After six years of marriage a wife discovered her husband had a secret affair. Find out what saved this couple’s marriage and put them on the path to restoration on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up.
- That was the end of our marriage.
- [Narrator] A secret is exposed.
- Barrett's had an affair.
- [Narrator] What else was he hiding?
- Over 20 Years of using pornography.
- [Narrator] Find out what happened
when his wife discovered the darkness.
- I think I was moreangry than I'd ever been.
- [Narrator] And whydid she stay with him?
- I'm living a life that I don't deserve.
- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club."
- Well, welcome to the "700 Club."
It's a scene of horror,ladies and gentlemen.
15,000 Americans trappedbehind enemy lines
with a Taliban controllingall road to the airport.
So how can these Americans possibly escape
President Biden's ruthless blunder?
And why does our presidentcontinue to double down
on his disastrous decision?
The big question: is it timeto invoke the 25th amendment?
Dale Hurd has more.
- President Biden says U.S.forces will stay in Kabul
until all Americans are evacuated.
Even if it means extendingthe August 31st deadline,
when all U.S. troops aresupposed to pull out.
(guns firing)
For now, chaos outside Kabul's airport
as thousands of Afghans tried desperately
to get out of their country.
U.S. forces control the airfield,
but the Taliban control allroads leading to the airport.
Militants have beenbeating women and children
trying to flee.
The U.S. secretary of defensesays Americans in Kabul
will have to get to theairport on their own.
- We're gonna to do everything we can
to continue to try to deconflict
and create passage ways forthem to get to the airfield.
I don't have the capability to go out
and extend operationscurrently into Kabul.
- [Dale] Right now, some 15,000 Americans
are trapped behind Taliban lines.
- We're gonna get everyone
that we can possibly evacuate, evacuated.
And I'll do that aslong as we possibly can,
until the clock runs out orwe run out of capability.
- [Dale] Meanwhile, General Mark Milley,
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
said even though there was a possibility
that the Taliban would gainpower after the U.S. pulled out,
no one predicted the countrywould fall so quickly.
- There was nothing thatI or anyone else saw
that indicated a collapse of this army
and this government in 11 days.
- [Dale] In an exclusive interview
with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos,
President Biden said he wouldn't handle
the U.S. withdrawal any differently.
- The idea that somehow there'sa way to have gotten out
without chaos ensuing, Idon't know how that happens.
- [Dale] Democrats gave thepresident their full backing
when he announced plans forthe unconditional withdrawal.
Now, some are changing their stance.
In a statement, the Democratic Chairman
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
Senator Bob Menendez said, quote,
"I am disappointed thatthe Biden Administration
clearly did not accuratelyassess the implications
of a rapid U.S. withdrawal."
Swift and blisteringrebukes from Republicans.
Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell,
calling the evacuation a botched exit.
- All of this is the aftermath
of the decision first to withdraw
and then their withdrawal in a precipitous
and incompetent way.
- [Dale] Florida Senator RickScott taking it a step further
saying the president shouldbe removed from office.
Tweeting, "After the disastrousevents in Afghanistan,
we must confront a serious question.
Is Joe Biden capable ofdischarging the duties
of his office,
or has time come toexercise the provisions
of the 25th amendment?"
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
the truth is we don't have a president.
He just isn't able to fulfillthe duties of his office.
Well, Michael Schiezeltitself is a senior fellow
at the Robertson Centerfor Constitutional Law
at Regent University.
And he's here to tell us moreabout the 25th amendment.
And, you know, we know about impeachment.
It has to be brought in the house.
And then there's a jury of the Senate
and they have to havea 2/3 vote to impeach.
But this 25th is not it.
Could you explain what that does?
- Yes, sir.
The 25th amendment is designed to provide
for presidential succession,first and foremost.
There were a lot of questionsover the first 180 years
of our country about what should happen
if the president were to die, to resign,
to be removed from officeor to be temporarily unable
to discharge the powers
and duties of the office of the president.
The 25th amendment clarifies that process
and allows them either the president
or the vice-president witha majority of the cabinet
to submit a letter to Congress,
declaring that the president is unable
to discharge those powers and duties.
- Well, the thing of it isthe cabinet has got to do it.
And so if the cabinet isall in favor of Joe Biden,
the chances of them voting to remove him
are highly unlikely.
Am I saying that right?
- I think that's absolutely right.
The reasons for puttingthis with the vice president
and the cabinet, and this isa very destabilizing action
if we were to strip the president of power
and it's something thatshouldn't be taken lightly.
So the framers of the 25th amendment,
those who were working on thisthroughout the 1950s and '60s
decided that it was best to leave this,
first, with the vice presidentwho is an elected official
and who is responsible andaccountable to the people.
And then second with the cabinet officers
so that there can be a reasonable
and perhaps objective assessment
of the president's abilities.
- So there really isn't anything.
I mean, we have a president
who really isn't capableof fulfilling his office,
but his own cabinet has got to be the one
that initiates the action.
Otherwise there'snothing we can do, is it?
- I think there's little that we can do
in terms of the 25th amendment.
That's for thevice-president to determine,
and that's for the cabinet todetermine at this juncture.
I think we need to be careful though
to distinguish between theincompetence of the president
or the incompetence of an administration
and the inability to do so.
The types of events that mighttrigger something like this,
if you think about when President Reagan
was shot during 1981, and wasunable to discharge the powers
and duties of the office.
There are three times actuallythat the 25th amendment
has been invoked for thepresident's inability.
The first was when Ronald Reagan
went under general anesthesia in 1985.
And then in 2002, and in 2007,
President Bush was goingunder general anesthesia
for a colonoscopy.
So those are the types of eventsthat we typically think of
in terms of the 25th amendment.
Other than that, there's verylittle recourse for the people
in terms of the 25th amendment.
That process is dictatedby the vice president
and the cabinet.
- Professor, thank you somuch for explaining it.
I think it clarifies itfor a whole lot of us
and some of us who wouldlike to see the end of it
are beginning to think,
well, I'm afraid there'sno way to have it happen.
Well, also unfolding in Afghanistan,
Taliban fighters are going door to door
kidnapping girls as young as 12,
and then forcing themto become sex slaves.
So what fate awaits thefive to 8,000 Christians
living in Afghanistan?
They are fearing completeannihilation and for good reason.
And we also understand thatthe Taliban is beating people,
trying to get to the airport,beating, beating them up,
taking them out of theircars and beating them
who are trying to escapetheir wicked reign.
George Thomas bringsthis exclusive interview
with an underground churchleader in Afghanistan.
- [George] Within hoursof capturing Heart,
the terror groups fighterswere out patrolling streets,
trying to convince residents
of Afghanistan's third-largest city
that life would soon return normal.
- [Translator] Businesswill continue as normal
and people are happy with us.
And with our services,they would be happier.
- [George] Hamid has seriousdoubts about those claims.
- [Translator] Rightnow, we fear elimination.
The Taliban are going to eliminate
the Christian population of Afghanistan.
- [George] Hamid, not his real name,
is among thousands of Afghans
who've come to faith in Jesus Christ
over the past two decades.
We've concealed his identity for safety.
- [Translator] Thereweren't a lot of Christians
20 years ago during the Taliban time.
But today, we are talking about
5,000 to 8,000 local Christians,
and they live all over Afghanistan.
- In an exclusive interviewfrom an undisclosed location,
Hamid told CBN News,
he's very concerned about the future
of Afghanistan's tiny Christian community.
- [Translator] We knowa Christian believer
who we've been working within the north, he's a leader,
and we've lost contact with him
because his city hasfallen to the Taliban.
There are three other cities
that we have lost contactwith our Christian believers.
- [George] According to Open Doors,
Afghanistan is the secondmost dangerous place
to be a Christian in theworld, just behind North Korea.
The majority of the Christianshere converted from Islam.
- [Translator] Some ofthe believers are known
in their communities,
people know that they convertedfrom Islam to Christianity,
and they are considered apostates.
And the penalty for that is death.
The Taliban are famous forcarrying out that punishment.
- [George] Talibanfighters are reportedly now
going door-to-door,
forcing families togive up their daughters,
some as young as 12, to besex slaves for their men.
- [Translator] I have foursisters that are single.
They are at home and theyare worried about this.
- [George] David, a foreign national,
has worked in Afghanistanfor the past three decades.
We've taken similar precautionsto protect his identity.
He saw the Taliban's brutality up close
while living in Kabulduring its last reign.
Now comes fear of a return
to the days of regularexecutions, flogging,
stoning to death, and hand chopping.
- [Translator] They havea strict interpretation
of Islamic law, not only from the Quran,
but also from what they call the Hadiths,
which are traditions, sayings,
and practical applications of Islamic law.
They take these literally.
- [George] Despite these threats,
David says there's a hunger among Afghans
like never before to knowGod in an intimate way.
- [Translator] People are really seeking
in their heart for peace,
seeking for a true relationship with God,
for meaning in life and anunderstanding of who is this God.
- [George] Hamid is askingpeople around the world
to pray for his countryduring these uncertain times.
- [Translator] The Christian community
in Afghanistan is strong.
They are trusting Jesus,they are walking with Jesus,
despite the potential of beingeliminated by the Taliban.
- And here's a sadreality right now, folks.
Hamid's family, like so manyother Christian families
across Afghanistan arereportedly, as we speak,
destroying Christian books, literature,
and other religious materials
that could potentiallyget them into huge trouble
with the Taliban regime.
- George, is there anythingwe can do for those people?
Of course, we want to pray for them.
But what else can we do to help them?
It's just a surrender by Biden.
And these people, it makesme sick at my stomach
when I think of what's happening.
It's horrible because thesepeople are considered apostate
so they can be beheaded.
- Yeah, it's absolutely tragic.
But, Pat, just momentsbefore coming on the air,
I got a text message, a WhatsApp message,
from another underground churchleader, this time in Kabul.
And he said, "My family,"these are his words, Pat,
he said, "My family is on the run,
but they do not have passport."
I said, "How can we pray for you?"
He said, "Three things:
One, pray for safety and protection.
Number two, pray for provisionsfor the displaced families.
And number three,
pray for evacuation and away to get out for those
who decide to leave."
And then he said,
"Pray for boldness and courage for those
who decide to stay in the country
and face the wrath of the Taliban."
And the reality is thatas we see hundreds,
tens of thousands of Afghans
who worked with the coalition forces,
who worked with American forces,
trying desperately to get out.
Then you have familieslike Hamid's who are stuck.
They don't have passports there.
They're not necessarilyconnected to the coalition forces
or any way, but they're stuck.
And they realize theycan't hit to the borders
because the Talibancontrol the entire borders,
all the borders to Pakistan,Tajikistan and Iran,
and they're stuck, literally stuck.
And it's a really difficult situation.
So we need to pray forthem desperately, Pat.
- Thanks, George.
Well, pray, they need provision.
They need protection.
But do they need the anointing of God?
There's gotta be angelichost to protect them.
But to think that our affectless president
said there was no way.
Of course there was a way.
It never happened under Trump.
He told the Taliban,
and we had Mike Pompeo on this program
and they made it clear to the Taliban.
You touch one of our people,and we're gonna come after you
with all of the power we'vegot or we'll destroy you.
And so they never did it.
They never touched one single American.
And the adhere is that thelast thing you would do
is evacuate your civilians.
You'd take them out first.
You'd leave your army in place.
You would leave controlof the Bagram air field.
You would make sure thatall of your material
got taken out.
That's what Trump said.
If you want, you will, turn the thing off.
But only under certain conditions.
And if you break one of these,
we're gonna come on you with both feet.
I heard Senator LindseyGraham, I think last night.
And he was really strong.
He said, listen, we oughtto have a safe corridor.
And we ought to tell theTaliban, if they violate it,
we're going to come after themwith everything we've got.
And I was listening to Sean Hannity,
who said he would much preferhaving the people all stuck
and then say, well, isn't Biden terrible?
But I think that LindseyGraham had it right.
We need to tell these people
we're not going to stand for this.
We're not just going to sit idly by
and let you persecuteeverybody and kill Christians
and behead the believers,
and also force women into sex labor.
We're not gonna let it happen.
We're so concerned hereabout the Me Too Movement
and all this stuff here in America.
And here we have surrenderedall those wonderful women
in Afghanistan to slaveryunder the Taliban.
We can't do it.
And we could come out thereand get our people out,
but it would take a lot ofcourage and a lot of strength.
And I don't think the secretary of defense
or General Millie have the guts to do it.
And I certainly don't thinkthe president has what it takes
to be the commander inchief of the United States.
- Well, still to come on today's program,
a husband who hid his porn addiction.
Then he crossed the lineinto a full blown affair.
He refused to come clean.
So what happened when his wife busted him?
You're gonna see for yourself.
That's coming up.
But first, conquered andreconquered multiple times.
Completely leveled at least twice.
And like no other city on earth.
Jerusalem is rising to its greatest glory.
How is prophecy being fulfilledin the holiest of lands?
Find out when we come back.
(gentle music)
- I have in my handsnow an interesting book.
It's called "Jerusalem Rising."
And it shows picturesfrom the way Jerusalem
was way, way ago...
Hundred or 200 yearsago, and how it is now.
And what's happened here isthe Jaffa Gate, for example,
a picture of what it used to be look like.
And then you've got whatit looks like today.
And this book is...
It's a big...
It's kind of like a coffee type table.
It's called the Doug Hersheyphotography by Edden Ram.
So the city of peace reawakens.
And the author and photography
is gonna tell the historyof the holiest city on earth
and its current revivalon the way to becoming
the center of the world's attention.
So what does Jerusalem rising mean
in terms of biblical prophecy?
Our reporter Chris Mitchellhas got the explanation.
- [Chris] Author Doug Hershey uses past
and current photographs
to show the extraordinarytransformation of Jerusalem
over the past 175 years.
The book continues Hershey'sunique look at prophecy
and the holy land.
- Much like "Israel Rising" documented
the revival of the land,
"Jerusalem Rising" isdocumenting the fulfillment of,
or at least the beginning processes
of these biblical prophecies
about Jerusalem being restoredand what it's leading to.
- [Chris] Hershey andadventure photographer,
Edden Ram combed the cityfor just the right angles
to capture its past and present.
- Edden.
Up, there he goes.
Looking at...
You can kind of lookthrough the fence here.
It'll look better whenwe see the actual photos,
but some of all of thatstuff right in there
is what he's getting a shot offrom back in the early 1900s.
To be able to go tosome of these locations
and find the exact locations
where a photographer set up 175 years ago
to capture what Jerusalem looks like,
and then go back today tothe exact same location.
Some of the oldest photosof Jerusalem ever taken
were from 1844.
And we have several ofthose in "Jerusalem Rising."
And all of those I don't think
have ever been recreated ever.
- One of those before and after photos
takes place just outside the Jaffa Gate
of Jerusalem's Old City walls.
It looks back from this spot
towards what's knownas the Tower of David.
Hershey says most any city on earth
may look different overthe course of 100 years,
but Jerusalem is unique.
- There's no other city on earth
that's had its historyforetold from its destruction
to its desolation to arevival as a world player.
And so, to be able to see allof that beginning to unfold
in our day is really amazing.
So, that's a lot of what's been documented
in "Jerusalem Rising."
- [Chris] Hershey sayssome of those prophecies
can be seen on the streets of Jerusalem.
- In Zechariah 8,
God says that He's goingto return to the city
and He's going to dwell with His people,
which is a profound statement
for one of the prophetsto say to God saying,
"I'm going to return to Jerusalemand dwell with My people."
He says that old men andold women will dwell safely
in the streets, leaning on their canes,
and the children will beplaying in the streets.
And the nations will beginto flood to Jerusalem.
- [Chris] And before COVID,Israel set records for tourism.
- Never before in historyhave the nations flooded
to Jerusalem the waythat they are in our day.
And now, clearly, in Zechariah8, it's in the context
of coming to worshipthe king in Jerusalem.
But it's undeniable that theseare very beginning stages,
historically, that we'reseeing unfold in the city.
Just never happened before.
- [Chris] Hershey says if wewant to understand Jerusalem,
we must look to the Scriptures.
- Ultimately, if we continuereading the Scriptures,
if we believe what the prophet said,
Jerusalem is going tobe a sit of ruling power
for a Jewish king.
Ezekiel 5:5 says thatGod has placed Jerusalem
in the center of the earth.
So, locationally, it's alreadyin the center of the earth.
And one day soon, and even beginning now,
it's already becoming thecenter of the world's attention.
- [Chris] A city thatfor thousands of years
has stood at the crossroadsof history and prophecy.
- Jerusalem has been conquered
and reconquered multiple times,
it's changed hands over 40 times,
it's been completelyleveled at least twice.
There's been, literally, hundredsand hundreds and hundreds
of years where the cityhas just laid desolate
according to eyewitness accounts.
Now we're at a time wherethings are starting to revive.
So, prophetic words fromZechariah 8 or Isaiah
or any of these prophets, about Israel,
about Jerusalem where oncewe thought were allegorical
or spiritual or just abstract concepts,
we're finding that God isdoing exactly what He said.
Never before have theseprophecies been fulfilled
in such a dramatic and significant way.
And it's happening in ourday in a really powerful
and unique way.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell, CBN News.
The Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem's Old City.
- Well, the book iscalled "Jerusalem Rising."
You can find it wherever books are sold.
Doug Hershey is the author.
And I guess you can get it on Amazon.
They've got every other bookthat's ever been written,
it looks like.
So that may be why you can get on Kindle.
I don't know if that's available.
I would hope so.
- Well, still to come:
Pat returns to the hot seat toanswer your email questions.
Rose says, "I need to knowif my ex-husband dies,
can I remarry withoutcommitting adultery?"
Stay tuned for your questionsand Pat's honest answers.
But first, he had an affairwith his wife's friend
and hid the secret.
So how did his wife find out?
And what did she do when she did?
That's coming up.
(upbeat music)
(gentle music)
Barrett Wilson brought a shameful secret
into his marriage to Whitney.
He had a hardcore porn addiction.
And before long,
he crossed the line intoa full-blown affair.
So what could make matters even worse?
His secret lover was his wife's friend.
(gentle music)
- I learned to compartmentalize things.
I learned to hide over 20years of using pornography.
I learned how to hide from my wife.
- [Narrator] When Whitney andBarrett Wilson got married,
his secret life with porn
brought an unknowndarkness to their marriage.
- As the years went by,
I continued to be furtherin darkness and isolation
and she was growing in her faith.
And that divide between us justcontinued to grow and grow.
- I think I thought it wasall me and I was wrong.
And put a lot of weight on just performing
and getting better on my own.
And that darkness justkept growing at that time.
- [Narrator] As he continuedto hide his porn addiction,
Barrett eventually had anaffair with a coworker.
- They were friends ofours outside of work.
And so, it all seemed safe, you know?
Like our world seems safe.
It seemed like it was okay.
And obviously thoseboundaries were crossed
and then led to the affair.
- [Narrator] Barrettcouldn't stand the guilt
and ended the affairafter a couple of months.
But the shame still consumed him.
- I just remember telling God like,
"If it's true that I'm supposedto tell this to my wife
and not just live with it until I die,
then you're gonna have to somehow tell her
or make it come out because I can't."
- I was sitting there,
and I remember the phrasegoing across my mind,
Barrett's had an affair with that person.
- [Narrator] One night, Whitneylooked through old messages
on Barrett's computer andfound evidence of the affair.
- I mean, there was a floodof emotions in that moment.
I think I was more angrythan I'd ever been.
I've learned since that
that's because something I love so much
had been hurt and damaged.
Probably, at that point,I thought beyond repair.
- Whitney immediately left.
And I mean, I just believed that
that was the end of our marriage.
- [Narrator] Hurt and broken,
they both turned to theirpastor and his wife for help.
- I just told them,"Look, I had an affair.
Whitney knows about it andI don't know what to do."
And he just hugged me, you know?
And again, it's not what I expected,
but he hugged me and told me he loved me.
And I just shared everything with him.
Every corner of darkness in myheart that I could think of.
- These women carried me to Jesus.
They were comforting.
They also challenged meto look to Christ and say,
"What did Christ do for us?"
- [Narrator] In the midstof the pain and betrayal,
they decided to pursue reconciliation.
- Whitney told me thatshe had always loved me.
And even then, knowing what Ihad done, she still loved me.
I just remember thinking like,
I have to do whatever I canto stay married to this woman,
like I have to.
- [Narrator] One night asthey spent time together,
God changed Barrett's heart.
- Whitney was kind of at a place
where she just couldn't beconsoled just in her hurt
and in her pain.
And I mean, I just didn't know what to do.
I couldn't fix anything.
And I just felt this tug in my heart,
to go and get my Bible,
and just start reading the book of Romans.
I was reading to her that night.
It was like I had neverheard any of this before.
And whenever I got to Romans five
and read that while we werestill rebels and enemies of God,
that God wanted to prove His love for us
and that He sent Christto die for our sins.
And I just was losing it.
- He started reading.
And it was seriously this weirdflip where all of a sudden,
he starts crying.
And I think that honestly,in a kind of funny way,
was like, "What's happening?"
And kind of shocked by his tears almost.
I had never seen him moved byanything he read in the Bible.
And so, somehow the Spiritkind of calmed me down
in that moment.
And hearing him read andseeing him being so broken
over the words he was reading,
and identifying so much with his own sin,
and seeing his own story on those pages.
- You know, I had a father in heaven
that truly loved me unconditionally,
despite everything that I had done,
every destructive thing I had done,
all the darkness that I had lived in.
Even knowing that, whileI still lived in that,
that God wanted to prove His love for me
and that He sent Jesus to die for me
to pay the price thatI should have to pay,
and to die the debtthat I really deserved.
That was truly the turning point
where God really started toput our lives back together
or not put them back together,
give me a new life andgive us a new marriage.
- God was slowly showing methat I could be forgiving
and loving towards Barrett
while still hating thething that had happened,
and being very angry at that piece of it
while still offering graceand forgiveness to Barrett.
- The Holy Spirit was justamidst so many things,
the Holy Spirit wasdoing was even showing me
like my behavioral patterns of
okay, this is going tolead to pornography.
Don't do this, don't do that.
And just being obedient to that.
And so I haven't looked at pornography
in almost nearly three years now.
- [Narrator] Barrett is freefrom his pornography addiction.
The couple now sharesa mutual love for Jesus
and is looking forward
to starting a family through adoption.
- Hopes for my marriage now
is to continue walkingin light with Whitney
and to serve her and to love her
and to bathe her in scriptureso that God gets the glory
and that she feels His love through me.
- I think my hope for our marriage
is that we continue to walk in that path.
And even as we adopt andbring kids into our marriage,
that that belief I hadwhere the husband and wife
do become one is still true today.
And even more true todaythan it's ever been.
- I'm grateful that livinga life that I don't deserve
because of the work thatChrist did on my behalf.
- Sin is such a trap, isn't it?
You know, there's an oldhymn that has a line in it
that says prone to wander.
You know, Lord, I love you,prone to leave the one I love.
There's something in us thatwants to do our own thing,
you know, and then putsa sticker of acceptance
long before we actually get to the act.
You know, Barrett talked about that,
how he excused some of the temptations,
he excused and allowed himself
to experience some of those things
that finally led to doing something
he would have neverthought in the beginning,
he was willing to do.
That's sin.
That's what it does.
It woos us away from the God who loves us,
the God who did all the things
that Barrett and Whitney talked about,
who loved us in ourbrokenness and our sin,
who died so that we could be forgiven,
who offers us eternal life,
who wants to walk throughlife and relationship with us.
And this is how awful the enemy is.
After he tempts us andtempts us and tempts us,
and we give in, we give in, we give in,
and finally, we go off the cliff.
You know, then he mocks us.
God could never forgive you
after all the things that you've done.
How could you even think
you could come back to him right now?
You've gone too far.
You've done too much.
But that is not what the word of God says.
The word of God says he waits.
He waits for you and forme to have that moment
where we recognize that withouthim, we are eternally lost.
Not just lost last here, eternally lost.
He waits for us to cometo the place where we say,
"God, I have to have you.
I want you."
Because you see, he'swanted you all along.
There's never been a question about that.
God is for you.
And he has purpose andintention for your life.
He's planning for your future.
He's planning for your eternity.
So the question isn't what'sGod's end of the deal?
The question is, what are you gonna do?
You see, when we come to that place,
it's a place of surrenderwhere we are in a position
where we need to say I'm taking my way
and what I've done and where I've been
and the way I foughtand the way I've lived.
And I'm getting rid of it.
I'm putting it over hereso I can have you, God.
So I can be what you created me to be.
So I can be forgiven for allthat junk that weighed me down,
that tried to identifyme as something else.
I wanna be yours.
I wanna be forgiven,
but I want the relationshipwith you that changes me.
God will send his Holy Spiritinto your heart and your mind
and your life if you ask him.
He'll forgive your sinsif you confess them.
He will give you eternalsalvation, it's his gift.
Do we deserve it?
Absolutely not.
Can we earn it?
Not a chance.
The price for it was paid by Jesus.
And that's why you need toinvite him into your life,
into your situation,into your circumstances.
Do it now.
Don't let another day go by.
You know, no day is promised to anyone.
You have no idea what couldhappen to you today or tomorrow.
Don't go into one more second with that.
Get down on your knees
and ask him to be the Lordand savior of your life.
Listen, we've got a wonderful packet
we'd love to share withyou about what does it mean
to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus?
It's called "A New Day."
It's free.
You can get it by callingthe toll free number
on your screen.
And if you struggled in your marriage
like Barrett and Whitney have,
and lots and lots of people have,
we've got "Love and Marriage."
We wanna share with youwhat God's word has to say
about an institution that hecreated and that he blesses
and that he will give life toagain if you're struggling.
"Love and Marriage" and "A New Day."
Ask for them when you call.
We'll get 'em out to you right away.
Pat.- Thanks, Terry.
- Well, still ahead.
Suffering from a pain in the neck.
How did this woman get healed
with the help of her cell phone?
She'll tell you herself coming up.
But first, we've got your email question.
Alan wants to know, "DoesGod have a plan for my life
other than his universalplan of salvations?"
Your questions, honestanswers right after this.
(gentle music)
- It's time now for your questionsand Pat's honest answers.
(stately music)
Pat, the first questioncomes from Rose, who says,
"I need to know if my ex-husband dies,
can I remarry withoutcommitting adultery?"
- Oh, you've already gotten a divorce.
He's an ex-husband.
If he dies, well, you know,again, the (indistinct)
but Jesus said that you can't divorce
and remarry except forthe cause of infidelity.
So I presume your ex-husband,
somehow there must'vebeen something involved.
So, of course, if he dies,
you're not bound under any circumstances.
But I don't know exactly why he's an ex.
So if he's an ex on account ofinfidelity, you're okay now.
All right.
- This is Alan who says, "DoesGod have a plan for my life
other than his universalplan of salvation?
Where in the Bible does itspeak of a plan for my life
as an individual, a grain ofsand on the beach of life?
Does God have an individualplan for each one of us?"
- Well, he wrote to Jeremiah said,
"Before I formed you inthe womb, I knew you,
and I ordained you to bea prophet to the nations."
So Jeremiah had a plan.
But Paul writes, I believein Ezekiel, where he says,
"We have been saved unto good works
which God prepared for us
before the foundation of the earth."
So he's got a plan all laid out for you.
And the good thing of lifeis if you follow his plan,
it leads to success and happiness.
And if you find issue, you'llbe frustrated all your life.
So the answer is yes, he hasa plan for each one of us.
And that's good news.
- Mm-hm.
This is Lee who says,
"All my life, my brother andI never really saw eye to eye.
He was always verbally abusive.
And at times, a bully.
I know I'm supposed to forgive him,
but every time I see him, I'm triggered.
While I find myself tryingto renew ties with him,
he always finds ways to destroyany progress we've made.
How do I fix this?
Or should I give up?"
- Well, you know, Jesus said,
if somebody wants to be repetitive
and he comes and asks you for forgiveness,
seven times seven, 70,
but apparently, thebrother doesn't want it.
And so the Bible says havenothing to do with an angry man.
So I don't think youneed to get a position
where you're constantly angry.
When you stand praying,
if you've got anything inyour heart against him,
forgive it.
So I forgive him, hebullied me, he beat me up,
he's done all these terriblethings and I forgive him.
And then put it aside.
But if it's as a constanttrigger, just stay away.
You don't have to be exposed to that,
which will cause you to have problems.
- Okay, this is Kenisha who says,
"I've been in the UnitedStates for 15 years now,
and I would like to knowwhat is the best history book
you recommend to learn moreabout true American history?
Also, do you know of anyconservative colleges
or universities in New York?
I recently completed
my associates in business administration
and would like to continue my education
to obtain my bachelor's."
- In New York, I think it'scalled King's College, isn't it?
They've got a terrificprogram up in New York City.
They look after you very welland they teach the Bible.
There's something that has been put out
called the 1776 Project.
And it's done by...
Held at the school in Michigan.
- [Terry] Oh, I know what you're-
- Yeah.
But anyhow, it's available.
1776 Projects.
And look it up on theinternet or try to find it.
But as I say, King's College in New York.
You'll find a very good education.
- Leonard wants to know,"Is it a sin to smoke?"
- Well, the Bible says your body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
And if anybody destroys God's temple,
God's gonna destroy him.
Now, there is no question thatsmoking is damaging to you.
It will eat your lungs.
It will cause Berger's disease.
It will cause all kindsof health problems:
pleurisy, you name it.
It'll be bad for you.
So you're destroying God's temple.
So is it a sin?
You better believe it is
because God says, ifyou destroy the temple,
God's gonna destroy you.
I just wouldn't do it.
And all the advertisements of smoking,
they have proven without question,
that nicotine is harmfuland it destroys you
and it's not good for you.
And so the answer is you shouldnot destroy God's temple.
- Mm-hm.
This is Reba who says,
"If both the president and vice president
are unable to serve,
and the speaker of the houseis of a different party,
would he or she still become president?"
- The answer is yes.
I mean, it has nothingto do with the party.
It's the office they hold.
So if the president and vice president
are taken out of the way, for some reason,
Nancy Pelosi will be your next president,
even though Republicansare someplace else.
Okay?(Pat laughs)
That's-- Catch my breath here.
- Something you have to look forward to.
But the speaker of thehouse becomes the president.
All right.
- Well, that's all thetime we have, Pat, today.
Thank you.
- Constant fear and hunger.
That's what Lydia rememberwas about the Holocaust
and the COVID pandemic hasonly increased her nightmares.
Lydia now lives in Israel.
She can't go out to buyfood or other necessities
because of stay at homeorders on the pandemic.
So how is she gettingwhat she needs to survive?
Take a look.
(gentle music)
- [Narrator] Lydia isa Holocaust survivor.
She lives in Israel
where the forced isolationof the COVID-19 lockdown
brings back tragicmemories of her experiences
during the Nazi invasion of Ukraine.
- [Translator] I stillremember the constant fear
and hunger of those days.
- [Narrator] Lydia's mothergave herself up to the Nazis
and was killed in order to keepLydia and her brother safe.
Then they spent the rest of the war
hiding under the floorboardsof her grandparents' home.
- [Translator] We survived,
but I can't forget what we went through.
- [Narrator] Lydia later movedfrom Ukraine to Nazareth.
Israel is under strict quarantine rules
to keep the COVID-19 virus from spreading
and Holocaust survivorsare especially at risk.
They can't leave theirhomes to get groceries.
So, CBN Israel is deliveringvital food to them
while taking everyprecaution to keep them safe.
- [Translator] It's amazingthat you care enough
to do all this for me.
- [Narrator] Thanks to CBN Israel donors,
Lydia can have peace of mind knowing
someone is there for herduring this difficult time.
- [Translator] It's reallymaking a big difference
in my life.
Thank you.
- Isn't it wonderful?
You can reach out to somebody
who's a survivor of the Holocaust.
We love our Jewish friendsand we want to help them.
And we've got a programthat helps people in Israel.
We have Helping the Home Front.
We have a lot of thingsthat we do that help people.
So we want you to help us help them.
And how do you do it?
Well, $20 a month.
It makes you a 700 Club Member.
And we love to have you aspart of our membership team.
And for those of you whojoined, I want you to call.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Whether you wanna help the veterans,
whether you wanna helpthe poor and the needy,
whether you wanna helpthe victims of hurricanes
and disasters like in Haiti, we're there.
We're there all over theplace to help people.
$20 a month and you can be a member.
When you do, I'm gonna give you something.
It's called "God is for Us."
And I know you don't giveto get this a little thing,
but it's a blessing to you.
What do they say?
- [Terry] Well, I want youto know what Frances said.
Frances lives in Riverdale,New Jersey writes,
"'God is for Us,' brings so much comfort.
Some may not pick up a Bible and read,
but they may put a CD on while driving
and receive God's word that way."
And that's what so many people are doing
that have received it, Pat.
And really loving it.
- By the way, I had a momentary...
A mental lapse.
You asked me about the 1776,it was Hillsdale's College.
- It's a wonderful school.- Yeah, in Michigan.
It's their program as I understand it.
It's an excellent thingif want something to read.
But the college, I had theright name for King's College.
(Pat laughs)
- Well, up next, like electricitycharging through her neck.
That's what this womanfelt when she was healed.
So what did her cellphone have to do with it?
Well, you're about to find out.
Just stay tuned.
(gentle music)
Really, really strong.
A crushing ache, like a migraine.
That's how Elizabeth Marquezdescribed the pain in her neck.
So how did her cell phonehelp her get healed?
Just watch.
(gentle music)
- I like to go to church.
I read my Bible.
Be with my family, my girls.
My oldest is 21 andthen my youngest is 13.
My mom had knee surgeryon October 27th of 2020.
While she was in surgery,
I was at the chapel prayingfor her and for my family.
I had pain in my neck.
It was really bad.
It was like a migraine headache.
It was getting really, really strong.
And I just prayed to God to heal it.
I was in prayer and afterI finished my prayer,
I got on my phone and that'swhen I saw "The 700 Club."
I listen to Pat and Terry every day.
I love watching them.
Pat and Terry were onpraying for the nation
and for everybody there.
And they called out my nameand they said, "Elizabeth,"
and I was so happy to hear my name.
- Elizabeth or Liza or Elizabeth,
there's a whiplash, awhiplash in your neck.
Reach your hand on your neck.
And all of a sudden, all that pain,
those muscles are straight,
your spine is realigned in Jesus' name.
Touch them, Lord!
Thank you.
- So, I touched it.
And at the time that I touched my neck,
I felt electricity going through my neck
and I knew it was Jesus.
I knew it was God healing me
and I was so happy and so excited.
And I had so much joy in my heart.
And as soon as he finished praying for me,
the pain was gone.
It was just a miracle.
You know, God came through for me
and He came through for my mom also.
And it was just a greatfeeling in my heart
knowing that His presence was there
and always will be there.
And if it weren't for Jesus and for God,
I don't know where Iwould be at this moment.
Thank you!
- That is an amazing story, isn't it?
- The fact that we were on a cell phone
and she's watching the cell phone.
I mean, there's so many different ways
of getting this program.
That's great.
Here's one Margaret wholives in Sarasota, Florida.
July 30th of this year.
That was just a few days ago.
Margaret turned on thetelevision, Terry was saying,
"Somebody, you have an eye condition.
It's something to do with the muscles
not having enough tension.
And God's correcting it right now.
And Margaret said it's me.
And immediately, thedouble vision was gone
and her vision is clear."
- Wonderful.- Wow!
- Well, I want you to hear about Wilma.
She lives in Brighton, Colorado.
She suffered with symptoms of scoliosis
and chronic back pain for five decades.
While watching thisprogram on July 26th, 2021,
she heard you, Pat, say,
"Somebody has scoliosis of the spine.
God has just straightening your back.
You'll stand up absolutely straight.
Stand up right now."
Well, Wilma believed God for the miracle.
The back pain instantly went away
and she is praising the Lord.
- Listen, I remember that very distinctly.
Praise God.
Listen, we are seeingmiraculous things happening.
God's power is not limited.
And he is pouring out hisspirit in the latter days.
I will visit you.
I'm gonna pour out myspirit upon all flesh.
And we're seeing theanointing of the Holy Spirit.
And we're seeing on this program every day
and we're thrilled at it.
Now, right now, Terry and Iare going to pray for you.
And we wanna believeGod for the miraculous.
Father, how we thank youfor what you're doing.
How we thank you.
Thank you, Jesus.
There's an an embolism.
I don't quite understand.
An embolism is a extendedthing in your heart.
But right now, you've beenhaving shortness of breath.
You've been feeling fatigue.
But God is just taking careof you in the name of Jesus.
Touch him!
- Yes, someone else.
You've been having periodontaldisease for quite a while,
and you're really...
You could lose your teeth.
God is healing thatcondition for you right now.
Just touch your hand overyour mouth as he heals
and heals the bone and the teeth
and the connection that youhave there in Jesus name.
Be whole.
- Somebody has a skull fracture.
We had this on the program the other day,
but you didn't take it.
But right now, God wants you to know
that you're the one he's talking about
and that skull fracture
and anything associatedwith it is going go away.
And your pain is goingto leave in Jesus name.
Now, Father-
- Someone else with bone...
Some kind of a bone disease too.
God's healing that for youand reforming your bones.
- Thank you, Lord.
And Father, for all of the world,
we pray again for Afghanistan,for those women there.
We pray for the suffering andwe pray for this nation, Lord.
Give us godly leaders tolead this great nation
and restrain the evilthat is coming upon us,
that you, your name maybe honored in our midst,
in Jesus name.
Amen.- Amen.
- Well, that's all we've got.
We'd love to hear from you.
Please call if you need further prayer
and let us know whatGod's done in your life.
Today's Power Minute isfrom 1 Thessalonians.
Rejoice always, pray withoutceasing in everything,
give thanks.
See you tomorrow.
(gentle music)