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As the Afghanistan Evacuation Deadline Looms, Who Will be Left Behind?

As the Afghanistan Evacuation Deadline Looms, Who Will be Left Behind? Read Transcript

- [Dale] With the deadline to withdraw

troops from Afghanistanless than 24 hours away,

the State Department says 250 US citizens

are still in the country.

A US drone strikes Sundaytargeted a suspected car bomber

on his way to Kabul airport

with what officials saidwas a substantial amount

of explosive material.

Overnight as many as fiverockets were fired at the airport

with at least some of them intercepted

by an anti-missile system.

But the rockets didn'tstop the steady steam

of US military cargo jetstaking off and landing

at Kabul's international airport.

Sam Brownback, religiousfreedom ambassador

under the Trump administrationsaid the White House

must do more to help non-Muslims escape

before they're killed.

- If you're a religiousminority in Afghanistan,

we need to be granting the Visa rights

to be able to come to the United States

because they're sitting ducks,

they're gonna get killed.

- [Dale] Lawmakers on bothsides are urging the White House

to extend the deadlineto allow evacuations

for US troops and their allies,

but the administration isn't budging.

Secretary of State Blinken saying

there likely will be nodiplomatic presence in the country

after August 31st,

but insists there's a plan

to get Americans out after that date.

- If the Taliban is serious

about the commitments thatit's repeatedly made in public,

including nationally across the country,

as well as in private

commitments that theinternational community

intends to hold the Taliban to

the we'll find ways to do it.

- [Dale] Nebraska GOPSenator Ben Sasse says

it shows the administrationstill lacks a plan.

- That interview was disgusting

and the American people havea right to be livid about it.

There is clearly no plan.

There has been no plan.

Their plan has basically been happy talk.

- [Dale] And South CarolinaSenator Lindsey Graham

says the president should be impeached.

- Do you still feel he shouldbe impeached over this?

- Yeah, yeah, I thinkit's dereliction of duty

to leave hundreds ofAmericans behind enemy lines,

turn them into hostages,

to abandon thousands of Afghans

who fought honorably along our side

to create conditions for another 9/11

that are now through the roof.

I think he's been derelict

in his duties as commander in chief.

- [Dale] Meanwhile, a solemnseen in Delaware Sunday

as the bodies of the 13 service members

killed in a bomb attack lastweek were returned home.

Joe Biden is being blasted on social media

for appearing to look at hiswatch during this ceremony.

The administration hasbeen touting the fact

that the US and its allies have evacuated

100,000 Americans andAfghans on very short notice.

But as the evacuation deadline looms,

many Afghans desperate toescape will have no way out.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

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