- [Announcer] This is "CBN Newswatch."
- And thank you so much forjoining us on this Thursday,
August 5, 2021, I'm Efrem Graham.
Ahead today, a war of words over COVID
between the presidentand Florida's governor.
We're gonna look at howyou can protect yourself
naturally from the virus.
The dangers from pushing youngpeople to start the process
to become transgender.
"Fox News" Jesse Watterstells CBN about his rise
at the cable network and his outlook
on the upcoming elections.
And a new archeological find
from Old Testament times in Israel.
All those stories and moreare ahead in today's edition
of "CBN Newswatch."
we want to begin this half hour
with a war of words over COVID.
Tuesday, President Bidenimplored unvaccinated Americans
to get their shots andcalled out the governors
of Texas and Florida and other officials
who have moved to blockrules to contain the virus,
like new mask mandates.
- I say to these governors, please help.
But if you're not going to help,
at least get out of the way of the people
that are trying to do the right thing.
- Florida Governor RonDeSantis fired back Wednesday,
saying he would stand in theway of lockdown policies,
including those affecting education.
- Let me tell you this, if you're coming
after the rights of parents in Florida,
I'm standing in your way.
I'm not going to let you get away with it.
- DeSantis also said that President Biden
wasn't doing his jobby importing the virus
through a wide-open southern border.
So even though more and more Americans
are getting vaccinated,what more can you do
to give yourself the maximumprotection from the virus?
The answer lies in your gut.
CBN Medical ReporterLorie Johnson explains.
- A new survey released this week
shows President Biden'sapproval fell 10 points
since June from 62 to52% as the government
pushes new vaccine and mask mandates.
Tuesday, the president calledfor tighter restrictions
to combat the highly-contagiousDelta variant.
- All federal workers mustreport their vaccination status
or be subject to strict requirements.
I directed my administration to take steps
to apply similar standardsto all federal contractors.
If you want to do businesswith the federal government,
get your workers vaccinated.
And I also directed the Pentagon to look
at adding COVID-19 tothe list of vaccinations
that are required for our troops.
- While COVID cases arereaching levels not seen
since February,vaccinations are also up 24%
in the last two weeks.
That pushes the totalnumber of vaccinated adults
past the 70% mark.
Now, however, more vaccinatedpeople are testing positive
for COVID, although mostof these breakthrough cases
avoid hospitalization and death.
While the majority ofdoctors say vaccination
offers the best protection,
another layer includesa strong immune system.
80% of our immune systemresides in the intestines,
home to trillions of bacteria.
Doctors say too much badand not enough good can lead
to preexisting conditionsthat put COVID patients
at greatest risk.
- A altered microbiomecauses high blood pressure,
causes auto-immune disease.
I'm convinced that itcauses heart disease.
And certainly is a major causeof diabetes and pre-diabetes,
and this unbelievable obesityepidemic that we have.
- [Lorie] On the other hand,
building up favorable bacteria can lead
to a long and happy life.
One new study out of Japancould have found evidence
to bear that out.
It compared the intestinalmakeup of 160 centenarians,
average age of 107, tothat of two younger groups,
one age 85 to 89, andthe other age 21 to 55.
Turns out those who live toage 100 and beyond appear
to have a special gut bacteriathat produce byproducts
which help ward off infections
that the younger folks didn't carry.
- Well, a lot of people don'treally connect gut health
to immunity and also to brain health,
but they're totally interconnected.
- [Lorie] Psychiatrist Daniel Amen says
the so-called gut-brain axisalong the vagus nerve means,
for better or worse, our microbiome
directly affects our moods.
- When it becomes unhealthy, we're sadder,
we're more anxious, and wedon't fight off illnesses
like COVID-19 nearly as effectively
as if we have a healthy microbiome.
- [Lorie] So while thecoronavirus pandemic rages on,
health experts say there's nobetter time than the present
to strengthen our immune system.
Step one, build a better gut.
Lorie Johnson, CBN News.
- Turning now to the Middle East.
Israeli fighter jetshit rocket launch sites
inside South Lebanon today.
As Chris Mitchell nowreports from Jerusalem,
the strikes came after rockets were fired
from Lebanon into NorthernIsrael in the past 24 hours.
- [Chris] Israel DefenseForces released this footage
of its attack on rocketlaunch sites in Lebanon.
Two rockets struck inside Israel.
One rocket hit an openarea near Kiryat Shmona,
a community of about 20,000.
And another was interceptedby the Iron Dome
Anti-Missile Defense System.
Observers believe a Palestiniangroup launched the rockets,
but the Israel DefenseForces warned Lebanon
it would be heldresponsible for any attacks
from its territory.
The attacks came asseveral thousand Lebanese
marked the one-year anniversaryof the horrific explosion
at Beirut's Port.
The head of Lebanon'sMaronite Catholic Church
called for accountabilityfor the explosion.
- [Translator] We are hereto demand truth and justice.
This land will remaina stain until we know
what happened in the Beirut Port.
- [Chris] The catastrophicblast tore through the city
and accelerated Lebanon'sdescent into a failed state.
The worst crisis some saysince the 19th century.
Lebanon suffers from fuelshortages, power blackouts,
lack of medical suppliesand a financial crisis
where the currency haslost most of its value.
The country hasn't had afunctioning government for months.
Many blame a corrupt,dysfunctional political class
for the crisis.
The other culprit, some say,is the Islamic terrorist group
Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran.
This Lebanese journalist called Hezbollah
"an occupying force of Iran"and blamed the terror group
for destroying what wasonce called the Switzerland
of the Middle East.
- [Translator] Lebanon used tobe the hospital of the East,
the university of the East,the school of the East,
and the bank of the East.
Hezbollah has destroyed everything.
We no longer have hospitals.
Our hospitals are being shutdown because they have no fuel.
All the university professorsimmigrate from this country.
- [Chris] With Lebanonon the verge of collapse,
Middle East analysts JacquesNeriah believes the country
could be ripe for a takeover by Hezbollah.
- I think that the only ones
who will be the winners are Hezbollah,
because economically and financially
they are best organized andthey are assisted by Iran,
who just sends billions,millions of dollars to Hezbollah.
And Hezbollah has alreadycreated a terrorist state.
It will take no time forHezbollah to take over
if such an instruction is given by Tehran.
- [Chris] The fall of Lebanon would have
disastrous consequences forIsrael and the Middle East,
including more attacks andwarfare against the Jewish state
in the future and giving Iranmore power in the region.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- [Efrem] Coming up, thegrowing pressure on young people
to begin the process tobecome a transgender.
We're gonna look at anew film with experts
who are warning about thedangers of this trend.
We've got the story foryou when we come back.
(dramatic music)
(bright music)
- I am Regent's firstROTC graduate student.
(upbeat music)
- [Efrem] I'm Efrem Graham,and this is Studio 5.
Cruise with me as I discoverthe good things happening
in the world of music, sports,television, and movies.
- The fact that Ryan Cooglerwas gonna be directing the film
I knew that somethingspecial was gonna happen.
- [Efrem] We'll chat withartists at the forefront
of entertainment andexplore the connection
between popular culture and faith.
- I asked my pastor, I said,
"Well, does that mean I'msupposed to be a preacher?"
He says, "No, you already have a pulpit."
- [Announcer] Wednesday night at 8:30
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- The number of peopleidentifying as transgender
is on the rise.
A growing concern is activistsare pushing many teenagers
and children to go aheadwith the transition process,
even if it requires hormone therapy
and sex reassignment surgery.
As Charlene Aaron shows us, a new film
exposes the harmful tollit's having on children
and their families.
- It's titled "Transmission,
What's the Rush to Reassign Gender?"
The film sheds new lighton the growing trend
of children with genderdysphoria being treated
using puberty-blocking drugs and surgery.
It also highlights the rolemedical professionals play
in encouraging these practicesas part of a social agenda.
- There are doctors in theU.S. who will go to work today
and oversee the chemicalcastration of little boys,
who will put 14-year-oldgirls into menopause,
and give troubled younggirls cosmetic mastectomies.
- [Charlene] The documentaryfeatures health experts,
educators, and parents who see danger
in providing this medicaltransitioning for children.
Producer Jennifer Lahl ofthe Center for Bioethics
says trans men are helping fuel the trend.
- They aren't happy thatthey had to transition
after puberty, because after puberty,
you have an Adam'sapple, you a deep voice,
you have big hands and feet, you're large.
But this notion withinthe trans activist is,
"Aha, we can fix this by blocking puberty
in these young boys and girls."
- [Charlene] Advocates arealso pushing the shocking idea
of allowing childrento make these decisions
without parental approval.
- How on earth could a sevenor eight or nine-year-old
young person say, "Yes, I'dlike to have my uterus removed,"
or "I'd like to be puton the wrong sex hormones
so I don't develop sperm andthat I don't get facial hair."
And then when we think thatwe can willy nilly stop that
and block that, that there's not gonna be
any short and long-term harm,that is just unfathomable.
- [Charlene] Doctors whooppose these treatments
point out how little data existson the impact of hormones,
puberty blockers, and gender surgeries
on the body throughout a lifetime.
- The reality is we don'thave any long-term studies
in children, and there's very good reason
to be concerned about the outcome.
- [Charlene] The film, whichis now available on YouTube,
features parents talkingabout medical professionals
who pressured them to support
their children's gender confusion.
- The pediatrician, she said that
if I didn't affirm my daughter's identity
and I didn't get herthe help that she needed
and she killed herself, I wasgoing to feel awfully guilty.
- [Charlene] Some patientsshare regret over transitioning,
saying it only covered up and intensified
deeper psychological problems.
- I was such a pretty girl,I was such a good girl,
and then I just ruined it, basically.
And I turned myself into this hairy man.
And now I'm stuck looking andsounding like this forever.
- Many of them havesaid, "We wish the doctor
would have said this is notthe route we're gonna take,
we're not gonna push you onthis gender reassignment track
and put you on that fasttrack to cross-sex hormones
and surgeries, we're gonna find out
what's really going on here."
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Lahlsays the transgender movement
dismisses those who regret their decisions
because they don't fit the narrative.
- They want to shut us down.
They don't want to talkabout risk and harms.
They don't want to talk about the lies
that these families and thesechildren are being offered.
- [Charlene] Lahl says shemade the film to help parents
and kids facing these issuesmake more informed decisions
about the risks.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Still ahead, he'srisen from the basement
at "Fox News" to his own show.
Now Jesse Watters is telling his story
in his new book, "How I Saved the World."
He talks to CBN News abouthis move up through the ranks,
how he became a Conservative,and what he sees ahead
in the upcoming elections.
We've got all that right after this.
(dramatic music)
(hard-driving rock music)
- Having sex before you'remarried is a bad idea.
- [Man] Don't tell me
there's no such thing as gun violence.
- That just depends on yourdefinition of when life begins.
(hard driving rock music)
- [Announcer] Watch Dan andDale tackle trending topics
that test your faith onthe next "Faithwire."
Monday night at 8:30 onthe CBN News Channel.
(hard-driving rock music)
- [Announcer] The Global Lane takes you
around the world, providingfacts over fiction.
- What might rising trade andgeopolitical tensions mean
for you on the home front?
- [Announcer] With over45 years of experience,
award-winning journalist GaryLane brings you the truth
from a global angle.
- What about the issue of immigration?
- [Announcer] World news analysis
you won't see anywhere else.
- [Gary] And it's all righthere on the Global Lane.
- [Announcer] Thursday night at 8:30
on the CBN News Channel.
(upbeat music)
♪ And where there's joy there's action ♪
♪ It's like a great attraction ♪
♪ That starts a chain reaction ♪
♪ But with almost satisfaction ♪
♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪
♪ I got the joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy's in the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
- He's loved by the rightand loathed by the left.
Jesse Watters is a "Fox News" superstar
and the author of a book brandnew book all about himself.
So where did Jesse come from
and why is he such a lightning rod?
Jenna Browder caught up with him
for this exclusive interview.
- He's smart, he's funnyand politically savvy.
And now "Fox News'" JesseWatters is taking that talent
to the pages of a new book,"How I Saved the World."
- My wife picked the title.
And we were going back andforth and she came up with it.
So I have to give my wife full credit,
which I think you wouldunderstand is very important
in a relationship.
- Oh, absolutely.
Well, I notice you alsodedicated it to her
and something about timing is everything.
- It was important to dedicate it to her
for so many reasons, but timingis everything in this life.
And when you get the timingright, great things can happen.
- [Jenna] And he got the timingright at "Fox News," too,
although Jesse didn't start at the top.
In fact, it all began in the basement.
- I believe I was making minimum wage
and my job consisted of being handed tapes
and then taking a Sharpieand then writing the label
of the footage on the tape, closing it up
and giving it to someone.
It was arts and crafts,Jenna, and that's what I did.
And there was nowhere togo up and nowhere to go
except up from there.
- [Jenna] And up he went,
landing a production assistant role
on "The O'Reilly Factor."
He didn't stay behind thecamera for long, though.
- My producer said, "Bill,this is Jesse Watters.
You just hired him to be yournew production assistant."
And he said, "Okay, go, whaddaya got?"
And I pitched, and I bombed.
And I was pulled into my producer's office
later that afternoon,and my producer said,
"Jesse, Bill does not thinkyou're articulate enough
to work in television.
You have two weeks to turnit around or you're fired."
So I stared into theabyss, I turned it around,
and a couple monthslater I pitched a story
about a bad judge in Alabamawho'd given a soft sentence
to a sex offender, and Billhears that and he says,
"All right, Watters, you'regonna go down to Alabama
and confront the judge."
- Back of the Book segmenttonight, Watters' World,
as you surely know.
- [Jenna] That eventually lead
to his Watters' Worldsegments and now show.
- They also did somehard-hitting reporting
on Biden's favorite Gatorade flavor.
- And, of course, "The Five."
Jesse writes about it all,
including how we became a Conservative.
What was appealing to youabout the Conservative message?
- I was in college and I wasin my dorm room watching TV
late at night, and I saw C-SPAN.
And you get all these senatorsand congressmen up there
and they're pontificating about some bill.
And I just started listening,as a history major,
the Republican Senatorssounded more like they had
a better grasp of whatthe founders had intended,
which was limited governmentand personal freedom
and responsibility, and thatkind of clicked with me.
And after that I startedlistening to Limbaugh
in my dorm room, which I don't think
anybody else did in college.
- [Jenna] Regarding PresidentTrump and a possible 2024 run.
- He's gonna play a big rolein 2022 in the midterms,
fundraising and campaigning.
And after that, he's gonnaget the lay of the land
and he's gonna make anassessment after those midterms.
Am I gonna take another shot?
He'll look at Biden,he'll look at the economy,
he'll look at inflationand the border and see,
is there an opening forme to get back and run?
- If not him, is theresomeone who you think,
who you personally think wouldbe a really strong candidate?
- DeSantis is making a bigplay for me personally.
I've seen his leadershipdown in Florida, he gets it,
he's tough, he doesn't bow to the press,
and he's unapologetic.
And that's the kind of leadershipRepublicans respond to.
He's kind of an aggressiveleader who makes quick decisions,
but decisions based on the facts.
And that's the kind ofguy I see in DeSantis.
- [Jenna] Jesse knows aboutbeing attacked himself.
Take a look at the back of the book.
"The Washington Post,"
"Jesse Watters isofficially out of control."
"The Daily Show," "A smug, unfunny goon."
And Jesse's mom, "Where is Dana Perino?
She is desperately needed."
All jabs Jesse seems to relish.
- This is a hilarious book.
This has all thesestories of me being sent
to survival camps by my liberal parents.
These are stories about havingdinners at the White House
with President Trump andall these crazy things
that happened, insidestories about "Fox News"
and jumping out of carsand confronting villains
and interviewing springbreakers on the beat.
- And it'll make you think.
And we should mentionJesse has twin daughters
and he and his wifejust welcomed Jesse, Jr.
He says they plan tohave Jesse Jr. baptized
in a New York City church.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- [Efrem] Coming up, anarcheological discovery recently in
from Israel from biblicaltimes, almost 3,000 years ago.
A part of the wall of the City of David.
We're gonna tell you why it provides a key
to understanding an important era
during Old Testament times in Jerusalem.
We've got the story whenwe come back, stay with us.
(dramatic music)
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- [Announcer] "On the Home Front."
- Thanks for joining us forCBN's "On the Home Front,"
where we highlight what the men and women
of America's military doto defend our country.
CBN honors the men andwomen in our military
with an initiative calledHelping the Home Front.
It partners with churchesacross the country
to meet the needs oftheir military families,
from repairing homes towiping out medical bills
for wounded veterans.
- [Announcer] Wednesday at3:00 on the CBN News Channel.
(majestic music)
- [Announcer] Too often wecarry baggage from our past.
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- Archeologists in Jerusalemrecently uncovered part
of the ancient city wallfrom almost 3,000 years ago.
It was uncovered just daysbefore the Jewish fast
marking the destruction of both the First
and Second Temples.
So why is that a keypart of the discovery?
Chris Mitchell is back toexplain now from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] Finding this part of the wall
in the City of Davidarcheological site provides a key
to understanding the FirstTemple era of ancient Jerusalem.
- In the '60s famous Britisharcheologist Kathleen Canyon
just few meters north of hereuncovered 30 meter section
of the same wall.
Then she claimed alreadythis is the wall of Jerusalem
during the time period.
- [Chris] Then, accordingto Dr. Vukosavovic,
about a decade later Israeli archeologist
Yigal Shilo found anothersection further south,
but a piece of thepuzzle remained missing.
- [Filip] For a number ofyears we attempted to find
additional sections ofthis wall, and we couldn't.
So much so that we starteddoubting the existence
of this wall.
- [Chris] That brings us to the discovery
of two more sections, whichclears up the mystery.
- So now we canconclusively say that, yes,
the City of David atleast had one massive wall
that surrounded the City of David.
- The wall behind me would'veprotected ancient Jerusalem
for about 200 years, fromabout the eighth century BC
until about 587 BC.
In 600 BC, the Babyloniansbesieged the city,
which is described inthe Book of Second Kings.
The Bible says, "Nebuzaradancame to Jerusalem.
He set fire to the temple of the Lord,
the royal palace and allthe houses of Jerusalem.
Every important building he burned down.
The whole Babylonianarmy under the commander
of the Imperial Guard broke down the walls
around Jerusalem."
Archeologists foundevidence of that burning
just inside the wall.
This part apparently wasn't destroyed,
possibly because of thesteep hill below it.
In addition to the wall,archeologists found artifacts
indicating what life was like
in the kingdom of Judah in those days.
- And we found right herewhere I stand a bulla
of a person called Tsafan,which is an abbreviation
of Tsafania, Zephaniah, whichwe find in the Bible as well.
Just few centimeters away we found
a Babylonian stamp seal.
- [Chris] The jar handleswere stamped with rosettes
and circles and "L'melech,"meaning belonging to the king.
- To find a really beautifulwall in so many ways,
you touch something oryou walk on something
or you lean againstsomething that you know
somebody did the samething 2,600 years ago,
so it's emotional.
- [Chris] For now, theexcavation will continue
as the archeologists try to understand
how the nearby Gihon Springand other sites fit together.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News,the City of David, Jerusalem.
- Time now for your Thursday Thankful.
I hope you'll join me inthis prayer of gratitude.
God, thank you for neverturning your back on me.
Thanks for seeing meas you created me to be
and not only for who Iam in this very moment.
Amen and amen.
With that prayer, I encourage you
to make today a thankful Thursday.
Be sure it is filled with gratitude.
That will do it for thisedition of "CBN Newswatch."
You can always find moreof our news programs
on the CBN News Channel.
You can find them there at any time
as well as online at CBNNews.com.
We'd love to know what you think
about the stories you'veseen here today or any day.
You can email us, the address right there
at the bottom of yourscreen, Newswatch@CBN.com.
You can also reach out and touch us
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I hope you'll join usagain right here next time.
Again, I encourage you tomake it a thankful Thursday.
We'll see you tomorrow.
(dramatic music)