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An Inspirational Message for Waiting on God

Lisa Osteen Comes know what it feels like to wait on God. In her new book, “It’s On The Way,” she shares from her experiences helpful tips to keep believing and trusting God for his promises. Read Transcript

- Born with a crippling disease,

struck by an exploding pipe bomb,

enduring years of surgery andtreatments for infertility,

Lisa Osteen Comes has beendown many times in her life,

but she's never been out.

So how has she persevered?

And what has she learnedin that painful process?

Take a look.

- [Narrator] Lisa OsteenComes is an author

and associate pastor at Lakewood Church

with her brother Joel Osteen.

Lisa knows what it'slike to face hardship.

She struggled withinfertility for eight years

before her prayers were answered.

- You see, all those yearswhen we couldn't see it,

God had a plan.

He was working on our behalf.

He was working behind the scenes

and bringing us thechildren that were ordained

for us to have.

- [Narrator] In her book, It's On the Way,

Lisa encourages us to trust God,

knowing that the answers toour prayers are on the way.

- Please welcome back to the 700 Club,

associate pastor of LakewoodChurch, Lisa Osteen Comes.

Lisa, it's great tohave you with us today.

- Thank you so much, Terry.

It's an honor to be here.

- You were miraculously healed as a baby.

Tell us about that.

- Well, I was born witha crippling disease,

similar to cerebral palsy, and you know,

the doctors said that I'llnever walk or talk in my life.

And so my parents weredenominational ministers,

and they had been taught thatthe day of miracles was over,

that Jesus didn't heal anymore,

but I'm so glad that mydad was willing to sort of

take off his traditional glassesand begin to read the Bible

for himself.

And he saw in the Bible, a healing God,

that everywhere Jesus went,he healed, he delivered,

he set people free.

And so then he came tothat scripture that says,

"Jesus is the same yesterday,today and forever."

And his eyes were openedand he and my mother prayed

for a miracle healing in my life.

And from that moment on,

I began to get better and better

until I was about one yearold, I was completely healed.

And so God did a great miracle in my life

because they were willingto not give up on me,

but to really hold onto the word of God,

the truth of God's word.

- You know, Lisa,

people could look at yourlife from the outside

and say, "Oh, she has sucha comfortable, easy life.

How could she understand my suffering?"

But you've been througha number of things.

One day you were simply opening mail.

And tell us about that experience.

- Yes, I opened mail, thepersonal mail from my parents,

and oftentimes they wouldget, you know, gifts.

And so there was this one box,

the size of a shoe boxthat arrived in the mail.

And you know,

I didn't think much about itbecause I thought it could be,

it could be tapes, audio tapes.

It could be a Bible,books, anything like that.

But when I opened that box,

I'll never forget when Iopened the last piece of tape

that it exploded in my lap.

And what I didn't realize isthat I opened a pipe bomb,

a mail bomb.

And so that bomb exploded in my lap.

And fortunately, and becauseof God's divine hand, I know,

it blew out instead of on me.

And it did tear my skin.

It did cause injury.

I was in the hospital for 13 days.

But the interesting thingis when it happened,

I thought I was dying.

And at that moment Ijust said to the Lord,

I had total peace, and I said to the Lord,

"Lord, is this death? Am I dying today?"

And after I said that,

I came to my senses and I realized

that I was no longer sitting,

I was five feet away from my chair

and I had survived and myclothes were smoldering.

And to make a long story short,

you know, I should have been killed.

There were 10 inch nailsand shrapnel in this box

that could have really, really harmed me,

but God healed me, he preserved my life.

But you know, I will sayafter that happened, you know,

this fierce fear came upon me.

And I remember getting out ofthe hospital and I thought,

you know, I don't reallywant to go anywhere.

That fear was telling mesomething bad is going to happen

to you.

And so I had to make adecision at that point.

Was I going to allow fear to hold me back?

Or was I gonna believethe word of God that says,

"God has not given us a spirit of fear,

but of love and of powerand of sound mind."

And that's what I did.

I just decided to take thosecourageous steps of faith

and go out of the houseand go back to work

and assume life as normal

because that's the planof God for our lives,

not to allow anything thathas happened in our lives

to keep us from moving forwardinto his wonderful plan

that he has for us.

- Sometimes things happen to you

that are so out of your control,

and they do create thatsense of maybe not being able

to fulfill all the thingsthat you wanted to do in life.

You've suffered an unwanteddivorce in your twenties,

and then later years of infertility.

So what helped you getthrough those tough times?

- Yeah, they were tough times.

When I was in my early twenties,

and after going through this divorce,

I was so devastated andreally so depressed.

It was a very, very hardtime, but, you know,

thank God for the support ofmy family and the word of God.

You know, the word of Godcan be your best friend

in times like this.

And so I just pulled on the word of God,

and I kept going to churchand I kept trusting God

that he would turn thesituation around for my good,

and you know, Terry,

during this time hehealed my broken heart.

It was a process.

During this time he sent me on a new path,

which was amazing.

I began to help people who aregoing through the same thing

that I did.

And that's when I startedteaching the Bible.

And really when I look backon that time in my life,

not only did God heal me, restore me,

but he really catapultedme into the ministry

at that time because that'swhen I began to preach.

And not only that, youknow, God is so good,

he gives you double for your trouble.

And he gave me thiswonderful husband, Kevin,

and we've been marriedfor 31 years this year.

- That's awesome.

I mean, we are justskimming the surface here,

I want our viewers to know that.

Lisa's book is called It's On the Way,

Don't Give Up on Your Dreams and Prayers.

It is available wherever books are sold.

Lisa, thank you for a good word today.

Thank you for the book andthanks for being with us.

- Thank you so much, Terry.

- Bless you.


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