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The 700 Club - September 6, 2021

A man who lost his mother to cancer receives a devastating diagnosis of his own. Go along as this pastor heads to the doctor, but not for surgery. Read Transcript

- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up...

- [Ken] That was like a body blow.

- [Gordon] Cancer.

- [Ken] My heart sank.

- [Gordon] Just likewhat killed his mother.

- That was very, very sobering.

- [Gordon] One pastor heads to the doctor.

- [Ken] It was a little bit frightening.

- [Gordon] But not for surgery.

- [Ken] What I really need is a healing.

- [Gordon] On today's 700 Club.

- [Ken] This is God sending me a message.

(upbeat music)

- Well, welcome to The 700 Club.

Let's go over to the CBNnewsroom for today's top stories.

- Thanks, Gordon.

At least 68 people havedied since Hurricane Ida

blasted ashore about a week ago.

Now officials are warningpeople in parts of Louisiana

and the Northeast that life won't be

returning to normal for weeks.

Dale Hurd has that story.

- [Dale] A week after Ida came ashore

as a category four hurricane in Louisiana,

more than a half millionpeople are still without power.

- It looked like a bomb went off.

We have no water, we have no electricity

and we have no food.

- [Dale] Residents havebeen waiting in long lines

for water, ice, food and fuel

and the situation has beenmade worse by the extreme heat.

- Every night it get a little bit warmer,

you know, and then tryto, to, to tough it out

without any air, you gottaget out, it's just too tough.

- We know there are alot of people out there

who are in fact hurtingand we're gonna continue

to work hard every single dayto bring additional relief

and to make progress.

- [Dale] But some of the hardest hit areas

could be without poweruntil the end of September.

Louisiana Senator BillCassidy says residents

need more help now.

- Telling people it gets better

when they're told theywon't have electricity back

until September the 29th is cold comfort.

So, in the meantime, we need gasoline,

so that people can run their generators.

- [Dale] Seven Louisiana nursing homes

were ordered closed Saturdayafter their patients

were evacuated to a singlewarehouse ahead of Hurricane Ida.

Seven patients have reportedlydied since the move.

Operation Blessing's hungerstrike force is on the ground

in Louisiana and has begunoffering meals and ice

to first responders andemergency management personnel.

Ida's path of destructionstretched into the Northeast

where nearly 800 bridgesacross Pennsylvania

will need post flood inspections.

In New Jersey, flooding and tornadoes

caused homes and businesses to catch fire

and flood waters made them unreachable.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul

said the damage looked likea humanitarian disaster

in another country.

The cost to rebuild andrepair the damage inflicted

by Ida is already estimated to be

in the tens of billions of dollars.

Now forecasters are watching Larry,

a category three hurricanethat is expected to stay

out in the Atlantic, butcould still affect the coast.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Turning overseas now tothe situation in Afghanistan.

A U.S. congressman says theTaliban is keeping Americans

from leaving the country.

Satellite photos reportedlyshowing chartered planes

stuck on the ground at an airport

in the Northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

Texas Representative MikeMcCaul, the ranking republican

on the House Foreign Affairs Committee,

told Fox News Sunday thatAmericans are on board

some of those planes and the Taliban

is using them for leverage.

- They're not clearingairplanes to depart.

They've sat at the airportfor the last couple of days,

these planes, and they'renot allowed to leave.

We know the reason whyis because the Taliban

wants something in exchange.

This is really, Chris, turninginto a hostage situation

where they're not gonnaallow American citizens

to leave until they get full recognition

from the United States of America.

- The Biden Administration did not confirm

Americans are being held on the planes.

It's promising to holdthe Taliban to its pledge

to let people freely depart Afghanistan.

It also estimates thereare about 100 Americans

still in Afghanistan.

In economic news, several federal programs

helping people who lost theirjobs during the pandemic

are set to expire today,including the $300

monthly federal boost in unemployment.

All together, some sevenmillion people will be affected.

Economists believe ending the programs

will encourage people to go back to work.

A Virginia school teacher fired

for refusing to call a femalestudent by a male pronoun

is taking his case to theVirginia Supreme Court.

The circuit court turneddown Peter Vlaming's appeal.

The West Point SchoolBoard dismissed him in 2019

when he objected to calling a ninth grader

who'd been born female by thenew preferred pronoun, he.

Vlaming's attorneys sayno one should be forced

to contradict their corebeliefs to keep their job.

The number of peopleidentifying as transgender

is on the rise.

A growing concern is thatactivists are pushing

many teens and children topursue the transition process,

even if it requires hormone therapy

and sex reassignment surgery.

As Charlene Aaron showsus, a new film exposes

the harmful toll that it's having on kids

and their families.

- It's titled, "Trans Mission:

What's the Rush to Reassign Gender?".

The film sheds new lighton the growing trend

of children with genderdysphoria being treated

using puberty blocking drugs and surgery.

It also highlights the rolemedical professionals play

in encouraging these practicesas part of a social agenda.

The documentary features health experts,

educators and parents who see danger

in providing this medicaltransitioning for children.

Producer Jennifer Lahl ofthe Center for Bioethics

says trans men are helping fuel the trend.

- They aren't happy thatthey had to transition

after puberty becauseafter puberty, you know,

you have an Adam's apple,you have a deep voice,

you have big hands and feet,you know, you're large,

but this notion withinthe trans activists is,

"Ha ha, we can fix thisby blocking puberty

in these young boys and girls."

- [Charlene] Advocates arealso pushing the shocking idea

of allowing childrento make these decisions

without parental approval.

- How on Earth could a seven or eight

or nine year old young person say,

"Yes, I'd like to have my uterus removed,"

or "I'd like to be puton wrong sex hormones,

so I don't develop sperm andI don't get facial hair"?

- [Charlene] Doctors whooppose these treatments

point out how little data exists

on the impact ofhormones, puberty blockers

and gender surgeries on thebody throughout a lifetime.

- Many of them have said, "Wewish the doctor would've said,

'This is not the route we're gonna take,

we're not gonna push you onthis gender reassignment track

and put you on that fast track to cross,

that's hormones and surgeries,

we're gonna find out what'sreally going on here.'"

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Lahlsays the transgender movement

dismisses those who regret their decisions

because they don't fit the narrative.

- They want to shut us down.

They don't want to talkabout risks and harms.

They don't want to talk about the lies

that these families and thesechildren are being offered.

- [Charlene] Lahl says she made the film

to help parents andkids facing these issues

make more informeddecisions about the risks.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- One of the nation'soldest catholic churches

is undergoing a renovation.

Father Jim Curran isthe priest of the only

African-American basilicain the United States.

He calls himself, quote, "A white pastor

pastoring a black flock".

I recently visited Father Jim to see

the multi-million dollar renovation

that includes bringing new life

to a pre-Civil War pipe organ.

Take a look.

This towering treasurehas looked over the heart

of downtown Norfolk for 162 years.

A major reason the Basilica of Saint Mary

of the Immaculate Conception still stands

is because of the compassion of donors.

- Incredibly generous people.

And, you know, it was also very affirming

that the importance of thischurch to the city of Norfolk,

everybody seemed to care about it,

it has stood in this spot since 1858.

- [Mark] Another key historic note,

this is the only African-Americanbasilica in the country.

Father Jim Curran calls himself, quote,

"A white pastor pastoring a black flock,"

something he tells CBNNews is not an issue.

- And they have accepted me and loved me

and really formed me so, inso many ways in my faith.

That's the real beauty.

This is, this is gorgeous, too.

- [Mark] Father Jim sayswhat started six years ago

as a leaky roof repairexposed greater problems.

The entire structure was compromised

due to rotted out support beams.

It led to a restoration effort

that's grown into analmost seven million dollar

renovation project.

- The lord saw it throughand he gave us what we needed

and enough so much that wecould even include the organ,

which, again, was not part of our plan,

but we had it, so we decided to restore

that beautiful organ thathasn't been played in decades.

- [Mark] The majestic pipeorgan is the original instrument

believed to have been built in 1858.

Former organist, Dr. Brandon Spence,

calls the organ an old friend

and says it's a blessingto be able to play

the pre-Civil War instrument.

- Not everyone has accessto an instrument like this

with its history and thebeautiful sound that it makes

and just so many things.

I don't know that there'senough time for me

to adequately describe what it's like

to, to just be here againand to have played it

in the past and stillbe associated with it.

- Spence showed my crew and methe capabilities of the organ

and then introduced me personallyto his cherished friend.

(organ music)

It's remarkable that aninstrument of this age

is intact and playable.

The case that the organsits in is 36 feet high

and it has around 2,200 pipes.

- And to see the tears ofthe faces of Christians

when they heard it, theyhaven't heard it in decades

and they come in to this beautiful church

and they can hear the beautiful sound

and it was just so complete.

I cannot imagine whatit's gonna sound like

when we have the fullcapability of that organ.

It's just going to elevateall the way to heaven,

it's just incredible.

- The restoration of theorgan is 30% complete.

To finish it, FatherJim says it will require

another capital campaignto raise a million dollars,

with the goal of completingit in two to three years.

Pope John Paul the Second gave St. Mary's

the special designation,minor basilica, in 1991,

making it the only one in Virginia.

Spence says it helpedencourage black Catholics

and show them the churchcherishes their involvement.

And this massive pipeorgan in their midst,

full of history and sound,can also be inspiring.

- You know, it's all a part of prayer

and praise and thanks to God, you know,

so don't, don't come tojust look at an instrument,

it's much with an intimateconnection with people

who come and worship here and who have

for a century and a half now.

So, it's not a museum piece,it's something living,

I guess, our liturgies,our prayers of the church

throughout history and this organ,

it certainly is very much a part of that.

(organ music)

- Really is a hidden gem there,

wonderful to be able to play it.

And those are today's topstories from CBN News.

Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of today's 700 Club

right after this.

(upbeat music)

- A health crisis isplaguing America's military.

It's not COVID or cancer, it's suicide.

For five years in a row, the suicide rate

among our service menand women has gone up

and it's affecting everyonefrom current troops

to veterans and their families.

CBN national securitycorrespondent, Eric Philips,

has the story.

- Power through the battle.

It's a mantra of physicalmilitary training.

But, what about the mind?

I spoke with one womanwho saw this gap firsthand

when her husband took his own life

at the height of his military career.

And I spoke with those whobelieve they have some answers.

Major John Ruocco servedas a Marine Corps pilot

for 15 years, a really goodone, according to his wife, Kim,

and the accolades fromher don't stop there.

- My husband was a reallygreat dad and husband

and a superior marineand helicopter pilot,

but he battled, you know, depression

and post-traumatic stress andunresolved trauma and grief.

- [Eric] A battle he lost in 2005.

- I had, at the time, two boys,

they were eight ane 10 years old,

so nearly was thrown into this world

of surviving a military suicide loss.

- [Eric] A social worker by profession,

Kim often sensed subtle changesin her husband's behavior

during phone calls.

- I asked him directly if hewas thinking about suicide,

if he was feeling so badly that he was

thinking about suicide and he, he said,

"I would never do thatto you and the boys,"

and then he killed himselfa couple hours later.

- [Eric] John became partof a growing statistic

of active military and veteranswho have died by suicide.

The latest Pentagonresearch shows increases

over the last fiveyears, with more than 500

military suicides in 2018 alone.

A Veterans Administration report

indicates some 6,000veteran suicides each year

between 2005 and 2017.

- [Dr. Heather] Men, slightlymore likely to die by suicide

and women veterans, twice as likely.

- [Eric] Dr. Heather Kelly is director

of Military and Veterans Health Policy

at the American Psychological association.

- It's a complicated problem

and a lot of differentreasons for different people.

About half of thosemilitary service members

who die by suicide have never deployed,

much less seen combat, so they're subject

to life's stress that hasnothing to do with their service,

just like the rest of us.

- If you don't know whatdescending your back is.

- The culture continuesto be the biggest battle

in suicide prevention within the military.

- [Eric] But, there is help.

After her husband's death, Ruocco started

the Assistance Programfor Survivors, or TAPS.

- When there is a suicide,they're immediately connected

to us and so, we're able to then reach out

to those survivors, assess their needs,

stabilize them with trauma,with mental health issues,

with suicide risk and then help them

with suicide-specific issues,

like how do you tell your children?

- [Eric] On the preventionside, the American Bible Society

has rolled out the "GodUnderstands Campaign"

to help service memberswho are battling depression

and other mental health challenges.

It consists of testimoniesfrom people like Bryan Flanery,

who attempted suicide while in the army.

- Spoiler alert, I failed.

Almost every day, at the start of my day,

I remember sitting inthat empty barracks room

and I let myself feel the emotions again.

The hopelessness, the pain, the anguish.

And then I look around at my life today

and I see how God truly, hedidn't put a band-aid on it,

but he truly restored my soul.

- So, that emphasis behindthe "God Understands"

is for people to listen to other stories

to realize that they're not the only one

that's feeling like they've failed,

they're not the only one that ever

were to walk this journey by themselves.

- Groseclose says socialdistancing only magnifies

feelings of isolation and that could cause

the already growing suicide number

among service members to spike.

He says "God Understands"provides a unique human

and divine connection.

Is this what we need tostave off that trend?

- The way of ending veteransuicide is with Jesus.

- Experts say faith is what'scalled a protective factor

when it comes to suicide.

In other words, thosewho identify with faith,

no matter what faith itis, are at a lower risk

of dying by suicide.

Eric Philips, CBN News.

- If you're in the military,if you're a veteran

and you're having thoughtslike this, please get help.

Don't isolate, that's one ofthe warning signs, if you will.

Get with fellow veterans.

Anyone who's gone throughthe stress of combat,

the number one thing that helps

is being around other veterans.

I know in COVID-19, that's very difficult.

But there are plenty of online places

you can do this safely, throughZoom or other technologies,

where you can talk with peoplewho have been in combat, too.

So, get the help that you need.

Don't isolate.

Please don't turn tomedications or alcohol

or anything like that.

If you're drinking toget rid of the memories,

all you're doing isirrigating your problem,

you're not solving it,you're just adding to it.

Reach out, get help andrealize that help is there

and it will be there for you.

And when you have theknowledge that God is for you,

he's not against you, he's for you

and even though you've walked through

the Valley of the Shadow of Death,

you don't have to fear evil

because he's right there with you.

When you have these things in your favor,

when God is for you,what can be against you?

So, reach out, get help, please, please,

with everything withinme, please get the help

that you need.


- Well, still ahead, like a body blow,

that's what this man felt when he was told

he had prostate cancer.

So, why did he refuse surgery

and what did he do instead?

The answers are coming up.

But first, a husband doesn'tsee eye to eye with his wife

when it comes to giving, whatmakes him do a complete 180

and how does it lead tofive thriving businesses?

You'll find out after this.

(upbeat music)

- From single mom tosuccessful entrepreneur,

Belinda Ndu is living the dream.

She built a thriving business from scratch

and when she married,she taught her husband

to do the same.

Well, now she wants toshare that lesson with you.

- [Narrator] Obi and BelindaNdu have seven beautiful kids.

They also run five thriving businesses

that brought in over twomillion dollars last year.

It's a welcomed change from years ago

when Belinda was a singlemother, barely making ends meet.

- All I really saw was poverty.

All I saw was the struggle.

I didn't want that formyself and I didn't want that

for my future.

I wanted a different life.

- [Narrator] She beganreading the Bible for answers.

- Then I realized that the lord said,

"If you will, then I will."

So, if I'm faithful with10% of whatever you give me,

then you will, in turn,bless me abundantly.

- [Narrator] Even though shewas struggling at the time,

Belinda started tithingfaithfully every month.

- And I was so excited to show God

that I am going to be faithful.

- [Narrator] Within a fewweeks, Belinda got a job

selling legal services.

She kept tithing and helping others.

- I would pay my 10% to God and the lord

would then, you know,always send someone to me

that needed help and I wasvery faithful with that

and I even began to help ministries

and the lord justcontinued to increase me.

And then, I went fromgetting $1,000 a month

to now, I'm getting $5,000 a month.

- [Narrator] Then, in 2009,Belinda got the opportunity

to start a tax business andthings took off from there.

- And as a result of my faithfulness,

the lord, that year, blessedme with over six figures.

- [Narrator] In May of2012, Belinda married Obi,

but he wasn't convincedtithing was a good idea.

- When tithing situations would come up,

there would be this thing inside like,

"Ugh, why do we haveto give this money up?"

"Like, we need it."

"Can we make sure we're okay first?"

- [Narrator] Rather than fight with him,

Belinda decided to be patient and pray.

- The enemy uses force and God gives us

the ability to choose.

So, I wanted my husband to choose it

because he saw it and he was convicted

and I knew that God could dothat in his time and not mine.

And I knew that, as a wifeand as a woman of God,

I could not interfere with that process.

- [Narrator] Soon, Obi was on board, too.

- What started to happen for me was

I wanted inclusion in it,I wanted a part of it.

She had this calm, she had this presence,

she had this power thatI knew that I wanted.

- He actually got to the point to where

he's now coming to me and he's like,

"Okay, babe, you know, wegotta return our tithe."

Well, it's a financial principle,

so, once he saw that, hebegan to really respect it.

- [Narrator] The Ndu'sexpanded their tax business

and invested in new ones.

As their income steadily increased,

so did their giving.

- He says, "I wish aboveall that you would prosper

and be in health," so,not just financially

is his promise to bless us,but also, in our whole being

and I see that the lord hasdefinitely done that with us.

- [Narrator] Obi and Belinda both say

their obedience to faithfully tithe

is the reason for theirfinancial stability

and wealth today.

- If you think about it,tithing is the only area

that the lord says, "Test me."

We've made several million dollars.

It's been truly a blessing and I know

that it's the hands of the Lord

and I know it's because I tested him.

- And you can test him, too.

It's the only time we get to test him,

is with our tithes and offerings

and it's an open invitationfrom the Book of Micah.

"Test me in this, prove me now in this,

if I will not open for youthe windows of heaven."

Now, for Obi and Belinda, that testing

was actually a process tolead them to obedience.

But once they got there, they realized,

"Well, I should've beendoing this all along."

"This should've been part ofmy life from the beginning."

God's not trying to keep things from you,

what he's trying to do is bless you.

He's trying to love youand here's the principle,

it's from the words of Jesus.

Now, keep in mind somethingthat I learned from my father.

When Jesus, the son of God,by whom and through whom

all things were made, when he speaks,

he's speaking for all eternity

and he's giving you thekeys to the kingdom of God,

to the dominion of God.

That means where the willof God is being done,

that's another way to put it.

But, what he's doing, he'slaying down laws of the universe.

It may seem counter-intuitive to you,

but when Jesus announces these laws,

he's saying, "I'm puttingmy everything into it,

I'm going to watch overthis word to perform it."

Here's the principle.

From Luke, Chapter Six, "Giveand it will be given to you."

"A good measure, presseddown, shaken together

and running over will bepoured into your lap."

"For with the measure you use,

it will be measured to you."

Now, Obi and Belinda proved it

and with the measure they used,

it got measured back to them.

This isn't some get rich quick thing,

this isn't some heavenly slot machine,

it's nothing like that, it's when you have

a life of obedience tosay, "I'm going to give,

I'm going to give back,I'm going to give to God,

he's provided for me, I'm goingto take 10% of my increase

and give it back tohim, give it to others,

help the poor, deliver people

from the oppression of poverty,

I want to be a part of all of that,"

when you resolve to do that, that's when

the windows of heavenopen and wonderful things

can happen for you.

But the best thing is being confident

to know that you're beingobedient to what God asks of us

and you walk through life realizing

you're walking into theblessing and provision

of God Almighty and hewill watch over his word

to perform it.

Now, if you want to start doing this,

all you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000.

What are we asking you to do?

Well, we're asking youto join The 700 Club.

How much is that?

Well, it's just $20 amonth, that breaks out

to 65 cents a day.

Some can join at 700 ClubGold, that's $40 a month.

We also have a 1,000 Club,that's $1,000 a year,

that breaks out to $84 a month.

At whatever level, call us and say,

"Yes, I want to be a part."

When you join The 700 Club,

you're part of Operation Blessing,

a portion of every giftgoes into that work.

You're a part of everything,whether it's this broadcast,

all of our international broadcasts,

all of the work of Operation Blessing,

you're a part when you join The 700 Club.

So, do it, 1-800-700-7000.

When you call with your pledge

and you sign up for Pledge Express,

that's electronic monthly giving,

we send "Power For Life"monthly teaching CDs to you.

So, if you'd like those,ask for Pledge Express

when you call.



- Well, coming up later,from drug dealer to Navy Seal

to actor in a moviedirected by Michael Bay.

Remi Adeleke shares hisamazing transformation.

But first, he asked Godfor a sign and he got one.

See how this man was miraculouslyhealed of prostate cancer.

That's later on today's 700 Club.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to The 700 Club.

Among the many private efforts underway

to rescue Americans andAfghans from the Taliban

is Glenn Beck's Nazarene Fund.

Recently, Beck told FoxNews's Tucker Carlson

he got extra help from Kenneth Copeland,

who loaned his private jet for travel

related to the project.

Beck says all funds raisedare going to rescue efforts.

Superbook and OperationBlessing in Costa Rica

are giving hope to childrenby providing eye care

to children in poor areas.

In partnership withHospital Clinica Biblica,

the team is setting up monthly clinics

to give eye exams anddistribute glasses to children.

Additionally, the team distributes

Superlibro One Hopebooklets and participates

in a Superbook Bible versechallenge with the children.

This four month programallows children to return

and continue to participatewith Superbook activities,

so that they can growtheir faith in Christ.

And you can find out moreabout what CBN is doing

around the world by goingto

Gordon and Terry will beback right after this.

(upbeat music)

- When Ken Johnston wasdiagnosed with prostate cancer,

his doctor recommended surgery.

Ken suggested prayer instead.

His doctor agreed and thatset the stage for a miracle.

- When Dr. Merchantsaid, "You have cancer,"

that was like a body blow.

- [Narrator] On March 19, 2007,

Ken Johnston of Midlothian, Virginia

went for a routinecheck-up, but the results

of his blood test showed elevated PSA,

a marker for prostate cancer.

A twelve-sample biopsyconfirmed the diagnosis, cancer.

- My heart sank because mymother had died of cancer

and she had a fairlylengthy, lingering death,

so that was very, very sobering.

- [Narrator] His urologist,Dr. Wilson Merchant,

recommended surgery, but Ken, a pastor

for over thirty years, wasn't convinced

surgery was the answer.

- I wanted to experiencewhat God had said in his word

in James Five about healingand so, I suggested to him

that maybe we pray about the situation.

- Prostate cancer progressesslowly over 10 to 20 years,

so, I was okay with waiting a few months

and I was certainly fine withpraying about the situation.

- We prayed right there in his office

and he actually led in prayer.

- I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ,

who I believe is the son of God

and walked on this Earthand he healed people.

I think we, as physicians,need to always turn

to God to heal.

- [Narrator] Ken toldhis church and asked them

to pray for healing.

But he quickly pushed his concerns

and prayers for himself aside.

- There are always lots of urgent things

that demand attention nowand so, it's difficult

to get an extended periodof time to seek God.

- [Narrator] Two months later,his PSA had risen to 15.5.

- I was concerned that theremight be some progression

and so, I suggested that heconsider surgery at that time.

- It was a little bit frightening.

I had been regretting the fact

that I had not reallysought God as seriously

as I might have.

I didn't give it all I hadin terms of seeking God.

- [Narrator] In spite of Ken'sreservations about surgery,

he scheduled it for later that fall,

but since Ken opted for anewer procedure using robotics,

another doctor in thepractice had to take over.

So, a month before thesurgery, the new doctor

had Ken go in for another PSA test.

- I wasn't too sure if Ishould be looking for a miracle

or if I should just simply go for surgery.

I just prayed a little prayerout in the parking lot,

"Lord, I need a sign fromyou as to which way to go,"

because I realized thisis serious business.

I have a wife, I have twochildren, it's not just about me.

- [Narrator] Inside, Kenmet medical assistant,

Rebecca Whittle.

- I jokingly said to her,"I need a good report."

And then I said to her,"Actually, what I really need

is a healing."

- And I just say, "Well,you know, God sent you

to the right place."

"I had cervical cancer and God healed me,

so God will heal you."

And that's when he got to talking about,

you know, he was a pastor andeverything and he preached it.

I said, "Well, then you need to live it."

"If you preach it, you needto live it because it's true."

I said, "And I put my faith with yours

that God is going to heal you from this."

- [Narrator] Rebeccatook his blood sample.

Soon after, she got the report,

Ken's PSA had dropped from 15.5 to 7.4.

- And I thought to myself,"This has to be God."

"This is God sending me a message."

- [Narrator] Ken postponedthe surgery again,

but this time he went to a friend's cabin

where he spent the nextthree days alone with God,

praying and fasting.

Halfway through the second day...

- There came an assurance down over me

that I was healed and I feltlike God was saying to me,

"I want you to fast one moreday and then you can go home."

I knew that I knew I was healed

because I found that I couldnot pray for healing anymore.

- [Narrator] Three monthslater, in January 2008,

he went back for anotherPSA test and a new biopsy.

Ken's hopes were high,but the test results

were disappointing.

His PSA had jumped from 7.4 to 8.7.

- I thought, "If I amhealed, why is this number

a little higher?"

So, I was nervous about that.

And God seemed to speak to me very clearly

and say, "Wait for theresults of the biopsy."

- A few days later, on January 18th, 2008,

Ken got the biopsy results.

- All of the 12 biopsieswere free of cancer.

- I was ecstatic because I thought,

"All right, we have seenthe power of God here,

this is the manifestationof the power of God,"

and that thrilled my soul.

- [Narrator] Since thattime, Ken has been clear

of prostate cancer.

He credits prayer withchanging his outcome

and his doctor agrees.

- I have no problem sayingthat this was evidence

of God's healing.

And he heals in different ways.

Sometimes He will use physicians

and their surgical procedures to heal.

I see God behind it in all things.

- The Bible say it'simpossible to please God

without faith, so you justput your faith out there

and believe it and believe that

and God is not gonna let you down.

- He came through in a wonderful way

and so, I have more confidence

with regard to prayingfor whatever it might be,

as well as healing.

- Wow, there are several messages in there

for all of us, aren't there?

But I, I love the processthat God took Ken through

of trusting and believing,getting into the word,

hearing, you know, he's so right,

the world is a noisy place andfinding those quality times

where you can reallyget away with the lord

and hear what he's speakingto you is so important.

And over and over again, "Iam the lord, your healer,

trust me, I've got this."

And he's got it for you, too,

so today we want to takesome time to pray for you

and whatever your needs might be.

A remarkable story.

- Remarkable story.

A remarkable story ofa journey of healing.

- [Terry] Yes.

- And a journey of faith.

That sometimes when this bad news comes,

particularly if you've hadtragedy in your family,

he had tragedy, and thefear that comes with that,

you know, the, what Job said,

"The thing I feared has come upon me,"

and how that grips your soul, it just,

it can literally shipwreck your faith.

But then the journey, tofind people along the way,

that witnesses after God's own heart

who are there to say,"Yes, I'll agree with you,

I'll pray with you," a doctor who says,

"Yes, I'll pray," someonewho's taking your blood says,

"Let's pray, let's ask for a miracle,

if you're a pastor andyou're preaching this,

well, you gotta live it,you can't just preach it."

Here's just a simple thought,

and healing can get very simple,

it's when we make itcomplicated, things get far away,

keep it very simple,here's a simple thought,

God is your father, he numbersevery hair on your head,

the Bible's very clear, henumbers every single hair,

he's concerned abouteverything in your life.

There's nothing too smallfor him, nothing too great.

So, just fall back into that love.

Realize if he's concernedenough that he knows every hair,

then he's in love with you.

And faith works through love.

When you're still in that bargaining,

when you're still in that begging,

when you're still inall of those positions,

when you have all of that,just lean into his love

and realize he's there.

He can knit everything together again,

he can change things, he can heal.

Now, we're going to pray.

Just like in that story, peoplecame alongside and prayed.

"When two or more agree touching anything,

it shall be done by my father in heaven,"

these are the words of Jesus.

But, before we pray,here's some other miracles

and here's one that justshows how concerned God is.

Here's Maria.

"I was watching the program on July 21st."

"I was nervous because the next day

I had a U.S. citizenship test."

"I was born in Sicily andhad been in this country

for over 30 years, but hadnever become a citizen."

"Well, I just finishedpraying and asking the lord

for a sign that everything would be okay."

"And then, Terry had a word and said,

'Someone who was not born in this country,

been here for a number of years,

you are worried about your future.'"

"'God is opening doors foryou and making a way.'"

"'Trust him, it's being done for you.'"

"Well, I claimed that was for me

and today I took mycitizenship test and passed."

"I am now a U.S. citizen."

"Praise God."

- Wow.- Yay.

- Wonderful.

Every detail, God is aware of.

Well, this is Charles wholives in Aiea, Hawaii.

He had damaged both of his knees

while serving as aparatrooper for the U.S. Army

and the U.S. Navy.

At age 84, he had learnedto live over the years

with constant pain and limitations.

So, Charles was watchingthis program last May

and, Gordon, you say, "There is someone,

you're laying hands on both knees,

there's tremendous pain in both knees."

"All of that pain is dissipating away,

all of the cartilage andcushioning in the knee

is being restored."

"There will be full and complete function

from this moment forward."

So, by faith, Charles puthis hands on his knees

and by the next day, hehad received full healing

in both knees.

- Hallelujah.- Hallelujah.

- God is good.

Just lean back into it, God is good.

He's concerned for you, he'sworking all things together

for good for those who love him

and are called according to his purpose,

he's created a wonderful heaven for us,

he's created a wonderful Earth for us

and he wants to be God.

He wants us to be his children.

Let's pray.

Lord, we just lift all in the audience

who have needs right now and we just speak

healing over them.

We speak that by your stripes,

by your sacrifice, byyour blood, we are healed.

We are saved, we are delivered

and we're able to comeboldly to throne of grace.

So, Lord God, stretch forthyour hand to do miracles,

manifest yourself, give people the faith

that they need to believe,speak your word of healing,

give them the assurance that they need,

let your presence beall around them, in them

and through them and healthem now, in Jesus' name.

There's someone, youhave a tremendous burning

in your esophagus and you're worried,

you're worried that what the doctors say

could be precancerousis turning to cancer,

God is just healing that,you just felt a touch

go through that and thatburning is now gone.

In Jesus' name, be healed and every cell

in your esophagus be normal.

No more irritation, no more scarring,

no more inflammation, but inJesus' name, perfectly healed.

No more acid, no moreproblems, in the name of Jesus.


- Yeah, there's someone,you're on a respirator

or someone you love is on a respirator,

I don't know that it'snecessarily COVID related,

but the reports that you're getting

are not very positive,but the word of the lord

to you today is to speaklife over your loved one,

to speak the word over your loved one,

to trust and believe God for the turnabout

that is coming, it is so close.

Stand in faith for the one that you love

and watch a miracle of Godtake place, in Jesus' name.

- This is an unusualone, you had an accident

with a nail gun and anail went into your skull

or into the bone of theskull or somehow cracked it.

The nail's gone, but you're living

with the lingering effect of that.

God's healing that, he'shealing the bone in your skull,

he's knitting it back together.

There won't even be a signof the fracture anymore.

God is healing you, he's setting you free

from all the consequence of that.

He's breaking the trauma of the injury,

the memory of the injury off of you.

Walk free from it now, in Jesus' name.

- Yeah, there's someoneelse, you had Bell's palsy

and a part of your face is paralyzed,

it's not recent, it'ssomething that happened

quite awhile ago and youhave just kind of accepted

that you're stuck with thisfor the rest of your life.

Today, God's healing you.

- Lord, we thank you.

We thank you for your mercy,your grace, your love,

we don't deserve any of it,but you just pour it out on us,

you just shower us with this.

We thank you for it.

Be with us now, for weask it all in Jesus' name,

amen and amen.

If you've been healed, let us know.

Give us your good reportabout what God is doing today.

And if you need healing,we're here for you.

We're here for you 24 hoursa day, seven days a week.

All you have to do is pickup the phone and call us,


We'll be right back after this.

(upbeat music)

- Well, we want to take time to answer

some of the email you've sent in.

This first one, Gordon,comes from Jennifer,

who says, "When a saved person dies,

are they immediately in heavenin the presence of God?"

- Well, Jennifer, theApostle Paul says that.

He wrote that to be absent from the body

is to be present with the lord.

And so, there's something there.

I mean, your soul andyour spirit are with God.

But there still awaits theresurrection of the body,

so, the new body, sowhen does that happen?

You know, you look at, thereare lots of Bible verses

talking about the physical resurrection,

talking about the new bodies we'll have.

Jesus had his immediatelyand so, how does that work?

The Bible's actuallynot that clear on that,

but it is very clear tobe absent from the body

is to be present with the lord.

- Okay, Brian wants toknow, "How can I be sure

of my salvation?"

- Well, Brian, that's something the Bible

encourages you to makesure that you are sure

and it says work it out.

"Work it out with fear and trembling,

for it is God who works in you,

both to will and to dofor his good pleasure."

And so, if you're notsure of your salvation,

please get sure.

And I've got to ask somefollowing questions,

what's blocking your surety?

Is there something that you've done

that you say, "God can't forgive this,"

or "I can't forgive this"?

I think a lot of people holdonto their own guilt and shame,

even though Jesus paid the price for it

and God has forgiven you, butyou haven't forgiven yourself.

For those instances, I strongly encourage

finding strong spiritualguidance with a pastor

and you're able to tellthe pastor in confidence

what it is that you're holding onto,

so that you can receivethe assurance of salvation.

Confess your sins to one another

is something the Biblestrongly encourages,

so that you can be healed, soyou can be set free from this.

And the amazing thing thathappens when you confess,

you find out that, well, there are others

that have been throughthis and perhaps a pastor

can show you some biblical examples

and that will bring you peace.

- This is Peggy who says,"I've been praying for healing

for a long time."

"I've lost vision in myeyes, I'm on dialysis

and my health is declining."

"How can I reach JesusChrist for forgiveness

for what I've done in my life?"

- Well, Peggy, you've got twoquestions in one question.

One is about healing, theother one is about forgiveness

and the Apostle John was clear

that if our consciencecondemn us, that is a problem.

So, let's not have a guilty conscience

when we go before God.

And here's the scripture,"Beloved, if our heart

does not condemn us, wehave confidence toward God."

"And whatever we ask, we receive for him

because we keep hiscommandments and do those things

that are pleasing in his sight."

"And what is the commandment?"

"That we should believeon his name of his son,

Jesus Christ, and love one another."

So, Peggy, the issue is do you believe?

Do you believe in the name of Jesus?

Do you love other people?

If you do those things,then you have the confidence

that you need to go boldlyand ask for healing.

That's all the time we have.

We leave you with thesewords from Ephesians Two.

"For by grace you havebeen saved through faith

and not of yourselves,it is the gift of God,

not of works, lest anyone should boast."

God bless.

(upbeat music)


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