Heart-breaking Scenes at Kabul Airport as Parents Try to Hand Babies to Troops, Taliban Flaunt U.S. Weapons
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- Jenna, President Biden gettingslammed tonight on Twitter
after nobody is having troublegetting to Kabul airport.
The Pentagon confirmed onlytwo flights have taken off
after a backlog ofrefugees grounded planes
for about eight hours.
Now the evacuation mission has resumed
as thousands of people waitto be rescued in Afghanistan.
(baby wails)
A major question tonight,when might the chaos ease?
(child screams)
(gunfire popping)
There seems to be nosign with ongoing scenes
of soldiers trying to contain crowds,
rushing to the airports
now their only hope ofescaping Afghanistan
as neighboring countriesclose their borders.
- I've been stuck herefor the past two days.
I'm trying to get in.
I went to the Americans,they pushed me out.
- Come and help.
Come and help, help, help!
- [Reporter] Women and children scream
for US-NATO soldiers to let them in.
Watch this heartbreaking footage
of parents pleading forsoldiers to save their child.
Another shows this baby beinghanded to military personnel
over the airport wall.
- The limiting factor isnot the lack of planes,
the limiting factor nowis actually the ability
to get people into the airportprocess and on the planes.
- [Reporter] As many as 15,000 Americans
and at least 60,000 Afghans remain
as NATO forces work to extend
the August 31st evacuation deadline.
- I cannot promise whatthe final outcome will be
or that it will be without risk of loss,
but as commander inchief, I can assure you
that I will mobilizeevery resource necessary.
- [Reporter] The WhiteHouse says 3,000 people
have been evacuatedfrom Kabul on Thursday.
- We've got additional consular officers
now at the additional gates
with additional troopshelping the consular officers.
- [Reporter] NATO keepingcommunications open
with the Taliban, hoping to preserve
some semblance of safetyas the country collapses.
Some military personnel fear
the Taliban will use Afghanistan
as a major training ground for terrorists.
- The minute that Bidendeclared his withdrawal,
the Taliban immediately declared victory
before anything else happened
and that was echoed byJihadists all around the world.
- Islamic extremists,seen here on Twitter,
flaunting a treasure trove of guns
left behind by Afghanand American soldiers.
Insurgents have also takenover 2,000 armored vehicles,
drones, even warplanesand Blackhawk helicopters.
Pentagon officials just confirmed
that baby that was given to the US Marine
has been returned to its father,
calling the moment that he took that baby
an act of great compassion.
Now, they had no commenton the second instance.
Meantime, the Underground Church there
says the Taliban isterrorizing the streets.
Not only are they threatening refugees,
they're going door to door,
taking women and children as sex slaves.
On of their biggesttargets now, Christians.