- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- And thank you so much forjoining us on this Tuesday,
September 2, 2021, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, the Supremecourt by a narrow vote
of five to four leavingin place the new Texas ban
on abortions after a fetalheartbeat is detected.
We're gonna take a look at the law.
And we'll have a reporton what pro-lifers believe
could happen if the Supreme Court does
eventually overturn Roe versus Wade.
As COVID-19 spreads among children,
the debate over requiringstudents to wear masks
versus parent's rights.
And, all those letters to Godthat are mailed to Jerusalem.
Exactly what happens to them?
We're gonna bring you theanswer to that question.
All those stories and more are ahead
in today's edition of "CBN Newswatch."
We want to begin this half hourwith the latest development
in the national battle over abortion
as the U.S. SupremeCourt votes five to four
to allow the new Texaslaw banning most abortions
to remain in place.
The close vote denied an emergency appeal
from abortion providers andothers to block the law.
Chief justice John Roberts
joined the court's three liberals.
It went into effect yesterday,
as reported right here on "Newswatch."
But other challenges may stillbe brought against the law,
which is the strictestin the United States.
CBN's Brody Carter tellsus more about the law.
- Statistics show there couldbe as many as 3,000 abortions
in the U.S. each day.
And while this heartbeatbill is expected to trim
that number in Texas, it'salso reminding the country
about life inside the womb.
- This extreme Texaslaw blatantly violates
the constitutional rightestablished under Roe v. Wade
and upheld as precedentfor nearly half a century.
- So as of today, babiesin Texas are being saved.
- [Brody] Aborting a baby witha heartbeat is now a crime
in the state of Texas.
- What unimagined joy it is
to see Roe crumbling infront of our very eyes.
- [Brody] Senate Bill 8 makes it illegal
to abort a baby once aheartbeat is detected,
which can happen as early asfive weeks into the pregnancy.
What's key is this lawwon't be enforced by police.
It'll be in the hands of private citizens.
- The abortion lobby isfreaking out and they're saying,
"Oh, you can put abounty on someone's head
if you take them to havean illegal abortion."
But you know, the answerto that is, well then,
don't take someone tohave an illegal abortion.
- [Brody] Alexis McGill Johnson,
President of PlannedParenthood, said in a tweet
their abortion clinicswould remain open in Texas,
promising to help Texans"navigate this dangerous law."
- All of America's a littlebit confused right now,
even pro-lifers, where is the court?
But we know one thing, Roe is crumbling,
and it's a really excitingtime to be a pro-lifer.
- The Supreme Court alreadyhas a major pro-life case
on its hands to be considered this Fall.
That's the Dobbs late abortion case.
And when they're going toaddress the very question
of whether bans onabortion before the point
of viability are always unconstitutional
or whether there are exceptions there.
- [Brody] However, this becomesthe law of the land in Texas
and is expected to save thelives of 150 babies each day.
- I worked at PlannedParenthood for eight years
as clinic director.
I saw a 13-week-oldbaby fight and struggle
for his life against theabortion instruments.
And I knew then that therewas life in the womb,
there was humanity in the womb,
and if those two things were true,
then I knew that I was on thewrong side of this debate.
- [Brody] Brody Carter, CBN News.
- The effects of former hurricane Ida
are being felt today inthe Northeast as remnants
of the powerful stormbrought multiple tornadoes
and historic flooding.
At least nine people areconfirmed dead as of this morning
and hundreds of thousandsare without power.
George Thomas has that story.
- [George] Relentlessrain from the remnants
of Hurricane Ida sent New York City
and parts of New Jerseyinto a state of emergency.
The rainfall so intense thatthe National Weather Service
in New York City declaring its first ever
flash flood emergencies asdramatic video showed roads
and highways completely under water.
This was the scene at NewYork City's 28th Street
as a cascade of water gushedinto the train station.
Passengers stunned aswater poured all around.
Not too far away, firefightershaving to rescue this man
from a car stuck in deep floodwaters.
The scene in Bronx equally stunning.
More than a dozen carsunder water on this highway.
- I was driving down, andthen I was taking my time
and I see the cars startfloating, you know.
- [George] Central Parkin New York City getting
over three inches of rain in one hour.
The National Weather Service says
that made it the wettest hourin the city's recordkeeping
dating back to 1870.
(woman crying)
Some anxious moments for thistenant on East 22nd Street
in Manhattan as flood watersuddenly just appeared
in her apartment.
Moments later, a gush ofwater comes rushing in.
At least seven people diedin the city Wednesday night.
Some 280,000 people are without power.
In New Jersey, more dramatic moments
as this driver capturesa tornado touched down
in Mullica Hill.
Multiple tornadoes hit the areas,
destroying several homes and businesses.
Meanwhile, in Houma, Louisiana, teams
with Operation Blessingpartnering with Life Church
in that state's ongoing cleanup efforts
after Ida came barrelingthrough over the weekend.
Operation Blessing deliveringa truckload of water,
tarps and other disaster relief supplies
to areas hardest hit by the hurricane.
Cleanup teams on the ground are expecting
to bring in a mobilekitchen, more generators,
and other items in the days ahead.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- Grace Community Churchpastored by John MacArthur
will be getting two financial settlements
in their legal battle withthe state of California
and the city of Los Angelesover COVID-19 restrictions.
The state and city will paysettlements of $400,000 each.
The church continued holdingindoor worship services
despite government bans.
MacArthur also refused to enforce mask
and social distance guidelinesfor people inside the church.
He argued such mandatesviolate freedom of religion
protected by the constitution.
But Sunday MacArthur said thatCOVID infections had spread
through the congregation in the winter
and he and his wife gotthe virus in December.
One of the impacts of thecontagious Delta variant is
how it is spreadingrapidly among children.
That is leaving more schooldistricts across the country
to require students to wear masks.
And what about the rightsof parents, though?
Medical Reporter Lorie Johnsontakes us inside this debate.
- Millions of children areheading back to school.
For many, it's the firsttime in over a year
they're gathering in person,something medical experts say
is much healthier for thekids than distance learning.
- Being in the school, itmakes me feel this feeling.
It's a very happy feeling.
- [Lorie] Educators worry, however,
that in-person instructionwe'll need to go virtual again
due to widespread COVID-19 outbreaks.
Pediatric cases continue to rise,
with more than 204,000 reported last week.
300 kids a day being hospitalized.
In South Carolina, MystiqueGoodwin's daughter Omari
is fighting for her life.
- I'm just glad right now,
because they did take her outthe medically-induced coma.
We still have a long road to go.
- [Lorie] In an effortto minimize infections,
many school districts areconsidering mask mandates,
some getting considerablepushback from parents.
- [Crowd] Unmask our kids!
- [Crowd] No more masks, no more masks!
- [Lorie] Mask mandate argumentsat school board meetings
getting emotional, even physical at times.
- [Reporter] All ofthis on live television.
- [Lorie] Further illustrating the divide,
a Gallup poll shows 48% of parents say
all students should wear masks at school.
41% say no students shouldbe required to do so.
And 11% say masks should only be required
for unvaccinated students.
Nine governors have outlawedschool mask mandates,
Four of them now face legal challenges.
The other five face an educationdepartment investigation
on whether outlawing thosemandates discriminates
against kids withcompromised immune systems
and other issues.
- We know the spread of COVID happens
when masks are not being used.
- [Lorie] The CDC says,based on recent data,
school districts should require masks,
but some, like the HeritageFoundation's Doug Badger,
says that data is flawed,arguing the infection rate
among kids in schools with mask mandates
was not statistically significant compared
with schools where mask use was optional.
Dr. Chris Winter is oneof a number of physicians
who says wearing a mask atschool is worth the effort.
- Is it going to preventevery bit of community spread
of a Delta variant?
Of course it's not.
Nothing that we know of can.
Can it slow or hinder the progress
of something of that nature?
And I think the data is absolutely there.
It's not debatable, really.
I mean, masks work.
- [Lorie] Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Coming up, theTexas law on abortions
and the Supreme Court's decision
and just the latest landmarks in legal
and cultural battles over abortion.
We're gonna take a look at whyman pro-lifers are optimistic
about the future, but also warnthe fight could get intense.
We've got the story foryou when we come back.
(dramatic music)
(hard-driving rock music)
- Having sex before you'remarried is a bad idea.
- [Man] Don't tell me
there's no such thing as gun violence.
- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.
(hard driving rock music)
- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics
that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire."
Monday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
(hard-driving rock music)
- [Announcer] "The Global Lane" takes you
around the world, providingfacts over fiction.
- What might rising trade andgeopolitical tensions mean
for you on the home front?
- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,
award-winning journalist GaryLane brings you the truth
from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Announcer] World news analysis
you won't see anywhere else.
- [Gary] And it's all righthere on "The Global Lane."
- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
(upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ But with almost satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- There's a culture shifttaking place in America.
Abortion clinics are closing
as more pro-life pregnancycenters are opening up,
outnumbering them bya rate of four to one.
Now, with the moreconservative Supreme Court,
pro-life advocates see a real chance
to strike down Roe versus Wade.
But does that mean pro-abortion forces
will just pick up and go home?
That's the question.
Charlene Aaron explores whatlies ahead in the fight.
- For 25 years, the National Institute
of Family and Life Advocates, or NIFLA,
has equipped pregnancycenters to serve women
and their communities.
Now, after all the time, work, and money,
its leaders and supporters are talking
about the potential end oflegalized abortion in America.
The numbers and accomplishmentstell the story of
how this organizationhelps women choose life.
Some 1,600 U.S. pregnancy centers,
the introduction of using ultrasounds
to the pro-life movement.
- Since we started that,over 1,300 pro-life
medical clinics utilizing ultrasound are
in existence across the country.
And an abortion-minded woman comes in.
She has been told it's a blob of tissue.
She sees the ultrasound, and bingo!
We've seen huge numbersof women choose life
because of that.
- [Charlene] Alveda King applauds
the boots-on-the-ground work.
- I believe still thatthe pregnancy care centers
are the heart of the pro-life movement.
And the reason I believethat, they don't just say
to a mother who comes tothe door and she's pregnant
and faced with a decisionto birth a child or not,
but they speak to the mother,
they support the birth of the child.
The father is welcome andthe community is welcome.
So I'm very fond of NIFLA's work.
- [Charlene] NIFLArecently hosted a gathering
of pro-lifers as part of itsannual leadership summit.
It comes at a time whenmany in the movement are
more hopeful than ever thatthe Roe versus Wade decision
might be overturned.
Mississippi recently askedthe U.S. Supreme Court
to take another look, arguingthat states should be allowed
to decide whether to regulate abortion.
Now, with a majority ofconservative Supreme Court Justices,
many say the time is right.
That includes AbbyJohnson, a former manager
in the abortion industry.
- Right now, though, I'm so hopeful.
I mean, we've got I thinkalmost four times the number
of pregnancy centers aswe have abortion clinics
in the United States.
Abortion clinics are closingdown year after year.
Culture is changing, youngpeople's minds are changing.
- [Charlene] Glessner agrees.
- It just seems likeeverything's coming together
at the right time.
We have six potentialjustices on that court
who could vote to overturn Roe.
And if the court does notvote to actually overturn Roe,
if they uphold theMississippi law, Roe's dead.
- [Charlene] That, says King,would be an answer to prayer.
- My prayer in the pro-life movement is
that people will wake up,that the eyes of the nation
and the world will open andrealize that life is sacred
from the womb to thetomb and that there are
life-affirming solutionsthat do not require
that we kill the youngest, the weakest,
and most innocent, the babies in the womb.
I pray that we wake up, openour eyes, and choose life.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, ifRoe v. Wade is abolished,
the issue will move to the states,
a fight Glessner says abortionproponents are relishing.
- You're gonna see a huge,huge hysteria coming from them,
and maybe some violence.
I think we'd better be prepared for that,
because they will bescreaming and hollering
how the court has takenaway women's rights.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Still ahead, withPresident Biden's withdrawal
from Afghanistan now over, what is ahead
for the future of the MiddleEast, specifically Israel?
We're gonna hear what Israel's ambassador
to the United Nations hasto say right after this.
(dramatic music)
(bright music)
- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.
(upbeat music)
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is "Studio 5."
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."
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- And welcome back.
Want to take a look at the consequences
of a hasty withdrawal.
Now that the United Statestroops are out of Afghanistan,
what does the future hold forIsrael and the Middle East?
On this week's episodeof "The Global Lane,"
Israel's representativeto the United Nations
says Israel is strong whenthe United States is strong.
- And when the perception is
that the U.S. is gettingweaker, we are weaker.
Those pictures that wesaw coming from Kabul
actually giving more strengthto the radicals in Lebanon,
to the radicals in Gaza, andto the radicals in Tehran.
And I think the question iswhether the new administration
will now continue to negotiate with Tehran
and will try to re-enter the agreement
with Iran all over again.
- And many other Islamicterrorist groups see
that the most powerful militaryin the world was defeated
and embarrassed by theenemy they fought against
for 20 years, theTaliban's now in control,
so how about the terrorist group
on Israel's northern border?
Let's talk about Hezbollah first.
Do you expect them to make a move,
or are they too weakfinancially and politically
to attack Israel right now?
- So the issue is a perceptionof strength and power.
I served as Deputy Minister of Defense,
and I learned that it's notabout the real strengths
you have, about the numberof tanks or submarines.
It's about the perception.
And I think today the perceptionthat the U.S. is weaker.
And those people are sitting in Beirut,
the heads of Hezbollah, theyknow that we will retaliate,
we will attack them.
And I think they know it very seriously.
So they will think twicebefore challenging the IDF.
And also politically,they know that the people
in Lebanon will blamethem for the consequences.
So I don't know what will happen.
And also you have tounderstand that the people
in Hezbollah and Beirut don't decide.
They get orders from Tehran.
So the radicals in Tehran will decide
when the next conflictwill be here in the north.
- Well, that's the big concern, is it not,
what Iran is going to do?
And I know your PrimeMinister, Naftali Bennett,
recently met with PresidentBiden at the White House,
and Biden said he will not allow Iran
to possess a nuclear weapon on his watch,
but how can Israel trust his word on that
given that many of America'sallies feel abandoned,
they feel let down by the hastywithdrawal from Afghanistan?
Can you depend on his word?
- We have to trust ourselves.
History has taught us that we have
to be the ones securing ourfuture and our wellbeing.
And I think we have a reason to worry,
because the new administrationactually acknowledged
that they are willing, they are eager
to sign a deal with theadministration in Tehran.
I don't know why, but now the only reason
that we don't have agreement is
because the leadershipin Tehran are not willing
to negotiate with the U.S.
I hope it will stay that situation.
Because the last thing wewant is another bad agreement
that will allow Iran to become nuclear
and allow them to send theirproxies weapons and funding.
We don't want to seeit becoming a reality.
- [Gary] Many Americansbelieve Israel may be forced
to act alone againstIranian nuclear weapons.
Prime Minister Bennett suggestedthat Israel will take steps
against the Islamic Republica little bit at a time.
So how could you stop themwithout U.S. military backing
and support, don't you need that?
- We have the capabilityto defend ourselves.
If we will have no choice,we will do it ourselves.
We did it in the past,I want to remind you,
where we destroyed thenuclear reactor in Iraq,
the nuclear reactor in Syria.
We hope it will not be the casethat it will be only Israel
against the radicals of Iran.
But if nothing will stop them,
we will be there to stop them.
- Well, we know the high holydays are coming on shortly
and Israel and all of ourviewers will be praying for you
and praying for Israel.
And we always pray forthe peace of Jerusalem.
Ambassador Danny Danon,Israel's representative
to the United Nations, thankyou for sharing your time
and your insights with us, shalom.
- Shalom, shalom.
- For an in-depth look atthe trends in the news,
be sure to catch "The Global Lane."
You can catch it at 8:30 EasternStandard Time this evening
on the CBN News Channel,
or simply download the CBN News app.
Coming up, many peoplehave mailed letters to God
by sending them to Jerusalem.
But what exactly happens to those letters?
We're gonna bring you theanswer when we come back.
Please stay with us.(dramatic music)
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- You want to mail a letter to God.
Exactly where do you send it?
Jerusalem, of course.
CBN Middle East Correspondentshows us exactly
what happens to those letters.
- [Reporter] Each year,hundreds of people worldwide
address letters to God andsend them to the Israel Post.
- [Translator] We're keeping a tradition
with the postal authority with letters
that people send to God.
- [Reporter] As partof an annual tradition,
those letters were placed inthe cracks of the Western Wall
ahead of next week'sRosh Hashanah holiday.
- [Translator] Here by the Western Wall,
we know God says that "Myhouse will be called a house
of prayer for all nations."
Here is a place that prayersare raised from everyone.
- Western Wall Rabbi ShmuelRabinovitch says they ask God
to hear and answer the prayers.
"Dear God, please end the corona pandemic
and make my parents buy me a new iPhone
and a JBL speaker,"writes Aron from Germany.
"Forgive me, my Father, Ihave been unable to repent.
Please care for late husband's soul
and the living on earth,"writes Sylvia from Ecuador.
"Dear God, please bringnew friends into my life
and tell my family to help me,
because most of us donot talk to each other
and I have no one totalk to," writes Anna,
a single mom from Canada.
Israel Post CEO Danny Goldsteinsays the postal authority
is happy to help people who can't be here
get their prayers to the wall.
The post office used tobring bags of letters
to the Western Wall.
Now that people can sendtheir request by technology,
it's not so much, but still,
there was a 30% increasethis year over last year,
probably due to COVID.
- [Translator] People usuallycome to pray at the kotel,
but now it's hard for them to get here
so they are sending more letters.
- [Julie] Goldstein says theworldwide pandemic has led many
to ask God for good health, healing,
and a return to their normal routines.
Julie Stahl, CBN News, theWestern Wall, Jerusalem.
- Time now for your Thursday Thankful,
so please join me inthis prayer of gratitude.
Father, I can't begin to numberyour blessings in my life,
even in the toughest times,so I will just say thank you.
Thank you for being Godin the middle of it all.
With that word of prayer, I encourage you
to make today a thankful Thursday.
That is a wrap for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."
You can always find moreof our news programs
on the CBN News Channel at any time,
as well as online at CBNNews.com.
We'd love to know what you think
about the stories you've seen here today.
You can email us atthe address right there
at the bottom of yourscreen, Newswatch@CBN.com.
And, of course, you can always reach out
and touch us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.
We would love to hear from you.
Again, I encourage you to maketoday a thankful Thursday.
We'll see you here tomorrow.