When Michael and Missy wanted to save money for a dream house for their growing family, they were tempted to put every penny into savings. Instead, they decided to follow a time-tested biblical principle, and it made a world of difference. ...
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(dramatic music)
- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up.
- He's in danger.
- [Gordon] His body was failing.
- [Jerry] If I didn't get a transplant,
I would probably die.
- [Gordon] The treatment was killing him.
- Just couldn't it was happening.
- [Gordon] And time was running out.
- My normal life is gone.
- [Gordon] How did thisman defy his doctors?
- I said, "Okay, but I'm going to do it."
- [Gordon] And wind up getting cured?
- You survive until someone rescues you.
- On today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
Welcome to "The 700 Club"and thanks for joining us.
The FDA has issued thiswarning to parents,
"Do not seek a COVIDvaccine for your child
until the agency has approved one,"
and a vaccine for children could be coming
as soon as the end of October.
- Meanwhile, governorsacross the country continue
to push back on thepresident's vaccine mandate.
Dale Hurd has the story.
- The CDC says the percentage of children
with cases of COVID-19that are serious enough
to need hospitalization is 0.008%.
And with cases reportedlyrising among kids,
the FDA is warning parentsnot to have children
under 12 vaccinated untilthe agency gives approval
saying children are not small adults.
CDC data show COVID symptomsamong children under 12
usually range from asymptomatic to mild.
And yet the former head ofthe FDA indicated a vaccine
for children could be coming.
- You could potentiallyhave a vaccine available
to children aged five to 11 by Halloween
if everything goes well.
- [Dale] This as opposition grows against
Joe Biden's vaccine mandate last week
that orders businesses withmore than 100 employees
to either require vaccinationsor offer weekly testing.
A spokesperson for theconservative Heritage Action
For America told CBN Newsit's unconstitutional.
- You really gotta callthis out for what it is.
It's a fundamental attack on our rights.
- [Dale] The rule to be crafted
by the Occupational Safetyand Health Administration
carries penalties up to$14,000 per violation.
At least seven Republican governors say
they'll fight it with somealready announcing legal action.
- This is an egregiousoverreach of federal authority.
And as we see what these rules are,
we will be able to know exactly how
we will be able tochallenge them in court.
- I'm trying to overcome resistance,
but the president's actions in a mandate
hardens the resistance.
- It's also fundamentallyunfair to have somebody lose
their job over basically apersonal medical decision.
- [Dale] But the surgeongeneral defended the mandate.
- If we want our economy to be back,
if we want our schools to stay in session,
we've got to take stepsto make sure workplaces
and learning environments are safe.
- But one upstate NewYork hospital has had
to stop delivering babiesafter maternity staff quit
over a COVID vaccine mandate.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Well, clearly, this vaccine mandate
is tearing the country apart.
But here's the very practical thing
In the rise of the Delta variant
right here in the 757 area code,
just try to get a COVID testto see if you've been exposed.
And on all of the websites,if you have no symptoms,
you go to the back of the line.
So how in the world on a practical matter,
or are you going to take80 million Americans,
if you say well, okay, halfof them are unvaccinated,
that number is 40 million Americans,
and subject them to a weekly COVID test?
The system will be overwhelmed.
There's no way that youcan comply practically.
So if there's not a huge mobilization
for testing kits, testing laboratories,
this order will absolutely have no effect.
And I wonder if the administration
has really thought this through.
How in the world are you going to test
that many Americans on a weekly basis?
Well, in other news, SenateDemocrats are fighting
among themselves over their
three and a half trilliondollar budget proposal.
And now time is running out.
Joe Manchin says hecan't support it as is,
and they shouldn't rush it through.
But Bernie Sanders says it's now or never.
John Jessup has more on that story
from our CBN News bureau in Washington.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Senator Manchin wantsto slash the president's
budget plan by as much as $2 trillion
and he's calling for a strategic pause
so Congress can consider the price tag.
- And the unknown is everythingyou've been talking about.
COVID, what's going to happen with COVID,
what it'll do to the economy.
No one's talking about inflation or debt
and we should have thatas part of the discussion.
- [John] Manchin sayslawmakers should focus
on passing the bipartisaninfrastructure bill designed
to upgrade roads, bridges, ports,
energy, and broadband internet.
Sanders says the budget bill,
which includes new programs,expanding healthcare,
education and childcare,should get preference.
- They happen to think thatthe needs of the human beings
of our country, workingfamilies, their children,
the elderly, the poor,are even more important.
- Democrats are already talking
about a new plan including higher taxes.
Republicans call President Biden's
spending proposal reckless.
Well, a threatening storm has Texas
and Louisiana bracingfor days of heavy rain.
After making landfall this afternoon,
tropical storm Nicholasis expected to slow down
and bring as much as 10 inchesof rain on coastal Texas
and Southwest Louisiana by mid-week.
That, of course, raisingthe risk of heavy flooding.
Well, turning now to the Middle East
where Israel's primeminister is putting the world
on notice that time is running out
to stop Iran fromgetting a nuclear weapon.
As Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem,
the warning follows analarming UN agency report.
- [Chris] Israeli PrimeMinister Naftali Bennett
is sounding an international wake up call.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] I'mcalling on world powers.
Don't fall into the trapof Iranian deception
that will lead to additional concessions.
They're dragging on.
We must set a clear cutdeadline that says until here.
The Iranian nuclear program is at
the most advanced point ever.
- [Chris] Israel remainsclear it's military option
to strike Iran's nuclearfacilities is open.
Early this month, the UN agency monitoring
Iran's nuclear programreleased a confidential report
saying for months theregime hindered access
by damaging surveillance cameras
while also expanding its nuclear program
dangerously close toa weapons grade level.
To avert a political showdown,
Iran invited the agency back this weekend,
but it could be too late.
Meanwhile, Sunday, Israel'sdefense minister issued
another warning with the release
of images of an Iranian training base.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] TheKashan base located north
of the city of Isfahan isused to train terrorists
from Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
Iran has developed proxy terror,
which is perpetrated byorganized terror armies,
which are assisting Iran in achieving
its economic, political,and military goals.
- [Chris] The camps include
another weapon of terror, military drones.
(speaking in foreign language)
- [Translator] One of the mostsignificant tools employed
by Iran and its proxies is UAVs
with a range of thousands of kilometers.
Hundreds of these UAVs are spread
across Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
Iran is also attempting totransfer the know-how needed
for UAV production to Gaza.
- [Chris] Seth Frantzman,author of "Drone Wars,"
says this is Iran's warof the future today.
- What it tells us is Iran's not just
exporting the drones and the blueprints.
It's bringing people into Iran,
training them, and then sending them back.
And I think that's a bigimplication for the region
because it means you havevery skilled operators
who can use drones to target ships
or energy facilitiesor whatever they want.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks, Chris.
Meanwhile, war-tornAfghanistan is in turmoil.
Yet, one ministry predictsit could become the heart
of revival in the Middle East.
As Caitlin Burke reports,
even with the Taliban's effortsto persecute the church,
Afghan Christians continue toworship and spread the gospel.
- As the new Talibangovernment tightens its grip
on people Afghanistan, peoplecan plainly see the darkness
of Islam spreading and they'rerunning toward the light.
- As Job says, in the book of Job, he says
When a man is in a heap on the ground,
he stretches out his hand to God.
And so it's in themidst of the desperation
that souls are hungry.
And so it's a moment of opportunity.
- [Caitlin] Joel Richardsonwith Global Catalytic Ministries
says history proves that oppressive
Islamic governance leadsto revival in the church.
- Iran has the fastestgrowing church in the world.
Seven years after the ISIS Blitzkrieg,
there's a revival in Northern Syria.
The establishment of Islamicgovernment provides ripe soil
for the church to grow.
- [Caitlin] The church inAfghanistan is determined
to do the same.
- They're still actively meeting,
studying the Scriptures together,
worshiping, and sharing the gospel.
We actually have a reportof one of our leaders
who has been sharing thegospel with Taliban members
that came into their village.
And they've actually been engaging
in Bible studies and prayer.
- [Caitlin] While it's oftenthe sensational reports
that make headlines like a recent one
that falsely claimedthe underground church
there had been martyred or others
that spotlight heroic action,
Richardson says Afghanistan'sChristians are just
real people choosing to liveout their Christian faith.
- They say they're scared.
Many of them are in despair.
But it's in that weakness thatthey're still pushing forward
and they're findingsweetness in all of it.
- [Caitlin] One Afghan Christianrecently reporting back
to Global Catalytic Ministries quote,
"There is pain and joy right now.
God hasn't left.
There is no need to fearwhat the Taliban is doing.
Yes, bad things may happen to us,
but God will do somethingand glorify His name."
Richardson worries this couldbe the calm before the storm.
But he says Christians therehave submitted themselves
to the will of God come what may.
- They've given theirfuture, their fate over
to the Lord knowing that itcould result in martyrdom.
They understand that very, very clearly,
but yet they're pushingforward regardless.
- The biggest prayer request
right now is for divine protection.
One Christian writing that they continue
to remember the passage whereJesus' enemies are after him
and he passes througha crowd and disappears.
Diving camouflage.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Thanks, Caitlin.
Gordon, a powerful testimonyof standing on their faith.
- It is a powerful testimony.
And it's just the power of the word.
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
the Lord always raises up a standard.
I just wish this hadn't happened.
If we had just said we'rein here for the long haul,
20 years is just beginning
if you're trying toremake an entire culture.
This Christian persecutiongoes back a long way
and look back to the 1970s,then Afghanistan was a kingdom.
There was a king and he made a great show
of closing the last church in Kabul.
That was back in 1979.
And what happened right after that?
Oh, the Russians invaded.
And so a whole new war overthe next nine years resulted.
The culture didn't change.
What's going to change that culture?
It's going to be the constantapplication of prayer,
Christians being willingto die for their faith,
and realize it may takegenerations to have this change.
The church is used to this.
This is not new to us.
How long did it take the Roman Empire
to issue an edict of tolerationto allow Christianity?
Well, it was roughly 260 years.
That that was how long it took.
There were waves ofprosecutions through it.
We can take a great lessonfrom the Coptic Church in Egypt
where the head of that churchsays we're used to martyrdom.
But the question for allof us and all Christians,
are we willing to stand withour brothers and sisters?
Are we willing to pray for them?
And if the same kind ofpersecution comes to us,
what will we do?
And will we be willing to give our lives?
- Well, coming up, a new wave of warfare
on the streets of Chicagowith no guns involved.
So what weapons are being deployed
to save this city from surging crime?
See for yourself.
And five kids in a 1600 square foot home,
plus a baby on the way.
This family needed more space.
So why did they help payfor someone else's house?
And how did that lead themto the home of their dreams?
You'll see it all lateron today's "700 Club."
(uplifting music)
- Well, the city of Chicago is a war zone.
Gang members thereoutnumber police 10 to one.
Over Labor Day weekend,65 people were shot,
six of them fatally,including a four-year-old boy
who was killed by a stray bullet.
So what's being done to stop the carnage?
Charlene Aaron bringsus a glimmer of hope.
- According to the Defense Department,
between 2001 and 2020 morepeople were killed in Chicago
than in the combined conflictsin Afghanistan and Iraq.
Spiritual leaders in the cityare joining together hoping
to change that narrative and
their weapon is the power of the gospel.
- [Reporter] Chicago wasback in the national news.
With 74 people shot and 12 fatalities,
this is now one of thebloodiest weekends on record.
- [Charlene] Pastor Dimas Salaberrios,
a former drug dealer from New York,
knows firsthand thereality of gun violence.
While fasting 40 days foran end to the violence,
he felt compelled to takeAmerica where it happens
in his film, "Chicago:America's Hidden War.
- They were killed in front of my face.
What am I supposed to do?
Go hide in a closet?
I don't think so.
- [Charlene] Salaberriosspent two years filming
in the city and tells CBN News
he sees happening thereas a spiritual battle.
- I would say in Chicagothere is definitely a demonic
presence that I sense when I'm praying
and interacting with people on the street.
- [Charlene] Pastor Corey Brooks,
who heads a ministry therecalled Project Hood, agrees.
- There's a real spiritual battle going on
in the city of Chicagofor the lives of people.
There seems to be a spirit ofmurder throughout the city.
- [Charlene] Brooks explainshow evil works its way
into the lives of young people.
- Some of it is gang-related.
You have a bunch of splinter groups
who are part of organizationsand these splinter groups go
from block to block,neighborhood to neighborhood,
and it makes things very difficult.
- I'm thinking to myself
I could be the next one to get shot dead.
And he was right here.
- Gone.
- In Englewood.
- Forever.
- [Charlene] Children areamong the many victims.
- We're halfway through the year
and over a hundred childrenhave been shot already.
We have a child in our film, Quincy,
who sleeps under his bed because he feels
like he can get shot.
He realized from thebullet holes on the walls
of his house from manydrive-bys in the neighborhood
that where the level of his bed
if he slept in his bed he would be shot.
- [Charlene] That paralysisof fear is spreading.
- We have a lot of parents who are leery
about just allowing theirchildren to go out and play.
In our neighborhoodalone, we had a McDonalds,
of all things, to closebecause of the violence.
I've done so many funerals, unfortunately,
too many to even count.
- Father God, I just prayin the name of Jesus,
that You would bring peace to the city.
- [Charlene] Salaberrios' documentary,
which became eligiblefor an Academy Award,
showcases how the churchis combating the darkness
through prayer and evangelism.
- [Corey] They're having marches.
They're going door to door.
They're doing things theyhave not normally done.
- [Charlene] Through his ministry,
Brooks reaches outdirectly to gang members.
- We have a violence prevention team
of 10 full-time employees that go out
into the neighborhood to help to make sure
there is no retaliation for violence,
to make sure that we haveconflict resolution with
individuals who are participatingin that type of lifestyle.
- [Charlene] Pastor Salaberriossays a similar effort
saved him from a lifeof crime and violence.
- There were Christians,three women reached out to me
when I was a street god and oneof the largest drug dealers.
Three women reached out to me and said,
"Could we pray for you?"
I didn't know what that was.
When they laid hands on methe power of God knocks me
to the floor, demons comemanifesting out of me.
They started praying in the name of Jesus.
I felt a peace come overme like never before
and I quit selling crack cocaine.
- [Charlene] Brooksbelieves that the same power
and peace can now make adifference in his city.
- At the end of the day,we can try to supply jobs.
We can try to supply counseling.
We can try to give all kindsof different resources,
but I really do believe ultimately
it's spiritual warfare and a battle
that we're in and it's abattle for people's souls.
The enemy is out tokill, steal, and destroy
people in our community andwe have to do everything
we can to push back thedarkness, to push back the evil.
And the way that we do thatis showing the love of Christ
in very practical, meaningful ways.
- [Charlene] And the word is getting out
with help from Hollywood of all places.
Recently, Academy Award-winningactor Denzel Washington,
Mark Burnett, Roma Downey,and other celebrities rented
out movie theaters to helpspread the message of the film.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Let's spread the message of the gospel.
The gospel works.
You can't really wrap your head around it.
But what it does is itcomes and it provides
that inner transformation.
You just saw the testimonyof a crack dealer saying,
"I got prayed for.
Three women came up to me on the street
and said, 'Can we pray for you?'"
He had no idea and he said, "Sure."
And the next thing heknows he's on the ground.
Things are coming out of him?
Those are his words.
And from that moment forward,
he couldn't go back to the life he had.
He had to look at that new life,
the new life that only Jesus brings.
Let's not preach a therapeutic gospel.
Let's not preach a social gospel.
Let's preach the gospelthat Jesus can come,
He can change your inner most being,
and through that, he canchange your neighborhood,
your street, your community,your city, your nation.
Let us preach the gospel.
- Well, coming up, a dreammany years in the making.
How did this family get thehome they always wanted?
And a single mom gives birth to a baby
with a quote, "broken mouth."
Even after working 14hour days in a factory,
she still couldn't save enough to fix it.
So who paid for the surgery?
Stay tuned to find out.
(uplifting music)
- The Barths wanted a big house,a large family to fill it.
At first, they had neither.
And six figures of debtstood in their way.
So how were they able to get the family
and the house of their dreams?
Well, here's their story.
- [Narrator] Michael andMissy Barth struggled
to have their first baby.
They never imagined they'dbe able to have a big family.
- God told us to dream for a larger house
and a larger family.
So, we went online andwe printed out a listing,
and we put it on our refrigerator.
My wife even named our savings account.
I think she called itbig family for our house.
- [Narrator] Michael was afairly new software engineer
and Missy was a substitute teacher,
so making enough moneyto support a big family
and saving for their dreamhouse would be challenging,
especially since the couple
had a considerable amount of debt.
- We had between us over$30,000 in student loan debt,
$25,000 in debt on our cars,
and then we had $170,000in debt on our house.
- And the debt was more like
almost holding us hostage, really.
We have all this money that we're supposed
to be paying back that wecan't put towards other things.
- [Narrator] The Barthstook a class at church
that helped them create a budget
and get aggressive withpaying down their debt.
Meanwhile, they also tithed,although not always willingly.
- It seemed like a lot ofmoney to be giving every week.
I was feeling like,
"Why do we have to give such a big amount?
Can't we save some of thisand put it into savings?"
- God said to do it, I want to do it.
You don't want to be on thewrong side of God, right?
- [Narrator] When Michaeland Missy's pastor taught
on the heart of giving,their point of view changed.
- Before that, I felt likeI was giving up something.
But when my mind shifted,I actually felt like
I was gaining something by giving
and it was very liberating.
You don't give just because you have to,
you give because you want to,
and you realize that in giving,God will take care of you.
- [Narrator] As the coupletithed with this new perspective,
they always had enough toprovide for their growing family.
- God blessed me a lot.
He blessed me with some large raises
along the way and a bunch of awards.
- [Narrator] In less than four years,
they were able to payoff their debt of $60,000
in school loans, car loans,
and their home equity line of credit.
- When I'm willing totrust God with my finances,
and I'm willing to give toothers and to the ministry,
then He provides the increase
to not only cover that, but so much more.
- It became easier to give bigger amounts
and we saw increaseback to us even bigger.
- [Narrator] With five kidsin a 1600 square foot home
and a baby on the way,
they knew it was timeto get their big house.
Still, they chose to sacrificially give
to their church's building fund.
- We trust that if we build God's house,
He's going to providethe house that we need.
- [Narrator] So, by faith,
they began searching for their new home.
- I remember finding this one house
and he looks at it and he said,"I think that's the house."
And I said, "Uh, what house?"
- And I pulled it out,
I put it in a memories boxbecause I save everything,
and I pulled out that listing.
It was the same exact house
we had hanging on ourrefrigerator for years.
- [Narrator] Even thoughthe asking price was more
than Michael and Missy could afford,
they prayerfully made an offer, and soon,
the 4000 square foot home they'd hoped for
almost a decade before was theirs.
- God worked it out that they came down
to the number that He had told us.
I can't believe what Idreamed for is actually here.
- There's plenty of room for all of us.
We even have a separate school room
because we homeschool andthat was one of my dreams.
- [Narrator] Today, theBarths have eight children.
As they've continued to trustGod with their big family
and their giving, Michael'sincome has continued to grow.
- God really showed him favor.
Since we bought thishouse in 2017 till now,
his salary has increased almost 50%.
There's definitely a causeand effect when you give.
God gives it back to you,especially when you're giving
obediently when He's telling you to give.
- The house, the family,everything that we have,
the amazing gifts He gives us every day,
if I cut off the giving,I cut out the blessing.
Tithing and giving, it goes out,
and He brings it back in even better.
- . Tithing works.
Again, it's really hardto explain how it works
and if you can figure it out,
well, then it wouldn't be God.
But it works.
He honors His word to bring it to pass.
Now this isn't some getrich quick kind of scheme.
This isn't I want a big house and two cars
and so God, do all that for me.
Here, Michael and Missy were saying,
"Lord, we want to obey Your commandment
be fruitful and multiply."
They desired eight children.
And when you have eightchildren, well then, yeah,
you're going to need a big house for them.
And that was their desire.
And it was in accordance with God's will,
in accordance with His commandment.
And then they made a declaration,
"We're going to tithe no matter what."
This isn't going to beon again, off again.
This is going to be a lifestyleof consistently giving.
When you do that,
you fall into this wonderfulpromise from Malachi,
"Bring all the tithes," theplural, so it's a consistency.
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse
that there may be food in My house
and test Me now in thisas the Lord of Hosts,
if I will not open foryou," this is for you,
"the windows of heaven andpour out for you a blessing
that there will not beroom enough to receive it."
For the Barths, their heart's desire was
to have a big family.
God poured that out on them.
He will do it for you if youjust follow the same principle.
If you want to do that,
I invite you to join with us and just say,
"Yes, I want to see the gospelpreached around the world.
I want to see peoplehelped around the world.
I want to see a wonderful miracles,
the stories that are on'The 700 Club' every day.
I want to be a part of all of it."
How do you do that?
Well, you join the 700 Club?
How much is that?
It's just $20 a month.
And you joining with tensof thousands of people
that want to make adifference in the world today.
We have other club levels.
There's $40 a month.
$84 a month adds up to$1000 dollars a year.
Whatever level, do it right now.
- A bad luck child.
That's what Mrs. Lu'sfather-in-law called her newborn
right before he kickedthem both out of his house.
All because her baby hada cleft lip and palate.
Mrs. Lu had no way to pay forthe surgery the baby needed.
And before long, she started thinking
that suicide was her only option.
Mrs. Lu could hardlywait to meet baby Feyun.
- [Translator] I woke up andkept asking, "Where's my baby?"
Until my mother cried, "Yourbaby's mouth is broken.
He has a cleft lip and palate."
- [Terry] Meanwhile, Mr.Lu died of a heart attack
and never met their son.
They'd been living with his father,
but after her husband died,
Mrs. Lu's father-in-law didn'twelcome his son's widow home.
- [Translator] He saidFeyun was a bad luck child
and the reason his son died.
So when I took Feyunhome, I kept knocking,
but he ordered us to leave for good.
- [Terry] She and Feyun hadto move in with her mother.
- [Translator] I couldn'tface the double tragedy.
I thought death was the only way out
and I was going to kill myself.
As I was getting some pesticide to drink,
Feyun looked at me withhis eyes wide open.
I felt like he was saying,"Mom, please don't give up..
Dad is dead but you still have me.
Please be strong at least for me."
- [Terry] That moment, shedecided to go on living
so she could help her son.
And she started working 14 hour days
in a factory to savemoney for his surgery.
Meanwhile, Feyun didn't eat much.
- [Translator] His immunity weakened.
Every time he got sick,I had to use the money
I had saved to pay for his medical bills.
So I couldn't follow through
with my promise to get him surgery.
- [Terry] And when Mrs. Lu took Feyun out,
people laughed at him andtalked behind his back.
- [Translator] I wasafraid that as he grew up,
he would feel inferior,excluded from life.
I wished more than anything,
that someone who wouldhelp us get his lip fixed.
- [Terry] Then Mrs. Lu was introduced
to CBN at a health clinic.
We quickly arranged and completely paid
for Feyun's cleft lip surgery.
We later helped make his cleftpalate surgery possible too.
- [Translator] Now he can eat normally.
He's put on weight.
His grandfather accepts himand he digs like his father.
You've given our baby a happychildhood and a bright future.
- That mom just said it rightthere, a happy childhood.
But maybe more importantly,a bright future.
This is a little boy whowould have had no hope
of ever having anythingbe normal in his life.
Who gave him that gift?
It was you, 700 Club members.
We just want to say thank you to you
for caring about the needs of people
you may never meet inyour life, probably won't.
But this little boy is goingto have a different life
because of your generosity.
This is the reason, stories like this,
that we asked the restof you to join with us.
65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member.
There are many options for you
in considering membership in the 700 Club.
I just told you about thefirst one that is $20 a month.
And we welcome that membership,
if you've never joined us before.
If you're already a 700Club general member,
then why don't you go up to700 Club Gold if you're able?
That's the gift of $40 a month.
Some of you can join our 1000 Club.
Gordon just mentioned that, $84 a month.
We have a 2500 Clubmembers at $209 a month.
And then a group we call our Founders.
They give $417 a month, thatworks out to $5,000 a year.
Ask the Lord what He'd have you to do.
And know that the moment youcall our toll free number
and join, you are apart of changing lives,
not just here in the United States,
but literally all around the world,
not just today, but every single day.
So we welcome your phone call.
Join with us now.
- Well, Will is a Marine.
His wife, Rosa, has afull-time job taking care
of their son who has a genetic disease.
And many of those medicalcosts are not covered
by insurance.
When this family depletedtheir savings account,
they were staring atthousands more in expenses.
So who came along to help them?
Well, take a look.
- All right, who's turn is it?
- [Narrator] Balancing a military career
and home life withthree kids is no problem
for Marine Gunnery SergeantWill and his wife Rosa.
They've had plenty of practice.
Will has deployed six times and counting.
- She was able to basically rock it
while I was gone and not skip a beat.
- [Narrator] The couplecarries a greater burden
than the average family because
their son suffers from cystic fibrosis,
a rare progressive genetic disease
that primarily attacks the lungs.
Their daily routineincludes multiple in-home
lung treatments, a specialdiet, and countless supplements.
- From morning to night,it's a constant regiment
between his pills and his supplements.
It is so exhausting.
- [Narrator] It places a strain
on this military family's budget too.
Lincoln's supplements arenot covered by insurance.
Plus, each time they transferto a new duty station,
they pay hundreds to prep their new home
to create a sanitizedenvironment for Lincoln.
- We get the ducts cleaned.
And then we also set up a full house
water filtration system.
- All the air purifiers for the house,
it adds up pretty quickly.
- [Narrator] When theytransferred to Texas,
they prepared their home as usual,
but Lincoln quickly became very sick.
After racking up thousandsin medical expenses
and hospital stays, doctors confirmed
Lincoln couldn't toleratethe Texas climate.
The Marine Corps granted the family
an emergency medical transfer.
By then, the couple haddepleted their savings
and had to shell out money
to prep their new home in California.
Financially, they could barely hold on.
- It is only my income covering
both the adults and both children.
I definitely think aboutthe financial hardships
that we do face.
- [Narrator] Despite theirdifficult circumstances,
Will and Rosa stood on their faith
that God would sustain them.
- He gives us the strengthto keep going every day.
- [Narrator] Theirfinancial burden was lifted
when North Coast Church asked
Helping the Home Front to step in.
Pastor Brian Muche startedby telling the couple
CBN was reimbursing them for the cost
of preparing their home whenthey moved to California.
And he also told themCBN was covering the cost
of all medical expensesthey incurred in Texas.
- That's amazing.
We are so thankful for that, thank you.
- That's not it, you guys.
For the next year, CBN isgoing to cover all expenses
when it comes to your son'sdietary and respiratory needs,
and all of the supplementsthat come with that.
- Oh my gosh.
That's amazing.
That's so great, thank you.
- It absolutely takes theweight off and the worry off.
- [Narrator] Will andRosa are now financially
back on their feet and arefocusing on their family,
rather than worrying about money.
- We are so grateful to CBNand the people who give to CBN.
We appreciate you guyslifting up our family
and how much this will change
some huge expenses in our life.
- That thank you goes to you.
if you're a member of the 700 Club.
You're a part of everything we're doing.
That's just one outreach that we have.
It's called Helping the Home Front
where we want to help activeduty military families.
They're serving our nation.
We want to serve them andrecognize the difficulties
they're going through and come alongside,
and whatever that problemis, we want to help them
and we're doing it in your namewhen you join the 700 Club.
If that's you, if youwant to be a part of it,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
If you're already a member,consider increasing,
consider going to 700 ClubGold or 1000 Club, $84 a month.
And at whatever level,when you call and join,
make sure you ask for Pledge Express,
that's electronic monthly giving,
the bank doing all thework and we can send
"Power For Life" monthlyteaching CDs to you.
So if you'd like to get those,
all you have to do is call us.
Say, "I want to signup for Pledge Express."
You can also text to us.
There's a wonderful way to do it now.
Just text the letters C-B-N to 71777,
or you can go online to cbn.com.
When you give monthly on the internet,
you automatically signup for Pledge Express.
Either way and at whatever level,
our gift as a 700 Clubpartner is a brand new
teaching called "The Nearness of Heaven."
The Bible says we're citizens of heaven.
So what's it like?
Here's the story of onegirl who's been there.
- [Narrator] Pastors Dave and Cathy Powell
realized the drowned girl was their
nine-year-old daughter Annie.
Annie needed to be life-flighted
to J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital.
While in the helicopter Annie died.
- I saw butterflies.
They were colors youcouldn't even imagine.
I felt very happy andjoyful and very loved.
- [Announcer] "The Nearnessof Heaven" available now.
- [Gordon] You can experiencethe kingdom of heaven
right now.
- [Announcer] CBN presents"The Nearness of Heaven."
- We're going to be talking about people
who went the heaven,
who had encounters withthe kingdom of God.
- He let me experience what it felt like.
And there's more lovethan you can imagine.
- [Announcer] In this brandnew teaching from CBN,
you'll discover what the Bible has to say
about heaven and our lives in eternity,
how to know for certain thatheaven is your future home,
how seeking God'spresence now will satisfy
your heart's desire andprepare you for what's ahead,
plus, how to experience the reality
of God's kingdom right here, right now.
- You're going to experience peace
and joy and life to the fullest.
- [Announcer] Get this excitingnew teaching from CBN today.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to cbn.com
to become a CBN partnerand receive your copy
of "The Nearness of Heaven."
- [Gordon] Still ahead.
- You need to get Jerry to hospital.
- [Gordon] A health crisis.
- And then he started vomiting.
- [Gordon] And no guarantee of a cure.
- I was at a loss as to what to do.
- [Gordon] So how was he able to do a 180?
- You survive until someone rescues you.
- [Gordon] In just 100 days?
I said, surely, itcouldn't be that simple.
- Later on today's "700 Club."
(dramatic music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN News break.
North Korea says it'ssuccessfully test fired
newly developed long rangecruise missiles over the weekend.
These photos publishedby the Worker's Daily
show one of the missiles airborne
and making its way to its objective.
The North Koreans say the missile flew
more than two hours andhit targets 932 miles away.
The regime hailed its new missiles
as a strategic weaponof great significance.
Well, over the past two months,
Superbook has been reaching teens
through a Russian YouTube influencer.
With over 680,000 subscribers,
Biga Egorov has a largesecular youth following
and he's known for creatingvideos on popular toys.
After discovering Superbook,Biga has produced several clips
about Superbook and has beenpraying for his followers.
He's also encouraged viewersto share videos on TikTok
singing and dancing to followJesus and the salvation poem.
He says, "Thank God Ifound Superbook this year.
I have become a newcreature in Christ Jesus."
Well, to learn moreabout what CBN is doing
around the world, go tocbn.com/international.
Gordon and Terry we'llbe back right after this.
(dramatic music)
- Doubled over with excruciating pain.
That's how Jerry Graver spent his nights.
He'd already been to the hospital
and this bout of agony came from the cure.
Modern medicine was robbingJerry of his normal life.
So he tried a different tact,
one that was thousands of years old.
- The results came back from my doctor
and he said, "Your kidneysare functioning at 7%."
He told me if I didn't get a transplant,
I would probably die.
- [[Narrator] Jerry Graver has been active
and healthy for most of his life,
but in late 2013, he started having some
concerning health issues,including a swollen abdomen.
His wife Cheryl remembers their onset.
- He kept getting worse.
He was getting tired.
Then he was getting nauseated quite a bit.
And then he started vomitingand he just was very weak.
And it just really wouldn't stop.
He couldn't eat.
So I'm like, "We need to calla doctor and get you in."
- [Narrator] While awaitingthe results of a blood test,
Jerry endured intense painand near constant vomiting.
A call from their doctor alerted them
to how serious his condition was.
- They said, "You need to get Jerry
to the hospital as soon as possible.
He's in big danger."
When we'd got to the hospital,
they took him in theemergency room right away,
and they said his kidneys were failing.
It was just a whirlwind.
Things just started happening so fast.
He has to have dialysis, andour brains were just spinning,
like, "What? How could this happen?"
- [Narrator] Jerry'sprostate had swollen shut
blocking urine back up into his kidneys
causing them to fail.
He was immediately put on dialysis
and soon realized howdifficult his life would be.
- When I had my chestport, you got lightheaded,
you get dizzy, someonehas to drive you home,
and it takes a day to get over it.
And then when I starteddoing home dialysis
with a port in my abdomen,
you're supposed to beable to sleep through it
and can change yourfluid out in the morning.
It's so painful you just don't sleep.
It hurt.
- He would have this machine in his room,
and it was noisy at night,and he would just get up
in the middle of the night
and he'd just be bentover in excruciating pain.
And I would just be crying.
I just had to go to anotherroom and pray for him.
- You didn't want to live like this
and I was getting really discouraged.
I broke down several times.
I didn't know what to do.
I just couldn't believe it was happening.
- [Narrator] He beganresearching transplant options
and became even more discouraged.
- The success rate on transplantsare somewhere around 60%.
And there's a lot of guys that get them
and they fail and theyhave to do it again.
And you have to take antirejection drugs
so you can't be out in the sunlight.
You wouldn't have a normal life.
It's really hard.
I was at a loss as to what to do.
All the sudden, my normal life is gone.
It's hard.
- [Narrator] As Jerryprayed for an answer,
he remembered a storyfrom the book of Daniel
where God's servantsrefused the king's food
and only ate rawvegetables and drank water.
- All of a sudden, it kept going over
and over and over in my mind.
I think God gave it to me,
vegetables to eat and water to drink.
I said, "Surely, itcouldn't be that simple."
So I told my doctors,
"I'm going to go on avegetables and water diet."
And they said, "Oh, that's ridiculous.
You won't get your protein.
It has no bearing on you whatsoever."
I said, "Okay, but I'm going to do it."
- I was nervous because I'm like,
"Well, you need to followwhat the doctors say."
They gave us tons ofbrochures and literature
on the here's the things you should eat,
here's the things youshouldn't eat for kidneys.
And so I was nervous, like,
"Are you sure this isthe right thing to do?"
Because you kind of always think
you should listen todoctors and what they know.
But then he was just adamant
about listening to God and His Word.
- [Narrator] For 100 days,
Jerry drastically changed his diet.
- I started on avegetables and water diet.
All raw, all organic, and water.
Nothing else.
No bread, no meat, no cheese, nothing.
And slowly, my numbersstarted getting better.
He said, "Well, a little bitof improvement this week."
I said okay so I stayed on it,
and it kept getting better and better.
It wasn't fast, but it was better
and better every time I went.
It was a mundane routine.
Tried not to think about it
because I kept gettingbetter and better and better.
I was trying to reach a goal.
- How he could do somethingand be so disciplined
for 100 days, to do something like that.
But he just felt likehis life was at stake
and that's what he hadto do to get better.
- It took 100 days for me to get there.
But at the end of 100 days,I had normal function.
They wouldn't accept it.
The nurse even told me,
"I think we must have misdiagnosed you."
- [Narrator] Jerry andCheryl know that it was God
who gave him the path to healing
and the strength to walk it out.
- It's easy to say Jesus is all you need
but it's different whenJesus is all you got.
He gave me a second chance.
And looking back, it'ssuch a simple thing.
It just takes discipline.
I kept telling myselfI'm on a deserted island
and all I got is vegetablesand water to eat.
So you survive until someone rescues you.
- [Narrator] After the100 day diet inspired
by the book of Daniel,
Jerry was successfullyremoved from dialysis.
His kidney function has been normal
for more than seven years.
- So the first thing he said he wanted
to do was go out to BurgerKing and get a Whopper.
I'm like, "I'm not surethat's a good idea.
You might get sick."
But he did, and that's okay.
But he got right back onto his fruits
and vegetables after that.
- You don't know howwonderful status quo is till
you don't have it.
Now I got status quo.
- We're so thankful to the Lord
for what He did and how He blessed us,
and just gave him a newlife and his life back.
- Just looking back, I can'tbelieve, it was such a journey.
Just grab on to those six words,
vegetables to eat and water to drink,
and I went from facing disasterto a normal life again.
- All of this began and happened
when Jerry was willingto listen to the Lord.
Sometimes God speaks somethingto us that's difficult
and we think, "Well, surely,there's another way."
God's wanting to speak to us.
He's wanting to move inthe midst of our need
and we need to be sensitiveto what He's speaking to us.
We've been praying for you allfor the week prior to this.
And so many prayers have come in
and we want to continueto pray for you each day.
That's this time right now,
we want to lift up your needsand take you to the Lord.
I want to encourage your faith with this.
This is Joanne of Santa Rosa, California.
She suffered with severeneck pain for 18 months.
One day she was watching thisprogram and she was startled
to hear her name during Gordon's prayer.
He said, "Joanne, you have neck pain.
God is healing you."
By faith, Joanne believedand was instantly healed.
She's not had any pain since then.
You don't know Joanne.
- I don't know Joanne,but God sure knows Joanne,
wants to call her by nameto give her the faith.
Faith can be a gift.
Just look to Jesus, the author,the finisher of your faith
and you'll have all the faith you need.
Well, here's Linda from Ohio.
She started having troublewith one of her eyes.
She had a hazy film whichimpaired her vision.
One day watching "The700 Club," Terry said,
"There's someone withcloudiness in one of your eyes.
Your vision isn't clear.
You haven't even been diagnosed yet.
Today you are being healed."
Linda claim the word and was healed.
What a wonderful story we just watched.
Doctors will tell you theydon't recommend a diet
without any protein.
Even back in Daniel's day,
they didn't recommenda diet with no protein.
But Daniel said, "Well,I have to stay kosher.
I know that the meat you'reserving me is not kosher.
You haven't slaughtered it right.
You haven't gotten rid of all the blood.
You haven't done these thingsand I need to obey God."
And so he did.
And he was healthier than theones who were eating the meat.
Isn't that incredible?
God wants to provide for you.
And so whatever He tells you,
do it and receive a miracle from Him.
Now, one of the things Hetells us to do is to pray.
And here's one of thewords that He's given.
When two or more agree touchinganything, it shall be done.
These are very simple words,
but we've got the two or moreright here with me and Terry
and you agree and you touchand God will do the rest.
Lord, we lift anyone whois suffering in pain,
anyone who has cloudiness in their vision,
anyone with kidney problems,anyone with cancer,
anyone with breathing problems.
Lord, we lift them all toYou and we touch it right now
and we command it inJesus' name to leave them.
There's a woman, your name is Ariane
and you're laying yourhand over your eyes.
You've got cloudiness.
You heard that report about cloudy vision.
God's healing your eyes right now.
He's removing that cloudiness.
He's removing all theproblems with your eye,
all the excess tearing all the problems.
In Jesus' name, be healed, be made whole.
- There's someone else,you've been experiencing
significant mental confusion.
I mean it has you concerned,it has your family concerned.
I don't know if yourname is Marnie or not.
But God's healing that for you right now.
Just begin to praise Him and worship Him
as all confusion clears away.
- There's someone with a severe injury,
the back of your neck from a car accident.
God's healing everythingconcerning that now
in Jesus name, amen.
If you have been healed,let us know, give us a call.
Lord, you will grant us peace.
All we have accomplishedis really from You.
(gentle music)