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A Dangerous Mission Field: Kidnappings, Violence Continue to Wreak Havoc in Haiti After President's Assassination

A Dangerous Mission Field: Kidnappings, Violence Continue to Wreak Havoc in Haiti After President's Assassination Read Transcript

- [Chuck] A nation inturmoil as Haiti reels

from the sudden assassination

of their president on July 7th.

Gangs rule the streets and nobody is sure

of the rightful new leader of the country.

- The consensus is, on the ground,

everyone just says(speaking foreign language),

there's no government.

- [Chuck] Living is what's now essentially

a failed state, Haitiancitizens are suffering

without basic supplies.

- Out here, what we do know is that

that the gangs, because theycontrol parts of the city

and they control the mainroutes that come out here

to the southern part of Haiti,

this whole southern peninsula,everyone is suffering.

There's just a lack of anykind of materials out here,

even propane, because thedrivers were afraid that

the gangs were gonna shoot at their trucks

and have an explosion.

A lot of the people havereported out here that

they've seen dogs and pigsjust eating human carcasses

that gang members have killedon the side of the road.

And they're just left there on the side

of the road which is terrible.

- [Chuck] And after thefuneral for President Moïse,

arrests of Columbian mercenariesimplicated in the crime

have left more questions than answers.

- The Haitian people did not expect this.

The last assassinationof Haitian president was

over a hundred years ago in 1915.

So all Haitians are shocked and worried

about the continuity andstability of government.

Before the assassination of the president,

there has been a rise of violence,

especially gang violence and kidnappings.

So if anyone in Haiti wassafe, it would have been

the president and prime minister.

So Haitians are puzzledbecause it was sinningly easy

for the assassins to getinto the president's home

without any report of injuries or deaths

within his security team.

- [Chuck] Kidnappingsand violence are way up,

and in recent months,missionaries have been targeted

in several areas of the country.

(man speaking foreign language)

- You know, we're calledto do a work down here

to plant churches and toreach people with the gospel

and so we try to go about that carefully,

trying to stay safe to some extent.

But that's not really ourprimary purpose in life.

- [Chuck] The deterioratingsituation is leading

to Haitians fleeing theircountry in record numbers.

And because the Bidenadministration recently extended

temporary protected status to Haitians,

the US is now seeing thousands

crossing our southern border each month.

- [Kevin] Unemployment here is 90%.

People would get out if they could

and in most cases, they just,they don't have the money

to get a passport and a visa.

- [Chuck] But Kevin saysthe change Haitians need

has nothing to do with relocation.

- If people are broughtfrom darkness to light,

there can be change.

So that's really our goal.

We're planting churches like crazy

and helping build new church buildings.

So I think that's wherethe change has to happen,

ultimately, is in thehearts of the people.

(patrons singing)

- [Chuck] For CBN News, I'm Chuck Holton.

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