Cory and Carolyn were newlyweds only two weeks before a medical emergency. Carolyn believed in tithing, but their debt soon ballooned to half a million dollars. See how God’s way paved a path to financial freedom!
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, alineman takes a bad fall.
- [David] I landed flat-footed
and broke both of my heel bones.
- [Gordon] 30 years of pain follow.
- If I walked a lot, you know,
that would really be excruciating.
- [Gordon] Doctors couldonly give him pills.
- I never had anythingthat gave me anything
but just temporary relief.
- [Gordon] So how ishe walking tall today?
- Well, that was me.
I said, "Well, I accept thatin the name of Jesus Christ."
(inspirational music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to "The 700 Club."
Well, we're supporting theTaliban with our tax dollars.
The United States has givenPakistan billions of dollars
in military and financial aid
to help fight Islamic terrorism.
And despite all that,Pakistan was the major player
in helping the Taliban retake Afghanistan.
- Pakistan's interiorminister even boasted
that they are the, quote,"custodians of the Taliban."
George Thomas explains howthe Pakistani government
has provided aid and comfortto these Islamic radicals.
- [George] Within hours
of the Taliban's takeover last month,
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan
praised the Islamic fighters
for breaking what hecalled shackles of slavery.
(Khan speaking in foreign language)
- [Interpreter] When youbecome a mental slave,
then remember that mental slavery
is worse than actually slavery.
It's more difficult to breakthe chains of mental slavery.
In Afghanistan, they have justbroken the chains of slavery.
- [George] Pakistan'sinvolvement in Afghanistan
goes back some seven decades,
and their support for theTaliban has been crucial
since their founding in the 1990s.
- From the very beginning, it's inception,
they helped in actuallybranding the name, Taliban.
- Pakistan's intelligenceservice, the ISI,
along with its militaryhelped fund, train,
and recruit Taliban fighters.
- The Taliban would be a shell of itself.
Its insurgency would be wildly ineffective
without Pakistani state support.
- [George] Bill Roggio, editorof the "Long War Journal,"
tells CBN News Pakistan'smilitary played a crucial role
in the early days of the offensive,
allowing a surge of newfighters to cross the border
and help the Talibanquickly over on the country.
- There's credible reports
of Pakistani military unitsdonning Taliban uniform
and helping to serve as advisors
and fight alongside theTaliban in Afghanistan.
- [George] Hussein Haqqani,
who served as Pakistan'sambassador to the United States,
says the Taliban's reemergenceis a significant win
for Islamabad, even thoughthe Muslim majority nation
was ostensibly America's allyin the war against Al-Qaeda
and the Taliban.
- Most of the Taliban leaders
have lived in Pakistan all this time.
Their families are in Pakistan.
There is an ethnic overlap with Pakistan.
And so Pakistan now has major say
in Taliban's international affairs,
and that makes Pakistan the winner.
- [George] Pakistan'sinterior minister boasting
that they are thecustodians of the Taliban,
saying, quote, "We havetaken care of them.
They got shelter, education,and a home in Pakistan.
We have done everything for them."
That confession coming assome are now questioning
Washington's endless appetitefor Islamabad's con games.
- Pakistan has alwaysbeen the main problem.
The US and the West'sinability to coerce Pakistan
to end its support for theTaliban is the primary reason
why Afghanistan is fallingto the Taliban today.
- [George] Lawmakers across party lines
are demanding more severe consequences
for Pakistan's subversive role,
especially after gettingbillions in military
and financial aid from American taxpayers
while supporting the Taliban'sterrorist activities.
Secretary of State AnthonyBlinken questioned on the matter
during hearings on Afghanistan.
- Pakistan is currentlya major non-NATO ally
of the United States, givingit a number of benefits,
including privilegedaccess to US arms sales.
Is it time for the United States
to reassess its relationship with Pakistan
and reassess its statusas a major non-NATO ally?
- This is one of the thingsthat we're gonna be looking at
in the days and weeks ahead,
the role that Pakistan hasplayed over the last 20 years,
but also the role that wewould want to see it play
in the coming years.
- [George] Meanwhile, 55% ofPakistanis in a poll this week
said they're happy that theTaliban seized Afghanistan.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Well, this is one
where you have to look ata little bit of history.
So let's go back 70 years
to a prime minister of India, Nehru,
And he made a decision thatIndia would be not aligned
in the struggle between theUSSR and the United States.
And then he asked Moscowto come and give them aid.
You can literally go to Bombay
and look at all of theRussian architecture
that is in that city,particularly around the airport.
Literally, Russia helpedIndia build back in the 1950s.
In response, the USbecame an ally of Pakistan
and it was all to alignourselves against the USSR.
That got into full bloom in the 1980s
when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan,
and so the support of Pakistan,military support of Pakistan
went into high gear inorder to throw the Russians
out of Afghanistan.
Well, now it's our turn to recognize
what's really happening there.
And India, as the largestdemocracy in the world,
is, on an ideological basis,closer to us than Pakistan.
They are militant in their Islam,
and they have been for a very long time.
This isn't new for them.
And you look at the ongoing conflict
between Pakistan and India over Kashmir,
the number of terrorist incidents,
the famous one in Mumbaiat the hotel there.
Just horrible things havehappened in the name of Islam.
Now, here's the kicker, if you will.
20 years ago, the war inAfghanistan was launched
because of the 9/11 attacks
and an attempt to root outAl-Qaeda from Afghanistan.
Afghanistan had given them shelter,
had given them an airfield inorder to train on airplanes,
and had provided supportfor Osama bin Laden.
Well, when we invaded, wheredid Osama bin Laden go?
Well, he went to Pakistan.
They provided a compound for him.
And they somehow want us tobelieve they didn't know it,
they didn't know they were giving shelter
to the biggest terrorist of our time.
I don't believe that.
They're now saying they gave shelter
to the Taliban, to their families,
they provided places for themto live, food for them to eat,
education for their children.
Well, they did the samething for Osama bin Laden.
Let us wake up to what theyhave done and done for years
and tried to hide their ideology,
pretend that they're our friendin order to get our money
and in order to get our weapons.
And what are they doing with that?
Well, they're using it against us.
It is high time for this to stop.
In other news, the USCapitol is now on high alert
ahead of a protest rallyset to take place tomorrow.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN news bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Gordon.
It is called the Justice for J6 Rally,
aimed at supporting people
jailed for their criminal involvement
in the Capitol riot on January 6th.
The organizer is pledgingthe crowd will be peaceful,
but as National Security Correspondent
Caitlin Burke reports,
law enforcement isn't taking any chances.
- As you can see behind me,
the fencing is once againback up around the Capitol.
The crowd expected islikely to be much smaller
than the thousands thatgathered on January 6th.
Still, it's the firstlarge scale security test
since that fateful day.
- Stop the steal!- Saturday's rally
will take place in the exact same area
where protesters turnedviolent on January 6th.
It's also happening at a time
when the intelligencecommunity has been warning
about domestic extremism.
- The greatest terrorismrelated threat to the homeland
is the threat of domestic terrorism,
individuals who are proneto violence by reason
of an ideology of hate or false narratives
that we see spread on social media
or other online platforms.
- [Caitlin] With anuptick in online chatter
ahead of the Justice for J6 Rally,
the biggest concern is thatextremists have taken notice.
Organizer Matt Braynardsays he's confident
that won't be the case.
- This is a completely peaceful protest.
It's an exercise of ourFirst Amendment rights.
Anybody advocating or intenton engaging in violence
is not welcome.
- [Caitlin] Braynard tells CBN News
this rally is to demand justice
for those individualscharged and imprisoned
after January 6th not accused of violence
or damage of property.
- We're standing up forthe hundreds of individuals
who've been charged,who've been hunted down,
who've been turned intodomestic terrorists by our media
and our Department of Justicewho engaged in no violence,
were simply in the wrongplace at the wrong time,
and historically, have beentreated with nothing more
than a slap on the wrist.
- [Caitlin] In a statement,the US Capitol Police say
they will defend the First Amendment right
to peacefully protest,but measures are in place
to defend the Capitol.
Washington DC police are on standby
and will have an increasedpresence around the city.
A request for supportfrom the National Guard
has also been made to the Pentagon.
Something that's also worth mentioning,
there will be no Republican lawmakers
in attendance at this rally.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Thank you, Caitlin.
Well, new inflation numbers show
Americans are experiencing sticker shock.
Meat, fish, poultry, andeggs are up almost 15%
since the beginning of the pandemic.
There's also a packaging problem,
aluminum hitting itshighest price in 10 years
and cardboard reaching anall time high in February.
Many analysts blame shortagesand supply chain bottlenecks
for the higher prices, and some experts
point to government spending.
- The federal governmentin the last two years,
'20 and '21, has spentmore than $6 trillion
more than they've taken in in tax revenue.
That's all pure excess demand.
- Inflation is one of thereasons West Virginia Democrat
Joe Manchin has said he won't support
President Biden's massive $31/2 trillion spending bill.
The president failedto get Senator Manchin
to support his proposalin an Oval Office meeting
earlier this week, according to Axios.
Manchin also voiced his concerns
about the growing national debt.
Democrats are deeply dividedover the spending plan,
with progressives supportingit and moderates worried about
its high price tag and tax increases.
Republicans have opposedthe president's plan,
with Mitch McConnellcalling it a reckless tax
and spending spree.
Well, turning now to the Middle East.
This week marked the one year anniversary
of the signing of a peace deal
much of the world never sawcoming, the Abraham Accords.
At first, they involved Israeland the United Arab Emirates,
but they soon opened other doors as well.
CBN's Chris Mitchelllooks at the significance
of this historic creationand what lies ahead.
- [Chris] Although initiated
under President Trump,this week a statement
from State Department spokesman Ned Price
indicates continuing supportof the Abraham Accords.
- We strongly support these agreements
and we look forward toadvancing other opportunities
to expand cooperation between Israel
and countries around the world.
- Today, Secretary of State Antony Blinken
is planning a virtualmeeting with representatives
of the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Israel.
Given the recent leadershipchanges in the US and Israel,
some fear the Accords might not last.
Former advisor to USAmbassador David Friedman,
Aryeh Lightstone, servedas one of the architects
of the Abraham Accords.
- And the Abraham Accordsand peace in general
is not a Republican thing,it's not a Democrat thing.
It's an American thing.
- [Chris] When Israel andthe UAE normalized relations,
it became the first peaceagreement between the Jewish state
and an Arab state in 26 years.
Within four months,Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco
also signed on to the Abraham Accords.
- It is very rare that there'san opportunity for a win-win
that can be transformational,not just for a country,
but for region, and the Abraham Accords
is that transformationalmoment in history.
- [Chris] What makesthese agreements different
is the focus on includingbusiness, tourism, education,
and research between the countries.
That's helped open the doorsto nearly $2 billion worth
of business deals.
- This has been a very unique opportunity
between UAE and Israel,to come with an agreement
of peace and tolerance together.
- What this has done isrealigned the Middle East
between countries thatwant peace and prosperity
and countries that want to continue
to battle age old conflicts.
- [Chris] Jerusalem DeputyMayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum
and Abdullah Baqer work together
on the UAE-Israel Business Council.
- The Abrahamic Accords,
it's not about the Jews and the Muslims.
It's also about other nationalities,
other religions that theyare involved into this,
'cause we all live together.
- [Chris] Lightstone says theUS brought allies together,
erasing unnatural divides, andtrying to remove the hurts.
- There was an artificialline dividing Israel
and other nations inthe region and beyond.
It just didn't make sense.
When they can work together,
it's going to drive more opportunity
for more people in the region.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thank you, Chris.
Gordon, the signing of these accords
still seen today as a game-changer.
- Oh, it is, absolute game-changer,
and kudos to the Trump administration
for changing that game, tobeing able to come into peace
between the United ArabEmirates and Israel
and kick off a wave of peace
where we're actually thinking now
Saudi Arabia may cometo peace with Israel.
In years past, thatwas always unthinkable.
John Kerry, the secretaryof state under Obama,
famously said, "We're not going to pursue
separate peace deals.
We have to first solvethe Palestinian conflict
before we can get into peace deals
and we can't do that piecemeal.
It's all or nothing."
But Trump came in andhad a different idea,
and I'm very pleased to seethat the Biden administration
is saying, "Yes, let's pursue this."
The name is significant.
The name is the Abraham Accords
and it goes along withthe biblical teaching
of what happened when Ishmaeland Isaac got together
to bury their father.
They made peace and did that together.
Here are two brothers who were separated.
Ishmael is, biblical tradition
that the Arabs come from Ishmael.
Biblical tradition is theJewish people come from Isaac.
So you have these incredibletraditions coming together
in the Abraham Accords toliterally bring brothers together
and forge peace.
Now, wouldn't it be wonderful
if Israel were able to havepeace with all its neighbors?
Terry.- Amen to that.
Well, coming up, a time tokill and a time to heal.
A former Navy SEAL from the IDF
remembers his life in the war zone
and his battle back home with PTSD.
Plus, a doctor in debt.
This surgeon was a halfa million in the hole.
How did he manage to pay it all off?
He'll give you his prescription.
That's later on today's show.
(dramatic music)
- Here's a stat for youthat'll really disturb you.
20 United States veteranscommit suicide each day.
To fight this alarming trend
and to help military men and women
with post-traumatic stress,
and let me underline, I'm changing this.
I don't like PTSD.
I don't like the disorder to it.
It's post-traumatic stress.
You have this kind ofthing happen in your life
or daily you're on edge.
You don't know if you'regonna step on a bomb.
You don't know where the enemy is.
You have this stress.
It's a natural reactionto that kind of stimulus.
It should never be called a disorder.
It's post-traumatic stress.
US and Israeli specialforces have now joined hands
to combat it.
Their combined effortshave led to new legislation
that could result in better treatments
from those suffering from that stress.
CBN's Brody Carter spoke witha former Israeli Navy SEAL
who's helping to bringhealing to those in need.
- Veterans keep theirfrontline experiences
close to themselves, hidingthem from friends and family.
Firsthand experience and research suggests
sharing is the quickest route to healing,
and by doing so, you could save the lives
of others secretly suffering.
- One of my soldiers andanother soldier from my team
was very, very badly injured.
He lost his right leg, almostat the height of his groin,
and I, you know, I hadto stop the bleeding
and I had to help him save hislife and help him stay alive,
and that was traumatizing.
- [Brody] Yotam Dagan, aformer Israeli Navy SEAL,
is one of the select fewspecializing in underwater sabotage
of enemy ships.
Dagan first encountereddeath at the young age of 11.
- The Coastal Road massacre, 1978.
- [Brody] The terror attackkilled 38 and injured 70 more
during an invasion ledby Palestinian terrorists
operating in southern Lebanon.
He survived by hiding ina bush on a local beach.
- They later hijacked thebus on the Coastal Road
and started driving it towards Tel Aviv,
shooting at other cars.
- [Brody] Hiding thosememories and emotional wounds,
Dagan eventually trained to be a warrior,
one who never missed a target.
- At the time, I didn'teven think about it.
It was kind of repressed,not thought about,
and it took years forthe story to come out.
- [Brody] Advancingswiftly through the ranks,
Dagan became a Navy specialwarfare team leader,
diving into darkness,destroying enemy ships.
That valor, however,comes at extreme cost.
- The lives of those
who are dealing withpost-traumatic stress disorder,
it's a mess because, you know,
you don't always know about it,
especially men, masculine, you know,
who just want to get things done.
So, you know, when the going gets tough,
the tough gets going.
- [Brody] One in 11people will be diagnosed
with post-traumaticstress in their lifetime,
roughly 3 1/2% of thepopulation each year,
and it's not limited to the battlefield.
- It could be a caraccident or, God forbid,
a rape or sexual assault or being at war.
- [Brody] And the costs are steep.
Statistics show 20 us veteranscommit suicide each day,
totaling some 6,000 each year.
- And my way of healingwas to heal others.
- [Brody] Dagan is sharinghow he turned his scars
into what he callspost-traumatic progress.
the details in his new book,
"A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal:
An Israel Navy SEAL's Journey."
His lessons now helping others
overcome the invisible wounds of war
and tap into the true powerof the healing hands of God.
- This inner belief that there'ssomething, there's someone,
there's the divine entitythat drives this home
is something that drivesme in the work that I do.
- We want to help veterans
and we want to provideresources to veterans,
and many times, we find inthese tragic veteran suicides
that they have not beenconnected to the VA
or to the resources that were available.
- [Brody] VirginiaRepresentative Elaine Luria
served in the Navy for 20 years.
She's building on theUS-Israeli partnership
by sponsoring legislation
that calls for greaterdiagnosis and research.
- But I want to be ableto provide those resources
through grants andcollaborative research work
between the US and Israel tomake sure that we can address
those most cutting edgeprocedures, technologies,
- This exchange, without a therapist,
without a psychiatrist,without medication,
just this kind of talk, I find it to be
the most meaningful wayof helping people deal
with the hardships thatthey've gone through.
- Representative Luria'sbill has bipartisan support
in both the House and Senate.
It's headed to the ArmedServices Committee for acceptance
in the National Defense Authorization Act.
I'm Brody Carter, CBN News.
- Well, if you want to support that bill,
we've got the Capitol Hill number for you.
This isn't a Republican thing.
This isn't a Democrat thing.
This is all Americansneed to come together
to say: How do we helpour military veterans?
You have a 20-year war,and coming back from that,
can you imagine the mentalstrain on our soldiers
who have pulled eight,nine, 10 tours of duty
in order to serve their country?
So we need to help them,and what a great thing
to have a cooperativeagreement between the IDF
and our own military so thatwe can exchange best practices
on how to deal withpost-traumatic distress.
So, put the number back up.
Call your congressman and let them know
that you support this bill,you support our veterans,
and let's get this thing passed.
And if you want to get the book,
it's called "A Time toKill, A Time to Heal,"
and you can buy itonline and in bookstores.
And let me underline what Yotam said.
The best therapy that we have right now
for post-traumatic stressis to be with people
who have gone througha similar circumstance
and just talk it through andrealize that you're not alone,
that there are othersthere with you in it.
You don't have to live in isolation.
You don't have to cover this up.
You can get into a group ofpeople that will love you
and bring you through.
So if you want more information,
the book again is called "ATime to Kill, A Time to Heal."
- Well up next, a surgeon whosebank account was in the ICU.
$500,000 of debt.
How can he save hisfinances from flat-lining?
He's gonna tell us himself.
That's coming up.
Plus, they're twin brothers,
but only one was known as a monster.
So what was wrong withhim and who stepped in
to help this boy whenhe needed it the most?
Stay tuned. You'll find out.
(inspirational music)
- Cory Fawcett had a health scare
and it served as a wake-upcall in more ways than one.
He had racked up a debt load of $500,000.
And Cory knew if he died,he would leave his wife
with a burden she could never pay off.
- [Narrator] By October of 1988,
Cory Fawcett finished medical school
carrying $18,000 of student loan debt.
He started his medical residency,
married his fiancee Carolyn,and then two weeks later.
- I called her in the morning
and I told her that Ihad atrial fibrillation,
"I'm in the intensive care unit."
- I was a little concernedabout what would happen
if he should pass away.
People can have thisand live a normal life.
That event created a lotmore trauma in her than me.
- [Narrator] Cory andCarolyn moved forward
and started their married life together.
Now that Cory was collecting a salary,
the couple discussed tithing.
- I knew about tithing,
but I kind of thought it was for people
that had their life all together.
- He wasn't sure he had enoughmoney to continue tithing,
but I wanted to tithe.
- [Narrator] Cory was only willing
to give 2% of his income to their church.
- I didn't really think that us beginners
who just got our first jobwere supposed to be tithing,
- [Narrator] However, overtime, the Fawcetts moved up
to tithing 10% of Cory's income.
- I was amazed that it seemed fine.
- [Carolyn] We weren't having any problem
living on his income.
We had everything we needed.
- [Narrator] Within six months,
Carolyn landed a job asa corporate accountant.
The Fawcetts decided to putCarolyn's salary in savings
and continue livingsolely on Cory's income.
- We could save for the future,have a nicer life later on.
- [Narrator] By 1993, Coryfinished his residency
with only $6,000 left in student debt.
His next step was to becomean attending surgeon.
Life for the Fawcettschanged dramatically.
- Cory's salary went upabout four or five times
what he was making.
- Over the next few years, webought a house, a motorhome.
I bought into my practice.
We bought a piece of property
that we were gonna build a house on.
And within about three years,we went from $6,000 in debt
to around a half amillion dollars in debt.
- [Narrator] Although Corywas making enough money
to support his family comfortably,
Carolyn was becomingmore and more concerned
over the increasing amountof debt they were racking up.
- I wasn't sure why my wife wasso concerned about the debt.
As far as I was concerned,
we could easily make thepayments, so what's the big deal?
- [Narrator] Even thoughCory had only one AFib event
several years earlier, theirdebt brought back renewed fears
for his health and their livelihood.
- It was very concerningthat he could die,
and I would be responsibleto repay the $500,000.
And we did not have $500,000 in savings.
- [Narrator] At a loss for what to do,
Carolyn took her concerns to God.
- I prayed about how wecould get out of debt
and ran across an advertisement for a book
of how to get out of debtand showed it to my husband.
- And in there, it saidthat we could be debt-free
in just a few years if we decided to.
Half a million dollars, thatjust didn't make any sense.
But the math worked out.
- We stopped a lot of our savings
and funneled the money toward the debt,
knocked off one debt at a time.
- [Narrator] In 3 1/2years, the Fawcetts paid off
a half a million dollars in debt.
- [Carolyn] Becoming debtfree was very freeing.
- All through this period whenwe were getting out of debt,
we did not stop tithingbecause it belongs to God.
- [Narrator] Then in 2004,when a tsunami hit Indonesia,
the Fawcetts wrote acheck in support of those
who were devastated by the storm.
Within two hours of writing the check.
- Somebody who I had loaned money to
wanted to pay off the loan.
And then I went to workand sitting on my desk
was a check from aninvestment that I had made
as a physician.
I had received 30% more than I gave away.
And I got goosebumps.
- That was really excitinghow the Lord gave us back
way more than we had given.
- [Narrator] Today, Carolynand Cory enjoy teaching others
how to become financially successful.
They believe their faithfulgiving to God through the years
has changed their lives for the better.
- When we tithe, it showsGod that we love Him.
- 90% of your incomeplus God is always better
than 100% of your income without God.
Giving changes your life.
- And it'll change your life
if you just follow the same principle.
I like to call it the 80-10-10 rule.
And Carolyn had a reallygood idea in that story.
Let's live on my husband's salary,
and my salary, let'sput away into savings.
And so that goes along with this rule.
Live on 80% of your income.
Total up all your monthly income
and then make sure yourexpenses for everything,
and make sure you have entertainment
and fun things to doin that expense number,
but make it 80% of your take home income,
what you have as disposable income, 80%.
Then, make sure you pay yourself.
Save 10%.
What are you working for?
Well, you're working for your future.
And if you're not saving 10%,
then you're making a big mistake.
If you put that into stable investments
and do that regularlyover a 10, 20 year period,
well, wonderful things will happen
because then your moneywill be working for you
and it will start to increase.
You have a nest egg,
and it's wonderful towatch that grow over time.
And then here's the most important part.
Give. Give 10%.
Cory got amazed at what happenedwhen they started giving
and he became a believer.
Here's the principle.
It's laid out by Jesus in Luke 6:
"Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, presseddown, shaken together
and running over, willbe poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use,it will be measured to you."
When you say, "I'm going to put God first.
I'm going to tithe 10%.
I'm going to save 10%.
I'm going to live within the 80%.
I'm not gonna get into debt.
I'm not going to getespecially into consumer debt.
I'm not going to be a slave of the lender.
I'm not gonna do any of those.
I'm gonna live in accordancewith what the Bible instructs,"
wonderful things can happen to you.
This is certainly not someget rich quick scheme,
but over your lifetime,
you will see this work out and pay out
as long as you followit on a regular basis.
It's not an on again, off again thing.
Now, if you want to start doing this,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
If you want to see peoplehelped in the United States
and around the world, join the 700 Club.
A portion of every gift goes into the work
of Operation Blessing.
If you want to see the gospelpreached around the world,
again, support the 700 Club.
A portion of every gift goes into the work
of CBN International to preachthe gospel around the world.
So if that's you, call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Say, "I want to join."
Now, how much is it?
Well, it's just $20 a month.
That's a basic 700 Clubmembership, $20 a month.
Some can give more, sowe have $40 a month.
1000 Club, $1,000 a year.
That breaks out to $84 a month.
Now, whatever level you pledgeat, I want you to have this.
It's called "The Nearness of Heaven,"
where we have storiesof people who have died,
gone to heaven, and then come back
to tell us what it was like.
But in there is also a teaching
how the kingdom of heaven is nigh,
how it's in your midst,how it's even within you,
and you can have the blessings of heaven
right here on earth, notin some sweet by and by.
So when you see what happens in heaven,
then it gives you the faith to believe
that it can happen to you right now.
This is why Jesus taught us to pray,
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven."
We are His ambassadors.
We're heaven's ambassadors.
This teaching will show it to you,
show you stories, showyou that you can have
these blessings in your life.
It's yours for a gift of $20 a month.
You can get your copy now.
Call us, 1-800-700-7000.
ZheJun's mother thought he was an angel.
Most everyone elsethought he was a monster
and that's because ZheJun was born
with a cleft lip and palate
It would take 10 years for his parents
to save up enough money for his surgery.
So how did ZheJun get help?
From people just like you.
When friends and family saw the Mo's boys,
some said they didn'tbelieve they were real twins.
- [Interpreter] One relative came over,
hugged ZheFeng and gave him toys.
But when she saw ZheJun, her face changed.
- [Interpreter] She just ignored him
and didn't want to hold him.
- [Terry] That's because ZheJunhad a cleft lip and palate.
- [Interpreter] Everyonethought he was a monster.
I saw him as a treasure, my angel.
- [Interpreter] Meanwhile,ZheJun had a hard time eating,
and he cried a lot.
But that didn't scarehis brother, ZheFeng.
- It seemed like he couldfeel his brother's pain,
so when he cried, ZheFeng cried too.
He gave ZheJun his toys andtouched his head and hands.
He cried "Brother, brother,"and wanted him to get better
and play with him, butZheJun had no strength.
- [Terry] He just gotsicker, weaker, and thinner.
- [Interpreter] He began to reject food
and stopped gaining weight.
I was afraid he would die of malnutrition.
- [Interpreter] He started to notice
his mouth was different.
Sometimes, he covered his lip and cried.
We were worried that he wouldbe insecure in the future
and wanted to get him surgery.
- [Terry] But it wouldtake Mr. Mo 10 years
to make enough forthat, and at that point,
doctors said ZheJun wouldmiss his prime opportunity
to learn to speak.
Then, a neighbor told the Mos about CBN.
Mrs. Mo wrote us, asking for help,
and we quickly set upand paid for surgery.
- [Interpreter] It was unbelievable.
I began to imagine ZheJunwith a fixed mouth.
- [Terry] Today, ZheJun iseating well and gaining weight.
- Now my boys not only havethe same kind of eyes and nose,
but their mouths look the same, too.
- [Interpreter] At first,
ZheFeng didn't even recognize his brother.
Then the two children hugged and laughed.
I cried tears of happiness
because my son's mouth was mended.
Now, he talks a lot andhe's healthy and happy.
- [Interpreter] My sonsfinally look like real twins.
I thank the CBN donors.
It's your love that's givenmy boy a bright future.
- You know, if ZheJun hadlived in the United States,
that lip and that palatewould have been repaired
immediately upon birth.
But not in other countries,and it is such a stigma.
As you can hear in that story,
people respond differently to you.
Your opportunities are closed.
It's just very life-impacting.
But I'll tell you whatelse is life-impacting,
when someone you'llnever meet cares enough
to provide the surgerythat changes your life.
That's you, 700 Club members.
Thank you.
Thank you for caring about others.
If you're not a 700 Club member,
what an opportunity youhave to touch the lives
of children like ZheJun andothers around the world,
their families, elderlypeople who are struggling,
grandparents raising their kids,
people who have other health issues.
It's all part of what you do.
How about community transformation,
providing food for people,
teaching them how to raisetheir own food, seed,
something to eat every day.
It's all part of what you dowhen you're a 700 Club member.
$20 a month does that.
It makes you a Club member.
There are many Clublevels you can join at.
I'm gonna show you thosefor just a moment here.
If you're already a 700 Clubmember, go up to 700 Club Gold.
Consider the 1000 Club,that's $84 a month,
or the 2500 Club at $209 a month.
Maybe you want to become a Founder.
Ask God what He'd haveyou do and then call us.
Our number's toll-free, so simple.
There's a friend on theother end of the line
who's waiting to hear from you.
Just say, "I want to join the 700 Club."
When you do, we want to say thank you
by sending you "The Nearness of Heaven."
We all love to hear storiesabout heaven, what it's like.
How do we know?
Because people in thisDVD have actually died
and then come back to life again.
They're sharing what it was like for them.
And then Gordon and Ashley Key
answer some questions about heaven.
This is our gift to you.
So call now.
Immediately upon calling,you'll be changing lives,
and immediately about upon calling,
we'll send you "The Nearnessof Heaven," so call now.
- Well, when you join the 700 Club,
you help people all over the world,
like Brithany, who lives in Honduras.
This four-year-old and hermother had to make multiple trips
to get water, climbingup and down a mountain.
And before people likeyou helped this family,
the water was so dirty thatdrinking it made Brithany sick.
- [Narrator] Rebeca is a single mom
who lives with her four-year-olddaughter, Brithany,
in this mountain community in Honduras.
Their only source of water is a pila,
a cement structure made to collect water
from a stream higher up on the mountain.
But that stream is dangerousbecause of the people
who use it for washingclothes and bathing.
And getting to the pilahas been difficult too.
- [Interpreter] The path is long.
Getting there is very hard.
You have to go up, then godown several times a day
because we need water.
- [Narrator] Even at age four,
Brithany seemed to knowthe water was dangerous.
- [Interpreter] Children shouldnot drink that dirty water.
- [Narrator] Unfortunately,they had to drink it.
Then Brithany got sick.
- [Interpreter] She woke up and said,
"Mommy, my stomach hurts.
My head hurts."
We got scared when shevomited through her nose.
I was afraid that my daughter would die.
My daughter is the one whogives me the strength to live.
And when I looked at her,
I was afraid of losing her.
- [Narrator] The next morning,
Rebeca took her to the hospital.
- [Interpreter] After sherecovered, the doctor told me
to put drops of chlorine in the water
or put it in the sun to try to purify it
as much as possible.
- [Narrator] When Operation Blessing
learned about the communityand tested the water,
we confirmed that itwas dangerous to drink.
Then, working withmembers of that community,
we dug trenches and laidpipe that brought water
from another sourcehigher in the mountain.
We restored a 15,000-gallon storage tank
that had fallen out of use
and added chlorinationto purify the water.
When it was finished, Rebecasaid this was the first time
in her life that Brithanydid not have to go
and collect water or drink dirty water.
- [Interpreter] My daughter is happy
because she has water here at home.
She bathes whenever she needsand even plays in the water.
To the friends who supportOperation Blessing, I thank you
and I hope you will continueto do this work for others too.
- You're the hero of that story
if you're a member of the 700 Club.
You're part of a whole group of people
that said, "Yes, let's providean answer to that need."
They needed a whole water system.
They needed piping froma new water source.
They needed a storage tank.
They needed a way to addchlorination to the water,
things that we take for grantedhere in the United States
that are all done by our water services.
We've had these for decades.
We take it for granted
that you can just go turn the faucet on
and you'll get gooddrinking water coming out.
We take that for granted,
but in so many places inthe world, they can't.
So for that wonderful girl,
just to provide the solution for her
so water doesn't make her sick anymore.
Just imagine being able to do that.
And we want to do that for every community
that lacks drinking water, andwe need your help to do it.
So if you're not a member of the 700 Club,
call and join us, 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, "Yes, I want to be a member."
If you're already a member,consider increasing,
consider going to 700Club Gold, $40 a month.
1000 Club is $1,000 a year.
That's $84 a month.
We also have 2500 Club,which is 2,500 a year.
Founder is $5,000 or more a year.
At whatever level God isspeaking to you do it now.
Pick up the phone, 1-800-700-7000.
Now, when you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express.
That's electronic monthly giving,
the bank doing all the work
and we can send Power for Life to you,
monthly teaching CDs or downloads,
a lot of people don'thave CD players anymore
so you can get it as a download,monthly teachings for you.
And it's yours when youjoin Pledge Express.
There are a lot of ways you can join.
You can call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Say, "I want to join Pledge Express."
You can go to
When you give monthly on the internet,
you automatically signup for Pledge Express.
We have a new thing whereyou can text to give.
Text the letters CBN to 71777.
So do it now, 1-800-700-7000.
Well, our gift to 700 Club partners
is a brand new teaching called"The Nearness of Heaven."
The Bible says we are citizens of heaven.
So what is it like?
Well, here's the story ofone girl who's been there.
- [Narrator] Pastors Dave and Kathy Powell
realized the drowned girl
was their nine-year-old daughter, Annie.
Annie and he needed to be life-flighted
to J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital.
While in the helicopter, Annie died.
- I saw butterflies.
They were colors youcouldn't even imagine.
I felt very happy andjoyful and very loved.
- [Announcer] "The Nearnessof Heaven," available now.
(inspirational music)
- [Gordon] Up next, pain with every step.
- For so many years, I reallycouldn't walk down steps.
- [Gordon] He couldn't even wear shoes.
- [David] Make the problem worse.
- [Gordon] Now see whofixed his deformed feet.
- God blesses us more than we can imagine.
(inspirational music)
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN newsbreak.
A federal judge has denieda Justice Department motion
to temporarily halt the newTexas abortion law for now.
The law effectively bans abortion
around six weeks into pregnancy.
The judge ruling thecase deals with complex
and important questionsof law so both sides
deserve the chance to presenttheir positions in court.
The case will be heard within two weeks.
Well CBN's Operation Blessing
has been working hard in Louisiana
for the last several weekshelping people recover
from damage caused by Hurricane Ida.
In addition to distributingdisaster relief supplies,
including water and hot meals,
the OB team also has helped with cleanup
after the storm's destruction.
Ida's impact caused billionsof dollars in damages
and was the second mostintense hurricane on record
to hit Louisiana behindonly Hurricane Katrina.
Well, you can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by visiting
Gordon and Terry will be back
with more of today's "700Club" right after this.
(dramatic music)
- Well, you might be able to walk a mile
in David Overbey's shoes,
but David wasn't able to do that himself.
He broke both of his feet, andover the course of 30 years,
the pain got worse.
So how was he healed in an instant?
Take a look.
- I cut out on a pole.
And what we call cut out on a pole
is when you climb a pole with spikes.
And then sometimes your spikescome out and you go down.
And I landed flat-footed andbroke both of my heel bones.
- [Narrator] David Overbey was working
for his local phone company 30 years ago
when he suffered a bad fall.
- Probably about three orfour weeks, I was out of work,
both my feet healing.
- [Narrator] Over the years,
his feet problems got progressively worse.
More issues followed withswelling, soreness, and gout.
- During the course of the day,walking, if I walked a lot,
that would really be excruciating.
For so many years, I reallycouldn't walk down steps,
and when I did, I wouldhold on to the rail,
you know, like an old mangoing down or up the stairs.
And then when I tried towear western-style boots
or something like that,
then I would make the problem worse.
- [Narrator] Eventually, Davidcould not even wear shoes.
Doctors could only prescribe painkillers.
- I never had anythingthat gave me very much,
anything but just temporary relief.
I mean it would just belike taking a pain pill
or something like thatwould give me a little bit
of relief or whatever, butwho wants to take pain pills?
- [Narrator] David grewup believing in healing
and often had people pray for his feet.
Then, in July of 2020, heturned on "The 700 Club."
- Terry had a word of knowledge,
said, "There's somebody outthere that's got feet problems."
- There's someone else, youhave a problem with your feet,
Like there is no shoe thatis comfortable for you.
You've had other issueswith growth on your feet
that's not normal.
God's healing all ofthat for you right now.
You're actually gonna see your foot
return from beingdeformed to looking normal
and you're gonna be able towear the shoes of your choice.
- And what really brought it home was,
is that no shoes, no slip-on shoes,
you can't wear slip-onshoes or anything like that
because they hurt your feet.
Well, that was me.
So I said, "Well, I accept thatin the name of Jesus Christ.
That's for me."
And then God healed my feet.
It was immediate.
When I started movingaround and everything,
it was confirmed to methat God had healed me.
So I can wear anything thatI couldn't wear before.
I don't have any pain with my feet.
I can walk and walk andI don't have any problem.
- [Narrator] David saysbelievers need to embrace
that God's healing is for everyone.
- My perspective has greatlychanged because I realize now
that God loves us.
No matter what, God loves us.
But once you really grab a holdof that, that God loves you
and all those promisesin the Bible are for you,
no matter, they're for you.
And God does heal, and God doesprosper, and God does save.
God's pouring out His Spirit,
and there's miracles all around us.
God is doing a great and mighty thing
with people that will acceptJesus as their Savior,
be born again, and God blessesus more than we can imagine.
(light music)
- Oh, David, I rejoice with you.
What a wonderful miracle.
What a life-changing miracle.
Listen, God is big.
Everything that Davidsaid about God is so true.
He loves us beyond our ability
really to comprehend or imagine.
There are so many of youthat I know are crying out
for some need in your life.
Maybe it's not physical.
Maybe it's something else.
But God is able to touch and to change
and to empower whatever needsto be done in your life.
We want to take some timeto pray for you today.
And we have some otherstories in addition to David's
to build your faith.
This is Christine, wholives in Abilene, Texas.
She suffered with terrible inflammation
and pain in her left knee.
She wore a brace.
She was not able to walk.
Then, during a "700 Club" broadcast,
Christine heard Gordon say,
"You are laying your lefthand on your left knee.
There is severe pain on theoutside of that left knee.
God has touched you."
After the prayer, Christinenoticed the swelling was gone
and so as the pain.
What a surprise.
- Hallelujah!- She's able to walk again.
Goodness sake.
- Here's Oksana from Washington.
She had horrible pain in her right hand.
She had to hold it in a certainposition to get any relief.
Watching "The 700 Club," Terry said,
"You've damaged the knuckles.
It's on your right handand it's so painful.
There's so much you can't doand it's your dominant hand."
Well, Oksana claimed it and the pain left.
Listen to what David said.
He said, "There aremiracles all around us."
Isn't that incredible?
There are miracles all around us.
The mere fact that youcan listen to my voice
and derive meaning from thewords, the sounds that come out,
is an absolute miracle.
It's incredible, the miraclesthat are all around us.
Realize that the message, the Word of God,
was the great miracle.
"In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God."
Let's pray right now thatthat Word would come to you.
Lord, we lift everyone in the audience,
anyone who has pain,anyone who has arthritis,
anyone with any disease.
Lord, we come togetherand we say over them
be healed and be madewhole in the name of Jesus.
Terry, God's given you something.
- Yeah, somebody, you have a problem
with aspirating.
When you eat, when you drink,
you aspirate into your lungs.
It's so painful and there'snothing that seems to solve it.
You're being healed right now.
In Jesus' name, just receive that.
- There's someone with severe arthritis,
I think it's rheumatoidarthritis, in both of your hands.
You just felt a jolt go throughyour hands like electricity
and that's God's healing power
restoring your knuckles, reducingall that inflammation now.
In Jesus' name, amen and amen.
If you've been healed, let us know.
Give us a call and we'rehere to pray for you.
All you have to do is pick up the phone.
Here's a word from Deuteronomy:
"The Lord Himself goes beforeyou and will be with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you."
God bless. We'll see you next week.
(uplifting music)