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Faith Nation: August 26, 2021

Faith Nation: August 26, 2021 Read Transcript

(dramatic instrumental music)

- [John] Tonight.(explosion resounds)

(man speaking in foreign language)

Under attack, multipleexplosions at the Kabul Airport.

- [Jenna] The dangerousmission to evacuate

more than 1,000 Americansstranded in Afghanistan

now in imminent peril.

The threat to stabilityin the Middle East.

- [John] And mandatory vaccinations

for the military and more.

- [Jenna] Plus.

- [Woman] It seems like it's open season

on American interests.

- [Jenna] A reelingAmerica on damage control

with US adversaries on the offensive.

- [John] All this and more tonight.

- [Jenna] On "Faith Nation."

(warm instrumental music)

- Tonight, the Presidentresponding with a message

to the terrorists responsible

for the deadly attack in Kabul,

"We will hunt you down and make you pay."

Welcome to "FaithNation," I'm John Jessup.

- Good evening, I'm Jenna Browder.

The President just wrappingup a speech a few minutes ago.

The President adding thatevacuations will continue.

This after 12 US servicemembers were killed today

in dual suicide attacks,

the first to be killedin action in Afghanistan

in over a year and a half.

- Also dozens of reported casualties there

in the wake of twinexplosions in two attacks,

one at the Kabul International Airport,

another at a nearby hotel.

A warning, the video

of deadly terrorist attacks is disturbing.

The horrific images come asthe United States' military

continued evacuating thousandsfrom the war-torn country

in a race against aself-imposed withdrawal deadline

at the end of this month.

- [Jenna] We begin tonight with Dale Hurd.

- US officials say an ISIS terrorist

detonated a suicide vestat one of the airport gates

while another opened fire.

A second bomb went off outsidea hotel about 300 yards away.

The first blast happened atwhat is known as the Abbey Gate

where American citizens would line up

to board evacuation flights.

The victims were standing outside the gate

in this sewage canal whenthe explosion occurred.

(men shouting in foreign language)

The second blast near the Baron Hotel.

(man speaking in foreign language)

This phone video of theaftermath is so graphic

it had to be blurred.

It shows piles of dead bodies.

Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby tweeted,

we can confirm that anumber of US service members

were killed in today's complexattack at Kabul airport.

A number of others arebeing treated for wounds.

The Taliban have condemned the attack

saying it occurred in anarea controlled by US forces.

ISIS terrorism has beenexpected after large numbers

of ISIS fighters werebelieved to have been freed

from prisons during theTaliban's rapid advance.

The US embassy in Kabulwhich had advanced word

of a possible terrorist attackwarned Americans Wednesday

to leave the airport gate immediately

and be aware of their surroundings,

especially in large crowds.

- Being part of these huge crowds

that remain around the gates

and entrances to the airport is dangerous.

We're obviously concernedabout our own people as well.

- [Dale] The acting USambassador to Afghanistan

says Americans will be evacuatedon an individualized basis.

Secretary of State AntonyBlinken says as many

as 1,500 American citizenscould still be in Afghanistan

and insists those who wantto leave will be able to.

- There is no deadline on our work

to help any remaining American citizens

who decide they want to leave to do so

along with the many Afghans

who have stood by usover these many years.

- But it's unclear howAmericans or our Afghan allies

can be evacuated after US forcesleave in less than a week.

So for thousands ofAfghans who helped the US,

they're now facing the grim reality

that they may be left behind.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, after radio silencefrom the White House

for most of the day today,President Biden just wrapped up

taking reporter questionsabout the devastating attack.

Here with us for more onhow the Biden administration

is responding to the worseninginternational crisis,

CBN White HouseCorrespondent, Eric Philips.

Eric, the President not gettingany slack for his leadership

on this, not even from the press.

- No, not really.

And what we saw thisafternoon, or this evening

was a very solemn PresidentBiden lamenting the loss

of these lives of theseAmerican service members,

the more than dozen ofthem that lost their lives

and were injured there in Kabul.

He called them a representationof the spine of America,

the very best that ourcountry has to offer,

and he called them heroes.

- The fallen this day

are part of a great, noblecompany of American heroes.

In the book of Isaiah when the Lord says,

"Whom shall I send?

Who shall go for us?"

American military has beenanswering for a long time

"Here I am, Lord, send me."

- The President holding a momentof silence and remembrance

of those who lost their lives.

But even as he was invokingscripture during his remarks

this afternoon, thePresident was also very clear

that he will in factretaliate against whoever

was responsible for thissaying that he has ordered

the US military to strikeISIS-K assets and facilities.

- To those who carried out this attack

as well as anyone who wishesAmerica harm, know this.

We will not forgive.

We will not forget.

We will hunt you down and make you pay.

- The President sayingthat he plans to stick

to the August 31st deadlinedespite these casualties

and losses that America hasseen there in Kabul today.

He says his military leadersare in favor of sticking

to that timeframe, andthat's what he plans to do,

to hold the course as itwas previously planned.

Now, he said he would be willingto add more military might

if needed, but he said so far,

his military leaders havesaid they have enough

to carry out this mission.

And so until that changes,he'll stick to what is there

and carry it out asplanned, John and Jenna.

- Eric, what about retaliation?

How will the US in factrespond to these attacks?

- Well, the Presidentwas not specific in terms

of how the attacks orretaliation would be carried out,

but he did give one little hint in saying

that there will be no more,at least at this point,

there are no more plansto add more military might

to the situation over there.

He said however theretaliation is carried out,

it would be done with the military might

that we already have in place.

And he said it would probablybe some type of retaliation

that would not take a whole lot of people.

So maybe airstrikes, for example.

He was not specific, but he did say

that it would use themilitary men and women

that are already there.

And I should say, hereat the White House today,

there was definitelyan upheaval in schedule

because of all of this.

As you might recall, thePresident was expected to meet

with Israeli PrimeMinister Naftali Bennett.

That did not happen, it was delayed.

The president was expectingto meet with governors

across the countryvirtually, that was canceled.

And also a COVID briefingthat was scheduled for today

did not happen.- All right, Eric.

So all eyes on thesituation in Afghanistan.

- CBN White HouseCorrespondent, Eric Philips.

Thank you so much, Eric.- Mm-hmm.

- Let's bring in Paul Miller,an Afghanistan war veteran,

Georgetown University professor

and former White Housestaffer for both presidents

George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Paul, thank you so much forjoining us this evening.

So you served in Afghanistan.

I'd like to start by justgetting your reaction

to the tragic eventswe've seen unfold today.

At least 12 US service members killed.

- Well, it's a sad day,and it's another sad day

in several weeks now of bad headlines.

As I've said over the last fewweeks, this whole withdrawal

feels like a betrayal of whatwe served and sacrificed for.

It feels like anabandonment of our allies,

and it feels like an abandonment

of the cause that we were fighting for.

And today is, I think,further demonstration

that the withdrawal was amistake in the first place.

We should not have pulledout of Afghanistan.

We are giving more safehaven for terrorists

and for jihadist groups thatare ideologically sympathetic

to the Taliban and theirvision of the world.

- Paul, a very difficultday today on top of,

as you just mentioned, atough couple of past weeks.

US intelligence apparentlyhad some indication

of today's attacks,specifically warning people

to stay away from the Abbey gate.

Paul, what does that suggest to you?

- Well, I think it does nottake the intelligence community

to know that this was a likelihood.

Many people understood thethreat that posed the people

who were coming to the airport,

a large concentration ofpeople including Americans

and our Afghan allies who worked with us

all gathered in one place.

Of course, that's going tobe a ripe terrorist target.

The fact that the intelligence community

knew a specific place and even a time

suggest that the terrorist groups

whether it's ISIS or Al-Qaeda or others,

they are reconstituting in Afghanistan.

They are regaining their safe haven.

And that means that we are all at threat,

not simply the people who areon the ground in Afghanistan,

but even us at home andour allies in Europe

and around the world.

In the coming years, months, and years,

we will all be at increased threat.

- Paul, in the last day or so,the US was able to evacuate

more than 13,000 people, theSecretary of State saying

there are some 1,500 Americans, though,

still stranded in Afghanistan.

Some think that numbermight be a lot higher.

How does the worsening security situation

affect the evacuation effort?

- Well, I've heard reports,

and I'm not sure these are confirmed,

is that the evacuations have simply halted

and may not reopen, may not restart.

The airport, understandablythey can't operate

when there is such a threatto the airport perimeter.

However, I think it's amistake for the administration

to stick to the August31st deadline, that is,

to allow the Taliban and the terrorists

to dictate the timing andthe means of our withdrawal

and who we're able toget out of the country.

We should not do that.

We should stay for as long asit takes to finish the job.

And that means gettingevery last American out

and all of the Afghan allies,the SIV applicants out,

and as many Africanrefugees out as we can.

And if it takes longer than31st, we should do that.

And I think the president,I think it's inexcusable,

it's unconscionable that wemight leave people behind.

We don't do that.

And the president needs to understand

that as Commander in Chief, he has to stay

and order the troops tostay until this job is done.

- Paul, I think one ofthe things that Kenneth,

General McKenzie saidtoday, commander of CENTCOM

that maybe most people don't think about

is just how close up thiswork requires US military

to be involved in, in inspecting

and screening 140,000 people so far.

Real quickly though, in theminute that we have left,

US officials believe today'sattacks were carried out

by the Islamic group, specifically ISIS-K,

That's the affiliate in Afghanistan.

The Taliban had pledgedto not allow the country

to be a base of operationfor foreign terrorists.

What does that say about the reality

of the Taliban's control in Afghanistan

and among the region?

- The Taliban are eitherunwilling or unable

to deny a safe haven to terrorists.

When it comes to Al-Qaeda,I think they're unwilling.

I think that they're veryhappy to allow Al-Qaeda

operate in their territory.

When it comes to ISIS, theyhave fought ISIS in the past,

but I don't think they'reable to prevent the group

from using Afghanistan as asafe haven to train, recruit,

fundraise, and plan attacks,not just in Afghanistan,

but on the American Homeland.

The Taliban, they're an unreliableirresponsible government.

They violate human rights.

They're an enemy to theUnited States and our allies.

And it's baffling to me thatwe've handed over a country

to them, and they're now going to allow it

to be a terrorist playground.

That's the result of now threepresidential administrations

that have been determinedto get out of Afghanistan

when we should be staying.

- All right, Paul Miller,

thank you so much foryour time and expertise.

And moreover, thank you for your service.

We appreciate it onthis very difficult day.

- Thank you.

(wind howling)

And joining us now is Rick Klein,

political director for ABC News.

Rick, thank you so much for being with us

on this very busy day.

Of course, the big newsof the day, Afghanistan.

Last week, we sawdesperate Afghans clinging

to military cargo planes,bodies falling from the sky.

Today in the wake ofthe powerful explosions,

dead bodies and the woundedwaiting in sewage pits

surrounding the Kabul airport,

Rick, how much are theseindelible images forever seared

into our collective consciousness

and linked to the Biden administration?

- Yeah, these are tragic andoverwhelmingly awful hours

and images and as bad as lastweek was, today is, I think,

a good measure worse becauseyou have American casualties.

Look, President Biden made this decision.

He may have been building on a decision

that President Trump made,it may have been something

that four presidents havewanted in some form or fashion,

but it's his decision, it's his execution.

These are going to be part of his legacy.

And I think these next daysare going to be trying ones.

They're going to be difficult ones.

I think there's gonna bea lot of soul searching

and a lot of strategicdecision-making at the White House

to try to figure out howbest to proceed from here.

But these are some ofthe most damaging images

that are imaginable under any presidency,

and they belong to Joe Biden.

- Rick, beyond crisis management,

in terms of foreign policy,

what is the Biden doctrine right now?

- Well, it's a good question because a lot

of what he's talked about in office

is rebuilding alliances

and making sure thatAmerica's word can be kept.

And I think that's some of the things

that have been undermined this week.

And you've heard American allies saying

that they think this is ill-advised.

They'd like to see thatwithdrawal deadline changed.

You've got, of course,people that were very loyal

to the American cause who were among those

whose lives are in jeopardyright now in Afghanistan.

So these are things

that are gonna take along time to hash out.

Biden knows foreign affairs very well.

Someone reminded me todayabout the images out of Saigon

in 1975, and Joe Biden was a Senator then.

He knows what that was andhe knows how long it took.

And in some waysAmerica's still recovering

from the legacy of Vietnam.

This is going to be his own thing.

I think we'll be judgedby the end stages of this,

but the fact that this is thedeadliest day in Afghanistan

in probably a decade and thefirst significant loss of lives

there by Americans in morethan a year and a half,

all of these things are a through line

from the President's decision.

And he will continueto defend the decision

and explain the decision,but it was his decision.

- Nikki Haley and otherRepublicans are calling

for Biden's resignation overthis Afghanistan crisis.

Rick, first, is that going to happen?

And second, if anything,can this administration

do something to get anupper hand on this crisis?

And will it followDemocrats into the midterms?

- No President Biden'snot going to resign.

And I think even Ambassador Haley saying,

knowing that Kamala Harris is next in line

may make some people second guess

even whether that's morethan a political slogan.

I've heard Republicans sayresign or be impeached.

He's not going to be impeached either.

This is not by any standardan impeachable offense.

Even if it was, Republicansdon't have control of the House.

I think in terms of what can happen next,

I think we've seen polling that suggests

that the American publicwants out of Afghanistan.

They want a reset around this war.

It's been 20 years since 9/11.

Clearly this is not the end stage

that they would have wanted orthat President Biden wanted.

But I think continuing tomake sure that everyone

who wants out and deserves a ticket back

to the United States getsone is a key part of this.

You saw military commanders today

say the mission's continuing,even given the dangers,

knowing that it's likely that more people

are gonna try terroristattacks against US forces.

Even given all of that,they're going to have

to continue this operationas much as they can.

- Rick, Afghanistan, rightlyso is dominating the headlines.

Still, we want to shift gearshere to a new AP-NORC poll

that shows 1/2 of all US workers

support COVID-19 vaccine mandates,

especially now that theFood and Drug Administration

gave full approval to the Pfizer vaccine.

Rick, do you anticipate more employer

and school mandates as a result?

- I do think so.

I think employers andmunicipalities, schools, localities,

cities, states that havebeen waiting on full approval

by the FDA of some vaccines

before they make any kind of a mandate.

And we're seeing other employersimpose financial penalties

against those who aren't vaccinated.

You have to pay more for yourhealthcare, for instance.

Clearly that's the direction we're moving.

And I do think that thefull approval by the FDA

is very good news and hopefulnews that more people partake

of the vaccine and we get out of COVID-19.

And I do think that you're goingto see more companies begin

to use the levers that theycontrol as private entities

to say, if you want to work here

or you want to do business with us,

then there's certain things you have to do

to make sure that everyone is safe.

This isn't just about personal liberty.

It's about everyone's safetyand security from the virus.

- All right, Rick Klein,ABC News Political Director.

Thank you so much, it's great to have you.

- Thanks, Rick.- Thank you guys.

Great to be with you.

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- And welcome back.

An update on Afghanistan.

13 US service membershave now been killed,

that number up from 12.

US officials are reporting that.

Well, America is back.

That is what PresidentBiden told our allies

when he took office.

But after the nightmarishwithdrawal from Afghanistan,

many of our allies are nowquestioning that statement.

- It has also given America'sadversaries a chance

to exploit that narrative whilefurther testing US resolve.

Here's National Security Corespondent

Caitlin Burke with more.

- America is in damage control,

and our enemies are taking advantage

by going on the offensive.

- We have Iran resuming oilshipments to both Afghanistan

and Lebanon in open defianceof the administration,

some sort of bizarre attack

on the Vice-President'straveling party in Singapore.

It seems like it's openseason on American interests.

- [Caitlin] Not to mentionincreased pressure from China

on Taiwan and Hamasfiring rockets on Israel.

Victoria Coates-- So they had plenty of time

to process all of these visas.

- [Caitlin] A member of President Trump's

National Security Councilsays this goes beyond

just testing a new administration

thanks to the message thebotched Afghanistan withdrawal

is sending our adversaries.

- Across the board, this is just

a terrible signal of American weakness.

- [Caitlin] And our enemiesare making the most of it.

(Hassan speaking in foreign language)

Hezbollah leader HassanNasrallah says US behavior

during the Taliban takeoverof Afghanistan indicates

the moral downfall ofAmerica, saying quote,

"They evacuated the dogs whoworked in the security forces,

but not those who aided them.

They took out their equipment

but left the human beings behind.

These are the Americans."

China points to the failure

as another sign of Americandecline, using an op-ed

to warn Taiwan that if war breaks out,

the US military won't come to their aid.

Russia also using the hastyretreat to sow seeds of doubt.

Vladimir Putin's top nationalsecurity advisor claiming that

America will abandon Ukrainejust as they did Afghanistan.

Brett Bruen-- Colleagues put this all

on the presidency of Donald Trump.

- [Caitlin] The Directorof Global Engagement

in the Obama White House

says America's foreign policy is changing.

And if we don't provide a clear narrative

of what that means, our enemies

will continue to do it for us.

- One of the things thatI was really pressing for

when I worked in the ObamaWhite House was this idea

that America needs anew story for the world.

Roosevelt, Churchill,Reagan gave the world

and gave Americans a sense of who we are

and what we were doing.

And right now, and it was, youknow, under President Obama,

it was under President Trumpand now under President Biden,

we don't have that meta-narrative.

- [Caitlin] With more foreignpolicy challenges ahead,

both Coates and Bruen sayit's time for a shakeup

of Biden's national security team.

- He's got to get somenew leadership in there.

He's got to reassure bothfolks here in Washington

as well as in foreign capitals

that the right team is in place,

that they have learned thelessons of what went wrong

with Afghanistan and that going forward,

we are going to be amore reliable partner.

- [Caitlin] Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

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- [Reporter] Nigerian Christians

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- [Reporter] Christians inIran are routinely arrested.

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- Welcome back.

The death sentence forthe convicted killer

in the 2015 shooting

at a historic South Carolina Black church

still stands for now.

The three-judge panel inRichmond unanimously ruled

against Dylann Roof's appeal

saying his raciallymotivated shooting spree

at Mother Emanuel AME Church, quote,

"Merits the harshest penaltya just society can impose."

- Well, to the battlelines over immigration.

The Supreme Court delivers a major blow

to the Biden administrationwith its immigration policy.

In a six-to-three ruling, the high court

reversed a White House policyending a Trump-era program

that forced people to wait in Mexico

while seeking asylum in the US.

It's unclear how quickly theprogram will be restarted.

And we'll be right back after the break.

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(upbeat instrumental music)

- Heavenly Father, we do thank You

for the work of Your Spirit, Lord God,

with this movement of getting the Bible.

- Yes.- Lord, into public schools.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- [Announcer] Watch "The Prayer Link"

Tuesday morning at 7:30on the CBN News Channel.

(lively instrumental music)

♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ With a little more satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

(lively instrumental music)

♪ I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

- Finally tonight, last weekwe brought to you the story

of an Oklahoma mother workingto help rescue a group

of Afghan girls from Kabul.

- And tonight, more good news.

American colleges haveoffered those young women,

members of an all-girls robotics team,

full ride scholarships.

Since arriving in Qatar,the girls have been flooded

with offers from severalprestigious universities.

Allyson Reneau, the Oklahomawoman, helping them noted,

this may be the first time thegirls experience true freedom

and said she has no doubtthey'll make the most of it.

- And we will leave iton that upbeat note.

Thank you for joining us.

- Hope to see you again tomorrow.

(warm instrumental music)


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