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The 700 Club - August 13, 2021

Pastor and author James E. Ward discusses helping people overcome injustice with a new attitude in his updated book “Zero Victim.” Plus, a fever spikes to 105. Machines couldn’t help. See the answer that saves this Covid patient’s life ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up,a fever spikes to 105.

- We had a quite a battle on our hands.

- [Narrator] As a patientcomes down with COVID-19.

- [Mom] I don't know if this will be

my last time to see him.

- [Narrator] Soon he'sfighting for every breath.

- It got worse pretty fast.

- [Narrator] And themachines couldn't help.

- And he was completely maxed out.

- [Narrator] So what saved his life?

- I've never seen God work that quick.

- [Narrator] The answeron today's "700 Club".

- This edition of "The 700 Club".

Afghanistan is in free fall

on the brink of an apocalyptic collapse.

The Islamic radicals capturedfour more major cities today,

and Kabul could fall within weeks.

After his shocking foreign policy failure

President Biden is now sending US troops

to rescue Americans.

And guess what?

The president is alsonegotiating with the Taliban,

talking about givingthem aid and money, why?

CBN's Brody Carter explains.

- The Taliban taking another

three provincial capitals today

as they're pressing a lightening offense

gradually and circlingthe Capitol city of Kabul.

Resurgence have capture morethan a dozen regional capitals

in mere days.

The state departmentexplaining why 3000 troops

are being rushed to Kabul Airport

to help with a partial evacuationof the American embassy.

- As we've said all along

the increased tempo of theTaliban military engagement

and the resulting increasein violence and instability

across Afghanistan is of grave concern.

- [Brody] In a major shift of power

Taliban forces captured the country

second and third largest cities, Thursday,

Kandahar and Herat.

Hours later Lashkar Gahwhere hundreds of US troops

have lost their lives

now a trophy for war resurgence.

13 of the countries 34 provincial capitals

now under Taliban control.

The Biden administration

now negotiating with Talibanleaders to spare the embassy

saying it must remain open and secure

if the group hopes to receiveAmerican financial aid

and other assistance.

The president refused to commenton the situation Thursday.

- The potential here forgrowing terrorists capabilities

and terrorists threats

deep within the heartland of Afghanistan

the way Bin Laden did is very real.

- [Brody] Taliban militants now control

two thirds of the country.

They command the north whilebattling Afghan soldiers

over shrinking territoryin the south and west.

This footage releasedby the Afghan government

shows airstrikes on Talibanposition in Kandahar

but it wasn't enough to slow them down.

Military personnel estimate Kabul

could fall in just 30 days.

The looming humanitarian crisis

expected to uproot nearly 300,000 families

with no place to call home.

In an effort to supportAfghanistan and its people

1200 allied Afghan refugees

have already come to the US with visas.

The government expectsto help thousands more.

- Additional flightswill begin landing daily

and you're going to see thetotal number grow very quickly

in the coming days and the coming weeks.

- For now the US embassy remains open

with plans to keep operating

with a core diplomatic presence,

but bringing in additional troops

is a sign that US doesn'tbelieve the Afghan government

can hold off the Taliban surge.

Brody Carter, CBS News.

- Our senior international correspondent,

George Thomas is with us, there is more.

George is the speed of thisTaliban takeover a surprise

as Afghany stand to becomea base for terrorists

to attack America?

- Yeah, I mean too many watching now

the collapse does seem very sudden, Pat

but not to the Taliban.

They'd been planning for thismoment for quite some time.

The pivotal moment, Pat, came last year

when the United States and the Taliban

signed an agreementcalled the Doha Agreement

back in February, 2020.

And under this agreement

signed by the previous administration,

the Trump administration partof the agreement was that

the United States wouldwithdraw all forces

from the country by this time right now.

And in exchange theTaliban would in essence,

not allow Afghanistan tobe a base of operation

for Al Qaeda, ISIS

and other Islamic terrorist organizations.

So the Taliban knew that the perception,

the feeling in the United States

was that they wanted our troops back home,

that they were done after this 20 years

of spending all this money,

the bloodshed in the country

was time to bring the troops back.

In the past year, the Taliban

they'd been working with warlords,

with various chiefs in the various tribes

across the country,

in essence, gaining their trust.

And in the last three, fourmonths, what we have seen,

and in especially inthe last couple of days,

they've taken all these majorcapitals of these provinces

in essence, Pat, without firing a bullet.

The Afghan army, in essence,handing the keys of the city

to the Taliban, they have been demoralized

when they knew that theUnited States and NATO forces

were about to leave the country.

They said, what is thisworth fighting for?

They had no trust inthe Afghan government.

You know, they, the African government

didn't treat them right, theydidn't pay them sufficiently.

Didn't feed them sufficiently

and the question was,

you know, why is this worth fighting?

Is this what fighting for?

And what you saw in the lastfew days has been stunning.

In essence, the Afghan security forces

handing the keys over to the Taliban.

- George, what have you learn out there?

We know what's gonna happen to women.

They don't believe in educating women,

they beating up women, they rape women,

but what's gonna happen to the Christians?

- Yeah, I was on the phone with a family

just a few hours right before the Taliban

took over the city of Herat,a major city in Afghanistan.

And they had gotten leaflets.

This particular Christian family, Pat

had five girls betweenthe ages of 16 and 21,

all believers.

And the note said thatif you have any women

in the household that are unmarried,

be prepared to hand themover to the Taliban fighters

as sex slaves.

In essence, Christiansare very, very concerned

about their future.

There are between 3000,nobody knows for sure,

between 5,000 and 8,000 believers

scattered across the country.

The church has grown in the last 20 years

has been tremendous growth in the church

and church leaders I'vespoken to inside the country

are very, very concernedabout their future.

- It's almost like what ISISdid to these Yazidi women.

I mean, they took themas sex slaves, something.

- Exactly.- Yeah.

- And this is exactly what we saw in Iraq.

When we pulled out of Iraq,

it became a breeding ground for ISIS.

And all experts that I've spoken to

there is no doubt that Al Qaeda,

the resurgence of Al Qaeda will happen.

Jihadist groups aroundthe world will now realize

that there is one country inthe world that they can go.

They can fundraise, theycan recruit, they can train,

that country could potentiallybe Afghanistan again.

- Thank you, George.

- You're welcome.

- Well, here at home more Democrats

now favor socialism over capitalism.

59% of registered Democrats

say they have a positiveview of socialism.

That was from a new, a Fox News poll,

but only 49% feel thatway about capitalism.

That's a big change from a year ago.

Among Republicans,

67% have a favorable view of capitalism

and just 8% have afavorable view of socialism.

Who is in charge of the Democratic Party?

Former, I mean, a socialist,actually a communist

whose name is Bernie Sanders.

AOC is on board and they aretrying to bring socialism

into this country.

And the Democrats say, we like socialism.

That shocks people.

They want the government to do everything

and the government iswilling to take over.

That's what they're tryingto put on to America

is a socialist agenda,we should fight about it.

Also in the news today marksthe one year anniversary

of a peace deal mostpeople never saw coming.

It was called the Abraham Accords,

but first they involved Israeland the United Arab Emirates,

but soon and other doors opened.

Well, what lies ahead?

Here's CBN Middle Eastbureau chief, Chris Mitchell,

with a look at the impactof this historic creation.

- [Chris] When Israel in theUAE normalized relations,

it became the first peaceagreement between the Jewish state

and an Arab state in 26 years.

Within four monthsBahrain, Sudan and Morocco

also signed onto the Abraham Accords.

- It is very rare that there'san opportunity for a win win

that can be transformational,not just for a country,

but for a region.

And the Abraham Accords isthat transformational moment

in history.

- [Chris] What makesthese agreements different

is the focus on includingbusiness, tourism,

education and researchbetween the countries.

That's helped open the doors

to nearly $2 billionworth of business deals.

- This been a very uniqueopportunity between UAE and Israel

to come with an agreement ofpeace and tolerance together.

- What this has done isrealigned the Middle East

between countries thatwant peace and prosperity

and countries who want to continue

to battle age-old conflicts.

- [Chris] Jerusalem DeputyMayor, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum

and Abdullah Baqer work together

on the UAE Israel business council.

- The Abraham Accords

it's not about the Jews and the Muslims.

It's also about other nationalities,

other religions thattheir involvement to this

'cause we all live together.

- We hope that themomentum that is created

will be enough for othercountries to join the alliance

of the good countries in the Middle East.

- [Chris] When it comes to the Accords,

the United States played a major role,

including players like Aryeh Lightstone,

former advisor to theUS ambassador to Israel.

- There was an artificial line

dividing Israel and othernations in the region and beyond.

And it just didn't make sense.

- [Chris] Lightstone says theUS brought allies together

erasing unnatural divides andtrying to remove the hurts.

- Look at the places thatare pillars of hope and light

for the region Bahrain,the United Arab Emirates,

and obviously the state of Israel.

When they can work together,

it's going to drive more opportunity

for more people in the region.

- [Chris] Given therecent leadership changes

in the US and Israel,

some fear the Accords might not last.

- The Abraham Accords and peace in general

is not a Republican thing,it's not a Democrat thing.

It's an American thing.

- You know, the Americansdid the fantastic thing

of creating thecircumstances for this peace

and pushing us all together.

But now that it's been signedeverybody is 100% committed

and now it's got its own legs.

- [Chris] Lightstone's adviceto those on the outside

is to continue to pray.

- They're called the Abraham for a reason.

This is the reunificationof Abraham and his children.

And this was brought together

by the United States of America

who saw the region clearly,embraced our friends

and made very cleardemands of our enemies.

- Chris, is with us now.

Chris is, when they got together,

they just bypass the Palestinians

who were nothing but trouble.

They've been trouble all along.

They haven't wanted to come together.

They're asking for twostates and all that stuff,

but what's the deal now with Biden?

- Well, Pat, like you said,

you know, for almost a generation,

it was that there could beno peace in the Middle East,

unless you solve the IsraeliPalestinian conflict.

But what these nations finally realized

the United Arab Emirates,Bahrain and others

is that they weren't gonnaallow the Palestinian authority

to have a veto over them,normalizing relations with Israel.

And they saw the benefits.

They saw the benefits intechnology, tourism and trade.

You see businesses booming right now

between Israel and the UAE.

A 600 million so far thisyear about a billion as well.

And they also have a common enemy path.

They have an existential threat in Iran

and they see that threat mutually.

And they also see militaryimplications in this,

not just business implications,they can share intelligence.

For example, if Israel everdecides to attack Iran,

they can have fly over rightsover Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

And so it means a lot.

And so this is a, this is something there,

not allowing the Palestinian authority

to have a veto over any more.

And they see a brighterfuture working together

in the Abraham Accords.

- Chris, talk about theprophetic implications

of these Accords.

- Well, Pat, you have talkedto and talked extensively

over the years about Ezekiel 38 and 39,

a confederation of nationscoming against Israel.

And if you look at the map right there,

you'll see that many of those nations

are part of the Abraham Accords

are really not part ofnecessarily Ezekiel 38 and 39.

And yet you see surrounding those nations,

you see a nations likemodern day, Iran, Persia,

Turkey, Russia, getting more belligerent

and aggressive against Israel.

And so you see two trend lines going on.

First of all, Pat, peaceful relations

with some of these nationsimmediately surrounding Israel.

And on the other hand,

you see this access ofnations like Turkey and Russia

and Iran, more belligerent against Israel.

So these two trendlinesare happening right now,

and they seem to fit in tothe prophetic implications

of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

- Amen, we're going to watch this closely,

but I think in prophetic word,

Ezekiel 38 is the nextbig one that's coming up

and the players are in place,the chips are on the table,

is getting ready to do.

And Chris, we thankyou for the work you do

over there in in Israel, Terry.

- Well, up next one in three Americans

thinks the 2020 election was stolen.

Are they under theillusion of the big lie?

And if so, why are theremore and more demands

for statewide audits?

Plus, a soaring temperature of 105

and plummeting oxygen levels,

a young man battles COVID in the hospital.

So what miracle giveshis nurse goosebumps?

Stay tuned you'll find out.

(ethereal music)

- Well get to this,

the major media saidthat the last election

was the most secure ever,

but in this day and age three Americans,

one in three, think that the2020 election was stolen.

Now which was it?

We're going to have alook now as Dale Hurd

has the look at auction,

I means, audits that are taking place

all across the country.

- [Reporter] 2016.

- [Dale] Watch mainstreammedia news reports

about claims the 2020 election was stolen

and you'll first be greetedwith a banner that says

such claims are false,bogus or the big lie.

Even the former head of cybersecurity

for the federal governmentunder Donald Trump says

2020 was the most secureelection in US history.

Christopher Krebs waseventually fired by Trump.

- What's really developedis two different realities.

It's the one we live in that'sbased on truth and trust

and the other that's based on whatever

the former president says.

- But a recent Rasmussen Poll

shows almost one in three American voters

now think the election was stolen.

If Joe Biden did win fair and square,

it was one of the strangestand most improbable victories

in presidential election history.

One that went opposite totrusted election metrics

that go back decades.

There's a saying that wherethere's smoke there's fire.

And when it comes to claims

that something was seriously amiss

with the 2020 election results,

there certainly seemsto be a lot of smoke.

Where's the smoke?

For starters thousands of sworn affidavit

to alleging electionfraud or irregularities

given under penalty of perjury.

New Mexico State Universitylaw professor, David Clements,

a former assistant districtattorney on the Southern border

says the evidence of wrongdoingin the 2020 elections

is far stronger than thedrug cases he prosecuted.

- I've never had a casewith this much evidence

with this degree ofquality to the evidence

in my entire career.

- [Dale] Clements who's assisting

a volunteer army of thousandsof concerned Americans

meeting on the app Telegram

under the name America First Audit,

building a case for election fraud

under the leadership ofGeneral, Michael Flynn.

Another leader of the group,

former army captain, SethKeshel and elections expert,

who correctly picked all 50states in the 2016 election

says he's uncovered atleast 8 million excess votes

for Joe Biden, votesthat should not exist.

- It's easiest to find instates that track voters,

registered voters by party.

And you can see the trend line

where Biden's projectedvote total should wind up.

I estimate generously for Biden

and you still wind up witha total list beyond logic.

- [Dale] Keshel says hisshowed Trump won Pennsylvania,

Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin,

Minnesota, Arizona and Nevada,

whether or not that's actually the case

we do know that Trump carried18 of 19 bellwether counties,

which have correctly predicted the winner

of every presidential election since 1980.

And yet somehow Trump lost.

CBN News, election analyst, John Waage.

- So these are thecounties that we look at.

I've been studying thesethings for more than 40 years.

And what we look at are the counties

where the presidential winnercomes out on top every time.

- [Dale] Trump also carriedfour bellwether states,

Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Iowa.

But Keshel says the moststartling thing to him

from the election wasthe Trump won Florida,

but not Pennsylvania and Michigan.

The three states havetrended together since 1932.

- 88 years in a row.

So 22 consecutive elections,

Florida, Pennsylvania andMichigan trend together.

And then this year is the one

where they no longer trend together.

- [Dale] Other indicators thatshowed Trump should have won

his overwhelming strengthin the primaries.

- Trump was not a weak incumbent

regardless of what themedia puts out there.

Trump had one of the highestshares of primary vote ever.


- [Dale] Another indicatorfor a Trump victory

was his gaining of record 11million more votes in 2020

than he did in 2016.

- From my perspective as an analyst,

things have never addedup about this election.

I mean, Joe Bidencampaign from his basement

and he finishes with far morevotes than his predecessor,

Barack Obama, it doesn't make sense.

- [Dale] Election auditshave been underway

or are being fought over in six states.

The audit fight inMaricopa county, Arizona

has led to a newinvestigation of the county

by the state's Republicanattorney general,

even as the audit has been blasted

by the state's democraticsecretary of state

who calls it a sham.

- I think it's doing a lot of harm,

not just to elections here in Arizona,

but there are electionofficials across the country

watching what's going onhere with a lot of concern

because they are honestlywriting the playbook

because they want to dothis and other state.

- [Dale] An audit is also underway

in Fulton county, Georgia,the home of Atlanta

and reportedly so rife with corruption,

state lawmakers may attempt to take over

the county election board.

One of the leaders of the movement

to uncover electionfraud, MyPillow founder,

Mike Lindell presented his evidence

at a cyber symposium this week

and offered $5 millionto anyone who could prove

his evidence of a stolenelection was wrong.

Some in the media have nowdecided the inventor of the

MyPillow is a threat to the nation.

But it's interesting to note

who else has said our electionprocess is not secure,

Democrats, a lot of them,

after the 2016 election.

- These voting machinescan be hacked quite easily.

- You could easily hack into them.

- But researchers haverepeatedly demonstrated

that ballot recording machinesand other voting systems

are susceptible to tampering.

- Even hackers withlimited prior knowledge,

tools and resources are ableto breach voting machines

in a matter of minutes.

- We know how vulnerablenow our systems were.

We know, I know the hackathonthat took place last year

where virtually everymachine was broken into

fairly quickly.

- I actually held ademonstration for my colleagues

here at the Capitolwhere we brought in folks

who before our eyeshacked election machines.

- [Dale] It's not clearhow America's election

suddenly became so secure in 2020,

but if they really are secure

and nothing was amissin Joe Biden's victory,

no one should fear an audit.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, you know, so theydoing, what are we gonna do?

We're gonna overturn the election

and say that Biden's victory is improper

and then suddenly he's notthe new, the president?

But I tell you folks, I thought for sure

that the Lord had spokenthat Trump was going to win.

I, so many others felt the same thing.

And when it was, theresults were announced,

somebody who spent most ofthe campaign in his basement

and didn't come out to debate.

And all of a sudden he getsmore votes than Barack Obama

who was extraordinarily popular.

It didn't compute and itstill doesn't compute,

but what do we do about it?

I mean, so they, are wegonna change the election now

and overturn it?

It's unlikely that it'll happen.

But at the same time, Americadidn't vote in socialism

and that's what we're getting.

And so one would only hopethat something would be done,

but maybe is it too late?

I have no idea what theresults will finally be,

but it's amazing how many of these things

are being uncovered andhow much fraud was involved

in this whole process.

So who knows, but I'll tell you,

if anybody says this on social media,

he or she will get immediately cut off

of their platform.

They can't talk on Twitter.

They can't talk on any of these things

because the liberal mediadoesn't wanna hear it,

but is it too late?

It looks like it is,

but this country didn't vote in socialism

and that's what we're getting, Terry.

- Well, still ahead, aspecial Friday edition

of your questions andPat's honest answers.

Madison says, is it wrong to keep praying

over and over for healingif God has not healed you?

Stay tuned, Pat will answerthat and more that's coming up.

But first, a miracle in the ICU.

Doctors we're moments away from intubating

this COVID patient.

So what made him startbreathing on his own?

And why did his nurse call it

the most miraculous event of her life.

(ethereal music)

A temperature of 105,

coupled with pneumoniaand an oxygen level so low

doctors were just aboutto intubate COVID patient,

Vincent Molder.

That's when somethingextraordinary happened in the ICU

that Vincent's nursedescribed as breathtaking.

So what was it?

See for yourself.

- We hold hands together and we pray.

And I tell him like, noson, look at me, son,

you know, breathe in Jesus'name, breathe, you know?

And at the same time,God is like telling me,

you know, you know, focuswith me, Jerilyn, you know,

don't give up, I'm here, I'm here.

- [Narrator] JerilynMolder was in a battle

for her son's survival

after COVID-19 spreadthrough her household.

It started with her husband, Billy.

- I've never had thatintense of pain before.

A lot of fluid in the lungs, you know?

I had to had that andpneumonia in in both lungs

and it was rough.

It felt like breathing fire to me.

- [Narrator] After sufferingat home for several days,

Billy was taken byambulance to the hospital.

Their son, Vincent, who has special needs

was admitted a few days laterwith a 105 degree temperature

and pneumonia.

Dr. Michael Helton was his physician.

- He had some heart conditions

and adrenal gland issues.

So we knew he had somechallenges already going in

when he first came in with COVID

and we knew we had a quitea battle on our hands

so when he firstpresented to the hospital.

- With Vincent it's really hard for me

to leave him there with his situations.

I don't know if this willbe my last time to see him,

you know, in all that.

And then I just prayedto God that, you know,

for them to allow me to be with him,

because they will be having ahard time to understand him.

- [Narrator] Thankfully,after one night apart,

the hospital allowedJerilyn to stay with him

because she was alreadyinfected with mild symptoms.

They created an environmentof worship and prayer

in his room.

His nurse Leona remembers it fondly.

- Every time you walkedinto his room, he said,

"God is good, God is powerful."

And I would hear them singingfirst thing in the morning

their mornings, or hymns and, you know,

talking and praying and everything.

- Well, they were always,you know, quoting scriptures

and praying together and, you know,

praying for me and the staff.

And this really is this Nate.

He was always saying, "God is good.

And God's gonna heal me,"and all these great things

he was saying the whole time.

- [Narrator] Even in anenvironment of faith,

Vincent had to fight forhis life with every breath.

- You know, he got worse pretty fast.

And he, you know, had it gonewith very high level of oxygen

to keep going.

And we thought we had to intubate him.

- It was really hard to see him

having a hard time to breathe,

but to see him not giving up and fighting

and still like prayingto God and asking God to,

you know, to help him.

And he still worships him

and still tellingeverybody how good he is,

is what's like really like got me.

- [Narrator] But withVincent his oxygen level

dangerously low doctors asked Jerilyn

for permission to intubate.

- With a heavy heart. I still like,

I still gave my permissionbecause I'm not a doctor.

And so I told them, okay, you know

and, I was just prayed to God.

- [Narrator] As Vincentstruggled to breathe,

nurse Leona tried once againto get his oxygen level up

before transferring himto the ICU for intubation.

- He was on vapor therm andhe was completely maxed out,

which is 40 liters at 100%.

I just couldn't get hisoxygen up past 85, 86.

I felt defeated in a way.

- [Narrator] Jerilynknelt down on the floor

and asked God to interveneon her son's behalf.

- I said like, God, I know thatyou know that I love my son.

And I know that to love him more.

And you'll always be there forhim ever since he was a baby,

you've done so much beautiful in his life.

And so I said, but if it'syour will extend his life.

- [Narrator] His nurseLeona then witnessed

the answered prayer.

- She dropped her kneesand she started praying.

And I looked at the rapidresponse guy and I said,

"Do you see this?"

And his oxygen, no lie, itstill gives me goosebumps.

His oxygen went from 85, 86, 87,

88, 89, 90,

and then stayed above 90for the rest of the time.

It was breathtaking

because I've never seenGod work that quick.

I mean, he worked quick.

- I just felt like peace after I prayed.

I felt like God like just hugged me

and just told me, like, you know,

it's gonna be all right, my daughter,

it's gonna to be all right.

- [Narrator] From that moment on

Vincent began breathing normally

and no longer needed oxygen.

- Oxygen.

- I knew it.

- After visit with God

- [Mom] No more.

- No more big machine.

- I've never witnessed somuch of a miraculous event

in my life.

And so like, I mean, God is good.

God is completely good through that.

- [Mom] Yeah, fill it.

- I think God really showed up big for him

and I think there was definitelya hand of God on his life

and the power of prayer andhis life really made an impact.

Through prayer and God's intervention

he was able to stay off the ventilator

and he started turningaround and you know,

he's doing great now from that.

- [Narrator] After 23 days,

Vincent left the hospital COVID free.

Jerilyn and Billy also recovered.

The Molders say they are honored

that God gave them thisamazing answer to prayer

and share it everywhere they can.

- We've been a family of faith before,

but when you see a miraclehappen in your life

with your own eyes, thattakes it to a whole new level.

- God is good.

He helped me, he healed me.

He visit me in the hospital.

He love me, Jesus does.

- It is the toughest time ofour life and the hardest time

but then it's the most,the most amazing feeling

to experience God,

you know, right before your eyes.

- What an amazing and powerful impact

the story had on that whole hospital.

Everybody is-- Yeah, I mean-

- He was-- Dying.

- Dying.- Dying.

And God moved in and oh, that's,

hey folks, God is good.

That's what they kept saying.

God is good, we believe in him.

Now we want to pray for you

so you, so this is amiracle that's happened

to that wonderful boy,

but God is going to do something for you.

Now here's the answer that has come in.

Ken of Maylene, Alabama tooka nasty fall on July one.

That's this month, thelast month, we just turned,

it left him with a bonefragment behind his left eye.

He was watching our program on July 30.

Terry said, "Someone, youhave an eye condition.

The muscle of your eye

not having enough tension

and God's correcting it."

Knowing the word of knowledge was for him.

Ken believed it.

After the prayer, more tests were done

and that bone fragment was gone.

- Wow.- Wow.

- Well, here's another one.

This is Jerry who livesin York, Pennsylvania

suffered from terriblemuscle pain and scoliosis.

After months of suffering,

she was watching thisprogram this past July.

And she heard you, Pat say,

"Somebody has scoliosis of the spine.

God is just strengthening your back.

You'll stand up absolutelystraight, stand up right now."

Jerry had always been skepticalof words of knowledge,

but she knew this one was for her.

The pain in her spine andmuscles left immediately.

- Wow, you know, I rememberthat and God is good.

Now, listen, we want to pray for you.

And I just believe thatGod wants to do miracles.

You see the Lord said, hitherto,

listen hitherto you haveasked nothing in my name,

ask, ask, and you shall receive, why?

That's your joy might be for.

God wants you to have joy

and he delights in the factthat we give him praise

when these things happen.

Now Terry and I are gonna pray for you.

And we're gonna believe God for miracles

and God Almighty is going to do them.

Father, we thank youfor what we were hearing

and seeing with our eyes.

We know that you're a good God.

We know that you answerprayer and we hold before you

the people in this audiencewho are having problems

in the name of Jesus.

Mercy, you are being healedof atrial fibrillation

right now.

Put your hand on your chest, touch her.


- Someone named Connie.

You have a prayer, you'repraying something for a child.

I'm not sure it's yourown child, it's a child.

God's answering that prayerright now in Jesus name.

- Thank you father.

Thank you.

- Someone else with, you haveproblems with your hearing.

It's almost like everythingsounds like it's in a tunnel.

You've been experiencingsome moderate hearing loss.

God's restoring yourhearing to you right now.

Just receive that.

- Amen.

There's a fluid buildsup in somebody's lungs.

I believe it's, Mike justput your hand on your chest

and that fluid build upthat's been in there.

Maybe pleurisy or whateverit's called is is going away.

Your lungs will be completelyhealed in Jesus' name.

Now Lord, all of this audience,

there are people praying

and we pray especially for our nation.

And we pray for this thinggoing on in Afghanistan.

And we pray for thosepeople that are fleeing

300,000 Lord who are gonna be homeless

and they're crying outto you in their way.

And we pray for them.

And we ask Lord for thisnation that we live in

to be spared some of the terrorists

that look like it's coming upon it.

In the name of Jesus touchlives Lord and give you,

may your name be honored and glorified

in Jesus' name we ask it, amen and amen.

Okay.- Well up next-

- Oh, by the way, if you have an answer,

simply call us, will you.

We've got a telephone number.

We'd love to hear about the answers.

If we can pray for you, we wanna do it.

People were at the phone right now

and it's 1-800-700-7000.

So people, even though thisprogram is no longer on the air,

because the times are,we'll still be here.

These folks are on thephone, 24 hours a day, okay?


- Well, up next, we have a sin problem

and not just a skin problem.

That quote is from a speech that resonated

throughout our nation last summer.

The big question, howcan we overcome injustice

with a zero victim mentality?

The man behind the messageis going to tell us himself

after this.

(ethereal music)

Last summer James Ward was thrust

into the national spotlight overnight,

all because of a zero victim message

he shared at a press conference.

So where did he get thegenesis of that message?

From something he learnedin the third grade.

- [Narrator] During the summer of 2020

pastor and author James E. Ward Jr.

came to national prominence

after the police shootingof Jacob Blake, Jr.

in Kenosha, Wisconsin

when he was asked to leadthe family press conference

on live television.

He shared a message birthed inhis heart in the third grade,

which addressed the spiritualand moral law crisis

in America.

In his updated book, "Zero Victim"

James shares biblicalprinciples on how to heal

and reconcile our country byeliminating negative thinking

and developing a new attitude in Christ.

- Please, welcome to "The 700 Club".

A graduate of Regent University,

School of Divinity, James E. Ward.

It's nice to have you with us today.

- Hi Terry, it's great to be with you

and thank you so much for having me.

Thanks for the great work you and Pat

the team are doing there.

- Well, thanks James.

Well, take us back, if youwill, to the third grade,

what happened then that set you up

for a zero victim mentality?

- Sure, growing up in Tuscaloosa, Alabama

at the tail end of segregation,

being bused to the white side of town,

it was a pivotal moment for me,

a life-changing moment where I discovered

with the help of my third grade teacher,

that I was as smart asany of the white kids

that were around me.

She put our names up on the board

and I discovered that I was doing well

and something clicked.

It was the grace of God.

Something clicked in my mind

and I recognized that I was not inferior.

And since that time, I didn'tbelieve in white supremacy

because I don't believein black inferiority.

It was then that the seed was planted

that I was not a victim.

And certainly with God's help

that the people around mecould not hold me back.

That even if I was in a hostile situation,

that that could not limitme from the great things

that God had called me to do in life.

That set the trajectory forthe remainder of my life

until this very day.

- It's such a freeing message.

You were asked to speak at Jacob Blake's

family press conference

after that Kenosha shooting in 2020,

how did that change your life?

- It changed our life in the sense that

it really just provideda different platform.

You know, it was a crisis.

We certainly wish that it never happened,

but God has a way, you know,

of turning things that weremeant for evil into good.

And it became just a greater platform

for a message that we'dalready been preaching.

Something that I'd beenteaching in my church.

And of course, Julia Jackson,the mother of Jacob Blake

is a member of our church andhas been part of that message.

And so it really helpedus to deliver this message

to the nation at a time thatit was really, really needed

in terms of how to push thereset button on race relations,

to socio-political tension.

We need to overcome thisinjustice and the challenges

that we're facing.

America needs a new attitude.

And I believe that thisbook is the solution

to help us understand howto put on that new attitude,

to face off with the challenges

that we're dealing with in life right now.

- Well, one of the issuesis just labeling each other.

You consider yourself a black American

as opposed to anAfrican-American, talk about that.

- I say that becauseI've traveled to Africa

on numerous occasions

and there are more than 51different countries in America,

in Africa, you know, whetherit's Nigeria or Kenya

or South Africa and beingan American is who I am.

Black American, it describes who I am.

African-American that'skind of a broad term

that I think even contributesto identity crisis.

And so being a black American,

this is my home, this is mynation, this is my country.

And it just, it's another way to free me

to engage and to honor this nation

to place a value on this nation

and to continue to see God'spurposes for America fulfilled.

- James, how can a change in attitude

help to overcome injustice in our country?

- One of the things that weneed to recognize, Terry is

when we talk about a change of attitude,

modeling the life of Jesus,

zero victim mindset was themindset of Jesus himself.

Think about it, the onlyinnocent man that ever lived,

who walked on the face of this planet,

he's suffered the greatest injustice

that the world has ever known.

And while in the processof being victimized

and the nails are stillbeing driven in his hand,

he's already praying father, forgive them.

Every other injusticeis a lesser injustice.

And so when we returnto one nation under God,

when we continue to stick tothe fundamentals of faith,

the legacy of faith that we have,

then having a new attitudegives us a different perspective

about dealing with the things

that we're facing with society.

We need to put on a new set of lenses

so that we read freedominto our circumstances

instead of putting on victim lenses

to read victim mentalityand victim thinking

into our circumstances,

America needs a change ofheart and a change of attitude.

And that has to begin withspiritual and moral laws,

not gonna come fromconstitutional or civil law.

- So share with us a few key steps

people can take to overcomea victim mentality?

- Sure, the first big idea isto always act and never react.

And then I give somepractical tips in the book.

I write about this.

Number one, you need to know yourself,

you need to know your tendencies.

You need to know whatwounds, what moral injuries,

you know, what kind of victimizations

have happened in your lifethat are liabilities to you.

Number two, you need toknow your environment.

You need to be able to identifypitfalls of victimizations

whether those are in yourfamily, in your relationships,

in the workplace, socio-politically.

Number three, you need a coach.

I wanna be America's zero victim coach,

America zero victim pastor,

which is why I wrote this book.

Someone who understandszero victim to encourage us

to help us come out of victim thinking

whenever those thingsare problems in our life.

Number four, we need toalways precondition our mind

the same way that acatcher in a baseball game

he anticipates a pitch coming toward him.

It can be deadly if he'sunprepared, but when he's prepared

he anticipates that pitch coming

because he's pretty conditioned his mind.

That's how we deal withdefense and victimization.

And lastly, we just needto envision our victory,

always see your way out.

See the end out of theproblem and the challenges

that we're facing sothat we don't continue

to exist under them

to have our lives defined by those things.

And so there are so many practical tips.

I really hope yourviewers can read the book.

It's a great companionguide to the scriptures

and to our faith is as God's people

and to those who areeven not people of faith.

I think it's a practical guide

to help everyone overcomethe challenges in life

with a new attitude.

- I thought that as I read it, James,

it is a book for everyone.

The book is called "Zero Victim."

It's available wherever books are sold.

It's a great message inthe day that we live in.

Thanks James, for being with us today.

- My pleasure, Terry, thanksfor having me all the best.

- You too, coming up,we've got your email.

Olivia says, Pat, wouldn't it be better

to give each family $1 million

instead of all funds goingto the infrastructure bill?

Sounds like a plan to me.

Well, we got your questions.

Pat's got some honestanswers straight ahead.

(ethereal music)

- Here's one for you.

Suddenly David's whole bedit was covered by water.

And then the kitchen flooded.

And then the whole house.

The night of this flood in Mexico,

a year's worth of rain fell in six hours.

Nine year old David thoughthe was going to die.

So what happened instead?

See for yourself.

(ethereal music)

- [Narrator] When wearrived at Sinaloa, Mexico,

just after the flood,

people showed us what happenedwhen 12 months worth of rain

fell in just six hours.

CBN's Operation Blessing wasone of the first on the scene,

unloading and providingemergency supplies,

water and hot meals.

That's where we met nine-year-old David.

He lives with his mom, a single parent.

The night of the flood, he toldus, he thought he would die.

- My bed was suddenly covered by water.

Then the kitchen, then thewhole house was flooded,


- [Narrator] So in additionto providing food and water

for the kids, we also showedthem episodes of "Superbook".

During that first episode,

David learned how another kid named David

faced the giant and won.

He prayed to receive Jesusas his savior that day.

- I felt happy because I talked with Jesus

and I asked him to protect us.

- [Narrator] The next day,David set his needs aside

and helped OperationBlessing to deliver supplies

to those cleaning up after the disaster.

Then we brought Davidand his mom a surprise,

a new mattress to replacethe one ruined in the flood.

- I was so happy when I sawyou bringing the new mattress.

Thanks for helping us.

- Aint that wonderful?

A flood in Mexico.

Look, we help people all over the world.

Operation Blessing helpsseveral hundred million people.

We're not talking about just a five or 10

we talking of people all over the world.

Food, medicine, shelter, medical,

I mean all kinds of things that they need

because we are your hand extended.

And if, how do you get involved

in helping somebodylike David in the flood?

It's $20 a month, 65 cents a day

and you become a member of "The 700 Club".

And when you do, and when you enroll,

we wanna send you somethingthat I was privileged to do

is to read you versesof salvation and victory

is called God is For Us.

And we'll send this to you as our gift,

because we want you to be blessed.

- Absolutely, well here is somebody

who already listened to God Is For Us.

Mary lives in Silver Creek, Mississippi.

She said, dear Pat, thankyou for God Is For Us.

I plan to keep it in my car,

listen to it regularlyas I drive to and fro

to remind me of God's great salvation.

Those are wonderfulscriptures from Romans.

- We're gonna try toget some from Ephesians

here in a little while

and so we'll have asecond book out of that.

This is from Romans only.

- Okay, well now it'stime for your questions

and Pat's honest answers.

(ethereal music)

Okay, Pat, the first questioncomes from Madison who says,

is it wrong to keep prayingover and over for healing

if God has not healed you?

- That's exactly,

you see it as wrong.

You know, Jesus taught usthat's exactly what you do.

Is Greek present, keep on asking,

Keep on knocking, keep on believing.

Keep on trusting, keep on asking.

He gave the story about the unjust judge

and the woman who cameto her and kept on asking

until she got an answer.

Well, now when God says,okay, you've got it.

Then start praising him, okay?

But in the meantime,it's Greek present tense.

Keep on knocking, keep on asking.

And the door will be open, okay?

- This is Olivia who says,

Pat, wouldn't it bebetter to give each family

a million dollars instead of all funds

going to the infrastructure bill?

Giving each family a sizableamount would increase spending,

add to tax revenue and would cost less.

- Well, that's nice but actually,

what we really want to do with the money

is that stripped down business where

they'll build the roadsand build the bridges

and build a high speed internetand all the things we need

instead of all those social programs.

But yes, it would probably be just as well

with the social pressure.

It would be just as wellto go in the helicopter

and throw $1,000 bills out the window.

So it really is gonna be wasted,

but the part on infrastructure, you know,

you don't wanna give that away, all right.

- This is Melinda who sayshi, Pat, throughout the years,

I've heard you explain about the end times

and that there isn't going to be a rapture

before the tribulation,

when Jesus returns, it will befor the thousand year reign.

What do you do with 1 Thessalonians 4:16?

Where does this fit withinthe timeline in revelation?

- Well, look, I believe in the rapture,

the rapture means it'sfrom the word rapturo,

it means I snatch.

And the Lord says when in the last times

there'll be a trumpet call

and he will send his angels tothe four corners of the earth

that he might take hisbeloved to be with him.

So I believe in a raptureand I believe it will happen.

The question is this teaching that says,

there's going to be a pre tribulation

before there's any tribulation

will be caught up and thenthere'll be seven years and so.

That isn't scriptural.

The Bible says at the lasttrump and the Bible also says

immediately after thetribulation of those days

then will appear the signof the son of man in heaven.

And he will gather his elect

from the four corners of the earth.

It's after that you're not free.

And the idea that's being taught now

comes out of a prophecythat some woman gave,

a young woman years ago.

And it's just isn't scriptural,I'm sorry, all right.

- This is David whosays, if HR-1 is passed,

how can Republicans win an election

that can be won by creating ballots

that under the constitutionshould not be counted?

However, even if HR-1is defeated, Arizona,

Georgia, Pennsylvania,Wisconsin and Michigan

have already discovered

how to circumvent theirstate legislators voting laws

and have yet to be fully exposed.

What can America that we allknow and love do to survive?

- Well, what you can dois vote your legislature.

And that's the most important thing

the constitution gives most of this stuff

to the state legislatures.

But I have to thank that the truth is

we as America, the HR-1,

it doesn't do all thestuff that's you said,

but what it does isallow absentee ballots.

And that's the danger,

absentee ballots givento people who don't,

you don't know who theyare, can't identify them.

That's where fraud comes in, all right.

- Hey, this is JM who says,

isn't a sin to have relations with a man

even I never wanted to get married to him

or have children with him?

- Is it sin to have haverelations without a man

and you don't wanna get-- With a man.

- I believe they call that fornication,

the last time I readthe Bible, is it a sin?

Yes, if you really love him that much,

why don't you get married?

Well, what's keepingyou from being married,

but yes, it is a sin to do that.

And I don't know whereyou get your theology,

but it isn't in the Bible, all right.

Well, today's powerminute is from Psalm 16.

You will show me the path of life,

your presence is fullness of joy

and at your right handare pleasures forevermore.

Well on Monday, we've gota supernational encounter.

A prodigal save from suicide.

Thanks for being with us.


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