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The 700 Club - August 17, 2021

A Covid-19 patient is hospitalized and then goes into septic shock. What brought this man back from the brink of death? Plus, six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. See how some patients have reversed its effects on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

Six million Americansliving with Alzheimer's.

- I forgot to pick up my grandchildren.

- [Narrator] With no drugs to cure it.

- I was terrified.

- [Narrator] So how have these patients

manage to reverse its effects?

- [Sally] It is wonderful.

I love life.

- [Narrator] Then a COVID infection

sends one man into septic shock.

- I can't do this life without him.

- [Narrator] What broughthim back from the brink.

- In the darkest point of my life,

I could feel such hope and such peace.

- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club."

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

Well, breaking his silence finally,

President Biden has spoken.

Did he take blame?

Does the buck stop here?

Oh, no.

He doubled down on hisdecision to leave Afghanistan

and he played the blamegame for a horrific fallout.

So why was no one prepared forthe rapid Taliban takeover?

Both Republicans and Democratsare demanding answers.

Meanwhile, the world iswitnessing horrendous images

of desperate Afghans trying to flee,

some clinging to the fuselage of a plane,

and then falling to their deaths.

CBN's Jenna Browder hasmore from Washington.

- After a full day of dramatic images

of Afghans trying to flee,

President Biden addressedthe nation Monday.

And while he stuck tohis decision to withdraw

U.S. troops from Afghanistan,

he offered no explanation for why

the U.S. wasn't preparedfor the rapid collapse.

Chaos and desperationat the Kabul Airport.

Thousands of Afghans crowding the runway

surrounding this massive military jet

clinging to the outside of the fuselage.

Some of them falling to their deaths.

Inside, 640 of the lucky.

The Taliban announcing

they're now in fullcontrol of Afghanistan.

The outcry over the scenesforcing President Biden

to come down from Camp David

and talk to the American people.

- I stand squarely behind my decision.

- [Jenna] The presidentblaming the rapid fall

of Afghanistan on the Afghangovernment and military.

- The truth is thisdid unfold more quickly

than we had anticipated.

So what's happened?

Afghanistan political leadersgave up and fled the country.

The Afghan military collapsed,

sometime without trying to fight.

- [Jenna] And his predecessor.

- When I came into office,

I inherited a deal thatPresident Trump negotiated

with the Taliban.

- [Jenna] On Capitol Hill, few lawmakers,

Republican or Democrat,are defending Biden.

- What we have seen isan unmitigated disaster,

a stain on the reputation onthe United States of America.

- [Jenna] Senate MinorityLeader Mitch McConnell

adding that the country could once again

become a safe harbor for terrorists.

- Every terrorist around theworld, in Syria, in Iraq,

in Yemen, in Africaare cheering the defeat

of the United States militaryby a terrorist organization.

- [Jenna] Even top Democrats are critical.

Senate Intelligence CommitteeChairman Mark Warner

issuing a statement callingfor an investigation

into the collapse.

"I hope to work with the othercommittees of jurisdiction

to ask tough but necessary questions

about why we weren't better prepared

for a worst-case scenarioinvolving such a swift

and total collapse ofthe Afghan government

and security forces."

There are also growingconcerns for human rights,

especially for women and girls.

Biden says he'll continueto speak up for them

but many worry that won't be enough.

In an effort to calm the population,

the Taliban is offering amnesty

and inviting women tojoin their government.

At the same time, there arereports of girls as young as 15

being forced to marry Taliban fighters.

In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.

- It's a horrible stain.

And the buck does stopwith the number one man.

You know, former secretaryof defense, Gates,

said I've known him for many years.

And Joe Biden has nevermade one right decision

on foreign policy.

Every time, everything he'senunciated has been wrong.

And this is a disaster.

And he's trying to putthe blame on somebody else

and it makes you sick, it's your stomach.

Well, senior internationalcorrespondent George Thomas

has made several trips to Afghanistan

since the U.S. invasion.

He joins us now.

George, the Taliban treatmentof women has been horrific.

What's this move about invitingthem to join the government?

Is that for real?

- Yeah, exactly.

Is that for real?

We both know that is not for real.

This is window dressing, Pat.

Wait for between 5,000 to 10,000 Americans

to finally be evacuated from Afghanistan.

Wait for the 6,000 troops

that are now controlling the Afghan,

the Hamid Karzai International Airport,

as low as well as the other NATO troops.

Trust me, once all of our forces are out,

all of our Americans are out,

then the real crackdown begins.

This is window dressing.

There is no way.

This is a seventh century medieval group

that believes that womenare second class citizens.

There is no way thatthey're going to allow women

to participate in the governingprocess in Afghanistan.

Today, Pat, a few dozen Afghan women

took to the streets ofKabul, the capital city,

demanding that they wouldhave access to medical care,

they would have to education.

They'd be able to workin some of these places

that were run...

That were manned by women.

Afghan Taliban forces wentin and told them to go home.

The reality is that in thenext few weeks, months,

we are going to see theseverity of this group

and what they believe in.

And this is Islamic Sharia law.

Let's not kid ourselves.

20 years later,

this is a group thatwants to take vengeance.

And in fact,

there are reports todaythat over the last 20 years,

the United States as wellas our coalition forces

created a biometric database

of all the Afghan security forces

that participated with coalition forces,

as well as Afghan specialforces, including NGO,

it's the non-governmental organizations

that worked for thebetterment of Afghanistan,

including women, including Christians.

The reports are that the Taliban

now has the entire biometric data list.

In fact, there are reportsas we come on the air today

that from Heart, to Mazar-i-Sharif,to Kandahar, to Cabo,

Taliban are going door todoor, checking with them,

they have in their handsthe biometric information,

looking for people,

those who worked withthe Afghan government

and those who workedwith the United States

these past 20 years.

This is no joke.

- George, one last question.

Biden has done something.

It seems to be rather foolish.

He's putting more troops into the embassy.

I mean, how are theyever going to get out?

- Yeah, I mean, this is, you know,

the state department yesterdaysaid that they were preparing

for all kinds of scenarios.

But clearly, you can see,

we only had about 2,500 troopsprior to a few weeks ago.

Suddenly, we have this influx.

If you are all concernedabout getting troops out,

why would you have thismassive influx of troops?

This is gonna be the challenge.

And to tell you the Al-Qaeda today

from the streets of Sweden,to Yemen, to Saudi Arabia,

to Iraq, to the desert sands of Morocco,

all the way to Pakistan,

Al-Qaeda and all of thevarious alphabet soups

of terrorist organizations arepraising what has happened.

In fact, a major groupthat monitors traffic

and charter amongst the insurgent groups,

the Al-Qaeda groups,

said jihadists have portrayedthe Taliban conquest

of Afghanistan as a watershed event,

akin to the 9/11 events.

- Thanks, George.

Ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately,

the commander in chief is incompetent

and his military advisors maynot be too competent either,

but he did go against theadvice of his senior leaders

who warned him that thiswas not the right course.

He went ahead and did it anyhow.

And we have at the head of our government,

somebody who is just not with it.

And boy, if there's ever a time

to ask for God's mercyon America, that's it.

But we are...

Unfortunately, you have to live

under the actions of your leaders.

And if it's wrong, then you have problems.

And we have another problemthat Biden and Kamala Harris,

they refuse to acknowledge.

And that is 1500 migrants.

All of them have COVID positive,

have flooded into McAllen,Texas in just one week.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.

Hundreds of thousands of illegals

are landing in Americancommunities day after day.

The highest number in 21 years.

So when will the president dohis job and secure our border?

And until then,

how much more at riskis the Hills of America?

Here's our reporter TaraMergener with that story.

- In July alone,

a record 210,000 migrants enteredthe U.S. along the border,

often with the help of smugglers.

Many of those puttingtheir feet on American soil

for the first time aresaid to be carrying COVID.

Detention facilities out ofspace, agents overwhelmed.

And border communities like McAllen, Texas

in a state of emergency.

- It's an issue.

And I keep on saying we shouldn'thave to be dealing with.

- [Tara] As thousands of migrantsper week, non-vaccinated,

make their first pit stop here.

- In one week alone,

Joe Biden and Kamala Harrisreleased 1500 illegal immigrants

into McAllen who were COVID positive.

- [Tara] Across theentire Southwest border,

illegal crossings are at a 21-year high.

- Judging from the number ofpeople I'm seeing down here

on Mexico's Southern borderin the city of Tapachula,

those numbers could be aboutto get very much worse.

- [Tara] Swarms of people,

including 19,000 plusunaccompanied children

turning themselves into agents in July.

- [Reporter] Our drone videoshowing a massive group

of illegal immigrantsbeing held by border patrol

under Anzalduas bridge.

It's the largest group we have ever seen.

- [Tara] Critics are soundingthe alarm across the country,

blaming Biden's border policies.

- They will defend the illegal immigrants

against the right of Americans.

- [Tara] Day after day,

hundreds of thousands ofmigrants landing in communities

across the nation via planes,trains, and automobiles.

- Why don't you get this border secure?

And until you do that,

I don't wanna hear a blipabout COVID from you.

- [Tara] But those blips aren't going away

given the Delta variant.

- People are dying, they willdie, who don't have to die.

- [Tara] And if anything,

the Biden Administration and the CDC

are focusing on unvaccinatedand unmasked Americans.

- Something supersedes that need

to do exactly what you wanna do.

- [Tara] While almostignoring the border crisis.

Actions like that causing some on the left

to call for the president to impose order

on the increasingly outof control migration.

- The Washington Post editorial board

is as liberal as they come.

Probably the most liberalpaper in the nation

competing with the New York Times.

They know that this is apolitically toxic issue.

- And agencies on the border report

as many as one in five migrants

are showing up in the U.S. with COVID.

The administration is reportedly preparing

to help control it byoffering them vaccines

paid for by U.S. taxpayers.


- Tara, what's behind this policy

of sending thousands of these migrants

to communities across the U.S.?

- Well, Pat, that's thebillion dollar question.

You know, Republicans,of course, and says,

President Biden is doingthis for politics sake.

But the reality is, once they're here,

they've got to go somewhere.

They are coming into thecountry, as you know,

in enormous numbers.

Officials say we are on track now

for a record two millioncrossings this year.

Border patrol cannot keep them.

They are not in custody.

And once they're processed,

they can go anywherethey want in the U.S.,

often unannounced.

And these communities aregetting stuck with the tamper,

whatever services they use there.

And by the way,

most of them do not haveto appear in court anymore.

So likely COVID or not, they'regonna remain here illegally

and fade into the shadows.

Now, there is even more concern

about terrorists coming through

with the toppling ofAfghanistan border patrol.

I've seen people coming in now

from at least 70 countries so far,

including places like Pakistan and China.

Pat, there's talkterrorists will try to take

even more advantage now withwhat's going on in Afghanistan

coming through our border.

- Tara, we appreciate it.

Ladies and gentlemen,doesn't make you just ask God

what have you done?

We didn't vote in a bunch of incompetence.

Was the election stolen?

It may well have been.

But how do we get somebodywho is totally incompetent

and who is slightly in hisdotage to run this country?

And this thing at theborder, they're ignoring it.

And Kamala Harris wasgiven that responsibility

and she failed it miserably.

We are...

(Pat sighs)

Well, I don't know what's happening,

but if there was ever atime to pray for America,

we sure are looking at it now.


- Well, still ahead,struggling to breathe,

dangerously low oxygen levels,double pneumonia and sepsis.

What worst could happenfor this COVID patient?

Stay tuned to find out.

Plus, Alzheimer's: thedreaded disease with no cure.

So what did this woman doto reverse her symptoms

and reclaim her life?

She's gonna tell us herself after this.

(gentle music)

- It's called the long goodbye.

Alzheimer's disease robsvictims of their memories,

their relationships, eventheir sense of who they are.

It slowly steals their life away

long before their heart stops beating.

But what if there was a way

to reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer's?

Well, it turns out there is.

Here's our medical reporter Lorie Johnson

with some very good news.

- A number of Alzheimer's patients

are describing how theyregained their memory

after starting the Bredesen Protocol.

It's not a drug.

Instead, it's a numberof lifestyle changes,

including diet, exercise, and much more.

Each designed to address

the approximately 40 differentcauses of Alzheimer's.

- As you can imagine, I was terrified.

- [Lorie] Nine yearsago after Julie Gregory

got lost on a very familiar road,

she soon learned she had Alzheimer's.

- I have lived in this townin the Foothills of Georgia

for 20 years.

And I would run into people inshops who knew me very well.

And Lorie, I had no idea who they were.

My personality began to change.

- [Lorie] Julie also learned no cure

or viable treatmentexists for the disease.

- I even contemplated ending my own life.

And I think prayer brought me to the point

where I realized what I was learning

from mainstream medicine just wasn't true.

I began to believe in thisvoice that was telling me

there was something I could do.

- [Lorie] She tried the Bredesen Protocol,

got back to normal and hasstayed there ever since.

- What he does is identify and address

every person's contributorto their symptoms.

It's just plain old common sense.

And my experience shows me that it works.

- [Lorie] Sally Weinrichtells a similar story.

- I forgot to pick up mygrandchildren twice one morning

in the morning for schoolwithin a month period of time.

- [Lorie] Five years ago,Sally also considered suicide

after experiencing theunmistakable signs of Alzheimer's.

- I had two relatives die from it.

Really three relatives died from it

on both sides of my family.

I knew I was at risk for it.

I had a dread for it.

- [Lorie] She believes Godled her to Dr. Dale Bredesen.

- I had all of Dr. Bredesen'scauses of Alzheimer's.

And I think in my case,

my Alzheimer's would haveprogressed very rapidly.

- [Lorie] Instead, the opposite happened.

- The best thing aboutmy Alzheimer's today

is I have answers for it,and I have reversed it.

It's wonderful.

I love life.

I enjoy life.

- [Lorie] Sally, Julie, and five others

describe their amazing reversals

in "The First Survivors of Alzheimer's:

How Patients Recovered Lifeand Hope in their Own Words."

- They gave their specific protocols

because they are personalized.

Here's what each persondid, how they did it,

what their work arounds were, et cetera.

- [Lorie] Over 2000 peopleare currently on the plan.

Clinical trial results released in 2020

showed 84% of plan participants

with mild cognitive impairment

experienced improved cognition.

12% continued to decline,and 4% showed no change.

- In the people in our trialthat we recently published,

we actually saw increaseinstead of decrease

in their gray matter in their brain.

So you can actually seethat there's improvement,

not only in their test scores,but also in their MRIs.

- [Lorie] The first step of the protocol

is the so-called cognoscopy

to determine a person's individual risk

of cognitive decline.

This involves a computer quiz

to assess your mental capability,

as well as a number ofblood tests to identify

which areas a personneeds to make changes.

- And often there are 10 or more.

And then we target thosewith a precision medicine

sort of approach.

- [Lorie] For most, thatinvolves a low carbohydrate diet,

intermittent fasting,plenty of exercise, sleep,

eliminating toxic exposures,

as well as hormone and nutrient balancing.

- Identifying thosethings and addressing them

is how we see thesepeople surviving so well.

- [Lorie] It's a lot ofeffort and some expense,

but people like Sally and Julie

say it's better than the alternative.

- Lorie, they used to talkabout amyloid plaques.

It was some kind of a germor bacteria that caused this.

The Bredesen Protocol justdebunks that, doesn't it?

- Sort of.

They say that the amyloid plaquesthat develop in your brain

that are associated with Alzheimer's,

those are not the cause of Alzheimer's.

Those plaques are actuallya protection mechanism

to protect our brain for the actual things

that are attacking the brain.

So if the idea is to getrid of the amyloid plaques,

that's not gonna solve the problem.

You have to get rid of the things

that are attacking your brain.

And so that's kind of whythose two areas of thought.

And the medical community right now, Pat,

is sort of divided about theissue of amyloid plaques.

Of course, everybody knows

that they're associated with Alzheimer's.

Some, they're the cause.

So we gotta get rid of them.

Other people like Dr. Dale Bredesen

that say they're a result of the insults

of all these other things on the brain.

And that they're not the cause,

that you really need to go to that source.

- Well, the FDA hadn'tapproved the Bredesen Protocol.

Has it?

They're talking aboutthey may have a one drug

they were approving.

- That's right.

So the Bredesen Protocolis not approved by the FDA

because as I mentioned amoment ago, it's not a drug.

It's not a pharmaceutical product.

It's not a combination of drugsor pharmaceutical products.

But that's not to saythat a lot of doctors

aren't behind it.

There are 2000 doctors, medical doctors,

who have trained in the Bredesen Protocol.

I actually go to oneright here in this area.

A year ago, I went to her,she's a medical doctor.

I had my cognoscopy.

I've been on the BredesenProtocol for an entire year.

And there are lots of otherdoctors around the country

who can help people with it.

And to find out moreinformation, go to our website:

You can hear my personal story.

You can watch the entire interview

that I just did with Dr. Bredesen

and find out all aboutthis Bredesen Protocol,

which is a little bit complicated.

So, yes, you talked about theother Alzheimer's Aduhelm,

which was approved two months ago.

This approval by the FDA ofAduhelm is being investigated

by a congressional committee right now.

And also, the FDA is doingan internal investigation

about the approval process.

The medical doctors whowere advising the FDA,

not one single one of themadvised the FDA to approve this.

After the FDA approved itanyway, three of them quit.

I know one of them, actually.

He is the person who is the chancellor

at the medical schoolwhere my son graduated.

Another one of these doctorswho quit the committee

said in his resignation letter,

that approving that drugwas the worst decision

the FDA has ever made.

So that drug is very controversial, Pat.

- Lorie, just in a capsule,

it's the same sort ofthing we dealing with

is the inflammation problem, isn't it?

Our body has got got inflammation.

And that's the result of eatingall this messy food we eat.

Am I right?

- Absolutely, you're correct.

And so Sally Weinrich, one ofthose women who, by the way,

she and her husband lovethe Lord Jesus so much.

And she said that thisAlzheimer's program that she's on

is also a great way to preventcancer and heart disease

because you're right,

it's largely aboutinflammation of the brain.

But it's a little bit more complicated

than just eating right and exercise.

There are some other things.

For example, Sally had anissue with mold, a toxic mold.

And so she needed toget rid of that exposure

because it was affecting her brain.

The other woman had a tick-borne disease.

The bacteria from thatwas still in her body

and attacking her brain.

But the good news is theyaddressed these things

and got rid of them.

- Lorie, thank you so much.

Ladies and gentlemen,this is a silent death.

It is the most awful, awful thing.

I've known some peoplewho have had Alzheimer's

and it just breaks your heart

to see they're slowly butsurely losing consciousness

of who they are.

And it's a silent death.

We don't wanna have it with anyone.

This book is called "The FirstSurvivors of Alzheimer's."

Dale Bredesen, MD.

I recommend you get it.

You can get it wherever books are sold.

It's too important to ignore.


- Very encouraging.

Well, up next, COVID positive,

an infection that had goneseptic, and double pneumonia.

Zach Miller then went into acomplete respiratory failure.

So why did he resist hisonly option for survival?

Find out after this.

(gentle music)

Zach Miller was goingdown fast due to COVID-19.

Doctors said he had only one option.

It was the things that feared the most:

being put on a ventilator.

So why did he finally agree to it?

What happened next?

And how did a massive call onsocial media helps save him?

Take a look.

(Zach coughs)

(gentle music)

- I couldn't breathe.

My chest was gettingheavy and I was coughing.

- [Narrator] It had been two weeks

since pastors Zach Miller, his wife Mandy,

and their kids had becomeill in December of 2020.

While they were on the mend,Zach continued to get worse.

- I was concerned.

I had, you know, heard all of the stories.

It did worry me.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, Mandylooked to her sister, Holly,

a radiologist, for guidance.


- He was struggling to breathe.

His heart rate was over200 beats per minute.

I told Mandy that it was definitely time

for Zach to go to the hospital.

- [Narrator] By then, Zach was so ill,

Mandy had to call for an ambulance.

- We were all gathered,

and I remember just tellingthem, "You have to pray.

We need a miracle.

I need you to pray.

- [Narrator] Zach wastaken to Mercy Hospital

in Rogers, Arkansas.

Unable to stay with Zach in the hospital,

Mandy waited in the parking lot.

Finally, an ER doctor called.

Zach was COVID positive

and had critically low oxygen levels.

Infection had gone septic

and he was fighting double pneumonia.

- He assured me.

He said this is gonnabe a very short stay.

Zach is young and healthy,no pre-existing conditions.

- [Narrator] However,over those next few days,

Zach went into respiratory failure.

By December 30th, doctors feltthere was only one option.

- He was unable to oxygenate his blood.

The ventilator, at that point,was his option for survival.

- [Narrator] That was the lastthing the Miller's wanted.

- I had heard that peoplewho were put on ventilators

would never come off.

- The nurse came in, and shesimply said, "You know what?

This is where we're going.

We really need you toget on a ventilator."

I could see the urgency in her eyes.

- [Narrator] Finally, the couple agreed

to have Zach intubated.

At once, Mandy prayed,

trying to quiet the thoughtsracing through her mind.

- We've gotta grow old together.

I can't do this life without him.

- [Narrator] By now, therewas no time to waste,

and the staff scheduledthe procedure immediately.

Before they wheeled Zachinto ICU around 2:00 a.m.,

Mandy asked to FaceTime with her husband.

- And I remember Mandywaving at me and saying,

"Babe, it's gonna be okay.

You got this."

- And he gave me a thumbs up.

- [Narrator] It was then Mandyput another option in motion.

She reached out on socialmedia asking family,

friends and the membersof their congregation

to wake people up and pray.

- We had a Zoom call set up.

We just had people praying together.

We had our staff and leadership praying.

Just singing and worshiping.

- My prognosis was very guarded.

However, I knew thathope and prayer and faith

were the only things that weregonna get us through this.

- In the darkest point of my life,

I could feel such hope and suchpeace through those prayers.

- [Narrator] For the next ninedays, the prayers continued,

and Zach remained critical, but stable.

Then, on January 8th,

doctors started weaninghim off the ventilator,

hoping his lungs were strongenough to breath on their own.

Two days later on Sunday, January 10th,

Mandy was leading an online church service

when she got a video chat call.

- It was his nurse, Michael, and he said,

"Hey, I was just calling togive you an update on Zach."

And then he turns the phonearound and puts it on Zach.

And it took me, probablya good five seconds or so

before it dawned on me.

Oh, my goodness, the tube is out!

- [Narrator] The next day,

Zach was moved out of theICU to a step-down room.

- I could just feel the presence of God.

I looked over at the oxygen monitor,

they keep a pulse-ox on your finger.

At the time, it was at 90.

And right after I sat up,it went all the way up

and my oxygen levels were ashigh as they had ever been.

- [Narrator] Seven dayslater, Zach was discharged.

And while it would takeeight more weeks of rest,

he fully recovered.

- The fact that he didn'thave long-term complications

is a testimony to thehealing that God did in Zach

through this process.

- [Narrator] Today, Zachand Mandy look forward

to healthy, happy lives,

grounded by a faith rooted in prayer.

- Prayer became my lifeline.

It became everything.

- Over and over in my life,I've learned one thing:

that God is faithful.

- God is so faithful.

And you know, not only does Henever leave us or forsake us,

but He puts us in His family

so that in times of distress like this,

we can call on each otherto stand and to pray

because prayer makes a difference.

And that's why we wannapray for you right now.

And before we actually do that,

we have other answers toprayer that have come in.

Pat, this is Angela who livesin San Bernardino, California.

She called the CBN prayer line regularly.

One time, we prayed with herfor a woman named Jessica

and her mother.

Jessica's lungs weren'tworking due to pneumonia,

and her elderly mom contracted COVID-19.

Both were in ICU at the same time.

Angela also included hernephew in her prayer requests.

He got the virus whilehe was incarcerated.

She's calling to say, allthree have made a miraculous

and complete recovery.- Praise God.

Here's one.

Artis who lives in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Had a diagnosis of colon cancer.

He called our prayer line

and the prayer counselor prayed with him.

And her doctor followed up withgreat news, no more cancer.

So, listen, we've got people on the phones

who know how to pray andthey hold onto God for you.

And we're just so thrilled

that it's available 24 hours a day.

People are praying constantly.

So we wanna pray for youright now on this program.

It's time.

And whatever your needsare, it could be COVID.

It could be cancer.

It could be a whole lot of other things.

But God almighty is ahealer by His stripes.

You already are healed.

We're gonna join hands.

Father, we thank You forwhat You're doing for people.

We thank You that You arereaching down among Your people

and You're answering their prayers.

And we call upon You nowin the name of Jesus.

Thank you, Father.

We ask for healing.

There's somebody in this audience.

I believe the name is Matilda.

And you've got what'scalled a whittles hump.

Your spine is begun to deteriorate.

Right now in the name of Jesus,

the power of God is going through you

and your back is going to be straightened

and the bones will be strong

and you will be healedin the name of Jesus.


- There's someone else,you have an audio problem.

It's not ringing.

It's almost like voices soundlike they're in a tunnel.

God is restoring yourhearing to you completely.

All of that now is beinghealed in Jesus' name.

- Somebody's vocal chords.

You're a singer and your vocalchords have had some damage.

I don't know exactly what it is.

It may have been kind ofradiation or something,

but something has burnedyour vocal chords.

Put your hand on your throat right now.

God is healing you.

Touch him!

Now, Father,

we're praying again forthose people in Afghanistan.

We think of the women overthere who are suffering.

We think of the people who havebeen killed by this Taliban.

We think for our brave men and women

who are still on dutyover there in the embassy.

And we pray, Lord, in the name of Jesus,

we pray for our nation.

Lord, give us godly leaders,give us wise leaders,

give us men and women ofintegrity to lead this land.

And we pray in the name of Jesus

for this great country we live in.

And may it still be the hope of the world.

In Jesus name, we ask it.


And amen.

Give us a call.

Remember I told you, we'vegot folks at the phones

and they believe God.

We've had thousands.

We use that term adviser,thousands of answers to prayer.

And these people have been wonderful.

They led people to the Lord.

They know Jesus and they're there for you.

But we'd love to hear those testimonies.



- Well, still ahead, we've got your email.

Gail says, "How can I be sureof voting integrity next year

when I cast my vote?"

Your questions and Pat'shonest answers coming up.

Plus, poker and the TV show "Survivor."

How did both become twinobsessions for this competitor

from Survivor Cambodia?

And what happened when shewas booted off the island?

She'll tell you herself.

That's later on today's show.

(upbeat music)

Time now for your questionsand Pat's honest answers.

(dramatic music)

Well, Pat, the first questioncomes from Kerisha, who says,

"I recently attended amodeling and confidence class

where we had to do some exercises.

They ended up being yoga poses.

I did them, which I deeply regret.

I have prayed, asked God for forgiveness,

and renounced all theassociated spirits, et cetera.

Will God forgive me?

I also noticed other exercises

such as the plank are also like yoga.

So which exercises can we do

without compromising our faith?"

- Well, the thing that theyhave about yoga that was so bad,

you had to pronouncesome kind of a mantra.

And it was in Hindu andpeople didn't realize

that they were praying to Hindu gods.

As far as exercises, some ofthose stretching exercises

that they call yoga is very healthy.

So I wouldn't get all worked up about it.

But what I think is justdon't get into the stuff

where you're saying this mantra

and you don't know what the words are.

The next thing you know, you'repraying to some Hindu deity.

But as far as stretching andcertain types of exercises,

I mean, you know, ifthey're good, they're good.

Don't worry about it.

- This is Gayle who says,

"My question is:

how can I be sure ofvoting integrity next year

when I cast my vote?

How can I be sure the radical left

won't take the voting process again?

I fear that everything is so corrupt

and that we'll never havean honest selection again.

I live in Florida and trust my own state,

but I don't trust theDemocratic run states."

- Well, I think therewas some irregularities

in the last election.

I think they're trying to clean it up.

Some of those voting machines.

I know there's been a lot suits

and the bullying machine companies,

but I think they werefor faulty and flawed

and they need to be corrected.

But the big thing is is H.R. 1.

The idea that you'll send aballads across the country

to almost anybody and theycannot have verification,

you need to be sure.

And what was proposed, for example,

in Georgia was very sound.

I mean, they had the areas

and you need to verifywho it was that's voting.

And Biden got on the air

and started talking aboutJim Crow on steroids.

He was just lying.

You know, they do a lot of lying.

But that kind of a law is very important.

You need to know who's voting.

And the idea of getting

ballads sent in the mail indiscriminately,

that opens the door for fraud.

And the H.R. 1, it wasproposed by the Democrats.

Would have done just that.

He would federalize electionsand it was horrible.

But so far, it hadn't come to a vote

and just working to keepthat from doing it, okay.

- This is Theresa who says,

"Who are the two witnesses seen by John

during the Second Woein Revelation 11:3-14?

Are they Elijah and Moses?"

- Woe, I don't know for sure,

because you know, there's a lotof revelations go to hidden.

They says it's revelation, butit's anything but revealing.

But the adhere is Moses stands for the law

and Elijah for the profits.

And the law and the profits

are the substance ofthe revelation of God.

So I think that's whatwe're talking about.

All right.- Kevin says, "Pat,

I'm not understanding theProdigal Son Scripture

in light of what Hebrews6:4-5 says, quote,

'For it is impossible forthose who were once enlightened

and have tasted the heavenly gift

if they fall away to renewthem again to repentance.'

Could you help me understand?

I was a backslider, but nowI'm living my life for Jesus."

- Look, the thing is whether you apostate,

whether you have turned

and counted the blood ofChrist an unholy thing,

that's what he's talking about.

It's impossible.

If you turn so much away

that you count thepower of the Holy Spirit

and the blood of Jesus an unclean thing.

You haven't done that.

So don't worry about it.

You know, the ProdigalSon is the nature of God.

He opens His heart to somebodywho's living in morrow

and wasting money.

And the Lord takes him back into the home.

All right.

- Okay, this is Madisonwho says, "Hello, I'm 16,

and recently someone who wasso, so, so important to me

decided to leave my life.

I love him too much to let him go.

He was my best friend for years,

and I have never felt a pain like this.

I need God's help torepair our relationship

because I can't do it alone.

How should I pray?"

- You just do that.

And you tell the Lord, tellHim what's on your heart.

You know, they call it puppy love.

There's a laugh about it.

But I tell you those early love affairs

are very, very important in people's lives

and those relationshipsare very important.

But you do grow out of them.

And what you've got to believe is

that God will listen to you.

But you come to God and say,

Lord, I've got this thing in my heart.

Please fill me with your spirit.

And God will take away the pain.

He understands what's going on.

And nobody should laugh at you

because we know it's very important.

But God knows it too.

And if you come to Him and say,

Lord, I've got this problem, help me.

And the Lord will answer your prayer

and He will do a miracle in your life.

Well, thank you for your questions.

We appreciate that.

Hope we got some answers.- Yes, we did.

And more tomorrow.

- More tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.

Well, pregnant with no idea

where her next meal was coming from.

That's what happened toa young mother in Mexico.

Both she and her husband lost their jobs

because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So where did they turn for help?

Take a look.

(gentle music)

- [Narrator] When COVID-19hit the nation Mexico,

more than a million people,who were working at the time,

lost their jobs.

People like Blanca and her husband

was out looking for work the day we met.

- [Translator] I used towork as a housekeeper.

But due to the pandemic, I lost my job.

- [Narrator] Blanca is also pregnant

and taking care of hersister and her new baby.

- [Translator] I can't goout and just look for a job.

It's too big a risk because of the baby.

It's so frustrating.

We really need the money to buy food.

- [Narrator] When Operation Blessing

learned about the need in the community,

we sponsored a food programthrough a local church.

That prepared and deliveredmore than 200 meals a day

for an entire month!

- [Translator] Now, thanks to the meals,

I don't have to worry about what my son

and my sister-in-law will be eating.

- [Narrator] We also gave families

a gallon of chlorine bleach

manufactured by Operation Blessing Mexico

to disinfect and keep theirhomes safe from COVID.

- [Translator] I don'tknow how to thank you!

I'm eternally grateful, andI hope God will repay you!

- I'm eternally grateful,and I hope God...

It is such a joy.

You know, the Bible says, and absolutely,

it's more blessed to give than to receive.

And for us to be ableto give somebody hope

and life and food, you know,

we have so much in this country

and it's such a blessingto be able to care.

You know, I have a hard time

enjoying all the good things I've got

without being able to sharethem with somebody else.

So I think that this is what we do

with Operation Blessing and CBN.

So, again, how can you be part of it?

It's real simple.

It's a $20 a month gift.

It's called operation...

I mean, excuse me, The 700 Club.

We have various club levels.

But we want to have you aspart of an army of thousands.

And when you, I wanna send you something

as to show you we appreciate it.

I was able to read someselected scriptures

from the Book of Romans,

and we've got some lovelymusic along with it

and it seemed to touch people's hearts.

- Well, it does.

It sure touched Yolanda.

She lives in Astoria,New York, and she said,

"Brother Pat, 'God is for Us'

was a wonderful, easyto understand message.

It really lets you knowwhere to stand with our Lord.

I loved the entire audio.

Thank you!"

And people are all saying that, Pat,

that have heard this one.

A great encouragement.

- It's there for you.

Call right now so you can count on me.


$20 a month once you're a 700 Club member.


- Poker and the TV show "Survivor."

Both were obsessions for Anna Khait.

So when Anna became a contestanton "Survivor: Cambodia,"

she was in her elementas a fierce competitor.

Then she got booted offthe island mid-season

and Anna crashed and burned.

(ominous music)

- [Narrator] Anna Khaithas always been drawn

to games of strategy.

She competed on "Survivor:Season 32: Kaoh Rong."

And before that, she was aprofessional poker player.

- I loved "Survivor" and pokerbecause they're very similar.

They're both very similar to life.

There are different situationsyou have to adjust to.

There's reading people,analyzing situations.

"Survivor" and poker reallybecame my two obsessions,

my two idols.

- [Narrator] The daughterof a Jewish father

and Russian mother, Annaattended church growing up

but says religion got in the way

of a real relationship with God.

- There's all these rules.

There's all these things you have to do.

I didn't like it.

I felt very constricted.

I really pushed away from God.

I really thought God isn't real

and that actually led me to thebelief that there is no God.

- [Narrator] Then her parents divorced.

It was around that time

that Anna began to defineherself as an atheist.

- I definitely felt abandoned.

I felt rejected.

Even though my father was a good dad,

in the sense that he didn'tleave my life forever.

I still spent every weekend with him.

There was a lot of pain there.

I was looking for satisfaction in a man.

I was looking for loveand I was never fulfilled.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] As a teen,

she fell in love with the game of poker.

- Someone had a game and theyasked me to sit down and play.

When I like something, I go all in.

I get really passionate and really driven.

It's a strategy game.

There is more to poker than meets the eye.

I thought it was super fascinating.

It kind of became an addiction.

- [Narrator] After graduating high school,

she went on to earn a degree in biology.

Instead of attending medical school,

she moved in with her boyfriend,

a pro poker player who helpedhone her skills in the game.

- We would play all day.

We would go to dinner, comehome, play nightly tournaments.

You know, relatively speaking,

was I super, super successful?

No, I didn't play themajor big tournaments.

I sustained myself.

Some tournaments, sometimesI'd win $10,000 a day.

And sometimes 3,000, 4,000.

I had fun doing it.

- [Narrator] Inside, Annawasn't as happy as she seemed.

- My life was spontaneous,but it wasn't fruitful.

I was so broken inside.

- [Narrator] Anna says she was hopeful

when she heard about an opportunity

to audition for herfavorite show, "Survivor."

- I didn't have the best audition tape.

And I asked them, "Why did you call me?

I really messed up the interview."

And they said, "No, Anna,we saw something in you."

- [Narrator] Anna was voted off mid-season

and returned home devastated.

She says her life began to unravel.

As Anna questioned herthe meaning of life,

her relationship with herboyfriend was falling apart.

- I went into a really deep, dark space

where I didn't knowwhat to do with my life

because here I am notwanting to play poker,

which I wanted to do every single day,

and here I am with my ex,who's looking at me like,

why aren't you playing?

- [Narrator] Broken anddesperate, she cried out to God.

- I knew I was in a relationshipthat I had to get out of.

And I remember I got on my knees,

I mean bawling, weeping, broken.

I remember I said, "God, if you are real,

show me you're real.

What do I do with my life?

Because I'm lost, and Idon't know what to do."

- [Narrator] Two weeks passed,

and Anna didn't have theanswer she was looking for.

She was invited on a school tour

with other reality television stars,

sharing positive messagesto young students.

After the program, one of thecelebrity speakers told her

he had a message from God.

- "You felt the Holy Spirit before.

And God is real, just so you know."

And I said, "What?"

And so, I thought about it.

- [Narrator] At once, she knewwhat he was talking about.

She told him the story ofwhen she was a teenager

on a trip to Jerusalemwith a student group.

She and a friend hadgone to the Western Wall.

- Here I was with myfriend blaspheming God.

I was saying, what cameout of my mouth was,

"Look at these idiots prayingto a God that doesn't exist."

I heard this beautiful singing start.

Thousands of voices singing.

♪ Aah ♪

And it was everywhere.

I mean, I looked aroundand I couldn't understand

where the singing was coming from.

It was the most incredible,profound experience in my life

and I never knew what it was.

But I wasn't ready to hear.

I told him the story.

And I remember at the endof the story, he goes,

"You felt the Holy Spirit, Anna,

and you heard angels singing."

I knew I heard angels singing

and that was when I knew that God was real

and He was trying to get my attention.

And I remember I fell onmy knees and I repented.

I said, "Jesus, forgive me."

And I gave my life to the Lord.

And I remember all of the burdens,

all of the depression,sadness, brokenness.

I remember feeling the weightof it lift off my shoulders.

- [Narrator] Anna began to experience

a real relationship with Godthrough Bible study and prayer.

Eventually, she left therelationship she was in

and gave up pro poker.

- God has always been there for me.

Jesus has always been there for me.

He's just the most amazingthing in the universe

and I just wish morepeople knew about Him,

knew Him intimately becauseknowing Him intimately

is where all the keys are to His heart.

It is so fulfilling.

And you know, being lost andbroken, searching for love,

I found it in Jesus.

He's a gentleman, andHe'll knock on your door

until you answer and open that door.

And He's just, He's incredible.

- You know, all of ushave things in our mind,

in our hearts that wethink would make us happy,

would make us be fulfilled.

And for a long time, wepush off the concept of God

either because we've beenturned off by religion,

as Anna had been.

Or because we wanna do it our way.

You know, we have a tremendous need

inside of us to control, don't we?

And that's something thathas to be surrendered.

Anna, in her need tocontrol her environment

and to find some meaningin her life, you know,

tried all of these thingsthat involved strategies,

that she thought she wasso clever and so smart

and so deep and learning these things

and able to control her life.

You know, she's right.

God does come after us.

He comes after us time and time again.

And I had it happen in my life.

I just didn't listen.

I didn't wanna hear it.

I didn't wanna like go.

But one by one, God begins toallow the things in our lives

that we depend on to be pulled away

until we finally come to a place

where we fall on our knees and say,

God, I don't just need you.

I want you.

Maybe you're at that place in your life

where you've come to the end of your rope.

And you want to know why you're here,

who you are, who he is,what is this life all about?

Listen, ask him into your heart.

Just what Anna talked about.

Just give it all up to him.

You too will feel that burdenlift up off your shoulders

of just trying to manageand control it all.

But more than that,

you'll find the forgivenessand the love and the freedom

that a God who has alwaysbeen waiting for you

can bring into your life.

If you need to pray with someone

about something specificin your life today,

our line is always openand there's a friend there

who'd love to pray with you today.

It's toll free.


So please call.

You don't even have to give your name.

They'd be happy to pray with you today.


- I think a lot of peoplewill respond to that.

That was a beautiful message.

Well, today's Power Minuteis from the Book of 1 John.

"See what great love theFather has lavished on us,

that we should be called Children of God!"

Well, tomorrow, the face off.

The governor's race that couldbe a game changer in 2020.

Meet the GOP candidate

Glenn Youngkin on tomorrow's "700 Club."

So we look forward to seeing you then.

For Terry and all of us,this is Pat Robertson,

God bless you.

Have a wonderful day.

And remember, our phones are available

if you need prayer all day long.

See you tomorrow.


(gentle music)


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