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Is Trump Planning a 2024 Run for the White House? Pastor Tony Suarez Offers Insight on Trump Faith Advisory Board

Is Trump Planning a 2024 Run for the White House? Pastor Tony Suarez Offers Insight on Trump Faith Advisory Board Read Transcript

- Though he is not on theballot this year or in 2022,

2022's midterm elections rather,there are increasing signs

former President Trump isseriously eyeing a return

to the White House.

Mr. Trump telling New Yorkpolice officers Saturday

during the 20th anniversary of 9/11

that they would behappy with his decision,

teasing a possible comeback run.

That appearance follows last week's launch

of a new National Faith AdvisoryBoard designed to counter

what critics call PresidentBiden's anti-faith agenda

and to build on the successes

of Trump's White House faith-based office.

President Trump joinedevangelist Paula White,

the board's leader, andother religious figures

in a conference call, saying,

fighting for religious liberty

and defending Judeo-Christian values

was one of his greatest honors.

Well here with this nowis Pastor Tony Suarez,

a member of the NationalFaith Advisory Board

and chief operating officer

of the National HispanicLeadership Conference.

Pastor Suarez, welcomeback to "Faith Nation."

I know you were on that call.

Your sense, is PresidentTrump planning a comeback?

- My sense?

Well, I guess I'll say what I hope.

I hope he is.

I sure hope he is

because our nation needsstrong leadership again.

I think we've had a enoughtime that has gone by

to remind us of what we had

or at least long for what we had.

So I hope the good newsis coming very, very soon.

- You were on the call.

What were some of thethings that he mentioned

that made you hopefulthat he would run again.

- With or without the call,

what's happening in Afghanistan,

the mismanagement of the virus crisis,

the attack on our religious liberties

is what has caused me to, since November,

to hope for a better outcome.

The call that we had last week was deja vu

to the original campaign.

Again, this faith advisoryboard stands poised

to speak to anyone that'swilling to hear from us

and also make outreach to us.

But just like it was five years ago

when he was then-candidate Trump,

when we reached out to the other candidate

that was running at thattime, we heard nothing,

and it's the same thing withthe Biden administration.

If you are pro, I wouldn'teven just say pro-life,

if you're pro Judeo-Christian anything,

this administration is notinterested in talking to you,

they're not interestedin hearing from you,

and they're certainly notreturning phone calls.

So we're thankful for President Trump.

We're praying that he willcommit to running again

because, in him, we had an advocate.

We had a champion of thepeople that did honor God,

honored the scripture,respected people of faith,

and that's the kind of leadership

our country needs one more time.

- Tony, you talked a little bit

about why you'rereconstituting the board now,

but maybe some might ask whatrole can the board really play

without the weight of theWhite House behind it?

- Well, this board wasextremely influential

in President Trump beingelected the first time.

Again, it's not that the board

is endorsing one candidate or the other.

We're endorsing the valuesthat our faith teaches us.

We're bringing that to light

to the parishioners of ourchurches and our denominations

and saying, "Remember that wedon't just live out our faith

in how we worship on Sunday,

but it's also how wego to the ballot box."

And that was extremelyimportant five years ago.

It was important this past November.

And I think as strong as thesupport from evangelicals

was for President Trumpin November of last year,

I believe that when evangelicals

and Bible believing Christianscast their vote again,

I think the numbers aregonna be even higher

than it already has been.

And again, that's our...

Our position as faith leaders

is not just to endorse a man,

but it's to endorse our values.

And remember, this is what thus saith.

It's not the opinion of man,

it's not the opinion ofa political party party,

but this is what "Thus saith the Lord."

This is where God taught us to stand

- Tony.- on life and Israel

and these other issues,

and that's what we're gonnatake to the ballot box.

And my personal hopeis that it constitutes

in a reelection of President Trump as our,

at that point, 47th presidentof the United States.

- All right, Pastor Tony Suarez,

we thank you so much for your time

and giving us a little bit more insight

into the behind the scenesworkings of this advisory board.

Thank you so much for being with us.


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