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'A God-Centered Plan': YouVersion App Partners With Groups to Translate Bible into 95% of World Languages by 2033

'A God-Centered Plan': YouVersion App Partners With Groups to Translate Bible into 95% of World Languages by 2033 Read Transcript

- Thanks for staying with "NewsWatch."

Technology, as we mentionedearlier in the newscast is

changing lots of things fromwarfare and in this next story

to something more positive.

You Version app is workingto provide Bible translations

in every language and has a goal

of doing it by 2033.

Our Charlene Aaron andWendy Griffith talked

with You Version's BrianRussell about this huge goal

for taking the gospel to the nations.

- You Version, first ofall, has helped millions

of people connect with scripture.

Why is it important to now get involved

in helping expand the word of God

into even more languages?

- Yeah, you know, it'sbeen amazing and humbling

to be a part of helpingto distribute the Bible

and also to build featuresand provide a platform

that helps people engagewith scripture every day.

And we couldn't be moreexcited to now play a part

in helping get the Bible intoevery person's heart language

here in the next 12 years.

- What can does that have on people

when they get that translationin their native language?

I mean, I can't evenimagine not being able

to read the Bible in English.

What does that do to them?

- For those of us whospeak English, you know,

we grow up always having the Bible

and in the language thatwe grew up speaking,

in the language that wethink in and dream in.

And I think we can take it for granted,

and yet there's somethingreally special that happens

with someone's relationship with God

when the Bible is made available

in their heart languagefor the first time.

In fact, I'm remindedof a trip that I took

to eastern Gabon a fewyears ago and I had the joy

of being there when thefirst portions of scripture

in the Obamba language were made available

for the people there.

And a precious woman, Priscillia,

told me, you know, until nowwe kind of thought of God

as the God of other people.

But now that we hear scripture in Obamba,

we realize that God speaks our language

and He's our God, too.

And that's something pretty special.

- That is really, really special

when you think of it that way.

That is powerful, Brian.

What can you tell us aboutthis special partnership

with the Bible translation groups

to help translate the word of God?

And what is You Version'srole, specifically?

- Yeah, so we here, at YouVersion, actually aren't involved

in the translation of the Bible, itself.

We leave that to theexperts in Greek and Hebrew,

and those groups that have been doing this

for decades now.

But we realized that weactually could play a part

by bringing awareness andchampioning this great cause.

And so that is ourdesire to bring awareness

to a goal that a coalitionof translation groups has,

which is, as you mentioned tosee the entire Bible available

to 95% of the world by the year 2033,

to see the New Testamentavailable to 99.96%

of the world's population in 12 years,

and then to see 100% of people have

at least some portion ofscripture in their language.

And just to give you an ideaof kind of where things stand

currently, and these are rough numbers,

but currently, there areabout 1800 Bible translation

projects happening, so these languages are

getting the Bible into their language

and there are still about 1800 languages

that have yet to start thatrepresent languages that have

no portion of scripturemade available to them.

But we believe through newtechnologies and this great unity

among translation groupsthat we actually could see

this happen in our lifetimes.


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