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Rockstar Lifestyle Leaves Musician Empty

For former guitarist, Anthony Greve, the hard-partying life of a musician left him with a spiritual void. In his new book, “Delivered From Evil,” he shares what truly brought him satisfaction. Read Transcript

- As the guitarist for the band Pop Evil,

Anthony Greve has played with some

of the legends of hard rock.

But after years on theroad, Tony wanted out.

He needed some help tosort out his feelings,

so he and his brotherconsulted a Ouija board.


(rock guitar playing)

(audience cheering)

- Once there's anemotional high about that,

you're like, wow this isthe stuff that I dreamed

of doing, I'm doing it,I'm getting to live it.

- [Narrator] As the leadguitarist for the hard rock band

Pop Evil, Anthony Greve hadeverything he thought he wanted.

When the high of top 10hits, fame, drugs, and women

finally wore off, Anthony came up empty,

and he didn't know whereto look for meaning.

In "Delivered From Evil," Anthony shares

where he found his true identity, as well

as satisfaction that outlasts the high

of his former lifestyle.

- Anthony Greve joins us now via Skype.

Hi Tony, welcome to the program.

- So great to be on here,thanks for having me.

- When did you decidethat you wanted your life

to revolve around rock and roll?

- Oh man, I was 11 years old, and I saw

a Guns and Roses video,I was in Turkey overseas,

and I saw this video,and I saw Slash playing

for the first time, andI knew at that moment,

that's what I wanted to dofor the rest of my life.

- [Host] So, how did you actually

get involved with Pop Evil?

- Say that again, how did Iget involved with Pop Evil?

- Uh-huh.

- So Pop Evil was a local band out

of Grand Rapids, Michigan,and we had a mutual friend,

and at the time they had beenlooking for a guitar player

to come in and to do somesession work, and to play

some live shows, and wejust ended up clicking.

And after just a little bitof me doing some studio work

with them, and a coupleof shows with them,

they pretty much offeredme a full-time position,

and they said, you're our guy.

- Well you were opening showsfor some big name bands,

you were starting todo some shows yourself.

You dreamed of being a rock and roll star.

So what happened along the way that

made you want out of that life?

- You know, even theBible says that sin is fun

for a season, and so,you know the drinking,

and the partying, for a minuteyou know it was a blast,

but it just kind of tookover, and it just kind

of began to consume whowe were, and who I was,

and it really got to a pointwhere I was just engulfed

by alcoholism, women,drugs, the whole nine yards,

and really what began as fun just

turned into this just spiral of darkness,

and my life was really just beginning

to spiral out of control.

- Well one night your band mates went

out while you opted to spend a quiet night

inside your hotel room,tell us what happened.

- So, the band all wentout and I stayed back,

and I went up to thehotel room, and I decided

I was gonna take a bath andjust relax for a minute,

and you know, 'cause it hadbeen grueling on the road,

and I was just exhausted.

And in that bathtub, in thatmoment, I had an encounter

with the Lord that changedmy life, and you know

I didn't grow up in church,

and so, it was really just supernatural,

the way that the Lord hadbeen working in my life,

and to hear His voice the way that I did.

But I remember comingto the end of my rope,

and just saying, God, why isnothing in my life working?

I have everything, yetI'm completely miserable.

And I just had this dialogue with God,

and this conversation withHim, and I just remember

asking the Lord to forgive me,and just hearing the Lord say

to me, son, I forgive you,now I'm going to give you

the one who's going to empower you.

And the Spirit of Godfell in that bathroom,

and literally broke, andknocked every addiction

off my life, and I havenot been the same since.

- Wow.

Well you felt like there were a lot

of supernatural things going on.

There was a point where you decided

to consult a Ouija board.

Tell us about that and what happened.

- Yes ma'am, and so,

in the process of me

you know leaving Pop Evil, coming out

of the music industry,you know even though I had

had an encounter withGod, I guess I still,

I hadn't been discipled,didn't really know

what I was looking for,but there was a lot

of supernatural activitygoing on in our home,

and I didn't really know what was going on

to get to the bottom of it.

Actually I had contacted a church,

and they really weren't ableto offer me any help and,

at least the church thatI contacted at that time.

And so, I ran into abuddy who said, well hey

my sister deals in therealm of spirits, mediums,

and consulting the dead,and all that kind of stuff,

and he said, maybe she could help you out.

So really, I was justlooking to get some answers.

- So what happened?

- So, in the midst of that,

you know in the midst of that,

she came over, she broughta Ouija board over,

and I remember beingskeptical to begin with,

like I don't know if this thingis even really gonna work,

and sure enough, it began toanswer all of my questions

regarding things in my childhood,regarding family members,

and so, I was kind ofsurprised by that, but yet

deep down something felt like it was off,

like something was wrong.

- Well I know that therewas a point at which

your brother was involvedin an experience with that.

How did that impact you?

- Yeah, well you know that really

was a turning point for me.

Because I continued tooperate with that board

to really, and what really I was doing was

looking for answers,and trying to figure out

what was going on withthis supernatural activity

in our home, and it resulted

in demonic possession.

And so, now when I sawthat, when that happened,

and when that took place, Iremember just being floored,

because it was you know, it'sone thing to have seen it

in movies, and this wasno exaggeration, I mean

you're talking contortions,the whole nine yards.

And so, when I saw it, it floored me,

but what was powerful, wasto see the power of God

actually enter and take over the room,

and to see my brotherdelivered, to see the power

of God enter and justdrive that thing completely

out of him, which at point Iknew who the greater power was,

and it sparked something inme to say, you know what?

Jesus is the way, I'm gonna serve Him

for the rest of my life.

- Well your journey isquite an amazing one,

and it's all documented here in your book,

"Delivered From Evil,"thanks Anthony, so much

for sharing your story with us.

You can find out even more about Anthony

in this brand new book,"Delivered From Evil,"

it's in stores nationwide.


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