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No Infrastructure Vote for Now as Debt Default and Government Shutdown Train Wreck Looms Over Congress

No Infrastructure Vote for Now as Debt Default and Government Shutdown Train Wreck Looms Over Congress Read Transcript

(screen whooshing)

- The vote on a $1 trillioninfrastructure bill

that was supposed to happen today

has been pushed off until Thursday

because Democrats admitthey don't have the votes.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Sunday

had to walk back today's planned vote

on the bipartisan Senatebill for roads and bridges.

- Let me just say, we'regonna pass the bill this week.

- [Dale] But she doesn'thave the votes so far.

- I'm never bringing a bill to the floor

that doesn't have the votes.

- [Dale] Because House progressives

in her party won't vote

for the roads and bridgesinfrastructure bill

without an agreement

on a $3.5 trillion so-calledhuman infrastructure bill.

What some call a wish listof big government programs,

including things like acivilian climate corps

and free community college paid for

by raising taxes oncorporations and the wealthy.

- The Build Back Better agendais not some crazy agenda

that just a few people support.

It's actually the vast majorityof the Democratic caucus.

- [Dale] And progressives are threatening

to tank the bipartisan roadsand bridges infrastructure bill

if Congress can't pass

the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

- The votes aren't there.

We have to get to thatreconciliation bill first.

- [Dale] But moderate Democratic senators

like Joe Manchin of West Virginia

and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona

have said they won't supporta human infrastructure bill

that big, and even NancyPelosi is conceding

that the massive bill will be cut.

Joe Biden still thinks he'llbe signing the bills this week.

- I'm optimistic about this week.

It's gonna take the betterpart of the week I think.

- [Dale] But there are morepressing matters for Congress.

The government runs out of money Thursday

and is also set to default

on its debt without anincrease in the debt ceiling.

GOP Senator Pat Toomeytold CNN Republications

would vote for a billto fund the government

but not if it's linked toa debt ceiling increase.

- I will certainly be voting no

if the Democrats insist oncombing the debt ceiling increase

or suspension with thecontinuing operations

of the government.

- If the debt ceiling is not raised,

the government could default on its debt.

But Congress has always raisedthe debt ceiling in the past.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.


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