If my ex-husband dies, can I remarry without committing adultery? Does God have an individual plan for each one of us?
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- [Terry] Pat, the firstquestion comes from Rose
who says, "I need to knowif my ex-husband dies,
"can I remarry withoutcommitting adultery?"
- You've already gotten a divorce?
Is that he's an ex-husband, if he dies?
Well, you know, again,the Pauline printment
but Jesus said that you can't divorce
and remarry except forthe cause of infidelity.
So I presume your ex-husband somehow that
must have been something involved.
So of course, if he dies, you're not bound
under any circumstances.
But I, I don't knowexactly why he's an ex,
so if he's an ex on account of infidelity
you're okay now, all right?
- This is Alan who says, "DoesGod have a plan for my life
"other than His universalplan of salvation?
"Where in the Bibledoes it speak of a plan
"for my life as an individual,
"a grain of sand on the beach of life?
"Does God have an individualplan for each one of us?"
- Well He wrote to Jeremiah, said,
"Before I formed you in the womb,
"I knew you and I ordained you
"to be a prophet to the nations."
So Jeremiah had a plan, but Paul writes,
I believe in Ezekiel where He says,
"We have been saved untogood works which God prepared
"for us before thefoundation of the earth."
So He's got a plan all laid out for you
and the good thing of lifeis if you follow His plan,
it leads to success andhappiness, and if you fight it
you're gonna be frustrated all your life.
So the answer is yes, He hasa plan for each one of us
and that's good news.
- Mm-hm.
This is Lee who says,"All my life, my brother
"and I never really saw eye to eye.
"He was always verballyabusive and at times, a bully.
"I know I'm supposed to forgive him,
"but every time I see him, I'm triggered.
"While I find myself tryingto renew ties with him,
"he always finds ways todestroy any progress we've made.
"How do I fix this or should I give up?"
- Well, you know, Jesus said
if somebody wants to be repentedand he comes and asks you
forgiveness, you, seven times seven,
70, but apparently thebrother doesn't want it
and so the Bible says havenothing to do with an angry man.
So I don't think youneed to get in a position
where you're constantly angry.
From, you know, when youstand praying, if you've got
anything in your heartagainst him, forgive it.
So I forgive him, hebullied me, he beat me up,
he's done all these terriblethings, and I forgive him,
and then put it aside.
But if there's a constanttrigger, just stay away.
You don't have to be exposed
to that which will causeyou to have problems.
- Okay, this is Kenisha who says,
"I've been in the UnitedStates for 15 years now
"and I would like to knowwhat is the best history book
"you recommend to learn moreabout true American history?
"Also, do you know ofany conservative colleges
"or universities in New York?
"I recently completed my Associates
"in Business Administration and would like
"to continue my educationto obtain my Bachelor's."
- In, in New York, I think it's called
King's College, isn't it?
They've got a terrificprogram up in New York City.
They, they look after you very well
and they teach the Bible.
There's something thathas been put out called
the 1776 Project and it'sdone by a school in Michigan.
- [Terry] Oh, I know where you're...
- Yeah.
But anyhow, it's available, 1776 Project
and look it up on theinternet or try to find it.
But as I say King's College in New York,
you'll find a very good education.
- Okay, Leonard wants toknow, "Is it a sin to smoke?"
- Well, the Bible says you've temple is,
your body's the temple of the Holy Spirit
and if anybody destroys God's temple,
God's gonna destroy him.
Now, there is no question thatsmoking is damaging to you.
It will eat your lungs, itwill cause Buerger's disease,
it will cause all kindsof health problems,
pleurisy, you name it,it'll be bad for you.
So you're destroying God's temple.
So is it a sin?
You better believe it is because God says
if you destroy the temple,God's going to destroy you.
I just wouldn't do it.
And all the advertisements about smoking,
they have proved without question that
nicotine is harmful and it destroys you
and it's not good for you.
And so the answer is you shouldnot destroy God's temple.
- Mm-hm.
This is Reba who says,"If both the president
"and vice president are unable to serve
"and the Speaker of the Houseis of a different Party,
"would he or she still become president?"
- The answer is yes.
I mean, it has nothingto do with the Party.
I mean, it's the office they hold.
So if the president andvice president are taken
out of the way for somereason, Nancy Pelosi will be
your next president,even though Republicans
are someplace else, okay? (chuckling)
- [Terry] Catch my breath, here.
- That's something you have,you have to look forward to.
But the Speaker of the House
becomes the president, all right?