Dora Orozco was angry, drug-addicted and suffering from MS. The night before her planned suicide, everything changed when she encountered Jesus.
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- Someone approached us and say,
"you don't have to get teased anymore.
"If you joined the gang,
"we'll make you part of ourfamily, we'll protect you."
- [Narrator] Protection,acceptance, and love.
Things 15 year old, DoraOrozco wanted so badly
that joining or jumping intoa violent LA street gang
was worth it, despitethe brutal initiation.
- Six men, they weren't gonnabeat me up for one minute.
This a small sacrificea minute for a family.
- [Narrator] Dora had moved to LA at 13
to live with her mom.
When Dora was only three,
her mother left her and hersiblings behind in Guatemala
for a new life in America.
Raised by relatives and friends,
she held on to the promise of a reunion.
- She would say, "I'm comingback once I get enough money
"to bring you guys here."
It did get me excited and the hope
that I would have a family at some point.
- [Narrator] While that reunion did come,
it was far from a happy one.
- And that's when theverbal abuse started,
a lot of screaming, alot of you're not good,
you're not this.
I remember I was dragged one time
from my hair to the bathroom,
and I just started to believelies that were spoken over me.
- [Narrator] Her homewasn't the only place
she felt unloved.
The church she grown up in,
taught about a judgmental God,
easily angered and slow to give His love.
- You had to earn yourway for God to love you.
Like if you misbehave,God is gonna punish you.
- [Narrator] So takinga beating from a gang
to find love and acceptanceseemed like a small price.
However, Dora would get neither,
as her mom moved them to Nashville
days before her initiation.
Once in Tennessee,
the abuse from her mom and mom's boyfriend
became more aggressive.
Abused, and angry, Dora,continue to believe
God was punishing her.
- I thought, God wasn't listening to me.
God is not there, He's not rescuing me,
but it was literally hell every day.
- [Narrator] Through her school years,
Dora learnt to put on a smile,
masking her trauma and anguish.
Then at 19 Dora found something
that made smiles comea little more easily.
- Someone offered me a pill and said,
"It's gonna make you feel better."
It was like, I was in Heaven
'cause really it wouldjust numb everything,
and I would be a different person.
- [Narrator] She became addicted to pills,
began cutting and even madeseveral suicide attempts.
Finally, her mother encouragedher to go back to church.
- I was so numb in my mind
with not just the pills,
but just numb in my spirit.
And I said, "I don't wantthat gut that you have,
"'cause he doesn't work."
- [Narrator] Then in 2015,
after nearly a decade of addiction,
Dora was diagnosed withmultiple sclerosis.
To her, it was moreproof of God's Judgment.
- Despair, Like this is my life.
I thought that because I had gone out
and got addicted to pills
is the reason God was punishing me.
- [Narrator] Her symptoms progress rapidly
in the coming months and shefound herself in constant pain,
destined to live out herlife in a wheelchair.
- It was always pain, torment.
It was always like that for years.
- [Narrator] In December, 2016,
Dora decided to finally takecontrol of her life and end it.
- Bought the rope, set thedate and I wrote the letter,
blaming everybody.
I call my mom and I told her,
I'm gonna commit suicide
and you're gonna haveto answer to your God
for what you did to me.
- [Narrator] She went tobed planning to hang herself
first thing the next morning.
Then at 2:00 AM, she wokeup to three shadowy figures
who began chasing her through the house.
- Once we got to my leavingroom, they stopped chasing me.
They were shaking and pointingat something like this.
I had a Bible in my living room,
I wayside it,
it had dust on it, I never read it.
I said, "wow, they'reafraid of the Bible."
That's when I heard avoice coming out of it.
And He said, "if you don't want your life,
"give it back to me."
I knew it was God at that time,
but I was so angry at Him.
So all I said was,
you want on my brokenness,you can have it.
- [Narrator] The figures vanished
and Dora quietly fell asleep.
When she woke up later that morning.
- I had peace in my heart,
and I knew that somethingsupernatural had happened to me.
- [Narrator] Something elsemiraculous had happened?
- It took me 10 minutes to realize
that I was actually walking again,
with no pain in my body.
I said, "Jesus, you healedmy heart and my body?"
I couldn't believe thatHe loved me like that.
When they say you canhave whatever's left,
He just took all of itand made it brand new.
- [Narrator] All thoughts of suicide
and desire for drugs, vanished.
Her anger faded and in timeshe reconciled with her mother.
Then at her next checkup,
her doctor confirmed she'd been healed.
- He said, we're not able to find any MS
in your system anymore,your brain is normal.
And I was so excited. I said,"well, Jesus healed me."
- Today, Dora takes thelessons she's learned
and shares them and the gospel with others
through mission work.
- And I don't have much togive them, but I do have Jesus.
It's really just surrendering your heart
and saying, you know what?
I can do it on my ownanymore, but here you go.
I didn't have to work for His love,
He loved me when I was my worst.