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Terror Attack Outside of Kabul Airport Kills at Least 12 U.S. Troops and 60 Afghans

Terror Attack Outside of Kabul Airport Kills at Least 12 U.S. Troops and 60 Afghans Read Transcript

- US officials say an ISIS terrorist

detonated a suicide vestat one of the airport gates

while another opened fire.

A second bomb went off outsidea hotel about 300 yards away.

The first blast happened atwhat is known as the Abbey Gate,

where American citizens would line up

to board evacuation flights.

The victims were standing outside the gate

in this sewage canal whenthe explosion occurred.

(people speaking in foreign language)

The second blast near the Baron Hotel.

(man sobbing in foreign language)

This phone video of theaftermath is so graphic

it had to be blurred.

It shows piles of dead bodies.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby tweeted,

"We can confirm that anumber of US service members

were killed in today's complexattack at Kabul airport.

A number of others arebeing treated for wounds."

The Taliban have condemned the attack,

saying it occurred in anarea controlled by US forces.

ISIS terrorism has been expected

after large numbers of ISIS fighters

were believed to havebeen freed from prisons

during the Taliban's rapid advance.

The US embassy in Kabul,which had advance word

of a possible terrorist attack,warned Americans Wednesday

to leave the airport gate immediately

and be aware of their surroundings,

especially in large crowds.

- Being part of these huge crowds

that remain around the gates

or entrances to the airport is dangerous.

We're obviously concernedabout our own people as well.

- [Dale] The acting USambassador to Afghanistan

says Americans will be evacuatedon an individualized basis.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken says

as many as 1,500 American citizens

could still be in Afghanistan

and insists those who wantto leave will be able to.

- There is no deadline on our work

to help any remaining American citizens

who decide they want to leave to do so

along with the many Afghans

who have stood by usover these many years.

- But it's unclear how Americans

or our Afghan allies can be evacuated

after US forces leave in less than a week,

so for thousands ofAfghans who helped the US,

they're now facing the grim reality

that they may be left behind.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.


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