The truth is,it's not a few hundred.

My guess is at least 5,000.

- [Chris] Whatever the number,US citizens are in danger.

- [Dave] They are huntingdown people right now,

trying to get all the namesof anyone they perceive

as an enemy.

- [Chad] They're scared,they don't know what to do.

They feel abandoned by our country

that has a responsibility to help them.

- [Chris] Robichaux and Eubank say,

leaving no one behindis an American value.

- [Chad] The truth is, itdoesn't matter if it's 5,000.

It doesn't matter if it's 200,

It doesn't matter if it's one.

Because, from where Icome from as an American,

especially in the specialoperations community.

If one American is behind enemy lines,

if one American's life is in danger,

we will use every bit ofmilitary force and strength

and scorch the earth around that person,

to rescue that person.

- [Chris] He fears theBiden administration,

news media and much ofthe world are moving on.

For Afghan women, life got a lot worse,

after this Taliban decree.

"All widows under the age of 35,

whose husbands were killedin the previous regime,

if they are still widowed,

will marry the Mujahideenof the Islamic Emirate."

- [Chad] We have 20 million women

that are immediately declared

as sex slaves.(women chanting)

And the amount oftrafficking, sex trafficking,

that's gonna happen out of Afghanistan.

- [Chris] Article 2, "Allpatriotic and Muslim parents

of Afghanistan are calledupon to give your daughters,

over the age of 18,

to be given to their husbands,

in order to maintain Islamic ethics."

- [Dave] Actually,almost every day, Chris,

I have started to cry.

'Cause I thought of these little girls,

left in the hands of Taliban.

- [Chris] Mm-hmm.- [Dave] And that's,

that's the biggest thing.

- [Chris] And Article 3, "All women,

working in governmentoffices are now ordered

to stay in their homes."

- The murder and persecutionof Christians and all the stuff

that is happening right now.

And, it seems like,

not only the White Houseand the mainstream media,

but the entire internationalcommunity wants to be silent.

- [Chris] Yet, the internationalcommunity may soon decide

if the Taliban will beAfghanistan's recognized government.

The Taliban just nominated an ambassador

to represent them at the UN.

Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.

- Thanks, Chris.

North Korea is gaining world attention.

with a flurry of missilelaunches in recent weeks.

The communist nationrestarting its missile tests,

firing off short-range,ballistic, hypersonic

and long-range cruise missiles.

It all test-- it also testedan anti-aircraft defense system

and even a missile-launchedfrom a railroad car.

All this in defiance ofinternational sanctions placed

on the regime.

Well, it's no secret.

The North Korean regime hasno tolerance for religion,

but a recent report detailsthe horrific punishments

Christians face, if caughtpracticing their faith.

CBN's Jennifer Wishon,has the troubling details.

- The report details howthe Workers' Party of Korea,

led by Kim Jong-un targetsand tortures Christians,

then goes to great lengthsto conceal its crimes.

The report spells out terror,

committed by the regime,

"Designed to remove alltraces of Christianity,"

and reveals, "The campaign to exterminate

"all Christian adherents and institutions,

"has been brutally effective."

North Korea's secret police,

the Ministry of State Security,

are incentivized with promotions

when they apprehend Christiansand other believers.

- Those charged with Christianity,

often face summaryexecutions or are forced

to live out the rest of their lives

inside political prisoner camps.

- [Jennifer] Inje Hwanginterviews North Korean defectors,

who have experienced or havefirsthand knowledge of abuse.

- One victim, who was arrestedfor the possession of a Bible

was detained in a solitary confinement,

starved and beaten with a metal rod,

used for cleaning rifles.

- [Jennifer] Christiansare the most persecuted

because of the faith's associationwith the US and Europe.

Undercover government spies search

for any evidence of worship,

making it impossible for Korean Christians

to congregate without being reported.

- All of the Christians thatwe interviewed for this report

told us that they,

they would not practice their religion

together with any other people.

- [Jennifer] Even childrenare taught from a young age

to be suspicious of Christianity.

- [Suyeon] Schools,young children are taught

that Christian missionariesare spies of the countries

who seek opportunitiesto invade North Korea.

And they are shown graphicimages of missionaries

sucking the blood of children,

to show how malicious they are.

And, they are taken tostate-run exhibition halls

where religious adherentsare presented as murderers,

spies and where Biblesare displayed as trophies,

taken from enemies of the state.

- [Jennifer] The big question,

what can be done todeter these atrocities,

in a country so closed-off from the world?

Some experts say targetedsanctions are effective

because Kim Jong-un careswhat the world thinks

of his regime.

A fact demonstrated by show churches,

set up by the governmentto faint tolerance

to the outside world andefforts to cover up persecution.

- That's a reason that theygo to incredible lengths

to conceal the political prison camps.

There's a reason theyhave built a show churches

and show temples and have access present--

potential congregations withforeign visitors in Pyongyang.

There's a reason theyrespond so aggressively,

so Human Rights Council resolutions

that condemn the humanrights record more broadly.

And there's a reason whythey push back so hard

against targeted human rights sanctions.

- [Jennifer] Meanwhile, NorthKorean Christians and others,

continue to suffer and inspire.

- You know, it says somethingabout the power of faith

that in the face of that kind of,

just egregious ongoing,

systematic persecution of people

for their religious beliefs.

People still choose to believe.

- Commissioner Davie saysthe world should know

the US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom

is painstakingly documenting these abuses

and the persecuted are not forgotten.

Jennifer Wishon, CBN News.

(transition music)- [Wendy] Thanks, Jennifer.

Coming up.(theme music)

The world-class boxer,

who's hanging up his gloves to take on,

what might be a bigger fight.

Why Manny Pacquiaobelieves God is calling him

to run for the Presidentof the Philippines.

- [Man] You can experience(angelic music)

the Kingdom of Heaven, right now.

- [Narrator] CBN presents,(dramatic music)

The Nearness of Heaven.

- We're going to be talkingabout people who went to heaven,

who had encounters withthe Kingdom of God.

- [Man] He let meexperience what it felt like

and there's more lovethan you can imagine.

- [Narrator] In thisbrand-new teaching, from CBN.

You'll discover what theBible has to say about heaven

and our lives in eternity.

How to know for certain thatheaven is your future home.

How seeking God's presence now,

will satisfy your heart's desire

and prepare you for what's ahead.

Plus, how to experience thereality of God's Kingdom,

right here, right now.

- You're gonna experience peace and joy

and life to the fullest.

- [Narrator] Get this excitingnew teaching from CBN, today.

Call 1-800-700-7000

or go to

to become a CBN partner

and receive your copy ofThe Nearness of Heaven.

(upbeat bright music)Nutrition,


essential oils,

weight loss and more.

It's Healthy Living with Lori Johnson.

- [Lori] Talk about what's in this.

- [Narrator] Join CBN HealthReporter, Lori Johnson,

to get the latest information

from today's top health experts.

- This is fan-tastic.

- [Narrator] Find outwhat you need to know

to live a healthier life.

Watch, Healthy Living.

Tuesday night at 8:30,on the CBN News Channel.

(upbeat music)- I'm Efrem Graham

and this is Studio 5.

Cruise with me, as Idiscovered the good things

happening in the world ofmusic, sports, television

and movies.

- The fact that Ryan Coogler,

was gonna be directing the film,

I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.

- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront

of entertainment andexplore the connection

between popular culture and faith.

- I asked my pastor, I said, "Well,

"does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"

He says, "Oh no, youalready have a pulpit."

- [Narrator] Wednesday night at 8:30,

on the CBN News Channel.

- World-boxing legend MannyPacquiao has bid goodbye

to his boxing career taking on,

what could be an even bigger fight.

As he runs for Presidentof the Philippines.

Lucille Talusan tells us morein this exclusive interview,

with Senator Manny Pacquiao.

(crowd cheering)

- [Lucille] "I just heard the final bell,"

(bell dings)were the words

of the great boxing icon, Manny Pacquiao.

As he announced his retirement

from his phenomenal boxing career.

Spanning four decades,he became the only boxer,

to win 12 world-titles

in eight divisions.(audience cheering)

He thanked boxing forgetting him and his family,

out of poverty and forinspiring many people.

Pacquiao, currently aSenator in the Philippines,

has announced his candidacy

for next year's Presidential Elections.

What compelled you to run forthe Philippine Presidency?

- I already announced my retirement

and I want the focus toa bigger fight in life,

which is serving people.

Fighting against corruption and injustice.

- [Lucille] Part of thatcorruption deals with $200 Million,

in unaccounted aid for the pandemic.

Pacquiao has questionedfour government agencies

for alleged misuse.

- I saw that situation of this country,

it's really bad, people are suffering.

And, what I saw is hopeless.

Our people deserve a better future.

I always believe thatGod has a purpose for me

and he raised me from nothinginto something for a purpose.

Not only giving inspiration to the people,

but also to help them and fight for them.

- What is your answer to,you know, people who tell you

that it is going to bea very difficult fight

because you're up against corrupt people,

who are also in power.

- [Manny] One of my favoriteverse is in Isiah 41:10.

It says, "So do notfear, for I am with you.

"Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

"I will strengthen you and help you;

"I will uphold you withmy righteous right hand."


only to God that we fear,we fe-- we have fear.

The most important thing, weglorify God in our daily lives.

- [Lucille] LucilleTalusan, CBN News Manila.

(transition music)- [Wendy] Thanks, Lucille.

Coming up.

Celebrating 60 years(theme music)

of broadcast ministry from on-air revivals

to answered prayers andgroundbreaking interviews.

We look back on CBN Founder,

Pat Robertson's decades ofTV Ministry. Stay tuned.

- Orphans Promises committed(inspiring music)

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We're working in over 60countries around the world

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There's an old Africanproverb by love that says,

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Will you join us?

(chime music)(child laughing)

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

(upbeat theme music)

- Thanks for joining us.

- [Narrator] Watch Breaking News,

exclusive stories and programs,

credible news reporting.

- We show you what'shappening in the world

and how you can pray about it.

- [Narrator] This is CBN Newswatch.

Because truth matters.

Weekdays at five, on the CBN News Channel.

(inspiring music)- [Man] What does Jesus mean

that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you

or within your midst.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.

That means you can literallyreach up and grab it.

- [Man] His presence isright there with you.

If you're saved, if you're a Christian,

Jesus is dwelling in your heart.

The Kingdom of God is in your midst.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.

- [Narrator] The Nearness of Heaven.

Available now.

- Welcome back to our broadcast.

Christian World News is a production

of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Which celebrates its 60thAnniversary this week,

marking the anniversaryon a bittersweet note.

CBN Founder, Pat Robertsonannounced he's stepping down,

as host of our daily liveprogram, The 700 Club.

Here's a lookback atsome of the highlights,

over more than half acentury of broadcasting.

- [Narrator On TV] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network

presents the following--

- [Announcer] On October 1st,

1961.(playful music)

Pat Robertson, a Bible in-hand,

stepped in front of a televisioncamera for the first time.

While that inaugural broadcast,

barely made it around the block,

it was all part of the plan.

To spread the gospel around the world,

through the art and science of television.

Today, marks 60 years sincePat first hit the airwaves.

- I want to be part of God's plan.

And I think that His planis for world evangelization

and to bring millions to the Kingdom.

And He's letting me be part of it.

- [Announcer] By any standard, his work in

and through televisionhas been incredible.

As pat emerged as a media innovator,

cultural influencer and spiritual leader

and mentor to people all over the world.

Franklin Graham putsthings in perspective.

- There's Holy Spirit-filledpower, in the gospel message

and of course, thisnetwork, of Pat's life.

He's touched so many millions of people,

with this power of God,

the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

that has transformed andchanged lives by the millions.

And I just thank God for hislife and for his ministry.

- [Narrator] Vice-presidentof CBN International,

Ben Edwards.- He has to be,

perhaps the...

If not the longest-running host

of a continuous televisionprogram in American history

and certainly one of the longest-running.

And, he has just broken enormousamounts of ground in terms

of live television andproducing programming,

hosting program.

- [Announcer] A televisionpioneer in his own right,

Pat was always an early adapter.

Using the latest broadcastand television technologies

to get CBN's flagship show, the 700 Club,

to viewers everywhere.

(audience applauding)(theme music)

From cable to satellite.(transition music)

And now the internet.(optimistic music)

The show and the gospel(somber music)

are accessible to practicallyevery person on the planet.

- [Ben] So he's always beenan innovator and a visionary

and a creative person,

just in a general sense of television,

not even religious television,

just in terms of television.

- [Announcer] Also under Pat's leadership,

The 700 club has taken many forms.

Using indigenous hosts andprogramming to reach people

through their culture andtheir native language.

CBN has also produced films,

a 24-hour Online News Channel.

And of course, the enormously-popular,

children's animated-series Superbook

that started in 1981 andwas re-imagined in 2009.

- That's a whole lot betterthan my magic card shuffle.

- [Announcer] Pat's influencein the secular world,

is also remarkable.(upbeat bright music)

Through thoughtful commentary

and by engaging politicaland cultural leaders.

He's given voice toChristian thought and views,

on the social and politicalissues facing our world.

- To join hearts and voices in prayer,

for peace in the Middle East.

- Boundless budget.

- We are not enemies of China,

we are not enemies of the Russians.

- Daily sacrifice for theimproving of the general situation

of the country.

- Of healing the global environment.

- With Taliban and othertypes of radicals in the--

- [Announcer] Rob Edwards,Vice President of CBN News.

- I think Pat's contribution(somber theme music)

to religious broadcasting,

is that he took religiousbroadcasting into the mainstream.

- We are reproached forbeing Christ's followers.

That's a great privilege.

- As they avoid, in my opinion,

stories that go against powers that be,

whether they're political interest

or sometimes special interestsor corporate interest.

- Pat Robertson is simplya pioneer and a visionary,

who keeps growing today.

- You're gonna make sure thatwomen get paid for equal work

was mandated to this equality,

right?- Well, I do that.

- And in your cabinet and in key positions

in your administration.- Oh, absolutely.

- [Announcer] Also to Pat's credit,

his efforts to break down racial barriers

in the TV industry,

American culture and the church.

In fact, Ben Kinchlow, Pat'slong-time co-host and friend.

Was the first African-Americanto co-host a daily TV show.

Now deceased, Ben had thisto say about his 20 years,

working alongside Pat.

- We had the matchesprivilege of being a part

of what God was doing.

And I could stand by Pat Robertson's side

and hold up his hand and,

and pray with him and, you know.

Cry with him and laugh with him

and see God do incrediblethings for people.

- [Announcer] Which brings us back

to the plan.(upbeat music)

A plan that for 60 years, asseen millions around the world,

on hope, healing and salvation,

through faith in Jesus Christ.

- We have probably seenmore people come to the Lord

through CBN than any otherorganization in the world.

But it, it wasn't me, it was God.

So He gets the glory, but it's amazing.

It is simply amazing howmany millions of people

that come to Jesus.

- [Announcer] Congratulations Pat,

for 60 years on television.

- Big congratulations.

And I've been here for22 of those 60 years,

it's been an amazing ride.

Well, in 1996, 90% of CBSaudience was right here

in the United States.

Well today, 90,

90% of our audience is international.

CBN has experiencedexclu-- explosive growth,

as we carry out our missionto spread the gospel

to the uttermost parts ofthe earth, take a look.

- [Announcer] In 2020,

CBN programs werebroadcast in 174 countries

and territories(mellow music)

in 48 different languages and dialects.

(dramatic music)

(speaking in many foreign language)

- [Gordon] Back in 1996, I can safely say,

90% of our audience wasin the United States.

Now 90% of our audience is international

and 10% of our audienceis in the United States

and we're seeing audience levels,

we couldn't have dreamed of,

where 350 million peopleare watching CBN programs

around the world.

- Welcome to 700 Club Canada.

- [Announcer] As of 2021,

CBN has 17 media centers across the globe

that not only produce contentin their native languages,

but also employ their owninnovative strategies.

- [Ben] Philippines, forexample, during COVID,

started a nightly program on Facebook Live

at eight o'clock every night in order

to reach their audiencein a more consistent way

and to talk about different subjects

that every evening has adifferent subject matter

and even a different target audience.

The initial returns on that are great.

We're reaching literallyhundreds of thousands

of people.- We call it battle scars.

- [Announcer] One of thenewest endeavors by CBN,

is the relaunching of aSpanish-speaking talk show,

called Club 700 Hoy.(Spanish music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Is a Spanish version(mellow music)

of The 700 Club for theUS-Hispanic population, primarily.

And we follow the sameformat, as the club.

But of course, withculturally irrelevant stories

for the Latino populationand with a Hispanic host

that can relate to the audience.

- Really, it's just beginning.

CBN News is playing itsrole by telling our viewers

how God is at work around the world,

launching our own 24/7 NewsChannel with an app in 2018.

And you can sign up

and watch that on ourwebsite,

We'll be right back.

(upbeat music)- [Narrator] From Washington,

DC.- Good evening, and welcome

to Faith Nation.

- [Narrator] Uncompromisingstories, interviews

and analysis from veteran journalists,

David Brody, John Jessup, JennaBrowder, and Derek Phillips.

Bringing you thepolitical news at matters.

- [Nicolas] Regulations onthe energy industry are going

to have dramatic rippleeffects throughout the economy.

- [Narrator] News you can trust.

- [Rep. Chris] We'repeople who are committed

to protecting the mostweakest and most vulnerable.

- [Narrator] Watch Faith Nation.

Weeknights at six.

- [Man] You can experience(mellow music)

the Kingdom of Heaven, right now.

- [Narrator] CBN presents,(dramatic music)

The Nearness of Heaven.

- We're going to be talkingabout people who went to heaven,

who had encounters withthe Kingdom of God.

- [Man] He let meexperience what it felt like

and there's more lovethan you can imagine.

- [Narrator] In thisbrand-new teaching, from CBN.

You'll discover what theBible has to say about heaven

and our lives in eternity.

How to know for certain thatheaven is your future home.

How seeking God's presence now,

will satisfy your heart's desire

and prepare you for what's ahead.

Plus, how to experience thereality of God's kingdom,

right here, right now.

- You're gonna experience peace and joy

and life to the fullest.

- [Narrator] Get this excitingnew teaching from CBN, today.

Call 1-800-700-7000

or go to

to become a CBN partner

and receive your copy ofThe Nearness of Heaven.

- [Narrator] As the world watches

(upbeat dramatic music)from the outside.

- [Chris] It's a bigdiplomatic tug of war here

in the Middle East.

- [Narrator] Go inside thestory with Jerusalem Dateline.

- Israeli archeologists aretalking about a discovery

that could chase the thinkingabout the Temple Mount.

- [Narrator] Join CBN JerusalemBureau Chief, Chris Mitchell

and get the biblicalperspective on the event,

shaping the world.

- [Woman] What starts in Israel,

then ends up going to other places.

- [Narrator] Watch Jerusalem Dateline,

Friday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.

- Finally this week,

Emily Jones brings us thelatest from Jerusalem.

(angelic music)

- Welcome to Inside Israel.

Where we show you what'shappening in Israel

and the Middle East.

Israeli prime minister NaftaliBennett used his first speech

at the UN General Assembly torally the world against Iran.

His main target wasIran's nuclear program,

which he says is a threatto Israel's very existence.

- Iran seeks to dominate theregion and seeks to do so,

under a nuclear umbrella.

- [Emily] He also met withUAE and Bahraini leaders

for the first time, thanksto the Abraham Accords

and told the biblical story

of how God restored theJewish people to their land.

Political instabilitycontinues to rock Lebanon

and the many fear thatreality is fertile ground

for Hezbollah to tightenits grip on the country.

Lebanon's new government mustcombat widespread poverty

and mend the country, still reeling,

from the massive Beirut explosion in 2020.

Some call Lebanon, a failed state,

but others say it's a puppetfor the Hezbollah terror group.

That means trouble for Israel.

- Lebanon is not a failedstate, but a fake state.

It's an illusionary facadeof a legitimate government.

Hezbollah is an also theseverest military threat

to Israel on its borders.

The potential for theseverest war in the region,

is between Israel and Hezbollah.

- [Emily] However, expertssay there is growing anger

towards Hezbollah amongthe Lebanese people,

who blame the group forelectricity and fuel shortages

and widespread corruption.

Thousands of Jews recentlygathered at the Western wall

in Jerusalem to receivethe priestly blessing.

Since ancient times, Jewish pilgrims,

including Jesus himself havemade their way to Jerusalem

to participate in the event.

According to tradition,

a special group of men whotrace their lineage back

to the ancient Hebrew priests,

recite a blessing over Israel.

This happens twice a year,

during the biblical holidaysof Sukkot and Passover.

For more stories like this,

you can watch ourJerusalem Dateline program


Back to you.

- Thanks, Emily.

And thanks for joining us this week.

(upbeat theme music)Until next week,

from all of us here atChristian World News.

Goodbye and God bless you.


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