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Faith Nation: August 25, 2021

Faith Nation: August 25, 2021 Read Transcript

(mid tempo music)

- [Jenna] Tonight

- [Man] They are seeking us,they are searching for us.

- [Jenna] The race to get Americans

and our Afghan allies out of Afghanistan,

as President Biden holds firm

on his August 31st deadline.

(speaking in foreign language)

COVID-19 and its origins.

China now blaming the UnitedStates for its spread.

What a US by agency investigations found.

And remain in Mexico.

The Supreme Court sideswith the Trump era policy,

dealing a blow to the Biden agenda.

All this on more tonighton "Faith Nation."

(mid tempo music)

- The race against the clock,

as the situation inAfghanistan remains desperate.

Good evening, I'm John Jessup.

- And I'm Jenna Browder.

Welcome to "Faith Nation."

Well, six days and counting

to get Americans and Afghanallies out of Afghanistan

to meet president Biden'sAugust 31st deadline.

- It's an all but impossible mission,

putting melting pressure on the President

to extend the timetable.

CBN, Jennifer Wishonhas tonight's top story.

(effects whooshing)

- It's unclear exactly how many Americans

remain in Afghanistan,

but getting them out nomatter how long it takes

is a cause that's unitingboth parties in Washington

and a growing number across the country.

(plane engine roaring)

More than 70,000 people,

including some 5,400Americans have been evacuated,

since the Taliban tookcontrol of the country,

less than two weeks ago.

Each day, the pace picks up,

while on the ground, achaotic scramble continues

as more and more Afghans try to escape

the Taliban's oppressive brutality.

- We're waiting to get through,

but they're not letting us at the moment.

- [Jennifer] One Afghantranslator explains,

he's still waiting for visa approval,

as he's hunted by the Taliban.

(gun blasting)

- [Man] They are seeking us,they are searching for us.

- [Jennifer] The US military

is under ever increasing pressure

to finish its mission.

The Taliban calls August 31st a red line,

warning consequences will follow

any efforts by the US tostay beyond the deadline.

- We're gonna do everything wecan with the time available.

And each day we're coming upwith new and innovative ways

to bring people.

- [Jennifer] The militarynow dispatching helicopters

to pluck some Americans to safety.

And today we're learningto members of Congress,

Democrat Seth Moulton, andRepublican Peter Meyer,

both Iraq war veterans traveledto Hammad Karzai airport

to conduct oversight of evacuations.

Speaker Pelosi, warning othermembers of Congress not to go.

- This is deadly serious.

You do not want numbers to go.

- [Jennifer] The tragedyunfolding on TV screens

is generating bi-partisancalls for the White House

to leave no Americans or allies behind.

Calling the alternative, unacceptable.

- Sadly, sometimes more grimly,

they are returned to their homes,

where they behead their family

and then behead them.

- [Jennifer] Members of Congress

calling the violation ofAmerica's word to its allies,

a future threat to national security.

- What is a worth ofthe American handshake.

- [Jennifer] As communitiesacross the country

prepare to receive refugees.

Afghans arriving on US soil-

- I think we are safe here.

- [Jennifer] Are grateful tohave escaped with their lives.

- You're working at thegovernment in Afghani,

like American, they kill you.

- And a number of Christian groups

are sending private planes

to evacuate Christians andother religious minorities

who face tremendoushardships if left behind,

particularly Muslims who've converted

and dedicated their lives to Jesus.

Jennifer Wishon CBN News.

(effects whooshing)

- All right, thank you, Jennifer.

Michael O'Hanlon is here now to help us

dive deeper into Afghanistan.

He's a senior fellow and Directorof Foreign Policy Research

at the Brookings Institution.

Michael welcome, we're we're glad

to have you with us this evening.

- Nice to be here.- So a week out,

from the withdrawal deadline,

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken

says there are about 1500 Americans

still stuck in Afghanistan,

in addition to our coalition partners.

Did the President make the right call

to stick with this timetable?

- I don't think so, butthere's still a chance

the President himself ispreserving some wiggle room

and that's what I'm hoping.

I wrote something yesterday,

advocating that we notstick to August 31st,

that it's a false deadline,we created ourselves.

The Taliban have no rightto demand anything of us,

when they haven't beenunder their own obligations

from last year's accordsigned with President Trump.

So I think that we need,

for the sake of human rights and decency

to be able to extend,

but maybe Biden realizedthere was no point

in telegraphing that too soon,

because that could make thisweek's evacuations contentious.

So he did give himself, as Iunderstand his words yesterday,

the option to reassess ifabsolutely necessary next week.

And I hope he means that.

And he's simply trying to prevent

any kind of an early showdownwith the Taliban this week.

But he runs the risk of sounding like

he's afraid of the Talibanand afraid of their reprisals.

So it's a delicaterhetorical balancing act

that I'm not sure he'sgetting quite right.

Bottom line, I'm hopefulthat he's willing to stay

past next week Tuesday.

But I'm not yet sure,

and I'm not sure the Taliban

really know how to read him.

- Speaking of the Taliban, Michael,

the Taliban says it has changedin the last 20 years or so

Taliban 2.0, if you will.

Pledging to be more inclusive

with regard to women.

Michael, do you see any reasonwhy women and young girls

should take them at their word?

- No, however, we do have leverage.

That's the way I like to think about it.

We have leveraged to try to increase

the probability of that outcome.

We do not have thedirect control, clearly.

That's the traumatic and terrible downside

of pulling out of this mission.

A decision of PresidentBiden's that I strongly oppose.

However, we have the prospect

of releasing their financial holdings

and those of thegovernment of Afghanistan,

granting diplomatic recognition,along with our many allies,

if they behave, if they moderate,

of giving some amount ofhumanitarian assistance,

to protect human rights,basic educational gains,

basic healthcare progress,

much of which has beenimpressive these last 20 years.

But only if they will complywith certain modest standards.

We have to be realistic.

We're not gonna get the country we wanted,

we're not gonna get the country,

any of us would want to live in.

But I think we need to thinkmore in terms of our leverage,

than in terms of whether ornot to trust the Taliban.

'Cause I think yourquestion was a loaded one,

and if I heard you, right,

I think I would be wary, you would be wary

of trusting this particular organization.

- Michael some say with the Taliban

back in control of Afghanistan,

we're right back to wherewe were two decades ago,

not to mention now the rise of ISIS.

With the looming 20th anniversary of 9/11,

are we more or less safe now?

- I think we're more safe.

I'm very sad by this outcomefor the people of Afghanistan

and I'm worried for our own security,

but I also think theTaliban have watched us

fight hard for 20 years.

And I wanna salute themen and women in uniform,

our diplomats, aid workers,

everyone who was part of the struggle,

because even if we didn't getto where we wanted it to be,

as former Marine Corps,pilot, Amy McGrath and I

wrote last week in "USA Today,"

we showed the Taliban,

that we are a tough and resilient nation

and if they cross our red lines,

we are capable of going inand hurting them very badly.

Not with the same kindof mission necessarily

that we just carried outfor these last 20 years.

We have that kind of leverage

in addition to all theeconomic instruments

that I just mentioned.

And we have a lot more intelligence,

Homeland security, ability to crack down

on Al-Qaida financialholdings around the world.

We watch them much morecarefully as they move.

So there are a lot of instruments

of American foreign policyand Homeland security

and counter-terrorism

that have improved andthese last 20 years.

So I don't think anybodyshould go to bed scared.

I'm a little bit heartbroken

and I am more anxious, more vigilant,

but I would not counsel people

to think that somehow we'reback in the same place

we were 20 years ago,

there has been progress.

- Michael, we only haveabout 30 seconds left,

militarily and moreimportantly diplomatically,

is the situation at all salvageable.

- Well, yes,

by the criteria that I just laid out,

I think we have ways to protect ourselves,

that are not gonna be asefficient or foolproof,

but we still have many waysof protecting ourselves

and reducing the odds of anAl-Qaeda or ISIS sanctuary

from coming up on Afghan soil.

And we have ways atleast to give the Taliban

powerful incentives,

to think about moderating their behavior,

no guarantees, but powerful incentives.

And that's a lot to work with.

So I'm not supporting what President Biden

has decided these last few months,

but I think it's time to recognize

that we still have apretty strong position

on a number of fronts inthis particular challenge.

- All right, Michael, that'llhave to be the last word.

Michael O'Hanlin withthe Brookings Institute.

Thank you so much for being with us today.

- My pleasure, thank you.

- Well, while Afghanistandominates the news cycle,

the White House also talkingabout cyber security,

- President Biden, meeting today

with his national security team and others

after several breaches earlier this year,

all in an attempt to figure out

how to improve thenation's cyber defenses.

CBN White House correspondent,

Eric Phillips joins us nowwith more on this, Eric.

- Well, John and Jenna,

you may recall thecolonial pipeline breach

that sent gas prices soaring

and prompted long linesall along the East Coast.

Well, that was just one

of a growing number of cyber breaches.

And today the president said,

he needs all hands on deck,

private and public sectorhands, to battle this problem.

- I invited you all here today

because you have thepower and the capacity

and the responsibility I believe,

to raise the bar on cyber security.

- [Eric] A needed improvementfor lots of reasons.

In February hack into the computer system

of a water treatmentplant near Tampa, Florida,

increased the level oflye going into the water.

Fortunately, the deed was detected

before anyone was hurt.

Just weeks before a breach

of government IT contractor SolarWinds,

giving criminals accessto government agencies,

including the treasuryand commerce departments.

In May meat processingcompany, JBS hacked,

shutting down plants in the US and abroad.

Officials pointed the finger

at criminals in Russia for this one,

just like the colonial pipeline hack

that happened before it,

leaving people scrambling for gas.

In April, the New York Citytransit system attacked.

The ferry to Nantucket andMartha's Vineyard breached

at the start of the busy tourist season.

On Capitol Hill lawmakers want answers.

- We need a comprehensive

federal civilian agencycybersecurity strategy.

- [Eric] And from theWhite House warnings.

- Companies that view ransomware

as a threat to theircore business operations,

rather than a simple risk of data theft

will react and recover more effectively.

- [Eric] President Bidenlaid out his plan months ago.

- We launched a new publicprivate initiative in April.

It begins with a a hundred days sprint

to improve cyber securityin the electric sector.

And we'll follow thatwith similar initiatives

in natural gas pipelines,water and other sectors.

- President Biden alsoearmarked $10 billion

in the COVID 19 reliefplan for cybersecurity.

But the White House issaying over and over again

that they cannot fight this battle alone.

Underscoring the needfor private businesses

to take steps of its own,to protect themselves.

The latest from the White House,

John and Jenna, back to you.

- [John] All right, thank you, Eric.

Well, as the world leaders

work to fight the spread of COVID,

the search fruits origins continue.

When "Faith Nation" returns

the latest on the investigation.

(upbeat music)

(people chattering)

- But having sex beforeyou're married is a bad idea.

(upbeat music)

- [Man] Don't tell methere is no such thing

as drugs and violence.

- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.

- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics

that tests your faith,on the next "Faithwire."

Monday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News channel.

- [Announcer] The "Global Lane"

takes you around the world,

providing facts over fiction.

- What might rising tradeand geopolitical tensions

mean for you on the home front.

- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,

award-winning journalist Gary Lane

brings you the truth from a global angle.

- What about the issue of immigration.

- [Announcer] World news analysis,

you won't see anywhere else.

- [Gary] And it's all righthere on the "Global Lane."

- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30

on the CBN News Channel.

(upbeat music)

♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ It starts a chain reaction ♪

♪ With an innermost satisfaction ♪

♪ I know of the way this joy ♪

♪ Makes me move ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Yeah, I've got joy ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I've got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy inside my heart ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance around because I know it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I've got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's inside my heart ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's inside my heart ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Joy ♪

- Well after more than 18 months,

it appears the world is no closer

to the origin of the COVID-19 virus.

- However, US officialshope new data on vaccines

will motivate more Americansto line up for the shot.

CBNs Brody Carter joins us now.

Brody it seems likewe're still at square one

on the origins of the pandemic.

- Well, John and Jennifer,

more than a year world leaders

supported China's theory thatCOVID 19 came from an animal

in a wet market.

Then a few months ago,CBN and other outlets

reporting on the growing lab leak theory

and gain of function research.

In May president Biden gavethe intelligence community

90 days to find an answer.

Now it appears those findings

have been presented to the White House,

but early indications arethere's still no smoking gun.

(speaking in foreign language)

China has taken the offensive,

now blaming the us forthe spread of COVID 19.

- We do not accept baselessunfounded accusations

that are politically motivated.

- [Brody] US spy agency

submitted their report to the White House,

on whether or not the viruscame from a lab in Wuhan,

or if it made the jumpfrom animals to humans,

the results appear inconclusive.

- We want the origins to remain

scientific, transparent,urgent, and inclusive.

- This is a contradiction.

If you're saying that the labhypothesis is a non-starter

from a Chinese perspective,

but we need to now go and lookat labs in other countries.

I find that difficult to understand,

but very willing to engagewith our Chinese colleagues

to understand what exactlythey mean by that statement.

- [Brody] The US accusesChina of both covering up

and being uncooperativefrom the beginning.

- Get vaccinated and the timeframe

will be truncated dramatically.

- [Brody] On the medical front,

Dr. Fauci hopes, thanks to FDA approval

of the Pfizer vaccine and other advances,

we could see greater controlof COVID by early next year,

if vaccinations continue to increase.

Over the last seven days,

6 billion shots given out,

the highest weekly tally since July.

- In Alabama, Arkansas,Louisiana, and Mississippi,

more people got their firstshots in the past month

than in the prior two months combined.

- [Brody] Even with that good news,

frontline workers stillfighting a raging illness.

- Kansas city is in a state of crisis.

- [Brody] Almost 80% of thecountry's ICU beds are full,

with the South seeingthe highest case rates.

The CDC says at this rateshospitalizations and deaths

could spike over the next two weeks.

- Vaccination requirements.

They can help us end this pandemic.

And the justice departmenthas already said that

vaccine requirements are indeed legal.

- COVID cases are leveling off globally,

except here in the US,

reporting the most new cases and deaths

than any other country in the last week.

John and Jenna, back to you.

- All right, Brody Carter, thank you.

It is the number one firein the country right now.

That's what one fire official says

about the Calder fireburning in California,

West of Sacramento.

Since August 14th,

the massive fire is burnedmore than 190 square miles

and destroyed more than 450 homes

in the Sierra Nevada,Southwest of lake Tahoe.

Right now the Caldor fire

threatens more than 17,000 structures

and is only 11% contained.

Earlier this week, CAL FIRE

discussed the magnitude ofthis year's wildfire season.

- Today, we are almost three times

the number of acres burned in California,

over our five-year average,

almost three times over.

A lot of acreage is burning

fires are burning in waysthat nobody has seen before.

Yes, I keep saying that,

you keep hearing that,

but it is absolutely true.

- [Jenna] The NationalInteragency Fire Center

reports 92 large firesand complexes in the US

have burned 21/2 million acres.

(effects whooshing)

- [John] Up next prayers juststeps from the White House.

We'll hear from the leader

of Concern Women for America,

on the group's initiativeto pray for Afghanistan.

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- "On The Home Front."

(dramatic music)

- Thanks for joining us forCBN's "On The Home Front,"

where we highlight what the men and women

of America's military doto defend our country.

CBN honors the men andwomen in our military

with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.

It partners with churchesacross the country

to meet the needs oftheir military families,

from repairing homes

to wiping out medicalbills for wounded veterans.

- [Announcer] Wednesday at3:00 on the CBN News Channel.

(gentle music)

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Call the 700 Club.

- Welcome back, formerNFL star Herschel Walker

has announced his campaignfor the US Senate in Georgia.

The move comes aftermonths of speculation.

In a statement, Walker says

he can't sit on the sidelines anymore

and promises to stand upfor conservative values

and get the country moving,

in what he calls the right direction.

Walker carries the backingof former President Trump

and in July Georgia Governor Brian Kemp,

described Walker as aGeorgia icon and friend.

- But I think he certainly could bring

a lot of things to the table.

But as others have mentioned,

there's also a lot ofquestions out there on that.

- And to that point, some GOP strategists

are worried about Walker's past,

and fear he could costthe GOP that Senate seat.

Walker will Challenge

Democratic Freshmen,Senator Raphael Warnock

in the 2022 midterm elections.

- Support for thesituation in Afghanistan,

coming in the form of chartered flights,

personal hygiene goodsfor refugees and prayers.

Today, the group ConcernedWomen For America,

held a prayer rally at the White House.

The focus was on demanding the rescue

and protection of Americanstuck in Afghanistan

and for the safety ofAfghan women and children.

But with more on the prayer initiative,

we're joined by Penny Nance,

CEO and President ofConcerned Women For America.

Penny great to see you.

Can you tell us more aboutthe prayer initiative,

who attended and why you feltit was important to pray,

just steps away from the White House?

- Well, thank you so much for having me.

It's always just an honor to be on CBN.

Well, at Concerned Women For America,

we have about half a millionmembers around this country.

We're the nation's largest

public policy women's organization.

And we've been horrified as we've watched

just the debacle of theunraveling of Afghanistan.

And so we felt that it was essential

that we stand togetheroutside the White House

to steps from the White House,

and come together in prayer,

because frankly, we need a miracle.

I appreciate the fact that the White House

is flying evacuations right now,

but there's still over 1500 Americans

that they even know about

that are still in that country,

it's still a hot mess.

Alongside them though

are thousands, perhaps 50,000 or more

people who worked for the last20 years alongside Americans,

who we promised that we would protect.

And now we have the Taliban telling them

we're gonna get you.

We have stories on the ground

of the Taliban going home to home

and telling parents to puton the side of their house

an X, a red X, if they have a daughter

that's 12 or older inside their home.

And that is so thatthey can easily come in

and take their child,

and we use her as a spoil ofwar for the Taliban fighters.

If they happen to go in that home

and they take the phones

and they find a Bible app on their phone,

find out this is a Christian family,

they kill them on the spot.

So it's terrifying whatwe're seeing unraveling

right now in Afghanistan.

And so we came togetherwith women of faith

from all over this country.

Different organizations likewe had Mercedes schlaf there

from ACU, American Conservative Union.

We had Alyssa Farah

who used to work for the state department,

used to work for the Trump administration.

We had Tina Whittingtonwith Students For Life.

We had just a largegroup of women of faith

coming together to pray forthe people of Afghanistan.

- Penny, the Taliban issueda temporary policy Tuesday

for women to stay at home.

Indicating that the old mindset

really is hard to break.

And also adding that,

some of their militantsneed to be trained first

on how to treat women.

Your thoughts on that Penny.

- That was a New York Times story.

Let's just enjoy that for a second.

How crazy is that the New York Times

is having to report already

that women are told to stay home,

they can't leave their home.

They can't even leave their home

because they're afraidthey're gonna be raped

and abused by Taliban fighters.

I mean, it is demonic,

what is being unleashed on this country.

And I don't use that word lightly.

You need to understand,

I don't use that word lightly.

But women and girls are at great risk.

I mean, of course we already know

about being child brides and sex slaves,

but even simple things

like being able to leave their home

without a man present,

not being able to leave their home

without covering their faces.

Little girls, being ableto receive an education

and go to school.

I mean, they're going togo back to the dark ages.

And so we were asking,

frankly, demanding thatthe Biden administration

step up and do a better job.

Every president, since George Bush

to President Obama and Trump have said,

this can't go on and on.

There needs to be an exitstrategy and we agree.

But the issue is not like this.

We cannot leave the peoplethat have worked alongside us

and abandon them to thisdesperate situation.

We have to leave in away that makes sense.

But unfortunately the Bidenadministration is not listening.

- All right, Penny Nance withConcerned Women For America,

we always appreciate youspending time with us

and sharing your insights.

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- Finally tonight, strangers chipping

to brighten one boy's birthday,

- Tiffany-

- Tiffany Halloway couldn'tafford to buy her son Jonas,

a stuffed manta rayfor his fifth birthday.

- Sorry Jenna, I was soexcited about the story,

just stepped on you.

So the Oklahoma mothersewed him one herself,

out of his old baby blanketand buttons from her own shirt.

Halloway shared the image Reddit

and was flooded withpeople wanting to help.

Jonas received toy manta rays,

squids, and more of hisfavorite ocean creatures.

One person even boughtHalloway and her four boys

tickets to the Oklahoma City Zoo

just in time for Jonas's fifth birthday.

Well, happy birthday to him

and we'll take more kindness, for sure.

- Oh indeed.

That's a birthday, he'snever gonna forget,

the whole family probably.

- Well, thank you forwatching "Faith Nation."

- Have a great night.

(mid tempo music)


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