Emma encourages Alitheia to practice self-control when it comes to her eating habits.
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- You're watching thesuperbook show and I'm Emma.
- And I'm (stomachrumbling sound) Alitheia.
- Hey, uh, Are you okay?
- No.
- I think I ate too much.
(more rumbling sound)
- Too much what?
- Everything. Uhhhh.
- You ate too much everything?
- Yes. All the foods:cakes, pies, chicken thighs.
You name it.
- I mean, why?
- I was celebrating?
- Oh. Well, that makes sense.
What were you celebrating?
- Tuesday.
- Am I missing something?
You ate buffet-style because
it was the second day of the workweek?
- Yeah. I always eat like that on days
that end in y.
- Well, you got to take it easy.
You can't eat like thaton a regular basis,
that's not good for you.
- I find food does a body good.
- That's milk.
- Yeah, I like some milk too.
(uncomfortable sounds)
- It sounds like you could use
some fruit instead.
- You know what?
That's the one thing I didn't have.
- Well, I hope not, because I'm talking
about the fruit of the spirit.
- The holy spirit is vegan?
- No. The fruit of the spirit.
First, the charactertraits of the holy spirit.
And when he lives withus, we can have them too.
- So, which fruit of the spirit do I need?
Holy papaya?
Probably not dragon fruit,That sounds like the devil.
- No, temperance
- Is that like sushi?
I ordered shrimp temperancelast night I think.
- That's tempera.
- Temperance is anotherword for self control.
- Ohhhhhhhhhh.
- The Bible basically says that when
we follow the desire of our sinful nature,
it produces negative results.
But when Christ lives inus, it produces fruit.
Like love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness.
And self-control.
- So losing controlwhen you're eating falls
into the negative category, right?
- Well yeah, but it can be anything
that has a hold on you.
Eating isn't bad, of course.
But overeating can hurt you
and make you feel like
- (stomach rumbling sounds)
- the way you feel right now.
- Okay. I think I get it.
- Well good!
- I need to go on a fruit diet.
- Well, that's one way of putting it.
- Okay. Then it's settled.
God, please help me to have
your character traits,
and use self-control.
- Amen.
- And please bless this food
that I'm about to receive
- What?
- Easy buddy. The fruit of the spirit.
Have a little faith.
- His word is forever alive.
Check out thesuperbookshow.com
to learn more about being like God.
- Sushi temperance.
- Alitheia
- Self Control.
- Probably not grapefruit.
That sounds like the devil.
- No.
- [Speaker 3] He does that.
- Dragonfruit.
Oh, I was celebrating.
I always celebrate.
- Tuesday.