- Well welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club".
It's open season on all Americans.
That's the message Biden'sbotched Afghanistan withdrawal
is sending our enemies.
It's also signaling weaknessto the rest of the world
and is making America a laughing stock.
So what defiant moves areour adversaries making,
and what does that say to our allies?
And will it lead to a shakeup
of the president's national security team?
Caitlin Burke has more.
- Pat, the catastrophe in Afghanistan
has the Biden administrationin damage control,
and our enemies are taking advantage
by going on the offensive.
- We have Iran resuming oil shipments
to both Afghanistan and Lebanon
in open defiance of the administration,
some sort of bizarre attackon the vice president's
traveling party in Singapore.
It seems like it's openseason on American interests.
- [Caitlin] Not tomention increased pressure
from China on Taiwan and Hamasfiring rockets on Israel.
Victoria Coates a memberof president Trump's
national security council says,
this goes beyond justtesting a new administration.
Thanks to the message thebotched Afghanistan withdrawal
is sending our adversaries.
- Across the board thisis just a terrible signal
of American weakness.
- [Caitlin] And our enemiesare making the most of it.
(speaking in a foreign language)
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
says US behavior during theTaliban takeover of Afghanistan
indicates the moral downfallof America, saying quote,
they evacuated the dogs whoworked in the security forces,
but not those who aided them.
They took out their equipment,
but left the human beings behind.
These are the Americans.
China points to the failure
as another sign of American decline
using an op-ed to warn Taiwanthat if war breaks out,
the US military won't come to their aid.
Russia also using the hastyretreat to sow seeds of doubt.
Vladimir Putin's topnational security advisor
claiming that America will abandon Ukraine
just as they did Afghanistan.
Brett Bruen, the directorof global engagement
in the Obama White House
says America's foreign policy is changing.
And if we don't provide a clear narrative
of what that means,
our enemies will continue to do it for us.
- One of the things thatI was really pressing for
when I worked in the Obama White House
was this idea that Americaneeds a new story for the world.
Roosevelt, Churchill,Reagan gave the world
and gave Americans a sense of who we are
and what we were doing.
And right now, and it was, youknow, under president Obama,
it was under president Trumpand now under president Biden,
we don't have that metanarrative
- [Caitlin] With more foreignpolicy challenges ahead,
both Coates and Bruen sayit's time for a shakeup
of Biden's national security team.
- He's got to get somenew leadership in there.
He's got to reassure bothfolks here in Washington,
as well as in foreign capitals,
that the right team is in place,
that they have learned the lessons
of what went wrong withAfghanistan and that going forward,
we are going to be amore reliable partner.
- Biden has the opportunity to reassure
at least one important ally this week.
Israel's new prime ministervisiting the White House today
and there's no doubt he'll be bringing up
his country's security concerns, Pat.
- Caitlin, the NATO and otherworld leaders welcomed Biden
as sort of a return to normal.
What's their impression of him now?
- That's right.
Biden was someone thatthey were familiar with.
He spent decades in the Senate,
then eight years as vice president.
He's interacted withmany of the big players
on the global stageand even touted himself
as a foreign policy president.
He promised our alliesthat America was back
and then Afghanistan happened.
He didn't go into Afghanistan alone,
those allies came with us
and the damage that Biden has done
by unilaterally pulling out
and refusing to extend evacuations,
even as our Europeanpartners requested just that,
it's really very damagingto those relationships,
but it's also dangerous.
Our allies are going to think twice
the next time the US asksthem to join in on a mission
or even request help.
- Well, Israeli primeminister Naftali Bennett
is visiting the White House.
What do you thinkthey're gonna talk about?
- Well, according to the White House,
they'll discuss the Palestinianissue and global security,
but Iran is definitely atthe top of Bennet's list
and could even be the motivatingfactor behind his visit.
Just yesterday, defenseminister, Benny Gantz,
briefed 60 ambassadorsabout Israel's top concerns.
And he spent a lot oftime focused on Iran.
You know, Israel believes
they're only weeks awayfrom a nuclear weapon.
And Bennett has said before that
he has a plan to deal with them
that doesn't involve gettingback into a nuclear deal.
Not to mention onIsrael's Northern border,
Lebanon is on the verge of collapse
and one of Iran's proxies,
the Lebanese terror group Hesbollah
is poised to step in.
So I think Bennett will belooking for assurances from Biden
that the US will stand behind Israel.
However, the Jewish statehas also made it clear
that they'll act on theirown if they need to.
- Thanks Caitlin, great work.
Well, in other news, onlysix days left in the mad rush
to evacuate as many peopleas possible from Afghanistan.
How many Americans still are trapped
hostages to the Taliban?
The State Department says it's only 1500,
but the numbers show a lot more than that.
And what about Afghan interpreters
who are trying to escape?
The Taliban have returnedsome to their homes
and have beheaded their familiesright before their eyes,
and then beheaded them.
Christians in the countryface a similar fate.
George Thomas has the latest.
- [George] The UnitedStates, UK and Australia
are sending an urgentwarning to their citizens
of an imminent attack byan Islamic State affiliate
against thousands gathered at entry points
to Kabul's airport.
- Our clear travel advice is now
do not travel to HamidKarzai International Airport.
And if you're in the area of the airport,
move to a safe locationand await further advice.
- [George] The urgent message coming
as US and coalitionpartners race to evacuate
as many as possible aheadof the August 31st deadline.
- I have an aunt and acousin who are in Afghanistan
and their families,
and what we're hearing
is that the situationis getting worse daily.
- [George] Some 4,500 Americanshave been airlifted so far.
The State Department is saying 1500
are still inside the country.
- We're aggressively reaching out to them
multiple times a day
through multiple channelsof communication,
phone, email, text messaging,
to determine whetherthey still wanna leave
and to get the most up-to-date information
and instructions to them for how to do so.
- [George] Some 77,000 Afghanshave been flown out of Kabul
in the past 12 days,
but thousands who worked alongsideUS and coalition partners
could be left behind toface a perilous future.
- The Taliban will letAmerican citizens in
but if they see Afghan interpreters
that have their SIV applications,
sometimes they're turned away,
sometimes more grimly they'rereturned to their homes,
where they behead theirfamily and then behead them.
- [George] The CatholicNews Agency reporting that
Afghan Christians are beingturned away at the airport
by US officials,
despite having allnecessary paperwork to exit.
The US Commission onInternational Religious Freedom,
sending an urgent messageto the Biden administration,
to broaden the list ofthose allowed to leave,
to include Afghan religious minorities
who face severe the risks.
- Many of them are Christians now,
but they come from a Muslim background
and they're in fear of lives.
- [George] Private groupslike Charmaine Hedding's
Israel-based Shai Fund aremobilizing to help get them
and others out.
Hedding telling CBN News in Jerusalem
that they had 21 Afghanbelievers at the airport
ready to go, but were denied exit.
She warns these and otherAfghans could face danger
after the US pulls out next week.
- They received a letter from the Taliban
before they even closeddown the whole of Kabul
saying, we know who youare, we know where you are,
and so they've got them on a list
and they're hunting them down.
- Very disconcerting as you can imagine.
Meanwhile, the Nazarene Fund
headed by conservativetalk show host Glenn Beck
has reportedly raisedmore than $28 million
to rescue Christians andother Afghan minorities,
Beck is currently in the regioncoordinating those flights.
- George, what are yoursources telling you
about the difficulties ingetting the Christians out?
- Yeah, Pat, it has been just horrific.
The last 12 days, it's beenpanic fear, pandemonium,
total chaos as Afghan leaders
are talking to theirfellow believers saying
who among you are willing to stay,
who among you needs to get out now?
My sources are tellingme that a number of them
have managed to get out via the Kabul,
Hamid Karzai International Airport,
but beyond the headlines, beyond the news
and all the press coverage,
along the Eastern part of Afghanistan Pat,
next to the Pakistani border,
a lot of Christians are makingthe exit out of the country
through Pakistan, but also forthe north through Tajikistan.
But also there the messageto those who are deciding
to brave the coming future,
they are taking a very low profile,
some of them are heading to the mountains,
as you know, Pat, its goingto be almost wintertime.
So there's concern abouthow they're gonna manage,
some of them are escapingto nearby provinces where
hopefully neighbors and otherswill not recognize them,
but as I mentioned earlier on last week,
the Taliban now havebiometric data information
on all of the details of those who
worked with our coalition forces,
but also those who are partof Afghanistan's growing,
but now very dangerousunderground church movement, Pat.
- Thank you, George.
- Welcome.
- Ladies and gentlemen, as I said before,
we have a president whois in cognitive decline.
I don't think he reallyunderstands what's happening.
And if he does, he gets highly defensive
to defend what he's done,it has been a disaster.
Our country is being leftout around the world.
Our country is nowconsidered an unworthy ally
and an easy target for our opponents.
And I tell you, those of you
who are talking aboutimpeachment, forget it.
There is no way
that you could go throughthe impeachment process,
have a House vote impeachment
and then have a vote in the Senate.
and you need to thirds toimpeach, it'll never happen,
but you just wonder we'restuck with this guy,
and he is incapable ofmaking appropriate decisions.
And our country is going down the drain.
And along with it, thousandsof people are going to suffer.
Our own citizens arebeing left in Afghanistan
and they can't get out.
Not to mention the manypeople who've worked with us
who are going to have to be beheaded
by this bunch of monsterswho are taking over.
And to understand that there'sonly 1500 is just nonsense,
the figures we're getting are lies.
We're not being told the truth,the figures are all wrong.
And the Secretary of State is lying
along with the president,
we are being fed a bunchof absolute baloney
and we are suffering.
What are we getting?
Well, I wanna point out,I didn't vote for him,
but the American people voted him in
and we are responsiblefor what they're doing now
to the reputation of Americathroughout the world.
And it breaks my heart
when I see the suffering of those people,
and to think that the presidenthimself seems tone deaf,
he doesn't seem to showany compassion whatsoever
for what he's done,
he doesn't seem to show any empathy
for these people who are being hurt.
It's just simply appalling.
But is this the judgmentof the Lord on this nation?
Maybe so.