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The 700 Club - September 27, 2021

A hard-partying musician wonders why the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll lifestyle is leaving him empty inside. Plus, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb charts the path forward on how to react to the next pandemic. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Today, is the endof the pandemic in sight?

- [Scott] And I think thatthis might be the last

major wave of infection.

- [Wendy] Here's what comes next.

- That immunity is durableand it appears quite robust.

- [Wendy] How do we prepareourselves for the next one?

- I think that there arethings we can do to prevent

this kind of episode fromever happening again.

- [Wendy] Former FDA commissioner

Scott Gottlieb charts the path forward.

- The idea that thisis sort of going to be

an endless crisis, I just don't see that.

- [Wendy] Today on "The 700 Club."

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

We've got an exclusive interview

with former President Trump.

And the question is whatwould keep you from running?

Not will you run, but whatwould keep you from running?

We've got that answer in anexclusive David Brody interview.

But first of all, the budget.

A civilian climate corporation,free community college,

probably the payoff of all student debts.

These are just a couple ofbig ticket spending items

that have Democrats splintered.

Deep divisions in the partyhave forced Nancy Pelosi

to walk back the vote on a $1 trillion

infrastructure bill today.

And on top of that, Congresshas to raise the national

debt ceiling or facecatastrophic consequences.

So why won't Republicans vote for it?

And what must Congress do

to keep the federalgovernment shutting down?

Dale Hurd explains it all.

- The vote on a $1 trillioninfrastructure bill

that was supposed to happentoday has been pushed

off until Thursday because Democrats admit

they don't have the votes.

Speaker Nancy PelosiSunday had to walk back

today's planned vote onthe bipartisan Senate bill

for roads and bridges.

- Let me just say we're gonnapass the bill this week.

- [Dale] But she doesn'thave the votes so far.

- I'll never bring a bill to the floor

that doesn't have the votes.

- [Dale] Because House Progressivesin her party won't vote

for the roads and bridgesinfrastructure bill

without an agreement on a $3.5 trillion

so-called human infrastructure bill,

what some call a wishlistof big government programs,

including things like acivilian climate corps

and free community college paid for

by raising taxes oncorporations and the wealthy.

- The Build Back Better agendais not some crazy agenda

that just a few people support.

It's actually the vast majorityof the democratic caucus.

- [Dale] And Progressives are threatening

to tank the bi-partisan roads

and bridges infrastructure bill if

Congress can't pass the $3.5trillion reconciliation bill.

- The votes aren't there.

We have to get to thatreconciliation bill first.

- [Dale] But moderate democratic senators

like Joe Manchin of West Virginia

and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have said

they won't support a humaninfrastructure bill that big.

And even Nancy Pelosi is conceding

that the massive bill will be cut.

Joe Biden still thinks he'llbe signing the bills this week.

- I'm optimistic about this week.

It's gonna take the betterpart of the week I think.

- [Dale] But there are morepressing matters for Congress.

The government runs out of money Thursday

and it's also set to default on its debt

without an increase in the debt ceiling.

GOP Senator Pat Toomey told CNN

Republicans would vote for abill to fund the government,

but not if it's linked toa debt ceiling increase.

- I will certainly be votingno if the Democrats insist

on combining the debt ceilingincrease or suspension

with the continuingoperations of the government.

- If the debt ceiling is not raised,

the government could default on its debt,

but Congress has always raisedthe debt ceiling in the past.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, there's no question about it.

We've got to pay our bills thathave already been incurred.

The government can't defaulton its debt, it can't do it.

So this is a nonsense debate.

But the big thing is Americans say,

"Okay, we know the bridges are cracking,

the roads need help, there's a train

that ran off the track afew days ago in Montana.

There are all kinds ofthings that need help

That is specific infrastructure

and there's an agreement to buy it.

It would be a good thing.

It'll make jobs.

It'll do good stuff.

Beyond that, this otherthing is fluff and nonsense

and it'll destroy ourcountry and it can't be done.

Our Capitol Hill correspondentAbigail Robertson is here

to tell us what lies ahead.

Abby, what's the timeline on all these votes

to keep the government funded?

- Well, as Dale pointed out,

this is an incredibly high stakes week

on Capitol Hill with bothBiden's agenda hanging

in the balance and these twomajor financial deadlines.

So the Senate is going totake the first vote tonight

on the House passed continuing resolution.

That also includes thatdebt ceiling raise.

And as Dale mentioned,

Republicans are not onboard with this bill

if it includes raising the debt ceiling

and Democrats need 10 Republicans

to vote for it in order for it to pass.

Now, the government isset to run out of money

on September 30th and sothey have to pass something

by then in order to keepthe government open.

And as we are all aware,we are in a pandemic

and a lot of people have warned

there'll be grave consequences

if we see a government shutdown right now.

But the question is will,

so Republicans will supportthe continuing resolution

if Democrats remove theraise to the debt ceiling.

Republicans want to seeDemocrats raise the debt ceiling

on their own, which they cando without Republican votes

through the budget reconciliation process.

Republicans argue thatDemocrats have control

of the House, Senate, and the White House.

They don't want to support this.

They believe raising it willjust lead to more spending

from Democrats and they don'twant to be a part of it.

So they're pushing themto do it on their own.

But procedurally can, if Democrats,

once this bill tonight is likely to fail,

is there time for two new standalone bills

to pass both the House andSenate by September 30th

and prevent the governmentfrom shutting down

and keep funding open atleast through December?

That's what we don't know.

So after this bill tonight that as I said,

it's likely not going to pass the Senate,

it is very unclear what lies ahead

in the next couple of daysto keep the government open

and avoid this debt ceiling crisis.

So we'll see what happens.

- Thanks, Abigail.

- Isn't it incredible this wrangling

that goes on in Washington,

but it is so destructive tothe future of our country.

That's what's so bad.

Well, let's go now to ourCBN News financial editor

Drew Parkhill for more of this debting.

Drew, everyone knows that failing

to raise the debt ceilingwould be a disaster.

What's behind it all?

- Well, you're right, Pat.

And as Abby said, it's,as Dale talked about,

it's always been passedbefore, but here's the thing.

Just the threat of it nothappening could hurt the markets.

The stock market right nowis internally kind of weak.

You could see the Dow,which is just a little

under 35,000 now, it could drop, 10%, 20%

over the next few weeksand it go under 30,000.

Is that likely?

Not necessarily.

Is it possible?

Yes, it is.

Now how did we get here?

Here's what's happened.

Mitch McConnell has told the Democrats,

"Look, you have got thishuge, huge spending bill,

three and a half trillion dollars,

you never came to us, you never asked us,

'Do you want our help?

Do we get any input?'"

He said they never asked the Republicans.

So here's what Mitch McConnell said

at the beginning of August.

He said this, "Let me makesomething perfectly clear.

If they don't want or need our input,"

on this huge spending bill,

"they won't get our help."

So in other words he'ssaying you're on your own.

And a lot of Democrats,

a lot of moderate Democratsdon't want to be associated

with trillions upontrillions, upon trillions,

upon trillions of thisspending and future spending.

And there's one very interesting point.

Mitch McConnell is makingthe Democrats own up to this.

That's his move.

Here's a poll that came out recently

from Politico and Morning Consult.

It shows that 33% of the publicwould blame the Democrats

if there's a debt default.

16% would blame the Republicans.

42% would blame both parties.

So the Democrats wouldshoulder more of the blame

if a debt default were to happen

or even maybe for thedebt default negotiations.

So yeah, it could be a politicalwinner for the Republicans.

We'll just have to see.

- Drew, back to this huge spending bill

that the Democrats aretrying to get through.

There's no way we could pay for it

so it means it's gonna jackthe corporate income tax,

then it's gonna hit themiddle class really hard.

There's no way you canpay for that stuff, is it?

- There isn't and they're trying

to quote unquote, get the zero.

But the fact of the matter is,

and we're going to talk moreabout this in the days ahead,

Pat, but you're exactly right

because these corporate income taxes,

they always come filtering back down

to the middle class one way or the other.

Either prices go up, salaries don't go up

as much as they should.

There are all kinds of waysthat it hits the middle class.

And the tax raises that they talk about,

they never bring as muchmoney as they say they will

and the governmentprograms always cost more.

So you're gonna have higherdeficits exactly like you said.

- Well, in other news ahuge crowd came together

over the weekend in Georgia.

Why, was it a rock concert?

No, it's Donald Trump.

CBN's David Brody caught upwith the former president

to ask him a criticalquestion with a twist.

Take a look.

- This is an invasion.

(crowd shouting)

- The MAGA crowds aren't dwindling.

This weekend in Georgia,

the former president drewanother big audience.

They're urging him to run again in 2024.

I brought up the subject with a twist.

What will make you not run in 2024?

In other words, what wouldbe a reason not to run?

- [Donald] Well, I guess a bad call

from a doctor or something, right?

You know, you get that call and they say,

"Hey sir, how you doing?

Come on down here and see usbecause we got a bad report."

So things happen, through God they happen.

I feel so good.

I hate what's happening to our country.

- [David] Trump has a long list of issues

with this administration.

After being called the mostpro-life president ever,

Trump says he seen theexact opposite approach

from this Catholic president.

- [Donald] If you look at his policies

and if you look whathe's doing to religion

and organized religion, ifyou look at what's going on,

I don't know how the Catholic Church

can be supportive of him.

- [David] His support among

Independent voters hasseen a drop as well.

That's mainly due to thesouthern border situation.

And Trump puts the blame squarelyon the current president.

- [Donald] All he had to do is I say,

go to the beach, justrelax, Joe, go to the beach.

We had it the best ever inthe history of that border,

the Southern border and nowit's the worst in history.

And it's probably the worstborder anywhere in the world,

if you think of it becauseno border has ever been

like what's happening at our border.

It's the destruction frominside of our country.

- [Dale] Trump's critics sayhis unconventional toxicity

and lies are responsible fordestroying the country too.

The January 6thCongressional Committee wants

to see all documents and correspondences

that he had on that day in January.

Biden's White House is setto forego the traditions

of executive privilegeand release those records.

- It's a disgrace what's going on.

This is just anothercontinuation of a really

you'd call it the greatestwitch hunt in history

and a disgrace.

- Will you look at suing them in court?

Are you thinking about it?

- [Donald] I'll do whatever is necessary.

- He'll also do whatever is necessary

to let everyone know thatit was his administration

who delivered a vaccine in record time.

But what about those mandates

that have become so controversial?

Have they been discriminatory

against the unvaccinated in this country?

- Since I left, I thinkpeople just don't trust

the Biden administration or Biden.

Because since I left, nowyou have the mandate fight

and that's a big fight by the way.

You have to allow people their freedoms.

- [David] And now, the people also wait

for a decision from theDonald to see if he's ready

to give the presidency another shot.

- Well, chief political correspondent

David Brody is with us.

David, the last campaignwas run in large measure

against Trump and he didhave a lot of problems

with women, especially suburban women.

So what do you view hischances in the next election?

- Well, Pat, as you know,it's always a base election.

And what I mean by that isyou got to get out the base.

So the Trump campaign, Isay the Trump campaign,

am I getting ahead of myself?

The potential Trumpcampaign will know that

they have to do an even better job

of getting out more ofthose MAGA faithful.

But they're also encouraged,a lot of folks in Trump orbit,

by this idea that the Independent support

for President Biden hasdropped significantly

as we've reported here on "The 700 Club,"

going from 55% among supportregarding Independents

to about 37%.

And they're concerned about immigration.

They're concerned about obviously

what's going on at the border.

And so when you put that out there,

it gives Donald Trump a potential to say,

"Hey, you know what?

The time may be right again to run again."

We'll see.

But it was an interesting answer for sure

about the bad call from his doctor.

(Pat laughing)

- The only reason why he wouldn't run is

if his ticker isn't working.

- That's right.

- David, how do you see Republican chances

to take back the Senateand the House in '22?

- Well, it's all rightthere for the taking, Pat.

And leave it to theRepublicans to blow it.

But there's no doubtthey only need to flip,

what is it about five House seats?

I mean, it depends onthe special elections

that come and go, but it's aboutfive House seats right now.

They've got not only a chance,

but they've got a very, very good chance

of winning the House.

And redistricting has helped them.

Let's be honest, Joe Biden andhis policies have helped them

as I just pointed out withthe Independents sinking.

And then of course, in the Senate,

there were about 10 tossup seats, if you will,

Pennsylvania, Georgia,those are gonna be big ones,

Wisconsin as well.

The bottom line is Republicanscould actually pick

up the Senate too.

It'll be a little trickier.

But in a climate that seemsto be favoring Republicans,

I'll tell you what, thiscould be the last chance

for Democrats to pass someof the sweeping legislation

that we've been hearingall about in this show

and of course for weeks and months.

And that's why they want to get it done

because they know theirtime in the majority seems

to be potentially running out in 2022.

- You're exactly right.

Just focus on Georgia a little.

A couple of those races were kind

of squirrely in the last election.

And Sonny Purdue or one of thosepeople oughta come back in.

Don't you feel that's the case?

- Yeah, as a matter of fact,over the weekend in Georgia,

Donald Trump saying out loud at the rally,

"Hey, David Purdue, areyou gonna run again?

Why don't you run again?"

So he would like to see him do that.

Raphael Warnock, gonna be in some trouble

obviously in Georgia.

That is a tough seat forDemocrats to hold onto.

But then again, and don't get me started

with ballot harvestingand some of the stuff

that Stacey Abrams and others are doing

down there in Georgia,but I'll tell you what,

it's gonna be aninteresting race in Georgia.

- David, thanks so much.

- Let's go now to Terry.

- Well coming up,

the next wave in thefight against COVID-19.

Will boosters be available for toddlers?

Will the virus become seasonal?

Here why former FDAcommissioner Scott Gottlieb

says the end of the pandemic is in sight.

Plus, we'll revisit CBN'svery first broadcast

from 60 years ago.

See how a series ofmiracles helped the show

to make it to air.

That's later on today's program.

(upbeat music)

- Well, could the end ofthe pandemic be in sight?

Former FDA commissioner Dr.Scott Gottlieb believes it is.

He also think PresidentBiden's vaccine mandate

may never make it to the marketplace.

So what about the next pandemic?

Here's medical reporter LorieJohnson with more on that.

- About half of all US children ages 12

and older have beenvaccinated against COVID-19.

Currently, the shots are notavailable for younger kids,

but that's likely to change.

Former FDA commissioner ScottGottlieb believes children

five to 11 could be offered their shots

between Halloween and Thanksgiving.

- Now the vaccine for kids aged five

to 11 is basically the same formulation

as a current vaccine,just in a lower dose.

- [Lorie] An even lowerdose will likely be offered

to children ages sixmonths to four early year.

When it comes to adults,

Gottlieb says businessesshould decide whether

to require workers to get thejab adding President Biden's

vaccine mandate may notsurvive legal challenges.

- A lot of businesses thatwere considering mandates,

now might wait because they're gonna wait

to see what the federal government does

and it's gonna take thefederal government months

to implement this mandateif they're ever able to.

And so you might've actuallyslowed down the rate

of decision making inthe private community.

- [Lorie] He saysbusinesses could consider

natural immunity in lieu of vaccines.

- I think we need to recognize that people

who have immunity that'sacquired through infection,

that immunity is durableand it appears quite robust.

I think the question from a clinical

standpoint is how long it's gonna last.

- [Lorie] When it comes to the pandemic,

Dr. Gottlieb has reasonto believe the infamous

Delta surge will be the last one.

Then COVID-19 in the US wouldtransition to an endemic

where the virus becomes aseasonal pattern like the flu.

- I think that this might be the last

major wave of infection.

The idea that this is gonnacontinue to mutate very quickly

and all these mutationsare gonna evade our tools

and this is sort of gonnabe an endless crisis,

I just don't see that.

- [Lorie] However, he saysthe US must take action

to stop the next pandemic,perhaps the bird flu,

which could be right around the corner.

- And I think that there are things

we can do to prevent this kind of episode

from ever happening again.

- [Lorie] In his new book"Uncontrolled Spread,"

Dr. Gottlieb recommends fixing mistakes,

such as not being able to quickly deploy

large scale diagnostic testing,

which could have identifiedasymptomatic cases.

- You'd see a situationwhere 30 people would be

in a room, everyone would be fine,

and then 25 people would get the infection

and so the assumption was itmust've been a contaminated

surface that 25 peoplecame in contact with.

But what actually washappening was there was someone

who was asymptomatic in that setting

who infected the other people.

- [Lorie] The CDC, whichusually takes months

to collect, analyze, anddisseminate information,

found itself ill prepared

when it came to the need for speed.

- And then when theyissued guidance to try

to advise us on how weshould be taking steps

to reduce our individual risk

and how businesses should be taking steps

to reduce their risk,

the guidances oftenweren't very well-informed.

They weren't articulated in a way

that they could beactionable by consumers.

- [Lorie] Then came the inability

to manufacture firstline of defense drugs,

such as antibody treatments.

- We really didn't have theadequate manufacturing capacity

we needed to be able to prepare those

at the scale that was required.

And even now we haveshortages of those drugs,

they're starting to be rationed again.

- [Lorie] And finally, theUS trusted other countries

to admit the emergence of newdiseases within their borders.

- And we've seen time andagain, in a time of crisis,

countries don't share information

and we've been fooled many times.

- [Lorie] Dr. Gottlieb saysUS intelligence agencies

like the CIA and the NSAshould expand their missions

to include surveillance ofsuspicious foreign outbreaks.

Lorie Johnson, CBN News.

- Well, thanks, Lorie.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb's book iscalled "Uncontrollable Spread:

Why COVID-19 Crushed Us

And How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic."

You can find it wherever books are sold

and it's called "Uncontrolled Spread."

He's a former FDA commissioner.

You need to read it.


- Well, up next, this Friday

mark's CBN's 60th year on the air.

So all this week, we'regonna be looking back

at 60 decades of broadcastingbeginning with this question.

How on earth did we make iton air in the first place?

Hear the CBN storiesstraight from the people

who were there from the start after this.

(upbeat music)

Well, the equipment was broken.

The engineer wasn't ready.

Oh, and we were $5,000 short15 minutes before air time.

That's the story behindthe very first broadcast

of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Well, this week mark's 60 years

since we first flippedthe switch and today,

millions around the worldcan see our programming.

It's an amazing miracle.

Especially consideringthat when we first started,

we were lucky to be seen around the block.

- [Narrator] With some early donations,

Pat got the FCC license for channel 27

with the call letters WYAH,

the first three lettersof the Hebrew name of God.

With that, CBN became thefirst television station

in America licensed to broadcast 50%

or more religious programming.

The studio was far from being ready

and Pat still owed RCA $5,000.

But that didn't stop him from scheduling

CBN's inaugural broadcastfor October 1st, 1961.

- I didn't have the moneyon the day we were supposed

to go on the air and I opened the Bible

and my eyes fell on the Pslam.

It said the salvationof the Lord is at hand

and I thought it's coming.

And I just began to praise God.

And on the way to church that day,

I encountered a friend and I said,

"Come over to the station.

We're going on the air today."

And he stopped by.

And then 15 minutes before one o'clock

when we were supposed to go on the air,

I said, "Look, I'm short $5,000."

And he bowed his head,put his head in his hand,

he said, "I'll let you have the five."

And I said, "Okay, we're ready to go."

Of course, the engineerdidn't believe we'd get it,

so he wasn't ready.

(Pat laughing)

- [Narrator] By threeo'clock in the afternoon,

the engineer had cobbledtogether the broken equipment

and the Christian Broadcasting Network

made it's television debut.

- [Announcer] CBN, theChristian Broadcasting Network

presents the following program.

- It was a snowy black and white image

of Pat preaching the gospel in front

of a dry rotted curtainand a cardboard cross.

- My church was therein that little station.

It didn't look too impressivereally to tell you the truth.

- [Pat] We had this tiny transmitter,

and I didn't know if we're on the air.

We didn't have a monitor.

- My husband said, "I'llgo down to the drug store.

They've got a TV and I'll check and see."

He came back and said,

"We know you're at leastgetting to the corner,"

which was less than a blockaway, it wasn't very far.

- [Narrator] But it was a start,

one that was riddled with challenges.

- [Pat] It was survival.

Can we get enough money to pay the bills?

Are we reaching anybody?

Can I get a new camera?

And I'll make that camera work.

Will the transmitter stay on the air?

Will it blow up in my face

and they'll have the tubes to fill it?

And always pressure, always pressure.

The Lord, when you're walking by faith

and it isn't necessarily easy.

- I often marvel whenPat tells the stories

of the early beginnings.

I think I don't think Iwould have had the hutzpah

to do some of those things that he did.

With great admiration I say that.

Well, all this week, we'recelebrating the 60th anniversary

of CBN's first broadcast.

To commemorate this occasion,you can watch the CBN story.

It's narrated by Kevin Sorbo.

All you have to do is go to

You'll see never before seen photographs.

There are powerful interviewsand newly discovered footage.

Watch the story of God's faithfulness

through 60 years ofministry and catch a glimpse

of what God has in store for the future.

Visit towatch the CBN story today.

It's free.

Well, now, I know it mustbe fun for you to watch.

- Oh, you can't believe it.

I remember that firstday when the Lord gave me

that Scripture, RCA said do not turn

that gear on unlessyou get us the $10,000.

And I was 5,000 short the day of air.

And the Lord said the salvationof the Lord is at hand.

And I met a guy on the way.

I said come on up and see it.

And with minutes to go, he said,

"Okay, I'll give you the five."

- And it's just one time thatGod has worked like this.

- That's one of thousands of His goodness.

It's just amazing.

- It's fun to look back, Pat.

Time for some email questions right now.

This is David.

David asks, "Why is Jesusallowing the conflict, disasters,

and innocent peopledying across the world?

I thought He was supposed tokeep all God's children safe."

- Well, I think, there'swas nothing I know

that says that He's supposed to keep

all of God's children and safe.

Paul said in this worldyou'll suffer persecution,

but be of good cheer,I've overcome the world.

That's what Jesus said.

So we're, unfortunately, Paulused the term (indistinct).

We're subject to pressureand God's allowing this.


I don't know.

We wish it were easy, but it's that way.

And God has ordained in asense that we have struggled

and out of struggle would come success.

And so we have struggled.

But why does God do it?

There's a devil, there's evil

and this is the way He'sovercoming that evil.

- This is Sigrid who says,

"Dear Pat, I'm reading Acts 10:9-16

and it says that a greatsheet of animals came down

from heaven and then theanimals were taken back up.

I think there are other animals in heaven

besides only horses as you always say."

What do you think?

- Well, this was a vision.

He didn't say it actually, I mean,

he had a vision of a sheet coming down

with all these crawly creatures,

there were snakes and stuff like that.

And the words said, "Arise, kill and eat."

And he said, "No, they'reunclean, I can't do it."

And God used that to show him

that the Gentiles wouldhave come into the church.

But it said he saw a sheetcoming down, it was a vision.

But it didn't actually come down,

he was in his mind seeing it.

- Do you think there are other animals

in heaven besides horses?

- How could there possibly be?

- What do you think happenedto all those dogs you brought?

(Pat and Terry laughing)

- The book of Ecclesiastes,the soul of a man goes up,

and soul of the beastgoes into the ground.

- There you go.

This is Robin who says, "Long story short.

My grandkids were abused by their mother.

She got three years felony child abuse

and is off probation now.

She married her girlfriend andnow she wants custody back.

They want to raise them gender neutral.

The father doesn't want them.

My question is, how canI stand in front of God

and explain how I couldn't stop it?

Legally, I don't have a leg to stand on.

Please help.

- I think you can.

If there's a question of child abuse,

and apparently there is, you can come in

as a friend of the court andbring some kind of action.

There are a lot of ways to do it.

It's amazing how lawyersare able to stall stuff.

I mean, you start throwing motions,

then the defense has to answer the motion,

then you have to answer their answer.

And the thing could be delayed a long time

till the people who are tryingto do this will give up.

So there are ways to work

in the legal system to slow things down.

- This is Kathy who says,

"Pat, you said that tarot card reading

is the work of the devil.

Is seeing a medium alsothe work of the devil?

- It absolutely is.

There are movies about mediums.

But who's a medium?

A medium is supposedlydealing with dead spirits.

I just think that there's noquestion this stuff is demonic.

There are so-called familiar spirits,

you think you're in touchwith your dead departed

grandmother or something andit's actually a demonic power.

And that's the way the devil can use

to overcome the goodnessof God in your heart.

You just don't want that.

- This is Eva who says,

"I grew up in a cult and Iconverted to Christianity.

My family will have nothing to do with me

because I'm a Christian.

They have mourned my deatheven though I'm not dead.

How do I forgive andforget them for good?"

- How do you forgive anything?

You just say, "God, Iturn them over to you."

The best way to when somebody hurts you,

instead of saying, "Goddeliver me from hatred."

You started praying for them.

"Lord, I pray for these people.

They're in delusion.

And I ask that You would bring them

into the knowledge of the truth."

And if you begin to pray for them,

something will happen to you and them.

But you know, they hurt you.

They were in a cult.

And you don't want anything to do with it.

You don't have to associatewith somebody like that.

You just don't.

- This is Resh who says, "I am born again,

baptized, and started speakingin tongues around age 16.

I'm 43 now, but recentlyI've been questioning

whether I'm truly speaking in tongues.

How do I know that I trulyam speaking in tongues."

- I haven't got a clue.

I don't know how you know.

The Bible says, "ThoughI speak with the tongues

of men and of angels," Paul says,

"I speak in tongues more than you all."

And he that speaks in atongue edifies himself.

But how do you know it?

I mean, how do you know whether

what you're saying is a language or not?

I have no idea.

I really don't know.

- I wonder what would makea person question that

after so many years?

- You're doing this, you're thinking,

"Am I just babbling, is it for real?"

And there really any wayof knowing, honestly.

I'd like to give you ananswer, but the thing is,

he that speaks in atongue edifies himself.

And when there's an interpreter,then it edifies the church.

But if you're by yourself praying,

just go and go in faith and speak by faith

and let the Lord takecare of the rest of it.

- Well, that's all the time for today.

But thank you and thank you.

Still ahead, the guitar player

from the band Pop Evil comesface to face with true evil.

What did he do when ademon attacked his brother?

Stay tuned to find out.

(dramatic music)

As the guitarist for the band Pop Evil,

Anthony Greve has played with some

of the legends of hard rock.

But after years on theroad, Tony wanted out.

He needed some help tosort out his feelings.

So he and his brotherconsulted a Ouija board.

- In one sense, there's anemotional high about that.

You're like, 'Wow, this isthe stuff that I dreamed

of doing and I'm doing it.

I'm getting to live it.'

- [Narrator] As the lead guitarist

for the hard rock band Pop Evil,

Anthony Greve had everythinghe thought he wanted.

When the high of top 10 hits, fame, drugs,

and women finally woreoff, Anthony came up empty

and he didn't know whereto look for meaning.

In "Delivered From Evil," Anthony shares

where he found his true identity,

as well as satisfaction

that outlasts the highof his former lifestyle.

- Anthony Greve joins us now via Skype.

Hi, Tony, welcome to the program.

- So great to be on here,thanks for having me.

- When did you decidethat you wanted your life

to revolve around rock and roll?

- Oh man, I was 11 yearsold and I saw, this video.

I was in Turkey, and Isaw this video and I saw

Slash playing for the first time.

And I knew at that moment,that's what I wanted to do.

- [Terry] So how did youactually get involved

with Pop Evil?

- Say that again?

How did I get involved with Pop Evil?

So Pop Evil was a local bandout of Grand Rapids, Michigan,

and we had a mutual friend and at the time

they had been looking for a guitar player

to come in and to do some session work

and to play some live shows

and we just ended up clicking.

And after just a little bitof me doing some studio work

with them and a couple of shows with them,

they pretty much offeredme a full-time position

and they said, "You're our guy."

- You were opening showsfor some big name bands.

You were starting todo some shows yourself.

You dreamed of being a rock and roll star.

So what happened along the way

that made you want out of that life?

- You know, even theBible says that sin is fun

for a season and so thedrinking and the partying,

for a minute, it was a blast,

but it just kind of took over

and it just kinda began to consume

who we were and who I was.

It really got to a pointwhere I was just engulfed

by alcoholism, women,drugs, the whole nine yards,

and really what began as fun,

just turned into thisjust a spiral of darkness.

And my life was just really beginning

to spiral out of control.

- Well, one night, your bandmates went out

while you opted to spend a quiet night

inside your hotel room.

Tell us what happened.

- So the band all wentout and I stayed back

and I went up to the hotel room

and I decided I was gonna take a bath

and just relax for a minute

'cause it had been grueling on the road

and I was just exhausted.

And in that bathtub, in that moment,

I had an encounter with theLord that changed my life.

I didn't grow up in church.

And so it was reallyjust supernatural the way

that the Lord had been working in my life

and to hear His voice the way that I did.

But I remember comingto the end of my rope

and just saying, "God, why isnothing in my life working?

I have everything, yetI'm completely miserable."

And I just had this dialogue with God

and this conversation with Him.

And I just remember askingthe Lord to forgive me

and just hearing the Lord sayto me, "Son, I forgive you.

Now I'm going to give you the One

who's going to empower you."

And the Spirit of Godfell in that bathroom

and literally broke andknocked every addiction

off of my life and I havenot been the same since.

- Wow, well, you feltlike there were a lot

of supernatural things going on.

There was a point where you decided

to consult a Ouija board.

Tell us about that and what happened.

- Yes, ma'am.

In the process of me leaving Pop Evil,

coming out of the music industry,

even though I had hadan encounter with God,

I guess I still I hadn't been discipled,

didn't really know what I was looking for,

but there was a lot ofsupernational activity going on

in our home and I didn't really know

what was going on or toget to the bottom of it.

Actually, I had contacted a church

and they really weren'table to offer me any help,

and at least the church thatI contacted at that time.

And so I ran into a buddy who said,

"Hey, my sister deals in therealm of spirits, mediums,

and consulting the dead,and all that kind of stuff."

He said, "Maybe she could help you out."

So really I was justlooking to get some answers.

- So what happened?

- So in the midst of that,

she came over, she broughta Ouija board over,

and I remember beingskeptical to begin with,

like I don't know if thisthing is even really going

to work and sure enough it began to answer

all of my questions regardingthings in my childhood,

regarding things regarding family members.

And so I was kind of surprised by that,

but yet deep down somethingfelt like it was off,

like something was wrong.

- Well, I know that therewas a point at which

your brother was involvedin an experience with that.

How did that impact you?

- Yeah, well, you know,

that really was a turning point for me

because I continued tooperate with that board,

really what I was doingwas looking for answers

and trying to figure out what was going on

with this supernaturalactivity in our home.

And it resulted in demonic possession.

And so now when I saw that,

when that happened andwhen that took place,

I remember just being floored

because it's one thing tohave seen it in movies.

And this was no exaggeration.

I mean, you're talkingcontortions, the whole nine yards.

And so when I saw it, it floored me.

But what was powerful was to see the power

of God actually enterand take over the room

and to see my brother delivered,

to see the power of God enter

and just drive that thingcompletely out of him,

which at point I knewwho the greater power was

and it sparked something in me to say,

you know what, Jesus is the way,

I'm gonna serve Him forthe rest of my life.

- Well, your journey isquite an amazing one.

And it's all documented here in your book,

"Delivered From Evil."

Thanks, Anthony, so much forsharing your story with us.

You can find out even more about Anthony

in this brand new book"Delivered From Evil,"

it's in stores nationwide.

Well, still ahead, likebeing hit by a freight train.

That's what this man felt when he tripped

and fell on the sidewalk.

Why did he refuse to see a doctor

and how was he healed anyway?

He's gonna tell ushimself, that's coming up.

(dramatic music)

Christians know Don Moenas the worship leader

behind songs like "Give Thanks"and "God Will Make a Way."

His family knows him as the grandfather

who hosts Pancake Friday every week.

During these get-togethers,

Papa Moen always make sure there's food

on the table and CBN Superbook on the TV.

- My name is Don Moen.

I'm a worship leader,singer, writer, producer.

I have five kids and now 11 grandchildren

and known as Papa around here.

Four of our five children live10 minutes from our house,

so all these little grandchildren,

they show up at thehouse on Friday morning,

about 7:30 or eight, Pancake Friday.

And it gets a little more chaotic.

But why not keep the tradition going?

(Don chuckles)

When all the kids gettogether for Pancake Friday,

it's amazing to watch thesekids sit and watch Superbook.

As a producer, I look at the excellence

in the quality of production.

Pacing is important to me.

Superbook holds their interest.

There's enough adventure, enough danger,

excitement to keep the kids' attention.

- I'm Laura Moen.

My grandchildren call me Maymay.

I want them to know the Lord

with all their heart,soul, mind and strength.

It's so wonderful toactually watch the children

watching Superbook thatteaches them the stories

in the Bible that are relevant,really relevant for today.

- People don't need another production,

they don't need more pageantry,

they don't need more technology,

but the only thing that's going

to change a life is the presence of God.

And never underestimatethe power of a story,

of an image, in a littlechild's mind and heart.

- Taste disgusting.

(water splashing)

- As a parent, I wanted tospeak into my children's life

but now as a grandparent, youhave these little young lives.

When it gets crazy around here,

Laura reminds that it's just a window

'cause once they get into school,

we won't be having a crazy timeover here at Pancake Friday.

And I want to share the gospel with them.

Or use this Superbook series as wonderful

to just trigger stories.

The salvation poem, everysingle episode, there it is.

As a father, as a grandfatherto be able to keep it real,

keep it simple, stay onmessage the whole time,

they'll grow up remembering these stories.

- What a great idea, isn't it?

Members of the Superbook Club can stream

all the episodes fromseasons one through five.

They're also first in lineto receive the latest DVDs

as they're released.

When you join today,we're going to send you

three copies of our newestepisode "Explorer 30."

It features two great stories,

"The Last Supper" and "He is Risen,"

and also tons of extra bonus features.

To get this DVD and tojoin the Superbook Club,

all you have to do iscall our toll free number.

It's 800-700-7000.

You want to get ahold of your

Superbook Explorer episode 30.


- Thank you.

A head slam into cement.

That's what happened to Mickey Holiday

when he tripped and fell on the sidewalk.

Mickey hadn't taken any medicine in years,

not even an aspirin and hewasn't about to start now.

So when the headaches anddizziness became unbearable,

what did Mickey do?

You're about to find out.

(gentle music)

- Felt like a freight train I hit.

So I got back up and walked over there

and I saw there waslike an inch difference,

a crack in the cement, but it was violent.

- [Narrator] 80-year-oldgospel musician and song writer

Mickey Holiday had been on hisdaily walk in September 2020,

when he tripped and hit hishead hard on the sidewalk.

The lump on his head wassizeable and bleeding.

- Someone came up and said,"Can I get you some ice water?"

Oh no no no, I'm okay,but I was really hurt.

- [Narrator] Mickey made hisway back to his apartment

to lie down and the headaches started.

He went to his computerand looked up concussion

where he saw a numberof worrisome symptoms.

- There was all kinds of possibilities

of what could have happened,your brain bleeding.

- [Narrator] And others likedizziness and memory loss.

Although concerned, he wasn't interested

in seeing a doctor ortaking pain medications.

- I haven't had aspirin in many years.

I just decided to not take all that stuff.

- [Narrator] Then, after aweek of intense headaches,

he started having bouts of dizziness.

- There was one pointI crawled on all fours

just to get around my room.

The fear grew in me,what could have happened?

- [Narrator] Mickeyimmediately began praying

for healing as the painand dizziness kept him

from enjoying life,especially playing music.

As fear and discouragement tried

to command his thoughtsin the coming weeks,

he fought back with wordsof faith from Scripture.

- No weapon formedagainst me shall prosper.

I will not die but live anddeclare the works of the Lord.

At one point, he asked his pastor

to anoint him with oil and pray.

- James 5:14 says call forthe elders of the church

and have them anoint you with oil

and pray for you that you be healed.

That's not a new verse,it's been there forever.

- [Narrator] Then on November 6th,

two months after hefell, Mickey was watching

"The 700 Club Interactive"show when the hosts,

Gordon Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen,

started praying for viewers.

He heard Terry say-

- There's someone, you'vefallen, you've tripped,

you've stumbled over somekind of uneven ground,

but the damage from thathas been unbelievable.

And you're so discouraged.

God is healing every singlething you're facing right now.

In Jesus' name, berestored and made whole.

- That's me, she's talking about me.

- [Narrator] The headaches, the dizziness,

all of it went away immediatelyand soon Mickey was back

to his daily walks andmaking music for the Lord.

- I feel great.

People respond to me about this

and say, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

I am too, but that's not the point.

The point is God spoketo a woman on a TV show

and He spoke directly to mysituation, that's the point.

That's the miracle.

- That's the miracle.

Terry, you didn't know Mickey.

- No, but I'm sure happy for him.

- I am too, that's great.

- That could have been a bigger problem.

- Well, what have you got?

- Well, this is Rose, Pat.

She's 70 years old.

She lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Suffered with chronic back pain.

She was watching thisprogram on August 26th

of this year and she heard you say,

"Right now, there's someone,it's in your lumbar area

ad I believe it's a ruptured disc.

The name of Jesus is upon you.

You can take the healing from God."

By faith, she laid her hand on her back.

Instantly, she was set free from back pain

and she hasn't had any since.

- Isn't that great?

Here's one, Annette wholives in Woodbridge, Virginia

near Quantico was struggling financially.

She heard Terry August the 24th.

She said, "There's somebody,you need a stipend for money.

God is your provider.

That money is on the way.

Begin to praise him."

Annette started praising God.

Soon after, she received twomoney orders each for $1,000.

And she is praising the Lord.

Well, folks, we believe in God.

We believe in answers to prayer.

We know that God is real.

We see thousands and thousandsof people who are touched

by God as the Lord giveswords on this program.

And we want to pray for you right now.

So Terry and I are going to join together

and we're going to believe God.

Father, we believe God rightnow for the power of God.

May the anointing of theHoly Spirit be upon us.

May we see healing takingplace all over this audience.

May the answers to prayer come upon you.

And there's somebody named Charles.

You've got well, your heart is giving out.

You have serious problems with your heart.

It's not pumping as it should.

And right now, the power ofGod is going through you.

In the name of Jesus,your lungs will be fine

and your heart will pump as it should

and that congestiveheart trouble is leaving.

Touch him.

Terry, what do you have?

- Yeah, someone else, I don'tknow if you've had a fall,

but you've deeply cut your lip inside.

It's a big cut and it's still bleeding

and God is healing that for you right now.

You're not going to need stitches.

You're not going to need anything.

Just begin to praise theLord for that healing.

- Somebody, you've got dizziness.

You can't stand up.

You're falling all the time.

You have dizziness.

And right now, God ishealing your inner ear.

You're completely whole in Jesus' name.

George, it's yours, take it.


- Yeah, someone else,

you're having problems with your lungs.

You aspirate food from time to time,

especially at night when you're sleeping,

you have a lot of acid reflux.

God's healing thatcondition for you right now.

Just begin to take a deepbreath in and blow out

and clear all of that out ofyour lungs in Jesus' name.

- There's a lady, is it Annette,

you've got a mole in your backand it's turning into cancer

and you need to go to adermatologist immediately

and get that thing removed.

And I believe it will be safe,

but if you don't get itdone, you'll have trouble.

So right now, the Lord istaking it and he's healing it.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Now Lord, thank you for what you've done.

Thank you for the goodness of God.

We praise you in Jesus' name.

We leave you with a powerminute from II Thessalonians.

But the Lord is faithful,and He will strengthen you

and protect you from the evil one.

For Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson,

thank you for being with us.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye.

(upbeat music)


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