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700 Club Interactive - August 18, 2021

Dora Orozco was angry, drug-addicted and suffering from MS. The night before her planned suicide, everything changed when she encountered Jesus. Read Transcript

(gentle music)

- Hi. Welcome to the program.

We're so glad you're with us today.

1,500 migrants, all ofthem COVID positive,

flooded into McAllen in just one week.

But that's only the beginning.

Hundreds of thousands of them

are landing in Americancommunities day after day,

the highest number in 21 years.

- So when will the president do his job

and secure the border?

And until then, how much more at risk

is the health of Americans?

Tara Mergener has the story.

- In July alone, a record210,000 migrants entered the US

along the border, oftenwith the help of smugglers.

Many of those puttingtheir feet on American soil

for the first time aresaid to be carrying COVID.

Detention facilities out ofspace, agents overwhelmed,

and border communities like McAllen, Texas

in a state of emergency.

- It's an issue, and I keep on saying

we shouldn't have to be dealing with it.

- [Tara[ As thousandsof migrants per week,

none vaccinated, maketheir first pit stop here.

- In one week alone, Joe Bidenand Kamala Harris released

1,500 illegal immigrants into McAllen

who were COVID positive.

- [Tara] Across theentire southwest border,

illegal crossings are at a 21-year high.

- Judging from the number ofpeople I'm seeing down here

on Mexico's southern borderin the city of Tapachula,

those numbers could be aboutto get very much worse.

- [Tara] Swarms of people,

including 19,000-plusunaccompanied children

turning themselves into agents in July.

- Our drone video showing a massive group

of illegal immigrantsbeing held by Border Patrol

under Anzalduas Bridge.

It's the largest group we have ever seen.

- [Tara] Critics are soundingthe alarm across the country,

blaming Biden's border policies.

- They will defend the illegal immigrants

against the right of Americans.

- [Tara] Day after day, hundredsof thousands of migrants

landing in communities across the nation

via planes, trains, and automobiles.

- Why don't you get this border secure,

and until you do that,

I don't want to hear ablip about COVID from you.

- [Tara] But those blips aren't going away

given the Delta variant.

- People are dying and willdie who don't have to die.

- [Tara] And if anything,the Biden administration

and the CDC are focusing on unvaccinated

and unmasked Americans.

- Something supersedes that need

to do exactly what you want to do.

- [Tara] While almostignoring the border crisis.

Actions like that causing some on the left

to call for the president to impose order

on the increasinglyout-of-control migration.

- The "Washington Post" editorial board

is as liberal as they come,

probably the most liberalpaper in the nation

competing with the "New York Times."

They know that this is apolitically toxic issue.

- Agencies on the border

report as many as one in five migrants

are now showing up with COVID.

The administration is reportedly preparing

to help control it byoffering them vaccines

paid for by US taxpayers.

- Tara, what's behind this policy

of simply sendingthousands of these migrants

to communities across the country?

- Well, Andrew, you know,

they almost never stay atthe border once they cross.

There are so many.

They've gotta fan themout across the country.

They cannot all stayright there on the border.

So we're already at well overa million people this year

who have crossed illegally.

We are on track now for two million.

Now we've seen this for ourselvesin action on the border.

They are dropped off by Border Patrol

at the airports and the busstations hour after hour,

and then they leave for parts unknown.

And since they no longerhave to appear in court,

they're gonna remainliving in the country,

likely illegally, and thenblending into the shadows.

They've got no way to make a living.

They have no English.

It's tough on the taxpayers.

It's tough for the migrants

should they fall into the wrong hands.

Why this is being allowed to happen

with no apparent effort to stop it,

or the criminals surelymixed in with them,

but only the president knows for sure

why this is being allowedto continue to happen,

Andrew and Ashley.

- And Tara, a simple question,perhaps a complex answer.

Why aren't they being tested for COVID?

- Well, again, you go back to the numbers.

So you've got 20% of themigrants here coming with COVID.

Those are only the ones we know about.

It's not the people gettingaway from Border Patrol

at a estimated number of200,000 this year so far.

Some are tested, but onlyif they have symptoms.

So with the numbers, thereality is there's really no way

to keep up with that.

In McAllen, Texas, whichwe mentioned in the piece,

out of nearly 88,000 migrantsreleased into that city

just since mid-February, morethan 7,000 of them had COVID,

passing through that one border town.

They go to local hotelrooms paid for by taxpayers.

They come and go as theyplease, no matter what.

No supervision.

They eat in the restaurants.

There have been incidents with that.

They shop, they mingle withother people, the community,

and nothing is stopping them.

So the testing is all well and good,

but what does it really mean?

McAllen's put up sometents down to quarantine,

some of them, but that'sa small portion of those

coming over with the virus.

And they don't stay for long.

Interesting story.

Both times we flew backfrom the border recently,

there were empty seats on the plane.

The flight attendantswent back out to the gate

where migrants were waiting in groups

and brought them and filled those seats

and filled up the plane.

I asked four differentpeople at American Airlines,

"Were they tested for COVID?"

The airline has no idea andis not requiring any proof,

so it's a real issue.

- Well, Tara, I wanted to ask

who is actually doing the testing

for those who are being tested?

- Well, it is not Border Patrol.

So in the case of McAllen,many of them are being tested

by Catholic Charities.

But again, the numbers are overwhelming.

They also don't necessarily go to McAllen.

These other communities, theremay be no testing at all.

If they're symptomatic,

they're referred to healthcareproviders in the community.

But again, how many are you missing

and how many are asymptomatic?

- Yeah.

Well, one thing no one hasbeen talking about lately

is the potential forterrorists to infiltrate the US

through the porous southern border.

What can you tell us about that?

- Well, terrorism of coursehas long been a concern,

but as they pour over the border,

they could be mixed in.

That has actually been articulated

by Border Patrol a number of times.

So Border Patrol hasencountered people now

from at least 70 countriessince this all started back in,

you know, February, so fromplaces like Pakistan, China,

India, and a lot more.

Authorities say thereis no question Al-Qaeda

and the Taliban are gonnafeel even more emboldened now

and will try to take moreadvantage on the border

as all the eyes now are onthe situation in Afghanistan.

And by the way, I am hearing

that Afghans fleeing theTaliban are headed to,

among other places in Texas,they're going to the border.

- All right, Tara, we certainlyappreciate your reporting,

and of course, thank youfor joining us today.

- You're welcome.

- You can get all the latest news and more

when you download theCBN News Channel app.


- All right, well, up next,she planned to end her life

and demons were ready to take her away.

So what stopped these evilspirits in their tracks?

Stay tuned to find out.

(inspirational music)

The rest of her life in a wheelchair.

That's what Dora was facing.

She had just been diagnosed with MS

and she knew that yearsof pain would follow.

Dora thought she had one way out,

so she bought a rope, wrote a note,

and three demons were waiting for her

to take the final step.

- Someone approachedus and said, you know,

"You don't have to get teased anymore

if you join the gang.

We'll make you part of our family.

We'll protect you."

- [Andrew] Protection,acceptance, and love,

things 15-year-old DoraOrozco wanted so badly

that joining or jumping into a violent L.A. street gang

was worth it, despitethe brutal initiation.

- Six men, they were gonnabeat me up for one minute.

Just a small sacrifice,a minute for a family.

- [Andrew] Dora had moved to L.A. at 13

to live with her mom.

When Dora was only three,her mother left her

and her siblings behind in Guatemala

for a new life in America.

Raised by relatives and friends,

she held on to the promise of a reunion.

- She would say, "I'm comingback once I get enough money

to bring you guys here."

It did get me excited and a hope

that I will have a family at some point.

- [Andrew] While that reunion did come,

it was far from a happy one.

- That's when the verbal abuse started.

A lot of screaming,

a lot of "You're notgood, you're not this."

I remember I was dragged one time

from my hair to the bathroom.

And I just started to believe the lies

that were spoken over me.

- [Andrew] Her home wasn't theonly place she felt unloved.

The church she'd grown up intaught about a judgmental God

easily angered and slow to give His love.

- You had to earn your waykinda for God to love you.

Like, if you misbehave,God is gonna punish you.

- [Andrew] So taking a beating from a gang

to find love and acceptanceseemed like a small price.

However, Dora would get neither,

as her mom moved them to Nashville

days before her initiation.

Once in Tennessee, the abuse from her mom

and her mom's boyfriendbecame more aggressive.

Abused and angry,

Dora continued to believeGod was punishing her.

- I thought God wasn't listening to me.

God is not there.

You know, He's not rescuing me.

But it was literally hell every day.

- [Andrew] Through her school years,

Dora learned to put on a smile,

masking her trauma and anguish.

Then at 19, Dora found something

that made smiles comea little more easily.

- Someone offered me apill and said, you know,

"It's gonna make you feel better."

It was like I was in heaven

'cause really it wouldjust numb everything

and I would be a different person.

- [Andrew] She became addictedto pills, began cutting,

and even made several suicide attempts.

Finally, her mother encouragedher to go back to church.

- I was so numb in my mindwith not just the pills,

but just numb in my spirit,

and I said, "I don't wantthat God that you have

'cause He doesn't work."

- [Andrew] Then in 2015, afternearly a decade of addiction,

Dora was diagnosed withmultiple sclerosis.

To her, it was moreproof of God's judgment.

- Despair, like this is my life, you know.

I thought that because I hadgone out and got addicted

to pills is the reasonGod was punishing me.

- [Andrew] Her symptoms progressed rapidly

in the coming months,and she found herself

in constant pain, destinedto live out her life

in a wheelchair.

- It was always pain, torment.

It was always like that for years.

- [Andrew] In December 2016,

Dora decided to finally takecontrol of her life and end it.

- Bought the rope, set the date,

and I wrote the letter blaming everybody.

I called my mom and I toldher, "I'm gonna commit suicide

and you're gonna haveto answer to your God

for what you did to me."

- [Andrew] She went to bedplanning to hang herself

first thing the next morning.

Then, at 2:00 a.m., she wokeup to three shadowy figures,

who began chasing her through the house.

- Once we got to my livingroom, they stopped chasing me.

They were shaking and pointingat something like this.

I had a Bible in my living room.

I always had it.

It had dust on it. I never read it.

I said, "Wow, they'reafraid of the Bible."

That's when I heard avoice coming out of it,

and He said, "If you don't want your life,

give it back to me."

And I said, I knew itwas God at that time,

but I was so angry at Him.

So all I said was, like,"You want my brokenness?

You can have it."

- [Andrew] The figures vanished

and Dora quietly fell asleep.

When she woke up later that morning.

- I had peace in my heart.

And I knew that somethingsupernatural had happened to me.

- [Andrew] Something elsemiraculous had happened.

- It took me 10 minutes to realize

that I was actually walkingagain with no pain in my body.

I said, "Jesus, you healedmy heart and my body?"

I couldn't believe thatHe loved me like that.

When I said, "You canhave whatever's left,"

He just took all of it,and made it brand new.

- [Andrew] All thoughts of suicide

and desire for drugs vanished.

Her anger faded, and in time,

she reconciled with her mother.

Then, at her next checkup,

her doctor confirmed she'd been healed.

- He said, "We're not able to find any MS

in your system anymore.

Your brain is normal."

And I was so excited.

I said, "Well, Jesus healed me."

- [Andrew] Today, Dora takesthe lessons she's learned

and shares them and the Gospel with others

through mission work.

- And I don't have much togive 'em, but I do have Jesus.

It's really just surrendering your heart

and saying, "You know what, Ican't do it on my own anymore,

but here you go."

I didn't have to work for His love.

He loved me when I was my worst.

- Yeah, He loves all of uswhen we are at our worst.

And after listening to that story,

I believe that there's a lot of people

who believe what Dora believed,that God was angry with her

and He was punishing herand He's punishing you

because He's angry andHe doesn't love you.

I'm here to tell you todaythat that is a lie sent

from the adversary of our souls.

That is a lie sent from the pit of hell.

The Word of God in Psalmssays that God is slow to anger

and abounding in steadfastlove and faithfulness.

What does that steadfast love look like?

It looks like what youjust saw in Doris' story.

It's that love that is chasing after you,

chasing and waiting for youto just turn from your ways,

turn from your preconceivedthoughts of who God is

and who Jesus is, and tobelieve the good news,

which is He is a good, good Father

and He is faithful toabound in love for you.

Your God is a God without rival

and He is ready, willing,and able to rescue you

from whatever pit of despairyou are in right now.

The Word of God has authority.

That's why those demons started to tremble

when they saw the Bible.

So I want to share morescripture with you.

The Bible says that weare more than conquerors

through Christ who loved us.

Just because we have hardships

does not mean that God is punishing you.

Jesus said Himself,

that, "In this world,you will have trouble,

but to take heart becauseI have overcome the world."

Jesus has overcome thedarkness in this world.

It's not God who's punishing you.

It's just the world that we live in.

But we are more than conquerors.

Receive that today.

All you have to do is have faith

in the one who was, andis, and still is to come.

His name is Jesus and He is your friend

and your Savior and your Redeemer.

Today's the day to havehope and faith in Him.

Pray with me right now tomake that decision today,

to live your life with Jesus.

Pray with me right now.

Lord, Jesus,

I choose you.

I don't want to live my lifewithout you anymore, God.

Jesus, forgive me of my sins,

come into my heart, and change my life.

I choose you. I want you.

I'm done doing life my way,trying to do it on my own,

trying to do it the best way I know how.

No, I surrender my entire life.

My being, my thoughts,my emotions, my body,

I surrender it to you.

I am yours.

Make me new.

In Jesus' mighty name.

And Lord, I just pray formy brothers and sisters

who just prayed that, God.

I just pray for a baptism of your love.

I pray for your Holy Spiritto touch them right now

so that you know that you are with them

and you are for them and you love them.

In Jesus' name I pray.

Amen and amen.

If you just prayed that prayer with me,

please give us a call.

Tell somebody you justgave your life to Jesus.

Call us at 1-800-700-7000.


- Amen, as Ashley was praying,

I was sensing in my spiritpeople being made new today,

and the very next thing shesaid was, "Make me new."

So please call us, as Ashleysuggested, 800-700-7000.

We want to celebrate thechange in your life today.

Well, coming up, fiveyears of constant pain.

This woman literally feltlike she was dying every day.

She desperately needed a miracle.

So where did you find one?

Get that answer coming up.

Plus, we're going to be praying for you.

That's next.

(inspirational music)

Well, we want you to meet Charlotte.

She was constantly on her feet

until sharp pain and fatigueleft her unable to move.

And she saw several doctors,

but found no relief for almost five years.

And then one day Charlottewas miraculously healed

right in her own home.

Charlotte Baxley neverimagined the day would come

that she would be in so much pain

she couldn't take care of her family

or help run the several restaurants

she and her husband owned, but it did.

- I actually started havingsome pain on my right side

in 2010 and the doctor Iwas going to at that time,

she did extensive X-rays, blood work,

and couldn't find anything wrong.

- [Andrew] Over the next few years,

the pain and fatigue got worse.

Eventually, Charlottediscovered she had Lyme disease

and an inflamed liver.

Doctors started treating the Lyme disease

and prescribed painkillers,but nothing seemed to help.

- I felt like every day that I was dying,

that I was literally dying.

You're aching and tired.

You don't have any energy.

You don't feel like doing anything

but just sitting or laying.

I would get up and try tosweep, mop, cook, whatever,

the normal things I alwaysdid and I just couldn't do it.

- I would leave the house every morning

and knowing that the pain that she was in.

I was losing hope,

but she never gave up.

- [Andrew] That's becausethere were some things

the pain couldn't keep her from doing.

- It didn't stop me from praying

and it didn't stop mefrom reading my Bible.

In fact, I probably drewcloser to the Lord then

than I ever had.

And I learned that whenJesus is all you got,

Jesus is all you need.

- [Andrew] But after nearlyfive years of chronic pain,

even praying the way her mother taught her

became unbearable.

- And I wasn't able toget down on my knees

because of the pain.

I literally would get onthe couch and just cry,

just lay there and cryand just call out to God

because it was just sopainful at that time.

- [Andrew] Charlotte knewshe needed a miracle.

She says it came one day

while watching one of herfavorite shows, "The 700 Club."

- And I was standing at the refrigerator.

Terry said.

- Someone else has a liver condition,

actually fairly recent.

God's healing that for you right now.

Just praise His name and receive it.

- And I immediately raised my hands.

I said, "God, that is for me.

I know that is for me andI'm claiming healing."

- [Andrew] She continued praying

and believing God for healing.

Within a few weeks, thepain was completely gone.

- I got up one morningand I wasn't hurting.

And I thought, "Wow, I feel really good."

I mean, that was the first time

I had not been in pain in 4 1/2 years.

So after about a week, I knew.

I said, "Lord, you have healed my body."

And I just claimed it becauseI knew I had prayed that day

with Terry and God had heardour prayers and He answered.

- She looked at me andsaid, "God's healed me,"

and He did.

One day, it was just like

the world just turned backthe way it was supposed to be.

- [Andrew] Charlotte has sincebeen cured of Lyme disease

and is off all medication.

She's still pain-free and ableto enjoy her family again.

- The Lord gave me Luke18:1 during my sick times,

and it's to always pray and don't give up.

No matter what you're going through,

no matter what hardship,storm, circumstance,

God walks with you through that storm

and He's never gonnaleave us nor forsake us.

- Don't give up.

Please don't give up.

Charlotte's story reveals that principle.

You know, Jesus said, "Keepon asking, keep on seeking,

keep on knocking."

Some of you may beliterally feeling fatigued

from asking and seeking and knocking,

but let us encourage you today.

Don't give up in your pursuit of healing

and in your pursuit of the Lord.

We have other wonderful reports

of people who have contacted us.

This testimony came in from YouTube.

One viewer says, "God has savedme from death several times

and from being hungry."

He has given me a good wife, two children,

and the house we've always wanted.

We are so thankful to the Lord Jesus."

- Amen, and this is one thatwe received from Facebook.

Elizabeth says, "My husbandmiraculously escaped

a car accident.

The car was fully smashed andhe came out without a scratch.

Hallelujah! Glory to God!"


- Let's pray for people.- Yeah, let's do it, yeah.

- Father God, we come before you now.

It's our privilege to approach your throne

on behalf of those watching

and desiring your touch upon their life.

And Lord Jesus, I just feel so strongly

that you want to deliver people

from pornography addiction today.

There are men, thereare women, young and old

struggling with thisaddiction sent by the enemy.

We think of Ephesians 1 where it's

by the blood of Christ we have been saved.

Yes, our sins are forgiven.

How great is the grace of God.

And with pornographyaddiction comes great shame,

and today the Holy Spirit says

the Lord wants to take that shame away

and deliver you from this addiction.

So don't hesitate to bring your shame

and your sin problemto Jesus, to the cross.

Jesus came so you could seekdeliverance and freedom.

Stop listening to the lies of the enemy

who says you are unworthy.

Jesus says, "Come to me now.

I want to rescue you from sin,

and I love you as muchtoday as I did yesterday."

Ashley.- Yeah. I just feel like

the Lord is making people brand new.

I mean, that's what He does.

So if you have been askingand crying out to God

to make you whole, totransform your heart,

to get rid of thingslike Andrew just said,

to be set free from pornography,

I believe the Lord is healing that

and answering that prayerfor Him to make you new,

whether that's physical,emotional, whatever it is.

I also believe someone's watching

who has a left hip problem.

It keeps coming out of a place.

There's like a dislocation problem.

The Lord is healingthat for you right now.

You will not have any problemswith that hip anymore.

In Jesus' name.- The Lord

wants to speak to peoplewho say they are unworthy,

that they're just simplyunworthy, unlovable.

Not true.- Yeah.

- We are more than conquerorsthrough Him who loved us.

We have to get away fromthis works mentality,

that I need to do more for God.

Just abide in Jesus.

His love is everlasting toward us.

- Yes.

Thank you, Father, for what you're doing

in the lives of everyone who's watching.

I also believe someone's watching,

you have an issue with your left hand,

specifically, your left ring finger.

Something happened to it.

The Lord is healingthat for you right now.

I believe someone broke that finger.

It's just hindering you in life

and you've been asking God to heal it

and He's healing that for you.

Just receive it

in Jesus' name.- And Father,

so many are so concerned and heartbroken

over the events of the world.

Earthquake in Haiti andwhat's going on in Afghanistan

and precious innocent families,husbands, wives, children,

terrified for their lives,and I know many in this nation

have a burden for those families.

And Father God, we just pray Psalm 91

over those residents ofAfghanistan, Lord God.

We pray you will coverthem with your wings

and your Holy Spirit willreign in that country

and do miracles.

And we pray, Father God,

that we see your light in such darkness.

And it's in Jesus' precious name we pray.


- [Ashley] Amen.

- We want to leave you today

with these very encouragingwords from James 5:15:

"The prayer offered in faithwill make the sick person well;

the Lord will raise them up."

And of course, you canalways call us for prayer.

That's what we're here for. 800-700-7000.

God bless you.

(inspirational music)

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