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Strong Inaction - The Superbook Show

Josie encourages Alitheia to do nothing like King David rather than try to get revenge on her classmate. Read Transcript

- Welcome back to The Superbook Show.

- And today we're going to be talking

about the sweet, sweet joy of revenge.

- Yep, we, wait, what?

(playful dramatic music)

(logo whooshing)

(text whooshing)

Okay, I thought we were talking

about faith, hope and love.

- Circumstances have changed.

- And just what circumstancesare we talking about?

- You know Monica from my school, right?

- Monica?

Oh, is she the girl thatusually bullies you sometimes?

- Yeah, in gym class.

She's always making funof me for being weaker

than she is, which is so unfair.

She's twice my size.

- I'm sorry.- No need to be sorry.

Vengeance is about to be mine.

- What's that?

- This is Monica's.

I found it at the bus pickup.

Look, Monica's school IDand her mom's credit card.

- You should give that back.

- Nuh-uh, this is a God-given opportunity

to get back at her, toshow her I'm not weak.

- Well, what are you gonna do with it?

- I haven't decided yet.

Maybe post the credit information online.

That will get her intoreal trouble with her mom.

- Okay, um, you know what?

I agree, this is a God given opportunity

to show Monica just how strong you are.

- I knew you would come around.

What should I do?

- Nothing.

That'll show her.

- Nothing?

- Uh huh.

- Okay, you've got that look.


- Remember David?

- Does he go to your school?

- No, from the Bible.

- Oh, yeah, killed Goliath, became king.

- He wasn't weak, right?

- Duh, he was a great warrior.

- And he sometimes showed his strength

by not showing his strength.

- Example needed.

- Remember how Saul,the king before David,

was jealous of David?

- Yeah, of course,

he thought the peopleloved David more than him.

He tried to kill David.

(dramatic music)

(Saul grunting)(sword striking)

- Twice more he sought to have me killed,

even in my own home.

Finally, my men and I had to flee

and yet, Saul just won't give up.

- So you remember howGod gave David a chance

to get revenge on Saul?

- To be honest, I don'tthink I know this story.

- David and his men werehiding in caves in the hills.

Saul's army camped out below

and Saul came up to the cave by himself.

(dramatic music)(footsteps pattering)

- David, this is the day ofwhich the Lord said to you,

behold, I will deliveryour enemy into your hand

to do with as you wish.

- Yes, as I wish.

- Yes.

Did David kill Saul?

Capture him?

Steal his mother's credit card?

- Something much strongerthan any of that.

He did nothing.

- Nothing?

- Well, nearly nothing.

He snuck up behind the king

and cut off a piece of his robe.

- How is that strong?

- Well, he showed Saul thathe could have done worse

but he chose not to.

- For the Lord placed youat my mercy back there

in the cave.

Some of my men told me tokill you but I spared you.

- Whoa.

- He could have gotten back at Saul

but by choosing to do nothing,

he proved that he was stronger than Saul.

- Well, I have a chanceto get back at Monica

or to prove to her that Iam stronger than she is.

- When in doubt, ask whatwould God want you to do?

- Tell off Monica.

Well, we should wrap this up soon.

I better return this.

She's probably worried sickabout losing this stuff.

- I think you're making the write choice.

- Being strong is hard.

- Amen to that.

His word is forever alive.

(logo whooshing)

You can learn more about David and Saul

by watching the full episode for free


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- See you next time.

(logo whooshing)

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