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The Unraveling of Afghanistan, Biden: 'I Stand Behind my Decision'

The Unraveling of Afghanistan, Biden: 'I Stand Behind my Decision' Read Transcript

- America's 20 year war in Afghanistan

is coming to a chaotic end.

The Taliban has seizedthe capital city of Kabul,

effectively ending its campaignto take back the country.

Now, emergency evacuations are underway.

President Ashraf Ghanihas fled the country

and after two decadesand trillions in funding,

Afghan security forcescollapsed without a fight.

(crowd screams)

- The responsibility forwhat's happening today in Kabul

falls squarely on the leadership

of the commander in chiefwho's there in charge

who made the terribleset of decisions that led

to what you're seeing today on television.

- [Caitlin] Former secretaryof state Mike Pompeo

telling CBN News thatwhat we're seeing today

is not what the Trumpadministration negotiated.

- They decided to pull out the military

before they got civilians out.

They hadn't adequately planned.

And as for the agreement,

the Taliban clearly broke the agreement

and President Trump wasunambiguously clear,

"You break this agreement,we will come break you."

- [Caitlin] Critics callAfghanistan Biden's Saigon moment,

scenes of Chinook helicoptersevacuating US personnel

from the now shuttered embassy

eerily similar to what took place

at the end of the Vietnam War.

(crowd shouting overlaps)

The scenes this morning from Kabul Airport

chaotic and heartbreaking.

Thousands surging the tarmac

desperate to get out of the country.

(men shouting in foreign language)

As many as 7,000 UStroops are now en route

or in Afghanistan,

working to evacuateAmerican embassy personnel,

Afghan interpreters, their families,

and others who helped the US military.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle

want to know what wentwrong and who's to blame.

Iraq veteran and Democrat,Representative Seth Moulton,

saying in a statement quote,

"To say that today isanything short of a disaster

"would be dishonest.

"Worse, it was avoidable.

"The fact that at this hour

"we have not even secured thecivilian half of Kabul Airport

"is a testament to our moraland operational failure."

Republican Representative AdamKinzinger, also a veteran,

released a statement blamingthe Trump administration

for negotiating with the Taliban

and the Biden administrationfor withdrawing US forces

without quote, "Any semblance of a plan

"or forethought into howthis would play out."

- This is gonna be astain on this president

and his presidency.

- [Caitlin] The president and his cabinet

continue to defend the decision

for an unconditionalwithdrawal from Afghanistan.

- We went to Afghanistan 20 years ago

with one mission in mind

and that was to deal with the people

who attacked us on 9/11.

And that mission has been successful.

- The question facing the president,

back in April and againas we've gone forward,

is should US men and women

be put into the middle ofanother country's civil war

when their own army won'tfight to defend them.

And his answer to that question was no.

- [Caitlin] Meanwhile,

during an emergency UNSecurity Council meeting,

the secretary general urged members

not to abandon the Afghan people.

- Afghans are a proud peoplewith a rich cultural heritage.

They have known generationsof war and hardship.

They deserve our full support.

The following days will be pivotal.

The world is watching.

We cannot and must not abandonthe people of Afghanistan.

- According to some house church networks

within Afghanistan,

identified believers arereceiving letters from the Taliban

warning that they know where they are

and what they're doing.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.


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