Greg is committed to his family. When his widowed mother needed him, he didn’t hesitate to step up, even though it meant a smaller paycheck. He and wife, Karen, adjusted to living on less—except for one thing they wouldn’t compromise on. ...
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by "CBN".
- [Gordon] Coming up,(sirens wailing)
a teen slams her head on the ground.
- [Victoria] When I saw her,
she was laying in a pool of blood.
- [Gordon] A clot forms in her brain.
- She was nonresponsive.
Is she gonna make it?
- [Gordon] And she getspart of her skull removed.
- [Victoria] She has this 1% chance,
and I wanna give it to her.
- [Gordon] So how didthis girl beat the odds?
- [Victoria] Please God saved my daughter.
Please don't take her from me.
- On today's "700 Club".
(dramatic music)
Well, welcome to the "700 Club".
It's one of the largestexpulsion of migrants
since the 1950s.
The US is sending tens ofthousands of Haitians back home.
They flooded our southern border,
trying to escape the chaosin their own country.
- The Haitian governmentdoesn't want them back.
It's asking the United States
for a humanitarian moratoriumon the deportations.
Dale Hurd has the story.
- The US is flying Haitians
camped in a Texas border town
back to their homeland
and trying to block others
from crossing the border from Mexico.
Planes left the airport in Del Rio, Texas.
On board, some of theestimated 13,000 people,
mostly Haitians, who were living in camps
underneath this bridge on the border.
- We've never seen anything like this.
This is completely andtotally out of the norm
of anything that we've ever seen.
- [David] Crowds so massive
they could be seen from far away.
The Haitian migrants whohad already been living
in Central and South America
before converging on the border,
do not want to returnto their home country,
which has been rockedby political violence
and natural disasters,like the recent earthquake.
The White House expects totransfer 3,000 of the migrants
away from the bridge by the end of today,
saying they'll use aTrump era health policy,
which permitted the expulsion of migrants
without allowing them to seek asylum.
- We have authorities by reason
of that special circumstance
and we will exercise those authorities.
- [David] The Haitian governmentdoes not want them back.
The New York Times reportsHaiti is asking the US
for a humanitarian moratoriumon the deportations,
but overnight Homeland Security Secretary,
Alejandro Mayorkas, announced600 more border agents
are being sent to Texas toexpedite the expulsions.
Texas Senator Ted Cruzwent to the Del Rio bridge
and tweeted this video ofthe thousands of Haitians.
Border officials arenow patrolling the river
and stopping migrantsfrom crossing into the US,
while officials try to prevent
a humanitarian disaster under the bridge.
- We are bringing additional resources
to assist with security, migrant care,
transportation, and processing.
We are providing food, water,
portable toilets, towels,
emergency medical techniciansare available for first aid.
- [David] The Haitian migrant crisis
comes as the border isalready been swamped
by the highest numberof migrants in 20 years,
reaching over 200,000in both July and August.
Meanwhile, the Senate parliamentarian
has blocked the Democrats push
to include a pathway to legal status
for illegal migrants intheir social spending plan,
a big blow to the party'sgoal of immigration reform.
Dale Hurd, "CBN News".
- Well, these are absolutelyincredible stories
that we're hearing aboutthis current administration.
And I have to put it out there.
I think they're getting an absolute pass
from the news media.
I've never seen anything like this.
And we've been reportingon the migration crisis
since April and calling to account
why aren't we enforcing our own border?
And that was back when itwas 160,000, 170,000 a month.
We're now topping 200,000.
But here's what happened,
you had news media on Friday afternoon
covering this, coveringwith helicopter shots,
to show the direct link between Mexico,
how they're crossing that river,
right by that spillwayand then pooling around
underneath that bridge
and the numbers that you couldclearly see, were enormous.
What does the administration do?
Well, they institute a no fly zone.
Imagine the TrumpAdministration doing that.
What kind of coverage would we see?
What kind of outragewould we see from that?
And we're not getting any of that.
But this isn't the only thing.
A sitting US president was censored
by the Parliament of Great Britain.
Because of the withdrawalfrom Afghanistan.
I've never seen that, that the parliament
would censor a sitting president.
Let me add to it.
The incoming chancellor of Germany
said the withdrawal from Afghanistan
is a watershed event in NATO,
that from now on, Germany recognized
that America was in it justto protect their own interest.
And that's because of the withdrawal
and how it put German citizens at risk
inside of Afghanistan.
Then let's add to it.
For the first time, France haswithdrawn their ambassador.
That is an earthquakein diplomatic circles.
And we're seeing practically no coverage
of any one of these events.
You add to it, the vaccination policy
where we're going to require all employers
to either mandatevaccination or weekly tests
for every single employee.
These things are justabsolutely incredible,
but there's no coverage.
And I'll put it to you,
imagine Trump had doneany one of these things.
What would have happened?
How many news reports,
how much screaming on cable news
would we have heard?
But right now, we're not hearing it.
Well, we've got some other news
about the administration booster shots.
Is it recommended for people
who've been vaccinated against COVID-19?
Well, Efrem Graham has the latest
on this administration dilemmafrom the "CBN Newsroom".
- Gordon for now a Food andDrug Administration panel
has rejected booster shotsfor the general population
for those who've gottenthe Pfizer vaccine.
Right now, the boosteris just for those over 65
or at high risk of severe COVID.
But Dr. Anthony Fauci says the FDA
is a few weeks away from making a decision
on booster shots for peoplewho've gotten the Moderna
and Johnson and Johnson vaccines.
And Dr. Francis Collins,
director of the NationalInstitutes of Health
told "Fox News" he expectsit will become clear
in the next few weeksboosters will be necessary
because the effectiveness ofvaccines diminishes over time.
And today, Pfizer saidit's COVID vaccine is safe
and effective for childrenfrom five to age 11.
South Dakota governor KristiNoem is drawing comparisons
between the Biden Administrationand the Good Book,
telling "CBN News" the actionstaken so far are unbiblical.
Noem making those comments
as part of a wide-ranging interview,
where she discusses her pushback
against vaccine mandates, abortion
and the spiritual state of America.
Here's "CBN's" chief politicalanalyst, David Brody.
- [David] South Dakotagovernor Kristi Noem
says she's ready to fightthe Biden Administration's
recent federal vaccine mandatefor private businesses.
- What President Biden isdoing by these mandates
coming down to businesses and employers
that employ more than 100people, is unconstitutional.
The constitution clearly states
that there are limited powersfor the federal government
and that all other powersare delegated to the states.
So I will, as soon asthat guidance comes out,
be filing litigation, andI have told the president
that I would see him in court.
- On the topic of vaccines and science,
she lowered the boom on Dr. Fauci.
What's your take on Fauci?
Do you think he should be fired?
- Well, Fauci has done a gravedisservice to this country.
What he has done is discreditedour health officials.
He's been political.
He's not being consistent.
He has not followed the science,
therefore his credibility is down to zero.
- While Noem's praise forFauci is non-existent,
it's the opposite when it comes to Texas'
pro-life heartbeat law.
It may be controversial,but Noem is taking a stand.
Do you want to see a SouthDakota law just like Texas?
What's your view on that?
- Well, we reached out immediately
to those who drafted andworked on the Texas law,
and consulting with them
on how that bill would fitin our statute as well.
So, yes, I think it wasa fantastic win for us.
- [David] She also went on the offensive
on telemedicine abortions.
Biden Administration policy
allows for women to get abortions
without seeing an in-person doctor first.
Her executive order did awaywith that in South Dakota.
She says this administrationhas been ungodly.
- What they are doing andthe actions they're taking
are not biblical, and Iknow they at many times
talk about being religious,
but I think that it'sreally time for all of us
to look at the actions of our leaders
and see if they line upwith the Word of God.
- Which leads us to the spiritual state
of our nation, a standNoem says is crucial
for our nation to survive.
Where do you see this fightplaying out in America
from a spiritual standpoint?
- Well, we've seen oursociety, our culture degrade
as we've removed God out of our lives
and people become what theyspend their time doing.
I really believe thatfocusing on those foundational
biblical principles that teachus that every life has value,
every person has a purpose,will recenter our kids
and help us really heal this division
that we see taking over our country.
- [David] It's an uphill battle for sure.
David Brody, "CBN News".
- Another violent weekend in Chicago,
at least six people killed and 37 wounded
in shootings across the city.
Around 2,500 people have been shot
in Chicago this year,up 9% from last year.
Across the country, murdersare up 16% over last year.
That is according to a recent report
from the Council on Criminal Justice.
In Washington, it isDemocrats versus Democrats
as the party tries to pass key bills
in just the next few weeks.
The biggest, PresidentBiden's social spending plan,
which would be the biggestexpansion of government support
since the new deal in the 1930s,
with a price tag of threeand a half trillion dollars.
Moderate Democrats like JoeManchin and Kyrsten Sinema
say they will not supportspending that much,
but Senator Bernie Sanderswho played a major role
in designing the bill saysthree and a half trillion
is the minimum he'll accept.
- I have already made, and my colleagues
have made a major compromisegoing from six trillion
down to three and a half trillion.
- But Axios reports Manchinwants to put off a vote
on the bill until next year,
and Congress must also vote soon
on raising the government's debt ceiling.
Republicans say they will not go along
because of the Democratshuge spending measures.
- Well, once again, we're in a crisis,
both in terms of the debtceiling, and then in terms of,
can we figure out how to pass a budget?
So, you look at these numbersand for Bernie Sanders
to say, "Well, I'vealready negotiated enough.
I've come down from six trillion
to three and a half trillion."
Well, we don't have the threeand a half trillion to spend.
You can't monetize your debt forever
and acquaint it with the new money theory
that the progressives andour government keep touting
that we don't have to worryabout deficits anymore.
But the last time I checked,inflation was ticking up,
and you look at that,
and then you're gonna come on top of that
and spend another threeand a half trillion.
You're going to make theworld awash in US dollars
and pretend like you'redead doesn't exist.
Well, when inflation goes up,
the Federal Reserve will be forced to act
and they're going to haveto raise interest rates.
What does that mean?
Well, then the interest rate
on our own federal debt starts to go up.
And so, just do the mathon what's the interest
on 10 trillion, 20 trillion, 30 trillion
and at some point in time,
the interest payments onthat 30 trillion of debt
start to swamp our federal budget
where no longer can weafford basic social programs.
And, there was a studydone by Bank of America
a while ago, talking about debt.
At some point in time,
you're not gonna be ableto fund your military.
Well, when that time comes,what happens to America?
We've got to get some statesmenlooking at a longer picture
and not the short term whathave you done for me lately?
And I keep saying it andI'll keep saying it again,
you go back in history 2,500 years,
the formation of democracy in Greece
and what happened when the Democrat,
these democracies, the people,
figured out they could votethemselves the treasury.
Well, whenever that happened,
they weren't able to payfor a military anymore.
And what happened isthe democracy went away
and a tyrant, a supposedsavior would come in,
"If you just give everythingto me, I'll take care of it.
I'll get the military up and running again
and you won't have toworry about this anymore."
Democracies that go bankrupt,always turn to tyrannies.
- Well, coming up later,
lying unconscious in a pool of blood.
That's how this mom foundher teenage daughter.
What happened to her?
Why did doctors only giveher a 1% chance of survival?
And how did this teambeat the incredible odds?
You'll stay tuned to find that out.
Plus, tempers running red hot
at school board meetingsacross the nation.
What issues are generating the most heat?
See for yourself after this?
(dramatic music)
- Well, critical race theory,
transgender issues, COVID pandemic,
well, these are three hot buttons
causing chaos at school board meetings.
Parents and board members
face often heated discretion'sand angry outbursts
and this trend is spillingover into politics.
Heather Sells has the detail.
- If you vote for this,we will come for you
in a non violent way.
- [Heather] In August,
parents at this Tennesseeschool board meeting
shouted over the superintendent
as he announced a decisionto go forward with masks.
- You telling us how to run how kids?
(parents cheering)
- [Heather] Then cheered as a deputy
escorted a parent out of the room.
- [Parents] No more masks. No more masks.
- Such scenes havebecome common on screens
from social media totelevision news this year.
Angry parents protesting COVID policies
and other hot topics.
Even teachers are showingsigns of frustration.
- We're not angry about the situation,
we can't control COVID,we're angry at you.
- Dr. Neal McCluskey at the Cato Institute
has followed public schoolconflict since the mid-2000s
and despite the high profile tensions,
he's seen no dramatic spike nationally.
- We're certainly seeing more examples
of really high anxiety
and great anger at some school boards.
It's hard to tell whetheror not we're seeing this
sort of as nationally representative.
- There have always beencontroversial issues
in schools with parents.
- [Heather] Former school board president
and elementary teacher, Dr. Sheila Hill,
now teaches at Regent University.
Over the years, she's watched debates
ranging from curriculum toworries over redistricting.
Now she seeing the angerin a different light,
national issues bubblingup at the local level.
- What makes it unusual now
is that it may be local tothat community or that city,
but the issue is thesame across the nation.
And so it's being played up on the news.
It's been nationalized.
- [Heather] McCluskey's mapshows a variety of debates
from race to sex ed.
What seems to be generatingthe most heat this year,
critical race theory, transgenderissues, and the pandemic.
- People have been veryfrustrated with COVID-19
and they're just sort ofgetting fed up in some cases
with feeling like they don't have control
over what's happening with their children.
- [Heather] Hill has empathyfor school board members.
- Most people on schoolboards are on there
because of wanting to giveback to the community.
- [Heather] And McCluskey observes,
for many right now it'sa no win situation.
- If you are serving diverse communities
and in particular diverse interms of ideologies and values,
you can't satisfy all ofthose different parents.
And what's worse is ifyou choose one group
and that's usually what this comes down to
is a battle for control.
If one group gets control,that means another group
is not getting what they think
is important for their children.
So it puts school districts
often in an impossible situation.
- [Heather] That's leadingsome school board members
to quit, citing the stress.
- Figure it out or get off the podium!
- [Heather] And a recordnumber of recalls this year,
could force many to step down.
One thing's for sure, there's new energy
around education acrossthe political spectrum.
President Biden has theDepartment of Education
investigating five stateswith Republican governors
that require public schools
to allow parents to optout of mask mandates.
Education is also an issue
in Virginia's tighteninggubernatorial race.
- [Glenn] As governor I wouldnot issue a mask mandate
for our kids to go back to school.
- And Politico reports that in some states
like Arizona and Ohio,hundreds are showing up
for school board bootcampsto learn how to campaign
and more about critical race theory.
Republicans especially,hope the grassroots momentum
will re-energize the party.
In the end, parents of coursewill have the final say,
and it may look like
pulling their kids out of public schools.
The National Home EducationResearch Institute
reports that numbers havedoubled in the last two years.
Plus the association ofChristian Schools International
says many schools enrollmentjumped by 10% last year.
For now, Hill encourages parents
to use their voices respectfully
in the public comment timeduring school board meetings.
- If people can work together
as opposed to shouting and threatening
in trying to get their their views known,
then we can probably getthrough it a lot smoother.
- [Heather] Getting along
for the sake of the next generation
and a nation weary from apandemic and political anger.
Heather Sells, "CBN News".
- Well, these are certainlyhot button issues,
and you look at the hot button issues
and what's going to cause someone
who is, let's just saymoderate in their viewpoint
to say, "I just want tohave children educated."
Are they going to wantto stay in that position
given the current strain?
And as Heather pointed out in that piece,
people are now resigningfrom school boards.
What I would put forward isthe best people are resigning
because they just don't wantto put up with the heat,
and the people that arestaying are the ideologues.
And we've already seenthat the school boards
educational system was absolutely targeted
by the Left in order to further an agenda
and remake American culture.
So that's already happened.
And I guess the rest of us
are finally waking up toit and saying no more,
but in the process we'relosing the very people
that could help us make it through
and who's going to be left?
So what do we do as people?
Well, as a democracy and hopefully
we're still in democracy for a long time,
we get to throw the bumsout in the next election.
So get involved.
If you care about children
and are not trying to advance an ideology,
but you just wantchildren to get educated,
please get involved inyour local school board.
- Well, up next, the pandemic strikes
and this man's business hits the skids.
So what did he do that litup his phones with clients?
He's gonna tell us himself.
That's coming up.
Plus, cracks in the dry wall,
a tilted floor and a torn up driveway.
That's what this veteranand his wife were left with
after an earthquake rocked their house.
Would the cost of repairsruin their retirement?
You're about to find out.
(dramatic music)
- When his mother became sick,
Greg put family first.
He became her caretakerand his business suffered.
Then the pandemic hit
and the business fell even more behind.
So why did Greg decide to give away $500
when he needed money the most?
And how did it lead to atotal financial turnaround?
Well, see for yourself.
- [Narrator] Greg Gargus is the founder
of Prochem Scientific
and a committed family man.
As Greg's widowed mother got older
and needed more medical attention,
that meant more responsibility
on Greg and his wife, Karen.
- I respect him because hetook that full-on commitment.
He was involved in everypart of his mom's care.
- [Narrator] He ultimately had to let go
of all his contracts butone, to tend to his mom,
leaving many questions abouttheir financial future.
- We learned to live on asignificantly reduced income,
and it was gradually sliding down.
- Do we have what we're going to need
to maintain our life oncewe were both retired?
- So we ended up cutting outa lot of unnecessary items
from our monthly budget.
- [Narrator] Still, theynever stopped tithing.
- Being faithful to the Lord,
that's too risky to stop tithing.
That's part of our lives.
- The giving continuedbecause I wanted to alert God
to the fact that we had needs,
I'm committed to this family matter,
and I was seeking Himdiligently in the meantime.
- [Narrator] After Greg'smother passed in late 2018,
he gradually began working on ideas
to get his business rolling again.
Then, the pandemic hit.
- I had about a closeto $20,000 a year loss,
that it was occurringfor the first time ever.
- [Narrator] However, thecouple continue to tithe
and pray for God to intervene.
- I needed His guidance.
I needed direction.
- [Narrator] Finally,Greg got a new contract
and knew exactly what he wanted to do
with the first payment,start giving to CBN again.
- I took what was in my hand, that $500,
and I took the entire thing and planted it
and sowed it into Operation Blessing.
- Operation Blessing doesso much for people in need.
Pandemic, tornadoes,hurricanes, natural disasters,
Operation Blessing is there
and it's usually one ofthe first ones on scene.
- [Narrator] So Karen sent the check,
along with this letter from Greg.
- To celebrate what the Lordhas done in opening a door.
I plan to send my first months pay of $500
to Operation Blessing to help "CBN"
minister to the needy and hurting.
- [Narrator] Within two weeks, business
and income picked up even more.
- It was a miracle, becausethe phones were dead
and all of a sudden hewas hearing from clients.
- I was working from sundown to sunset.
It was just like a dam brokeand it was just a burst.
I don't want it to stop.
Every month since then,
I've just been takingthat $500 consulting check
and just plowing it right back into "CBN".
- [Narrator] Greg and Karenencourage others to give too.
- When you give to "CBN",you know your money's
gonna go to promote the kingdom of God.
- Even though the mattersof your own circumstances
may be very difficult, don't hold back.
From Proverbs 28:27, "Give tothe poor and you won't lack."
- You're wondering howto live a spiritual life,
what do you need to do?
Follow what Isaiah says
and it's right after Godis giving him instructions
on I see your fast.
I see your sacrifices.
I see all these things.
But then he says, "This isthe fast that I have chosen."
And so if you want to havegood graces, if you will,
with God almighty, here isthe fast that he's chosen.
"I want you to shareyour food with the hungry
and to welcome poorwanderers into your homes.
Give clothes to those who need them.
If you do these things,
your salvation will come like the dawn.
Then when you call, the Lord will answer.
'Yes, I am here,' He will quickly reply."
Now Greg said something amazing.
He said, I wanted to bringto God's attention my needs.
You know, when you call,He will quickly reply.
Because you have sharedyour food with the hungry.
You have clothed the naked.
You have done these things.
You have helped the leastof these, my brethren.
When you do these things,
then your salvationwill come like the dawn.
When you cry out, God will answer and say,
"Here I am," and He will provide for you.
What happened to Greg andKaren can happen to you.
What they were doing,taking care of Greg's mom,
all of that is really good,
but then they put intopractice these principles.
It's not just in my family,
I want to share with those who have need.
Here it is God, I want to show it to You,
I'm going to do it faithfully.
It's not a one-time thing.
I'm going to do it againand again and again.
Then your salvationwill come like the dawn.
Then when you cry, I will answer.
I will say, "Here I am."
If you want to start doing that,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, "I wanna help the poor.
I wanna help the needy.
I wanna preach thegospel around the world."
A portion of every gift to the "700 Club"
goes into the work of Operation Blessing
to feed people right here in America,
to provide disaster reliefhere and around the world,
to provide free surgeries for people,
to provide water, drinking water,
to provide livelihood programs.
You're a part of all of thatwhen you join the "700 Club".
Another portion goes intopreaching the gospel.
And we wanna do that in every language,
every tribe, everytongue, that's our goal.
We want to fulfill the great commission.
If you wanna be a part ofthat, join the "700 Club".
Another portion goes into thework of "CBN International".
Now how much is it?
Well, it's just $20 a month,
that breaks out to 65 cents a day,
and you're joining tensof thousands of people
that say, "Yes, I wannamake a difference."
Some of you can join at higher levels.
We have $40 a month,
$84 a month, adds up to $1,000.
There's 2500 Club, which is $209 a month.
Then you can also join thefounders at $5,000 a year.
At whatever level, doit now, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, when you do join "The 700 Club",
you're not just helping peoplein other parts of the world,
you're helping peopleright here in America,
like Desiree and her family.
Terrified, that's how Desireedescribed her reaction
when a 7.1 earthquake torethrough Anchorage, Alaska.
She and her husbandTerrance were unharmed,
but their home was badly damaged.
Suddenly this retired military family
faced a financialnightmare, but not for long
thanks to people like you
who support "CBN's"Helping the Home Front.
- [Narrator] After 28years of military service,
US Coast Guard veteranTerrance and his wife Desiree
are enjoying retirement in Alaska.
During his career, Terrancedeployed multiple times,
confident leaving the householdin Desiree's capable hands.
- She took care of everything.
She is my rock.
She is my support system.
- [Narrator] Although the challenges
of military separations are behind them,
the couple faced one oftheir biggest trials ever
when a 7.1 earthquake struck Anchorage.
The epicenter registered lessthan 10 miles from their home.
- I dropped to my knees and Iheld onto the side of the bed.
Everything fell over that could fall over
in every room, in every closet.
I was terrified.
- [Narrator] There homesustained major damage,
both inside and out.
- We had a lot of cracks in our drywall.
We got doors that won't close.
The floor downstairs, it's all tilted.
The driveway is tore up andit messed up our garage.
There's a lot of damage.
- [Narrator] The repairs totaled $15,000.
Because they didn't haveearthquake insurance,
the couple faced a financial nightmare.
- It's frustrating that I haveto tap into our retirement
to get this home in theoriginal state that it was in.
It's very upsetting.
- [Narrator] Despite theseoverwhelming circumstances,
the couple relied on theirfaith to get through.
- Whatever need thatI put before the Lord,
He's going to see us through it.
- Yes.
- [Narrator] Their prayers were answered
when New Season Church contactedHelping the Home Front.
Pastor Tommy Leonard shared the big news.
- Helping the Home Frontwants to take care of
all of the contracting costs
for your house being repaired.
- I wasn't expecting to hear that.
- So there's more, "CBN" isalso gonna also take care
of all the finishing work.
They're gonna pay for all the painting.
And so we're gonna godown to Home Depot today
in order for you to pickout all the paint colors
that you desire that everythingcan be done and complete
and made whole again.- Oh, wow.
I can't believe that.
You know, you see thishappening with other people
and you never-
- You never think it's you.
- you never would thinkthat it would be you.
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my goodness!
- [Narrator] A contractorbegan the repairs right away
as the couple headed to HomeDepot to pick out their paint.
Their home is now completely restored.
- I will be forever grateful to "CBN"
for what they're doing and what they do
for not just the military,
but others outside ofthe military as well,
because they do a great deal.
And it's really appreciated.
Often today when I'm outin public or traveling,
I hear people go up to military veterans,
sometimes active military people
and say, "Thank you for your service."
And it's always received so wonderfully
and appreciatively by thepeople who are serving.
But I'm gonna say that when you
become a "700 Club" member
and you are a part ofHelping the Home Front,
that is an extra level ofthank you for your service
and I don't know anotherplace where you can do that.
Join "The 700 Club" today
because it gives all of us a chance
to not only reach out to a hurting world,
to people who are sufferingthrough extreme poverty,
but right here at home with Americans
who have unexpected thingscome into their lives
and we have a chance to touch them
right where they're hurting.
Gordon already talkedabout this, 65 cents a day,
$20 a month, makes youa "700 Club" member.
Most of us can do that.
Some of you already have.
If you are a "700 Club" member,
would you go up to 700Club Gold at $40 a month,
or maybe the 1000 Club at $84 a month.
We have all the club levels
you're looking at there before you.
If you haven't joined "The 700 Club",
this is a tremendous opportunity
for you to make a difference in the world
and know that you'redoing it every single day.
So call our toll freenumber, 1-800-700-7000,
and just say, "I wantto join 'The 700 Club'."
We thank you in advance.
- Well, when you become a CBN Partner,
you're helping hurtingpeople all over the world.
People like Melbin who lives in Honduras.
This young man had a largetumor growing on his jaw.
Without surgery, doctorssaid it would kill him.
Melbin felt hopelessbecause he had no money
to pay for the operation.
Then he got the best news of his life
courtesy of CBN Partners.
- [Narrator] Melbin is a farm worker
who lives with his wife
in a rural community in Honduras.
For the past three years,
it has been impossible forhim to find permanent work
because of a tumor that hasbeen growing on his jaw.
- [Translator] People havediscriminated against me.
They say, "What happened to you?
Why is your face swollen?"
I had to tell them it was a tumor
so I wouldn't have to explain.
- [Narrator] Melbin saidhe worked for anyone
that would hire him.
- [Translator] One day,I was digging a ditch
with a pickax, I started to work,
but when the sun got hot,
I started to bleed from inside my mouth.
My foreman told me to leave.
- [Narrator] Melbin and hiswife live with his parents
who have been supporting him.
- [Translator] I felt terrible.
I couldn't do anything,even if I wanted to.
(Melbin speaking in foreign language)
I felt powerless.
- [Narrator] Melbin'sdad also gave him money
to go to the city for medical tests.
There a specialist told himthat he had a benign tumor
and that he needed to have it removed.
Without an operation, the doctorsaid the tumor would grow,
causing him to losehearing in his left ear.
He also said, left untreated,the tumor could kill him.
- [Translator] At the clinic they say,
"Take care of yourself
and don't go out in the sun.
Come back with the money orwe cannot do the surgery."
(Melbin speaking in foreign language)
But I could not becauseI didn't have the money.
- [Narrator] Then a staffmember at the clinic
told him about an organization
that might be able tohelp, Operation Blessing.
We met with Melvin andgave him the good news.
(Melbin speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] When Operation Blessing
told me that they could help me,
it was the best news I haveever received in my life.
- [Narrator] OperationBlessing then arranged
for Melbin to receivethe surgery he needed.
In a complex procedure, asurgeon remove the tumor
and part of his jaw and replaced it
with a 3D printed prosthetic bone.
This was the result.
- [Translator] I thankGod and all of the donors
for helping me.
I am grateful becausethey have changed my life.
- If you're a member of "The 700 Club",
you're part of changing his life.
You made it possible toprovide that surgery.
Now, how much does asurgery like that cost?
You look at 3D printingof a jaw and all of that,
the numbers in America would be enormous,
but the numbers there in Honduras,
here's the actual cost, $3,668.
Now, when you look at that number
and you're a day laborer in Honduras,
well, that is an impossible number.
You can't possibly work hard enough,
work long enough, provide for your family,
provide food on the table,and still save $3,668.
But isn't it amazingthat people came together
and said, "Let's help him.
Let's be a blessing to him."
And when you do that,
when you give food to the hungry,
when you give clothesto those who have need,
when you provide freesurgeries for people,
well, then your salvationwill come like the dawn.
Then when you pray, theLord will answer quickly
and say, "Here I am."
If you're not a member,please join with us.
Join in everything we'redoing around the world.
Call us, 1-800-700-700.
If you are a member, consider increasing,
consider going to 700Club Gold at $40 a month.
1000 Club is $1,000 a year,
that breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level, when you call,
make sure you ask for Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving,
bank doing all the work.
We can send as our gift to you
monthly teaching CDs or downloads now,
a lot of people don't have CD players.
We'll send you a download
of these Power for Life teachings monthly
when you're part of Pledge Express.
So if you're not, ask for it when you call
or go to
When you give monthly on the internet,
you automatically signup for Pledge Express.
We have something newwhere you can text to give,
you can text the letters, CBN, to 71777,
and you'll sign up for Pledge Express.
Well, when you join "The 700 Club",
we have a special gift for you.
It's our latest DVD teaching
called "The Nearness of Heaven".
And here's a sample of what you'll see.
Today, we're going tobe talking about stories
of people who went to heaven.
- [Narrator] What is heaven like?
- There's no one suffering in heaven.
There's no pain in heaven.
- [Narrator] Is heaven far away?
- What does Jesus mean
that the kingdom of heaven is within you?
- [Narrator] Is heavencloser than we think?
- His body was still in the hospital,
but he went to heaven andhe had experiences there
and then was sent back to his body.
- [Narrator] "The Nearness of Heaven",
your latest teaching fromGordon Robertson, available now.
- [Gordon] You can experience
the kingdom of heaven right now.
- [Narrator] "CBN" presents"The Nearness of Heaven".
- We're going to be talkingabout people who went to heaven,
who had encounters withthe kingdom of God.
- He let me experience what it felt like.
And there's more lovethan you can imagine.
- [Narrator] In this brandnew teaching from "CBN",
you'll discover what theBible has to say about heaven
and our lives in eternity,
how to know for certain thatheaven is your future home,
how seeking God's presence now
will satisfy your heart's desire
and prepare you for what's ahead
plus, how to experience the reality
of God's kingdom right here, right now.
- You're gonna experience peace
and joy and life to the fullest.
- [Narrator] Get thisexciting new teaching
from "CBN" today, call 1-800-700-7000
or go to to become a CBN Partner
and receive your copy of"The Nearness of Heaven".
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"
for this "CBN Newsbreak".
The United Kingdom has dropped its case
against a Christian preacher
police arrested for his street ministry
during the COVID lockdown.
Mike Overd was preaching, offering prayer
and handing out Bibles last April
when the government hadordered churches closed.
After reviewing the case,
the government has dropped the charges
and Overd called it, "Agreat victory for Jesus
and freedom of speech."
Despite the ongoinguncertainty in the Middle East,
"CBN" is still providing"Superbook" resources
to children in the regiononline and on the ground.
"CBN Superbook Arabic" YouTube channel
features both classical Arabic,
as well as the dialects spoken in Egypt.
It has registered more than1 million views this year.
Also, the Cairo team hashosted summer school programs
for area children and orphans.
led volunteer trainings onhow to work with the children
and run a medical clinic
in partnership with Operation Blessing.
The team also traveled to Lebanon in June
to minister to Kurdish, Arminian,
Syrian and Lebanese children.
You can always learn more
about what "CBN" isdoing around the world,
by going to
Gordon and Terry are back withmore of today's "700 Club".
It's coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
- A 1% chance, that's all doctors
gave a teenager named Breanna
after she fell from a golf cart.
The surgeon had to remove alarge portion of her skull.
So what happened next
and how did it lead to a bonafide miracle?
Take a look.
- When I saw her, she waslaying in a pool of blood.
I knew that she was alivebecause she was breathing.
But the thoughts that went through my head
were, "Is she gonna make it?"
- [Narrator] Victoria Kozlowskistruggled not to panic
when she saw her 17-year-olddaughter, Breanna,
lying unconscious in the street.
Breanna and a friendwere driving a golf cart
in their neighborhood,when Breanna fell out,
hitting her head on the pavement.
(Breanna screams)
(sirens wailing)After calling 911,
her friend called Victoria,
who arrived just after the paramedics.
- And as I saw her laying onthe ground, my knees collapsed.
Her eyes were rolled backin the back of her head
and she was nonresponsive.
- [Narrator] Breanna wastaken to the nearest hospital,
then flown to the trauma center
at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
near Chicago, Illinois.
Victoria and her husband raced
to get there as quickly as possible.
- All I can think of is,"Please, God, save my daughter.
Please don't take her from me."
- Neurosurgeon, Dr. Egon Doppenberg
and his team were waitingwhen Breanna arrived.
- She had increasedpressure inside the brain
because of that blood clot
that physically just takesup space inside the skull.
And her pupillaryresponse was not present.
That means that there potentially
is some serious damage ona deep level in the brain.
So, we were extremelyconcerned at that point.
- He said, "I don't knowhow to tell you this,
but your daughter isin critical condition,
like she has this 1% chanceand I wanna give it to her."
- [Narrator] Dr. Doppenbergsaid the first step
was to relieve the pressureon Breanna's brain,
by removing a large portion of her skull.
- If you don't do this,what's gonna happen,
the brain swells, there's nowhere to go,
so the pressure inside the skull goes up.
It just didn't look good at all,
that I could not predictwhat the outcome would be.
- [Narrator] With her daughter in surgery,
Victoria sent out urgentrequests for prayer.
- I was posting everywhereabout her accident
and I was praying, asking and pleading
for everyone to pray for her.
- [Narrator] Breanna survivedthe six hour surgery.
However, only time would tell
how much, if any, brainfunction she would have.
- Constantly medication is being tweaked.
Ventilators are changed.
Fluids are being rearranged
to create that optimum scenario
where the intercranialpressure stays within normal.
- He's like, "We don'tknow exactly how long
it's going to be before shecan come back to herself.
And if she does, we don'tknow how much of herself
is going to come back."
- [Narrator] With Breannain a medically induced coma,
Victoria visited her daughter every day,
as loved ones, friends
and their Christiancommunity continued to pray.
- The presence of the Holy Spirit
was definitely in herroom and I could feel it,
especially when I wouldplay the soft music
and I would start to pray.
- [Narrator] After three weeks,
the swelling in Breanna'sbrain had gone down enough
for doctors to bring theyoung girl out of her coma.
They would soon find out ifthere was any brain damage.
- At one point I prayed and I asked God,
"Please, whatever You do,
I don't care how You give her back to me,
as long as You give her back to me."
- [Gordon] Incredibly,soon after waking up,
Breanna was able to moveher eyes on command.
- But we still had a long way to go,
but it was the first stepin the right direction.
- [Narrator] While doctors were cautious,
Victoria saw it as a sign thatprayers were being answered.
- She was coming back,not just that she's alive,
but the fact that we see neuro functions.
Now we see eye movement,she's recognizing people.
She's seeing people in the room.
That was very, very exciting.
- [Narrator] Breanna improved rapidly
and was soon moved out of ICU
to a regular hospital room.
She was disoriented at first,but it was a good sign.
- It was definitely encouraging
to see how quickly she was recovering.
- [Narrator] Two weeks later,
she was transferred to a rehab hospital.
Breanna would have a remarkable recovery
as her cognitive and motor skills
continued to improve quickly.
Then, on October 7th, Breanna went home.
Although she still needed more therapy
and surgery to close her skull,
Breanna and her family were ecstatic.
- Having her home was sucha load off my shoulders
because at this point Iknew that she was doing good
and she was gonna be okay.
- When I got home from thehospital, I was praying,
thanking God for giving mea second chance at life.
- [Narrator] A month later, Dr. Doppenberg
patched the hole in Breanna's skull
with a 3D printed panel,marveling at her recovery.
- All my colleagues andeverybody that has been involved
in her care are like,"Yeah, it is a miracle."
- [Narrator] Breanna and her family
are grateful for thedoctors and all who prayed,
knowing that ultimately it was God's touch
that gave Breanna healingand a second chance at life.
- [Victoria] You were to meet her today,
you would never think sheever even had an injury.
- I was just so incredibly happy
and so grateful and thankful
for every single personthat sent me prayers,
'cause all those prayers saved my life.
- Sometimes we pray andthings are not granted to us
or things are granted tous in a different way,
but God has verymysterious ways of working.
God is by our side every waking moment.
He watches over us.
And I have this connection with Him
that I never had before.
- And nothing is too hard for Him.
That is a miraculous recovery.
Here is another one.
"Debbie of Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania,
suffered with acid reflex
and was diagnosed withBarrett's esophagus,
duodenal polyps, esophageal hiatal hernia,
esophageal ulcer and gastroduodenitis.
Debbie was watching'The 700 Club' last July
and heard Gordon say, "Someone,
you have a tremendousburning in your esophagus.
You're worried that doctorswill say it's precancerous,
that it's turning into cancer.
God is just healing that,
and you have just felt a touch go through,
and the burning is now gone.
Be healed now, every cellin your esophagus be normal.
No more irritation,scarring, or inflammation.
No more acid, and no moreproblems in Jesus' name.'
Debbie claimed her healing!
When her doctor did an endoscopy,
he saw no further inflammation.
He cleared Debbie of all esophagus
and acid-related issues andshe is completely healed."
That's a miracle.
- I remember that word.
It was so detailed.
And wow, praise God.
Here's Annie from Texas.
She had been praying for her friend, Joe,
who was in the hospital,had pneumonia, battling it.
Watching "The 700 Club",
Terry came with a word of encouragement,
"Someone, you've been praying
for a long time about something.
I don't know if it's physical,
financial, or psychological.
God is in the midst ofchanging your situation.
Lift your hands up and begin to thank
and praise the Lord before youeven see what is being done."
That's a key to miracles.
Annie believed God for Joe's healing.
That's a key to miracles.
And the very next day,
Joe was declared pneumonia free
and released from the hospital.
What's the key to miracles?
Thank Him, come into Hispresence with Thanksgiving.
Don't blame Him for the accident.
Don't blame Him for the disease.
Don't say, "God, You weren't running
the universe right today."
Don't do anything like that.
Here's how you get a miracle.
Jesus said it clearly in Mark 11,
"Believe that you have already received
and you will have it."
When was your miracle?
Well, it was 2000 years agowhen Jesus died for you.
By His stripes, we were healed.
Thank Him for providing the solution
before you even got into the problem.
Isn't that amazing?
That's how much He loves you.
You thank Him for that.
And when you come into Hispresence with Thanksgiving,
then you get what you asked for.
Lord, we come to You.
We come with Thanksgiving.
We come with handsraised to say thank you.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for giving Yourselfas a sacrifice for us.
Thank you that by Yourstripes, I am healed.
Thank you for all thatYou have done for me.
Thank you, You heal all our diseases,
You forgive all our inequities.
Thank you for it.
Terry, God's given you something.
- Yeah, someone, you've hadsome kind of an accident.
It's to your spine and you'regonna know this is you,
it's like the lower part of your back
and you wear this bracethat's kind of like a gadget,
because it hasn't been healing well.
God's healing that right now.
All of that bone isbeing fused back together
and you will be completelyhealed at the end of this,
in Jesus' name.
- Someone with gallstones,
you're being healed of itright now, in Jesus' name.
If you've been healed, let us know.
Give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
Here's a word.
"If you abide in Me, andMy words abide in you,
you will ask what you desire,and it shall be done for you."
God bless.
We'll see you tomorrow.
(dramatic music fades)