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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - August 18, 2021


- [Presenter] All right, Ali writes,

"I am firmly against abortion

because I believe taking a life is wrong.

I am conflicted at thismoment with my feelings

because my mom saidthat she had an abortion

shortly before I was conceived

and that if she had not had that abortion

then I would not be alive.

Does that mean that I was never a part

of God's original plan if mybrother/sister was supposed

to be here instead of me?

Please help me becauseI'm struggling to see

where I fit into this world."

- Look,

you're in this world becauseGod made you in this world.

You know, we,

my wife became pregnantand she had a miscarriage.

But we had a little boy,

he was going to be called James.

But instead of James,

we wound up having Gordon.

And Gordon has been apretty good substitute.

You know,

you've got what theycall survivor's guilt.

"How come I lived?

Why did my whole squadget killed and I didn't?"

You know, don't worry about it.

God's got his hand on you andyou are precious in his sight.

You are special.

And don't worry about theabortion of somebody before you.

You know, don't spend yourtime worrying about this,

know that you are special,

you are God's servant andyou belong to him, all right?

- Amen. Good answer.

Lori writes, "What willwe be doing in heaven?

How will we spend our time there?"

- Well, the Bible says,we're going to judge the,

the eventual judge, the angels.

So there, who knows, billionsand billions of angels.

So each one's going to be a special case.

If you're judging every angel,

you'll be spending a lot oftime, but I tell you what,

when you're in the presence of God,

you don't have to worryabout what you're gonna do.

You'll be enraptured by the glory of God.

That's what we're gonna be doing.

We're gonna be spending our time

enjoying the presence of God.

And it's going to be awonderful experience.

Jesus said,

"Don't rejoice that thedemons are subject to you,

rejoice that your namesare written in Heaven."

And when we get there,it's gonna be wonderful.

All right?

- I think we get a little taste of Heaven

when we're worshipingand we feel the presence.

- [Pat] That's right.

- And so God gives usthat little foretaste,

but it's gonna be so much better.

- Exactly, exactly.- Than anything

we can imagine, I think.

All right,

Nancy writes in, "SecondThessalonians verse two seven,

and the NIV says, 'For thesecret power of lawlessness

is already at work.

but the one who now holdsit back will continue

to do so till he is taken out of the way.'

What does this mean?"

- Would you believe, I'mgonna be honest with you.

I don't have a clue.

What does it mean?

Was he talking about thepower of the Roman Empire?

Was he talking about the, you know,

the Holy Spirit's not gonnabe taken out of the way.

And somebody said, well,

that's the church thatwill get rapture, but no,

the church will be there.

So what is he talking about?

I mean,

is it a restraining powerof some governmental agency?

We really don't know.

He said the spirit, the lawlessness,

until he gets taken out of the way.

And I really don't have an answer.

You've asked me what the answer is,

and I, you know,

you gotta be honest, I don't know.

All right?

- Yeah, 'cause,

"But the one who now holdsit back will continue

to do so till he is taken out of the way."

- That, you know, you can'ttake God out of the way.

- Well, of course not.

That's what I'm saying,

somebody said, well, it's the Holy Spirit,

and no, he's taken out,

is it the church, no it's not the rapture.

What is it? Well, we don't know.

Okay, Jose.- All right.

Gwen says, "Hi, Pat.

If someone gets trappedin a state of grief,

how can they break out?

I know grief is necessary,and we need to honor the dead

by remembering them, but howlong should someone grieve?

One year, two years, five years?

When does grieving become unhealthy?"

Good question.

- I think anytime you talkabout a couple of years,

that's wrong.

Look, when the dead go,

if they go in Christ,they're praising God.

So what's you ought tobegin to do is to say,

"I praise God that myloved one is in Heaven.

He's enjoying or she'senjoying the blessing of God.

And why should I grieve,we'll be together shortly."

So you don't hold ontogrief forever and ever.

That's a big mistake. All right?

- Amen.

Karen says,

"I'm a believer who continuesto struggle with sins

like drinking and smoking.

I'm believing God fordeliverance for this.

Is this hindering my salvation or not?"

- Well, the Bible sayshe that is born again

doesn't keep on sinning.

And I just can't believe thatif you have the spirit of God

and you've been totally transformed,

what you're telling me is youreally haven't surrendered

to the Lord.

You need to get before Godand surrender your life

to him and say,

"God, I want your power."

And you confess what you've done.

And then you put it away.

You don't keep on sinning.


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