After months of a Covid-19 diagnosis, one woman was still having horrible symptoms. See the time-tested treatment that cured her once and for all! Plus, see how these church planters are shining a light and bringing the Gospel to America’s ... ...
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Reporter] Coming up, shining a light
in the neon capital of the world.
- These are people that didnot grow up around church,
it doesn't fit within theirnorms of how to do life.
- [Reporter] See how these church planters
are bringing the Gospel to Las Vegas.
- Literally, that is thefront door for people.
- [Reporter] Then, months after COVID
and she was still feeling its effects.
Now, see the time tested treatment
that cured her once and forall on today's 700 Club.
- Well, welcome to the 700 Club.
A red line, that's whatthe Taliban is now calling
the August 31st deadlineto evacuate thousands
of Americans from Afghanistan,
as well as thousands moreAfghans who face certain death
if they don't get out.
So, are they being held hostages?
Oh, that is not what thepress secretary of Biden says.
So, what danger does theTaliban's deadline threat hold?
And meanwhile, U.S. military advisors
have come up with their ownultimatum to the White House.
What is it and how will Biden respond?
National security correspondent,Caitlin Burke, has more.
- President Biden's national security team
remains confident that all Americans
who want to leave Afghanistancan be out by August 31st.
Realistically, that leavesonly a few more days
for evacuations.
The remainder of thetime needed to withdraw
the 5,800 troops on the ground in Kabul.
- The goal is to get as manypeople out as fast as possible.
- [Caitlin] Still, the situationin Kabul remains dangerous.
Many desperate evacueesreporting the violence
surrounding the airportis keeping them out.
The Pentagon acknowledgingtwo specific incidents
where special forcesand American helicopters
went into Kabul to extractsome 350 Americans.
And national securityadvisor, Jake Sullivan,
says there's a plan to getthe remaining Americans
who want to leave to the airport.
- We've contacted Americansstill in Afghanistan
by email, by phone, by text
to give them specific instructions.
We have developed a methodto safely and efficiently
transfer groups of Americancitizens onto the air field.
For operational reasons, I'm not gonna go
into further detail on this.
- [Caitlin] White Housepress secretary, Jen Psaki,
pushing back at a reporterwho referred to Americans
as being stranded.
- First of all, I think it's irresponsible
to say Americans arestranded, they are not.
We are committed to bringing Americans
who want to come home, home.
- [Caitlin] Meanwhile,lawmakers are trying
to get to the bottom of whathappened in Afghanistan.
Members of the HouseIntelligence Committee
meeting with intelligenceofficials on Monday
to discuss the fallout.
- We view this, as Isaid during the hearing,
as the beginning of vigorous oversight
of what went wrong in ourdeparture from Afghanistan.
- President Biden meetswith European allies
during a G7 meetingtoday where he's expected
to face pressure to extendthe Kabul evacuation deadline.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Ladies and gentlemen, did you ever hear
such a cloud of nonsense as being put out
by that poor woman, Psaki?
I'd hate to have her job.
She's gotta sit thereand lie and tell things
that no rational person believes.
"Oh, we have a plan toget them out," yeah sure.
No such plan.
"Well, we're gonna sendthem emails and texts
and tell them to go to the Kabul airport,"
which they can't do because the Taliban
controls all the access to it.
I mean, the whole thing is nonsense
and it just breaks your heart.
As it was yesterday, I'd say it again,
my heart is breakingwhen you think of those
hundreds of thousands ofpeople who are depending on us,
they're crying out, "Please help us,"
and Biden still isn't acting.
His own military advisors say,
"You've got about twomore days to make a move."
Well, CBN's chiefinternational correspondent,
Gary Lane, is with us.
And, Gary, President Bidenreportedly sent out a top spy,
the CIA head, to meet withTaliban, can you tell us
anything more about that?
- Yes, he really had no choice, Pat,
but to send CIA director, William Burns,
to meet with Mullah Baradar,they're in Afghanistan
in Kabul, and the reason for that is
the president has reallyboxed himself into a corner
because if he sticks with his deadline
and withdraws on August 31st,then he places American lives
at risk and the risk ofothers there in Afghanistan,
especially in Kabul with the Taliban
breathing down their necks.
And the State Departmentand the White House
still cannot tell us howmany Americans there are,
how many are remaining in Afghanistan,
I don't think they really know.
So, then, on the other hand,if he extends the deadline,
you've heard what the Taliban have said,
"It's a red line, August31st is a red line
and the U.S. will sufferthe consequences."
Well, what are the consequences?
Are we going to see fire fights
between marines and ourtroops and the Taliban
there in Kabul around theairport and the access points
to the airport?
So, this is really a mess.
And then you've got ourallies, who are meeting today
at the G7, they're goingto be discussing this
because they're concernedabout their people,
the Germans, the French,and also the British
that are still there in the country,
they want more time to get out
and can you trust theTaliban and their word?
They say they're 2.0, butthey're fundamentalist Muslims
and by the Koran, theyare determined to lie,
they call it Taqiya, Pat, Taqiya means in,
to advance Islam, they can lie to anyone,
their wives, infidels,especially, but anyone
to advance Islam.
And so, they cannot be trusted
and that's unlike Judeo-Christian ethics,
the Ten Commandments,where the ninth Commandment
is "Thou shalt not bear false witness,"
that means nothing to the Taliban.
- Gary, it looks likethey want our troops out,
but if the troops leave,there's not a chance
of anybody ever gettingout of that country.
We've got to take military action
and we've got about,at best, a week and a,
I mean, about two more,I'm trying to think,
about 10 days left or less than that
- One week.- to, what do we,
to get them out.
I mean, if the troopsare gone, it's hopeless
for the rest of them, am I right?
- Well, it is, but thenthey're on their own.
But, remember, do you rememberthe bomb of all bombs,
the mother of all bombs that Donald Trump
dropped on the Taliban backin, I think it was 2017?
They were very frightenedby that, very concerned,
that kind of brought them around,
so are there those types of threats?
Did Burns make that type of threat
when he went to Kabul?
We don't know, so we'lljust have to wait and see
what the president decides, but it's not
a good situation, Pat.
- I doubt very seriously if that man,
who, by the way, is apretty experienced guy,
that he made any threatto the Taliban at all.
I imagine he was trying to make nice,
but you can't make nice to those people.
Well, in other news, the moment
you've been waiting for is here.
That's the president's messageon the unvaccinated Americans
who've been holding outfor full FDA approval
of COVID vaccines.
And now the Pfizer vaccine has it.
So, how many of the 80 million Americans
eligible for this shot will get it
and how many businesses will mandate it
for employees and customers?
Here's medical reporter, Lorie Johnson.
- Pat, President Biden moved quickly
to use the FDA's action as an opportunity
to once again encourageunvaccinated Americans
to get the shot.
- If you're one of themillions of Americans
who said that they will not get the shot
when it's, until it has fulland final approval of the FDA,
it has now happened.
The moment you've beenwaiting for is here.
It's time for you togo get your vaccination
and get it today.
- [Lorie] So far, 60%of adults 18 and over
have been fully vaccinated.
That leaves more than 80million folks out there
still eligible to get the shot.
A survey back in Junefound that three in 10
unvaccinated adults wouldbe more likely to take it
if a vaccine were fully approved.
But some officials are not waiting.
Monday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
announcing vaccine mandates
for the nation's largest school system.
The U.S. surgeon generalsays he expects more mandates
from private businesses, colleges
and even local and state governments.
The FDA approval also means the military
will now up the timeline forvaccinating their troops.
We're expecting more guidanceon that within days, Pat.
- Lorie, should thisapproval convince skeptics
that the vaccine is truly safe?
- Well, we'll wait and see.
You know, just in June, theKaiser Family Foundation
did a survey and found that among
the unvaccinated Americans,a third of them said
that they would be morelikely to take a vaccine
if it had final approval.
It didn't say definitely they would,
so we'll have to waitand see in the days ahead
if those vaccine numbers go up,
but we do know a lot more people will be
getting vaccinated simplybecause of all these
brand new vaccine mandates, Pat.
- We're seeing a rise inchildren getting the infection,
how effective are the vaccinesagainst this Delta variant?
- Well, it's a very sadsituation with the children.
We're seeing about 1,300 kids
in the hospital, Pat, right now.
That's the highest numberof hospitalized children
for COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
And so, there have been hundreds of deaths
among children and the cases are very high
among the youngsters anddoctors really aren't sure why.
Is it because the Delta variantis actually more virulent,
it's more severe, or because it's just
that much more contagiousand so many more kids
are getting infected that we would see
these hospitalizations go up naturally
just because of the sheernumber of kids who are infected.
But, as we talked aboutthe other day, Pat,
the vaccines, yes, they are effective,
not as effective as they once were,
but they definitely offer some protection.
We're seeing that yourchance of getting infected
has gone up, but still, yourchance of being hospitalized
or dying if you are fully vaccinated
is far less than if youweren't fully vaccinated.
We're seeing about 90%,Pat, of the hospitalizations
are among the unvaccinated at this point.
- Well, I want to headmy amen to this one.
Ladies and gentlemen, thisCOVID thing is dreadful.
What it does to people is beyondimagination, it's horrible.
And so, if you could take avaccine and have a mild case
or a little less problem,it certainly is worthwhile
doing it, it really is.
Well, also in the news, ashowdown on Capitol Hill.
Guess what?
It's Speaker Pelosiversus House leadership
and 10 members of her own party.
The bottom line, no dealso far on the president's
nearly five trilliondollar economic agenda.
So, what happens next?
Jenna Browder brings usthe latest from Washington.
- Pat, it's a standoffbetween House leadership
and Speaker Nancy Pelosiand moderate democrats.
They were on the Hill overnighttrying to come to terms
on a procedural vote thatwould begin moving two pieces
of massive legislation forward,but they left with no deal.
Coaxing her caucus in aletter, Pelosi insists delays
will jeopardize the party's policy goals,
per President Biden's quote,"Transformative vision
and historic progress."
- The vision is to build back better.
- The Rules Committee will come to order.
- [Jenna] House lawmakersare briefly back in D.C.,
the White House endorsing Pelosi's plans
for the procedural vote toadvance the 3.5 trillion dollar
human infrastructure budget blueprint,
the first step towardadvancing the broader bill.
- When you take this bill together
with the American Rescue Plan
and the reconciliation billthat's getting underway,
we are implementing oncein a generation policies
that will change people'slives for the better.
Housing, clean energy,dealing with climate,
the climate crisis.
- [Jenna] The proceduralvote would then lead
to a budget resolution,which would allow democrats
to pass the measurewithout a republican vote.
- Because this is what thespeakers brought us in for,
not to deal with Afghanistan,not to deal with inflation,
not to deal with a border on fire,
not to deal with crime out of control
because we're defunding the police,
but to deal with unbridled spending,
unbridled spending in thepassage of the Green New Deal
and the Socialist BudgetReconciliation Act
offered by Bernie Sanders.
- [Jenna] But democrats themselves
are facing a test of unity.
Fearing the budget blueprintwill be scaled back,
Pelosi and Houseprogressives want that passed
before the 1.2 trillion dollar
bipartisan infrastructure bill,
which has already passed the Senate.
Standing in the speaker'sway are nine party moderates
who are weary of the 3.5trillion dollar price tag
and are threatening to vote against it
unless the 1.2 trilliondollar bill is passed first.
- But this is a goodexample that just because
you're in the majority and in control
doesn't mean that anyand everything is easy.
- [Jenna] Nathan Gonzaleswith Inside Elections
on CBN's Faith Nation.
- Well, I think thatthese moderate democrats
who tend to be, who,most of them are some of
the most vulnerabledemocrats in the house,
realize that they're going to get attacked
for voting for the budgetand a lot of the spending
that comes along with that, so they want
the infrastructure billthat has some things
that they can take backto their constituents
and say, "This is what we got done,
this is what we got accomplished."
- And...
- [Man Behind Camera] Askher, just ask the question.
- Well, the massive budgetbill has zero GOP support,
so that means that moderatedemocrats could kill it,
the speaker, Pelosi, will tryfor the procedural vote today,
but can she only lose three votes?
So, what do you think,Jenna, what are these
moderate democrats in the Senate who are
opposed to the bill, what are they doing?
- Well, that's the real question, Pat.
Even if this bill does,this budget blueprint
gets out of the House, itfaces a huge uphill battle
in the Senate.
A couple of senators, JoeManchin and Kyrsten Sinema,
two outspoken more moderate democrats
saying they can't support a3.5 trillion dollar price tag.
Joe Manchin, with astatement and strong words,
"The House should put politics aside,
it would send a terriblemessage to the American people
and this bipartisan bill,it would be held hostage,"
so essentially accusing NancyPelosi and House leadership
of holding this 1.2trillion dollar bill hostage
for the sake of this budgetblueprint, 3.5 trillion dollars.
Kyrsten Sinema also saying that she cannot
take this back to herconstituents, that price tag
and in the coming weeks will be working
behind the scenes to try tobring that price tag down.
- Jenna, I want to ask you something.
It'll take three votes,if I understand it,
to flip the House to the republicans
and there are eight ornine of these moderates
who are posing this particular bill,
do you think it might be a group
that might be willingto vote against Pelosi
as speaker in January?
Is that a possibility, you believe?
- Well, it could be anda lot of these democrats
are some of the most vulnerable democrats
coming up in the 2022 midterms and so,
they have to be able, they have to go back
to their constituents and beable to explain this spending
and a lot of them, they don't feel like
they can go back and say this is why
3.5 trillion dollars is necessary.
So, I think, Pat, that'swhy we're seeing them
stand so strong.
You know, normally, NancyPelosi is really masterful
at being able to, youknow, tighten the screws
and get her members in line,
but this time could be different,
these moderate democratsare standing strong.
- Thanks, Jenna.
Ladies and gentlemen, you never can tell,
miracles do happen.
I feel, without question, inthe next midterm elections,
there's going to be a tsunami of anger
against what's being done to our country
by these socialists and I think the house
is going to exchange membershipthat, without question,
a couple more seats in theSenate are going to shift
and so, and with thedemocratic move in the census,
the demographic, I'll say it right,
but the shift, several newseats are up for grabs,
the whole thing is inplay, the question is
can we wait that long?
And so we can rejoice thatthere are a group of democrats
in the House that areopposing this and please pray
for Joe Manchin and KyrstenSinema in the Senate
because we need them.
- Well, up next, the spiritis moving in Sin City.
How are these Las Vegasmissionaries growing churches
during a pandemic and in what ways
is social media fueling their mission?
Plus, here she is, MissAmerica 1990 joins us live.
Debbye Turner-Bellrecalls her uphill climb
to winning the crown, but whatdevastating losses followed
and how is the pain fromher past shaping her future?
Find out on today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Sin City.
Las Vegas holds the distinction
as one of the most unchurchedcities in the country,
but now that's changing.
A wave of church plants istaking the city by storm,
fueled, guess what, by social media.
Senior national affairscorrespondent, Heather Sells,
has got good news from Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas is one of thefastest growing cities
in the U.S. and one ofthe most unchurched.
That's why church planters here
say this city is key toadvancing the gospel.
- The overall majority ofpeople, I guarantee you,
especially if they're from the West Coast,
have never had someone sitdown and explain who Jesus is.
- [Heather] Seeing themselvesfirst as missionaries,
Josh Carter and Joseph Gibbons
work as Southern Baptist church planters.
Their mission field, what they describe,
is the pre-Christian culture of Las Vegas.
- These are people that didnot grow up around church,
it doesn't fit within theirnorms of how to do life.
- [Heather] That's whyCarter Gibbons and their team
hope to take what many knowas Sin City for the gospel.
They're planting 13 churchesin this booming metropolis
of two million.
- Good morning, friends, good morning.
- [Heather] With an updated play book
that uses social mediaas a starting point.
- It literally, that isthe front door for people.
They're gonna check you out,they're gonna follow you.
- [Heather] These churchplanters also rely heavily
on meeting their neighbors face to face.
For Gibbons and his wife, that has meant
local Vegas playgroundsduring the height of COVID.
- Really, nothing wasopen, we have little kids,
five and three, and so, mywife would take them out
to parks and she would meet moms.
- [Heather] That led torelationships that then moved
toward a focus on the word.
- For us, it's about notthinking of ourselves
more highly than we ought,but getting into a posture of
we all need to meet eachother on the ground level
of the gospel.
- [Heather] And fromthere, Favor City Church
began to grow, right inthe midst of a pandemic.
- When the limit of gathering was 10,
we were like, "Great, we have six,"
and so, we just started to gather.
- [Heather] Favor City is part of a wave
of Southern Baptist plantsthat are moving the needle
in the right direction.
The denominations NorthAmerican Mission Board, or NAMB,
launched close to 600 lastyear, up 36% over 2019.
- I think there is hope.
You know, the North American Mission Board
is planting hundreds uponhundreds of churches,
surprisingly high numbers, even in 2020.
- [Heather] And thesechurches are diverse.
Six in 10 last year were non-Anglo.
That is crucial, asexperts predict that whites
will decline to a minoritypopulation as early as 2045.
Researchers say plants like Favor City
could lead the way asthe church in the U.S.
seeks to diversify and reverse trends,
especially out West and in New England,
where large numbers of people
have no religious affiliation.
They're also battling church closures,
which outpaced openings in 2019.
To keep up with these closing doors
and population growth,Lifeway Research estimates
that nearly 2,000 newchurches must open each year.
That means the call for church planters
is as urgent as ever, butthose in the trenches caution
the work is difficult and slow.
- You don't necessarily, like,magically launch a church
on one day.
You engage a city over a periodof time, you make disciples.
- [Heather] Favor City recently baptized
a new group of believersand began services.
So, while it's seen as anuphill climb in this city,
Gibbons says the spirit is moving.
- I'm not building this thing.
Like, I'm just stewardingwhere God is active.
- [Heather] Reporting in LasVegas, Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Well, is it possible?
They say whatever takes placein Vegas stays in Vegas,
well, we want the good newsto spread all over the country
from Vegas, so congratulations.
Terry, what's next?
- Well, still ahead, courageous faith
from a former Miss America.
So, what motivatesDebbye Turner-Bell today?
She's gonna tell us herselfwhen she joins us live.
And then, later on,trapped in a brain fog.
How did this woman clearher mental thoughts
while watching TV?
Stay tuned and you'll find out.
(upbeat music)
Seven years, 11 pageants andone move to another state.
That's the perseverance ittook for Debbye Turner-Bell
to win the Miss America crown.
So, was her life smoothsailing from there?
Not so much.
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Life turned ona dime for Debbye Turner-Bell
when she was crowned Miss America 1990.
She soon became a veterinarian,broadcast journalist
and motivational speaker.
It could easily appearthat Debbye's known nothing
but success in life, but she's candid
about her heartaches and failures.
In her new book, "Courageous Faith",
Debbie clearly presentsthe 10 life principles
that have shaped herand will empower anyone.
- Well, joining us now viaSkype is Debbye Turner-Bell.
Debbye, it's wonderful to see you.
- Aww, Terry, so good to see you.
Good to be with you.
How are you?
- I'm great and obviouslyyou are, as well.
I want to talk about your book.
It starts off with failure,which isn't what you'd think
a chapter title would be ina book from Miss America.
You're in your hotel room,you're crying in a fetal position
after losing the Miss AmericaPageant for the third time,
talk about what happened next.
- Sure.
Yeah, my book opens with probablyone of the lowest moments
during my trajectory inthe Miss America Program.
I had unsuccessfully attempted to win
the Miss ArkansasPageant for a third time,
I was the first runnerup the previous year
and there was this ongoingtradition at the time
that usually the returning first runner up
came back and won the next year
and that just didn't happento me and I was devastated.
And I did, as you said,ended up in a fetal position
on the hotel room floor,sobbing, asking God, "Why?"
"Why did you make me go through this?"
"Why did this happen?"
You know, at that, bythat time, I was already
in veterinary school,I was going to school
on guaranteed student loans,like the rest of middle America
and I was like, "I could'vedone without this."
And it was in that fetal position,
I literally cried myself out.
My body could not produce any more tears
and it was in thatcondition, I laid there,
probably as still and aspeaceful as I've ever been
and I heard this voice speak in my heart,
the voice of the lord, and he said,
"Debbye, I'm faithful, now get up."
And I, you know, I shook myself off
and washed what was leftof my makeup off of my face
and I didn't know whatI was gonna do next,
but I did know one thing,that God is faithful
and that he's immutable, he's unchanging,
he doesn't change his mind about us,
he doesn't change the purposes
and the gifts that he's given to us
and so, I didn't know howit was gonna play out,
but I did know that God was a good god
and that this would worktogether for my good
and of course, you readall about it in the book,
what happened from there, butthat was the pivotal moment,
really, in my life of learning to have
what I now call courageous faith.
Many of us have faith, we believe in God,
we believe in a higher power,we believe in ourselves,
but courageous faith is aboutgetting up off the floor
in your lowest moment, notknowing what the next step
is going to be, but believingthat God will direct you.
- So, how did that failure help propel you
to become Miss America?
- Well, I opened thebook, as you mentioned,
with a chapter on failurebecause I sincerely believe
that every success is builton a foundation of failures
because failure means you've tried,
it means you've gone outthere, you put yourself out
and you've made an attempt.
And with each failure, if we do it right,
if we fail right, we learn, we improve,
we get better and so, that moment, for me,
taught me, first of all,to trust God above all,
to not trust the media orother people's opinions
about me or what theconventional wisdom was,
but to trust God and justtake it one step at a time.
And I've conducted mylife like that ever since.
You know, these 32 years later,
I can't believe it's been that long,
I've lived on that principleof trusting God in the moment,
I don't have to know what theend is going to look like,
I don't really have to knowwhere my foot is gonna land
on the next step, what I doknow is that if I take a step
in faith, God is gonnabe there to support me
and so, I talk about that a lot.
- A few years after that triumph,
you experienced devastation,a real loss in your family,
how does one deal with thatand get up and move on?
- Yeah, it's very difficult.
I've dealt with a few losses,the next one after that
was the loss of my mother,who was this vivacious,
vibrant, anointed preacherof the word of a woman.
Everything I know aboutGod, everything I know
about being a woman, I learned from her,
she was just amazing and she was diagnosed
with cancer and died.
Now, I grew up watchingmy mother pray for people
and them being healed andso, I had every expectation
that God was gonna heal herand it didn't happen, she died.
And so, I'll be, I'm honest in the book
and I'll be honest rightnow, I was mad at God.
I didn't, I didn't doubt his existence,
I didn't doubt his power, Ijust didn't like him that much,
I didn't like his ways.
But I was honest with the lord.
You know, those that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth
and that wonderful mom that I had
had taught me to beauthentic before the lord
and to tell him how I really feel
'cause he knows anyway,but what's important
is for me to be honest with myself
and in that position ofauthenticity and vulnerability,
that's where the Holy Spirit can come in
and do his best work in our heart.
And so, it was just amatter of being honest
and being open andsaying, "I don't get this,
I don't like this, okay,God, you know, what is it
that you want me to do?"
And so, I, as I like tosay, I ate the elephant
one bite at a time.
- You end your book.- I just took one step
after the next.
- You end your book with perseverance.
People going through a difficult journey,
what do you want them to know?
- I want them to know that roadblocks
and seemingly dead ends arenot necessarily the end.
It just might be a detour.
And so, when God has placeda purpose in our life
and he has given us something to do
and he is a god of finishing.
"Now unto him who is able todo abundantly above anything
we can ask or think."
And so, when he starts something,
he's already finished it supernaturally.
And so, what I want the readers to get
when they read my book is don't give up
in the difficult times,don't let the setbacks
set you down for good,to keep moving forward,
to persevere, and then,for those of us of faith
to trust God and havingwisdom in how to persevere,
I am living, a living witnessand a living testimony
that if you don't give up,that you will reach the goals
and the purposes that God has for you.
- It's such a wonderful message
and I want our viewers to know
that you can find Debbye'sstory and her wise counsel
by getting her book, it's called,
"Courageous Faith: A LifelongPursuit of Faith Over Fear"
and it's in stores nationwide.
Deb, it's great to seeyou, you look wonderful,
God bless you.
- Thank you.
Bless you, too, sister.
- Thanks.
Pat, over to you.
- Well, you just sawtwo former Miss Americas
talking to each other,that's kind of nice.
Well, still ahead, like she was wrapped
in a plastic bubble, that'show this woman described
the brain fog shesuffered after a long bout
with what is called COVID-19.
So, what retrained herbrain supernaturally?
She'll tell you herself after this.
(upbeat music)
- We do consider it a greatprivilege to pray for you
and we are just a couple weeks away
from launching our annualSeven Days Ablaze celebration.
It begins on Labor Day, September the 6th,
which is right around the corner.
You're gonna be seeingsome amazing stories
of answered prayer andwe're also going to be
praying for you.
If you're a CBN partner,you may have received
a packet in the mail,it's gonna look like this,
please fill out what's insidewith your prayer request
and send it back to us.
And if you're not a partnerand you still want us
to pray for you, all youhave to do is go to
and put your prayer inthere and send it back to us
or you can call us onour toll free number,
it's 1-800-700-7000.
But we'd love to join with you in praying
about the things and concernsthat are on your heart,
so let us know.
- Well, COVID left Maggie Kyle,quote, "living in a bubble."
Maggie felt detached fromeverything and everyone
and that's because of social distancing.
For months, Maggie feltlike her brain was in a fog.
So, what finally cleared it up overnight?
See for yourself.
- My name is Maggie Kyle,I work for CBN part time
and I love doing that becauseI love talking to people
and I love praying for people
because it gives me achance to listen to them,
show them compassion.
I had COVID for about five to six months.
I was one of those people thathave the longterm effects,
I was really tired out,fatigued for the longest time,
probably up until April,the first part of May,
that's when I actually started feeling
like I was having the brain fog
'cause it was more pronouncedthen, in about April.
The brain fog actually made me feel like
I was wrapped in a plastic bubble.
I felt like I was detached from everybody,
that everyone, people would talk to me
and I couldn't process whatthey were saying to me.
I just felt like I wasn't even part
of the environment I was in.
I told the doctor Icouldn't seem to process
and I would go to the doctor's office
and they would say, "Well,we need to do a test,
you need to turn over on your side,"
and they said left sideand I would look at them
and I felt like, "What is my left side?"
I didn't even, I couldn't even correlate
how to turn on my left side.
That lasted actually until July 2nd
when I had the word of knowledge.
I normally watch The700 Club every morning
before I go on the phones at noon.
I turned on The 700 Cluband I just had finished
talking to my friend on the telephone
and I was telling herabout this brain fog.
So, Wendy had this word of knowledge.
- There's somebody, you justfeel like you are in a fog.
It's like you normallyhave great mental clarity,
but you can't remember anything
and you are just in this fogand you've even said to people,
"I feel like I'm in a fog,"God is lifting that fog
off of you right now.
Just start praising him,that fog is disappearing,
in Jesus' name.
- And I thought, "That is me."
I started saying, "Praiseyou, Jesus, thank you, Jesus,"
and I was just wanted, just jump up
out of my chair and shout.
It started, I could feelsomething from my head to toe,
like a sensation, and it started going,
by the next morning,it was completely gone.
I felt better, I felt likeI was part of life again,
I didn't feel detached.
I praise God for that, thathe followed me through,
so I can continue to do his work.
- Tell you what, Godis greater than COVID,
God is greater thanwhatever's wrong with you,
God is the one who made you and he said,
"Hitherto you've asked nothing in my name,
ask and you shall receive,that your joy may be full."
And we want to have some joy today
and I just want to share with you
a couple of reports that have come in
and we want to pray for you.
Now, on this program onthe 19th of this month,
that was just a few days ago, Terry said,
"Somebody has healed, Godhas healed somebody's bones
in their mouth."
"She gave a word, I immediately felt
my painful jawbone infection was relieved
and the pain disappearedand I want to thank Terry
for being an obedient servant."
Okay.- I thank the lord
- All right, amen.- for making that a reality.
Well, this is Pam, who wrote by email.
She said, "I think itwas Monday, August 16th,
and Pat was praying for someonewho had a break/fracture
in their leg."
"I had a broken ankle onthe inside and outside
of my right ankle."
"I felt a warm sensationand prayed it was for me."
"On Wednesday, I went to the doctor,
he said it healed really well."
"I am 69 years young."
"I saw the test results and it said,
'good mineralization of bone.'"
"I am grateful because mydaughter is getting married
on September 5th."
"It brings me to tears,thank you for all you do."
Well, Pam, that's awesome.
- Folks, you know, Terry andI didn't know those people,
Wendy didn't know the ladythat had the brain fog,
but God knows you and heallows us together, as we pray,
to see miracles happen in your life.
We've seen it thousands of times,
not just one or two, butthousands and thousands of people
who have had miraculoushealings, instantaneous healing
because God is showing forth his power,
"In the latter days, Iwill pour out my spirit
upon all flesh," and Ithink we're in the midst
of God's outpouring and so, we're thrilled
to be part of it.
And we want to pray for you right now,
we're going to join hands,we're gonna believe God.
Father, in Jesus' name, werejoice as we hear these reports.
God, all things are possible through you.
In the name of Jesus,somebody else has got
a lung infection, someoneyesterday had that,
there's another lunginfection and, you know,
we've talked about emphysema,we've talked about corona,
see, whatever's an infectionin your lungs right now,
in the name of Jesus, touch them.
And I believe the nameis Emily, so take it.
Now, what do you have?
- Yeah, I don't know what this is about,
but there's somebody, you'regonna know this is you
because of this term, youneed a stipend of money
for something and it'smoney that you don't have
and it's really importantthat you have it.
God is your provider,that money is on the way.
You begin to praise him for itright now before you see it,
it is coming.
- Amen, we receive that, thank you, lord.
Somebody, you've got mononucleosis,
you've got night sweats andthis thing has seized you
and right now, you're gonna find a fire
going through your entire body
and that infection, mononucleosisis taken out of your body
and you are totallyhealed, in Jesus' name,
Mike, I believe it is, take it.
- There's someone else, youhave been lied about unfairly
and you're very shakenthat your reputation
has been impacted.
God's word for you is, "Leaveyour reputation with me."
Just begin to thank thelord and praise him.
Do not allow fear or anxietyor the concerns of others
about your reputation to impact
your spiritual walk right now.
- Oh, Nicholas, you've got a, it's a,
probably your leg, I believe,it is your quad muscle
that's all messed up, just putyour hand down on your leg,
in the name of Jesus, power'sgoing through that leg.
Now, Father, in Jesus' name, once again,
we hold up before youthe suffering people,
the people over in Afghanistan,
the people who are left behind,
the people who are crying out for help,
Lord, all over thisworld, people are enslaved
and are crying out to you,hear the prayer, Lord,
of those suffering,hear an answer, we pray,
in Jesus' name, we prayand we pray for this nation
of ours that we might turnto God and be blessed by you,
in Jesus' name amen and amen.- Amen.
- We love to hear fromyou, we like to hear
the answers to prayer, we liketo hear your prayer requests,
so please give us a call, don't be afraid,
just pick up the phone.
Somebody's here who caresabout you, who loves you.
- Well, still ahead, a couple is matched
with a baby for adoption.
The surprise, the baby has a twin,
so can they handle this double?
See for yourself coming up.
And then, Pat heads to the hot seat
for another round of yourquestions, honest answers.
Peter writes, "Pat, the Bible says
that during the millennium,there will be people
in flesh bodies that willrepopulate the Earth."
"Who are these people?"
Wonder what Pat will say to that.
Find out, that's later on today's show.
(upbeat music)
Cory and Jillian werewaiting for a baby to adopt,
but they never imaginedthey'd be matched with a twin.
The couple didn't wantto separate the babies,
but they knew they could neverafford to raise them both.
So, what happened?
See for yourself.
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] U.S. Army soldier,Cory, considers himself
a servant, devoted tohis family, his country
and other soldiers as an army chaplain.
- I began to see the tremendous need
that was right in front of me,
the toll that prolonged years of war
was taking on families andwanted to pursue the chaplaincy,
so that I could specificallyserve and pastor
those families that werecarrying so much of the load
for our country.
- [Narrator] In additionto being a stay at home mom
with their three children,his wife, Jillian,
enjoys working alongsideCory as the chaplain's wife.
- I think I just saw it as a mission field
that we were both gonna serve on together.
I think we both believe it'swhere God has us right now
and so, I'm just happy to do it
as long as God has us doing it.
- [Narrator] The couplefelt God leading them
to start a new chapter intheir lives by adopting a baby.
They were approved, placed on a register
and started saving up the$16,000 they would need.
They were shocked when the agency called
and said they'd been matchedwith a baby who was a twin.
They were asked if they'd adopt both,
plus, live out of state for a few months
because the twins were born 10 weeks early
and needed NICU care.
- This was way more than we expected.
It was about double the costs,
it was double the babies,double the time away,
double the travel distance,about twice as much
as we'd expected to do.
- [Narrator] In spite ofthe financial obstacles,
the couple knew they couldn'tseparate the siblings
and said yes.
- Only God can make it happen,
only God could get us through this.
We pray with, with expectation.
Like, "All right, Lord,we're gonna see you show up,
we just don't quite know howyet or what it will look like."
- [Narrator] While thecouple was arranging
to move the entire family out of state,
their church, River Oakin Chesapeake, Virginia,
was planning a surprisewith Helping the Homefront.
Pastor Steve Reedergave them some big news.
- I've got a check to the adoption agency
for the entire amount.
- Really?
Thank you.
- I can't believe it.
- I don't know what to say.
- [Narrator] He also toldthem CBN was covering the cost
of living out of state while the babies
were in the hospital.
- I can't believe you're,like, sitting here
across from me right now.
I don't feel like this is real.
I really don't feel like this is real.
This isn't, like, a realthing that happens to me
in the real world, doyou know what I mean?
- [Pastor Steve] Yeah, I know.
- [Narrator] After a few months in NICU,
the twins were released andthey all went home to Virginia.
This army family is nowfocusing on their new arrivals,
rather than worrying about finances.
- But every little step alongthe way as we trust God,
he just shows up in away abundantly beyond
all that we could ask or imagine.
- That's right.- And I would say that this is
abundantly beyond what we haveasked for or even imagined.
- That's how it works with God, isn't it?
Always, always hearing us, knowing us,
responding to us, holdingus in difficult times,
blessing us at other times.
You know, the way heteaches us and blesses us
comes through ourfellowship with each other
and you can be a part of that.
You know, we are working allaround the world all the time,
this happened to be Helping the Homefront
because we have such aheart for our military
but 700 Club members aremeeting people's needs
here in the United Statesand all around the world
every single day in waysthat are life changing
and you can be a partof making that happen.
65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member,
so go to your phone today and call.
You can make such a difference
and you'll be blessed by it, as well.
Our way of saying thank you to you
for partnering with allof us is to send you this,
"God Is For Us!".
This is Pat readingverses of salvation, peace
and victory from the Book of Romans
and I know it'll be a blessing to you,
just like it was to Lou, wholives in Chanhassen, Minnesota.
He says, "Pat, thank you forrecording "God Is For Us!"
"Listening to it comforts me so much."
"You read it like you're right next to me,
explaining things to me."
"Your voice is filled with love
and that helps me verymuch to understand Romans."
A very significant and importantbook in the scriptures,
so we want you to havethis and we want you
to join with us in touchingthe lives of others.
Well, up next, we've got your questions
and some honest answers.
Kristen writes, "I feel like I committed
the unforgivable sin of blasphemy."
"Do I still have hope for forgiveness?"
Pat weighs in on that andmore, so stay with us.
(upbeat music)
We've been promising it and now it's time
for your questions andPat's honest answers.
(upbeat music)
Pat, this first one comes from Peter.
He says, "Pat, love your show."
"My question is, the Bible says
that during the millennium,there will be people
in flesh bodies that willrepopulate the Earth."
"Who are these people,where did they come from
and how did they make itthrough the tribulation
to enter with flesh bodies and not die?"
"Are these people born-again Christians?"
"This has stumped me for many years."
- First of all, what yousaid is not in the Bible.
I had our producer check that and that
and it's, it's somebody who wrote,
wrote something likethat, it was a, it was a,
- An opinion.- it was an opinion he wrote,
it wasn't biblical and Iknow nothing in the Bible
that says any such thing.
You know, it says inthe Book of Revelation,
"They lived and reigned withhim for a thousand years
and the devil would bebound," and so forth,
but it says nothing about flesh bodies
or any of that stuff, so I don't know,
I don't know where yougot, somebody wrote it,
it's an opinion, but itis not in the Bible, okay?
- Okay, Kristen says, "Icompared something to God
when I was a teenager andnow, I feel like I committed
the unforgivable sin of blasphemy."
"Do I still have hope for forgiveness?"
- Of course you do.
You know, if you haveblasphemed the Holy Spirit,
you wouldn't have any sense of remorse,
you'd be dead and cold.
You know, but that, youknow, comparing the,
God to something else, no way.
You know, it happened to mewhen I first came to the lord.
I was in Canada at this youth conference
and I was just rejoicing in the lord
and I went to sleep, itwas a Sunday afternoon,
took a nap, and all of a sudden,
the devil came to me and said,
"You have committed the unpardonable sin
and you're going to hell."
And I felt this, likesomebody was choking me,
and I said to the devil,"I want you to know
that if I am going to hell, I'll go there
praising the lord, Jesus,'cause he's my savior,"
and that was the end of it.
But that, it's the most horrible feeling
that you had blasphemed,you said something,
it doesn't work that way.
No way.
- This is Yvette, whosays, "I recently learned
the vaccine is going to bemandatory to keep your job."
"I know it's being required to go places,
to fly, et cetera."
"I don't want to lose my job,
but I feel this is likethe mark of the beast
and do not want to go to hell."
"Can you tell me your thoughts?"
- Look, this vaccine has nothing to do
with the mark of the beast.
This isn't something set upby, by some anti-Christ system
anymore than when you'rea kid, you get vaccinated
from whooping cough.
I mean, you know, andwe have tetanus vaccine,
everybody, when you were alittle kid, had a vaccination.
It had nothing to do withthe mark of the beast.
Now, we're gonna havesomething in another few days
about a company that hasa, has got a blood test
that'll tell you if youhave natural immunity
and whether or not you need it,
but that's a totally different thing.
You know, the vaccine has nothing to do
with the anti-Christ, mark of the beast
or any of that stuff, okay?
- This is Linda, who says,"Hello, Pat, what does it mean
when people say, 'You'reso heavenly minded,
you're no earthly good?'"
"First Corinthians 2:16 says,
'But we have the mind of Christ.'"
- Look, the statement thatwe're so heavenly minded,
you know, I think that's just a statement.
What worried me is that you'vegot your head in the clouds
and you're not paying attention
and you need to getwith it and get to work.
You know, but that's not in the Bible,
has nothing to do withthe Bible, all right?
- Maria says, "Can youplease explain to me
the passage in Matthew 5:37 that says,
'Let your yes be yes and your no, no,
for whatever is more thanthese is from the evil one.'"
- Well, if you affirm something,
you know, your word should be your bond
and if you say, "I willdo something," then do it.
And if you don't want to do something,
say, "I don't want to do it."
You know, you shouldn'thave to have a big contract
all written down, andthat's what it means,
it means let your yea beyea and your nay be nay.
I mean, let your word be your bond.
So, that's what it means.
- Well, that's all thetime we have for today, but
that was a lot of questions.- I thank you very much.
Tomorrow is a big day, you,it's your program tomorrow,
the audience, and we'llbe having those questions,
I think it's fine.
We leave you with these wordsfrom First Thessalonians,
"Rejoice always, praycontinually, give thanks
in all circumstances,for this is God's will
for you in Christ Jesus."
So, for Terry and all ofus, this is Pat Robertson,
thank you so much for being with us
and tomorrow it's your show,so you don't want to miss it.
We'll see you then.
Bye bye.
(upbeat music)